“Darn it all!”

Heather turned around in front of the mirror and scowled at her reflection. At seventeen, a girl was supposed to have filled out some. Despite all her hoping and wishing, however, Heather remained as flat as a board.

“The problem,” said her friend Shelly helpfully, “is that you’re so thin. Your metabolism is so high that your body never has a chance to store any fat before it all gets burned away.”

“So what do you suggest?” asked Heather.

Shelly shrugged. “I dunno. I guess you could try to eat more, but I can’t see what good that would do for you. You already eat loads and you’re thin as a rail. If I ate half as much as you did, I’d be as big as a house.”

Shelly rolled over on the bed and turned her attention back to her magazine. Heather couldn’t help but feel just the tiniest twinge of jealousy. Even though Shelly complained frequently about her weight, Heather envied her more womanly figure. To Heather, a little extra pudge around the middle was a worthwhile price to pay if it meant that she could have the shapely hips and rounded chest that came with it. Speaking of which…

“Hey, Shelly, do you think that I would grow some boobs if I put on a little weight?”

“I don’t see why not,” replied Shelly, not even lifting her eyes. “But how would you do that?”

“I don’t know. Nature’s working against me in that area.” She turned sideways to get a better view of her flat stomach.

“Maybe it’s because you don’t eat enough junk food.”


“Well, you eat plenty,” said Shelly, “but it’s all real food. You know, real sustenance. Filling. Maybe you should try snacking more in between meals. Empty calories, junk food. Nothing’s sure to make you gain weight faster. Remember what I looked like back in elementary school?”

Heather peered at her plump friend doubtfully. “You’ve always been, uh, more voluptuous than me. I don’t see what you’ve getting at.”

“You remember that time I broke my leg in seventh grade and I was up in a cast for a month? That’s when I started snacking for real. There wasn’t much else to do and there was a fully stocked fridge in the house, the rest is history. I’d never really snacked that much before that, but, after that month, I was addicted. When was the last time you saw me without a candy bar in my hand? Don’t be shy, tell me!”


“See? Point Shelly! That was also when I started developing curves. Real curves, not just baby fat.” She pointed at her C-cup hooters and smirked.

“You really think that candy bars and potato chips will help me sprout some knockers?” laughed Heather. “That’s the silliest thing I’ve ever heard. Besides, it’s not healthy.”

“I never said it was healthy. You were the one who was complaining about not having a bust, I was just trying to help.”

Heather looked in the mirror again and pulled her shirt tight across her chest…or, more accurately, the area where her chest should have been. And came to a decision.

“Hey, Shelly.” Heather looked grimly at her friend. She held out a hand. “Hand me a candy bar,” she said resolutely.


A month later found a similar scene back in Heather’s room. Shelly was on the bed reading a magazine ( and learning about the top ten overpriced summer ensembles of the season) and Heather was examining her bulges in the mirror. Heather was still dissatisfied, but now for a different reason.

No one could deny that Heather’s constant binging was having an effect. Unfortunately, it wasn’t exactly the one that Heather had hoped for. Her stomach, formerly flat and smooth, bulged slightly, causing her once loose clothes to feel ever so slightly uncomfortable. Her hips had grown wider and her face looked less angular than it once had. But something was still missing.

“Why can’t I grow breasts?” wondered Heather out loud. “These tiny things don’t even count as tits. Tits. I hate that word. It sounds so small.”

“Hmm, I never thought about that before,” said Shelly, “but you’re right. Hey, at least a little of that flab’s going to the right place.” She smacked Heather lightly across her buttocks and giggled. Heather’s meaty rump jiggled slightly in response.

“A little? That’s more than a little. I think that most of the excess calories are ending up there, in fact. What’s wrong with me? Why does everything just go to my ass?”

“Everyone’s body is different,” said Shelly sagely. Heather threw a pillow at her.


Heather seemed so discouraged that Shelly was certain she would give up this silly plan to gain weight right then and there. But then Spring break arrived and Shelly left to visit her grandparents in California. When she returned to school two weeks later, she found that Heather had, in fact, kept pace quite nicely.

Shelly’s eyes bulged out their sockets when she ran into Heather at her locker. Heather’s backside had grown to astounding proportions. The outline of her panties was clearly visible through the stretched fabric, and it looked like they were starting to wedge up her butt crack.

“Hey, Heather,” said Shelly politely. “How’s it going?”

“Don’t even try and be nice to me,’ growled Heather.


“You know very well what I’m talking about! Look at my rear! It’s fatter than ever. And I know that you’re going to deny it and be all oh-Heather-don’t-worry-it’s-not-that-big. Well, it is! It’s…it’s..it’s massive, that’s what it is!”

“Oh, Heather, don’t worry-” began Shelly automatically before stopping herself.

“My ass is huge!” moaned Heather. Indeed, her butt looked like she had stuffed two volleyballs down the back of her panties. Every step she took forced her straining pants to groan in protest.

“My mom’s getting really tired of buying me new pants every week!” cried Heather, as her pants seams squealed, “She said that if my ass doesn’t stop inflating, that she’s just going to start buying me stretch pants. Gawd, I don’t think I’ll be able to stand the embarrassment!”

“This is unbelievable! You’re telling me that your butt’s almost too fat to fit into any of your pants?” said Shelly.

“Thanks a lot, Shelly! That’s exactly what I’m saying. It’s getting harder and harder to find pants that fit. If they’re the right length, then I won’t be able to button them because my bum is so enormous. I have to leave the fly open and just pull my shirt down over the gap! See?”

Heather stood up straight, angrily. That was a mistake; her shirt pulled up, exposing the gap of her open slacks.

“Psst! Heather!” hissed Shelly, “Your zipper!”

Heather looked down and blushed bright red. Had anyone seen her? She grabbed the flaps with both hands and yanked them together. She felt the jeans pull snug against her rump – too snug. She bit her lip and tried again. No use. Her fat ass was preventing her from getting the snap fastened.

“Just great. Why couldn’t I store all my flab in my belly like normal people? Then, at least, I could suck it in…When it’s in your buns, there’s nothing you can do.”

“Well, why don’t you stop eating so much?”

“Easy for you to say! You’ve got me addicted to snacking, do you think I can just stop cold turkey?”

Shelly couldn’t stifle a giggle. “You’re addicted to snacking? That’s rich!”

“It’s not funny! I eat all day and I can’t stop! If I do, I feel..weird. I feel like I always need a cookie in my hand. What have you done to me, Shelly?”

“Me? I didn’t do anything! You did this all yourself, butt girl!” She playfully poked Heather in her soft, chubby derriere. Heather scowled.

“Look, if you’re that self-conscious but you refuse to stop eating, maybe you could start exercising. I’ve heard that exercise can sometimes redistribute fat or something.”

“Sounds like an urban legend to me,” sniffed Heather, “but at this point, I’ll try anything.”


Heather felt even more self-conscious once she was in the health club. If her butt had looked huge when it was stuffed into her pants, it looked even more enormous clad only in a straining spandex leotard. The clingy blue material was stretched so tightly around her massive buns that it was almost transparent. The spandex pants rode up between her chubby butt cheeks and Heather had to yank them out repeatedly. Her slightly pudgy belly rolled over her waistband and Heather was grateful that at least her stomach hadn’t blown up. After she had stuffed herself into her workout pants, she hardly dared breathe for fear she would pop right out of them.

She tried to do some aerobics but didn’t get far before she was out of breath and sweat was pouring down her soft pretty face. Worse, she could feel her massive butt shaking and wobbling with each movement.

“Just one last bend,” she told herself. She bent over, grunting with the exertion. Bending. A slight tearing sound echoed through the gym. Her buns had strained against the spandex pants until the seat of her tights started to tear. Heather put her hands to her wobbly rear and felt the rip in her seat.

“I can’t believe this,” she mumbled to herself, rushing to the locker room so quickly that she hardly noticed she had made the split a lot worse. She turned to catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Her bright white cotton panties were now in plain view, obvious through the tear and it looked as if her entire ass was now hanging out.

She sighed and pulled off the leggings, no easy task considering how clingy the material was. The stretch pants didn’t want to stretch enough to go down over her enlarged thighs and meaty buttocks, but she managed.

“I give up. I can’t do this. I guess I’m just meant to have a fat ass.” Sadly, she pulled on her normal pants – no mean feat – and left the gym. Heather’s rounded butt cheeks rose with her every step to the point that she was afraid to take long strides for fear of her pants tearing.


Having given up the fight against her expansion, Heather continued to grow rounder and rounder over the following weeks. Her ballooning rear was becoming more and more of a problem, but she couldn’t bring herself to cut down on snacking. Just as Shelly had promised, eating was addictive. Heather had run out of pants and, as promised, her mother refused to buy new ones, insisting that Heather shed some rump fat instead. She was reduced to wearing sweatpants and skirts. And skirts were becoming hard to find, too, as her rapidly swelling buttocks were growing so large that they now peeked out from beneath most of her old skirts which were too short to cover her entire ass shelf. Heather found that she constantly had to pull her tightening panties out of her butt crack throughout the day. It was becoming difficult for her to fit behind the desks in school because her padded ass caused her to ride higher in the seat.

The next time Shelly visited, she couldn’t help but laugh again. Heather lay on her stomach on the bed, reading, a cookie in her hand. She was wearing a t-shirt and panties, but just barely. Her backside loomed larger than Shelly had ever seen, nearly swallowing her skimpy panties and turning them into a thong bikini bottom. Heather kicked her legs absently, sending tiny shockwaves through the

“Heather?” said Shelly, “What’re you doing here? I thought you were going to try and sweat off some of that butt blubber!”

Heather looked up at her chubby friend and smiled. “I was. But then I decided not to.”

“Why not? Couldn’t find any pants to fit you and you’re stuck in the house?”

“Ha ha,” said Heather sourly, “It is to laugh. But you won’t be laughing when you hear who got asked out by Justin Vittles!”

“Get out!” Shelly squealed, jumping up and down. “You! I don’t believe it! You?!”

“That’s right!” said Heather, flipping herself over. The inertia of her enlarged cheeks made it an awkward movement, but she managed. “Help me up, Shelly, and I’ll tell you the full story.”

“So Justin likes big butts? Whoda thought?” Shelly laughed. “I guess everything ended well then. But does this mean that you’re going to keep cultivating that monumental rump of yours?”

Heather smiled again but didn’t say anything more about that.

Email: mcoddles@hotmail.com