Cloey 2

8:30 couldn't come quick enough. I couldn't keep my mind on a single thing. I went through playing guitar, to playing computer games, to actually reading (yeah, I KNOW!!!), to just sitting and staring blankly at my wall in under a single hour. I've gone to countless movies with countless women, but for some reason I was more anxious then I'd ever been at any of those other movies. I don't know why, but I was. Maybe this was the first time I had been asked by a bigger girl.

I jumped into my car, and drove off at 8:00; I couldn't stay in the house anymore. I drove casually through the streets, blasting out heavy metal. I was in that kind of mood. I stopped at the local coffee-shop for I try not to support the huge Starbucks enterprise. I got a large frappuchino, and just drove to my hearts content. As the streets passed before me, I tried to figure out just how the movie would go. I would be with Cloey, yes; and her friends would sadly be there, too. I took a moment to think about the lucky girls who spend so much time with her. She was very much into the "popular" clique, even more then I was. Her friends were pretty, no doubt, but not like her. Some were busty, but none were near the size nor beauty of Cloey's chest. I smiled: nor her waistline, either.

I was comforted in the fact that I would be with a group of pretty girls. They were of varying sizes, but only one was my type. I drowned in Metallica's Master of Puppets album, totally forgetting to check the time. It wasn't until 8:34 that I realized I was late. I came upon Cloey's house at 8:47, and since this was the first time that she and I were hanging out together, I worried about being late; which I usually didn't think twice about. I pulled up to her driveway, and hopped out of the car, leaving my customized speakers on blasting out some Pink Floyd. It was with this psychedelic background that I knocked upon her door. It opened quickly, and there stood Cloey. She wore a beautifully made black top, perfectly accentuating her curves with its generously cut-away style. It had an eye-droppingly low neckline, so low in fact that I was ready for her breasts to pop out at any second. She had the most beautiful cleavage. The top stretched over her belly, and just missed covering it all, leaving a couple inches of white flesh for my eyes to enjoy. She wore a black skirt that fell about her knees, and though it was much too long for my taste, was made out of light enough material so that her legs and ass were outlined beautifully. Needless to say, her wardrobe never ceases to amaze me.

She leaned upon the door, giving me a slightly pouty, and slightly naughty look with her beautiful eyes. "You're late."

I shrugged and advanced upon her, "My bad, babe. Wanna go to the car?" She stood, still leaning upon the door, and to my amazement she was eyeing my body. "Nice." she smiled, and skipped by me to the car. I shrugged, smiled, then followed her bouncing outlined frame in the casual dark of 8:00.

We walked towards the huge theater, talking amiably about random little topics. We were enjoying our casual talk, even though it was about nothing at all. When we drew upon the theaters, Cloey started scanning the area. "There!" she squealed, and we walked towards a dark cluster in the middle of the square. Pink and white was all I could see as we drew upon the group. Cloey looked a bit embarrassed that she was wearing darker clothes.

Amanda, a cute busty blonde, giggled as she watched us walk up to the group, "Cloey! You better watch out, girl! Mason's starting to rub off on you!"

We all laughed, and were invited into the group of girls. I was friends with all of them, and we got along well. We talked for a little while, then moved on inside. None of them had eaten yet, and wanted to get some food. Just hearing the girls say that they wanted to eat turned me on.

"Wait, were you actually being serious, or what?" I looked down at one of the girls' trays, hardly containing any food at all, "I thought you said you were hungry!"

She giggled, and pinched my cheek, "What do you want me to do: get fat? A hotdog and a drink is enough for me." she continued to giggle, and started talking to another girl. I suavely tried to find Cloey, and not give myself away. Being the only guy there, I got a lot of attention. Not to say that they all were talking to me-'cause they weren't-but I naturally gravitated towards the middle of the group- being the man that I am, and none of them protested. I gradually came upon Cloey, and we stood side-by-side as she looked at her food. Hotdog, candy, soda. Not nearly enough for such a goddess. "You wanna get popcorn?" I ventured, hoping that my face didn't project my thoughts.

"Well," she thought, "Alright, but you gotta eat it with me. I don't need any popcorn at all. I shouldn't even eat a little." I just smiled, "I'll take that as a yes. Be back!" and I scampered off.

I heard a noise behind me, and turned to see Cloey starting after me. "No way am I gonna let a guy buy it alone. Guy's have no taste in food."

"Fair enough." I motioned for her to continue on past me, but she didn't. We walked alongside each other, talking and laughing, while I snuck occasional glances at her voluptuous body.

We walked with the group, still chatting, a huge bag of Kettle Korn in my hands. Cloey popped the sweet stuff into her beautiful mouth as we walked along; she didn't realize that I hadn't eaten a single one yet. She giggled as I made a joke, and two other girls joined in on our conversation. We all talked and laughed, but I tried to keep most of my focus on Cloey. Every once in a while, the two girls would share a look that I couldn't read. Luckily, Cloey never noticed.

"Sit." Cloey commanded, and i fell into the empty chair, "You're holding the popcorn." and she plopped down beside me, the chair a little tight on her. I smiled, and watched the previews.

"Well," she started, "This better be a good movie."

"It's a chick flick, of course it's gonna be bad."

"Touche." she giggled, and another girl punched me, "Chick flicks are the meaning of life."

They all turned on me, at least as much as they could in their seats, "Yeah, male, chick flicks hold the world together."

"If you don't like it, take you and your penis elsewhere."

"Male. You should be ashamed."

Cloey started laughing uproariously, "Girls, he doesn't have boobs. He can never understand." we all roared with laughter, and I though it was especially funny because she had the biggest breasts out of all of them. They jiggled and shook while she laughed, and pressed harder still upon her bra. I imagined that the rest of her body shook, too, but I was unable to see it in the dark theater.

The green clip with white writing that no one read blared upon the huge screen, and silence fell upon the crowd.

To put it lightly, the movie sucked. The basic plot was that an ugly girl ended up getting the cute guy. Since most of the girls in the movie were ugly, I couldn't even resort to just watching the girls, as I did in most movies.

"Oh my god, he's so cute!" Cloey squealed in my ear, and I waved her away, "Oh, jee. Thanks. Thanks for reminding me of yet another guy that is hotter than I am."

She giggled, and gave me a playful shove, "Aw, so you're not as hot as a movie star. Big deal. You're still cute. And anyways, I'm not as pretty as the guy's friend." (She was the only hot girl in the movie).

"Psh, girl, you got a better body then she could ever have. You make her look like a fugly bitch." Cloey smiled, and we hugged awkwardly around the armrests. As we broke, she sighed, "I make her look like a twig, that's what I make her look like."

Before I could stop myself, I poked her soft adipose, "And it makes you look so much hotter." She stared at me for a while, and I grew frightened. How was she reacting to this? Was she mad? Was she embarrassed? Oh, great, I thought, I just ruined it.

After what seemed like years, she suddenly smiled and chirped, "You are a doll!" and lifted up our armrests. Before I could think, she had me in a tight, squishy hug, "Mason, you're so sweet!" I just smiled. Crisis averted.

As we headed out of the theater, we said our good-byes. Cloey was going to sleep over at one of the girls's houses so, sadly, I was not driving her home.

She smiled and ruffled my long hair, "That was fun!" I looked down at her gut, slightly swollen from the bag of Kettle Korn, hotdog, soda, and candy. Even after what she said, she still ended up eating it all.

"Yeah, we should do it again." I smiled, and hugged her. She laid her head upon my shoulder and cooed "Yeah..." softly. i smiled, and hugged her tighter. As we broke, she smiled and said, "You're a great hugger!" I smiled and said the same back to her. We exchanged our good-nights, and we all left for the cars.

As I watched Cloey sway to her friend's car, I thought about how the evening had gone. We had spent a lot of time together (I left out a lot of it cause it wasn't really necessary), and several times I felt a strange bond between us. I shrugged and hopped into my car. Probably nothing, probably nothing.

Oh yeah, I forgot: I would love some feedback; be it nice or mean, I don't care. Just send it down to