Alice 12

Today was a good day for Laurie. First, that fat pig Alice was still absent. She’d been out with a twisted ankle for such a long time that Laurie had begun to suspect she was faking it. Good. If Alice didn’t want to comeback, then her plan was working perfectly.

The other reason Laurie was happy was that she’d finally convinced the old team captain, Amber, to come and put the free of God into the squad. Laurie remembered the days when Amber had been team captain back when Laurie had first joined as a freshman. Laurie had never thought much of Amber’s physique, she was a real skinny bitch, but damn, could she motivate the team. It seemed like she never stopped moving, not even to catch her breath.

She looked around the empty sports field, before turning her attention to her team. As usual, they fell far short of her impossible standards.

“Alright, you losers,” snarled Laurie with an evil grin on her face. “I’ve got a special treat for you today. I notice you’ve all been slacking lately. If you want to get anywhere as cheerleaders you’re going to have to work those flabby asses of yours off. I know some of you are feeling sorry for blimpo Alice. And it shows in those sympathy guts.”

She paused to squint at a random squad member’s paunch for emphasis—unfortunately, she happened to stop in front on twiggy Denise, probably the only cheerleader who DIDN’T have a gut. That kind of ruined the point. No matter. She whirled on her heel, her hefty hooters bobbing, and continued her lecture.

Laurie was one to talk. She was so confident in her own abilities—and her own figure—that she hardly exercised anymore and didn’t watch her diet at all. Most of her weight was still concentrated in her colossal breasts, which had grown to such monstrous proportions in recent months that sometimes she tended to stoop forward. Youth and an amazingly supportive bra were the only things keeping them perky. At night, when she released her grateful melons from their too-tight confines, they sagged slightly, a sign of things to come. The rest of Laurie’s chunky body was positively petite next to her gigantic gazongas, but she was still growing.

“You slackers disgust me,” she continued. “You don’t even know the meaning of the word cheerleader. You think you’ve got spirit? Not likely! Now I know someone who’s got spirit. She’s got spirit by the boatload. I am talking, of course, about the old team captain, Amber. I took the liberty of calling her in to give you slugs a real display of cheerleading prowess. I had to twist her arm a little, because she didn’t think she could still find her old cheer outfit…but she should be here any minute!”

“Yeah, so you should all, like, pay attention!” shouted Jen from the sidelines. Like Laurie, Jen constantly skipped practice. Her pudgy gut spilled out of her cheer sweater, which constantly edged up over her paunch no matter how often she pulled it back down. Her thick legs and thunder thighs nearly overwhelmed her skirt and her wide, rounded rear stuck out behind her like a shelf. The single rear seam of the skirt, always under far too much pressure from Jen’s shapely buttocks, had finally begun to split this morning, although Jen hadn’t noticed. Every sharp movement she made only popped more stitches.

“Shut up, Jen, I—whoa!” Laurie suddenly lost her balance as a sudden earthquake. Still unaccustomed to her voluminous bust, she fell forward with a grunt. Behind her, Jen, pulled by the weight of her fat rump, fell backwards. The rest of the squad fell in various directions, according to many different factors.

“What the hell was that?” said Laurie, pushing herself up. Falling down made her angry, and now she was even angrier since she’d injured her big, sensitive boobs. Denise was pointing, mouth agape. Laurie turned to see what she was pointing at.

Laurie’s jaw dropped as she saw the former team captain appeared on the field. When she was a freshman, she remembered Amber as being a scrawny little twig of a girl, totally devoted to exercise and cheerleading. This couldn’t be the same girl! She was an absolute behemoth! Laurie thought she could even feel the ground tremble a little with Amber’s every lumbering step. She couldn’t even hazard a guess as to Amber’s weight now. If she weighed less than 500 pounds, Laurie would eat her hat!

The enormous strawberry blonde blimp was almost entirely spherical. Each giant breast was at least the size of a mature watermelon, testing the limits of the clearly inadequate cheerleading sweater she was wearing. Her giant paunch hung out of her sweater, spilling over the cheer skirt that she had to fasten beneath her lowest roll. There was simply no way that a girl that size could ever have fit the waistband around her actual waist! The skirt had been let out several times to accommodate her monstrous girth but even that wasn’t enough to encircle her enormous middle. Several safety pins were strung across the open gap in the skirt’s side, desperately straining to keep the garment from shredding completely. She was so huge that she had difficulty waddling even the short distance across the field and seemed to depend on another, much smaller, girl for support.

“Hey, Laurie,” said the big girl, out of breath and wheezing from the laborious trip across the field. Her rounded face was red from the effort and sweat beads glistened on her forehead. “It’s me, Amber. Sorry I’m late, I had some difficulty with my uniform. It’s gotten a little tight lately. Lucky for me, Sally came up with this ingenious safety pin idea.” The smaller girl, a petite brunette with an enormous bosom almost as vast as Laurie’s, grinned widely and waved. She had her entire body pressed up against Amber’s side, as if she was fearful that Amber would roll over without her.

“WHAT. THE. HELL,” shrieked Laurie, jumping up and down in rage. Her enormous bust bobbed and jiggled as she hopped and her long raven hair swirled around her head. “You’re Amber?! That can’t be! This has got to be a mistake!”

“No mistake,” said the fat girl, “I’m Amber, used to be the captain about two years ago.”

“No, no!” yelled Laurie, “What happened to you?! You’re huge! My God, how did you manage to get so freakin’ fat?!”

“Me? Fat?!” Amber started in mock shock. She straightened her back and tossed her pony-tailed head in phony indignation. “

“I don’t believe that any cheerleader would ever get so fat! What have you been doing, eating sticks of butter? You‘re even bigger than Alice!”

Amber chuckled. “Sure, Laurie, what ever you say. Let’s just say that I wasn’t the first cheerleader to pork up when she left the team. And from the looks of things, I don’t think I’ll be the last.”

Laurie laughed evilly. “Yeah, as you can see we’ve got a couple of real cows in the squad this year. I keep warning them that they’d better watch their waistlines or they’ll be as big as houses soon.” Laurie waved her hand across the line, encompassing Denise, Kristine, Lizzie, and Jen in her comment.

Amber looked down at Laurie, her triple chins quaking. “Actually, I wasn’t talking about them, Laurie. I was talking about you.”

Laurie jolted, causing her massive, bra-busting tits to shimmy and shake again. “What are you talking about?! I’m not fat!”

“Not yet. But you’ll get there yet. I see you’ve already started growing yourself a little tummy.”

Amber poked one blubbery finger into Laurie’s pudgy gut. Laurie was too shocked for words, until she heard her teammates snickering.

“Shut up!” she snapped at the team before rounding on Amber, “I wouldn’t talk, you disgusting pig! I’m not fat and I’ll never be fat. I don’t know what you did to totally blimp out like that, but it won’t happen to me! How dare you even imply that! I’ll have you off the team for that!”

Amber laughed, sending ripples through her porky, flabby body. “You forget, Laurie, that I’m not on the team anymore. I graduated. I don’t have time for cheerleading anymore, and the second I stopped I ballooned up into a jumbo butterball. I can tell from that chunky stomach of yours that you’ve got to work for that nice figure, Laurie, and once you’ve got something else to occupy your time other than cheerleading you might not find it so easy to stay so svelte.”

“Shut up, you stupid whale!” shouted Laurie.

“Just think,” said Amber dreamily, a far-away look coming into her eyes. “Fattening dorm food, tons of it. All you can eat cafeterias. Why, I didn’t put on the freshman fifteen, I put on the freshman 500! And I’ll bet you do the same.”

“I will not!” cried Laurie. “You’re the only fat girl here! I thought Alice was huge, but now I know what huge really is! You’re so freakin’ enormous I can’t believe it! How do you even get around? I’ll bet you need your stupid girlfriend to roll you around you’re such a giant fat ass. And how do you get through doors? Or fit into cars? Or find clothes that fit? You’re completely round, you bloated oinker!”

Amber was biting her lip, trembling visibly. Laurie started to get a little nervous. Had she really upset Amber? She didn’t care a lick for Amber’s feelings, but she was acutely aware that Amber was over three times as big as she was. If Amber wanted to, she could easily squash Laurie beneath her enormous rotund bulk just by falling over forward.

The truth was something far different, however. Laurie’s insults had actually had the exact opposite effect on Amber, who was now so incredibly turned on that she could barely contain herself. Every fat insult Laurie hurled at her only made her hornier. If I don’t get alone with Sally soon, there’s no telling what I’ll do, she thought.

“It’s okay, baby,” cooed Sally softly, “I’ll take care of you. Let’s get away from the mean little bitch, okay?”

“Mean little bitch?” yelled Laurie. “And who are YOU, anyway? Her personal assistant? Does she need you to help her get out of bed in the morning? Does she need you to feed her? She’s probably so damn lazy now that she needs you to prechew her food!”

Amber put one flabby hand to her mouth, trying to stifle her laughter at Laurie’s outburst. Her vast bosom began to quake with suppressed laughter, sending ripples through her enormous, bloated body. The shaking movement was becoming too much for her poor, overloaded cheer uniform, and Amber could feel even more threads in her shirt popping and tearing with each giggle. Each gasp of laughter busted more stitches down the shirt’s side - beginning just under her armpits and working down toward the bottom hem, Amber’s pale soft flesh exploding free.

“Careful, baby,” cautioned Sally but Amber couldn’t stop. Her boobs bounced and jiggled, tearing the flimsy sweater fabric like paper. Her gargantuan gut heaved in and out, pushing against her skirt with such force that the safety pins were being bent out of shape. Amber tried to stop laughing but the fact that she was bursting out of her clothes, that she’d soon be completely naked in front of everyone, was only making her laugh harder. PING! The first safety pin bent open, allowing the skirt to loosen and sag. On the opposite side, the seam was splitting, exposing the tender flesh of her jumbo thigh.

Finally, she couldn’t hold it anymore. “Hahahahaha!” she howled with laughter and the sweater completely shredded along the lines of stitching. With a loud ripping sound, her skirt gave up the ghost and fell to the ground, leaving Amber in nothing but her enormous, straining bra and giant thong panties. Unrestrained by fabric, her belly loomed even bigger, hanging over her underwear in three enormous rolls and almost reaching her plump, stubby knees.

Amber let loose another gale of laugher and this time her quaking body was too much for her monstrous brassiere- the back clasp popped open and the bulky undergarment flew forward, hitting Laurie in the head. Amber’s FF cup melons surged free.

This only made Amber laugh harder, so much harder that it looked like her thong panties - which were already overloaded with her big, fat buns and lower potbelly - would also break. Luckily for her, Sally stepped in, taking her by the hand and leading her away.

“C’mon, honey, let’s go, you’ve had enough fun,” she said as she led the laughing behemoth away.

“Hoo hoo ha ha! Did you see that?” laughed Amber. “That was the best!” She paused briefly. “Hey, Laurie!” she called back.

Laurie lifted the enormous bra cup off of her face to see. “What now, you fat stupid cow?”

“Bite me!” Amber shook her flabby derriere at the stunned team captain and then continued to follow Sally.

“Like, wow,” said Jen, “I don’t think she was even embarrassed at all by that.”

“Shut up,” said Laurie.


Alice, meanwhile, had indeed recovered. She was at her grandmother’s house, finally away from her nagging mother.

“This is great,” said Alice to herself, grinning at her reflection in the mirror. “Without mom around criticizing me all the time, maybe I can finally get some peace. I know she just wants me to lose weight but I all her nagging just made me feel depressed. And I eat when I’m depressed. Without her around, I should be able to drop a few pounds. And maybe a few pants sizes.”

Alice still didn’t know how much she weighed. She was desperately curious to know, because she suspected she might have lost a pound or two, but she refused to step on the scale.

“Not till I’m sure,” she promised herself and adjusted her leotard. This was an old leotard and a bit tight,tighter than it was supposed to be. She rarely wore it precisely because it made her feel fat and the last thing she wanted was for anyone to see her in this shape. But since she was alone in her grandmother’s spare room, there was no one to judge and she was ready to do some exercises. It was bright yellow with blue leggings and it stretched tightly across Alice‘s ample curves, bunching slightly around the rolls of her tubby tummy.

“Let’s get started!” said Alice, trying to sound enthusiastic. “We’ll start with some jumping jacks.” Exercise was never fun. “One, two!” Alice jumped up and down, her jiggly flesh bouncing as she moved. After a few minutes, she was thoroughly exhausted. Looking at herself in the mirror, she realized she was bright red. Man, she was out of shape! The worst part about exercising was that her sports bra no longer gave her the support she needed. She knew she must have grown in her chestal region, just as she’d grown in her butt and belly. She knew, of course, that she still couldn’t compare to Laurie. Nor could her backside compare to Jen. But still.

Now that Alice had caught her breath, she was about to start another exercise. A sudden knock on the door distracted her.

“Hello, Alice? This is your grandmother. Are you okay?”

“Yes, Grandma,” said Alice. “Um, I’m not hungry right now, thanks.” Ever since she’d come over, Alice’s grandmother had fed her nonstop. Alice knew that it was an Old World thing, but she was desperately trying not to overeat too much. She didn’t want to give her mother any more ammunition the next time she saw her. She needed to prove she could slim down on her own.

“No, no,” said her grandmother through the door, “It’s not that. Someone’s here to see you.”

“Someone to see me?” said Alice, surprised. Who would come to see her? A happy thought popped into her head: could it be Tyler? It had to be, who else would come to see her?

Alice threw open the door, expecting to see her date-to-be in the hallway. Instead, she got a nasty shock. There, standing beside her grandmother, was her mother, scowling as usual. Alice realized with embarrassment that her skin-tight spandex leotard left very little to the imagination, hugging every swell and bulge of her bloated body.

“Mom, it’s you!”

“Yes,” said her mother slowly. “It is. Alice, I came over because I wanted to apologize for being so hard on you. I realize now that I shouldn’t pester you so much about your weight.”

“Really?” Alice was shocked speechless. She couldn’t believe that her mom was being sincere. But Alice was standing before her in a straining spandex outfit and she hadn’t made one comment about it. She MUST be sincere!

“Yes, and to make up for it, I want to give you a special treat. A surprise.”

“Wow, thanks, mom. You don’t need to do that. That’s great. What’s the surprise?”

Her mother smiled. “Follow me and I’ll show you.”

“Wait a sec, should I change first?”

“No, don’t bother. I’ve already packed some clothes for you from home. Just get in the car and I’ll explain on the way.”

Alice said goodbye to her grandmother, thanked her for her hospitality, promised to write, and then waddled after her mother to the car, eager to see what the surprise was.


Alice watched the landscape speed by as the car drove down the road. She was pissed at her mom. The surprise had been a surprise, but it was hardly a treat.

“I try and I try,” Alice’s mom was saying, “Lord knows I do. But no matter what I do, it seems like you just can’t lose any weight. Every time I look at you, it looks like you’ve grown even fatter. Sorry, Alice, but this calls for desperate measures.”

“Fat camp?” said Alice incredulously, “I have to spend WINTER BREAK at fat camp? Can’t I at least do it over the summer like everyone else?” Alice hadn’t even thought there would be any camps in session over the winter break. What kind of screwy system was this?

“No,” said her mom. “We’ve waited too long already, and I won’t wait for you to gain another pound before I take action. It turns out that the camp runs a special winter session for crisis cases like you, Alice. Think of it, you’ll have lots of fun with all the other fat girls and, on top of it, you’ll come back fit and trim. Isn’t that nice? You’ll finally be slim.”

Alice couldn’t deny that she wanted to slim down, but she didn’t want to give her mother the satisfaction. She crossed her plump arms across her ample chest and slid down in her seat, sulking. Winter was the one time of year that she could get away with being a big girl, always bundled up under layers and layers of clothes, and with the holidays everyone else would be gaining weight, too. Of course, Alice usually blew up more than most during the season, but that was beside the point.

“Trust me,” said Alice’s mom curtly. “You’ll thank me for this when you’re older.”

Alice doubted that very much.


Alice’s mom only stopped to drop her off at the office before leaving. It looked like a regular summer camp, log cabins out in the woods, the whole bit. Except that it was covered in snow! The camp commandant, a tall sturdy woman, grinned at Alice as she watched her mother leave. Perhaps it was meant to be a comforting grin, but it made Alice uneasy.

“So,” said the woman, “another problem case, eh?”

“No, that’s not true!” squeaked Alice.

“I know your sort,” said the woman. “Fat and lazy. Spend the whole day snacking and watching TV, probably. Never even try to exercise. And I’ll bet you even raid the kitchen at night.”

“No, no,” protested Alice, “I really do try—”

“Shut up, grunt!” shouted the woman. “You’re in my camp now so kiss those lazy ways goodbye! Because everybody loses weight at Sgt. Sandra Sphincter’s Crazy Christmas Image Enhancement Camp! Guards! Take this pig to her room!”

Alice could only splutter in protest as a pair of burly guards grabbed her from behind and dragged her off.


Alice’s room was a small dorm-like room out in one of the farther cabins, with nothing but a pair of bunk cots and a closet. When she came in, she realized that she wasn’t the only girl who’d been sent to special winter camp. That made her feel slightly better. Misery loves company. Alice saw that she had two roommates.

The first was a freckle-faced redhead. She was about Alice’s size, but unlike Alice, who tended to store her fat evenly all over her chunky body, this girl seemed to store blubber mainly in her rear end. Just like Jen, thought Alice smugly.

“Hey,” said the redhead, “We’ve got a new recruit. How’s it going? My name’s Heather.”

“Hi, I’m Alice,” said Alice. But her attention was distracted by the second girl, lying on one of the lower cots.

This girl had to weigh at least 500 pounds; she was absolutely huge. She was so fat that the bed groaned beneath her every time she moved and Alice could feel the wooden bed frame start to buckle. Strangely, she was wearing what looked like the remnants of a cheerleading outfit. Her sweater was tightly stretched across her vast bosom. The seams down the sides had started to split and every time the girl breathed in Alice could hear more stitches popping. Her chest was so enormous, in fact, that the bottom quarter of her ridiculously inflated boobs peeked out from under the hem of the straining garment. Alice could see the over tight body band of the girl’s hefty bra through the tears. The straps were way too taut, digging deep into the girl’s soft, flabby sides. In front, the bottom of her overfull cups looked ready to bust apart, unable to contain their fleshy load.

Below her globular jugs, the girl’s giant belly was completely bare, an enormous pink mound that rose and fell slightly with every breath the girl took. She looked like she might even be taller lying down than standing up, and the top of her beach ball sized stomach actually pushed against the underside of Alice’s bunk when the girl inhaled.

Almost hidden under the folds of her gut, the girl wore a tiny cheerleading skirt. The skirt had obviously been let out several times, and it looked like someone had even haphazardly sewn additional material into the waistband. It didn’t help much. The girl had outgrown even those drastic measures and now the skirt was held together by safety pins. And when I say safety pins, I don’t mean that there were a bunch of safety pins down the length of the skirt. I mean that the safety pins were connected in a chain leading from one half of the skirt to the other. She was so big that it took a chain of at least four safety pins to bridge the gap in her skirt. Her black thong panties, nearly swallowed up by her bloated, fleshy thighs, looked as flimsy as a rubber band and just as inadequate for concealing her size. Alice wondered how a girl this size could even get out of bed.

Alice wondered now how she could have gotten sent to a fat camp. Sure, she was overweight, but she looked positively anorexic next to this girl! Alice didn’t think she needed help with her body at all after seeing this enormous mass of quivering flesh.

“Hi,” said the enormous girl. “My name’s Amber.”

“Hi,” said Alice miserably. “Hey, I recognize that uniform! That’s from my school! But you’re not on my squad.”

“Your squad? Oh, you’re a cheerleader, too? Small world. I used to be the team captain until I went away for college. That’s when I gained all this weight. I was home for the holiday season when the new captain called me in to talk to the new team. You should have seen the look on her face!”

“So what are you doing here?”

“That bitch Laurie called my parents and said she was ‘worried about me,’” said Amber, “It was just the excuse they needed. They threatened to cut off my finances if I didn't get some help here. They’ve wanted to send me to fat camp ever since I started college because I just couldn’t stop eating.” A slight smile spread across her chubby face. “I used to be sooo skinny back in high school but I really started packing on the weight when I left for college. You know, freshman fifteen, although it was more like fifty for me. And I started dating Sally then and, well, she helped me eat even more.”

Heather nodded. “Yeah, well, I guess I’ve got a similar story. I was always skinny, but I decided that if I gained some weight I might be able to grow bigger breasts. It didn’t work out nearly as well as I’d have liked. Everything I ate just went straight to my big fat butt at first, but eventually I started growing all over. Luckily, it turned out that my boyfriend Justin didn’t mind at all. He actually liked me better with more meat.”

Alice gaped. This was bizarre. She’d never heard of anything like this, of people who thought that gaining weight was actually sexy. She wondered if Tyler felt that way about her. Was that why he said she was cute with a few extra pounds? Did that mean he was really serious? Alice still found it hard to believe that he could have actually meant what he said. Even after he’d asked her out, she still suspected that he was just being nice.

Speaking of which, she was going to miss out on their first date! Alice groaned. “Oh, no!”

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m supposed to be going on a date this weekend with a boy! Now I’m going to miss it!”

“Don’t you worry,” said Amber soothingly as she shifted her vast bulk in her bed, “I have a feeling that we won’t be here long.”

“What makes you say that?”

Amber smiled. “Let’s just say, I’ve got some friends on the outside.”
