Fat Jack's, Part 1

by: Caffieneaddict6

Feedback is appreciated at Caffieneaddict6@yahoo.com

"Here, eat this." The waiter said, setting a new plate in front of Marcie and taking her old one. "Thanks." Marcie said half-heartedly. She looked down at the food and felt like vomitting. Marcie was a thin girl by nature. She had long, sort-of curly black hair that she kept at shoulder length. She had pale skin and slender features. Her dark brown eyes were a little big in proportion to the rest of her face, but no one ever bothered her about it. She kept her hair in a ponytail at work, which was where she was being served another in a long line of plates of food.

Marcie had just graduated high school, and was talking a year or two off before college. Six months ago she had been out driving with some friends, and crashed her father's car into a tree. Thankfully no one had been hurt, but her dad's car had been totalled. The insurance had covered some of the damage, but not enough. Her family wasn't exactly well off, so even though her parents could afford the repairs; she would have to pay them back for it. That meant getting a job. After a month of fruitless searching she found that getting a job wasn't as easy as her father made it sound. Eventually she had accepted a job at McDonald's.

But with the wages at McDonald's; she would be working there for years before she paid off her parents. So against her better judgement, Marcie quit McDonald's, making a big, gratifying scene as she did. She went back to job-hunting and finally found a place with wages that would get her parents repaid in a reasonable amount of time. It was a local gimmick resteraunt called "Fat Jack's". And the gimmick was that the food was so good, "Jack" and the rest of the employees had gotten fat from eating so much of it.

Usually Fat Jack's only hired people who were already fat, it was just easier. But Marcie's father was friends with the owner's brother; and after some string-pulling, Marcie was hired as a hostess. But, since she would be working in front of the public, she would have to gain weight to fit the resteraunt's image. Marcie wasn't particularly happy about it; but she desperately needed the money; and the pay was more than enough to justify expanding her figure.

And so Marcie was given two weeks before starting work to "enhance her image" as her supervisor put it. Marcie had never really watched her figure before, so it was easy enough to start eating more. But after a week went by with no real results, she began to get worried. And so she spent a week of what she thought was "stuffing herself". But when she started work at the end of the second week, she only weighed 119 lbs. More than usual for her, but on her 5'5" frame; it was far and away from fitting the Fat Jack's image.

Marcie's supervisor wasn't happy; but he kept her on as a favor. And so they started her on a "special diet". Most of the staff joked about how it was an experiment to see if the Fat Jack's gimmick could really work. The whole time Marcie would be at work, food would be brought out to her little hostess podium, and she had to eat for her whole shift. The supervisors would allow her to eat smaller portions when the resteraunt wasn't as busy, and sometimes another hostess or waiter would eat some for her, allowing her a little break.


Marcie had been working at Fat Jack's for two weeks now; and she learned what "stuffing herself" really was. Every night she would go home cradling her stomach, feeling like she would explode. In the two weeks Marcie gained eight lbs.; and when she looked at herself in comparison to the rest of the Fat Jack's staff, she groaned at how much further she had to go. Marcie looked down at the steak the waiter had just brought her, and then down at her bloated stomach. It was almost quitting time, and she was absolutely stuffed.

"Wanna split it?" another hostess asked, coming back from seating an elderly couple. The hostess' name was Becky; and she and Marcie had become friends. She was about the same age as Marcie, and they had similar taste in music and other things. Becky was a little shorter than Marcie, although much heavier; and she had short hair which she dyed black. She always reminded Marcie of an even chubbier Kelly Osbourne. "Oh please, take it." Marcie said, pushing it towards Becky.

"I think if I eat that I'll seriously explode." said Marcie, putting her hands on her swollen tummy. Becky smiled, pushing it back. "No such luck." she said. "The supervisor's on the prowl." Marcie pretended to whine like a baby. "Come on, make room for the airplane." Becky said, cutting a piece of the steak and waving the fork in the air, like a mother feeding a baby. Marcie folded her arms across her chest and pouted. Becky made little plane noises and waved the fork around. Just then the supervisor walked by, giving the girls a hard look.

Becky and Marcie just froze and stared at him, Marcie with her arms across her chest and Becky with the fork in the air. The supervisor shook his head and walked off. For all his posturing, he was actually a nice guy. Once he was gone, the girls errupted into a giggling fit. "Gimme that." Marcie said, grabbing the fork from Becky. She ate the bite, and then a family came in, and Marcie got up to seat them.

When Marcie got back to the podium, Becky was gone, but so was some of the steak. Marcie smiled and sat down. She started eating again, and then Becky got back. "You get off at three today, right?" Becky asked, sitting next to Marcie. "Yeah." Marcie said, through a mouthful of steak. "That's not that much longer, just eat a little bit more and then I'll finish the rest. You can go clock out early." Becky said. "Thanks, but I should finish this." Marcie said. "I really need to put on this weight." "Aww, such dedication." Becky said. Marcie stuck her tongue out at Becky.

Another family walked in, and Marcie started to get up but Becky stopped her. "I'll get them, you just eat." Becky said, patting Marcie's stomach as she got up. Marcie pretended to vomit and Becky giggled as she went to seat the family. When three o'clock rolled around, Marcie had finished her steak. She and Becky made plans to get together the next time they had the same day off. "We can go out to eat." Becky said, and Marcie made a face. Marcie grabbed her plate and went to the back.

In the employee room, Marcie unbuttoned her nice white hostess shirt, revealing a Ramones t-shirt underneath. She took off her formal black shoes, trading them for a pair of beat-up blue Converse All-Stars, with skull and crossbone laces. She took off the cheap but fancy-looking gold bracelet she wore to work and switched it for a studded, black-leather one. She undid her hair from the ponytail she kept it in and went to the bathroom to change her earrings.

In the bathroom she traded her costume-jewelry gold earrings for a pair of silver skull and crossbones. While she was at the mirror, Marcie looked at herself, trying to find any signs of weight-gain. Her face looked a little puffier, and her arms jiggled a little when she moved them quickly, but she was still just a normal girl. The only thing significantly bigger on her was her rounded tummy. But she knew that was just from all the food she'd eaten that day. Marcie sighed, thinking of how long it was going to take her to get fat. "At this rate I'll have my parents paid off before I fit the resteraunt's image." she thought to herself.

Marcie puffed up her cheeks and held out her arms, trying to look fat in the mirror. Just then the bathroom door opened and Marcie blushed bright red, hurrying out of the room past the older woman who'd gone inside. From there she went to the supervisor's office to pick up her check. It had been two weeks, and she felt she'd earned her money. The supervisor, Tod, was sitting at his desk, filling out some paperwork. Tod was a young guy with short brown hair. Since most of his duties were "behind the scenes" so to speak, he was thin.

"Um, I'm here to get my check?" Marcie said. Tod looked up. "And just what were you and Becky doing out there?" he asked her. Marcie blushed, "oh, well, uh, she was, uh, trying to help me fit the Fat Jack's image." She said. Tod raised his eyebrows. "Yeah, I bet." he said. He smiled and reached around behind him, picking up her check from a pile of them. "Here you go." he told her. "Thanks." she said, starting to walk out the door. "Oh, hey." Tod said, Marcie stopped in the doorway.

"I was thinking," Tod continued, "I might have a way to help you, uh, gain the, er, weight a little faster." Marcie groaned. "Tell me when I get back." she said. "I've got tomorrow off and I just want to relax and be thin." Tod gave her a stern look. "Now is that a Fat Jack's attitude?" he asked. Marcie tried to look reprimanded but just couldn't, and started giggling. Tod started laughing too. "Alright, get out of here. But I want to see a lot more of you soon." he said. "Oh Tod, you're so subtle." Marcie responded, leaving the resteraunt.


Marcie went and cashed her check; depositing most of it into an account she'd set up during her stint at McDonald's. On the drive home, she spotted a record store she frequented, and decided to stop off and pick up an album. Marcie pulled into the parking lot, but paused before she got out of her car. She looked down at her stomach, still bulging out from all the food she'd eaten. Did she really want to be seen in public so stuffed? After a moment's thought, she shrugged. "I'll be fat soon anyway," she thought, "this'll just be like practice."

Marcie exitted her car and walked into the record store. The night before she'd seen a music video by the Yeah Yeah Yeahs on MTV; and decided to buy the album. She went to the 'Y' section, and scanned the racks to find them. She went down the line, finally spotting their album 'Fever to Tell'. There was only one copy left. Marcie reached for it, but her hand bumped someone else's reaching for the same album.

"Oh, I'm sorry," the two said in unison. Marcie looked up and saw a guy about her age. He was skinny and pale, with icy blue eyes and longish brown hair that reminded her of Beck. He was wearing faded blue jeans and black Converse All Stars. He wore a studded leather bracelet that matched hers, and a t-shirt for the band Interpol. The two stared at eachother for a second, wide-eyed, then the guy seemed to snap out of it. "I, I'm sorry." he stuttered. His voice was deep but quiet; "go ahead." he said, gesturing to the album.

Marcie shook her head, and reached for the album, not even looking at it. The guy stood there, looking nervous for a second; he seemed to debate something in his head, then started to walk away. Marcie sighed and grabbed the album. It had the song she had seen the video for, and was reasonably priced, she decided to buy it and looked up again to see the guy walking towards her again. "Um, hi." he started. "My name's Trent." he said.

"I'm Marcie." Marcie told him. Trent smiled. "Would you, um, like to go get something to eat, or something?" he asked. Without thinking, Marcie said: "Ugh, no." putting her hand on her stomach. Trent's face fell. "Oh, um, sorry, I, uh, sorry, I'll just-" "No!" Marcie said, cutting him off. "I'm sorry, I just ate, that's all." Trent scratched the back of his neck and looked nervous. "We could get, uh, coffee or something." Marcie said. "Sure, yeah." Trent said, smiling.

Marcie made her purchase, and the two left the record store. They agreed on a place to meet, and Trent went back to a beat-up old van. Marcie got into her car, and followed his van out of the parking lot. During the drive there, Marcie alternated between excitement and worry. She was excited about meeting a cute boy, but worried that he wouldn't think she was so cute when she started to get fat. Still unsure of what to do, Marcie pulled into the coffee shop parking lot; and the two went inside.

Trent was shy but funny, and the two had a lot of the same interests. They listened to the same kind of music and both liked horror movies. The two talked about high school, and their lives now. Marcie dodged questions about where she worked, but found out that Trent worked at a super-market near her house. He was also the singer for a local band that had just gotten started. The two spent hours talking, then exchanged phone numbers and went their seperate ways.

Marcie went home glowing with excitement. During her time with Trent the feeling of fullness had faded from 'overstuffed' to a level that was a little more comfortable; and her concerns for her future weight were cowed for the moment. That night Marcie went home happy, and fell asleep to thoughts of Trent dedicating songs to her from onstage.


Marcie's dreams, however, were not as joyous. She was at a club, watching Trent's band play. She was wearing a vinyl miniskirt with a picture of Debbie Harry on it; and a black t-shirt covered in safety pins and cut up like the fashion of the 1980s. The rest of the club was normal, the same as when she always went to it; but the stage was different. It was huge, with giant set-pieces and lights. There was a spotlight on Trent, and the wind was blowing his hair out behind him. Marcie swooned as they played through their set.

After they finished a song, and the club patrons stopped cheering; Trent took a moment and looked at her. "This next song," he said into the mic, "goes out to a special little girl." Marcie smiled, and Trent pointed at her. "Her name's Marcie, and she's standing right- ew! What's that!?" Trent said suddenly, a look of disgust crossing his face. Marcie was shocked, she looked down at herself to find that she'd grown hugely fat!

Suddenly she could see herself from outside her body. Her stomach was gigantic, forming into huge, greasy rolls that sagged down to her knees. Her breasts sagged like huge waterballoons down on top of her belly. Her thighs were gigantic and covered in cellulite. Her arms were gigantic and doughy, and stuck out to her sides. Her face had four huge chins, and she looked around frightened at the other club patrons. The rest of the crowd backed away from her, disgusted looks on their faces. She looked back up at Trent, who looked most disgusted of all.

Marcie opened her mouth and tried to speak, but oinked instead. She started to squeal like a pig, and as she watched, her nose became a snout. She fell down on all fours, and she could see a corkscrew tail sticking out of her Blondie skirt like a cartoon character. Then Tod, dressed like a farmer, stepped out of the crowd with a bucket in his hand. He held it up to her mouth, and she began to eat. As she ate, her body swelled bigger and bigger and bigger...

Marcie snapped awake in bed, her hands going to her stomach, now flat once again. She got up to get a glass of water, and by the time she returned to bed, she had forgotten what her dream was all about.


The next morning Marcie woke up and called her friends. One of her friends, Cindy, was working; but Uma and Heather were free. Marcie pulled on a tight, faded pair of blue jeans with the back pocket falling off; and a green t-shirt with "Rock & Roll High School" written on it; then went off to meet her friends at the mall. She arrived at about noon, and met the two at the food court.

Heather sat on one side of the little table, eating a cheeseburger. She had short hair which she dyed blue. She was wearing a 'Rancid' t-shirt with the sleeves cut off; and had spiked bracelets on. Her fingernails were painted black, and she was wearing plaid pants, tucked into combat boots that were only half-way laced up at the bottom. She was a little shorter than Marcie and about average weight.

Uma was on the other side of the table eating chinese food. She had long, curly brown hair; and was wearing a tight pink t-shirt with a fairy on it. She had on a studded leather belt and tight jeans with holes in the knees, and pink Converse shoes. Uma was taller than Marcie, and the chubbiest of the girls. In Junior High she had been really fat; but in High School she had lost a lot of weight. It fluctuated through her senior year, and now she was a little pudgy. She had a very hourglass figure, with large breasts and wide hips, and a soft middle.

"Hello." Marcie said, pulling up a chair at the small table. "Hey." Heather said. Uma just nodded, her mouth full. "What's going on?" Marcie asked. "Nothing." Heather said. "Yeah," Uma agreed. "When we got here Heather made me stand around Hot Topic for a half an hour while she struggled with the epic decision of which bracelet to get." She said, rolling her eyes. "Oh come on, it was not a half an hour!" Heather protested, her mouth full of cheeseburger. Marcie just laughed.

"Don't you want anything to eat?" Uma asked Marcie. Marcie groaned. "No. It's my day off, I want to just relax." she said. "Come on, you have to eat." Uma said. "You just can't wait until I'm fat can you?" Marcie said. "Yeah, she's dying not to be the fat one anymore." Heather joked. "Hey!" Uma said. "I haven't been the fat one since freshman year!" she protested. "Relax; I'm kinda hungry anyway." Marcie said, getting up. "Just think of it as overtime. Being dedicated to the job." Heather added. "I hate you guys so much." Marcie told them, walking to a resteraunt.

The girls ate and talked about their lives, and how their jobs were going. Marcie told them about Becky; and they thought maybe they could all hang out sometime. As they walked around the mall Marcie also told them about Trent, and how excited she was. "What's the name of his band again?" Heather asked. "The Zeroes." Marcie told her. "The Zeroes..." Heather repeated, thinking. "Yeah," she said, "I've seen them play." "Really?" Marcie asked. "Yeah, I saw their debut show." Heather told her. "How are they?" asked Marcie. "They're OK, if you like Joy Division." Heather said. When she saw Marcie's puzzled look she said: "I'll let you borrow one of their albums."

The girls walked around the mall, just hanging out. Later they went to Heather's place and hung out some more; and Heather lent Marcie one of her Joy Division albums when she left. Marcie got home late and was absolutely famished. All the stuffing at work had stretched out her stomach, and the light meal she'd had for lunch had left her starving most of the day. She hadn't admitted it in front of her friends, but now she was home; and her parents were in bed already.

Marcie opened the fridge, her stomach grumbling. She looked around and found a leftover ham from the previous sunday. There was over half of it left. Marcie thought about it for a second, then put it on a plate and threw it in the microwave. Her family's microwave was an antique; and wasn't very powerful, so it took a few minutes to heat up the ham. Once the ham started cooking, the smell made Marcie realize just how hungry she was. She didn't know if she could wait long enough for the ham to reheat.

She went back to the fridge and looked around. She could make herself a sandwich pretty quick... "I'm about to eat more than half of a ham!" she thought to herself. "I don't need a sandwich too." Then Heather's words from lunch came back to her: "Just think of it as overtime. Being dedicated to the job." Marcie shrugged and made herself a small sandwich. The microwave was finishing by the time she was done, but she just shrugged. She held the sandwich in one hand as she took the ham out of the microwave with the other. She ate the sandwich as she put the ham on the table and laid out silverware.

Then Marcie went to her room and got the Yeah Yeah Yeahs album she'd bought the previous day. She put it on the stereo(at low volume) as she sat down to eat. She was so hungry that rather than cutting slices off of the ham and eating those, she just cut bites off of the ham itself. Marcie wolfed down the food, concentrating more on the Yeah Yeah Yeahs and her own thoughts than her meal.

By the time it reached the song she'd heard on MTV; Marcie went to cut another bite of ham and realized that she'd finished the whole thing! Marcie gasped; looking down at her stomach. Sure enough, it was bulging out; but not nearly as much as it did at work. Marcie was shocked that she'd finished the whole thing, but she was even more shocked that she was still hungry! Marcie got up and went to the fridge her hand on her tummy. She didn't like the idea of eating so much, but on the other hand she was trying to get fat...

Marcie reached into the fridge and started to make herself a real sandwich. Lots of meat, and cheese, and lettuce, and slathered with real mayonnaise. When she was done it reminded her of the kind of sandwiches Shaggy and Scooby would eat on the old cartoons. Sitting down, Marcie started to eat the sandwich with dedication. Marcie ate and ate, taking huge bites. The Yeah Yeah Yeahs album finished, and Marcie kept eating. She thought of it as a challenge, to just keep eating and eating.

Finally Marcie finished the sandwich, and when she looked down at her tummy she found it very swollen. But she was still hungry. Feeling frustrated, Marcie got up and went back to the fridge. This time she grabbed a half-full carton of vanilla icecream from the freezer. She grabbed a spoon and went back to her room. She put Heather's Joy Division album into her CD player and started on the icecream.

Marcie found that she liked Joy Division; but she wasn't paying as much attention to the music as she was to the ice-cream. She kept eating and eating and eating. She wasn't worried about what Trent would think of her being fat anymore, she was only concerned with getting herself full. Finally, the button on Marcie's jeans popped open. She looked down and saw her stomach hugely swollen. Marcie smiled, putting a hand on her stomach. She was suddenly very tired. And so Marcie fell asleep, with one hand on her bloated stomach and icecream staining her lips.


The next morning Marcie awoke to the sound of someone knocking on the door to her room. "Marcie!" her mother was yelling, "You're going to be late for work!" Marcie groaned, putting her hand on her stomach. It had shrank from the night before, but it was a little softer than it had been. She smiled, then looked over at the clock. "Crap!" she exclaimed, jumping to her feet. She got dressed in a hurry, just throwing on her dress shirt over the t-shirt she had worn yesterday, and fumbling around for her skirt.

She rushed through her daily routine, jumping into her mother's car and peeling out of the driveway. She got to work more or less on time, and relaxed a little. The first thing she did was to walk to Tod's office, to see what he had meant the last time he saw her. "Tod?" she said, knocking on the open door as she walked in. He was doing paperwork again. He looked up when she walked in. "Hey skinny." he said, smiling. Marcie grinned and shook her head. "About that..." she said. "You were saying you had an idea the other day?" Tod nodded. "Yeah, have a seat." Marcie pulled out the chair and sat down. Tod put down his pen and moved the paperwork to the side.

"Well," Tod began, "I was at the supermarket the other day, and I noticed they sell those 'bulk up' products, and I was thinking maybe you could, uh, start using one of those." Marcie frowned. "What do you mean, 'use one of those'?" Tod scratched his head. "Well, I'm not sure how they work, but we could put it on the food you eat here; or whatever, that way you'll put the weight on faster." he said. Marcie thought for a second. "That's a good idea." she said. "When can we start?" she asked him. "Well, I asked Frank to go get some, hold on." Tod said. He got up and walked out of the room.

Marcie looked down at her stomach, puffing it out and imagining how she would look fat. A moment later Tod came back in, carrying an industrial-sized jug of 'Beefcake 3000' weight-gainer. "How does it work?" Marcie asked. Tod read the directions. "Uh, it looks like you mix it into a drink." Tod said, still examining the bottle. Marcie perked up. "So you mean I don't have to eat so much anymore?" she asked hopefully. Tod laughed. "Sorry, you're still gonna have to eat." he said. Marcie pouted. "But maybe we can cut down the amount." Tod said. He put the weight-gainer on his desk in front of Marcie. "Here," he said, "take this out and put it under the podium. And when the waiters bring you food, put it into your drink."

Marcie stood up and hefted the large bottle. "Roger, chief." she said, Tod smiled and waved her off, getting back to his paperwork. Marcie walked out to the hostess podium, smiling at the questioning glances she got from customers. Becky wasn't there, but another hostess, Isabelle, was. She was Latina, and a little thinner than Becky. She had long, straight hair that she kept in a ponytail, and she wore a lot of makeup. "Hey." Marcie said, "Hey," Isabelle replied.

"What's that for?" Isabelle asked, looking at the weight-gainer. "Guess." Marcie said. She put it under the podium and sat down. "Is Becky here?" Marcie asked, looking around. Isabelle rolled her eyes. "No, your girlfriend isn't here." she said. Marcie stuck her tongue out, and Isabelle laughed. "I'm here 'til three, then Becky and Jane come in." Marcie nodded. A couple came in, and Marcie started to get up, but Isabelle stopped her. "I'll get 'em, your foods here." she said, pointing.

Marcie sighed as a waiter walked up, setting down her first meal of the day. "Thank you." Marcie said sarcastically, and the waiter rolled his eyes. "You know I'm kidding, right?" Marcie called after him, but he didn't turn around. She sighed and then reached for the weight-gainer. She started to look for the directions, but when she didn't see them at first glance, she just shrugged and opened the top. She dipped her spoon in and scooped four heaping spoonfulls into her soda, and stirred it up.

She took a sip, it tasted a little medicine-y; but not that much. Marcie shrugged and started on her food, then Isabelle returned. "Did you put that stuff in that?" Isabelle asked, pointing to Marcie's soda. Marcie nodded, still chewing. "How does it taste?" asked Isabelle. Marcie just shrugged. "Can I try it?" Isabelle asked. Marcie gave her a funny look. "Oh come on, one sip won't hurt; I'm curious." Isabelle said. Marcie swallowed and said: "Sure." Isabelle reached over and took a sip.

She licked her lips, tasting it, then a strange look came over her face. "Oh no.." she said. Marcie looked at her, concerned. Isabelle put her hands to her stomach, a pained expression crossing her face. "I... I'm blowing up!" Isabelle said. She puffed out her stomach and cheeks, and spread her arms wide like she was inflating. "Shut up!" Marcie said, pushing Isabelle. Isabelle dropped her pose, giggling hysterically. After a moment Marcie couldn't help it and started laughing as well. Then another customer came in and Marcie got up to seat them, trying to stifle her laughter.

When Marcie returned, even more of her soda was gone. "Did you drink more of that?" Marcie asked, shocked. "Maybe." Isabelle said. "What are you doing? It's full of weight-gain stuff!" Marcie said. Isabelle shrugged. "Oh come on, I took two sips." she said. "Besides, I have to keep my girlish figure." she added, putting her hands on her soft pot belly. Marcie shook her head, and took a sip of her soda. "You definitely belong at Fat Jack's." Marcie said. Isabelle playfully elbowed her in the side, laughing.


The day wore on, and Marcie continued to eat. The waiters continued bringing her food and drinks, which she would add the weight-gain powder to. Marcie got more and more full, and Isabelle continued to sneak sips of Marcie's drinks when she was seating customers. Finally three o'clock rolled around and Isabelle left to clock out. They said their good-byes, and Isabelle added: "We'll both be a little fatter next time we see eachother." Then Becky arrived.


Becky showed up just as Marcie was receiving another meal from the waiter. "I thought Tod said I wouldn't have to eat as much!?" she protested. The waiter just shrugged, walking to the back with her empty plate and glass. "Damnit." Marcie said, looking down at her food. "Well at least you're here to help me out now." she said to Becky. Becky laughed. "Well hello to you too." she said. "And I don't think so. I've put on more weight than you since you started working here." "But it looks so good on you." Marcie said playfully, reaching under the podium for the weight-gainer.

She put it onto the podium and started adding spoonfulls to her drink. "What's that?" Becky asked. "Tod's brilliant idea to fatten me up." Marcie replied. "Is that all you're going to put in?" Becky asked, seeing Marcie stop after four spoonfulls. "Well yeah," Marcie said, "I've been drinking this stuff all day." Becky started to say something but a family entered, and Marcie got up to seat them. Becky watched her leave, and once she was in the dining area; reached down and grabbed the weight-gainer.

Becky hurriedly unscrewed the top and added four more heaping spoonfulls to the drink, then she mixed it in and returned the weight-gainer to its position. She looked at the drink for a second, then with a shrug picked it up and took a sip. "Not you too." Marcie said, sitting down. "Oh relax." Becky said, setting the glass down. "Besides, I thought you wanted me to help." she added. "With the food." Marcie told her. "One of these days I'm going to explode, and Tod's gonna be sorry." she said, cutting a bite of her food. Then more customers came in and Becky got up first; followed by Marcie.


And so the day went on, Jane didn't actually come in until four. She had long blond hair and blue eyes. She was a little lighter than Becky but heavier than Isabelle. The three girls handled the dinner rush together, and each time the waiters brought Marcie another drink; Becky would add four more spoonfulls when she was alone at the podium. Then Jane, also trying to help, would add six more spoonfulls when she was alone with it. As the evening went by Marcie consumed three full glasses of soda with fourteen heaping spoonfulls of weight-gainer each. Becky and Jane, each oblivious to what the other had done; had several sips each.

Finally Marcie finished her shift, feeling more bloated than usual, and went home. She called Trent went she got home, and the two talked for over an hour. Marcie again dodged questions about work, still unsure wether or not to tell him about it. Eventually Marcie fell asleep, thinking of Trent and what the weight-gainer would do to her figure.


That night, Marcie had another dream. This time it was like watching a movie from the beginning. She was seeing a large room, with a black and white tiled floor. In the center of the room sat a small table. Then from a door entered Marcie. Her hair was short and sleek, and curled up at the bottom like "That Girl". She had a light blue headband on. She was wearing a light blue dress with buttons down the front of it, and the skirt puffed out like an old-timey dress. She was wearing her black studded bracelet and torn fishnet stockings, which led down to her converse sneakers.

Marcie walked into the room curiously, looking around. She walked over to the table. On it sat a glass that looked like the ones from Fat Jack's. It contained a substance that looked like blue kool-aid. Next to it was a little sign that said: "Drink Me." Marcie looked at it for a second, then looked around the room. Then, with a little shrug, she reached down and picked up the glass. She sniffed it, then started to drink. Within seconds, she had chugged the entire contents of the glass.

Marcie set the glass down and licked her lips, then looked down at herself, waiting for something to happen. She wasn't waiting long. Within seconds her stomach started to swell. Then her whole body started to expand, and she realized she was getting fatter. Her belly swelled rounder and rounder, her ass became globular, pushing out against her skirt. Her breasts became like balloons, getting bigger and bigger. Her thighs expanded and her hips widened. Her arms got heavier, and her face puffed out, forming a second chin.

Marcie continued to fatten, and her stomach pushed against the buttons of her dress. She groaned and put her plumpening hands on her stomach. Before long the buttons began shooting off the front of her dress. Even in the dream Marcie knew that her body should've been sagging and forming rolls, but it didn't. Her stomach continued to expand, and then it was overtaking the rest of her body.

Within moments Marcie had become a giant ball of fat. She became perfectly spherical, except for her fat face, her plump hands, and her Converse clad feet. Her dress had also stretched, somehow covering everything so she was just a light blue ball; except for the front. That was still split open, revealing a line of soft, pale fat, with her deep belly-button sitting near the bottom. She wiggled her hands and tried to move around, but found she was too heavy.

Then from the door came three short, chubby Oompah Loompas. They walked around the curve of Marcie's swollen body, and Marcie realized she recognized their faces. First was Isabelle, then was Becky, and the third was Jane, all smiling and giggling in a creepy manner. Marcie flapped her hands and tried to move again, but couldn't. Then the three Oompah Loompas/girls rolled her onto her back, then rolled her out of the room, still giggling...


Marcie sat up awake in bed, her hands going to her belly, which she found to still be swollen. She went to the bathroom and relieved herself, and as she did the memory of the dream faded. But she still remembered the sentiment. She walked to the bathroom mirror when she was finished and stared at herself. She reached behind herself and pulled her nightgown tight, staring at her swollen belly straining against the clothing. Then she looked at her face and puffed out her cheeks, and as she did, she couldn't help but wonder what the future would hold for her...