Heather 4

"Hey, Shelly!" said Heather, poking her friend in her massive, exposed stomach. "Wake up, it's time for breakfast! And I think we could both use a little sustenance!" Heather smiled as her Shelly opened her eyes and peered up at her. Lying down, she had a new double chin, and her belly rose to touch her chest, which bulged dangerously out of a bra which Heather knew to be in the E range. Her body filled up the couch, leaving no spare inch, and Heather was in awe of Shelly's expansion. She reminded her of the 'before' photos in diet commercials. Shelly struggled to get to her feet; she was more accustomed to extra weight than Heather was, but gaining so much so quickly was even beginning to slow her down. As she awkwardly arose, her giant love handles vibrated dangerously.

Catching sight of them both in a mirror, Heather was stunned. In their underwear, they looked like two sumo wrestlers gearing up for a match! In fact... Well, as she looked at Shelly, still unaware she was probably as big as her (if not bigger!) she wondered if it was time to stop. She'd never considered getting THAT big, and she wondered what would be the best way to tell her friend she was putting on more than 'a few pounds'... Oh, who was she kidding? Shelly looked huge! It wouldn't be long before she wouldn't be able to fit out the door, she thought. Heather didn't have a problem with either of them being big, but if Shelly put on much more, she would have trouble finding clothes...

Shelly rubbed her eyes. "Bleh," she said simply, "What's for breakfast?"

Heather shrugged. Of course, they were both ravenous.

"Does it really matter? C'mon, let's get dressed and get some grub!" Shelly watched Heather wobble back to her room. She shook her head. Heather was definitely blimping out quite nicely. And she had to admit that there wasn't much reason for her to watch Heather so much. There was no indication that Heather was at all skipping meals. If anything, she was eating even more meals than even Shelly had prescribed. Guess I just like feeling like the thin one for once, she thought.

Unbelievable as it was, Shelly had begun to suspect that Heather's weight had surpassed her own. She was dying to confirm this, but was afraid to suggest a weigh-in just yet. What if Heather got scared by the high number and swore off the "diet?" It'd be back to the old days of scrawny little Heather and her big fat friend. Bleh. Plus, she didn't want Heather to be any less confident, as it would soon be time for school again...

She wondered what the other kids would think of her fattening. Plus, on the brief occasions her mother had been around (she frequently left Heather alone as she went out on business trips), she'd been shooting them more and more disapproving looks. It was shewho'd refused to buy any more pants for Heather's inflating butt, but she hadn't commented much since...

In fact, she hadn't been around for about three weeks, and Heather must be about twenty pounds heavier than when she left! The last time her mother had come back, the girls were clearing up after 'dinner' (Shelly grinned at the memory of the record-breaking ice cream consumption...). Heather had been wearing stretchy pants that were pushed to the limit, and had bumped into her mother as she came in the door. Her mother looked down at the strip of pudgy flesh, rounding out over the waistband over her slacks, and frowned.

"Good thing you'll be taking up sports when school starts." she said curtly, and slapped her daughter's heavy midriff hard. Heather had looked deeply hurt. Shelly had resolved to comfort her by sharing her own supply of snacks...

Shelly shook her head again as she picked a tank top and jeans out of her duffel bag. To think she was so against this idea only two months ago. Now she sometimes felt like she was as enthusiastic as Heather herself. And I'm not even the one gaining! She thought. Much, she added, looking down at her expansive paunch. Shelly would always admit her diet was less than healthy. Three main meals, desserts, plus snacks. Nothing like Heather, but still... But for the past week, she'd repeated the routine with Heather, each time promising herself she'd quit sneaking down the occasionally goody. And each time, she broke the promise. Now, it was starting to show. Her weight had always been fairly distributed (unlike Heather, whose rapid gain had sent her newfound chubbiness speeding to her butt and stomach), but now, her recently unconscious binging had increased those assets. She was reminded of just how much her snacking had enlarged those assets when she tried to cram her butt into her jeans.

"Uhhh, c'mon, these fit last week," she snarled. The jeans were reluctant to go over her meaty thighs and hefty legs. She lay down on the floor and slowly tried to wriggle her way into the constrictive garment. The sound of grunts and moans coming from Heather's room indicated that Heather was having similar problems with her clothes.

Shelly squirmed until she was able to raise the pants over her voluptuous bum, but she didn't even bother trying to fasten them. The button and hole were spread far apart by her rounded belly, which rose and fell dramatically with her breathing. Moving slowly due to the tightness of her pants, she waddled into Heather's room to see how she was doing. Heather was also trying to do up the zip on a pair of overly snug shorts. Unlike Shelly, though, Heather still hadn't learned when to give up on a hopeless cause.

She pulled desperately on the two flaps, trying to hook the snap.

"Give it up, fat girl," said Shelly, "The days when you could close those pants are long gone. You're officially one of us now."

"But I've always fit into these shorts!" said Heather.

She still didn't realize that all her extra weight meant she couldn't dress like a small girl anymore, thought Shelly, amused. "Fine, Heather, you tell me when you get that snap closed and we'll head off for breakfast, okay?"

Shelly left as Heather threw herself on the bed and continued fighting with her too-small shorts. Ten minutes later she emerged, panting and red-faced, but, amazingly, her pants were fastened. Unfortunately, it was obvious from Heather's awkward walk and scowling expression that the waistband was cutting into her tubby tummy. Heather had selected a longer shirt for once, which hung over her inflating waist and prevented Shelly from accurately guessing just how tight those pants were.

"How're you doing?" asked Shelly, "Can you even breathe in those?"

"No," gasped Heather, "They're cutting off my circulation."

"That's enough," laughed Shelly, "Just pop those suckers open, why don't you? C'mon, look, I did it!" She raised her own shirt, revealing her fleshy gut, her unzippered fly and exposed panties. "With that long shirt, no one will notice."

Heather was reluctant. Even though the shirt was long, it was still tight, clinging snugly to her blossoming melons and spherical stomach and revealing the slight depression of her deepening belly button. She was afraid that it was so tight that people might actually be able to detect the outline of her unzipped shorts through the stretched material. Just to be safe, she was going to leave that snap fastened no matter how uncomfortable it might be.

"Whatever, if you want to be uncomfortable that's fine with me," said Shelly. "I wouldn't recommend leaving those tight ass shorts fastened but it's your funeral."

"I don't think I'm going to suffocate, Shelly! Stop worrying so much!"

Heather assumed –rightly - that Shelly was afraid that the too-small waistband would injure Heather by digging too deeply into her soft pudgy middle. But what Heather didn't realize was the Shelly was also worried that the snap would not survive the massive breakfast she had planned. Shelly'd made the same mistake when she'd first started gaining weight all those years ago.

Forgetting how much her belly could swell during a heavy meal, she'd worn a pair skin-tight shorts to school one day to show off her new, shapely rear. (Unlike Heather, Shelly had never worried that her butt was too big!) It was not too long after her broken leg had put an end to her old, athletic life-style and her constant snacking had softened her body, but she had already accepted that she probably wouldn't ever be slim again. So, instead, she had She still remembered sauntering through the cafeteria that day, her buns shifting and swaying under the stretched fabric, feeling the furtive glances of the young boys in the crowd. Perhaps she was a little nervous. It was an experiment, after all, her first time testing out whether she could still be sexy as a larger girl. Maybe that was why she grabbed more food in the lunch line than usual: an extra box of fries, two candy bars, some pizza. It didn't seem like much at the time, not even as she was scarfing it down. She'd mowed her way through every item on her tray without a second thought- it didn't help that Heather had been there, yammering on about something – probably about how much she wished she had big boobs, again – and distracting her. Suddenly, she heard a soft "ping" and her clothes didn't feel nearly as constrictive. Her gorged gut had been slowly but steadily inflating throughout her meal, pressing harder and harder against the waistband of her slacks until the button succumbed to the pressure. She remembered turning beet red with embarrassment, hoping that no one would notice. Of course, Heather hadn't made a big deal, not wanting to embarrass her friend any further, but Shelly couldn't help but feel the tiniest twinge of resentment toward the girl who could drink liquid lard and not gain an ounce. She did feel some satisfaction now that Heather was in the same situation that she was, gaining weight like crazy. While she didn't want to cause Heather any embarrassment, she did find a certain poetic justice in that she was probably about to bust her shorts just like Shelly had all those years ago.

And so, breakfast began. Like all their meals, one kind of blended into the other through constant snacking. It was hard to know when lunch ended and dinner began. But when they did decide to officially start a meal, they made a big deal out of it. Shelly was enjoyed mealtimes more and more since she started bunking with Heather, and now their portions seemed to be equal. A few weeks before, Shelly bowed out of most of their eating contests before Heather even got started. But she'd discovered her capacity for bloating up had increased as she'd stuffed her face and swollen her belly every day and every night for weeks. But Heather had been in her element from the start, even if she was a little afraid of the huge leap she would be taking. She seemed to have dealt with that by ignoring her massive growth. Oh sure, every time she popped a seam or noticed another inch of flesh on her voluminous hips or rear, she giggled happily and rushed to tell Shelly. But Shelly was suspicious that she didn't quite realize how huge she was becoming.

It took Heather about three minutes to bust her shorts. She'd just finished her third stack of pancakes, when she leaned back, exhaled, and ripped the seat at the same time the button hit the ceiling.

She looked down with a surprised jerk. "Hey, what the -" She didn't get any further before her globular, oozing stomach bore down unsupported, squashing the waistband of the shorts and rumbling with a mixture of overstuffed fullness and ravenous hunger. Shelly peered over her own enlarging girth and smiled.

”Okay, girl, you’ve definitely made it. You’re now officially fat.”

Heather looked at herself: her jumbo hooters, her colossal pot, and her wide thighs. “I really am fat, aren’t I?” she said. “I never would have believed it. Oh Gawd, I’m soooo big! And you, too, Shelly! We’ve turned into a pair of overstuffed butterballs.”

“Yeah,” said Shelly. “I never planned to gain this much weight. But what are you gonna do? I’ll admit it, I’m fat. Not as fat as you, though, but fatter than I’ve ever been before. No reason to fight it anymore.”

Heather laughed. “The way you talk, you make it sound like we’ll just keep getting fatter and fatter forever.”

"So," said Shelly, unsure how to broach the subject.

"Justin get's back in a few days. Reckon you're big enough to give him a nice surprise?" To Shelly's amazement, Heather looked unsure as she looked down at herself, prodding her gigantic midriff and running her hands down her wide, wide hips.

"I dunno... Maybe... He'll probably barely notice... What do you think?"

”You’re joking, right? Heather, Justin might like big girls but that doesn’t mean he won’t notice anything smaller than the Goodyear blimp. You’ve gotta be at least twice your old weight now.”

Heather grabbed a hold of her jiggly belly flesh with both hands and looked at it thoughtfully. Her gut had ballooned so big that none of her shirts could completely cover it anymore; they each left varying degrees of stomach flab visible, hanging over the waist of her increasingly snug pants.

”I couldn’t weigh that much,’ said Heather dubiously. Not that I’d mind, she thought to herself, but it just wasn’t possible.

”Oh no?” said Shelly, “Tell you what: when we’ve digested enough to actually get up and waddle home, why don’t we weigh you so we’ll know for sure how heavy you’ve gotten?”

”Sure,” said Heather smoothly. She’d been pretty curious about that herself after all.

Back at home, Heather slowly lumbered up to the scale and heaved one bare, pudgy foot. The numbers danced wildly. She breathed in, and put her other foot on with a resounding THUNK. She looked up excitedly.

"Oh my god, Shelly! I can't see the scale! I'm too fat!" She was obviously delighted. Shelly conceded that from her perspective, it looked like Heather was going to have a tough time seeing over the gorged and distended gut that still trembled with every movement - plus, her heaving bosom. As much as Shelly hated to admit it, it looked like Heather had outgrown her in the chest as well. She sighed.

"Lean over then, fatso! You can make it if you bend far enough!"

Heather nodded dutifully, and slowly descended. There was the faint sound of fabric tightening around her mammoth rear, and the softer sound of her stomach forming half a dozen thick 'jelly rolls' as she moved.

Her eyes strained to see the numbers... 160... 170... 180... 190... 200! She'd broken 200! Wait, it wasn't done... 210... 217... 221!

Shelly's mouth dropped as she leaned over and examined the scale. “221! You ARE huge! Well done, Heather, capital job!”

Heather stepped off the scale, her foot hitting the ground with a thunderous clunk.

”Your turn now, Shelly. I need something to compare to!”

”Ready!” said Shelly, bracing herself to see the huge number. She tried to maneuver past Heather to get to the scale but it was trickier than she’d expected. Both girls had become so massive that it was difficult to move around in the cramped bathroom. Shelly could feel her rotund paunch rub against Heather’s flabby side as they tried to squeeze past each other.

”This is ironic,” muttered Shelly. “You used to be such a beanpole and now you’re so enormous that we can barely both fit in here.”

“Less talk, more..uh..standing on the scale!” said Heather.

Shelly stepped on the scale and tried to peer over her huge, spherical gut. She sucked in her stomach as far as she could and shoved aside her hefty jugs to get a better look but she still couldn’t see the scale!

”Great, I can’t see the number either!”

”Just do what you told me to do!” said Heather brightly.

Shelly grumbled but she did as she was told. Slowly, slowly, she bent over to see the numbers, her own butt straining against the seat of her pants, her larger stomach squishing into folds. But it was no use. Shelly was so much fatter that she couldn’t bend over far enough to see the scale. She couldn’t even see her toes over her rounded belly anymore!

”I can’t bend over far enough to see anything!” cried Shelly, straightening up. There were harsh red lines across her blubberly midsection, where her soft flesh had bunched into jelly rolls.

”Don’t worry, I’ll find out the number,” said Heather helpfully. Painfully, slowly because of her own excess poundage, she squatted down to look at the scale.

“You’re 240!” called Heather’s voice. Shelly couldn’t see her around her own massive form.

"240?” said Shelly, amazed. “You’re kidding! I can’t believe I got THAT fat! What am I gonna do? My mom'll send me to fat camp if I get much bigger!" But she didn’t actually sound that worried.

"Don't worry, Shelly,” laughed Heather. “I'll spring you. I'll just sit on the guards 'til they let you go."

Email: mcoddles@hotmail.com