Amber 4


Amber was asleep in bed, wearing nothing but a pair of thong panties. She was so huge, almost 400 lbs. If all goes well, I think I can push her over that number tonight. Amber doesn’t really know how heavy she is, because her enormous gut and massive boobs always get in the way when she tries to read the scale. The scale at the store actually hit 398 before it busted. Amber bugged me the whole way home to tell her what the number was, but I wanted to keep to as a surprise.

She opens her eyes and grins sleepily. “Sally! What’re you doing here?”

“I’m here to take you to breakfast, chubbykins. Now get your fat ass out of bed and get dressed!” Amber almost fills up the entire bed with her flabby, fleshy body. Her stretched, straining panties are almost invisible, completely swallowed up by the soft adipose of her thighs and bottom. She rolls over and tries to heave herself out of bed, but it’s difficult. She can barely sit up by herself since she’d become so fat. Her monstrous belly folds itself into sausage-like rolls as she struggles to sit up, her enormous naked hooters splay out to the sides. She’s already becoming red-faced and starting to pant from the exertion.

“C’mon, babe,” she says, reaching out a chunky hand, “Give me a hand here! You know I’m waaaay too fat to get up out of bed by myself!”

I grabbed her pudgy hands and yanked as hard as I could while Amber continue to rock forward. She was still way too heavy for me to lift, even after I reached around her. My arms sank deep into her soft flesh. I continued pulling and she continued pushing and finally – finally! – we got her out of bed. The bed groans in relief; if she gets much bigger, she’d going to totally break it into pieces. She swayed, trying to keep her balance and not become overwhelmed by her own massive size.

“Mmm,” she murmured, looking down at her bulk, “I’ve grown so fat that I have trouble standing up. I need your help, Sally. Could you help me get dressed?”

I grinned. “Sure thing, Amber. What do you want to wear?”

“Hmmm,” she said. “I want to wear my turtleneck sweater. You know, the tight one. I love the way it clings to my tits and belly.”

I laugh. “Okay, but you’ll have to go easy tonight then. You’re about to bust that one wide open.”

Amber giggles, a mischeivious twinkle in her eye. “No promises tonight!”

The sweater barely goes over her watermelon-sized knockers but doesn’t come anywhere near covering her giant beachball-sized paunch. It only goes halfway down, exposing her deep naval and bloated pot. She can’t bend over enough to pull her pants on, so I have to give her a hand. They take a while to tug up her thighs.

I help Amber to her feet and shoved her through the door- it was a tight squeeze. At first, she doesn’t quite fit. Amber’s so big that her thighs brush the sides of the door frame as she tries to pas through.

“Sally!” she whines helplessly. “What are we going to do? I’m too fucking fat to fit through the door! Goddamn doors why don’t they make them bigger?”

“Uh oh,” I say, joking. “If you can’t fit through, then maybe it’s time to go on a diet. You’ll have to lose some weight, shrink down, if you expect to get out of here.”

Amber scowls, her double chins pressing into her swelling bust. She turns sideways and tries again. Since she’s almost spherical, this, too, is a tight squeeze- but she almost makes it.

Her massive gut and bulging knockers are pressed tightly into the door frame in front of her and her gigantic ass is pressed into it behind her. She reaches forward and tries to compress her blimp-like hooters slightly without success. She sucks in her gut as far as she can – which isn’t very far. I can hear her pants creak noisily as she holds in her belly. It’s a slight relief to those over stressed clothes now that her big, bloated stomach is pushing against them a little less. But she’s so huge now that even when she sucks in with all her might, they’re still tighter than tight!

“Give me a push, Sally!” she squeaks, still holding it in. I push against her side and my hands sink into her meaty, yielding love handles. I give her a gentle push and she sloooowly slides outwards and – POP! – she’s free. She struggles to keep from falling over, overwhelmed by her own massive size.

One of the neighboring girls eyes us disapprovingly as Amber waddles past.

She motions for me to come over. “Sally,” she whispers. “What’s the matter with Amber?”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s so huge! I’ve never seen anyone so fat!”

“I know, isn’t it great? I think she’s beautiful. I’ll bet she’s the fattest girl on campus!”

“Yeah, but – I don’t know why you stay with that lard ass. Do you realize that if she keeps growing at this rate, she’ll be as big as a house soon. She won’t be able to move! You’ll have to roll her around.”

Crap. I tried to hide how hot and wet this talk was making me, so I just nodded and smiled. It just made me want Amber more.

“I know. I can’t wait.”

The girl looked at me suspiciously. “You’re weird,” she said.


Amber was so enormous that it was hard for the two of us to fit in the elevator together. Soon, she might even surpass the elevator’s weight limit all by herself. Well, maybe not soon…it’ll be a while before that fantasy comes true but a girl can dream, can’t she?

The elevator isn’t the only thing that Amber’s become too fat for. Amber can’t fit into the booth at the restaurant anymore. Last time we came, she was barely able to wedge her enormous bulk between the seat and table but now she’s grown too big to squeeze in at all.

“I think we need a chair!” she says. I bring one up but it’s no use. Her generous ass is too huge to fit on a single chair. She has to straddle two. She ordered two meals, since this is just a snack.

“Hey, Amber,” I say. “Do you know how much you weigh?”

“No, you know I don’t. I’m too fucking fat to be able to read a scale by myself. Look at me, Sally, I’ve become such a blimp for you and you won’t even tell me how much I weigh. It’s not fair.” She pouted.

“You’ve put on a little weight, too, ya know?” mumbled Amber, her chubby cheeks filled with fattening food. She jabbed a fat finger into my giant chest. She’s right. I’ve always been thin. No matter how hard I tried, no matter how much I ate, I could never gain an ounce. That’s part of why I’m so excited to be going out with Amber. She can gain weight just by looking at food, it seems, and I love it! She loves her growing body almost as much as I do.

But being around her all the time is even starting to have an effect on me. Could I really be getting fat, too? My tits are the only part of my body that ever seem to accumulate any fat. They’re already an e cup but I think they’re getting even bigger now. The bands of my giant bras are starting to cut into the flesh of my back, indicating that they’re still getting bigger and heavier. When I started developing, I thought I’d never stop. Sometimes I thought my big, bursting boobs wouldn’t stop expanding until they exploded like a pair of overinflated waterballoons, but that’s silly, isn’t it? When they stopped in the E cup range, I was happy only because I didn’t think they could possibly get any bigger. I only wish the rest of me could get bigger, too….

“Could I just get a little more?” Amber asks, pointing at her empty plate. “Maybe another order of fries?”

“Do you know how much you weigh now, Amber?” I ask.

Amber’s too busy eating to even acknowledge the question. Her eyes are closed and she whimpers softly as she sucks the last of her second milkshake through the straw.

“What was that?” she burps. “Excuse me! I guess I ate too much! Oh, I’m getting sooo fat!”

I’m so turned on by all this that I can barely sit still. “I said, do you know how much you weigh now, Amber? Do you know how huge and fat you really are?”

“No,” purrs Amber huskily. She leans forward, her enormous, fleshy bosom trembling, threatening to spill out of her clothes. I wonder if she’s even surpassed me in the tit department. “I must be absolutely enormous. I can’t even begin to imagine how fat I’ve grown, how fat you’ve made me with all this rich, delicious food. Will you tell me tonight, Sally? I really want to know! I want to know what the scale in the store said, how high the number is. And then I want that number to be even higher the next time I get weighed.”

“You’ll find out soon enough, Amber. Now I’ll order you another dinner – but this is the last one – and we’ll go back to the apartment. And then I’ll tell you what you weigh.”


Back at the dorm, I showed Amber my final surprise. A special scale, a livestock scale. It’s the only one I could find that would go up high enough to give me an accurate reading of Amber’s weight. I helped Amber get on he scale and waited for the spinner to come to a rest. Now I know what Amber’s weight is.

Amber stretched. I could hear the seams of her clothes straining and straining until – RIP! The sweater tore down its left side seam.

I slid my hands beneath her monstrous, blubbery belly and lifted it so that I could find her fly. I tried to unbutton but had some trouble.

“Amber, you know how fat you’ve become? You fill these pants out so much that I can’t unbutton them. There isn’t an inch of give.”

“I’ll fix that,” purred Amber. She took a deep breath and her jeans button rocketed across the room. Instantly, the zipper slid down and her bloated gut billowed out like a balloon.

“I’m so big!” she marveled. “I hope that I’m not too fat for you!”

“You could never be too fat for me,” I said, tugging her pants off. Underneath, her gigantic belly hangs over her crotch, completely obscuring her skimpy black panties which were stretched to busting around her enormous thighs and monumental rear.

“Do you know how heavy you are, Amber?” I whisper.

“No,” she says, “Tell me.”

“You’re 450 pounds,” I say, “You’ve made it. You’re the fattest girl in school.”

Amber’s chubby face breaks into a wide grin. “I knew it! My butt’s gotten too big to fit behind school desks anymore. My thighs are so wide I can’t fit through doors! I tried to use a stall in the restroom the other day and my belly and tits were so huge that I couldn’t fit inside. Look at me, lover, I’m almost round.”

It’s true, Amber is almost entirely round. My lover is the fattest girl on campus and I’m so happy to know that she has no intention of ever slowing down. She pulls off her tattered sweater. It goes over her huge EE-cup tits without too much of a strain. I think her knockers might even be bigger than mine now, and I’ve never met a girl with bigger ones than mine! Mine are at least the size of soccerballs but I think Amber’s might be as big as watermelons. Where did she find a bra big enough to harness those mammoth milkbags?

Amber rolls over on top of me. Her weight is suffocating.

“Amber! Get off me! I can’t breathe!”

Grinning, Amber rolled over heavily. The movement is he final straw for her underwear, which instantly bursts apart at the seams.

“Oops!” said Amber, covering her mouth coyly. “Looks like I’ve gotten even fatter today! I’m finally too big for my britches. Did you see how I shredded those knickers?”

“It’s okay,” I say, grinning, as run my hands down her enormous sides. “That saves me some time…”