Cloey 1

I threw on some of my clothes. I like to wear things like band T-shirts and studded shit and stuff like that. My friends that don't also dress like me jokingly call me punk. I don't do make-up or any of that, and I'm not a mean guy, so I let them say what they will. I'm a stupidly laid-back kind of guy, and don't really care what anyone says. It's not like my parents beat me or anything, it's just what I wear. And most of it's hand-me-downs from my cousins, anyway.

I was late for school again, but expecting teen-agers like me to get up at seven in the morning is ridiculous. If I flunk out of High-School just 'cause I'm a little late almost every day, then it's not worth it anyways.

I drove with a haggard look on my unshaven face, my long hair drooping over my tired eyes. A slow drone of cursing emitted from my mouth. Fuck you, school, I thought grumpedly, I would hate you, if you didn't have so many sexy women. As I thought "sexy women", a single girl came into my mind. Cloey (last name not used for protection; make one up yourselves or something). She was beautiful, a goddess in her own right. She was short, with long brown hair. Her skin was beautiful and milky-white, healthy and gorgeous. Her face was beautiful, from her sexy eyes, to her cute little nose; from her big, full, red lips, to her pretty features (high cheekbones, ect). My personal favorite was the cute little double chin she was starting to develop. She was a little past chubby, and carried the weight beautifully. Her stomach was round and rotund, beautifully carved, and drooped just a little bit over her waistband along with her love handles. She looked like she had swallowed a beach ball, her belly was so spectacularly round. Her belly-button was adorable, and deep because of her fat. Her breasts were huge, sticking out just as far as her belly. They strained any bra she put them in, and pulled the straps tightly over her soft, fleshy back, cutting into the fat. Her breasts pressed up against the over-encumbered cups, and were pushed up a bit, causing her already substantial cleavage to become even deeper. Her breasts drooped slightly due to their weight, and were visible from the back, they were so huge. They bounced when she walked, lovingly slapping her belly. She had D-cups I think, but I'm a horrible guesser. She often wore small tank-tops that showed off her huge cleavage and fat little belly. I loved it when you could see that white belly poke out from under her shirt. My arousal at her wardrobe almost led me into an awkward situation, once. Her legs were beautiful: feminine and chubby, almost rubbing against each other, and yet cellulite-less. Her ass was round and fine, junk in the trunk-esque, if you know what I mean. Her arms were round and chubby, and pressed against her boobs almost all the time. They were beautiful. She was beautiful. I'm guessing she was about 160, but as I said before, I'm a horrible guesser, guys.

I chuckled as I thought of her. We were friends, definitely; but I wanted to become closer to her. And currently we were both single. An evil grin slid onto my face. Who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky.

Probably not; for let me describe myself. Once or twice I have been called "handsome" by women, but more often it's "cute", which when coming from a woman's mouth means "not really", if you know what I mean. I'm not really tall, but not short at all; maybe 6'. I'm supposed to get a little taller, but not much. I'm kinda strong from lifting weights and the like, but really: I think that I'm just another face in the crowd, besides having ridiculously long hair (lol).

But I can dream, and dream I did as I drove through the suburbs to the local High School, where about 5,000 kids get tortured by the "bored-out-of-your-mind" method for about 8 hours.

My cell phone went off: it was my friend, T, "Dude, band practice tonight?" I nodded and responded, "Yes.", a bit irritated about getting thrown from my fantasies. I laughed at my stupidity, convinced T I wasn't laughing at him, and pulled into the High School parking lot, a huge Viking head on the gym wall glaring at me. I made a strange, angry face at it, causing two pretty little freshmen girls to stop their conversation, and give me two little weird looks as they purposefully walked in a huge half-circle around me, trying to stay as far away from me as possible and stay out of the street at the same time. I smiled and waved; embarrassment was a feature I happily lacked. I grabbed up my binders, and headed down to first period, my backpack delightfully light, due to my resistance to carrying any sort of school-book.

I walked in with three other guys, all of us talking about Roger Waters coming back to do the Dark Side of the Moon tour. We were psyched. As we broke for our desks-purposefully put as far away from each other by the infuriated teacher-I stopped to acknowledge Cloey's presence.

"Hey babe." I smiled and waved, and her gorgeous face grew into a cute grin.

"Hey, sexy thang!"

She reached out her hand, and I gave her a huge high-five, causing the fat on her arms to jiggle, and her huge boobs to shake sexily in the tight restraints of her brassiere.

"You know I would need to hug you, if you weren't already sitting down." she giggled, and the teacher told me to sit down. I did, in the desk to the right of her as usual. From there I was able to talk to this wonder of a woman, and also see her tubby body squeeze into one of those "one-size-fits-all" shit desks.

"I fuckin' hate this teacher, man." i grinned, and she gave me an accusing look, "What the fuck did I fucking say about swearing, Mason you shit-head."

I raised my arms, "Defeat! White flag! you win! I'm France, I give up." and proceeded to try to speak French for the next minute as Cloey had her face pressed against the desk, laughing her ass off. I lustily noted that her breasts here pressed against the desk, too. She wore a white tank-top today, and a tiny miniskirt. I was surprised that her breasts didn't burst out of her shirt the neck was so low. Or her stomach for that matter. I couldn't see her belly, but I imagined it rippling as she laughed.

"But really," I went on, "This class is so boring!" I looked around the room, my face contorted into a look of mock-confusion, "I don't even know what class it is!" Cloey looked up at me with those beautiful eyes, and smiled serenely.

"Mason you idiot, it's History!" we laughed long and hard, the humor that somehow came from such an idiotically average conversation-not even considering a joke- causing us to laugh hysterically. As we quieted down, I looked over to watch Cloey softly giggle. I was strangely contented by the fact that I had made her laugh so, as I was ever day. For some reason every little thing she did, whether a smile, or even a hug, made me brim up inside. I felt like I was on top of the world; making Cloey laugh like that.

She looked over at me in mock indignation, her eyes furrowed, "You meany, you're taking away valuable learning time! Just think of all the ancient civilizations I could have learned about by now! Just think of all the people that lived in 200 BC that had mental illnesses I could have found out about!" I screamed in laughter, and pounded the desk with my fist. Naturally, the entire class was turned on us, some smiling, some piqued at our mirth. The teacher stared us down, absurd anger etched into his fat face. "About done, Mason and Cloey? Are you ready to let us continue?" I just smiled and saluted him, "Just about done, dude. You guys can get it goin' anytime now." the teacher bristled, but continued with his dull, monotonous lecture.

"You know I'm almost failing this class because of you, right?" Cloey muttered to me out of the side of her mouth.

I only chuckled and shook my head, "Me too, babe. Me too."


We headed out of the classroom, and went our separate directions. We didn't say good-bye or anything, for we each were already surrounded by chattering friends. Cloey did give me what I hoped was a longing look as we parted, but I knew it was my imagination. I feigned curiosity at my friend Matt's words as I watched Cloey sway down the halls, her chubby hips swinging in that beautiful womanly way. I mentally shrugged to myself, and came back to reality.


Everything blew by me until 5th period, when I had a class with Cloey again. Of course, we weren't sitting next to each other, but close enough to allow me to watch her backside as we worked. Her tight miniskirt was slipping down as she sat, and I got many a good look at her voluptuous ass. I smiled contentedly every time I looked at it, and felt a little bit aroused. Only a little, for it was school, and boners in class are embarrassing enough even for me to push sexual thoughts out of my head; or at least try to.

The next week went by pretty much the same; 1st and 5th always highly anticipated by me, and spent in stupefying radiance as I watched this goddess of a woman. Whenever we saw each other, we hugged happily. I always tried to draw it out, and most of the time she went along with it.

On a cloudy (at least for North California, that is) Wednesday, I sat in 1st period chatting it up with Cloey. She giggled as she looked at me, and bent over a little, causing her breasts to squish against the table, and entice me. She wore a grey T-shirt with a disgustingly high neck. It saddened me, but it was tight enough to not leave much for my imagination. Her breasts stretched it, and looked like two globular beautiful melons stuck in the tight confines of the evil cotton that hid her skin from me so. Her stomach lifted her shirt up slowly, and sometimes she would forget to pull it back down, and show off the bottom of her beautiful rotund white belly. It fell upon her lap, and ripples of flab went up and down it as she laughed. I took a moment to watch her mouth as she laughed. Her chubby, full red lips opened to reveal little strikingly white teeth. My sight zoomed out a bit, and I watched her laugh. She has the prettiest face, I thought. Which was true. Today her silky hair was drawn back into a ponytail, her gold and brown hair pulled back, except for a little group of strands that somehow stayed together, and fell over one eye. I don't know whether that little thing was on purpose, or she just missed some of her hair when she put it back, but it was sexy. I wondered why it was sexy, but there was no denying it. I loved it.

This would be the opportune time to let you into our school's social network. Which cliques are we in, you ask? The best answer is...none, really. We are both pretty much the same, for we both are deep in almost all the cliques, and have an incredible amount of friends, each. Even though we're both in so many different cliques, we both still have a good number of bestest of best friends, who would do anything for us. At least, I think she had some. She was with so many different people, it was hard to tell who she spent the most time with. I like being that way, for it's better than just one small group of friends.

I pretty much stopped doing sports. Not to say I was bad, for I was actually proficient in shotput. I even went to the Junior Olympics. But, I didn't feel like doing that kind of stuff anymore. I'm thin, and don't need to do sports to stay that way. Not like I would care if i gained weight, I think. But Cloey; she is much more persistent than me. For instance, she tried stuff like water-polo, but failed miserably. She was starting up softball, I heard, but I did't expect it to last long. Obviously she didn't either, which took some of the pressure off of my chest. I couldn't bare to watch this Goddess get thin!

The class ended, and I thought our time together was over for the time being. But as I left the class, she called me over. She reached up with one of her pudgy arms, and swayed it back and forth, causing the fat on it to ripple softly. Her shirt was pulled up by the movement, and I, astounded, watched her white belly jiggle as she called. I walked up to her, my hands in my coat pockets, one of them holding my cock down.

"Yeah, babe? What is it?"

She giggled contentedly at the word "babe", and gave me a cute, and slightly naughty smile that made me a little harder, "Hey, I'm going to the movies with some girls on Friday. You wanna come?

I grinned, "Yeah, just as long as it isn't a chick flick."

"It is."

"Count me in." I smiled, and she giggled happily as she clapped her hands; her still exposed belly flab jiggling sexily.

We hugged, and she pranced away merrily. Don't get me wrong, I've gone places with her and other people before, but we had never directly invited each other. Usually our friends asked both of us separately, and we both came. We had never really spent much time together on those hang-outs, but I had a feeling that would soon change. I watched her chubby ass sway in her tight jeans. All of those weeks talking, joking, and softly flirting with her had finally seemed to pay off. I knew that Thursday would be torture, awaiting the Friday to come. I smiled happily, and strutted over to my next class, hugging everyone in the halls that I was friends with. It took a long time to get to my class.

I couldn't help but stare. Her wide ass was squished into the chair in front of me, her tight jeans riding down and exposing her bare bottom. She wasn't wearing underwear, so I got an unhampered glimpse at her beauty. Not like the kind of underwear she wore covered much, though. G-Strings or Thongs, whatever underwear she wore left almost none to the imagination. I smiled: that is how I like it. She was wearing a tight shirt, revealing the back of her luscious curves to me. All that was bare was her love handles, but that was enough to get me fired up. I smiled still, and tried to get myself to watch my boring teacher. No such luck. I looked back at her. Her breasts were still visible even though I was behind her. I could see them, trying to drag down her arms as she wrote. The back of her bra was easily visible through her tight shirt, and it cut nicely into her back fat. I tried not to get hard, but I had immense difficulty. Our discussion on Wednesday still rang back to me from time to time. And today was Friday, FINALLY!

I thought about seeing the movies with her, and smiled contentedly. It was no date, but my brain was preparing me like it was one. Happy that I sat in the back, had no one sitting next to me at my long, black science desk, and Cloey sat directly in front of me, with no one next to her as well, I stretched out my legs, and laid them out on the chair next to me. Yawning, I thought about the best way to get her attention. Finding none other than the obvious, I whispered, "Cloey!"

She turned around in her chair, and looked at me with a big smile. Now her belly was visible to me. I almost gasped as I gaped at it. It rolled out onto her lap, and pushed up her shirt, revealing soft, yielding white fat to me. It was perfectly round, and her belly button cute and deep. I strained to keep the excitement out of my voice, "When and where should we meet up?" she giggled, and her belly giggled. Her huge breasts were caught in the movement, and strained harder still upon her bra as they softly lurched up and down; sweet, soft breast fat sliding up and down under the constraint of her dying bra. "Um, my car is in the shop, so could you pick me up? Then we could just drive together to the theater." I nodded softly, "Sure. What time?"

She took a moment, "Eh, 8:30 would be fine for me. The movie isn't until 9:30, so we could all hang out, and chill 'till then. It'll be hella fun." I inwardly chuckled at the North Californian slang. Not a native to these parts, I have lived here long enough to accept the stupid lingo, but still recognize its hilarity. I quickly responded, "Sure, sounds fine!", not knowing how long I had reflected upon her word choice. I didn't want to create any tension, especially not now.

We continued to talk in a normal discussion, all the while I took sneaking looks at her out of the corner of my eye. She had turned totally around in the chair, and was now strattling it as we talked. Her enormous breasts pressed up against the back of the chair, and bulged out of her low neckline. Her stomach wasn't visible behind the chair, but her love handles were. They drooped over her tight waistband, and her round legs lusciously filled her ample jeans. They were like a second skin. Her beautiful face stared at me as we talked, her eyes set on my face. If I wasn't so attracted to her, I would have been weirded out by this; but it only gave me confidence. It gave me hope (hopefully not false hope), that she was becoming infatuated with me, as well. My courage grew, and our discussion became wilder and funnier. The period ended far too soon, for my standards.

As we headed out of our class, we continued to talk. Both of our next classes were close to each other, so we were able to walk together. I watched as her breasts flounced around under her shirt. They-with the combined effort of her rotund belly- slowly drew her shirt up. More and more of her soft, jiggling fat became exposed under my gleeful eyes. But suddenly I stopped, and she did too.

"Shit, I just realized: I don't know where your house is!" She giggled, "Is that all? I thought you saw a bomb or something, with that look on your face!" she then proceeded to tell me her address (like I'm going to say it in my story. I don't want anyone to come and start stalking my little girl!). I wrote it down carefully on my hand. I knew that by the end of 6th period, I'd have it emblazoned in my memory.

Sadly, we drew up upon her class. We hugged for a long time. I'm like that, and she is too: hugging a lot. It's nice. I felt her soft body against mine, and smiled contentedly. "You're a great hugger, babe." She smiled, "You, too, sweetie! You too!" and we said our fare-wells. I smiled as I came upon my class. I spent the next two periods with my eyes on my left hand, committing the numbers and name into the most secure part of my memory. I felt vaguely sad, for she hadn't given me her number, but I reminded myself that I didn't ask for it. I smiled to myself, this is gonna be a great night! And I stopped to wonder just how much Cloey thought of me, and if she was sitting in class, waiting as well for school to end, and 8:30 to come about.