Amber, Part 2

So where were we? Oh, yeah, I was so big that I had become stuck going through Sally’s dorm window. There I was, my huge bloated hooters had busted out of my bra and my overly snug pants were tearing at the seams, so I was practically naked.

“C’mon, Amber! Suck in that big gut of yours!” says Sally from behind me. I feel her hands sink into my wide, soft rump. “You’re so flabby it’s almost impossible for me to get a grip on you. I’m just going to have to heave my weight against you and hope it dislodges you.”

“Good luck! You’re way too thin to do that. I won’t budge an inch. This is just fucking great. I’m just too fucking fat. The only way I’ll ever unwedge myself is if I lose enough weight to slide out.”

“Oh, don’t you dare talk like that! You know I won’t have my big fat lover wasting away. I won’t hear of you going hungry.”

“Ohhh, I’ve been stuck in this stupid window for an hour without anything to eat. Can’t I just have a little snack?” I begged. “Look at me, I’m practically starving!” My ample belly gurgled. I was so used to eating constantly that even going for a short time without stuffing my face left me famished. “Feed me some more, Sally, and I’ll burst this window frame. That’ll be one way to get unstuck!”

“Amber, you couldn’t possibly eat another bite. You’ve eaten everything I have. There’s no more food around!” That’s really scaring me, because my ample belly’s already started gurgling, demanding more food. How can I already be hungry? I was stuffed to the point of popping when I got up to leave and I’ve only been stuck in this window for twenty minutes. Ooo, I getting hot just thinking about what that huge meal must be doing to my big, fleshy body. More soft adipose deposits on my already gigantic ass, my globular paunch, and hefty boobs. My face is as round as a moon pie and a triple chin will be forming soon. I’ll be as big as a whale if I can keep eating like this. I just need Sally to keep feeding me and to make sure that I don’t start slowing down.

Can’t think about that now, gotta concentrate on getting out of this fucking window. Ooo, this is probably the only thing that I don’t like about being this fat! I squirm and twist with all my might.

“Hey, tubby, didn’t I tell you to suck in that belly?”

“I AM sucking in!” I yell back at her. After a few minutes, Sally stops pushing.

“You know,” she says, “I might just know how to get a fat chick like you unstuck.”

“I’d like to hear that. I think I’m too mammoth to ever get unstuck!”

“Uh huh. Well, that’s just too bad. Guess you can’t have any, then, since there’s no way you can reach it.” What’s that? I hear Sally unwrapping something.

“What are you doing in there?” I ask. I think she’s got food in there. That bitch! She said that she was all out!

“Nothing, just a candy bar. In fact, I’ve got some extras here; it’s just too bad that you’ve got your head out there or maybe I could feed some to you.”

With the proper incentive, I popped myself out of that window in no time. ****

You would think that after the window incident I would slow down, but just the opposite. Every pound I gain just makes me more excited, makes me feel more sexy. Sally loves it that I refuse to stop growing. Soon I will be totally round, I think.

I remember when this all first started, when I first started piling on the pounds. I had just graduated high school and was on my way to college. I was a tiny little twig back then, not even 120 lb. I was the perfect cheerleader and all that exercise used to keep me scrawny as a rail. Amazing. I used to think that my sunken tummy and bony limbs made me so attractive yet I never seemed to have any dates. I thought that it was because I was the only lesbian in my high school, but now I know that there were quite a few. It was only after I got to college that I realized how much nicer it was to have curves and bulges. And it was then that I started to swell up.

Dorm food. It’s full of calories and they let you eat as much as you want. Every meal I would gorge myself until I felt like I would surely explode, stuffing delicious food into my mouth as fast as I could. It was heavenly and there was no one to stop me from eating to my heart’s content. The best part of college life was knowing that I was never more than a couple hours away from my next gut-busting meal. I had never eaten like that at home, but now I was free to indulge my sweet tooth like never before.

I knew that my metabolism was never naturally slow and that it was only constant exercise that had kept me slim, but all that tasty food was just too good to pass up. Pretty soon, I started gaining weight. I knew it would happen if I didn’t cut back on my insane eating but I couldn’t help it. Fatty foods were everywhere. Every day the cafeteria featured a new and exciting dish, something exotic drenched in butter and cheese and cream. And every dorm party had pizza and potato chips.

My tummy, previously flat and hollow, slowly rose like a tiny mountain, testing the limits of my old pants. I began wearing leggings and sweatpants, so that I wouldn’t have to face the reality of my ballooning waistline. Behind me, my butt began to grow wider until the cheeks felt restricted in even my loosest sweatpants. For the first time in my life, my chest began to develop. And it didn’t stop. Half way through the year, I had the second biggest tits on the entire floor, so full and round that they constantly seemed to be on the verge of snapping my bras. I was still wearing a c cup bra then, because I didn’t want to admit that I was still growing bigger and bigger.

The only girl on the entire floor who had a pair of bigger knockers than I did was Sally; she lived three doors down the hall. We first met when I was eating lunch in the cafeteria. She worked I always noticed her because her juggs were absolutely enormous. When she walked, she couldn’t keep those huge fleshy spheres from sloshing and jiggling. That’s definitely attractive, although I think she’s a little thin. A little thin? What am I thinking? Girls should be thin, right? I shouldn’t think that fat girls are hot, right? That’s just getting weird..or is it? It’s hard enough being a lesbian, but being a lesbian who likes fat chicks…

“Hey, Amber,” she said, “How are you doing?”

“Fine. Just eating lunch.”

“You know, Amber, you really like to eat, don’t you? I always see you here. You’re the first to arrive and the last one to leave..”

“Yeah, I like to eat. What’s it to you?”

“Nothing. It’s just that I work here in the cafeteria, so maybe I could help you. You know how you’re not allowed to take food out of the cafeteria? Well, if you eat your meals while I’m on duty to check the cards, I’ll let you sneak some goodies out. You know, so you don’t get hungry at night.”

“That’s really nice of you, Sally! Er, I don’t suppose you have a boyfriend?”

“No, I’m a lesbian!” YES!

Being friends with Sally didn’t do anything to slow down my burgeoning belly. Sally always let me sneak out a few cookies or a piece of cake for a midnight snack. At first, I only took a one extra items, but Sally encouraged me to take more.

“Is that all you’re going to take, Amber?” asked Sally one day when she saw me leaving with a slice of pie. “It’s hardly worth it at all. Why don’t you take the entire cake?” Sally motions to the whole cake. It’s huge; it looks like a wedding cake. “Nobody’s even touched it and it would be a big waste to just toss it in the trash!”

“I couldn’t eat that! It’s much too big; I’d surely burst!.”

“C’mon,” Sally pleads, batting her eyes and holding the cake out. Damn. Can’t resist that look.

“Okay, Sally, I’ll take it. But only on one condition. You come to my room tonight and help me eat it.”

You might think I meant that I wanted sally to eat some of the cake, too. Not on your life! I was going to eat it all myself. I just needed someone there to make sure I did.

I cram another slice of cake into my mouth, smearing frosting all over my face. I eagerly lick it off before grabbing the next piece.

“That’s right, Amber! Keep eating! Don’t stop! Eat it all!”

Sally’s encouragement makes me want to eat more and more. The cake is huge and I seriously doubt that I can fit it all inside my stretched tummy.

My shirt begins to ride up my blubbery paunch, exposing my ever deepening belly button. The buttons down my front are beginning to pull tight, gaps are forming. How much more do I have to eat before my overstuffed belly sends buttons flying all over the room?

As I force down the last bite, I simply know that I cannot eat any more. I’m so full that I know I must pop if I so much as take too deep a breath.

“Oh, Amber, let me feel your tummy!” Sally brushes her hands along the swell of my enormous, bloated belly. “It’s so stuffed and hard!” she marveled. “You’re so full that it doesn’t have an inch of give to it! Amber, if you ate like this everynight, do you know how huge you could get?”

How huge I COULD get. I notice how she phrases it. As if she’s considering my potential.

After all that eating, I can hardly breathe. My distended belly is absolutely round, straining the buttons down the front of the shirt. Slowly, gingerly, I reach around my inflated front to undo the first button. It flies open with the tiniest nudge. The button between the twin orbs of my breasts and the enormous beach ball of my belly is the only one that requires some effort to undo. It doesn’t have to struggle against the same amount of pressure as do the other buttons so it takes a minute to undo it. The buttons over my tits part easily.

Amber helps me to my feet. Oooo, I’m so stuffed. My belly aches soooo much. Hiccup! Ow. Hiccups. Great. Each hiccup wracks my poor gorged belly. Sally lays me down on the bed.

“Poor thing! I’ll bet you feel like you’re about to explode.”

“Ugh. Yeah. I’m such a huge pig, Sally. I must look disgusting.”

“I don’t think it’s disgusting at all, Amber, you’re beautiful. Each pound on you makes you even more beautiful. I think it’s exciting. I wish that I could grow a potbelly like this. But I can’t, I’ve been trying. I just can’t gain weight. I’ll bet those tight pants aren’t making your poor overloaded tummy feel any better. Maybe I should get those damn constraining things off you.”

I moan slightly in relief as Sally unsnaps my pants allowing my overfed gut to expand to its full size. Sally gasps slightly. “You’re soo big!” she giggles, “Look at the size of your gut. And it looks like a lot of those treats have been ending up in other places, too!” She runs her hand along my fleshy thigh and around my curvaceous rump.

“Sally, maybe you can’t get fat, but I sure can,” I say between groans. “Look at me. I used to be a tiny little cheerleader, not even a year ago, and now I’m a big fat hog. I’ll gain weight and you can watch.”

Sally likes the idea. It’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship. ****

When I went home for Christmas break , I had already gained at least 40 lbs. I didn’t know it because I didn’t have a scale at school; the only way I knew that I was getting fatter was when my clothes started to strain. I didn’t bother to bring any of my school clothes home with me over the break because I thought I’d still be able to wear my old outfits. The first thing that I did was try to squeeze back into my old clothes, the ones I had left at home last summer. Nothing doing. My old jeans refused to fasten around my new girth. My shirts couldn’t reach all the way over my bloated breasts and rotund stomach. I was stunned. I couldn’t have gained that much weight. Was Sally right? Had I become a huge blimp in just a few months?

There was a scale in the bathroom; I hadn’t weighed myself all semester, hadn’t faced what I already knew. I knew I was getting fat, but I didn’t know exactly how many pounds I’d gained. I stepped on. It’s difficult to see the numbers, I have to lean forward and push my expansive juggs out of the way and even then my new chunky gut blocks my view. The little metal platform creaked under my bulk and the dial spins wildly. Past 120 lb, my old weight. Still going fast. 130 lb. 135 lb. 140 lb. Wow, 20 pounds, I think. That’s not bad for a start. Then I realize that it’s not done yet. The dial keeps going, past 150 lb. No fucking way, 30 pounds? I must have been pigging out way more than I thought to have gotten this round. And it’s not even slowing down. It hits 160 and I’m beginning to sweat. Seeing proof of my increased poundage is exciting me; I wish that Sally was here with me right now, to congratulate me on my new weight and to help me get even bigger. 170 lb. Goddamn it, I am sooo fat. I can hardly believe it. It’s finally slowing down. At 180, I think it’s stopped but it’s only slowing down. Finally, finally, it halts at 192 lbs. Whoa. I grab my soft belly flab and squeeze it. I’m already 192 lbs! This has got to be the worst case of the freshman fifteen ever, I think.

I stagger off the scale, stunned. I can’t believe that I’m almost 200 lb. I start to panic. When I was with Sally, getting fat seemed so natural that I never had any second thoughts but now that I was at home I began to fret. Was I getting too fat? How fat would I get? Would I outgrow all my clothes? If I kept blowing up, soon I would outgrow the goddamn house! I’d be sooo fat that Sally would have to roll me around on my big fat stomach.

I quickly called Sally on the phone; I had to tell her the good news, that I’m already fatter than either of us ever imagined I’d get. And I need her to assure me that, yes, I need to get even bigger.

“How’s it going, fat girl?” says Sally. “You’re not wasting away over there, are you?”

“Sally,” I say, breathlessly (running to the phone is such a chore when you’re as rotund as I am!) “You’ll never believe this. I’m already 192 lbs. You should see my enormous thighs and big fat gut! I’m so goddamn fat that I can’t fit into anything! All of my clothes here are way too tight; if I take a deep breath, I’ll probably pop a few buttons right now!”

Sally breathes in on the other end of the phone. “Ooo, Amber, really? I wish I was there to see it. You’re making me all hot just talking about that.”

“I know, Sally, I do it all for you. But I need to ask you: does it turn you on that I’m so bloated? Do you like that I’m a big tubby blimp that’s getting bigger all the time?”

“Oh, yes, yes, it does. When I hear you talk like that, it just makes me want to melt. I want to be there to rub your growing gut and feed you even more. What are you wearing right now?”

I look at myself in the mirror as Sally talks. I’m wearing nothing but a pair of white cotton panties, so stretched that they’re almost see-through. In the back, I can’t pull them up high enough to completely cover the twin globes of my jutting butt. The elastic waistband squeezes into the tops of my fleshy buns. In front, my stomach pushes the panties out as far as they’ll go. Soon, I’ll have to leave my belly untucked, overlapping the crotch of the panties. But for now they still fit, just barely. My enormous, globular breasts rest on my protruding gut.

“Nothing but a pair of panties and I’m ready to bust out of them. They’re so tight that they’re not comfortable at all. I can feel my ass stretching against them. Just think, Sally, about how I’ll stretch them all out of shape after I eat my next gut-busting meal tonight. It’s my first night home, so my parents will see how much I can eat now that I’m a big girl.”

After I get off the phone, I waddle back to the closet. Finally, I find something I can wear: an old t-shirt, straining around my boobs but not tearing, and a pair of sweatpants. They fit like sausage casings around my plump lugs and meaty thighs but I manage to wriggle into them. Mom’s not going to like this at all.

Hmmm, I think. People always gain a few pounds over Christmas. Sally will be expecting me to waddle just a little more when I get back to school. I just can’t disappoint my new lover!

At dinner, I plop down in the chair. My ass is so gigantic that it hangs over the edges of the seat. It’s good to be off my feet! Carrying all this extra flab is sososo hard on a girl. I lean forward to grab some roast beef. It’s no easy task, since my massive gut makes it harder to bend. I pass my plate to mom.

“Hey, mom, can you pile on some roast beef? Yeah, with gravy. More than that. That’s good, thanks!”

I dig in with gusto, just like I always do at school. I stuff the meat into my mouth and wash it down with a glass of milk. Already, I’m ready for a second helping.

Mom and dad watch, disapproving, as I eat, faster and faster. “Amber, you look like you’ve gained 100 pounds!” says mom, shocked.

“Naw, just 70. Still got 30 to go.”

That doesn’t go over too well. “Amber, don’t you think you should cut down on your eating? You’re, ahem, starting to look a bit chubby.”

I shrug as I continue eating. Sooo hungry. The sweatpants don’t put up much resistance, so I can eat without worrying that my pants will begin to constrict me. I undo the knot in the drawstring as I eat and let them out just a bit. I can feel my gut, hard and full of food, under the table. The t-shirt is being drawn tight over my expanding belly. I’m eating so fast that gravy is spilling down my front.

“Ooof,” I groan, rubbing my bloated belly, “That was sooo good. But now I think I’m ready for dessert.”
