ASHLEE 3 Ash spent the rest of the holidays trying to lose her excess flab. She had had three moments of severe stuckage that helped her realise she was getting too fat. She worked hard, and by the time school came around, she was looking much thinner. She still boasted a slightly pudgy belly, and her bum was still soft and plump, but she was looking alot more presentable.

Ashlee was nervous of the kids when she got to school. What would they say? She knew as soon as she entered that they noticed her blubbery body. ''God, is that Ashlee?'', ''When did she get so fat?''. Ash whimpered to herself as she hurried to class. When she sat at her desk, she felt herself lifting higher by the extra padding on her inflated bottom. Her pants slid down, and the kids behind her sniggered at her arse crack hanging out.

She received some cruel looks from her classmates as Melanie and Natasha entered. Ashlee hadn't seen them since the clubhouse incident. Ash was never able to predict whether these two would be friendly or not, she just hoped they'd be kind today. Apparently not.

''Hey chubby, see you haven't lost any weight since last time?'' they sniggered.

''Hey to you too...'' mumbled Ash. She couldn't believe it, she thought she'd lost enough weight to look thin again. Apparently not.

Over the next two weeks Ash endured plenty of stress from schoolwork. She hadn't had time to squeeze in her new exercise program, and as a result, was unable to squeeze into her smaller pants anymore. She was right back where she started, fat. Her bum had swollen back to its former size, and her belly boasted some generous rolls and love handles.

One morning she stood before her dreaded mirror, struggling in vain to button her pants. The tight pants stretched tightly accross her plump bum cheeks. Her well padded rump was simply too big for those tight jeans.

''UGH! It's not fair!'' moaned Ashlee,''Why isn't it possible to suck in my bum cheeks?!'' she continued,

''I could have a big belly instead, but nooooo, I store fat in my huge arse!''

Ash's temper had always been somewhat short. Something had to be done about her waistline, which was filling out constantly.

That afternoon Ashlee took a brave step into the health centre. I must look ridiculous, she thought. She was clad in tight, clingy bike pants that stretched to the limit on her chubby bottom. The materials wedged up her bum crack and Ash found herself constantly reaching up and there and yanking them out. The gym instructor eyed her suspiciously. Ashlee blushed, she felt rather self concious. The instructor had Ash put through some simple tests.

''Bend down and touch your toes, please.'' This should be easy thought Ash, all those years of dancing left her quite flexible. But her newly rounded body made it very difficult. She struggled tenaciously, her belly bunching up into soft rolls, her bubble butt straining against the rear of her pants. Her feeble attempts failed as the instrutor shook her head. Then forced to do star jumps, Ash's pale white face was beat red and she began sweating quickly. Her body bounced as she struggled to stay in time. Her long black hair and long frinch whipped her each time she landed.

''Ashlee, sit down here please.'' she said before producing a pair of calipers. Ash's eyes widened with fear.

''These measure how much body fat you have. Sit down.''

Ash tried sucking her gut in as she sat, but that didn't stop the appearance of fleshy rolls.

''Stop sucking in'' said the instructor, obviously noticing Ash's struggles. Ashlee's heart fluttered nervously as she released her breath. Her tummy expanded forward, bulging over her tight pants. Ash felt rather guilty as she felt the calipers clamp onto a roll of flab. Her pale belly jiggled slightly as she shuffled uncomfortably. The instructor's response was far from reassuring.

''Sorry to say this Ashlee, but you're overweight.'' the instructor said. ''You need to undergo a serious weight loss plan.''

''Yes ma'am'' grumbled Ash.

She waddled home to find Mel and Nat waiting for her. Dam I don't need this, thought Ash, expecting more taunts. For her best friends, they could be very critical. But they were nice most of the time.

''We're just worried about you Ash, you are getting fatter, there's no denying that.'' said Nat, who sported a rather slender, fit physique. Her prize possession wasa her springy brown hair, which was so curly it looked almost unnatural.

''What happened to you dancing?'' asked Mel, ''You loved it, and it would've kept you fit and in shape.'' Mel was fit too, but she was very voluptuous, and sported a large bust and bum. Ash was jealous of her, her long blonde hair was always so perfect.

''Dancing's boring.''replied Ash,''I've always loved eating, I didn't realise until I stopped exercising that I had such a slow metabolism.'' Mel and Nat obviously agreed in their expressions.

''So what did that weight girl say?''

''Screw her!'' Ash responded,''Ash, you need to lose weight you're far too fat! Ha! What does she know, I'm not that fat anyway.'' she reassured herself, but she knew it was a lie.

The other girls eyed her suspiciously. Ashlee sighed as she lifted her shirt to view her fat tummy. There was no denying she was plump. Her belly formed into three rolls as she sat down on her bed. Her pants slid down do reveal the top of her bum crack. She felt very uncomfortable in her tight clothes. Her waist was red from her pants digging into her sides. Her mum refused to buy her new clothes, insisting she slim down instead.

''Is my tummy really this fat?'' she moaned as she pinched a roll on her paunch.

''I'd be more worried about your butt.'' said Mel. Ash's mouth hit the floor, as she leaped to her feet.

''Oh! You can't talk, your bum's pretty round too.'' she fought back.

''Yea but at least mine has SOME muscle, your's is all FAT!''

''Oi! Cut it out you two.'' Natasha shot.

''I'm sorry'' said Ash as she sat back down.

''Ash, pull your pants up.'' said Nat, noticing Ash's exposed rear.

''Dammit!'' moped Ash as she rose to her feet, struggling to hoist up her pants. She observed her rear in the mirror.

''Is my arse really this big?''

Her plump butt wobbled as she examined herself. She stored all her fat on her arse, which she hated. Ash was always self concious of her chubby rump, sticking out behind her. And her stupid friends always teased her about it. She endured names like plump rump, butt girl and chubby bum. Ash wanted to lose weight, but she loved food too much.

''Hey Ash, why don't you just join us on our exercise routine?'' suggested Melanie.

''Yeah! We'll melt that flab of ya!'' agreed Nat.

Ash took a deep breath, ''Let's do it.''