As Ruth walked home from school she thought about the upcoming school prom. "I wonder if I can get into that dress at the dress shop?"" she thought.

Ruth was a tall girl, about six feet two inches tall, seventeen years old. She has brown eyes, long red hair, and weighed about 180 lbs. A lot of the guys wanted her, because she had DD breasts and a big ass too. The problem was that she would never be able to fit into the prom dress that she wanted because they did not have one in her size. All this thinking was taking her attention away from the road she was walking on.


She looked up to see that she had just been hit by a man on a moped. "I am so sorry miss," he apologized, "I will grant you one wish to make it up to you. "

She looked at him and said, " I wish that prom dress would fit my ever growing body." "it is done!" he exclaimed.

A white dress with silver sequins covered her body. The man peeled off on his moped and she got up and walked home, puzzled at the last five minutes worth of events. When she got home she tried to take off the dress, and finally succeeded. She then noticed a strange feeling in her stomach and looked in the mirror as it bulged out over her panties. P>"I need to eat less if I want that dress to fit me next month," she thought. Just then she felt strange again as her soft round ass seemed to get bigger before her eyes. It began to feel tight in her pants. Her stomach continued to grow slowly and become tight too. She looked in the mirror in horror as her breasts slowly started to grow. Then everything seemed to stop. Ruth looked in the mirror at her swollen orbs. She decided to put on a bigger shirt and plan out what she would do about this later. She went to go eat dinner with her family.

"Ruth, I made your favorite dinner, porcupines!" her mom said with a smile. (for those of you who don’t know what porcupines are, they are balls of hamburger baked with tomato sauce and white rice). Ruth quickly forgot about the incident in the bathroom and sat down at her plate, forking in porcupine after porcupine. She felt her pants button come off quietly and decided she had enough to eat. She excused herself and went to her room. When she got there she began to feel strange again. Her tight belly began to slowly inflate again, to the point where it appeared she was pregnant. She clutched her breasts as they too began to accumulate. She looked behind her to see two basket ball sized ass cheeks had ripped through her pants. She was wondering what was happening to her when her whole body began to inflate. She was laying on her floor on her side watching her boobs belly and butt get bigger and bigger till she could no longer see over her boobs. They were blocking her from seeing her inflating stomach. She felt the pressure building up in her belly as it soon poked over the top of her breasts. Her legs and ass continued to swell and her inflating ass lifted her off the floor. Just then the guy who hit her on his moped appeared.

"My my, aren't we in a predicament?" he said. He climbed on top of her and started to blow into her mouth. As he did her already round self continued to inflate. Ruth could feel her end coming as the great pressure caused her belly to quiver. He pulled out a needle and taunted her with it. She begged and pleaded, but it did no good. He pricked her belly and BANG. Her belly exploded into a bloody mess. There was nothing left of Ruth. She had been popped as another one of his victims.