
My Favorite Web sites

I sat in a mild daze from the moist heat of a midday summer sun; the cool bench beneath me was quickly warming as the trees’ shadows slowly moved away in the passing hours. I suppose it was a little out of character that I end up sitting in a park all day; no particular reason really, I couldn’t even remember when or why I arrived. But, for some reason, I couldn’t manage to keep my mind on that, let alone anything else for very long. As a matter of fact, the first thing that was able to snap me out of such a comatose reminiscence also happened to be the best.

Upon realizing what it was, modesty overcame me; so, I had to be contented with a mere glance over my left shoulder; that is, until I could really see her. Her hair ruffled softly in an imperceptible breeze. She had a svelte face and lower legs, clothes tight on the rest of her in all the right places, maybe a few more, too. The way that sleeveless top clung to her front made it bounce with each step and jiggle enticingly in between, betraying a hidden plush softness.

Her rear, though harshly confined in mini shorts that were obviously losing the battle to contain it, swayed side to side with her hips. There was just enough noticeable flab to make it wobble in every direction, but still it remained tight enough to hold form.

She came closer with each step, and her clothes appeared to become smaller and smaller, too; squeezing her poor tender flesh into bulges of round heft above and around the hems of her clothing, until at long last they were all but gone, and they burst from around her body. Her yellow-tan skin, the very best parts of it, was left completely visible. Free of its restraints, all but a tiny, ultra tight bra and thong that only accentuated the rolls of flesh under her breasts and heavily jiggling love handles, her paunch gushed forth and stood rippling before her. She reached out to knead it with one hand, as if in affirmation of its soft yielding beauty, and smiled, showing perfect, albeit large, but shapely white teeth between tender, pouting lips.

I could stand it no longer. Up I went as she continued toward me. I strolled casually forward on her right until we were almost side by side. Then, as if from the choreographed scene from some ancient corny movie’s action scene, stuck out my right arm and cupped her malleable gut in my hand at the belly button, and, simultaneously, I swung around to her back and slid my other hand neatly under her belly’s one, large inviting roll to squeeze the tender blubber.

Of course, not that she was so large that I couldn’t easily fit around her, but her girth made it quite the stretch around the hips. Even then, who wouldn’t take the opportunity rub their entire body into the warm, soft ass cheeks of their dreams and knead such alluring back flab in curving rolls over bra straps? Certainly not I!

She began to collapse into me, softly moaning as the gentle caress of my fingers worked its way into her cushy mass. Raven black hair that turned subtly to an auburn brown at the tips draped gently onto my neck. It’s soft, everything about her is wonderfully soft. Her weight pressed on me making her sloshing tummy and squishy ass and thighs spread over my standing lap; making the moment even more real, warmer and softer.

She rolled around me to return the embrace onto my considerably slighter form, her mass flowing over me as she heaved and bounced. She felt warmer and softer as I dug deeper into her inviting flesh, sinking into her gorgeous malleable skin; warmer, softer still…

I jolted into half wakefulness and rolled over to my right, covered in sweat and sending my arm smashing down in fury onto the offending sound of an alarm. Damn it! Why couldn’t it have been spring back and fall forward?! Crap, I mean c’mon!? Why do I never get anywhere?! *sigh* It was probably going to end up being just another long day again, now.


I guess a lot of people could say that school is a pretty big portion of my life, not nearly all of it, but enough just the same aside from a job and weekends with friends - just friends. There’s not too much to preoccupy me at all these days. Except for Danielle, that is.

By this point you’ve already been introduced, if you haven’t quite figured that out yet. I know almost everything about her. Despite her “sturdy” outer appearance, she really is quite the activist. She pretty much carries the entire volley ball team, varsity (and probably could, bunch of skinny bitches all of them, she, of course, excluded), is a participating member in the student council, and, in general, fit’s the description for picturesque member of the popular clique.

As for myself, I am more of the loving type. You know, horticulture, animals, music (an accomplished concert violinist at that), and especially people. Certain people more than others. Namely, Danielle, and I personally prefer to think of her as the best damn player on the volley ball team, or at least she probably is. You see, I say ‘probably’ because I haven’t ever had the balls to show up at one of her games. A mix of horrid fear and expectancy that she might notice that my eyes would be glued to her prominent posterior and frontal accoutrements gyrating as she leaps to block the next spike…

To shorten things up for the slower ones out there, no we are not dating - either of us - nor have I asked her out, ever. I’ve had a go at the bachelor thing for quite a while now, scathing breakups tend to do that sort of thing to a guy, but the extended period of absence in the dating game is mostly due to singular standards, as in only one person meets them. And, for an added bonus, this just happens to be the very last three weeks of school, and I can’t for the life of me think of any way to show up at her door three days into vacation without coming off as some stalker or obsessed pervert (honestly, I‘m not).

Anyway, just like I thought, the better part of the day ends up passing uneventfully, for Danielle anyway. For me, it’s a roller coaster ride every time I lock my eyes on her and her swaying figure bouncing down my end of a hall.


The next morning I accidentally met her eyes for a moment, and she flashed one o’ them world famous smiles at me, or in my general direction, while passing, and my friend, Anne, shot me a look that I already know too well.

Anne and I have been friends for too long to try to remember, and one might be inclined to believe that there may be something going on between us if they didn’t know anything about either of us, but rest assured, there is not. Don’t get me wrong; she’s smart, clever (yes, there is a difference), and hot by just about everyone’s standards, myself included, and just so happens to be dating one of the most desirable young men in school, again and just to be clear, not me.

It’s fairly obvious that she knows what is going on between Danielle and myself, also ‘why’ in great detail, but, thankfully, she never brings it up unless I do, and I don’t make a habit of it. However, I occasionally wish that she would; I rather enjoy the ‘stimulation’ of such conversations about my own sexual preferences, in moderation of course.

I digress, Anne flips her blonde hair out of her eyes and tries her best to discretely shove me into Danielle’s path, but I don’t budge, I’m not stupid, Anne!

Finally, she huffs, exasperated, “You’d better get your act together here, Vincent (she calls me that when she gets really aggravated with me, personally, I thinks it’s kind of funny)! Don’t screw this up and come crying to me later when you regret it!” She strolls stiffly off to meet her boyfriend, then they continue on to fifth period. Gee, thanks Anne, now not only do I feel worse about putting this off, I have people half-staring at me for that little scene. What if they guess what we were saying?

I can‘t take this anymore, I need a break. I‘ll be at lunch should anyone need me; most likely unavailable as my mind and most senses, sadly not touch, will be preoccupied.

Danielle 2

By the time I got there lunch was already half over, so I decided to forego it, not that unusual for me anyway. I was perfectly content to just plop down at a table and stew while pretending to chat with Blake and Andrew when something caught my eye.

Or, rather, a lack of a few key some-ones. Danielle is sitting completely alone in the other end of the room at her usual table, sans the crowd of admirers. I honestly don’t know where her friends went, they could be in the back puking in the soup for all I cared, when I found myself starting to walk over to her.

I sat down straight across from Danielle at the small round table, but she didn’t look up. Taking the short window of opportunity, I scanned her outfit for today yet again, only this time it was at close range. Her habitual Capri jeans, self rolled at the legs for the added effect, hugged her thighs and posterior cutely, and no doubt she knew it, too.

I could always tell easily enough that Danielle knew she had a voluptuous ass and loved it, because of the way she’d glance with a grin over her shoulder and oh-so-casually watch as it expanded over the uniformly small school seats. No small time perception for this young lady, she knew she was a hefty girl, and she flaunted it.

Speaking of which, back to her wardrobe: a red hot polyester top left little to be desired as it clung ever so snuggly to her bosom and displayed her bra’s outline clearly through the stretched material. Also, it appeared that over the course, or several courses, of her large pizza slices, whole milk, cookies, and several fruit pies (astoundingly large even for Danielle, today) that her already partially exposed pudgy belly mass (Danielle has this gorgeous habit of fastening her pants and skirts under her gut leaving just the smallest amount of creamy flesh visible for public admiration) was growing as the top slowly rose upward.

Completely enthralled and quite incapable of rational thought, my mouth acted of its own free will and started to hang. As a quick cover I decided that it might be a good idea to start a conversation, so, like the idiot that I had just become, I blurted out, “Hi Danielle, wow! You look nice today!” Oh God, why? Am I brain dead or something?

But, astoundingly, she only looked up, a little startled, “Wha’?” She managed through half of a cookie. Okay, so you were spared this time, but don’t get over zealous here and blow it now, Vince! Be cool, be cool, just say it again, nice and easy now…

“I, er, said ‘hi’.”

“Oh, hello then.” Great, that was reeaal smooth. Then, “Hey, wait, you’re Vince, right? From World History?”

Immediately I chimed in, “Yeah (as a matter of fact, it was Honors English, but I didn‘t bother), that would definitely be me all over. How are you?”

“Not that great, really… I shouldn’t have done this.”

“Done what, what do you mean?” I knew perfectly well what she meant.

“I shouldn’t have gotten all of this,” she glanced at her tray in a feeble gesture while she moved her hand to rest on her billowing paunch, digging into it slightly. Sweet lord, is she doing what I hope she is? Absolutely not, no - not now, she wouldn’t, why would she; she can’t, can she? I looked at her and she met my eyes, her silky brown melding with my hazel green, and she turned up her lips in a half grin as her expression softened. She is, she is! I mean, oh no, she is! What should I do, or say for that matter? Oh, who cares, this is it! Dreams and lust aside, this is it NOW. Pounce, tiger, do it now, or you never will!

“Oh come on, only that little bit? You can finish that, right? Go on then, why not. That is, I mean, if you want…” Was that right? Did I blow it? Please let it have been right!

She turned down her face in a mock pout and, a little dejectedly, “Well, it wasn’t little when I started…Oh no, I really was wrong!…But no, no, you’re right. I got it, so now I should at least make an attempt to finish it, all of it.”

Now, I couldn’t tell, but I think that my face just hit the ceiling and the floor at the same instant. Quickly regaining what poise I had lost, “Atta girl; you just show that…er, stuff who’s in charge around here!” I must have been possessed or something, I had gone insane. But, as it turns out, whatever had gotten into me must have tripled itself inside Danielle and her amply roomy tummy. She immediately started to shovel food into her mouth in a frantic, rhythmic pattern. Pizza…pizza, gulp…cookie, now milk - SLURP…fruit, more pizza *pant*, swallow… Not exactly lady like, but hey, in a position like mine, who cares?

Since Danielle seemed to have found something to occupy her attention for the time being, not me but a rather more savory medium, I thought it might have been safe to chance a look under the table.


There before me was one of the single most beautiful sights I had yet to behold. Danielle’s shirt and pants had been completely overcome by her visibly expanding waist. Flesh spilled over her pants in the form of one large, creamy soft and slightly-less tan roll of pure fat. Her Indian ancestry, obviously quite diluted but to excellent ends, had given her the perfect complexion to accentuate the already deep pit of her belly button as it was slowly being consumed by the opposing pressure of the fat all around it. This caused an almost imperceptible crease through her pudgy mound of a tummy.

With each breath it would heave and stretch, then spring back and ripple ooh so sexily for a moment before starting again. Then, all of a sudden, it stopped. Well, almost stopped. The momentum of her bouncing belly kept most of Danielle’s squishy form wobbling for another moment.

I sat up straight to look at Danielle as she brushed herself off, and could see that both of us were obviously contented; myself definitely more noticeable to the casual observer, if you catch my drift.

Hey, wait a moment; where are all of the casual observers? It appeared that the entire cafeteria hand cleared out over the last few minutes (only that long?), leaving only Danielle and myself.

Just as I noticed this, she sat bolt upright, sending her belly into another spasm of delicious jiggling. “Oh, crap! I almost forgot about the honors assembly!” She slapped her lap once with both palms as she stood up in sudden realization, probably more accidental than anything, but the effect was a swift cringe as her hand sank swiftly through the shallow sea of lard that was her midriff and collided with her noticeably distended stomach; causing a probably painful fluid rippling through her chunky tummy and thighs, blowing off the button that had managed so valiantly to confine her girth for so long. I watched as the corpulent gut tumbled into full view, the graceful curve having given way to the folding depression of stretch marked flab bounding over her panties, they, at least, were still holding. She flushed, making herself even cuter, and quickly said, “I’ve gotta run, Vince,” and then, half way up from the seat and turning to face me again while holding the flaps of her blasted shorts as close together as she could, “see you later?”

She quickly and strenuously heaved herself up from her confining chair and bounced off down the hallway, leaving a quite visible stretch in the seat of her pants as well, not quite ripped, but holding on for dear life. I couldn’t be sure as I watched this spectacle, but was that ‘see you later’ more of a ‘good bye,’ or a question?

Assembly?! Whoa, why don’t I remember these things? Snapping out of euphoria and starting at a run myself, but leaving a safe distance between the two of us as Danielle hurried ahead so that I could catch the full view of her from behind, I couldn’t help but wonder why she needed to be there so quickly.

Danielle 3

I rushed into the crowded assembly hall to seek out my usual seat, which, as usual, was taken long beforehand. So, I opted for the absolute joy of sitting on the edge of an aisle so I could easily see the stage, and hopefully Danielle. You know the kind of seat, where everyone brushes by your legs and you have to lift them up every minute or two so some random friendly person can get by because they just have to talk to so-and-so who is always sitting just to your left and there is no other way around, so could you, like, move or something?

I guess you get the general idea. Anyway, I sit there and things go along in the normal assembly procedure, teachers desperately try to turn chaos into some kind of acceptable order while no one cooperates, getting up out of seats and chatting, the usual. Speaking of which, that is when Anne walked over after just seeing me sit down.

She was in the same garb she had when she entered school: blouse, pants, and Evan draped around her arm with the grin of pure happiness on his face at just being able to touch her. She motioned for him to find them new seats as the ones they just left had already been occupied. He made a sort of pointing gesture toward the middle, took her purse, and walked in the same direction. Anne walked over to where I was seated after a brief peck on his cheek.

“Hey there buddy, had a good day so far? Listen, I know you don’t like to talk about this in public, but I don’t think anyone could hear us over this racket anyway. So, have you, you know, ‘talked’ to Danielle yet?”

Slightly taken aback by her forward mention of something so sacred as a silence trust, all I could think of to say was, “Yeah, well, I did ‘run into her’ earlier, but, hey, you know… these things just take a little, erm, time….” knowing full well that it had taken all of five hours for Anne and Evan to get together, have their first fight, make up, make out, and go out to dinner before clothes were removed. There wasn’t much else to say, I mean, such an abrupt statement out of Anne, usually contented to snigger quietly at plights and smile with squinted eyes before even thinking of offering advice, was totally out of character.

“Mmm hmmm, well, I guess you’re right. I understand, its just that I - I mean, *sigh*, just do what makes you happy, I suppose.”

I really hadn’t expected to hear that, sometimes, though, Anne knows when it’s time to back off a bit, sympathize more than criticize.

“Thanks, Anne. Don’t worry, I think I’ve got a plan (I do?) to start things moving a bit…”

“Oh, well don’t overdo it there DiMaggio, just be yourself about it, okay? Oops, I’ve got to run, they’re starting on stage.”

Now, much as I would have loved to point out Anne’s terrible metaphor, semantics just didn’t seem too important as Anne jaunted off to cuddle with Evan, and one of the office councilors strolled on stage.

At first there were only the usual awards, mostly for sports and the guy who nearly nuked the county with his science fair project. There’s some recognition where it counts! Anyway, it wasn’t too long before the councilor came back onto the stage for yet another introduction, this time it was the only one I could see as important.

“Hello again students, are we all ready for summer break? Yay! (okay, she’s the slightly over enthusiastic one)” Polite applause follows. “Alright then, here’s your favorite stuco secretary and mine with some awesome announcements for you all! Danielle Nieke! Yaay!!” she backs off stage clapping to the accompaniment of sniggers and overly load and scornful clapping from students, myself included. Who could blame me?

Then came the golden moment of the day, Danielle bounding into center stage wearing what must have been the most form fitting volley ball uniform to yet be seen by man. There was, this time real, enthusiastic applause from friends and admirers, whistles (me), and one obnoxious guy in the back who stood up and cupped his hands under what would be his breasts while yelling “Whoohoo! Danny, yeah!!” with a stupid gaping grin while his friend convulsed with laughter. Needless to say, if I wasn’t already preoccupied by ‘Danny’ myself, I would have knocked his face into his ass so he could kiss it (what can I say, I was caught in the heat of the moment).

Danielle had stopped quivering with anticipation and a still overly full tummy and started to speak into the provided microphone after flipping her silky hair, now in a pony tail, over her shoulders.

“Hey everyone, what a year, right?” Applause. “I just want to thank everyone for the great attendance to all of our games and helping us to get to state finals! We lost, but next year it’s ours!” More applause, cheering this time. “So, the girls and I thought that as a reward to those certain some ones (holy crap, did she just turn to look in my direction?) we should split the varsity ranks and play an exhibition game on stage for you, what do ya’ think?” Raucous cheering and applause from all, and I think that my eyes may have rolled so far into the back of my head that they may come out of my gaping mouth. I was a just little excited.

Just then, the curtain behind her lifted and there stood a net, the rest of the team in formation, and a referee holding a volleyball aloft. Danielle leaped, surprisingly agile in form, to her position to serve. She pulled back, jumped half a foot in the air, and slammed the ball deep into the middle of the other side before falling to the floor. As her feet met wood, her breasts met belly, belly met crotch in a rippling mass, and butt met thighs, then back, then thighs again, quivering like her tummy pudge was. This whole sequence continued several more times and I felt so hard that if I moved I would probably tear something.

The other side, of course, couldn’t return such a perfect serve, who could? Danielle’s side scored, and scored, and just for a change of pace, scored some more. The whole scene was amazing…ly one sided. The other girls scrambling to not only hit, but avoid Danielle’s power shots. Danielle herself was in total control of the game, and my attentions. My eyes, just as I thought they would be, were glued to her perky ass as it swayed left and right with even the slightest movement until the pressure caused her shorts to ride up enough to see where the globular cheeks met below her crack; they were tight and round, but still jiggling and noticeably soft. Her gut wobbled at every movement her butt made, and more, until it eventually pushed its way free of her tight shirt so that the bottom could be clearly seen hanging over the maxed-out elastic of her red shorts in a round, creamy tan roll.

Her breasts, though adequately contained in her bra, would jump and bounce enticingly with each spring of Danielle’s perfect legs, causing the excess flesh to cram over the brim of the fabric, then smack down hard onto the tiny shelf of her gut where her parts melded. Then the sweat came. Clothes that were once tight and form fitting now became transparent, and the lines of thong and bra alike were easily discernable from the rest of the fabric.

Moisture beaded on Danielle’s smooth face and matted the slightly curled unconfined bangs of her hair, and it dripped from her straight, sloping nose down onto her ample bosom making a half-puddle that ran down into her belly button, now a deep folded depression no longer covered in the least by a rising white shirt. Occasionally she would pull it down out of distraction, but, to my personal pleasure, the effect never lasted long.

On it went for what seemed like hours, until the whistle blew only 12 minutes later. Danielle’s side had dominated as expected, and they leaped into a round of hand slapping, body slamming and hugging, and, my personal favorite, ass slapping, all amid the cheers of excited onlookers. Then, while still waving enthusiastically, they walked off stage right in a neat line. I caught one last glimpse of Danielle’s billowing belly and soaked, bouncy buns before she disappeared.

I couldn’t begin to tell you what happened from then until the end of the assembly, it doesn’t matter anyway, this is my story and none of it was important, not that I could pay anything else much attention anyway. Eventually we were dismissed to the last half hour of classes. Anne and Evan caught up with me at the door.

“So, you have a good time in there Vince?” I stared absentmindedly into space, desperately trying to position myself to hide my ridiculous hard-on while she continued to yammer at me. “Hellloo, are you in there? Are you sick or something, huh? Vincent Bernheim, what the hell is you’re prob-…oh…oooooh, I see. Carry on then,” she said, realizing at last my ecstasy’s cause.

She and her boyfriend cuddled off together while I scowled determinably and headed to my locker to wait out the day. Hell hath no fury like the scorn of jealousy on the wont, and what do they go and do? Flaunt it. screw the last ten minutes of World History, it‘s not as if I‘ll miss anything that hasn‘t already happened. There is no way in hell I’m going to miss this opportunity now!

Danielle 4

I’m standing alone, reflecting on the scene that just took place. I don’t know exactly how most of it happened, it just sort of, well…did. Ah, how amazing are the inner machinations of the universe; how one can be so caught up in one’s own self reliance that one forgets that one wants something from another, and when, unexpectedly, they get it, it always leaves them shell shocked.

To begin, I was doing exactly the same thing I am right now, only in front of my own locker, pretending to do something constructive to avoid intense surveillance camera and teacher notice in order to kill time.

The halls begin to slowly clear and there is not sign of anyone from the volleyball team. They’re probably changing in the locker room, a fantasy to great for my own feeble ambitions. I hear the sound of footsteps in the now considerably quieter hall and turn to find, who else but the one person I would never expect to find alone, Evan Kaiser. I hardly recognized the boy without Anne hanging in stride, his empty hand and shoulder left me momentarily speechless. Luckily, I guess he wasn’t expecting me to initiate the conversation.

“Hey, what’s up? I just saw you out here and thought, why not say ‘hi’.”

“Er, well okay, how’re you doing, Evan?”

“Fine, just fine…hey, I need to talk to you about something. It’s Anne, she told me about some things that you two talk about when I’m not around, and I need to know if-”

“What the Hell! Where does she get off telling people, you of all people, rumor-mill, about our private conversations! Is nothing sacred anymore? I mean, god, you must think I’m a sicko, and she, she must think I don’t care, that I’m some kind of dumb-ass!!”

“-you could tell me how to be a little more intimate with her. I really don’t have the same knack for connecting with people as you, or at least you do it with Anne. Sorry I even asked…” Oh, shit. I feel like such an ass. That was really not very good, was it? Oh, god, am I really that high strung about this whole thing?

“No, Evan, wait a minute. Sorry, I…I just thought that you meant…something else, entirely.”

“Oh, yeah? What, or is it none of my business either?”

“Ungh, I…I don’t know, or, I mean, it’s not any of your-… no, it’s just… I can’t tell you, I really don’t know…”

“Hah, well, you’d better get on with figuring it out, then, because here she comes!” Evan grinned broadly and turned quickly away, running around a corner and out of sight. I was left gape-mouthed and clueless. Did Anne set that up? Did he even know what he was talking about? Probably, yes, but probably not why. She probably only told him that I’m asking her out and that I’ve been having ‘trouble’ getting up the nerve.

Like I said before, Anne and I have a history going all the way back to grade school. I can’t really tell you the exact date we met, but the first thing I remember is that we were on a swing set, pretending that we were fighter pilots or something, and she stopped suddenly and stepped right in front of me. I had to jump out of my cockpit at zenith just to avoid smashing into her face. While I practically broke my arm while she just stood there with her arms crossed and started to argue that I should have jumped two minutes ago, that she hit me and I was dead. Well, I wasn’t about to take that sitting down, so we argued, and argued, and just for a change of pace, we minced words some more. It went on for what seemed like an eternity, but I later found out that it was only fifteen minutes, and eventually we both forgot what we were even talking about. So, obviously, we became great friends and have been ever since. Also, needless to say, Anne was and still is a terrible busy body, and she still hasn’t learned that people don’t always appreciate her sound advice. Ooooooh, she will pay. But later, now, the bell is ringing.

People pour from classrooms in throngs making it easy enough to become caught up in the suffocating crowd push. This usually ends up pulling you and everyone else in opposite of their intended direction. Here, there is no difference.

Anne herself brushes by on her way to obscurity; a smug look of satisfaction is donned by her face. Such nonchalance, such airy sureness; ooh it makes me sick. That little bump in her step, you just have to know that she relishes the mayhem she’s caused! God, what am I doing? I’m going up a fucking staircase!

I hurry down the short flight as fast as I can, which is not very, considering the scores of moving bodies, some larger than Danielle, pushing against me in the opposite direction. I’m squished and prodded by buff and fluff alike, the pattern of the railing is becoming permanently engraved in my back and left arm.

Actually, it’s fairly difficult to say which I would have preferred, upon reflection; that is to say, the chiseled appearance of the stereotype blonde elbowing me in the rib, or short Puerto Rican girl with a round, plump face and thighs, which, by the way, have me wedged into a corner at the moment. I suppose it is a rather peculiar thing, personal preference that is. There are already so many things I’ve said in Danielle’s favor entirely concerned with her body. However, I’m afraid that those may have been a tad misleading. I’m not entirely fanatical toward women of Danielle’s particular build. Well, no; I really am, but not entirely so.

I can’t and won’t try to describe the ecstasy of wrapping one’s arms around the inviting warmth of a pair of breasts which are more than just a little soft. No firmness for me, I say. Of course I love large, round butt cheeks floating in a veritable sea of cushy fat. There is a response to accompany the sight of a roll of pudgy midriff swaying and bounding over the rim of a pair of hip huggers that cannot be denied. It’s pure rapture; an overwhelming urge to spring up and coddle the mass of tender skin that you know you can never succumb to, lest the recipient of such a loving gesture socially black ball you forever.

In light of such revelations, it should be known that I now have and always have had a very lenient preference toward a woman’s physique. Basically it breaks down to three things. One: the face; they must have an acceptable face, nothing involving misplaced teeth, splotches, huge or, especially, sunken or tiny noses, narrowed eyes, overly angular, or sagging cheeks, as is the case with too many wonderful people of my better half of womanly preferences.

That brings me to point two. The body. The first thing anyone sees and the first impression a woman makes on me. These characteristics must be much more subtle; little bits, odds and ends that add to the perfect form. I kind of like to think about such things in a kind of spectrum, yeah, yeah, I know. Just bear with me here. The left, now bear in mind this has nothing to do with politics, it’s just easier to explain this way. The left consists of those who are considered beautiful in the classic sense, full hips, bust, and shapely waist. The old 36, 24, 36, if you will; this moves gradually farther out to the girls at the furthest end with practically anorexic forms, frail legs and arms, no breasts to speak of and the likely occurrence of a sunken stomach; these I try my best to avoid altogether on the basis that no matter what we say or do, they will never satisfy a sexual urge whether they have a perfect personality or not.

Following this spectrum is the right end, aptly named. Here are contained all those with a body that begins to ‘widen’ around the edges, more of the preferred 42, 38, 46, perhaps even pop out in the back of the hips over the skirt, but hardly fat in the traditional sense, all the way up to the morbidly obese. The latter I find even more repulsive than the twigs. It isn’t just the shear fact that someone is fat that arouses me, there has to be some style, some grace involved, not just a smothering ball of quivering lard. True, the last part is alluring, but far from sexy to look at all the time.

I truly hope this is not a disillusion for some, I sincerely have tried to live up to this, but it is true. Much as I would love to feel up the warm form of a tub of pure lard, it just doesn’t work in reality the way that it does in a fantasy, people don‘t live for your satisfaction. However, if you like it and think what I say is a load of crap, granted, I’ve been known to be wrong, good on you then.

The middle of the right spectrum is where I prefer to stride. That is where Danielle is found, almost exactly in the middle of that one, practically a reference point. What I enjoy most is the seductive bounce of an practical ball of plump flesh popping out from under a tank top or over a bikini bottom and bunching up a little over the top. Danielle is a master of this particular accomplishment. Anyone lucky enough, as the situation may have it, to sit beside her would not only get a bird’s-eye view of her rotund love handles rolling over her jeans, but also the ride of her blouse up her back, revealing an even tighter thong where her soft layers of fat pour over it.

This group would have legs, although round and tender, that are shapely and not quite dimpled by cellulite. Or, if any, not so much that it detracts from other parts. The only sad part to it all is that nothing is permanent, the pinnacle of perfection will always fade, things sag, beauty wanes, that’s why I don’t date based on looks, at least not altogether. People like Danielle have sparkling personalities, she’s outgoing, sweet, pretty intelligent, and funny; all told, she’s a gem among shale. To look around me would mean to witness the repulsive sneers and biting cliquey behavior of my peers. It’s sad really, it forces so many to become shallow themselves simply to achieve a little short lived recognition based on who they’re standing near and for how long they were allowed to do so.

Though Danielle herself is considered part of the generally accepted in-crowd, you will never find her with them, only a small, tightly knit group of girls who, as far as I can tell, have been friends for an extremely long time. I think it’s kind of charming.


Forgetting myself there for a moment, I wound up exactly where I needed to be in the first place, right down the hall walking toward….no one.

Danielle wasn’t there, I’d probably missed her and she must have been halfway home by now. Defeated and feeling quite alone, I crawled back to my locker, grabbed by bag and violin, and headed down the stairwell to the front entrance. I don’t even feel like driving home today, I’ll probably plow off the road and kill someone across the median. Oh well, that’s what insurance is for, I guess. Well, that’s that, it was all so stupid anyway, I mean, I know that it sounded great in here, but, God, I never account for anything just happening, but what ever does? Honestly, I never-


I didn’t turn around, or even really pay attention to the voice, probably just Anne trying to sound sympathetic, or just plain patronizing, well I wasn’t in the mood for it.

“Vince, hello? Wait! You just dropped, like, four books!”

I paused a moment and reached around behind me. Just as I thought, I simply hadn’t closed my bag on the way out and had just sort of slung it over my shoulder, so no great wonder that a few things may have flown out. Normally, I would not have minded, the librarian always combs the classrooms and halls like a laser sweep for anything someone may have lost, because, for all we know, it may be that one copy of God Emperor of Dune that may contain the key to all life in the universe. But for the next few days, I’d have needed something to do for a few hours after 11 pm, so I turned around.

With my head still bowed a little, I mumbled a brief and rather gruff reply to-DANIELLE! I sucked in air so quickly that it forced my chest and head upward, into eye contact. But, it didn’t make sense. There she was, standing at the base of the stairwell holding several copies of plays from the 1940’s, no longer in her volleyball uniform.

That’s it, the uniform! She was changing, no wonder she was gone. Holy crap, how on earth could I forget that, it was all I could think about for the past hour and a half! And yet, there she was none the less.

She was no longer in sports attire, that was slung haphazardly over her back in a red and black sports bag, nor was she in her original outfit. Now she wore a polyester aqua-blue top underneath a short, unbuttoned denim jacket. Gone were her Capris and sneakers, in favor of a pair of yellow sandals with a white daisy on the straps; now she wore a rather tight and probably older pair of khaki hip-huggers that forced her lower paunch to bunch up and ride over the straining belt sash around her waist line. This of course caused her transparent top to ride up as well, exposing a thin crescent of skin at the bottom of the small, round inner tube of flesh around her middle.

This alone was enough to stop me for a few moments, not even including the fact that I was still struck dumb by the fact that Danielle had actually found me and was offering me a small collection of books that I’d dropped, the silliest thing really; I mean, if you’re one to appreciate irony then…Whoa there, duh, the books! Danielle! Books in hand, staring at me, staring at her!

After taking a moment longer to snap myself out of my momentary lapse in dignity and consciousness, I heaved the bag from around my shoulder onto the ground along with a shabby instrument case and reached out to accept her humble offering, my eyes having never diverted from her face.

“Thanks, I guess I just wasn’t paying very much attention today, just a little bit distracted, I suppose…”

“Well then,” she responded, “I guess that it was a good thing that I was, or rather, that I was so slow in getting down here this afternoon.”

“Then I think I should be thanking you for that as well. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without you’re heroics, I‘d have absolutely nothing to do from now until July.” Okay, new tactic here, what’ve I got to lose? What’s the worst that could happen, she gets offended, stalks off, gives me the cold shoulder for the rest of my natural life, that’s not too bad, right?

“Oh, really? You don’t have anything planned at all?”

“ ‘Plans? I haven’t got any, I just get up!’”

She paused a moment with a puzzled look, head slightly cocked to the left, but then she utterly shocked me and asked “Isn’t that from ‘The Time of Your Life’?”

“Ye-Yes! Yes, as a matter of fact it is, one of my favorites really, you like it?”

“Yes, it’s alright, I just thought I recognized it from somewhere. Personally, I couldn’t stand to have nothing to do with anyone for months at a time, it would drive me insane! That’s why I do so many extracurricular junk all year. I just don’t know what I’d do if I had nothing to do at all.”

“So, then, you must have something planned for yourself, all summer…right?”

“Well, actually, God, you must think I’m such a hypocrite, but no, not really. And, to tell you the truth, I wish now that I had, but it’s probably way to late for anything like that now.”

“What, you’re kidding me. You really think that? I-eee-everyone would be happy to spend time with you, I’m even sure that some people are even expecting all the ti-I mean looking forward to it. Sure, maybe not today, but what about tomorrow?” It’s official, I have no tact.

“Tomorrow, why tomorrow, Vince?”

“Oh, well, I didn’t think-”

She cut me off and continued, “Why not today at all? I mean, today was really nice, wasn’t it? Everyone did have a good time with everyone else didn’t they? And didn’t you say that everyone is always looking forward to spending time with me? So why doesn’t everyone give me a call then, hmm?”



“Then, perhaps…everyone can hang out with you this weekend?”

“I don’t know, I guess everyone will have to wait until I can find out if I have plans with anyone else, maybe anyone who calls tonight.” I think that anyone and everyone gets it now. …wow.

Danielle smiled at me, turned around, and walked down the road to her car, then drove away. I leaned down to pick up the books I’d just dropped.