"Oh you have got to be kidding me."

Cloey sounded dumbfounded on the other line, "What? It's only 8:30!"

I groaned, "Girl, it's 8:30. 8 is a number that I never want to see in the morning. Along with its buddies 9, 10, and hopefully 11 as well."

I heard a staticy giggle on the other end of the line, "You're so cute. I know; it's a bit early, but I'm so excited! Do you know just how long I've been waiting to call you my boyfriend?" She said the last word with a girly squeal that made me forget my grogginess, if only for a moment.

I gave in, "Yeah, half as long as I've been waiting to call you my girlfriend. Alright; you win. I'll be over in a little bit."

"Make sure to take a shower; keep that beautiful hair nice and clean."

"I will, I will."

"Ok. Love you!"

I smiled at the excitement in her voice, "And I love you too."

"But I love you more." the persistent, mock-stubborn voice hinted that I should go along with the game. I gave a slight, partly disgruntled, partly satisfied grunt, and chuckled, "No, I love you more."

"No, I love you more."

"Love you more times ten."

"Times a ga-zillion!"

"Ok babe, you win."

She gave a disappointed whine, "You're giving up that easily?"

I shrugged, even thought she couldn't see it, "How can I argue against fake numbers? Who knows how many zeros that dude has."

"I can't believe you just called a made-up number a dude."

I laughed, "Why? Is it a girl?"

She heaved a sigh, "You know what, mister? Get naked and take a shower. Then come over to my house."

"What about putting my clothes back on?"

She pretended to think for a moment, "Well, none of my parents are home; but I don't know how my neighbors will react to hot naked guys coming into my house. And I don't know where I could take you if you're naked. I don't want to know what kind of places will let you in."

I chuckled, "I'm not hot, and there's no multiples of me."

She giggled; more static, "Just take a shower, Mason. And come straight over. I'm waiting," and she added, "I love you."

I continued to chuckle, "And I love you too, baby-girl. I'll be right over."

I quickly took a shower, threw on some random clothes, and headed out the door. As I drove along, I decided to get some coffee. I headed for the nearest coffee shop when I had a slight epiphany and realized that I didn't know what kind of coffee Cloey liked.

"How about this: we'll get it together. That way we can talk and you can get your ass over here even quicker." I chortled, agreed, took way too long saying "Good-Bye", and "I love you", and turned back for Cloey's house.


As I came upon Cloey's door, I rang the bell and waited. Suddenly, the door flew open, and I was encompassed by Cloey's soft, warm body.

"Can you believe this? Our first date! I'm so happy!" she squealed so much that it was barely intelligible, and I spent a few seconds deciphering what she had said. I laughed, "Babe, I know," and added, "I love you."

"I love you more"

"I love you more-er!"

"I love you more-est!"

"I love you lotsesterest more-ester!"

She looked up at me for a second, pure confusion etched upon her beautiful face. I shrugged, not knowing what to do. I was now in a humiliated recoil from saying such a dumb thing.

She latched back on to me, and sighed, "You are one weird kid." but she still had a strange expression on her face. I gave her an inquiring look, and she asked, "What does that mean?"

I chuckled, and smoothed her hair, "Here, let me show you" and I kissed her. It started off as me just kissing her-due to her confusion-, but soon enough, she started kissing back. And there we were, two kids making out on the girl's front doorstep.

We drew apart, and Cloey said breathlessly, "Come on in."

Her house was big, and extravagant, too. But I won't bore you on the details. As she lead me to the kitchen, I patted her big, soft ass and said, "You had breakfast yet?" and she shook her head, "Not really. Some."

I kissed her cheek, and gave her a playful shove, "Go get something to eat, babe. I'll look through the Paper to see what movies are on."

As she swayed in that sexy, womanly way of hers, she called out, "You want anything, Mason?"

"Sure, babe. but don't work too hard on it, just something easy."

She turned with her hands on her hips, "You know Mason, you're just too easy. Nothing is difficult with you."

Looking up from my paper, I wondered if anything was wrong, "Is that a good thing?" and she came up and hugged me while I was sitting, her giant breasts squished up against my face, "A very good thing. My last boyfriend was a bitch."

Laughing at the thought of a girl calling a guy a bitch, I asked, "Who was he?" and she shrugged, "Tim. You know him?"

I nodded, "Yeah. He's an ass." and he was.

She shrugged, "Not when I first met him." she reached up to get a plate, and I could tell that she was about to say something. She stopped, and shook her head. Finally she said, "But that's the past now." I smiled at the newspaper.

"So," I started, "Whatcha wanna do today?"

She thought about it for a second, then said, "We could go get something to eat; then we could see a movie."

I nodded, "Sure."


Five minutes later, she said excitedly, "I'm done!"

She carried a plate full of Eggo waffles (I don't know how to make the copyright thingy...don't sue me please!) in her hands. She smiled contentedly as she put the plate down on the table, "Try one and tell me how my cooking is!"

I looked down at the waffles, and looked up at her, "Cooking?"

She bit into one, somehow managing to chew sexily as she said, "Yeah. I made 'em. So I get to say I cooked 'em!"

"Cooked?" and she grunted. "Look, did you make them? No! So I get to say whatever I want about them! You don't like it; don't eat them!"

I looked down at the plate, and bit off a tiny piece of one, looking down at my lap, "Yes, ma'am. Sorry ma'am." she giggled happily, probably at the thought of me being a naughty kid and her being a school-teacher or whatever.

After we finished eating, she stood up, and stretched. I watched her, the feminine feline grace that all women have made her stretch somehow sexy and erotic.

"Let me just go get dressed!" and I followed her up to her room. As we ascended the stairs, she turned to me, "What are you doing?"

I chuckled, and said slyly, "Going to your room."

Her stunning eyes narrowed, "But I'm going to change my clothes."

"That's the whole point, babe."

She stood two stairs above me, considering something. Finally, she smiled and shook her head slightly in an amused fashion. "Ok," she sighed contentedly, "Come in."

She had a nice room, with a large bed, TV, and a fridge. She even had her own personal bathroom, which extended from the back of her closet. She walked- being purposefully erotic as possible-into the closet, and slid the sliding door shut behind her. I sat upon her bed, and waited. We conversed very little, and I mostly just waited. Finally, she came out of the closet. It was worth the wait.

Again, she wore black. It was a dress that somehow was loose, yet showed off every curve of her body. It was incredibly light, and flowed sexily around her as she walked. The bottom was short, showing off her beautiful, thick legs. It flowed about them, enticing me. It clung a bit tightly around her waist, defining her round, sexy belly. And her breasts. The neckline was ridiculously low, so much so that I could see the top of her pink bra cups. Her breasts jiggled and swayed as she walked over to me, two quivering mounds of delicious flesh, oozing sex out of every pore. She stood in front of me, and made a cute pose, "How do I look?"

I gulped, and she giggled, "That's good enough for me." Finally I was able to gasp, "Babe, your bra."

She squeaked, and hid the pink bra back under her dress. "Thanks!" and kissed me on the forehead, her breasts right in front of my face; my nose was practically in her cleavage. I wondered aloud, "What's your bra size?" then instantly wished I hadn't.

But she just giggled, and started playing with my hair, hopefully making it look nice, "Mmmmm....an E."

I nearly fainted, "E? E!?" and she put her hands on either side of my head, looking at my hair, "Yeah, but not for long. Pretty soon I'm going to need to get F cups." I almost lost it then. With my head in her hands, and my eyes as wide as they could be, I squealed in a strange voice, desperately trying to whisper and not be so loud, "F? F? F? Oh my god. F!" my mouth continued to work as she looked into my eyes.

"Babe, it's only an F. It's a bra size. So what?"

Unable to contain myself, I whooped, "I'm dating the girl with the greatest breasts in our whole school! F! F!"

Finally-with her help-I calmed down. She looked at me sternly, "You ok, Mason?" and I nodded, swallowing sheepishly, "Yeah, sorry babe. It's just...wow....F." and she sighed, "It's ok. You're a guy; I understand. Just take me to your car now."

We left her house, hand in hand. As we walked to my car, I looked over at her, "Here, come closer girl. Holding hands is for married couples."

And she came up against me, and I put my arm around her waist. I smiled as we walked, and she did too.


We walked to the theatre, our arms still around each other. We bought our tickets, and walked through the doors. We were met with a wall of sound.

Arcade games flashed, people talked, kids screamed. We bought some food, and walked to where the movie that we paid for was being played. It was full.

Cloey looked around at all the people, my arm still around her soft waist, "Maybe we should go to another movie." I looked at her, and she cuddled up against me, "Don't you want to be more alone than this? All these people; it won't be very much fun." I understood, and of course agreed. "Let's find somewhere less crowded."

We finally came upon a place that had virtually no-one in it. It was at the back of the theatre, playing some crappy movie that had been out for far too long by now. We sat in the back, and didn't really care about what was going on in front of us. Another couple sat near the first row, already making out.

We sat together, and the second my ass touched the seat, Cloey grabbed my arm, and wrapped it around her hefty waist, my hand resting upon her rotund belly. I smiled, and she curled up around me, softly cooing. I kissed her forehead, and looked down at her beautiful face. Her eyes were closed, resonating pure bliss. She smiled, and I kissed her soft cheeks. My lips moved to hers, and we kissed softly. I realized that my hand was gently stroking her soft belly, but decided not to stop until she realized it. She moaned delightedly, and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

"You hungry?" I asked in a soft, and somehow deep voice. She nodded, and I picked up one of the hotdogs. She took it from my hand and bit into it, smiling, her eyes still closed.

I watched her eat it, occasionally biting into mine. She washed down each mouthful of hotdog with a handful of popcorn (which I told the cashier to put extra butter in), and a long draught from her huge soda. We watched the previews as they came and went, but usually our attention was focused on each other. Suddenly, Cloey let out a huge belch, which was followed by my insane laughter and a small squeak. She squeezed herself against me, hoping that no one saw who it was, for everyone had definitely heard. The couple in the front directed a hard glare towards us, then turned back to the front. I laughed, and she giggled sheepishly, "That was really embarrassing!"

I kissed her on the top of her head, "Naw it was cute!". She looked up at me, and asked confused, "How was that cute?"

I thought about it for a while: I wasn't really sure. That made me laugh, and soon both of us were red in the face, falling over ourselves in our mirth.

While we laughed, I caught the hint of something in the light. When I looked closer, I saw that her shirt had ridden up almost all of her belly, leaving the pale flesh exposed. I stared at it for a long time. It was beautiful.

It was completely stretch-mark free; so soft and round. I rubbed my hand up and down it, feeling the soft flesh mold around it. She stared into my eyes, and smiled. I did as well. We sat in both a physical and emotional embrace, seemingly lasting forever. I ran my hand down her silky hair, and she giggled girlishly. She rose up just enough to bite on my hair. I watched, amazed, as she started chewing on it. After a couple seconds though, she spat it out with a look of distaste. I continued to stare at her, and smiled as I asked, "What the fuck was that?"

She went back to curling up against me, and shrugged, "Dunno."


The movie sucked, but we had each other. Sadly, Cloey didn't want me to make any more runs down to the food stand, even though I practically begged her to eat more; without being too straightforward, that is.

When it ended, everyone left; except us. We just sat there, arms around each other in a beautiful embrace. It went on forever, and we just stared at the black screen. I couldn't see her bely anymore, but I knew that it was still uncovered. She giggled, and squealed as I squeezed it. She turned to me, and asked, "What was that?"

I just smiled and kissed her, "I love you babe."

She giggled, "We should get out of here."


We came back into her room, and lied upon her bed; her parents were still out. I smiled as I laid my hand upon her belly, and kissed the top of her head. Suddenly, she stood up, "Wanna listen to some music?"

"Sure," I said. But then I stopped, "What do you listen to?"

She sighed, "We'll switch off. Besides, I want to get to know what you like better. I've heard some of it before; my dad is totally into Pink Floyd and stuff."

We both pulled forth our iPods, and just randomly started switching them back and forth: from my classic rock, metal, and other strange stuff (trust me...STRANGE), to her phantasma of pop. We sat, listening and talking, not heeding the rest of the world for the time being. As we kissed, I snaked my hand down onto her beautiful, voluptuous belly. I jiggled it and smiled; it was hungry. She looked up at me with her stunning eyes, and smiled slightly. I kissed her and asked, "You hungry babe?"

She smiled, and played with my hair, "Of course."


At school we spent as much time as possible with each other, and periodically switched off which group of friends we hung out with during lunch. Since we were always touching each other-whether holding hands or putting our arms around each other-, word was soon out that we were a couple; helped along by Cloey almost instantly telling her friends the second we parted that Friday night.

The girls always talk about which guy they think is cute and who they would like to date, so all of Cloey's friends came up to congratulate us getting together all of Monday. Apparently we were the new "cute couple".


"Uhhhhhh..." I groaned as I hefted myself out of bed. Slamming my hand down on to my cell, I picked it up, and answered, "Uh?" with another groan.

"Heya sleepy-head!" a cute, happy, and awake voice greeted me from the other side of the call.

"How are you awake?" I managed to reply after a second, knowing full well who it was.

I heard a bubbly giggle on the other side of the phone, and she answered, "Girls need to get up earlier to put on make-up and such. Can you pick me up for school today?"

And then I found myself in my car-with plenty of coffee-driving through the early-morning haze to my girlfriends house. As I knocked on the door, I groggily swayed back and forth on my feet (which was a miracle I was still on them). the door opened, and Cloey stood there, her pretty face looking up at me. Love came through the fog of drowsiness like a knife, obliterating all woes and discomforts. She pressed herself-and her mighty cleavage-against me, and we kissed for a while. She smiled, and we walked off to my car with our arms around each other; words did not need to be used to communicate between us.

As I drove along, she looked at herself in the mirror, making tiny adjustments to her hair and whatnot. I smiled and shook my head when I looked at her, and looked back at the road. We talked as best as anyone could at 7:30 in the morning. We went through a couple small talk conversations, but mostly we sat there in a beautiful silence, and when she finished doing her make-up, she cuddled against my right arm as I drove along. It wasn't that long of a drive, and pretty soon we were dragging ourselves out of the car. We walked down the corridors together; she was cuddled up against my right side. As we went down the hall-ways, we waved and smiled to our friends, which when you put us two together, is pretty much most of the school.

After a while we broke off to go hang out with different people, with a long hug to set each other off. As I watched her walk away, I couldn't help but feel pride and joy knowing she was mine.