Holly 'n' Sherry Stuck fast!

Holly jammed her hand down into her pocket angrily. Where was that key? She was sure she had left home with it this morning, but now it was nowhere to be found. She threw her book bag down to the ground and rummaged through the compartments to no avail. Sighing, she slumped down on the doorstep.

What to do? Holly was a skinny porcelain pale Asian girl of twelve with long black hair and a dazzling smile full of perfect white teeth. And she didn’t relish the idea of being stuck out on the porch all evening. Of course! She nearly smacked herself across the forehead when she thought of it! She could just squeeze herself through the doggy door and no one would be the wiser.

She flipped around and wriggled easily through the doggie flap as easily as a greased eel. Her tiny, child-like form fit through without a hitch. Once inside, she unlocked the door, opened it, leaned outside and grabbed her backpack! Easy as pie!

Holly was a bit forgetful, as are most kids, and she forgot her keys every so often, but she could always get in through that same trapdoor. Still, she tried hard to remember to grab her keys in the morning and eventually she’d trained herself so that she hardly forgot them at all.

As the years went by, Holly’s memory wasn’t the only thing that improved. So did her appetite. As she grew older, she also grew rounder. At seventeen, Holly still had long dark hair and perfect white teeth. She’d been thin and sprightly through most of her childhood, but her penchant for sweets had finally caught up with her when she’d turned thirteen and she’d been getting chunkier ever since. At seventeen, she wasn’t yet a complete butterball but she was definitely fleshy in a womanly way.

“This is the worst day to lose my keys,” she said to herself, shoving her hands into her jeans pockets. Her rounded hips filled out her jeans so much that it was difficult to force her hands into her pockets but she was confident that she’d searched every nook and cranny down there. “Sherry’s going to be coming over later and it’s going to be sooo embarrassing to have to tell her that I forgot the keys and we can’t get in. I used to lose my keys all the time when I was little. What did I do back then?”

Of course! There was a doggy door on the front of the She looked down at herself. She hadn’t used it in years!

Puberty had hit her with a vengeance. Over the years, she’d grown a lot bigger and a lot rounder. Her once narrow and boyish hips had spread wider and wider until there was no mistaking her for anything other than a woman. Her tiny tush had blossomed into a bulging ghetto booty that swayed and jiggled sexily whenever she walked. Her nonexistent chest had busted out and she’d had to go up two bra sizes in just a year. She’d ballooned into a very full C cup and she expected that she’d pop out of that and have to get herself a D before she stopped growing. The white button-down boy’s shirt she was wearing today almost fit her - the buttons across her bust strained slightly, making faint pucker lines in the fabric around the middle three. It was hardly noticeable - except when she wanted it to be - but she liked the effect. Taking a deep breath whenever she noticed a cute guy giving her the eye she could give a honey a quick glimpse of two pale, plump juggs in a lacy white bra.

She’d accumulated a little bit of flab on her stomach, too, but mostly she’d swollen up around her hips and ass, giving her an exaggerated hourglass figure. The beige hip huggers she was wearing today didn’t leave much to the imagination, so there was no way she could pretend that she was still the tiny little thing she had been at twelve. Could she honestly squeeze through the same doggy door that she’d shimmied through so easily all those years before?

“Worth a shot,” she said, shrugging. She picked up her book bag and shoved it through the flap. Next, she lay down on her fleshy tummy and started edging her way through.

Immediately, it was apparent that this wasn’t nearly as easy as it had been when she was younger. Her head fit though easily, but then her bloated boobs didn’t want to fit through. She shoved harder, pushing her hands in around her bulbous bosom. She splayed her arms out inside and, with some effort, caused herself to pop forward slightly. Now her overfull chest, at least, was inside. Now there was just the matter of her chunky midsection and voluminous thighs.

She continued wriggling and slowly inched herself forward. “I seem to be making some progress,” she thought to herself just before she felt her sides scrape against the door edges. She pushed again but this time she didn’t think she’d have nearly as much luck. Her massive bum was stuck outside and there was nothing she could do. She tried to flip around so that she was lying on her back with her rounded stomach on top but she couldn’t budge. She was stuck fast.

Holly groaned inwardly as she thought about what Sherry would discover when she arrived: Holly’s plump ass sticking up in the air, hopelessly wedged into a too small doggie door. Gawd, this was embarrassing. Had she really gotten to fat to squeeze herself through tight spaces like this?

She wiggled her chubby rump and again tried to force her way through. Nothing doing. She was stuck fast. Nothing to do now but wait until Sherry arrived to free her. Since Sherry was pretty chubby herself, Holly hoped that she would sympathize with her predicament and wouldn’t find it too funny.


She was wrong. Sherry thought the whole situation was pretty funny. She couldn’t stop laughing. Sherry was a tanned California girl with frizzled shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. Unlike Holly, though, her chubbiness was disguised under a light sweater and long skirt.

“It’s not funny,” grumbled Holly, making one last futile effort to pop through the narrow opening. All she managed to do, though, was to twitch her butt in the air, which only made Sherry laugh harder. She tried to scoot forward but only managed to get her pants twisted around and stuck, pulling them tighter across her ample buns and revealing the faint outline of a pair of thong underpants.

“I can’t believe this! This is sooo funny! Sorry, Holly, guess you’re just too tubby to fit through there.”

“I am not tubby!” squealed Holly angrily. “These stupid doors are too small. What kind of dog was this built for, a chihuahua?”

“Ooo, someone’s sensitive, eh, pumpkin butt?”

Holly kicked her meaty legs feebly. “Get me ouuuut!” she moaned loudly.

“Okay, here, on three, you pull, I’ll push.” Holly felt her friend’s hand press against her fleshy buns. “One, two, three!” Holly grunted as she heaved against the doorframe but she didn’t move forward a single centimeter.

“Again!” Outside, Sherry pressed her shoulder against Holly’s broad backside and heaved with all her might. After a minute, she stopped.

“Any movement?” she gasped.

“No,” grumbled Holly. “But now my butt hurts, too. I think you must have left a permanent impression in the flesh with all your pushing.”

“Well, there’re worse things than having my handprints in your ass. You can take off your pants and do an impression of Manns Chinese Theater. BWAHAHAHAHA!”

“That’s just about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard!” yelled Holly, whose mood was getting blacker by the minute. “Isn’t there any way you can get me out of this?”

“I don’t know. You might have to just wait here until you lose weight. Just like Winnie the Pooh!”

“That’s not funny.”

“I wasn’t kidding.”

“But I don’t wanna lose weight!” Holly was rather proud of her full, voluptuous figure. Sure, her hefty knockers, bloated tummy, and inflated bottom made it hard to squeeze through small openings - say, for instance, this one - but wasn’t that a small price to pay for being so damn sexy?

“Maybe your parents can cut you out when they get home.”

“WHAT?? My parents love this door! It’s authentic walnut. They’d probably rather cut my rear off before they’d damage this door.”

“Maybe it would grow back, though? It certainly grew pretty splendidly the first time. And I don’t think it ever stopped.”

“If I ever get out of here, I’m going to kick you so bad!”

“Hey, you know how rodent teeth never stop growing? Maybe your ass is like that, too!”

“SHUT UP! You shouldn’t talk; you’re almost as big as I am. Now give me another push!”

“Yeah, I might be just as fat, but at least I have more sense than to try and cram myself through that little bitty doggy door.”

Holly again felt a fair of chunky hands against her well-padded rump. She sucked in her blubbery gut with all her might - which actually made her pants feel loose for once, she marveled, and pushed her fleshy palms against the sides of the door frame. For a split second, she felt as if she was actually moving forward.

“I did it! I’m moving! I’m moving! Oh!” Holly shrieked as she popped forward slightly like a watermelon seed squeezed between two fingers, but it was only a momentary sensation. Immediately, she realized that the push had only had the situation worse. Her shirt had been caught on the doorframe and her sudden surge forward had snapped several buttons from their threads. Looking down at her expansive cleavage, she silently thanked her lucky stars that her front was inside.

“I like to give boys a peak at these peeks,” she mumbled to herself, “but this is ridiculous.” Out loud she called, “Sherry! It didn’t work! I’m still stuck and now my shirt’s all torn!”

“What, completely?”

“No, I just..I mean, I lost some buttons. I’ll be fine. But what do we do now?”

“Well, we can’t push you in. Maybe we can pull you out?”

“Oh no!” Inside, Holly instinctively put her hands over her melon-heavy knockers. “I’m all exposed! No one can see me like this!”

“What do you mean ‘exposed?’ You’re still in your bra, right?”

“Yes..but still…”

“Would you rather be outside in your bra for like five minutes or be stuck here until your parents find you here? In your bra?”

“Fine, fine,” griped Holly, giving in. “You grab my legs and I’ll..I don’t know, I’ll shove backwards against the floor in here.”

Holly felt Sherry’s hands grab her legs a split second before she rocketed backwards- and again bumped into the too-small hole. No good. Her extra flab didn’t want to go through. It just bunched up around the hole, folding into a series of soft, quivering rolls. Holly let out a grunt as Sherry gave up.

“That’s not working either. Something’s stuck in there!”

“Yeah, my big fat gut. Now I wish I wasn’t so darn big. Even if it meant being less sexy!”

Outside, Sherry was shocked. To have said something like that, Holly must really be in a dire situation. She had to do something fast. But what could she do? What indeed!

“Holly! I’ve got it! The spare fridge!”

“What? This is no time to be thinking about food, fatso! I need help here!”

“Exactly! Your parents have that spare fridge out back, right? The one where they keep that giant turkey on Thanksgiving every year?”

“Yeeeah, what about it?”

”Remember that time your dad bought twenty pounds of butter and twelve gallons of milk because it was on sale and your mom threw him out of the house for being an idiot?”

“Of course I remember that. It was last week.”

“That’s where he put in the butter! In the fridge! I could get some and grease you down and I’ll bet you’d slip right out of there.”

Holly groaned. Getting covered in slippery, sticky butter didn’t sound like much of an improvement to her, but by this point she’d try anything. “Go ahead.”

It only took Sherry a few minutes to return carrying a stack of butter sticks from the conveniently placed fridge (Made by Deus Ex Machina Appliances). Holly felt Sherry push at her shirt up through the door to expose a nice wide swath of jiggly belly fat. Holly squealed involuntarily as she felt the cold butter suddenly make contact with her skin.

“AIIE! That’s cold! Careful!” She squirmed in spite of herself and Sherry swore under her breath.

“You’re not making this any easier, but you’re all slicked up now. Try inching out.”

Hardly expecting anything, Holly edged backwards - and slipped right out. Her greasy flabby middle easily slid through the narrow doorway with a low slurping noise! She almost yelped with joy when she stopped moving. Her breasts. Her huge, billowing breasts, her pride and joy, wouldn’t fit out.


”What’s wrong?”

“You won’t believe this, but my boobs are too big to fit through!”

“No, they aren’t. How’d you fit them through the first time?”

“I don’t know. I must have been at a different angle. Let me move around. Ouch!”

Tangled in her shirt and covered in slippery butter, Holly found it almost impossible to move around to any position that would allow both her and her mammoth chest to squeeze out.

“This isn’t working. Don’t get all weird on me, but we need to grease up my boobs, too!”

Silence. “Fine, but your boobs are stuck on the inside. How am I supposed to reach them?”

Holly stared at herself in horror. Sherry was right; there was no way for her to reach her bloated tits in there. “Okay, fine. Then…we’ll have to…grease up my ass and I’ll slide inside!”

“Okay,” said Sherry dubiously. “But it’s going to ruin your pants. I think we’re going to have to take them off.”

“Nonono!” shouted Holly, kicking her chunky legs feebly and sending tiny tremors through her fatty rear and thighs. “I’m not going to have my fat butt hanging out in a pair of underwear! That’s too much.”

“Then you’ll just have to wait here until your mom and dad get home.”

“Fine, fine, strip me down.” Holy couldn’t believe this situation at all. She couldn’t help but blush as she felt Sherry’s fingers probe her midsection, lifting her fleshy, buttery potbelly to reach the snap on her tight-ass pants. As snug as her pants were, Sherry didn’t have any trouble popping the snap. Pulling them down her wide thighs was a little more difficult, but soon Holly’s bodacious booty was free. Her pale bubble butt quivered slightly as Holly shifted uncomfortably. It was cold and all she had on below the waist was a tiny black thing bikini bottom, barely covering her crotch in front and slipping between her bulging buns in back.

She stifled a yelp as she felt Sherry’s hands start massaging the remaining butter into her exposed skin. Sherry kneaded her hefty thighs and pudgy legs, spreading the oily substance all over here lower body.

“All done!” she called, standing up to admire her work. Holly’s wide body gleamed and glistened, covered in slippery butter.

“Here goes!” Holly slid forward again - and stopped. She pushed again. And again. And again. All to no avail.

“What’s wrong?” she cried. “I thought you buttered my butt!?”

“I did,” said Sherry. “But..uh…it still won’t fit.”

“What do you mean ‘it still won’t fit?’”

“I mean, your ass is so fat that even when it’s greased up it’s too wide to get through there.”

“Do you have to keep reminding me how big my butt is? It’s really getting old. Now, c’mon, there’s got to be a way out. I’m going to push harder this time.”

Sherry wasn’t paying attention anymore, though. She’d given up on Holly’s predicament as hopeless. There was no way they’d ever fit a chunky babe like her through that tiny little door, either forward or backward. There didn’t seem to be much to do except wait for reinforcements. Sherry sat down on the porch as Holly continued to mumble and squirm behind her. I wonder if there’s anything to eat in that fridge besides butter, thought Sherry. She hadn’t really paid attention the first time. She peered around the side of the house curiously, straining to catch a glimpse of the old fridge.

“Hey,” said Sherry absently. “Did you know that that side window is open?”

Holly froze. “What?”

“There’s an open window over there. The living room window. Your mom must have left it open to air out the room. You probably could have squeezed through there. Should have thought of that before you tried to get through that doggie door.”

“Sherry! You can get through there! Go in and open the door from the inside!”

Sherry frowned at the window. She wasn’t so sure of that. “I don’t know about that. It’s kind of a tight fit. What if I get stuck, too?”

“Not so brave anymore, are you? C’mon, Sherry, please? I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch, really, just go in and help me out! Pleeeease?”

”Okay, okay, I’m going,” laughed Sherry. She lumbered over to the window and, with a slight grunt, heaved herself up to the ledge and wriggled her way inside.

From her vantage point in the front hallway, Holly couldn’t see her plump friend struggling through the living room window but she could hear both Sherry’s grunts and sighs as well as the creaks and groans of the straining window frame as she squeezed her flabby bulk through it.

After a few minutes, a plaintive voice reached Holly’s ears.

“Holly! I’m stuck, too!”

“What? You’re kidding!”

“No, I’m not. This window isn’t big enough for me to get through. I think I miscalculated…”

In the living room, Sherry twisted about, trying desperately trying to free herself. She only managed to get her clothes in a twist, accidentally causing her snug skirt to ride up and her sweater to get tangled. Her frizzy strawberry blonde hair fell about her face in strands as she rolled and wriggled. Her pudgy middle rubbed the sides of the window frame, raising angry red welts, but she didn’t move an inch.

“I thought you said you were to smart to miscalculate and get stick in a window?”

“Well, obviously, I was wrong.”

“This is it! We’re done for! I can’t believe you got stuck too! There’s no way this could possibly get any worse!” Holly screamed, kicking her legs in fury. Quite suddenly, she heard a SNAP and felt a cold breeze.

“What’s wrong?” called Sherry, reacting to the sudden silence.

“My thong,” whispered Holly. “I kicked and…I snapped my thong.”

Another silence followed. And then a gale of inappropriate laughter.

“It’s not funny!” snarled Holly savagely.

“Oh, yes, It is! Things are most definitely worse. Wait till your parents come home; it’s a good thing they’re so understanding. And they’ll be happy to see that butter finally made itself useful!”

Email: mcoddles@hotmail.com