“Hello, babe.”

Josh knew the time had come. He was going to get out of this relationship. It was over. Because Laurie had changed. Actually, she had expanded. Before Josh’s very eyes, his once dropdead gorgeous girlfriend was swelling up like the Goodyear blimp. He couldn’t believe how much weight Laurie had gained over the last year. It was unreal. Worse, Laurie seemed to be oblivious to her growing size, meaning that she still dressed and acted like a slender bombshell – walking around all sexy, wearing tight clothes. She couldn’t get away with that sort of thing anymore. People were beginning to talk.

He’d been putting this off for a while, hoping that it was just a phase. Laurie wasn’t the brightest girl, but even she would eventually have to realize how fat she was getting. But she didn’t. She just kept getting bigger and bigger, like a raft inflating with air, and he was sick of it. The guys on the team were laughing at him and his porky woman. It was time to cut his losses.

That’s why he had told Laurie that he had something very important to tell her. But when he came over, he’d found that Laurie had misunderstood his intentions.

When he walked into her room, he found Laurie stretched out in her bed, wearing nothing but some skimpy lingerie – a frilly little camisole and some tight little panties. She rolled her shoulders back and grinned at her boyfriend.

“Like what you see, babe?”

Josh could barely keep from gagging as he surveyed the woman before him. Laurie’s additional poundage was clearly on display. Her bountiful melons, usually such a turn-on, were literally bursting from her camisole; they looked like they would spill out of the straining garment if she stood up too fast. The tight stretchy material of the camisole restrained her size somewhat, although the stitching in the garment looked stretched beyond its intended carrying load, but her bulging tummy poured out of the slight gap between the bottom of her top and the top of her panties. Her undies also looked overly snug, pinching into her thick thighs.

“Er…yeah…yeah, I suppose so.” God, she was disgusting! Josh quickly turned his head to keep from having to see her flabby belly and fat thighs.

Laurie sensed that something was wrong. She knew she was fatter, of course, but surely Josh hadn’t noticed. Cuz, you know, boys are totally unobservant about that sort of thing. Still, Laurie wasn’t feeling as confident as usual, so she decided that she’d better get Josh into bed fast. Surely, as soon as they were having sex, Josh would remember the REAL reason they were dating…because Laurie was dynamite in bed, even if she had a few extra rolls.

“Well, aren’t you going to show me how much you like it, hmmm?” Laurie motioned Josh to come sit on the bed next to her. Reluctantly, her boyfriend walked over and sat down. He cringed slightly as he felt Laurie roll over to him – the bed sagged and creaked under her vast tonnage – and run her fleshy arm against his face. She pulled him down and started to undress him.

“No, no, you don’t need to do…that…I,” protested Josh, but Laurie wasn’t listening.

“Like, be quiet, babe! I know what I need to do. And I’m totally ready for a night with my man. It’s been too long, hmmm, baby?”

Yeah, thought Josh miserably, and there’s a reason for that.

Laurie fumbled with Josh’s shirt buttons, slowly undoing one, then another, as she lowered herself down on top of him. Josh had to hold his breath to keep from groaning – she was really heavy! He felt like he was being crushed beneath her added weight!

“Mmmmm,” Laurie murmured to herself as she felt Josh enter her. She sighed and squeezed her eyes shut, and slowly, rhythmically began to ride up – up and down – slower and then faster. Her entire flabby body jiggled as she bounced up and down on her crushed boyfriend, her pussy clenching around Josh’s poor, abused shaft. Poor Josh! Laurie was knocking the wind right out of him, but she was too absorbed in her own pleasure to even care. “Ohhhhh yessssss,” she sighed, leaning forward to run her hands on Josh’s buff chest. Her big fat boobs bobbed and swung with her every motion.

Laurie’s entire meaty body jiggled and shook like a mountain of gelatin as Josh pumped away. Even as she gasped and moaned, Josh was finding the heavy weight atop him very distracting. God, she was a big fat pig! Still, you couldn’t beat those delicious knockers of hers. Josh squeezed his eyes shut and grabbed at her breasts, squeezing her huge pillowy bosom in an attempt to distract himself from the rest of her vast, inflating body. It worked. He ran his hands along the sides of her jiggling udders even as Laurie continued to sigh and moan.

“Hmmm,” she sighed, “That’s right, play with baby’s big boobies. You like baby’s big boobies, don’t you?”

Josh grunted in reply. Even with her added weight, Laurie’s chest was stupendous, even better than it used to be. He could feel himself coming closer to climax just palming those monsters. Laurie was still moaning and talking about her tits, as usual – Laurie LOVED to talk about her tits; she thought they were the most important thing in the world. Josh wasn’t listening. He had blocked out everything except the rhythmic bounce of her bustline and the soft, gelatinous feel of breast flesh in his hands. With a groan, he arched his back and climaxed into his enormous girlfriend with enough power to make her stop silent with a brief squeak.

Josh’s body relaxed and he dropped his hold on Laurie’s breasts. His member was still erect, still plunged inside Laurie, who continued to slide up and down for the moment. She was giving Josh a look he well knew – that he’d had his turn and now it was time for him to finish taking care of her.

“Oh, oh, oh,” gasped Laurie, juggs bouncing and swaying. “Oh, Josh, come are finish me! Oh, I’m going to pop!”

“Yeah, you’re not kidding,” muttered Josh, abruptly pulling out from Laurie and shoving her aside. Now was the perfect time; he’d just had one fun last ride on that fat bitch and wasn’t going to waste any time returning the favor. Gasping, Laurie stopped moving, although several protuberant parts of her body continued to shake. She awkwardly raised herself up onto her elbows, her massive breasts sagging, and peered at him in confusion.

“What?!” Laurie yelped. “Why’d you stop?! I was just about to…”

“Yeah, I know. I stopped cuz, well, look at you! You literally DO look like you’re going to pop. Jeez, Laurie what’s happened to you? You used to be such a babe, but now you’ve turned into a real oinker. I can’t stand to be with you anymore”

“What?!” Laurie struggled to sit up. “What the hell are you talking about? I mean, maybe I’ve put on a couple of pounds, but –“

“A couple of pounds? Face it, Laurie, you’re a big Goddamn blimp. Look at yourself! I don’t know how you could have let yourself go so badly. You look like you’ve literally been eating non-stop.”

Laurie narrowed her eyes. “Shut up! You jerk, you’d better just shut up! I don’t need to take that kind of crap from you! Maybe you’ve forgotten, but I’m the head of the cheer squad! Any guy would die for a shot to be with me! Everyone knows I have the hottest body in class. I have the biggest boobs in the entire school –“

Josh laughed harshly. “There’s more to being hot than just a great rack, Laurie. You may have the biggest tits around, but you’ve got the biggest everything now – the biggest gut, the biggest ass, and the biggest thighs! I’ll bet you’re even fatter than that girl you’re always talking about, that Alice chick…”

Laurie couldn’t stand for that. “You ass! Shut up! How dare you say that! Alice is a total cow!” Laurie was so furious that she was literally shaking. She tried to hold back, but she couldn’t keep tears of rage from streaming down her face. But, as angry as she was, she was still desperately horny – Josh had primed her pump and then pulled out just before completing the job. “Listen, Josh, this is your last chance: Shut up and come finish the job or this relationship is over!”

Silently, Josh grabbed his pants off the floor and started pulling them up. Laurie’s eyes bugged out, as she suddenly realized that she was no longer in her usual position of power.

“Haha, very funny, Josh. Seriously, this is your last chance.” She leaned back in bed, trying to look inviting. She cursed silently to herself as she heard the bed’s springs groan loudly – almost as if to agree with Josh about her inflating size.

But Josh was gone.

Laurie crammed another cookie into her mouth. She knew that she shouldn’t be eating, but she was just so depressed that she couldn’t help it. Josh was right; she was a fat cow, getting fatter by the day. She was so miserable she didn’t care how many calories were in these Oreos. She just wanted to eat and eat and eat her troubles away.

“Jennnn,” she wailed, “We’re sooooo fat! This is the worst thing that’s ever happened to us!” She burst into tears again, burying her face in her hands. Jen patted her consolingly on the back. Jen was really worried; she’d never seen Laurie this upset! Laurie had always been the so in control of every situation that it frightened Jen to see her got to pieces like that. For once, Jen had to be a big girl and take care of things! But what could she do?

“Like, it’s okay, Laurie! Like you said before, we’ll get through this…”

“No, we won’t!” yelled Laurie. “Did you hear what Josh said? He was so disgusted that he couldn’t even make love to me…He had to cut me off…he couldn’t even wait until I came. Boohoohoo!”

“Like, what a jerk!” Jen wasn’t sure how to feel. Josh hadn’t said anything mean to her. She was happy that she still had a boyfriend. For once, she had something that Laurie didn’t. But she had to wonder – how long would that last? If Josh felt the same way that Josh did, then the next time that they met would probably be their last time as a couple.

Laurie was still blubbering like a baby, her face streaked with tears, mascara and eyeliner running down her cheeks. Her normally perfect black hair was all disheveled and she kept stuffing more and more cookies into her mouth.

“Well…” Jen thought hard, trying to come up with something reassuring to say. She wasn’t very good at it. This whole situation was worrying. Laurie was usually so in control that it was almost scary to see her go to pieces like this.

“Um…at least…at least you’re still thinner than Alice, huh?”

Laurie howled.

“Ugh! I can’t believe what I’m hearing! ‘At least we’re thinner than Alice.’ Like that’s anything to be proud of! A hippopotamus is thinner than Alice! Gawd, if we were fatter than Alice, we wouldn’t be able to walk! They’d have to roll us around! And…and…Jen! You’re a genius!”

Laurie abruptly stopped crying.

“What?” said Jen.

“It doesn’t matter how fat WE are,” said Laurie, smiling evilly even as she sniffled, “as long as Alice stays fatter. So if we’re fat, then we just have to make sure that Alice stays even fatter.”

Jen screwed up her face with the effort of thinking. “But…how are we going to do that? Alice is pretty fat, yeah, but I think..I think I already be bigger than she is!” Jen was on the verge of tears. Could it be true? Could she really be even rounder than that fat cow? She’d always thought that Alice was a blimp, but now that she was even fatter…oh, it made her feel awful.

“Shhhh,” said Laurie, sitting Jen down into a chair. She stroked her friend’s strawberry blonde curls to help calm her down. “You’re not fatter than Alice. And you won’t be. Listen, I’ve got a plan. Alice can’t resist food. You know that, you see that hog snacking all the time. That’s why she’s so fat. Well, we just have to give her a little nudge in the right direction.”

“Huh?” Jen was confused.

“Well, Alice loves to eat, right? If we can keep her eating. . . she’ll be as big as the Goodyear blimp. Like, look at this!”

Laurie dashed across the room as fast as her tubby out-of-shape would let her, pulled open a dresser drawer and rooted around inside for a few moments. She pulled out a plastic canister and presented it triumphantly to Jen.

“What’s that?” asked Jen, still uncomprehending.

“It’s weight gain powder!” shouted Laurie. “Josh uses it to bulk up for football practice!” She winced and her lip wobbled slightly as she remembered Josh. What a jerk! Well, he was gone so this was HER powder now. “If you use it while you work out, it helps build muscles, but if you use it and don’t work out…it all turns to fat! So here’s the plan: We’ll invite Alice over for, like, a slumber party or something. She’s always so self-conscious and eager to be accepted that she’ll jump at the chance! All we have to do is keep her stuffed with junk all night long. And dump this in every drink she drinks!”

Jen looked skeptical. “But she won’t gain that much weight just from one night.”

“Yeah, but who says we’ll just do it one night? I mean, like, she drinks stuff at lunch every day in school, right? And we can go out to eat after practice and she’ll drink then, too, right? There’s plenty of opportunities! Before you know it, she’ll be busting out of her cheer uniform and I’ll look like a super model again!”

“You mean, we’ll look like models again, right?” ventured Jen.

“What? Oh, yeah, whatever. WE’LL look like models.” Laurie grinned evilly. She always had the best ideas. Laurie poured the weight-gain mix into Alice’s shake, chuckling wickedly. “Soon we’ll see who’s the REAL fat ass around here. I guarantee, in a few weeks, Alice will be so fat that they’ll have to roll her to practice. And I’ll look like a supermodel next to her!”

“Um,” said Jen, “You mean ‘we’ll’ look like supermodels, right?”

Laurie eyed Jen skeptically. In her mind, Jen looked almost as bad as Alice. Her monumental rump was wider than ever.

“Yes, Jen,” said Laurie smoothly. “That’s exactly what I meant. Exactly.”