by: Caffieneaddict6

"Here, eat this." the waiter said, setting a new plate in front of Marcie and taking her old one. "Thanks." Marcie said, reaching below the podium for the weight-gainer. Marcie had been working at Fat Jack's for two months now; and consuming weight-gainer-enhanced drinks for a month and a half. It had a noticeable effect on her figure. In fact, due to their habit of sneaking sips of Marcie's drinks; all the hostesses had expanded a little. But none of their gain matched Marcie's.

Now her formerly slender facial features were puffy, and her chin doubled when she looked down or even opened her mouth wide. Her breasts had gone up a cup-size, and her arms had thickened. Her hips had widened, and her ass provided a nice cushion when she sat down. Her thighs jiggled when she walked and nearly touched at the top. And her stomach now formed a soft pot-belly that protruded over her belt buckle, and stuck out the same distance as her breasts. Her weight had skyrocketed when she started using the weight-gainer, and had climbed all the way to 162 lbs on her 5'5" frame.

Marcie had bought all new clothes, but now even those were straining. And although the rest of the hostesses had gained as well; none had gained enough to buy new clothes. And so all the hostesses at Fat Jack's walked around testing the seams of their skirts, and with the buttons of their dress shirts straining. Today Marcie was working with Jane, and as Marcie started eating; Jane returned from seating customers.

Although not the heaviest of the hostesses, Jane had gained the most(with the exception of Marcie); and when she sat down the buttons of her shirt formed visible creases in the rest of the fabric. Marcie added the spoonfulls of weight-gainer to her drink, and as she put it back under the podium; her eyes caught Jane's stomach. Marcie usually tried not to stare, but Jane's stomach always fascinated her. When Jane sat down it pushed her shirt beyond any limits Marcie would've thought possible. Every time Jane inhaled it looked like the buttons were going to explode off. And whenever Jane had eaten the slightest thing, openings would form between the buttons; showing her soft white belly bulging out.

"Ahem," Jane said, pretending to cough. Marcie flushed red and straightened up. Jane blushed a little too, looking in the other direction. She knew how much weight she put on; and Marcie wasn't the only one who would stare when she sat down. "So," Jane said, trying to push the awkward situation out of their minds; "how are things going between you and what's-his-name?" she asked. "You mean Trent?" Marcie asked, sipping her drink. "Yeah, him." Jane agreed. Marcie started to respond; but just then a family walked in.

Marcie got up and walked them to their seats. While she was gone, Jane reached for the weight-gainer and added seven whole spoonfulls to Marcie's drink. She had started adding one more the first time she caught Marcie staring at her stomach. Jane started to put the weight-gainer away, but then remembered Marcie staring just a few moments ago. She'd caught Marcie a few times; but it was really starting to bother her. So she added an eighth spoonful.

Marcie returned from seating the customers. "Not sneaking a sip of my drink?" Marcie joked.

"No, I'm about to explode out of my clothes already." Jane snapped, suddenly angry. Marcie gave her a funny look as she took a sip of her drink. Just then a waiter came from the back.

"Tod wants to talk to you." he told Marcie.

"Ok," she said, getting up to follow him. She looked back at Jane, who was crossing her arms over her chest as Marcie walked away. When Marcie was out of sight Jane muttered to herself; then reached underneath the podium and started adding even more weight-gainer to Marcie's drink.

"You wanted to see me?" Marcie asked as she entered Tod's office.

"Oh, yeah." Tod said, looking up from the paperwork he was doing. "Have a seat." he said. Marcie sat down. Tod cleared his throat and looked uncomfortable for a moment. "Um, Marcie, how much do you weigh now?" he asked.

Marcie blinked, taken aback. "Well, I think I'm up to about 162." she responded. "Why?"

Tod nodded. "Well," he said, "I think you're fitting the Fat Jack's image nicely now." he said. "We're going to stop feeding you all the time. You can just eat at your breaks like the rest of the hostesses."

Marcie lit up. "Yay! Oh thank you Tod!" she said. "What about the weight-gainer?" she asked him. Tod thought for a second.

"Well, I think once you reach 170 you can cut it out." Tod said.

Marcie looked down, "aw."

"Oh come on," Tod said. "170's not that far away; you'll probably be there by your next paycheck."

"I guess." Marcie responded.

"Oh cheer up." Tod said. "You've got to look happy for the customers." he added, grinning. Marcie smiled at his joke.

"Thanks." she said. "I'll come get my check later."

"Alright." Tod said. And Marcie walked back out to the hostess podium.

Marcie returned to the podium to find Jane away seating customers. Unaware of Jane's treachery, Marcie reached for her glass and continued to drink. She spent the rest of her shift daydreaming about Trent.


When Marcie got off of work she went to visit Trent at the supermarket where he worked. She entered the store dressed in the same converse and her work skirt; as well as a new, form-fitting Yeah Yeah Yeahs t-shirt. She spotted Trent at his register, and just admired him from behind for a moment. His long-ish hair was pulled back into a ponytail-stub; and his face was serious as he focused on his work. Marcie smiled as she walked to the end of the line. She grabbed a candy-bar and waited. As she waited, she realized she was a little hungry. She had stoppped eating at work, but her stomach was still stretched from when she did. So she grabbed more candy bars.

Before long she was at the register, and Trent looked shocked but happy to see her. "Hey." he said. "Hi." she responded. Trent looked around to make sure no supervisors were around, then leaned over and kissed her. "You've got to stop visiting me at work." he said, "I'm going to get in trouble." Marcie stuck her tongue out at him playfully; and Trent grinned as he started scanning her candy bars. "Are you sure you need all these?" he asked. Marcie gasped, pretending to be offended. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked him. Trent shook his head. He put all her candy bars in a bag and handed them to her. "I get off in two hours." he told her. "You want to do something?"

"Why don't you meet me at my house?" Marcie offered, giving him a seductive look. Trent smiled. "Oh, I'll be there." he said. She giggled and walked off. In her car Marcie started on a candy bar, and headed for home. As she drove, Marcie wondered at what Trent had meant with his comment about the candy. It had been in a playful tone, but Marcie was still worried. She still hadn't told Trent where she worked; and during the time they'd been together, he hadn't even mentioned her weight. At least not directly. He didn't seem to mind; but Marcie still worried. She had blown up like a balloon since starting on the weight-gainer at work; and there was no way that Trent hadn't noticed. When she got home, Marcie found she'd eaten all of the candy without realizing it.

When Marcie got home, her parents were out; so she fixed herself dinner. She was starving from not having eaten at work, so she prepared a big meal. Marcie turned on the television, and sat down to eat. She found some movie on the Sci-Fi channel and just vegged out in front of the tv. By the time she was finished eating, the movie was almost over; and she was absolutely stuffed. Her shirt was riding up to her bellybutton, and her skirt was straining against her stuffed belly. Marcie smiled and patted her stomach like a drum. She got up and put her dishes into the sink, and continued watching the movie.

By the time the movie was ending, Trent was knocking on her door. Marcie heaved herself up and walked to let him in. She stopped at the doorway and looked down at her swollen belly. Trent's words came back to her: "Are you sure you need all these?" She looked at how her shirt rode up over the bottom of her stomach. She sighed and opened the door. "Hi." Trent said, grinning. "Hey." Marcie responded. They hugged, and Trent turned it into a kiss as well. "How was work?" Marcie asked when they finished. "It was work." Trent replied, noncomitally. "I'm glad I'm done, though." he added, with a grin. Marcie smiled and walked back to the living room.

"So," Trent started, "what have you got planned?" he asked. Marcie smiled at him, sitting down on the couch. "Nothing really," she said, "I was thinking we could just sit around, and... talk." Trent laughed, looking her over on the couch. Marcie noticed that his gaze paused for a moment on her stuffed belly, peeking out from below her shirt. She suddenly felt really self-conscious about it; aware that in her slouched position it looked bigger than ever. She looked at Trent, but the smile never left his face. "We need some mood music." he said, and walked to her bedroom. Marcie sat up a little straighter on the couch, and pulled her shirt down over her belly. But as soon as she let go, it rode up again. She sighed, then looked up as Trent returned to the room.

Ever since they had started dating, Trent had turned her on to all kinds of new music. From older stuff like Killing Joke to newer but equally obscure bands like Stellastarr*; he had opened her eyes to a whole new world of indie music. He walked to the stereo and put on Ima Robot's debut album. "Ooh, how romantic." Marcie said, rolling her eyes playfully. "Oh, you wanted romantic?" Trent asked, acting confused. Marcie giggled and gestured for him to join her on the couch. The music was fast and not very romantic, but Marcie and Trent started kissing; which led to making out.

At first Marcie forgot all about her weight, but then she noticed Trent was moving his hand awkwardly. It was resting on her side, and he had been rubbing her back; but then he had begun to slide it towards her front, but stopped. He started to move his hand towards her stomach several times, but then stopped himself and put his hand back on her back. Finally he slowly slid it onto the side of her stomach, then hesitantly started rubbing it. It felt fantastic, and Marcie moaned a little. Mistaking her emotion, Trent took his hand off of her stomach as if it had burned him. He put his hand onto her hip, and started rubbing her thigh instead.

They made out for a while longer, until the CD ended. Then Trent suddenly pulled away sharply. "Crap!" he said, looking at his watch. "What is it?" Marcie asked, worried and a little dissapointed. "I forgot I had band practice tonight. I've got to get going." he said. "Aww," Marcie whined. "I'm sorry," he said, shrugging. "I promise we'll hang out more next time." he leaned over and kissed her on the lips, then hurried to the door. "I'm really sorry!" he called, leaving the house. Marcie just sat on the couch, dissapointed. She looked down at her stomach as the CD's bonus track started.

Marcie was really confused now as to how Trent felt about her weight. The comment, the looks, the awkwardness when it came to touching her stomach. Marcie rubbed her stomach, unsure of what to think. With a sigh she heaved herself up and went to her room; these concerns would have to wait for tomorrow.


The next day Marcie worked with Isabelle for most of the day. Isabelle hadn't put on that much weight, but her clothes had still become pretty tight. She had quite sneaking sips of Marcie's drinks and started outright sharing them with her. She had even started adding extra weight-gainer right in front of Marcie. At first Marcie had protested, but Isabelle had argued: "We're splitting the drink between the two of us, right? So it's like you're only getting half of the weight-gainer. But if we put in twice as much, it's like getting the same amount, right?" And so Marcie had just shook her head and consented.

Marcie spent the majority of her shift distracted, still wondering about Trent. Finally it was time for Isabelle to clock out, and she left the podium. While she was in the back, her boyfriend Ruben entered the resteraunt. He was one of those "thug" types; wearing baggy clothing with "FUBU" written all over it. "Hey Marce." he said, nodding at her. "Is Izzie around?" Marcie nodded, sipping her drink. "Yeah, she's in the back, she'll be out in a sec." she said. "Coo'." He responded, nodding. He went and stood off to the side to wait. Marcie thought for a second, then asked him:

"Hey Ruben, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Ruben walked back up to the podium, thinking. Then he nodded, "Yeah sure Marce, whadda you got in mind?" he said. Marcie bit her lip for a second, still unsure of herself. "Ruben;" she finally started, "was Isabelle always, uh, big?" Ruben gave her a funny look, then shook his head. "Nah; when we met she was real thin, y'know." he said. Marcie nodded. "Well, what did you do when she started, uh, getting fat?" she asked him. Ruben looked at her for a second, then laughed to himself. "You mean did I get all disgusted an' shit?" he asked. Marcie laughed a little, "Yeah." she said. Ruben grinned, then replied: "Oh no, I was loving every second of it." Marcie's jaw dropped. "What?" she asked, shocked.

Ruben laughed. "See, I like my girls thick. I was just not feelin' Izzie thin at all." he said. Marcie looked at him for a second, "Wait," she said, "are you saying you actually asked her to get fat?" Ruben smiled broadly; "I didn't just ask; I bought her dinner a lot, if you feel me." he said. Marcie shook her head, still not grasping it. "You mean you actually intentionally fattened her up?" she asked him, disbelieving. Ruben smiled and nodded, putting his finger on his nose as if they were playing charades. "And she went along with it?" Marcie asked. "Oh yeah," Ruben said. "Now she digs it as much as me." Marcie just shook her head and looked stunned. "You'd be surprised Marce, lots o' dudes are into thick girls. They're just not as charming as yours truly." he said with a grin and a bow.

Marcie giggled to herself, despite her shock; and then Isabelle came out from the back. "Hey! Ruben!" Isabelle said. "Was'up, girl?" Ruben said. Isabelle was wearing exceedingly tight jeans that showed off her bulging ass well. She was also wearing a tight pink midriff top, which let her soft potbelly hang out in front of her; even aproning over her beltbuckle. As the two met, Isabelle put her arms around Ruben and they kissed. Ruben put his hands on her belly, giving it a squeeze, then slid them around to her sizeable ass. Marcie didn't mean to stare but she couldn't help it. They pulled away, and Ruben asked: "You all set?" Isabelle nodded, and the two started to walk out of the resteraunt.

"Bye Marcie!" Isabelle called, waving. She put her arm around Ruben's shoulders, and he put his arm around her waist, rubbing her lovehandle with his hand. With his other hand he made the peace sign at Marcie. "Remember what I said, Marce." he said, pointing at her as he left. "Bye, I will." Marcie replied, waving. "What did you tell her?" Isabelle was asking him as they walked out the door. Marcie watched them go, more confused than ever. There were actually guys into fat girls? It was shocking, to be sure; but that didn't help her with Trent. He hadn't seemed enthusiastic about her weight gain at all. Sure, he hadn't seemed against it; but the few comments he'd made had been playfully negative. If that made sense. But then there was his hands last night during their makeout session; and she'd caught him staring a few times.

Now that she thought about it, she'd caught Trent staring a number of times. He never looked disgusted; but he didn't seem aroused or lusftul either. He just seemed fascinated. Now Marcie was more confused than ever, and felt almost like crying. She was startled out of her reverie by Becky's arrival, though. "Hey Marcie," Becky said, sitting down next to her. "Oh, hey Becky." Marcie said, a little surprised. "I didn't even see you come in." Becky shrugged. "Yeah, I came in and got some lunch before my shift, I think you were seating somebody." she said.

The shift wore on, and Marcie continued to get lost in thought about Trent and her weight. Becky tried to talk like normal, but Marcie would only give disinterested replies and fade back into her thoughts. Finally, Becky had had enough and asked her about it. "OK Marcie, what's the problem?" she asked, "You've been distracted all day." Marcie sighed. "I don't know Becky; I just keep worrying about Trent." she said. Becky nodded, "You mean you're worried Trent thinks you're a fat cow, and not the girl he first met at that record store." Marcie nodded.

Becky sighed, "Look Marcie, this kind of thing happens. I've been fat my whole life; and guys still have trouble with it. You used to be thin; Trent had this idea in his head of what you were, and then you went and got fat. Some guys just can't handle that." A customer entered the resteraunt, and Becky got up to seat him. While she was up, Marcie nervously sipped her weight-gainer drink.

Becky returned, sitting down and putting her arm around Marcie's shoulders. "It's just a fact of life, Marcie;" she said, "guys like skinny girls with big boobs. Fatties like us are just out of luck." Marcie looked down, starting to feel really bad. She felt herself starting to tear up and excused herself to go to the bathroom. She spent the rest of her shift in a depressed stupor, and when she got home she locked herself in her room. She put on the Joy Division album she'd borrowed from Heather and tried not to think about it. She didn't have the heart to call Trent that night; and fell asleep in her clothes.


That night, Marcie had another dream. She was in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. All her friends were there too. There was Uma, dressed in a grey suit with a skirt. Her hair was blonde, and her outfit seemed to accentuate her weight; making her look even fatter. The whole thing seemed to be too tight, and the buttons down the front were on the verge of bursting. Heather was also there. She was wearing a red dress, with the sleeves cut off. She was wearing torn up fishnets and her combat boots, and all her spikey bracelets.

Then for some reason Ruben, Isabelle's boyfriend, was there. He was dressed up like a cowboy, but with baggy, sagging jeans and a FUBU cowboy shirt. Instead of six-shooters he had shiny silver glocks in his holsters. And then there was Trent. He was dressed in jeans with big holes in the knees, and converse shoes; with a dark blue turtleneck, and his hair was blonde. Willy Wonka himself was Tod, with frizzy, red Gene Wilder hair.

Marcie herself was wearing a blue dress; longer than Heather's, with a studded red belt on her middle. She wasn't wearing fishnets this time, but her sneakers were still there. And she was as thin as she had been before she got her job at Fat Jack's. Since it was a dream, no warning bells were ringing as the group walked into the grassy meadow with the candy trees and the river of chocolate.

Trent and Marcie had their arms around eachother, and Tod Wonka was leading the way. As they walked down the big stairs, Tod started to break into a song. As they got into the meadow, the others joined in as well. They even started to do a choreographed dance. Marcie and Trent looked at eachother and grinned, then ran off under a willowy candy-tree and started to make out. Marcie was beginning to think it was a different kind of dream, when suddenly they heard shouting from the meadow.

The two broke off what they were doing and looked at each other, then ran out from under the tree. They saw the rest of the group gathered by the bank of the chocolate river, and started running towards them. What they found was Uma, on all-fours in front of the river, scooping handfuls of the liquid chocolate into her mouth. With each swallow, her body fattened a little. Her ass bulged, tearing the seam of her skirt, exposing her pink panties. The buttons of her shirt popped off of her hanging stomach, and the seams of her jacket creaked.

Tod was yelling something about contaminating the chocolate; while the others were staring at Uma. Heather had a look of abject disgust on her face, while Ruben was staring lustfully at the expanding girl. But try as she might, Marcie just could not turn her head to see Trent. Meanwhile, Uma continued to fatten. Her clothes exploded off of her, and she became a huge blob of fat. Suddenly, the bank of the river collapsed beneather her massive girth, and she fell into the chocolate river.

Tod screamed girlishly as Uma floated down-river, towards a big waterfall. They all watched in horror as the bloated, blobbish Uma floated towards, and then over the chocolate-fall. Everyone was still for a second, then a giant splash of chocolate came up from over the ledge. The group looked at eachother, but Marcie still couldn't seem to look at Trent. Then Tod pulled out a flute of some kind and whistled, and a boat floated out of a cave on the side of the chocolate river.

They all boarded as if nothing had happened, and the boat took them through another cave; docking in front of a big set of double-doors. The group disembarked, and walked through the double-doors. Inside was the kitchen of Fat Jack's; except bigger, with all kinds of crazy devices that weren't there in real life sitting around. The group walked directly to a large, comically intricate soft-drink dispenser. It featured 'Mountain Dew', 'Coca-Cola' and other such brand name drinks; but one spout read "Beefcake 3000". Tod pulled out a glass and filled it from that spout. "Marcie," he said, "this is for you." He offered the glass, and Marcie walked forward gladly to grab it.

She started to drink from it, and started to chug it. But as she did, she noticed the liquid wasn't going down. She drank and drank and drank, but the amount of liquid in the glass didn't diminish. As Marcie continued to drink, she felt her body start to swell. Her stomach bulged out, forming a pot-belly, and her breasts enlarged. Her ass swelled out, pushing against her dress. Her entire body started to fatten, until her stomach was so big it was hanging out over her belt. Miraculously, her dress remained intact, but her belt was not so lucky. With a "pop"; her belt exploded off of her expanding middle, falling to the floor by her fat feet.

Marcie continued to drink and fatten until she was like a ball with legs. Her stomach aproned down to the floor, and her ass sagged almost to her knees. Her thighs were so big her legs were practically sticking straight out from eachother, and her breasts were so big they were touching her chin. Well, one of her chins. Finally the glass was empty, and Marcie tossed it aside, belching happily. Her arms were hanging out to her sides, resting on her "double-wide" hips. In front of her stood Ruben and Heather. Ruben was licking his lips and eyeing her lustfully. It made her feel almost sexy; and she smiled at him. Then she looked at Heather. Heather had a look of disgust and even pity on her face, shaking her head and crossing her arms across her chest. Looking at her made Marcie feel so guilty that she felt like crying.

Marcie looked but she still couldn't see Trent. Marcie heard Tod's little whistle again, and suddenly the chubby little Oompah-Loompahs returned, walking around her bloated form. They had the faces of Becky, Isabelle, and Jane again, but this time they were even fatter; looking like balls with arms and legs themselves. Marcie tried to move, but found her body was too heavy. She flapped her hands and tried to open her mouth, but her face was too swollen. The three Oompah-Loompahs rolled her onto her back, and started rolling her around. They rolled her through a big pair of double-doors, and as the dream was ending, Marcie heard Trent say: "I've got a fat-ass for a girlfriend..."


Marcie opened her eyes, rolling over to look at her digital clock. It said 2:24 AM; and Marcie groaned to herself. That dream had been different. She still remembered all of it, and she pondered what it meant. Marcie rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom to get a glass of water. She drank it down and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She had put on some serious weight since working at Fat Jack's; but she hadn't bought a new nightgown, and it stretched over her expanded body like a second skin. Marcie slapped her bulging tummy and watched it jiggle.

She thought back to the dream; she had liked the way Ruben was looking at her, and liked the way she felt. Maybe how big she had been in the dream was too fat; but she liked the idea of it. She stood up straight and turned to the left, looking at her profile in the mirror. Her stomach stood out, and she puffed it out even more. She was fat now, and the thought aroused her. "I'm fat", she thought to herself, and it sent a little tingle down her spine. She filled up her water glass again and drank it down. Then she did it again. And again, and again. She continued drinking water until she was absolutely full. Her stomach bulged out quite a bit now, and when she shook it she could feel it slosh.

Marcie shut out the light and went back to bed. She laid down in the dark, but she couldn't stop thinking about it. "I'm a fat-ass." she thought to herself. "And I'm going to get even fatter." she couldn't contain it anymore, and started to masturbate. When she was finished, she fell asleep thinking that she was fat and proud; and if Trent didn't like it then fuck him.


The next morning Marcie woke up and had to use the restroom very bad. She hopped out of bed and walked to the bathroom in a sleep-haze. When she was finished, she started thinking about last night. She couldn't belive that she had actually masturbated over the thought of being fat! That was a little weird. But even if she was a little weirded out by that part, her sentiment remained the same. She was fat, and if Trent didn't like it; then screw him.

Marcie showered and had a big breakfast, then went and got dressed. She put on dark blue Dickies work pants, with a studded belt; black socks and her converse sneakers. She grabbed a now revealingly tight Joey Ramone t-shirt; and put on her studded bracelet. Then she headed out to meet her friends at the mall. Heather had had work, but Uma was still there; and this time Cindy had had off of work. Becky had traded shifts with Isabelle to get the morning off, so she was there too.

Cindy was a lesbian. It didn't bother the other girls when she came out of the closet in eight grade; but a few weeks ago she had started dating this new girl, and today she was going to introduce her to the girls. Marcie walked to the mall outside of the foodcourt, where the girls were smoking while they waited for Marcie to show up. Becky was there, wearing dark grey capri pants stretched over her large legs, and some black and white checkered sneakers. She had on a tight Element t-shirt, and a chain bracelet. Her hair was spiked up in the front and puffed out in the back.

Uma was sitting on the edge of a fountain smoking her cigarette. The reason Uma had been "the fat one" growing up is that she had trouble saying "no" to food. And since Marcie had taken the job at Fat Jack's, she had started eating in front of her friends. And so Uma had started eating along with her. If Marcie got a pretzel, Uma got a pretzel, if Marcie went back for seconds, Uma went back for thirds. Having a low metabolism to begin with, Uma had packed on the pounds as if she too were drinking weight-gainer drinks at work. She hadn't gained as much as Marcie, but she had indeed plumped out.

Uma was wearing a pair of jeans that were cut up all over, with the soft flab on her thighs bulging out of the many holes. She was wearing the same pink shoes and shirt, but now the shirt barely contained her expanded form. It rode up on her soft tummy, leaving a little roll hanging out at the bottom and lovehandles that bulged over her studded belt. Cindy was also sitting on the fountain, a little ways away from Uma, with her arm around her new girlfriend. Cindy was the tallest of the group, at nearly six feet tall. She had long black hair down to her ass, and dressed real goth. She had baggy black capri pants with zippers and rings hanging down from them, and beneath them were long black leather boots with complex fasteners and platform soles. She was wearing a black bodice, and a black v-neck t-shirt. She had a black fishnet shirt on underneath it, and it extended down her arms to her hands; which were bedecked with rings.

Cindy had always been a little heavy; landing just on the 'thick' side of average weight. But since she had started dating this new girl, she had gained a bit of weight. Her face was a little fuller, her breasts showed deeper cleavage inside the v-neck of her shirt; and the bodice she wore was straining. As Marcie approached the group, Uma and Becky put out their cigarettes, and the girls at the fountain stood up to greet her. "Hey." Marcie said. "Hi" "Hey" "What's up?" they responded. Becky was closest, so Marcie hugged her first. "You feel better today?" Becky asked, looking concerned. "Much." Marcie said, winking at her.

Uma was up next, and then Cindy. Marcy reached up to hug her, and then the two seperated, and Cindy cleared her throat. "Marcie," she said, gesturing to the girl behind her, "this is Molly. My 'main squeeze'." she said with a grin. Molly gave Cindy a mock-dirty look, then turned to Marcie. Molly was kind of chubby, and just a little shorter than Cindy. She had chin-length straight blonde hair, and was wearing baggie, cut off jean shorts, with black converse high tops on underneath them. She had on a white Ramones t-shirt with a closeup picture of Joey's knees on it; with a black necklace with two little white cubes on it. As Marcie got closer, she saw that the cubes had little "woman" symbols on them. "I'm Marcie." Marcie said, shaking her hand. "Molly." Molly replied. "Well," Uma said, "shall we go in?"

The five girls entered the food court, and looked around. "Should we eat now, or wait a little?" Marcie asked. "I don't know." Uma said. "I'm a little hungry." Becky replied. "I could stand to eat." Cindy said, casting a teasing glance at Molly. The two didn't think anyone else had seen the look, but Marcie had; and she didn't know what to make of it. "Well," she said, confused by what she had seen, "we might as well just eat now." The girls all agreed, and started to figure out what they were going to have.

"Why doesn't Cindy go find us a seat?" Molly said, and Cindy walked off with a smile. "I don't think I'm going to get that much," Becky said, putting a hand on her bulging gut. "Me either," added Uma. "Oh come on," Marcie said, "what are you afraid of?" "Yeah," added Molly. Uma looked unsure for a second, then took a step closer to Marcie. "I'm going to get Pizza." Marcie said, "Me too." said Uma. "I'll get Chinese for Cindy and I." Molly said. "I'll just have a burger." Becky said, and the group seperated.

At the pizza resteraunt, Marcie and Uma got in line. "I'll take two slices with ham, please." Marcie said, watching as the attendant heaped two gigantic slices onto her plate. "I'll have one with just cheese." Uma said. "Are you sure just ones going to do it?" Marcie asked her. Uma looked indecisive for a second, then said: "Make that two." The two paid, and then walked back to the table where Cindy was sitting.

Cindy looked at their food hungrily, and a second later Becky sat down. She only had one cheeseburger on her tray, and looked dissaprovingly at Marcie's tray with the two heaping pieces. A moment later, Molly sat down with two plates. One had a moderate amount of food, which she sat in front of herself; and the other was absolutely overflowing with noodles and other food, which she sat in front of Cindy. Cindy and Molly shared a glance, and suddenly Marcie understood. She smiled to herself as she started on her pizza.

The girls ate their food and then started walking around the mall. Marcie and Uma got to know Molly; while Uma and Cindy got to know Becky, and the group expanded to accept two new members. Later on, Becky had to leave for work; and the four remaining girls headed to Cindy's house. They went and sat in Cindy's room, which had all kinds of skulls and black cloth around it. Cindy reached into her music collection and pulled out something they could all agree on, a Ramones album she actually had on vinyl. The girls sat around talking, until Cindy stopped the conversation, saying she had something serious to say.

"I, uh, don't know how to start." she said, sitting down next to Molly, who gripped her hand reassuringly. The two traded smiles, and at the same time, Marcie and Uma traded confused looks. "You two may have noticed that I've been putting on weight recently." she said, putting her free hand on her stomach. She cast another glance at Molly, and Marcie nodded, smiling; while Uma just looked confused. "Well, uh, Molly here; well, both of us really." she said, it was obvious she didn't know how to say what she wanted to tell them. "Molly is what's known as a 'feeder'." Cindy said, practically blurting it out. "She likes fat girls; and since I've met her, I've liked the idea of being a fat girl." She said with a smile. "She's opened my eyes to a whole new world of possibilities; and I just wanted to tell you girls what was going on." she said, lifting her head to face them. "So it's not a big surprise when I start getting really fat." she said with a small laugh.

Marcie laughed out loud, she got up and went over and hugged Cindy. "You always were so honest." she said, rocking back and forth a little. "I remember when you first became a lesbian; you just couldn't wait to let us know." Marcie and Cindy shared a laugh; and as they did, it was obvious that a great tension had been lifted from Cindy's shoulders. As Marcie sat back down, Cindy was wiping her eyes. Uma, meanwhile, just had a confused look on her face.

"Wait," she said, "you mean you actually want her to get fat?" Cindy asked, addressing Molly. "Yeah," Molly said, smiling. "But, why?" Uma said, getting even more confused. Molly shrugged, "Some people just prefer fat people. Just like some people prefer blondes or redheads." Uma was getting more and more confused, and even a little angry. She couldn't help thinking about growing up in Junior High, being teased constantly and unmercifully about her weight. "That's crazy, you two are crazy." Uma said. "Nobody likes fat people." she started to tear up.

Marcie leaned over and hugged her, resting Uma's head on her shoulder. "That's not true;" Marcie said. "Yeah," Molly chimed in. "There are lots of people out there; it's just that some of them don't realize it. It's just like being gay. People are raised being told that thin people are attractive, and fat people are disgusting; and then when they see a fat person and find that they like them more than they like thin people, they don't know what to do. Some people just bottle it up, and go on telling themselves they like thin people. Or some of them are too scared to ever tell their partner that they would like them better fat. And so finding people who openly like fat people is hard; but there are hordes of them out there. They're just 'in the closet' so to speak."

Uma wiped her eyes, "I don't know." she said. "It almost sounds too good to be true," she said with a laugh. Marcie gave her a questioning look. "Come on Marcie," Uma said. "We all know I'm never going to be thin. Just look at me since you got that job at Fat Jack's. I was the thinnest I'd ever been, and then you get a job somewhere and start putting on weight, and I blow up like a balloon." She shook her head, "I'm just meant to be fat. And just when I had resigned myself to being a spinster, here comes Molly saying there's hordes of people out there who like fat girls. It just sounds too good to be true." Marcie laughed, and they hugged again.

"Don't even worry." Molly said. "I could probably set you up with someone. There's this guy I met over the internet, we both used to write stories about girls getting fat for this website; and then we found out we both lived in the same town. Obviously things wouldn't work out between us, but we hang out every once in a while; maybe I could hook you two up." she said. "Could you?" asked Uma. Marcie stood up, "Alright," she said; "this has been one wild night; now I need to go see how my boyfriend feels about all this fat going around." she said. The girls laughed and exchanged hugs, and then Marcie went back to her own house. From there she called Trent, and told him they had to talk, and to come to her house, and then she waited.

Before long Trent arrived, still dressed in his work clothes and looking nervous. The two hugged, and Trent kissed her on the cheek, then he asked: "What's up?" Marcie sighed, and led him to her room. She motioned for him to sit on her bed, and he sat, looking more nervous than ever. "Well?" he said with a gulp. "All this time," Marcie started, "I still haven't told you where I work, have I?" she asked him. "Well... no." Trent said. "I was starting to suspect you were a CIA agent or something." he said. Marcie laughed. "No, nothing like that." she turned to face him. "I work at Fat Jack's." she confessed. Trent looked confused. "Fat Jack's? But I thought they only hired fat people." he said. Marcie looked at him, and Trent nodded. "Oh, right." he said.

"But you weren't always, uh..." he said. "Fat." Marcie finished for him. Trent nodded. Marcie sat down next to him. "That's true. The owner is friends with my dad; they got me in as a favor. But I had to gain all this weight." she turned to face him, grabbing one of his hands with both of hers. "That's why I've gotten so fat." "Oh." Trent said, looking really nervous. Marcie let go, and turned away from him. "So what I need to know is:" she said with a sigh, "what do you think?" she asked. "You mean about your weight?" Trent responded. Marcie nodded. Trent sighed and stood up. "What do you think?" he asked her. Marcie turned and they looked into each other's eyes.

She sighed again, then said: "I never really minded, I guess." she said, lowering her eyes. "I was mostly worried what you thought." Trent sat down next to her. "Marcie," he said, "I love you. I don't care what you weigh, I-" he said, but she cut him off. "But now," she said, looking into his eyes, "now I... I kind of like it. I'm proud to be fat. And I think I'm going to get even fatter. And I need to know what you think." The two stared into each other's eyes for a second, then Trent sighed and stood up. "I don't know." he said. "At first I didn't really mind, it was just.. 'whatever'." he said. Then he turned to face her. "But then I started to get concerned. You started to get really fat, and honestly," he turned away from her again, "I was a little disgusted."

Marcie opened her mouth, but Trent sat down next to her, grabbing her hand. "But then," he said, "but then; I... I started to like it." he said with a smile. "You were so soft, I loved the way it felt when we pressed together. I think... I think I really like it too." Marcie smiled too; and the two leaned together for a kiss. They started to make out passionately, and Marcie felt Trent's hand rubbing her side, starting to move towards her stomach but then moving away. So Marcie grabbed his hand and just put it right onto her tummy, and as Trent started rubbing, it felt better than anything they'd done to that point. And so they made love for the first time, and it was fantastic.


Two weeks later, Trent's band was playing at a club. The whole gang was in attendance, including the newest members. Marcie was there, wearing a pink vinyl miniskirt with a picture of Debbie Harrie from Blondie on it. She wore nylons with runs all over them and her converse; along with a Ramones t-shirt with the sleeves and hem cut off making it a midriff. Marcie had gotten herself up to 174 now, and her clothes strained to contain her chubby body.

Becky was there as well, wearing baggie, dark blue jeans with cuts all over them. She had on a "baby doll" Misfits t-shirt, with the bottom of her sizeable stomach hanging out of the bottom. Cindy had put on quite a bit of weight with Molly's help; she was wearing a pleated black vinyl skirt, with fishnet stockings and her big boots. She had on a t-shirt for the band "In Flames", with lots of jewelry. Her ass stuck out behind her like she was wearing a bustle; and her breasts and now sizeable stomach strained her t-shirt. Molly was dancing with her, wearing black, baggie cut-off jeans and a Nirvana t-shirt. While they danced she put her hands on Cindy's stomach a lot, and the two were clearly happy together.

Uma was also there with her new boyfriend; Molly's friend from the internet. She was wearing plaid pants borrowed from Heather, which looked like they might explode at any second. She had on a black leather halter top, which strained to hold her massive breasts and left her pudgy middle hanging out to the world. Molly's friend was named David. He had long black hair, and was dressed in black jeans and a plain black t-shirt, he had a piercing through his lip; and as they danced he rubbed his hands over Uma's sizeable lovehandles and protruding gut.

Heather was standing by the bar, sipping a drink she convinced the cute, young bartender to give her. She had on a t-shirt with a picture of some Japanese Thunder God, and had her arms painted with designs that matched the shirt. She had on black jeans and her combat boots, and her blue hair hung in her face. Marcie took a break from dancing with Becky, and walked over to stand next to Heather. "So," she yelled over the house music, "how does it feel to be the skinny one?" she asked. Heather laughed, "It feels just fine to me." she responded. Marcie gave her a doubting look. "We're going out to eat after the show; we'll fatten you up yet." she told her. "Just try it." Heather responded. Marcie elbowed her in the ribs and the two laughed, then Marcie went back into the crowd.

Some guy was flirting with Becky, so Marcie danced by herself until the music stopped. "Ladies and Gentleman," a club employee announced, standing on the stage. "I present to you the entertainment for the evening:" he paused and looked down at an index card in his hand, "The Zeroes!" he read. Trent and his band walked onto the stage, and the gang went crazy, making more noise than the rest of the club combined. Trent walked to the microphone, wearing jeans with big holes in the knees and a Joy Division t-shirt. "Thank you, thank you," he said, winking at Marcie. "We're the Zeroes, and we hope you enjoy the show." "Such witty stage banter." Heather said, having walked up next to Marcie. Marcie gave her a mock-dirty look, and Trent continued. "This first song goes out to a big beautiful lady out there in the crowd," he said, pointing at Marcie. "It's called 'Blow-Up Doll'." the drummer hit his sticks together four times, and the band started to play.

Later on; after one of the best nights of Marcie's life; she had another dream. She was running through some dark hallway; she was wearing cut-off 'Daisy Duke' jean shorts, and a cut-up Ramones t-shirt. She had something in her hand, but she couldn't tell what. She was much fatter than she was in real life. 250-300 lbs at least. As she ran, her stomach bounced up and down, her huge breasts jiggled, and her thick thighs wobbled back and forth. She huffed and puffed, running towards a light at the end of the hall. She had the distinct impression people were chasing her.

As she emerged from the end of the hallway, it looked like she was in some type of movie theater. The screen was black and white, showing a cold, bitchy-looking thin woman with high cheekbones and short blonde hair. The seats were all filled with model-thin girls who didn't look happy at all. The woman on the screen was lecturing to them: "Thin is in. Thin is right." she said. "You are happy to be thin, and being fat is a sin." Marcie released what she had in her hand, it was sledgehammer. "Fat people are disgusting." the woman said. Marcie grabbed her hammer by the end, and started spinning around to give it momentum. "Thin people are beautiful." the woman said. Marcie released the hammer, and it flew towards the screen. "Thin is-" the woman was saying, and then the hammer smashed into the screen, shattering it.

Up to now the dream had been lacking in color, as if someone had turned down the 'color' knob on a tv set. But when the screen shattered, things flashed into brightly colored relief. All the girls in the seats started to expand, their ribs becoming lost in the flesh of their torsos; and their breasts billowing out of their tiny tops. Their cheekbones disappeared, getting lost in double chins. Their stomachs inflated and then hung out, and their hips widened in the seats. Finally all the fat girls stood up and cheered, and confetti flew through the air.


Marcie snapped awake in bed, sitting up and putting a hand to her head. Trent lay sleeping blissfully next to her. "What the hell was that?" she said. "I need something to eat..."