Ashlee 3

''Ok, here we go.'' breathed Ash as she readied herself. She shut her eyed tight as she stepped on the scales. She opened her eyes and looked down. Looking over her bulging belly read the number 72 kilos. (That's about 160 pounds for you imperial kids.) Trying to fight back the shock, she calmly remembered the number. Her original weight was 130 (60kgs). She was always built and voluptuous, but since those dreaded school holidays, she had become fat. Not plump, not filled out, fat.

''Ok so that's it, I have to lose 30 pounds to be back to normal. Damn, that seemed liked such a huge number to Ashlee. She sighed as she placed her hands to her hips, sizing them up. How did she let herself get so big? She was always a heavy eater, but recently she'd enjoyed some nice binges on her favourite food, chocolate. But now she was paying a price, could Mel and Nat really help her slim down? It felt impossible, but Ash was definitely willing.

This was the plan, Ash was to go on an hour walk every day after school, followed by an hour of weights and stretches. No more fatty foods, no more lazing around. And no more chocolate. Ash hated that last point. Ever since she was a kid, Ash had loved chocolate. Chocolate anything! Cake, bar, biscuit, pie, ice cream, milk, chocolate everywhere! Ash wondered how she'd survive without her favourite food, but she guessed she'd manage.

Ash didn't look too appealing in her workout clothes. Tight, stretchy black pants that wedged up between her bulbous buttocks, over a white shirt that showed the overdeveloped bulges of her belly and breasts.

''You ready?'' said an enthused Mel.

''Sure''replied Ash, slightly nervous.

''Great, let's go.''responded Natasha, as the three girls began jogging. Ash felt self conscious, this must be a funny sight, two gorgeous, in shape girls running with flabby me. she thought. Ash was so unfit. She had barely gone 100 metres when she was flushed red and panting. Her bulges jiggled and bounced uncontrollably and Ashlee found it awkward to run. She continued to push herself, struggling in vain to keep up with the others. Ash watched Mel's perfect butt flexing with each step. This fueled her desire to keep going. She was spitefully jealous of both Melanie and Natasha's bodies. Ash continued her jogging for another three blocks before she had to stop. She felt like she was going to pass out. She put her hands to her knees and looked to the ground. Her black hair fell in front of her red, chubby face.

''C'mon Ash!'' encouraged an upbeat Melanie.

''I can't'' wheezed Ash.

''Every run will make this big thing a little smaller.'' said Nat, poking her soft belly.

''Yeah!''continued Mel,'' and your bulging booty will deflate too.''

Ashlee heaved herself upright, still panting, ''Ok, let's keep going.'' She pulled the clingy pants out of her bum crack and began to run again.


''Oh my god!'' groaned Ash as she stumbled home. She was exhausted. If the run hadn't taken everything out of her, than the weight exercises did. She had struggled to do simple things like push ups and sit ups. But it was for the best, she kept telling herself that.

''How was your run?'' asked Ash's curious mother.

''Good, I guess.''replied Ash.

''That's great, just keep it up, you'll be in shape in no time.''

Ashlee was annoyed at her mum during all this. I'm just her stupid, fat daughter, she thought. Her mum wasn't too critical, but she always dropped hints about her weight gain, and that to Ash was even worse. No, it was her little sister Kayla that was the worst offender. She was too young to understand the importance of a girl's self esteem, and Kayla was ruthless with Ash's weight gain.

''Hey Ash! You're a fatso!'' she'd constantly say. Not the most reassuring thing to say. All of that night, Ash was so tempted to run to the fridge and snack on something tasty, but she resisted, insisting to herself that it will just go straight to her butt. She had felt very uncomfortable running, her body was definitely proving how unfit she was. She began to poke at her plump bum.

''I got get rid of this big fat butt.'' she stated. Her butt was definitely going to be the hardest part to slim down.

And so her routine continued, Ash was well behaved and stuck to it, and it was finally giving results. She was finally able to button her pants again. While it was tough for her to shed flab off her rump, a month later it was definitely a bit smaller. Her belly still sported a bit of flab, but now she only had one roll at the bottom of her abdomen.

Bravely stepping on the scales again, she read 143 pounds (65kgs).

Yes! She was slimming down! Finally. Melanie and Natasha had ceased in their taunts and insults, which boosted her self esteem. It wasn't over yet though, she was still a little overweight, hardly fat, but she was plump. But Ash was very consistent.

One day after school Ashlee realized she had forgotten her keys. The only way in was to try and fit through the dog door. Ash bit her lip doubtfully, could she squeeze in? She had had more than one stuck incident recently, and wasn't up for another. Confident about her slimmer self, she decided to give it a shot. She began to wriggle her way in. Her heart was racing as she pushed. Could she do it? Was she too fat? She was suprised to find that she slipped right through! The sides of the door began to pinch as they reached her bum and hips.

''Oh no...''Ash began to worry. How would she get out of this if she got stuck? How embarassing would it be? Her heart beat faster as she slowly slipped through. The sides pinched around her hefty rump and round hips, but they slipped through after some manuvering. Now inside the house, Ash stood up, beaming with confidence. She was relieved that was over. She didn't get stuck! She patted her belly, it jiggled in response.

''I must be losing weight!'' she beamed. Walking past the kitchen, Ash spied something. Mum had made chocolate cake. Ash was insanely tempted. Would one slice hurt? She looked down at her smaller belly, then turned to view her chubby buttocks. I've been very good.....I suppose one won't hurt...decided a hungry Ash. She cut herself a considerable piece and took one bite. Ash was in heaven. But that one piece wasn't enough. Feeling quite guilty, she ended up devouring half the cake.

''Hmm. I guess I'll have to train extra hard this week.'' she promised. And she did. Even she was suprised at her commitment.

Ash was indeed happy with herself, but how long could she keep up her strict training? Was she about to give in?