Ashlee 2 A few weeks had past since the clubhouse incident, a moment Ashlee would much rather forget. Despite being an appropriate insight into how plump she was becoming, Ashlee continued to deny that her body was expanding. Her mum continued to pester her, dropping subtle hints like, ‘Hey Ash, why don’t you go for a jog?’ or ‘Eat an apple, Ash.’ But she angrily ignored all comments, insisting her clothes had shrunk in the wash. There was still several weeks left in the summer holidays, and Ashlee was getting fatter everyday. Each day brought more lazing around and eating.

One humid, cloudy morning, Ashlee woke up in a sweat. ‘It’s so hot!’ groaned Ashlee, as she turned over in bed. Her belly rolled after her, each breath pushed tighter on the stretched elastic on her pyjama pants. She heaved herself into a sitting position and rubbed her face to wake up. Her black hair was messy and she felt tired and grumpy. The added humitity didn't help her mood either. Her tummy now bunched up into three rolls of soft flab whenever she sat. As she stood, she heard her bed springs sigh in relief as they were freed from her heavy body. Ashlee hoisted on some pants. As usual, she had quite some difficulty getting the pants over her plump bum. She jerked the zipper up, each notch bit further into her soft belly. The button refused to close as Ashlee began to get frustrated.

‘Come on, you stupid pants!’ she grunted.

At that moment, Ashlee’s four year old sister Kayla ran in.

‘Ooo! Ash is fat!’ she giggled, poking and pinching Ash’s flabby gut.

‘Get out of here you little brat!’ scolded Ashlee, chasing Kayla out the door. Kayla darted off laughing as Ashlee chased angrily. She was so out of shape that she was flushed red and wheezing when she gave up pursuit. Her open pants chafed her thighs in the heat, as her mum entered the room.

‘Ashlee, please, have some pride, cover your belly!’ mum frowned.

Ashlee felt her white face go red as she stomped back in her room, her angry steps jiggling her whole body. Her butt cheeks rolled up and down with each step. She was fuming as she returned to her vain attempt at buttoning her pants. She struggled, clearly frustrated, as her mum yelled from the other room.

‘Kayla’s water slide is set up, why don’t you go for a swim?’

Ashlee nearly exploded in rage, ‘Yeah...Ok mum please!’

When she looked back down she was elated to see her pants were buttoned. But it was short lived as the button popped off when she released her breath. She had ruined another pair of pants and her mum left the house to run errands.Kayla sat in her room playing. Ashlee sat on her bed, the springs groaning. She rubbed her face and breathed deep trying to calm down.

She had noticed her weight gain, but refused to believe it. She remained in complete denial, she just loved eating too much. She had always had a somewhat larger appetite, and recently, she avoided exercise like a plague.

‘I’ll go in the pool then.’ she said, pulling off the wrecked shorts. She held her bikini bottoms at eye level and pondered. ‘I can’t believe these used to fit.’

She stuck her wobbly legs into the bikini and pulled them up. The fabric stretched to the limit on her rounded butt. They did a poor job of covering her puffy derriere, they sank into her bum crack, which was exposed at the top. The too small bikini bottom meant her cellulite ridden thighs and bum were exposed. She pulled the materials down in an attempt to cover all her butt, but it was simply too big and round. The top was packed full of her large bust, and the strap cut into the flab on her back. She felt uncomfortable and self-concious. In between the tight bikini parts protruded her plump stomach. She grabbed the bottom roll of her belly and jiggled it before sucking in in an attempt to hide her expanding body. She turned around in front of the mirror and instantly got butterflies in her stomach. Her pale, soft butt was enormous. She felt embarrassed, despite the fact that no-one was around.

She waddled out into the backyard, taking light steps to lessen the jiggle of her body as she walked. The water slide that her mum mentioned was a simple tarp strip that ran down the lawn and into the pool. A kiddy slippery dip was the start of the run. Covering the tarp was suppose to be a tunnel, but only the tunnel framework stood at the moment. The ‘framework’ was simply plastic arches that raised up over the tarp and were dug into the ground deeply at the sides of the tarp.

After spraying the tarp with detergent, Ashlee hauled her fat body to the top of the slippery dip. Her hips were far too wide for her to sit and slide feet first on the tarp. Instead she lay down on her belly and pushed off head first. She slid down the slippery tarp at a fast speed. Racing underneath the tunnel arches when suddenly, THOOMP! Ash came to an immediate halt.

‘Huh?!’ she exclaimed. One of the tunnel arches had been hammered too far into the ground, making the way too tight for Ash to slip through.

‘I don’t believe this...I’m stuck!’ groaned an angry Ashlee as she struggled to free herself. For the second time in a number of weeks, Ashlee's newly plumped body had left her stuck somewhere and in a predicament.

‘Grr!’ she growled twisting her plump hips. Ash felt her soft body wobble as she struggled to free herself. The arch cut into her softened hips as she tried to pull the arch peg out of the ground. But it was dug in too far.

Ash was stuck. Kayla ran out and giggled. She ran over to Ash and began smacking her butt, sending a ripple of fat throughout her bum cheeks.

‘Fatso! Fatso!’ laughed Kayla naively.

‘Kayla, please! Just get that bottle of detergent over there!’ sighed Ashlee.

Kayla obeyed and tottered over to Ash, handing her the bottle, before running back inside. Ashlee rubbed the detergent over her hips and bum, hoping she could be slippery enough to pop through. Her heart racing, she slowly slid through, the arch squashing her butt and she squeezed. Success!

Ashlee wobbled back inside, deeply embarrassed again. Still in her bikini, she entered the pantry and helped herself to a piece of chocolate cake. She loved chocolate, and it showed in her bloated body. Her love for bad food had left her oblivious or in denial to her fattened self. As she walked down the hallway, she dropped her cake. She bent over to pick it up, separating each cheek of her large behind when she slipped, her feet still slippery from the detergant.

Ashlee tumbled butt first to the ground. Ashlee felt a sudden rush of cold on her rump. She had fallen onto her mum’s fish bowl, which her mum had left of the floor while dusting the table. Still coated in detergent, Ash’s arse was able to slip right in.

‘Why me!?’ she swore, realising she was stuck again. She was in a sitting position and her entire hip region had slipped in. Unable to stand up, Ashlee crawled into her room, bum high in the air to her mirror to inspect the damage. Her butt was in sitting position, with both her cheeks spread apart. Her hips were too wide to pop out, as Ash failed to pull the fish bowl off. The illusion the water created distorted her butt, making it look even larger in the mirror. Ashlee's arse took up most of the bowl's volume. Sitting in her fish bowl, she buried her face in her hands and came close to crying.

‘Who am I kidding? I’m a blimp!’ she moped. ‘My bum is so fat!’ she continued, eying her huge backside in the mirror. Ash made one last vain attempt at removing the bowl from her bum and was successful. Choosing to take action, Ash decided to devote the rest of her holidays to shedding excess flab...