Alice 15

Jen wriggled her voluptuous hips and round bubble butt into a clingy tube skirt and turned to look at herself in the mirror. Her ass stuck out behind her like a shelf. She grinned widely. She knew that her shapely butt was her best feature and she was happy to see that it had become even more prominent lately. Laurie kept telling her that she was gaining weight, but Jen liked to think that most of her extra pounds had settled on her already massive bum, making her even more desirable than ever. Guys loved a chick with some junk in the trunk, thought Jen, and no one had a better ghetto booty than she did.

Jen shook her heart-shaped rear and gave herself a playful slap. Her rump jiggled and quivered.

“Hee hee!” giggled Jen, “I don’t know what Laurie is talking about; I’m just as sexy as I ever was.” Jen carefully ignored the pounds that had settled on the rest of her body. Her breasts were bigger and heftier, just beginning to sag, and putting a bit of a strain on her tubetop. Her jutting tits were constrained by the tight garment and a good amount of cleavage welled up out the top. Jen’s midsection was soft and chubby, her belly gaining flab almost daily. But Jen didn’t notice any of this. Jen dismissed Laurie’s criticism easily – Laurie was a bitch to everyone, after all! – and Jen’s boyfriend Craig hadn’t said anything about her newfound tubbiness. So, in Jen’s bubble-headed opinion, she was doing just fine. Still, Jen wanted to be sure she still looked attractive.

“Moooom!” called Jen.

“What? What is it, dear?” Jen’s mom bustled into the room, called by her daughter’s plaintive call. Jen and her mother shared the same, pear-shaped figure. Unlike her daughter, Jen’s mom was a sticky woman but she shared her daughter’s same massive hips and buns. Jen’s mom hailed from the old world and, like many European sorts, worried constantly that her children weren’t eating enough. In her opinion, Jen was practically wasting away and she was glad to see that Jen’s backside and love handles had been expanding as of late.

“Mom, Laurie, like, keeps saying that I’m getting, like, totally fat or something. Do you, like, think I’m gaining weight?” Jen struck a pose, causing her blubbery derrierre to shake and shimmy.

“What? Like, no way,” said Jen’s mom. “Laurie doesn’t know what she’s talking about. If anything, you’re too thin, Jen. Like, I totally worry about you all the time. You’re a growing girl, Jen. You shouldn’t be so thin at your age.”

“Thanks, mom! That’s totally what I thought, too. I gonna go over to Laurie’s, okay? And if she tries to say anything, I’ll let her know what you said, okay?”

Jen gave her mother a quick hug and kiss and bounded off for Laurie’s, her bulging fleshy parts wobbling.


Laurie couldn’t help laughing when Jen told her what her mother had said. Like Jen, Laurie was also bulging more. The head cheerleader was feeling pretty good after hearing through the grapevine that Alice’s mom had sent her away to fat camp. And there was talk that that huge hog Amber was jiggling some pounds away there, too! Laurie grinned at the thought. Served that whale right! Laurie still couldn’t believe that a bloated blimp like Amber had the gall to imply that she, Laurie, would get fat soon! Laurie knew she was damn fine, especially with her massive chest.

It was still Christmas vacation, but, here in California, the weather was still warm enough to let Laurie get away with wearing tight, skimpy clothes. That’s the good thing about warm climates. She never had to cover up her best assets. Today, Laurie was dressed in a tight, button-down blouse tucked into a pair of clingy slacks. Laurie’s extra pounds were especially evident in her inflated gazongas, which were now in the E cup range. Laurie popped a DD cup bra at a sleepover with Jen several weeks ago, and that finally forced her to go out and buy the next cup size. Laurie now wore a heavy-duty multi-hook E cup. It took her a good ten minutes every morning to get her enormous tits saddled up. Lately, she’d noticed that it was getting harder to get all those hooks together. Was she starting to outgrow an E cup? Laurie smiled to herself. Even though her big bouncy boobs sometimes made her back ache, she was ridiculously proud of her huge bust. Nobody had such big sexy boobs, she thought. Her whole body was meaty now, her thighs tightly packed into the legs of her slacks and her flabby lovehandles spilling over the waistband, but her hooters were bigger than anything.

She eyed Jen’s growing butt critically. “Are you kidding? Your mom doesn’t think you’re getting fat? Dude, Jen, you are like, totally porking out. You, like, need to do some serious reducing exercises or I’m, like, gonna totally have to kick you off the cheer team.”

“That’s not fair!” pouted Jen, stomping her foot angrily. Her flabby body wobbled in response, testing the limits of her straining tube skirt. “I am not getting fat! You’re just jealous because I’m so voluptuous.”

“Yeah, if voluptuous means “fatass.” Don’t you remember that sleepover we had a couple weeks ago? When you busted out of your panties? If that doesn’t make you a big fatass, I don’t know what does.”

“Hey!” protested Jen, screwing her pretty face into a scowl. “You’re busting out all over, too! I, like, totally remember you broke your bra that same night.”

“That’s totally different. Having a big pair of tits is good, having a big fat ass isn’t.” Laurie leaned back in her chair and stretched her arms up above her head. Her jumbo, quivering melons strained against her blouse. The buttons down the front were already stretched to the limit, wide gaps opened between each button. Jen could glimpse Laurie’s industrial strength pearly white E-cup bra through the gaps. As she stretched, the buttons and seams of her blouse whined loudly.

“Besides, Craig and Josh are gonna be over soon. You want Craig to see his girlfriend blowing up like a blimp?”

“I am not a blimp!” whined Jen, plopping herself down on Laurie’s bed, which creaked beneath her. “And, like, you’re putting on blubber in other places than just your breasts. I’ll bet Josh thinks you’re totally huge!”

“I AM totally huge, dumbass!” snapped Laurie, motioning at her bulging bra balloons. “Now shut up, cuz Josh loves my giant tits. I need a bit of meat to balance out my outrageous top-heavy figure, of course. Not like you, you’re just getting dumpy and chubby.”

“Shut up! Like, I am totally not!!!”

“Yes, you are!”

“Shut up!” Jen jumped up angrily, stitches down the sides of her overly tight tube skirt ripping from the sudden motion. Her creamy white thighs and skimpy thong panties could be seen through the tears, but she didn’t even notice. She was totally pissed at Laurie and her mean comments.

“Why don’t you, like, make me, you bubble-butted bimbo?” snapped Laurie as she also jumped to her feet. Her colossal breasts sloshed inside her tight top as she moved and the middle button popped right off her top with a loud * ping.* It shot across the room and hit Jen right in the face. Laurie guffawed loudly, chest shaking, as Jen yelped in pain.

“Oh, you are, like, such a bitch, Laurie!” Furious, Jen leapt at her friend and smacked her across the face. Laurie grabbed Jen’s wrists and the two girls fell to the floor, wrestling. Squealing, Jen kicked at Laurie, not even realizing that her frantic movements were tearing her restrictive skirt to ribbons. She had trouble actually getting close enough to Laurie to do any damage because Laurie’s billowing bra-busting knockers blocked her every move. Laurie pushed Jen away from her with an angry yell, arching her back and sending her straining buttons flying.

Their fight was suddenly interrupted by a knock on the door.

Both girls froze. “Who’s there?” demanded Laurie crossly, wheezing just a bit.

“Laurie? Jen?” said Laurie’s father’s voice through the door. “Craig and Josh are here.”

“Ohhhh, crap!” yelped Laurie, throwing Jen off her and onto the bed. “Just a minute, dad! We’re, like, totally not ready.” Laurie threw her long raven hair back and quickly tried to comb it into some sort of order with one hand while her other hand adjusted her destroyed blouse. She only lost a couple buttons in the middle of her shirt, so it wasn’t too bad. Her enormous breasts were still pressing forcefully against the blouse so that the once small gaps were now much bigger. She released the top couple buttons (the sides of her blouse flinging apart instantly) and liked the effect. Now it just looked like she was purposely leaving a few top buttons open to expose some yummy, rippling cleavage rather than that she’d lost a couple buttons. She didn’t want to look like a slob.

“What about me?” squealed Jen. There was no way that she could pass her ripped skirt off as some sort of fashion choice.

“It’s your own fault, fatso!” hissed Laurie angrily as she primped. “I told you you were packing on too much blubber and you should have known better than to try and stuff those buns into a skirt like that. I don’t think I have anything that will fit over that obese booty of yours!”

“Shut up! My booty is hot and I am NOT fat! C’mon, you must have something.”

Laurie sighed, annoyed. “Go grab my cheer skirt or something, will you? A skirt will give you some more room in the ass.”

Jen immediately threw open Laurie’s dresser drawer and pulled out Laurie’s cheer skirt. She wriggled out of her own shredded tube skirt and struggled to fasten Laurie’s cheer skirt around her rounder, fuller hips. It was hard work, she had to suck in with all her might to get it to hook.

“Okay, we’re ready!”

The door opened and the two cheerleaders’ boyfriends stepped inside. Craig and Josh were big, bulky football players – total jocks through and through. Jen flounced up to Craig – he was surprised to see that she wore a thong with a cheer skirt – and threw herself around him, mashing her pudgy belly and soft breasts into him. Laurie pulled Josh over to her, her massive cans preventing her from pulling him as close as she wanted.

“Hey, boys!” cooed Laurie, “Glad you could visit. Are you ready for some fun?”

“Sure, what do you feel like doing?” answered Josh coyly.

“Go to the mall!” yelled Laurie and Jen in unison.

“Are you guys okay?” asked Craig, suddenly noticing their disheveled appearance. “Were you fighting?”

“No, stupid,” said Laurie, “We’re just, like, totally..uh…this is, like, the new style. Now shut up and wait here, we have to get our shopping outfits together.”

“But you just spent all morning getting dressed,” protested Josh.

“Like, didn’t I tell you to shut up? This is girl stuff, so just wait here and shut up. C’mon, Jen!”

Jen clapped her hands in glee and followed Laurie into the walk-in closet, their recent tiff all but forgotten in the excitement of a new shopping trip.

Josh and Craig sat down on the bed. Both boys couldn’t help but notice how fat their girlfriends were getting. They weren’t looked forward to the mall trip as much as the cheerleaders. Besides the fact that shopping for clothes bored them, they were embarrassed by their girlfriends’ recent expansions. They didn’t want people to see them walking around the mall with a pair of inflated cows like that!

Craig turned to Josh. “Dude, have you noticed how fat they’re both getting?”

“Yeah, no shit. I thought cheerleaders were always supposed to be anorexic or something. But these two are turning into a real pair of porkers. At least Laurie still has a killer pair of tits. If it weren’t for those amazing boobs, I think I’d have dumped her bitchy ass long ago.”

“Yeah, Jen’s ass is just out of control. She’s gonna start getting it stuck in turnstyles soon if she doesn’t cut down on the snacking. How bad do you think they’re going to get?”

“I dunno, but Chris on the team used to date that chick Alice, you know?”

“That butterball? Really?”

“Yeah, she was always kinda chunky, but she’s really blown up like a balloon recently. Last time I saw her, I’d say she probably weighed almost 200 pounds. She looked like she was gonna explode. Chris dumped her tubby ass long ago. Good thing, too. Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be to be stuck with a fat chick like that?”

Craig nodded. “Yeah, totally. But what are you saying? Do you think Jen and Laurie will get as fat as Alice?”

Josh considered it for a moment. “Nah. Alice was always chubby but Jen and Laurie were nice and trim till this last year. They probably won’t get THAT big.” He was quiet for a moment. “But if they do, we’re gonna have to take some drastic action.”


Alice was not impressed by the hole. Sally had broken in through a “gap in the fence.” Alice naturally thought that meant that a section of fence was missing. Instead, it just meant that the fence traveled over an uneven patch of earth, and there seemed to be a small gap in one place between the ground and the fence.

Sally slithered through the hole easily despite her massive jugs. Heather and Alice exchanged dubious looks. Neither one of them were nearly as svelte as Sally, so squeezing through that hole wasn’t going to be easy at all. And they looked practically anorexic next to Amber! How on earth was a bloated blimp like Amber going to fit through?

Justin poked his fingers through the chain-link mesh. “Hey, Heather. How you doin’, babe?”

Heather grabbed Justin’s fingers in her hand and pressed herself as close to her boyfriend as she could. “It’s miserable in here,” she said. “They hardly feed us at all and the commandant here is some sort of diet Nazi! You guys have got to get us out of here.”

Shelly grinned widely. “Don’t worry, girl, we’ll get you out fast. At least, it looks like you’ve lost some weight.”

Heather scowled. “Oh, shut up!”

Shelly laughed. “Hey, just kidding. Don’t worry, your saviors are here now.”

Alice smiled shyly seeing that Tyler was with the group. Even though she and Tyler hadn’t technically even been on one date yet, Sally had called him her boyfriend. Alice hoped that Tyler felt that way too. She really did like him, and he seemed so much nicer than her ex. Chris had been a big jerk of a jock, and she’d really only gone out with him because, as a cheerleader, she’d felt pressured to date guys from the football team. But she didn’t have anything in common with him and, besides, Chris had nagged her constantly about her weight. Tyler loved her in spite of her chunkiness. No no, she had to keep reminding herself, maybe he even likes me this way. It was still weird to think that Tyler was doing anything more than just tolerating her roundness.

“You okay, Alice?” asked Tyler. “Are you holding up?”

Alice felt herself blushing. “Yes, yes, I’m fine. I..I’m just tired of this place. Tyler, I’m…I’m glad you came to help.”

Tyler smiled back. “I couldn’t leave my favorite girl to waste away.”

“Okay, Amber, you next,” interrupted Sally.

“Amber? ? Her?” Shelly said, surprised. “Look, no offense, but…but she’s huge! What if she gets stuck? Heather and Alice will be trapped inside. If you ask me, we ought to have Amber come out last.”

Tyler and Justin mumbled agreement, but Sally shook her head. “No, no, it’s going to be hardest getting Amber through, so we’re going to need people pushing AND pulling. That’s why we’re going to have to do her first.”

“Alright, let’s do this!” said Amber eagerly. Amber looked downward, her double chin becoming a triple one in the process. All she could see was her own enormous bust almost spilling out the top of the stretch-out neck of her T-shirt. Below that, her vast stomach bulged out beyond even her enormous watermelon-sized knockers. She definitely could not see her feet at all! Bending down would be difficult. Groaning, she leaned forward , stretching her pudgy arms out in front of her. Her too-tight, too-shor tT-shirt rode up, revealing her flabby back, as her shorts were pulled down, revealing the waistband of her jumbo XXX large knickers.

“EEERRRGG!” grunted Amber, her face starting to turn red with the effort. “I think I need some help, guys!”

Heather sighed and rolled her eyes. “Honestly! C’mon, Alice, let’s give her a hand.” The two smaller girls stood at either side of their titanic friend and gently tried to ese her to the ground. It was hard work! Amber was so heavy that Alice and Heather had to strain to support her. Amber slowly lowered herself to her knees and then slowly, slowly started to lean forward.

“Ohhh,” moaned Heather, “You weigh a ton! You feel like you’re full of cement not fat!”

Even though she was beet red and sweating with the effort, Amber managed to smile. “Why, than you,” she said through clenched teeth. “You really know how to sweet talk a girl. Uh!” Amber grunted as she reached the ground. She was now lying on the ground on her massive stomach. She was so big that her belly lifted her several feet off the ground and even had trouble pushing herself forward the small distance to the hole.

Amber scooted forward, huffing and puffing with the effort. She poked her pudgy arms into the hole and struggled to pull herself through. Sally grabbed hold of her hands.

“C’mon, give me a hand!” she called and Tyler, Justin, and Shelly joined in. Inside the fence, Alice and Heather positioned themselves to push on Amber’s wide ass.

“Heave!” yelled Sally and everyone heaved. Gawd, Amber’s heavy, thought Alice as she pushed. She was pushing with all her might and Amber barely moved. Amber waved her plump arms and everyone outside the fence pulled as hard as they possibly could.

“Stop it!” cried Amber, “You’re going to pull my arms right out of the sockets! Try pushing harder.”

“We are pushing harder!” snapped Heather. “We’re pushing as hard as we can, but your fat ass is too big too fit through.”

Amber giggled but Heather wasn’t in a light-hearted mood. “Yes, Amber, we know how much you’re loving this, but this is serious.”

Outside, Sally also looked like she was having fun. She was jumping around spastically, giggling to herself. She moved close to Amber and whispered into her ear. Alice didn’t know what she was saying, but it made Amber chuckle. Amber’s massive girth shook and shimmied as she laughed.

“What do we do now?” asked Alice.

”We’ll have to try again,” said Heather. “Everyone outside, ready? Now Amber, suck in that giant potbelly of yours, will you?”

“Sure,” said Amber and she inhaled as hard as she could. Heather and Alice threw their shoulders against Amber’s enormous bum. Their shoulders sank deeply into her soft adipose as they heaved. They could hear the kids on the other side of the fence groaning as they pulled.

Suddenly, Alice heard a loud ripping and an “oops!”

“What’s wrong?” asked Heather, popping her head up.

Shelly and Tyler looked at each other with embarrassed expressions. “Uh, she said her arms were hurting,” said Shelly, “so I tried pulling on her shirt instead. And it tore off.”

“No surprise there,” said Heather. “That shirt was so stretched it was on its last legs anyway. No big loss.”

“Yeah,” said Amber, smiling. “And I won’t get cold with all this blubber to insulate me.” She laughed, sending ripples through all her exposed cellulite. Her massive bra strap also looked ready to rupture. Alice wondered what cup size she was – maybe a G cup? Who could tell?

Shelly shrugged. “This just isn’t working. We’ve got to find a new plan.”

Everyone pondered this. Then Alice said: “Why don’t we just enlarge the hole?”

They thought about this. “I guess we need to get some wire cutters,” said Shelly. “Why didn’t we think of that before?”