Inflation Stories

These are stories of pretty young lasses suddenly inflating like balloons and, in some cases, popping as such, too. THESE AREN'T WEIGHT GAIN STORIES! If you're here for weight gin stories, go to the other story page. Seriously, if you're not into this sort of thing, don't read this page. And if you do, don't send me pissy letters!

Daphne Wins a Prize - A bitchy young executive eats more than she should. A quasi-weight gain-inflation story with a gory ending, so be warned!

Jessica Blows Herself to Pieces - A reader request about a nasty young lady who gets an equally nasty comeupponce. Deliciously nasty!

Unfortunate and distressing problems with a Balloon - A pair of young lovers learns why you really, really, really should read the directions. Oh, and don't trust anything you buy over the internet. Another reader request!

Audio Script - Long story about this. A while back, Korg Fal, the man behind the Kabooom Yahoo groups, asked me to write an inflation script to his specifications, which he then planned to turn into a radio play - with Cyndi Irresistable in the lead. Unfortunately, various complications arose and it looks like the radio play will never be. So, just so it doesn't go to waste, here's the script. Enjoy!
