Cloey 3

I stared at the pencil; the keen, sharp point inches from my face.

"What are you doing?" my friend asked, and I lazily replied, "Contemplating the consequences if I stuck it in my eye."

He shrugged, "Do it, dude. At least it'll make the class more interesting." I grunted, and continued to stare at it. Another crappy Science class.

"Please god, be merciful and skin me alive." my friend moaned, and I chuckled. I was too bored to outright laugh.

I looked forward, and stared at Cloey's ample back. She wore a white tank top, and a mini-skirt fashioned from jeans. They were being pulled down by her ass so much that her thong was clearly visible. It gave me some pleasure, to look at it and her curvy back, but I was so bored that I was completely un-horny. Guys are always at least a little bit horny, but I was so bored that any sexy thoughts were obliterated in the sea of boredom. Block period Science. Hell on earth, for sure.

"Hey, Cloey." I called out mischievously, and she turned. "Huh?" she asked dazedly in her bored stupor. She turned in her seat, and her front was now visible. Her hefty breasts jostled each other in the constraining confines of her over-worked bra, and her deep cleavage was easily seen due to her tank top. I suddenly realized just how perfect skin she had. No blemishes, no acne, no pimples, nothing. Beautiful, milky-white, soft soft skin. I smiled as I thought soft. Her stomach rolled out onto her lap, and laid upon her two, wonderfully thick legs. Her tank top ended before her belly did, and soft flab hung out in the open. The tank top just barely got down to her belly button, which was easily identifiable due to the indent in the fabric. Her two legs squished against each other, and the fat drooped down just a little bit. Her skirt was incredibly sexily short, and I could almost see in between her legs. She was wearing a thong, but it would still be a sight to behold.

I was horribly wrong when I thought earlier that it would be impossible to get turned on in this class. I stifled a "woah", and desperately tried to think of something to say. Nothing came. But Cloey saved me in the end.

"Hey, the movie on Friday was fun!" she giggled, and I smiled. her face was so incredibly beautiful, no words could describe it. Even guys who hated chubby girls still had to admit she was hot.

"Yeah," I agreed, "It was." she just smiled, and stared at me for a while. I grew disgruntled after a bit and asked, "What?" rather indignantly.

She just giggled and shrugged, "You free friday?"

The world around me bounced for a second. I gasped, tried to make it as soundless as possible, then managed to choke, "Another movie with your friends?" Again, she smiled, "No."

Now everything spun. Alone with her? It was almost a date. It was a date, but neither of us had called it that...yet. I looked about me, pretending to mentally check to see if I was free, while I really was figuring out how to dump all previously made appointments on that day. Luckily, I had none, so there was no one to blow off. "Sure!" I smiled, and she giggled yet again. She was so pretty.

"We'll talk more after class." she said, then gave a little flutter of her hand, and went back to looking to the front of the class.

My friend pulled me from my ecstatic thoughts, "What the fuck?"

I turned hard on him, "What?" he just gave a little shrug, "Dude, you two dating?"

I made sure that our conversation was at a low enough volume so that Cloey couldn't hear. Then I realized that we were whispering, and mentally kicked myself. "Naw, just hangin' out."

He nodded, "You want to hook up with her?"

I trusted him, so I nodded, "Sure, why not? She's cute." he nodded, and looked at her, "A bit big, but yeah. She is." our conversation then drifted to other topics, while my mind stayed on the same one: Cloey.

I jumped out of the classroom, where Cloey stood patiently waiting.

We hugged, and got down to business, "Alright," she started, "Where do you want to go?"

I laughed, "Let that be a pick of the moment. More like, when do you want to go?" she contemplated the question for a moment, and responded, "How about seven? Sounds good? We'll miss all the lines and stuff." I nodded, "Sure. You want me to pick you up?"

"Why, that'd be lovely!" she giggled in an off-British accent, and muffled up my hair with her hands, "Its so long! Its adorable!"

"Not anymore, its not." I said in mock passive anger, and she giggled harder. "Time to go to class, love. I'll catch you then!"

"It's a date." I said, then realized-with horror-the choice of my vocabulary and the way it could be taken. But the ever-lovlier Cloey just smiled with a, "Sure." and left with a cute little wave of the hand. I smiled, and continued on to my class. I doubted that she meant it as a date date, but it definitely got me pumped up. Luckily today was Thursday, and I wouldn't have to wait as long as last time.


I cruised to her house in style, blasting out the Rolling Stones's awesome "Sympathy for the Devil" on my customized speakers. I sipped on a mocha frappuchino (starting to see a pattern here?), and smiled inwardly. Being the lovely California that it is, it wasn't even dark yet. 7:03. Not that late. I hoped that she wouldn't mind. I continued to smile, as I looked at my hair in the rear-view mirror. Not much that you can do with shoulder-length hair, but I just tried to make sure that it looked ok. I had taken a shower after school, which had confused people when they saw me going straight home, and cleaned myself up. I didn't dress that fancy, in a tattered pinstripe suit with chains and studs and all that crap in it and black pants with a Metallica shirt on, but I could've been worse.

She stood at the end of her driveway, awaiting me. Her hair fell down around her shoulders, and looked soft and silky. She wore make-up, not too much, but just enough to look heavenly. And talk about heavenly; what she wore made my jaw drop. She had on a "two piece dress" of sorts, which clung to her curves like no other. The top of the dress had an incredibly low neckline, which ended in a V, giving me an incredible look at her huge bosom. They stuck out like two watermelons, round and ripe. They were amazing. The top clung to her waist, struggling to cover her round belly. The top rode up all around, showing me some of her beautiful. pale, fatty sides. Her belly drooped just a little over the front, and her love handles all but spilled out. I never had really realized just how curvy her hips still were, considering the extra weight. The bottom was a little tiny mini-skirt, which showed off her plump legs wonderfully. I noticed that they almost touched as she walked.

As she came up, I saw just how fatty her arms were. I was astounded; she looked gorgeous. She opened up the door, and remarked slyly as she lifted herself in, "I guess I should get used to this."

"Used to what?"

"You being late."

I just smiled, "Why hello there to you too, little missy." she giggled, and looked at me, "Nice clothes. Hardcore."

I smiled, "Where you wanna go, girl?"

She thought for a while, then almost jumped. "The Creamery! Oh my god I love it there!" I smiled and agreed. They were well known for their fatty foods and delicious shakes. It was a little place in the downtown, and the pride and joy of our little city. They had delicious meals, and big servings.

We drove there, and talked about random things. We were good at talking; there was always something to talk about with her. As we conversed, I tried to guess her weight. 160? That was probably the closest. Her bra size? D? DD? I wondered for a while. Whatever they were, they were big and they were beautiful.


We sat at the tables, and I realized for the first time how locked in you were. The table kind of trapped you inside, and made it easy to keep what you did in there private. We sat down, and I watched her belly fall onto her lap. I sat, enthralled for a moment, before I came to my senses, and sat down beside her.

She smiled to herself as she read the menu, "For a guy who's seventeen, you'd think he would have learned how to sit down by now." I did the man's equivalent of a woman's blush-which was a cringe-, and she looked at me in a way that reminded me of those librarians with the glasses from the movies. She smirked, "I'm not that cute."

I chuckled, "I heartily disagree, young woman."

She patted her fat belly unconsciously, causing it to jiggle sexily. I got a little hard just looking at her; and was forced to shift positions so that I wouldn't get into an embarrassing situation. Luckily; the waitress arrived just in time.

"I'll get a Tuna Melt, a large shake, and a basket of fries." I said, hoping that most of it would be consumed by Cloey. The waitress nodded, and asked, "What kinda shake can I do you for?"

"Cookie Dough." I said, and looked at Cloey. She looked up, "I'll get a half pound cheeseburger with bacon, a basket of onion rings, and the same shake as him." As the waitress left, I laughed,"You like cookie dough, too?"

She giggled, and swooned, "I love it."

We laughed, and continued our talk. She got another basket, too? I thought, Wow. I love her.


As our meals were set down in front of us, I realized why the fries and burger didn't have the "large" option. It was already HUGE. We started devouring our meals; we were both really hungry. I almost forgot to try and get Cloey to eat as much of everything as she could. Almost.

She shoveled onion rings into her mouth, hungrily devouring the fatty once-vegetable. I smiled as I watched her, and was turned on immensely. I shifted myself in my seat, for I was becoming horny. Wait, dude. I thought, annoyed, Just wait a bit.

She lifted off the top bun on her cheeseburger, and dumped fries on top of the patty. She then re-applied the bun, and took a huge, greasy bite. As she tore away from the burger, a lone fry fell. It made several loops in the air, before landing in the biggest thing in its path: her breasts.

She made a cute little noise, and I burst out laughing, "I'll give it a ten!" I squealed in my mirth. She plucked it out of her bra, and sat looking at it.

"...You're not." I said slowly. She just smiled, still looking at the fry, "And why not?"

I gulped, "It will turn me on immensely." and she ate it. I swallowed slowly, and just stared at her. She burst out laughing, but I continued to stare. "Oh. My. God." I started, "That was the hottest thing I've ever seen." She laughed, and gave me a hug, "It tasted...nice." she said with a devilishly sexy grin; I just squirmed where I sat.

With that, she turned back upon her food with a gusto. She shoveled food into her mouth so fast, it literally disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I smiled as I watched, and even gave her some of my Tuna Melt. She thanked me, and continued eating. After a couple minutes, I realized that I was just watching her, with my head in my hand, leaning against the table. I was in pure ecstasy. Cloey had noticed me, too, and looked up, "Something wrong?"

I just shook my head, "Naw, just thinking. It got kinda quiet." Cloey nodded, and ate a fry.

"Well," she started, "Start us off then, babe."

"Uh...hows the weather over there?"

Cloey just leaned back, smiling slightly in a weird sort of unreadable way. "It's fine. You gotta try harder then that."

"Alright," I said, "Hows about giving me an onion ring?" she giggled, "Nice. But not on your life, mister." and to show me just how serious she was, she crammed a handful into her mouth. She sat there, over-dramatically chewing, with a silly smile on her face. "Mmmm, sooooo goood!" She moaned loudly.

I poked her cheek, and she squealed, spraying out a piece of onion ring on the table. She swallowed, and we both just stared at the piece for a while. Finally, I spoke up, "You know, I'm not going to clean that up, babe." We broke into laughter, and she flicked it away with her fingers. I just shook my head, "You're some girl."

She laughed, "That I am." and continued to eat. But this time with a conversation; and when I say conversation, I mean me talking while she ate.


We had been at the restaurant for some time, now. Our plates were emptying, and Cloey had already finished off the baskets of fries and rings almost unhelped. The shakes were gone, and only a little bit of our main meals remained. Cloey sat, rubbing her stomach contentedly, only a tiny piece of her burger remaining. I smiled as I looked at her, her shirt riding up her massive, swollen belly. I felt a tingling sensation, and it took me all my strength not to poke it.

"I'm full." she moaned, still rubbing her belly.

"You haven't even eaten all of your meal yet!"

"You haven't either."

"Alright," I said, "I'll finish mine if you finish yours." and she smiled, "Ok."

We both drove into our meals with a gusto, cramming the food into our mouths. Needless to say, Cloey won. She raised her flabby arms in the air and whooped, while I chortled at the sight of her. But I noticed something about her. "I gotta go to the bathroom, be right back." And she nodded. I left, smiling. I couldn't see her, but I knew what she must be doing now.


I came back, and sat down. "Where were we?" and we continued talking. I smiled as I watched her; or should I say I watched her belly. It was causing her already too-tight shirt to ride up, showing off her ample belly. It softly jiggled whenever she moved, and touched the table whenever she leaned forward. Her ass pillowed out to either side when she sat, making her sit a little higher then normal. Her breasts swayed and jiggled while she talked, and were nearly coming out of her shirt.

As we talked she continually gave me these meaningful looks, like she was observing me, and comparing me to something. She looked as if she was readying herself, but for what, I did not know.

As the waitress came back, she asked if we would like to get any dessert. Cloey looked at me, "I love ice cream."

"Then we'll get some!" I said, and ordered a piece of ice-cream cake for the "both of us". You can probably guess who I wanted to eat it.

As we dug into our dessert, I watched Cloey eat. She was gorgeous, and I thought that she could easily be a supermodel. Just her face alone was incredible. I didn't care if this wasn't a date, I still felt like the luckiest guy alive just to watch her eat. I was in pure bliss.

"Mason?" she said, snapping me out of it, "You ok over there?"

I nodded quickly, "Oh yeah, fine. Sorry; just driftin' off."

She smiled and continued eating, a look of stark happiness upon her chubby face. At least she likes eating, and isn't one of those fat girls afraid of her weight, I thought.

She pushed her plate back, and looked at me, "Ready to go?" and I nodded, "Yeah, sure, let's get in my car." and I rose, but she stayed seated, blushing.

"Uh, Mason?" she said, obviously embarrassed, and I sat back down, "Yeah babe?"

She looked around to see if anyone was watching before she whispered, "I can't button my jeans." I was expecting this, but even so I felt the breath get knocked out of me. "Really?" I said, wincing for I knew I said it a bit too excitedly.

"Yeah, can you help me?" and I nodded, "Sure. Lean back." and she did.

I smiled to myself as I looked at the button. There was no way that I would get it clasped again. I suddenly became a bit embarrassed, and asked her, "Can you lift up your stomach, babe?" and she did, "Now suck it in, and don't breathe."

I tried for what seemed like ages, straining to put the button back in the hole. I gritted my teeth, and pulled as hard as I could. I heard from above me, "Mason, can I let it out now?" and I nodded. Her stomach suddenly bloomed out, and since I was down so close to her groin, actually pressed against my head. Needless to say, I was very much turned on.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" she squealed, but I waved it away as it sat back up, "No problem babe. It's not working; does your shirt cover it?"

She groaned, "Babe, my shirt doesn't even cover my stomach. What are we going to do now?" I could tell that she was very embarrassed, so I wrapped my arms around her and held her close, "Don't worry, babe. we'll just go straight to the car. No one will notice. They'll be more pre-occupied with your unearthly beauty then your little belly." I smiled to myself; her "little" belly was part of her beauty. She nodded, and stood up. I smiled as I watched her: she jiggled as she walked. Man, I love her.


As we drove, Cloey turned to me, "How does coffee sound?"


"There's a place right up there." I nodded, and parked. We got out of the car, and walked into the coffee shop.

There was practically no line, and we got to order fast. Cloey got an Iced Latte, and I got black coffee.

I put the coffee into one of those little cardboard things that can hold four cups, and we walked back to the car, just chatting. As I got my keys out of the car, I looked over at Cloey, "Here, hold this for a second." I bent down to unlock the car, when I heard something behind me. I turned, and Cloey had a strange expression on her face. "Mason..." she started, and suddenly she wrapped herself around me, and we were making out. As we made out, Cloey dropped the holder, and our coffee spilled all over the place. "Oops," she mumbled while we kissed.

"Don't worry about it. Its a small price to pay for kissing you." she grabbed my hair, and pulled me in closer, our kiss becoming more sensual, and slightly more sexual. She moaned around our kiss, "Shut up and kiss me."

It was beautiful. I ran my hands up and down her back, and they ended up resting on her big, voluptuous ass. I squeezed it, and she moaned around my tongue. Her ass was so big and soft, and yet didn't sag or anything. It was huge, but still was hot and inviting. I succumbed to her lips, and the world spun around me. I didn't care if I was in public, I just drowned in her.

And then we broke apart, and just stared at each other. My arms were around her waist, and hers around my shoulders. She leaned forward, and put her chin upon my chest, looking up at me. I smiled, and she grinned happily.

"Well," I started, "That was fun." and her grin widened.

"That better have been more then just fun, cause I am expecting this to be more than just a one-nighter."

I looked at her, confused, "But one-nighters are when you have sex, not kiss."

And she smiled, and drew closer still, "The night isn't over yet." and I gulped quite visibly.

"Don't worry, we won't have sex...yet." she smiled up at me, and I hastily mumbled, "Oh."

She giggled, and took my head in her hands. "How about this..." and suddenly we were making out again.

As I drove, Cloey cuddled up around me in an awkward-seeming lean from one seat to the other; but she didn't seem to mind. I drove, content about everything around me. Everything was happy. I smiled, and I heard her give a little snicker. I looked down, and realized that she was asleep. "Babe...?" I cooed to her softly, but no answer. She was asleep. I grunted good-naturedly, and continued to drive, her soft body up against me. She was so pretty, it almost hurt. Almost.

She eyelids started to flutter, signaling to me that she was waking. She yawned, and started to stretch, but hastily stopped as she realized that it was impairing my driving.


She took a moment before she groggily answered, "Uh?"

I smiled, "Do girls already have like everything planned out beforehand? Like did you know that we were gonna get together by the end of this, or what?"

She smiled, and yawned yet again, "Yeah, pretty much. Sssh, though. It's a secret. Girls always know just how far they're going to go that night. You never know, I might have more planned."

My pants became tighter. "Oh?"

She knew that I was now like putty in the palm of her hand, "Yeah. I might even have a condom in my purse."

My arousal grew to a visible point (no pun intended), "Oh?"

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, and shifted positions so her back was against me, and stretched into a sexy, feline position, showing off her ample cleavage right under my nose, "Mmmm hmmm. Who knows, babe. Who knows. It could be your lucky night," and her eyes narrowed, "Although I've been told you've had previous 'lucky nights' before."

I shifted uncomfortably around her, "Eh. It's all in the past, though,right? You're my girl now."

She kissed my chin, "I should hope so." I continued to drive, smiling out the window. After I while of silence, I chirped, "So, how did you find out about my, shall we say, 'luckiness'?"

She smiled, "Babe, you are more popular then you think. Same with some of your previous lovers." and she gave me a mischievous grin.


As I pulled up to her house, I asked, "Should I come out, too? Walk you to the door?" and she giggled.

"I'll be fine. I'm tired. Tell you what, I'll call you tomorrow. We could go somewhere cute together." she looked down at my pants, which had yet to come down, "I guess that's a yes."

I smiled uncomfortably, "Yeah, I'm open tomorrow."

She smiled, and leaned in towards me, "Awww, wikkle Masykin's blushing. How cute." and we kissed. It wasn't as sexual as the first, but it was a great ending to the night. As she stepped out of the car, she blew me a kiss, and cooed, "Goodnight Mason. And I will see you tomorrow." she flaunted her breasts just a bit; enough to get my imagination working, and walked to her door. I watched her go in, and wave before she closed it. I smiled, and drove home.

Comments, suggestions, whatever? Feedback is greatly appreciated!