A couple weeks had passed since we started dating, and nothing had really changed; besides Cloey's weight and how much time we spent together. She had ballooned as of late, and yet still wore the same clothes. As she walked up to me, her bloated belly jiggled, which was made even more obvious by the expanse of belly that was uncovered. Her bloated abdomen drooped down over her pants, obscuring the button and some of the zipper from view. Her hips seemed even curvier since her fat was squeezed outwards from the tightness of her low waistband. Since girls' jeans are buttoned under the belly, and so close to the ass that you could see her ass peeping out from her pants. She wore a red button-up shirt that didn't even reach to her belly-button. The buttons were pulled to near breaking point, and there were big gaps in between each, showing little ovals of her beautiful belly. Her breasts had reached monstrous size, jutting out in front of her like two giant ripe watermelons. They stuck out even farther then her stomach, and tested the strength of almost any bra. Her arms were like two huge sausages, and jiggled when she moved them. They squeezed against the sides of her breasts when they laid at her side, and accented her already deep cleavage. Her face was still beautiful as always, albeit a softness that had begun to creep in. A definite double-chin hung under her first one. Strangely, her lips had become fuller as well, and were a beauty to behold. Her legs had become harder and harder to fit in jeans, and so she wore mini-skirts more often as of late. Her legs were juicy and thick, and rubbed against each other as she walked. Cloey was soon to pass the "chubby" stage, and move on to fat.

As she walked-more like jiggled-up to me, it was all I could do to contain my "excitement", and hold down my hard-on. We cuddled up against each other, and kissed. We had begun doing a strange sort of kiss, where we would just sit with our lips embracing, and sometimes even our tongues inside each others mouths for extended periods of time, as if we had started to kiss, then forgot what we were doing and just sat, in mid make-out. After a while, we broke up the kiss to talk. "Where do you want to go to eat?" I asked, staring into her heavenly eyes.

She looked around, as if for inspiration, then just said lamely, "Something easy, like McDonalds."

So we headed for Micky D's, the gloriously fattening restaurant to further curve my growing baby. As we drove along, we spoke little, and sat in the comfortable boyfriend/girlfriend silence. She stared out the window, in deep thought, and I just smiled and stared at the road. Suddenly she spoke up, "Mason?"

"Yeah baby?" I took a second to look over at her.

She pressed herself up against me, and kissed my cheek, "Let's do something fun tomorrow."

I smiled to myself, have sex, blow me-those are all fun. But instead I just said, "Like what?"

"Let's go to my house and sit on my bed and talk about feelings all day."

Needless to say I stared at her for the longest time. Then she exploded in raucous laughter, and wrapped her arms around me. Resting her head on my shoulder, she giggled, "Oh man, I can't believe you fell for that! I'm not that girly, am I?" and she looked up at me.

I just shrugged, "You never know with boobs-" I winced, "A girl."

She looked down at her breasts-which jutted out of her shirt, and were right under my nose practically, and I said-in a higher voice than normal,"Well I'm sorry babe, its just that I was thinking of them cause I was looking at them...and...." I gave her an awkward, "help me" sort of face, and she giggled and kissed me.

"You just keep digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole, babe."

"Well they are incredible!"

She looked down at them, and jiggled them.

"Stop." It was a red light, and I took advantage of not having to watch the road for a second. She continued to jiggle them, by shimmying her torso.

"Stop. Please." I groaned, it was too much to bear-I knew that I wouldn't be able to drive. She continued, and gave me a huge smile.

"Don't make me pull over, missy!!

She put her hands over her mouth, "Oh golly gee Mr. Wilkins, I'm so sorry! I'll stop at once!" and I gave her a weird look. She shrugged, "I have no idea." and we both started to laugh. I sighed and kissed the top of her head, "I love you, babe."

And she rested her head under my chin, "And I love you."

After a moment, I spoke up, "So does that mean you're gonna stop playing with your breasts? Cause it's not like I said to stop..." and she gave me a playful shove, "Just keep driving, bub."

"So where are we going?" and she just shrugged, "I dunno. After McDonald's we could just keep driving around, maybe just talk and stuff." I looked over at her-she was deep in thought. Her face was contorted, deep in thought, and yet she looked even more beautiful then ever. I smiled to myself, and kept driving. Our stop at McDonald's cleaned out my wallet (with a bit of encouragement on my part), and we drove through our city as night-time quieted down the streets, and nothing moved. She munched happily on one of the many boxes of fries we ordered, and suggested, "Let's go to a park."

"And do what?"

"Just sit and eat, and talk."

So we went to the closest park, jumped out of the car, and brought our meal to one of the many benches. The moonlight glittered over the wet grass, which contrasted against the dull, dark trees. It was so beautiful, so serene, that I almost felt like we were intruding upon something. That is, until we sat together, and wrapped ourselves around each other. Then we became the beautiful people, cuddled up inside a painting, a work of art. It was so beautiful, that I couldn't move even if I wanted to. Which, of course, I didn't.

As we sat-and Cloey ate-we listened to the crickets chirp. Finally, she spoke up, "It's beautiful here."

I smiled, "It truly is," and after a short laugh to myself, "Sssssh! If you listen hard enough, you can hear the Stoners smoking in the bushes." I said in a voice that sounded like something off of Discovery Channel. Cloey gave a raucous laugh, and pushed me playfully, "You are the Stoner, silly!" and we both shared a laugh.

Then it was quiet again. I felt her warm, soft body against mine. "I hate school."


"No, I really do."


And she turned to me, "No, I mean I really hate it. I mean I get good grades and stuff, but I hate it." I brushed my fingers through her hair, "Why do you hate it so much, babe?" catching on to her hint.

”I hate the social life."

And I laughed, "Yeah, it's so hard having every-fucking-body in the school like you." But I quieted when I saw her face. "What's wrong, babe?" I implored, pulling her closer-if possible-to me.

And she sighed, and laid her head on my chest, "Its just that...well..."

I'm fat, I thought, And I'm going to lose weight.. I was full of dread and anticipation as she started back up again, "See, the thing is..."


And she sighed, "No, never mind. I don't want to talk about it. It's too stupid."

I hugged her, "Babe, you could never say anything stupid. You're the smartest, most beautiful girl I've ever met. Tell me."

She giggled somberly, "What does being pretty have to do with being smart?" and then she became completely serious again, "Mason, I love you. More than anything more than anyone. You mean more to me than any guy. And your word means more than every other one on the planet combined. I know you've noticed that I've gained weight, cause how couldn't you?" she patted her fat belly, and then continued, "So I want to know if you want me to lose weight, but you were just afraid to bring it up."

I kissed her on the cheek, "Babe, this isn't like you. You've never been sensitive about yourself."

"Tim called me a fat-ass today."

"Well, Tim can go suck a fuck."

She giggled at the Donnie Darko reference-one of her favorite non-Chick Flick movies-and said, "Yeah, I know. I haven't been like myself today."

I kissed her, "Babe, I don't want you to lose weight. You're beautiful the way you are, and I never want you to change it."

She smiled, "I love you. I'm sorry, that wasn't like me was it?


She smiled, "Let's go. I'm not hungry anyways." She started to stand, but I held onto her arm. "Hmmm?" she implored.

"Look, babe," I started. Fuck now you can't go back. Do it. DO IT.



"Sit down." and she did, "Cloey, I need to tell you something."

"Something bad?"

I sighed, "God I hope not." I looked into her eyes, mustered up all my strength, then said it, "Cloey, I like you. A lot. You mean the world to me, and you're the most beautiful girl. In several ways," and she gave me a weird look, "Look, I think you're really really pretty. Really pretty. Because, well, it's that," I knew by her facial expression that she could see what I was getting at, "I like bigger girls. I'm not calling you fat by any means, but I like how you're bigger than the other girls. I think it's beautiful."

She looked shocked, "Wait, you mean...?"

I nodded, "I'm attracted to fat girls."

There was a long pause-way too long, and finally Cloey stood, "I think I should go."

"Wait! No! Please!" and as she stood and turned, I leapt up and grabbed her arm. Suddenly she spun around, and we were kissing passionately. She kicked up her left leg, and I caught it in my arm. I wondered vaguely if she was as bewildered as I was. Suddenly, she pulled off her shirt with incredible dexterity. I gasped as I looked upon her. I had seen her in a bikini before, but never this close up. She smiled at the look on my face, and started to unbutton her bra. I was harder then I had ever been before. I had lost my virginity-many times over-but never to a fat girl. As her breasts spilled out of her bra, I clasped them in my hands. She giggled, and unbuttoned my pants, and threw down my boxers.

"Wow!" she exclaimed, "You're huge!" and I pulled off her jeans. We sat there, me in naked, and her in a tiny thong that was mostly obscured by her rotund belly and bulging love handles. I smiled as I ran a hand down her fat gut. She slid her thong down to her ankles. I gasped and looked at her pussy. It was well shaven and fat, just how I liked it. She opened her right hand to reveal a square, the lettering on it indistinguishable in the dark.

I gasped, "Were you planning on having sex?"

She laughed, "Just fuck me. Now!" and she put the condom on. We fell upon the wet grass, and started the ritual of Sex. We rolled back and forth, hidden by the dark. We should have been more cautious then we were, but we were too fueled by passion. She squealed as we fucked, the intensity climbing as we heaved passionately. She glistened from the wet grass, and from her sweat. I grabbed one of her giant breasts, and sucked upon the hard nipple as we weaved the pattern of sex. It was beautiful. "More cushion for the pushin" couldn't have been truer. Her fat was soft against my tingling nerves, and felt like velvet as our intensity increased. She squealed as she came closer and closer to climaxing. We rolled in the grass as our passion increased. I felt her warm, soft body squeeze against mine as our sex deepened, and we became one. And then we came.

We orgasmed in unison, and it hit like a wave washing over us. She came so close to screaming that I put my hand over her mouth, scared that someone would hear. It wasn't that late. The orgasm was the most intense I had ever had. Neither of us were virgins, but it was the first time I had ever fucked a fat girl, and I now knew where the term "more cushion for the pushin'" came from. Maybe it was because of her added weight, but it was by far the best sex I had ever had. We both laid sprawled out on the wet grass, naked. Every nerve on my body tingled. Then I realized just where we were for the first time.

"Shit!" I swore, and ran up to get my clothes. I threw Cloey hers, and we hastily clothed ourselves, and ran for the car, the food almost forgotten. Almost.

We lay on the back seat of my car, with the heater on full, and cuddled up. We were desperate for more warmth to make up for the fact that when we got back in the car, most of our clothes came back off. We wrapped around each other, her in a bra and thong, and me in boxers. We lied, with the radio on; at this hour the Bone was playing mostly classic rock ballads, and songs like "Wish You Were Here", "Sympathy for the Devil", the almighty (and understandably overplayed) "Stairway to Heaven", and Yes' "Yours is no Disgrace" were but a few.

We lay in silence, until Cloey broke it with a short but deadly sentence, "We need to talk."

The finality of her words struck me, and I gulped loudly, "About?"

"So you like me being fat..." and I quickly responded, "Yeah, but if you don't want to be, I'm not forcing you. You'd be beautiful at any size." I mentally gave myself a high-five for saying "beautiful" instead of "hot" or "sexy". With Cloey, the little things counted.

"No I think I kinda like being this way, in fact, earlier today I had decided that I'd be big the rest of my life," words could not describe the love I felt for her at that moment, nor the load that came off of my burdened chest, "Cause between fourth and fifth today, when Tim called me fat...I finally realized that I truly was, and I always will be." I could feel the pain in her voice, and I clenched her tighter.

"Oh come on; did it affect you that much? You know he's a fucking douche-bag...thinks he's all high and mighty cause he plays football." she giggled at this, and kiss me softly as she continued, "Yeah, and that's why I decided that I would always be fat. When you told me that you like me being fat, I was so filled with relief I wanted to make it up to you in the best way I figured possible."

"Sex was a good choice." I agreed.

She giggled again, "Yeah I know how guys are...." she drifted off in mid-sentence. Then we voiced our opinions at the same time.

"You were incredible."

"What you did was a work of art my friend."

"That was like a drug it was so strong!"


"You didn't bleed, by the way." I gave her an odd look, "So it wasn't your first time then?"

She blushed a little, "No. Second. And I don't want to hear how many girls you fucked." she added.

I laughed, "Compared to you they were nothing."

"All the fat created more momentum."

"Then I can't wait to fuck you at four-hundred pounds." I knew I had gone too far. She gave me a strange look, then said, "You want me to gain as well?"

"Only if you do."

She lay pensively in my arms. After a pause, she asked, "You want me to get to four hundred?"

"Not really...unless you do. Personally I think that's a bit big...but can still be attractive."

She paused again, then finally, "Ok I need to think about this."

I hugged her, "I'm sorry, babe, I shouldn't have said that."

"I'm not gaining unless I want to."

"Of course."

"And whenever I want to stop, I'm stopping."


"I'm not even sure about it yet."

"Take your time, babe."

"I do like eating lots of food and being really stuffed. Like at Thanksgiving and Christmas and stuff."

"And Halloween?" It was coming up soon.

She put a pensive hand on her stomach, "Yeah...I love Twix!"

I smiled and kissed her head. I put my a hand on top of hers, and cooed softly into her ears, "Cloey, if you don't want to do this, you don't have to. It's your body babe, and I don't want to push you into anything you don't want to do."

I didn't get an answer for some time, but when she finally did it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard, "No...I think I will try it out. The more I think about it, the more I realize that I've never really cared about my weight...and looking back sometimes I was almost turned on by it. I was made to be a fat girl," she paused, presumably for emphasis, and finished, "We were made to be together. A fat girl, and a guy who wants to fill her wildest dreams."

"I love you," we stated in unison.