Heather 2

Shelly glanced at her friend. Since she’d started dating Justin Vittles, Heather’s bottom had continued to grow but now her weight gain had spread to other areas of her body as well. She was thrilled to find that her dream of having breasts had finally come true – over the past month, her minute A-cups had plumped up into respectable Bs and, if all signs were to be trusted, they weren’t going to stop there. Heather seemed to take less notice of the other changes taking place in her body, particularly her swelling stomach. She was definitely starting to pile on the pounds, and Shelly suspected that the massive amounts of empty calories that Heather consumed to maintain her chunky derriere were now being evenly distributed.

“Girl,” said Shelly, “Justin spoils you rotten. You are seriously starting to pork out all over.”

“Oh, is that so?” sniffed Heather, squeezing the last few chunks of her candy bar into her mouth. “Do I detect a hint of jealousy in your voice?”

“As if! If dating Justin makes you fat, then you can have him! I’m big enough as it is! Heather, I’m just saying this for your own good. If you want to get fat, that’s fine by me. Just don’t turn around and blame me for never trying to help you.”

“I don’t believe this,” said Heather, crossing her fleshier arms and glaring at Shelly. “I’m finally happy with the way I look and you spring this! You really think I’m getting fat?”

“Not yet, but you’re definitely on your way. Look, if you don’t believe me, why don’t you hop on the scale and we’ll see just how much you’ve gained?”

“Fine, let’s do that! You’ll see that I’ve only gained a couple pounds – and since those have only given me some proper curves in my chest and butt, I don’t think they’re anything to complain about.”

Heather jumped on the scale without hesitation. She threw one more scathing glance at Shelly, who simply rolled her eyes in response, before turning her attention to the spinning dial below. The confident look quickly faded from her face, though, as the dial failed to stop at the expected number but continued turning.

“Oh!” exclaimed Heather as the dial slowly came to rest. “160!” Shelly rolled her eyes. To her, the number was still low. She would kill to only weigh 160! But Heather had a more delicate frame and was several inches shorter than Shelly. For her, 160 was a hard number to digest.

Heather plopped down on the bed, still in shock. “160! No way am I 160! That scale’s gotta be busted!”

“Heather, the only way that that scale could be busted is if you busted it! Look at yourself! You’re definitely getting a little thicker around the middle.”

Heather stared at herself in the mirror. Her tummy pooched out slightly and she saw the beginnings of a spare tire. At her sides, a tiny bit of soft, pale flab oozed over her belt. She was still pretty thin – unless you counted her enormous bum – but she wouldn’t stay that way for long. Her freckled face was becoming rounder. Her once flat belly was getting rounder. She was getting rounder!

“What am I going to do?” moaned Heather, “Do you really think I’m starting to get fat? I can’t get fat! Just when I’ve got a boyfriend!”

“Get a grip, Heather! Just think- what are you doing differently lately that’s caused you to blow up like this?”

“Nothing! Well, Justin does take me out to dinner a lot, so I’ve been eating better than I used to. And he brings me lots of chocolates. But I can’t just turn those down! It would hurt his feelings.” She bit her lip, agonizing.

“Maybe it’s not that bad,’ she said to her rounder reflection, “Maybe I’m not really getting fat. I’m just finally growing up.”

“Sorry to say this, Heather, but you’re definitely plumping up. That’s not baby fat you’ve got there.” Shelly grabbed a handful of soft adipose from Heather’s hefty middle and gave it a little jiggle. It continued vibrating for several seconds after she released it. “That’s a real spare tire.”

“Bikini season is just around the corner,” groaned Heather, standing up straight. She puffed out her chest and sucked in her gut. Unfortunately, she thought, I can’t suck in my gigantic ass as well. Dejected, she released her breath again. Her potbelly quickly bulged out again. “Justin is going to take me down to the beach next week and I promised to wear my new thong bikini. I can’t let him see how much weight I’ve gained! He’ll be so disappointed!” She flopped down and buried her face in her hands.

“There, there.” Shelly put a consoling arm around her friend. “I’m sure Justin won’t mind. If he does, well, it’s his own fault and he’s a stupid jerk for holding it against you. What’s he expect, feeding you all the time? Listen, Heather, it’s the first nice weekend of the summer so all the kids will be down at the beach. I’ll be down at there, too, if you need me. I’ll tell you what: I’ll even wear my old one-piece. That way you’ll always look small compared to me.”

Heather laughed through her tears. “You’re the best, Shelly. You always know how to make a girl laugh.”

Shelly cocked her head and flashed a mischevious grin. “Oh, I’m not joking. Us big girls have to stick together. When we’re out there, I’ll make sure that you look downright svelte. And if Justin so much as thinks of harassing you about a little bit of pudge, I’ll knock his block off.”

Heather tried to hide her smile behind a raised hand. She had no doubt that Shelly was as good as her word.


Heather felt a bit embarrassed when Justin pulled up in his car the next weekend. She hadn’t gained too much extra weight but what little she had put on was even more noticeable. The hot sun made skimpy clothes a necessity, so she was wearing a small belly shirt and a pair of Capri pants. Heather’s red hair was pulled back in a short ponytail and her sparkling green eyes were hidden behind a pair of old sunglasses. The rest of her body had changed somewhat since last summer season. Her new belly shirt was stretched over a new pair of large, wobbly almost C-cup hooters. Her bloated buns had ballooned so that she was unable to fasten the waist of these Capri pants. She had spent a good half an hour trying to hook the snap without success. By sucking in her gut, she had managed to pull the zipper up but it wasn’t comfortable at all. The waistband bit cruelly into her chubby tummy. Her tanned tummy popped out slightly and Heather had the distinct sensation that it was bouncing and jiggling as she walked.

“Hey, Justin,” she said as she approached her new boyfriend. She braced herself, expecting some comment on her new weight. She knew he wouldn’t say anything cruel; in the short time that they’d been going out she’d found Justin to be a real gentleman. But boys aren’t always conscious of just how sensitive girls can be about that issue… Justin smiled and gave her a quick kiss. Justin Vittles stood about a finger joint taller than Heather and he weighed a substantial amount more; a muscular young man with short blond hair, Heather always thought that he looked like he ought to be a football jock. But she already knew that he was more sensitive than any jock she’d ever known. For one thing, he was obviously way too nice to tell her how disgusted he must be with her added pounds.

“Hey, looks like you’ve already gotten some sun, eh, Heather?” said Justin.

“Oh…yeah.” Heather wondered why he didn’t comment on her weight. This was the first time that he’d seen her out of heavier spring clothes. Maybe Justin hadn’t been quite as oblivious to the changes taking place in her body as she’d thought so this wasn’t such a huge shock to him.

She pushed to sunglasses down to get a better look at Justin’s car. Or rather, the car that he was driving. It obviously wasn’t his. His car was a beat-up old hunk of junk yugo that he’d bought for ten dollars off of an illegal immigrant from the Czech Republic. This was a bright shiny jeep.

“You like?” said Justin enthusiastically in response to Heather’s questioning look. “My dad let me borrow it for the day! He said that the yugo would probably just get stuck in the sand and he didn’t want to have to drive down and rescue us! Isn’t it spiffy?”

“Yeah! Boy, I’ll bet that we’ll be the envy of the whole beach in this! Your dad’s the best, Justin!”

Justin opened the door and motioned for Heather to hop in. She tried. Jumping into the elevated cabin proved to be a little bit tricky. Heather hadn’t quite adjusted to her new center of gravity and she almost slipped several times. Finally, she grabbed hold of the seat and yanked herself forward, her enlarged buttocks waving in the air. Once inside, she quickly readjusted her fiery hair and waited, just a tad flushed, for Justin to get in the other side.

I hope he didn’t notice how much trouble I just had, thought Heather nervously. He’ll think I’ve become a big fat pig that can’t even do simple things like get herself in a car!

Driving down the rocky slope to the beach would have been uncomfortable no matter what but Heather was sure that her expanded body wobbled more with each bump they hit. I’m just being too self-conscious, thought Heather to herself.

“So, Justin, which beach are we going to?”

“ Sandy Cove, of course!” said Justin, grinning. “It’s the best beach! Everyone will be there! They got squid!” Justin liked marine biology.

“Yeah…I know,” said Heather, “I just thought that you might want to go to Kelp Strand Point instead. It’ll be less crowded.” She batted her eyelids at Justin, hoping that he’d take the hint. Plus, she thought to herself, fewer people to see my new spare tire.

“Sure,” said Justin. He really was an agreeable boy. “We can see squid anytime.”

The weather was so good today that even Kelp Strand Point had a fair number of beachcombers around. Heather noted with displeasure that a few of them were kids her age, kids who probably wouldn’t think twice about pointing out her weight. Still, since there weren’t many tourist attractions in this area besides an old playground and a refreshment stand, it was still empty compared to Sandy Cove. Heather had called Shelly earlier on her cellphone to warn her that they would be going to a different beach, and she was relieved to see her larger friend had already beat them there.

“Hey, guys!” Shelly bounced up, sporting a huge lopsided grin. Instead of her usual contacts, Shelly wore a pair of sleek plastic framed glasses. Her mousy brown hair was tied up in a pair of girlish pigtails. She wore a stretchy green one piece swimsuit that failed to disguise her chubby tummy and love handles. A towel tied around her waist hid her hefty thighs from view. “About time you got here!”

“Hey,” said Justin politely. “Why don’t you girls get set up? It’s so hot that I could go for a soda; you girls want anything from the refreshment stand while I’m there?”

“Yeah, bring me a hot dog,” said Shelly, throwing her towel on the ground. As she bent over to smooth it out, Heather couldn’t help feeling embarrassed for her friend’s ample, rounded rear.

“Nothing for me, thanks,” said Heather, “A girl’s gotta watch her figure.”

“Most girls maybe,” said Justin, “But not you. Are you sure?” He seemed vaguely disappointed.

“Yeah, really. I’m fine.” Heather said firmly. She was in control here. She might spend all day at home snacking, but she certainly had enough willpower to go a few hours without food when she was here at the beach. Then again…that was a few hours longer than she was used to going without food. Maybe it was better to wean herself off snacks slowly rather than just go cold turkey. “Well, maybe a hotdog, too. But just one!”

“Sure thing!” Justin quickly regained his enthusiasm and bounded off.

Shelly pinched one of Heather’s chubby cheeks. “Just one hot dog? What, are you used to eating them by the pack?”

“Shut up, Shelly, that’s not funny! You know that I spend all my time snacking. Eating just one is a step up for me. I can’t gain any more weight, Shelly! Justin’s such a great guy that I don’t want to lose him!”

“First, like I said, if his love is so dependent on your figure then he’s a jerk and not worth it. Second, I don’t think he minds your extra pounds at all. I mean, he’s practically doing everything he can short of stuffing you himself to make you pork out. If I didn’t know better I think he likes a little meat on a girl.”

Heather jolted. She hadn’t really considered that possibility. Sure, Justin had asked her out when she’d started growing a respectable ass. But it was one thing for a boy to like a curvy derriere and another thing to like actual pudge on a girl.

“Man, if that’s the case, I’ll bet I’d be his dreamgirl.” Shelly leaned backwards slowly, sticking her chunky stomach out as far as it would go. She rubbed both hands over the bulge.

“Shut up,” said Heather again, laughing. “You’d better not try anything! But do you think he really likes me when I’m this chunky? You really think he’s not just being nice? That he actually finds me attractive?”

Heather, you do realize that you’re still smaller than I am? So don’t act like you’re such a blimp.”


“Apology accepted. Now you can sit here and stew over these questions all day, so, as usual, it looks like good old Shelly’s gotta come to the rescue. When he comes back, I’ll just strut around and wiggle my big fat ass a bit and we’ll see if we get any reaction out of him! Now are you going to get changed or sit around in your capris all day?”

Heather had almost resolved not to change into her bikini before Shelly’s revelation. But now she couldn’t think of a good reason to hide her inflated assets any longer.

As she pulled her shirt over her head, Shelly caught a glimpse of Heather’s ballooning gut. It hung over the waistband of her little bikini panties, nearly obscuring them. Heather’s newly ripened form filled out her bikini to perfection. As she pulled her capris down, Heather’s rear pressed firmly against the overloaded bikini bottoms. When she stood up again, the skimpy red material slid between her fleshy buns. Heather quickly yanked them out but she suspected that they would soon slide back. Her butt felt like it was practically hanging out in the open, ready and willing to bust her bikini bottoms in half. Increased flab at Heather’s sides hung over the strings that hold the back and front of the bikini bottoms together, strings that were already pulled taunt from all the extra padding she’d put on. Now that both her belly and her butt were retaining fat, the bikini was under more stress than ever.

Heather looked down at herself. Had her bikini really become that tight? Even though Shelly was still bigger, her less revealing swimsuit made her look slimmer.

“Well,” said Shelly, again striving to put a positive spin on the situation, “There’s no way I can outshine you now.”


Heather was sunbathing when Justin returned with the food, clad in a bikini that was woefully unable to cover her expanded assets. Her large, heavy breasts stretched the top to its limits, so that the material was barely adequate to cover her nipples; they appeared ready to pop out of the snug bra cups. The strings were pulled taut around her enormous front, cutting into the soft flesh of her back. The front of her bikini bottoms were hidden beneath the lower roll of her pudgy potbelly and the back disappeared between her fleshy buns. The strings creaked softly with her every move. She slathered sunblock across her ample chest, frowning slightly.

“Great, I don’t think I’ll have enough sunblock to cover all of myself. Oh, well!” Next she worked her way down to her swollen belly.

She turned around and tried in vain to reach her flabby buttocks. With her increased girth, she wasn’t as limber as once was and reaching her behind was more difficult than it should have been. In all honesty, she was afraid to try to hard, fearing that her larger chest might shred her bikini top completely if she even breathed too deeply.

She turned as she heard the clatter of soda hitting the ground. Justin was staring straight at Heather with an idiot grin on his face.

“Well, that answers that question,” said Heather happily. “Now bring me that hotdog!”

Email: mcoddles@hotmail.com