
“My God, what is wrong with me?” mumbled Danielle to herself as she dropped a stick of butter into the saucepan and squished it up with a spatula. “I shouldn’t be feeling this way, it’s never happened before.”

Danielle stole a quick glance into the next room where her roommate Jenna waslistening to the Ace of Base. Jenna was a tall, voluptuous Scandinavian girl with wispy, light blonde hair so pale that it was almost white. Danielle had always been jealous of Jenna’s good looks ever since the two freshmen started living together this year, but it was only recently that her envy had begun to turn to admiration. And now, it seemed, it was turning to lust. One night, she’d noticed that since beginning college that Jenna had put on a little weight. Nothing too dramatic, but enough to be noticeable. When Jenna sat up, Danielle’s eyes were drawn to the tiny bit of soft pudge around her middle around her deepening navel. The sight awoke strange new feelings in Danielle. She was glad that Jenna was far from her home on the east coast, her family, her old friends, and most of all her boyfriend—it meant that there weren’t any other people around to distract Jenna from spending time around her.

As Jenna’s body bulged more with each meal, Danielle found herself becoming more and more turned on. She didn’t quite understand why. She’d never felt that way about a girl before. Danielle chastised herself again for what she was doing. Because these days Jenna wasn’t just growing by herself. Unbeknownst to the leggy blonde, Danielle had been helping her along…

“Hey, Jenna,” she called, her throat slightly dry. “Why don’t you come in here and try this sauce I’m making?”

“Sure thing,” said Jenna casually. She strode into the kitchen, her softer body jiggling slightly, provocatively, as she walked. As usual, Jenna was clad in a snug pink sweat suit, the sort made popular amongst hipsters these days by Jennifer Lopez, with big hoop earrings in her dainty ears. She wore it often, even as extra pounds accumulated on her hips and rear, making the sweats snugger than they used to be.

Danielle swallowed hard. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this. It wasn’t right…but somehow she couldn’t help herself. Ever since she’d first discovered these forbidden thoughts about her roommate, she had started cooking…special treats for Jenna. Of course, she didn’t tell Jenna that the cookies she baked had way too much butter and way too much sugar in them, or that the soups and sauces she concocted had so many eggs and so much cream, or that the French fries she prepared weren’t really fried in 100% vegetable oil but rather pure, simple lard. In short, she was secretly trying to add to Jenna’s ballooning weight, helping her to become fatter and fatter and, in Danielle’s eyes, sexier and sexier.

“Hmmm,” said Jenna, closing her eyes and spooning some sauce into her mouth. “Not bad.” Danielle felt her heart thumping wildly in her chest as she saw the spoon disappear into Jenna’s mouth, envisioning where those calories would reappear on her thighs. Danielle was glad that Jenna was so easy to cook for – having been raised on a diet of Swedish meataballs and Swedish fish, she liked to eat anything that tasted new and exotic.

“What is it?” asked Jenna. Danielle smiled, hoping that the heat she was feeling wasn’t making her face flush. She thought that Jenna must be the most desirable girl in the world, standing there in her snug sweats, her thighs slightly wider than they’d been at the start of the year, her slight tummy poking out between the top and pants, her swelling breasts pushing against the front zipper of her sweat top with every breath she took.

“It’s just an old family recipe,” said Danielle. “It’s, uh, soup. Yes.” Duh, thought Danielle, of course it’s soup. You’re so stupid! Jenna is totally going to catch on that you’re just making stuff up as an excuse to feed her!

But Jenna didn’t seem to care. Grinning mischievously, she bent down to grab another spoonful. “This is good,” she said. “You’re a great cook, Danielle. It’s a good thing I don’t gain weight or I’d be a whale on all this great stuff. It’s just the thing I need to give me the strength to go shopping at IKEA tonight. I think I migt buy some legos there. And afterwards I need to pick up a Bjork album.”

“But Bjork is Icelandic!”

”Oh, right. Well, then I’ll get some Abba.”

Danielle bit her lip and smiled again as Jenna sipped her third spoonful. Jenna might think she could eat anything and not gain weight but Danielle knew better. She just hoped that Jenna didn’t change her attitude until she was too round to do anything about it.


And it didn’t. Despite her increasing girth over the next few months, Jenna seemed completely oblivious to Danielle’s schemes. She never bought new clothes, instead preferring to stuff herself into her increasingly tight old garments. Danielle continued to ply her with tasty, high calorie goodies at every opportunity. Danielle made dinner every night, buttery pasta dishes, and fried chicken and anything she could think of that was guaranteed to add inches to Jenna’s beautiful, inflating figure. Afterwards, Danielle was always sure to have some delicious dessert dish planned. Jenna usually protested that she wasn’t hungry, but she relented with a little coaxing from her roommate.

“No, really, I’m totally stuffed tonight,” said Jenna, rubbing her rounded belly for emphasis. “Look at how my stomach sticks out. I’ve eaten way too much already.” She raised her shirt to peer at her tummy. Indeed, her pale, ivory midsection bulged out like an overfull water balloon, but Jenna attributed that only to having just eaten a large meal and not to her new, higher weight.

“Come on, Jenna, I went through all this trouble to make a really great soufflé. You’ll be missing out!” Danielle ran back to the kitchen to retrieve the dessert. She came back, beaming, carrying a huge dish of soufflé.

Jenna shook her head, her wispy blonde hair swishing, as Danielle pulled the top of the soufflé dish. “No, no, I mean it tonight. I’m really full. I couldn’t eat another bite.”

“Oh…okay.” Danielle put on her best puppy dog eyes and started to cover up the soufflé. She looked like she was going to cry. Jenna couldn’t stand that. She was a sweet girl and, since it looked like Danielle’s heart just might break, she decided she had to at least taste it.

“Fine, Danielle, if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll have a bite.”

“Yay!” Danielle’s mood immediately perked up. Heh heh, sucker, she thought, works every time. She scooped out a huge dollop and dropped it on Jenna’s plate. And then a much smaller dollop for her own plate. She ate a little, but mainly she just watched Jenna.

When Danielle had first met her, Jenna had been womanly. Under Danielle’s surreptitious fattening regime she’s plumped up substantially and now verged on chubby. Her flat belly had slowly grown, extending outward until she had a slight, soft paunch. She’d developed flabby love handles at her sides that hung over the waist of her low-rise sweats. In the back, Jenna’s ass had grown as well. She still wore the same pink sweatsuit, except now it didn’t cover her nearly as well. She left the top unzipped (“That’s the style,” said Jenna, but Danielle suspected that her expanded knockers were too big to allow it to zip completely) and wore a tight white tank top underneath. The tank top creased around her ample, wobbling boobs and the jiggly, fleshy rolls of her stomach. Her wide, round rump filled back of her sweatpants, so that when she walked Danielle could easily see the curves of her ample butt cheeks. Jenna’s pretty, pale face sported an obvious double chin when she looked down.

“Damn,” said Jenna, her mouth full of dessert. “This is the best! I know I said I was full but I’m sure I can make some room for this.” She stuffed another forkful into her already bulging cheeks, and smiled, cream dribbling from her mouth.

“I knew you’d like it,” purred Danielle happily. She grinned evilly and looked her roommate over again. She didn’t know how much Jenna weighed—she didn’t want to bring it up, since if she did Jenna might finally realize she was seriously getting fat and try to change her eating habits—but she’d doubled in size since the start of the school year. Danielle groaned quietly, feeling herself getting slippery again. Not here, not now, she thought desperately. Stop thinking about it! Stop thinking about Jenna and her beautiful, beautiful flesh…that tasty, fleshy ass…that perfect bloated gut…getting bigger and bigger every day. Danielle imagined how those sweats would look in another month, so tight that they strained at the seams, creaking as Jenna lumbered around the apartment, slowly fraying and tearing. And if Jenna got even bigger, those clothes would be literally splitting apart, plump jugs and tubby belly spilling out.

Control yourself, thought Danielle, this is getting ridiculous. You can’t go on like this. You’ve got to stop. You can’t keep stuffing Jenna until she explodes. You’ve got to call this whole thing off.

“This is so good,” said Jenna, forking the last of her meal into her mouth. “Oooo, Gawd, I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.” She gingerly rubbed her loaded tummy, which gurgled and squelched as it started to digest her enormous meal. Jenna pushed back from the table, her chubby paunch pressing tightly against the thin material of her tank top. The lowest roll of her new pot hung just below the bottom hem of her shirt, so Danielle got a brief glimpse of soft, pink flesh. Above that, Jenna’s deeper belly button was visible as a slight indentation through the stretched material. As she breathed, the indentation become slightly more obvious and the exposed potbelly grew just a tad. Danielle felt sad every time Jenna exhaled, just because some of her tender little pot belly would go back into hiding.

“If it’s so good, you could always have some more,” said Danielle sweetly, shoving the serving dish toward Jenna.

“Normally, I would, but I think I’m going to save a little of that for my boyfriend,” said Jenna.

Danielle was confused. She’d heard a little about Jenna’s high school boyfriend, and, of course, she was jealous of anyone who got to touch Jenna’s supple, meaty body, but why was Jenna saving him soufflé? He lived halfway across the country, back in Jenna’s hometown on the west coast. “What are you talking about?” asked Danielle. “You can’t send a soufflé through the mail.”

“Silly! He’s coming to visit next week. This’ll keep till then, right?” She looked up to see the flabbergasted look on her roommate’s face. “Didn’t I tell you?”

“Errr…” said Danielle. Crap, she thought, my plan’s spoiled! He’s bound to notice that Jenna’s turned into a real butterball. And when he points that out, Jenna’s sure to start dieting. Blast!


“I’ve got to stop feeding Jenna so many calories,” said Danielle to herself, nervously brushing her hair out of her eyes. “Tonight’s the last big meal, I swear it. Scout’s honor.” She looked down at tonight’s dinner, a huge spinach casserole. It had vegetables; that had to count for something. “I’m sure it makes up for the two cans of cream of mushroom soup I poured in. Man, this is ridiculous. I promised I wouldn’t try to blimp Jenna anymore until after her boyfriend left, but I guess that was pointless. Even if I had started cooking diet foods, how much could she have slimmed down in a week?”

She turned to look at Jenna sitting at the kitchen table doing some homework and absently snacking on a big of chips. “I can’t help myself,” mumbled Danielle as another handful of greasy potato chips disappeared into Jenna’s mouth. She was just sooo sexy.

Jenna didn’t think she’d gained any weight at all, so she wasn’t making any effort to control her appetite. Today she wore a snug blouse and a pair of cut-off jean shorts that hugged her widening derriere and left her plump legs bare. Those long legs had always been nice and meaty but now they were getting really thick.

“Screw it,” thought Danielle, gazing longingly at Jenna’s chubby figure. “I don’t care what Todd thinks, I’m not going to stop fattening her up. I love seeing more of her every day too much.”

She cleared her throat, drawing Jenna’s attention away from her homework book. “What’s up?” asked Jenna brightly. Even her face was wider, her chipmunk cheeks chubbier.

“Dinner is served,” said Danielle.


Finally, the big night was here. Danielle didn’t speak much all evening as an even bigger Jenna, back in her old sweat suit, finished the last remnants of dinner.

“I’ll be right back,” said Jenna, lurching to her feet. Dinner crumbs fell down from her face and disappeared into her monumental cleavage. “I just want to get freshened up quickly for Todd.” Jenna jiggled her way back to her room, her fleshy bottom undulating under her tight pink sweats as she walked. When she returned, she had fixed her hair and applied some make-up but she was still wearing the same straining pink sweat suit

Danielle frowned. “Are you sure you don’t want to wear something a little nicer? I mean, it is the first time you’ll see him in months.” Normally, she loved to see Jenna lounge around in her increasingly small sweat suit, letting her ample middle and rounded buttocks stretch the flimsy fabric, because it emphasized just how big she was getting. But now she feared that it would only draw Todd’s attention to the wrong areas.

“Yeah, why not?” asked Jenna. “I always wear this. I think it shows off my best assets.” She grinned and struck a pose, pushing out her magnificent booty and thrusting out her larger chest. “It’s tight around my sexiest parts.”

“Yeah, I couldn’t agree more,” mumbled Danielle. But would Todd think so?

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and Danielle knew she was about to find out. With a cry, Jenna bounced to the door and flung it open. Her old boyfriend Todd stood there smiling. But his smile faded as his eyes traveled up and down Jenna’s new body.

“Hi, sexy!” squealed Jenna, delighted.

Todd gawked, a look of disgust crossing his features. “Jenna, what happened to you?”

“What?” said Jenna, confused. She had no idea what he was talking about.

“‘What?’ What do you mean ‘what?’ You’re huge! You look like a pig. What have you been eating? Jeez, you‘ve gotten fat.”

“What?” Jenna was completely shocked. She’d been in complete denial of her bountiful new curves and now suddenly her old boyfriend was accusing her of being fat.

“I am not fat, what are you talking about? You’ve got some nerve! I haven’t seen you in months and that’s the first thing you say to me? ‘Jeez, you’ve gotten fat?’ You jackass.”

“Well, you are fat. Look at that huge gut on you! Is that why you’re wearing sweats? Because you can’t fit into anything else?”

“Shut up!” shouted Jenna, getting angry.

“I’ll bet it is,” continued her boyfriend. “I’ll bet you can’t even zip that zipper up with that giant, fat stomach of yours.” He grabbed Jenna’s flabby tummy and gave it jiggle. When he released it, Jenna’s adipose wobbled and shimmied for a full minute. Danielle couldn’t take her eyes off of Jenna’s bouncing belly.

“That’s ridiculous,” snapped Jenna. “Of course I can zip it up.” She grabbed the zipper toggle and started pulling up. Danielle noticed that Jenna had to suck in her gut to get the zipper over her stomach. Jenna pulled the zipper over her prominent belly but stopped short of pulling it over her growing gazongas.

“See?” She said, spreading her arms triumphantly. The gesture caused her to puff out her chest, sliding the zipper down a few notches. “Nothing to it. I can’t believe you, Todd.”

“Sure,” said Todd sarcastically, “You’re not fat at all. Why don’t you try pulling the zipper up all the way? Or are you afraid that your big fat tits will bust it?”

“Shut up,” snarled Jenna again. “That’s not it at all, you jerk. This is just the style. I could fit everything in easily if I wanted. Besides,” she mumbled under her breath as she reached for the zipper, “most guys wouldn’t complain about my tits.” She looked down, her thick red lips drawn down in concentration, and jerked upward.

“Oo!” Jenna squeaked involuntarily as the zipper tried unsuccessfully to surmount her enormous bosom. She looked plaintively at Todd, obviously embarrassed, but he only glared back harshly. “Stupid zipper is stuck,” said Jenna under her breath Danielle groaned inwardly. It was so obvious that Jenna was having trouble. She tried again harder, gasping as the sudden constriction forced the breath from her lungs. This time she made it and the zipper passed over her twin mountains.

She turned to Todd, smiling gleefully. “What did I tell you?” she said in a breathy voice. She was having just a little trouble breathing in this zipped jacket, pushing her big boobs into her chest.

“Great, Jenna, just great,” said Todd. “I guess you haven’t yet gotten too fat to just barely fit into a sweat suit. What a great accomplishment. Bravo. I don’t have time for this. Are you seriously telling me that you don’t think you’ve become a huge, disgusting cow?”

“Of course I haven’t!” said Jenna, pointing at her front. “Didn’t you see? I zipped it all the way up!”

“Whatever,” said Todd, rolling his eyes. “Then you’re fat AND retarded. I hope you have fun ballooning up like a raft. I’m outta here.”

And he stomped out, leaving Jenna speechless and distraught.


“Jenna, are you okay?” Danielle slowly edged the bedroom down open to find her roommate hiding under her bed.

“Go away,” said Jenna’s voice.

Danielle bent down to look under the bed. After Todd had left, Jenna locked herself in her room and refused to come out. Now Danielle felt a little bad about her efforts to spread Jenna’s waistline, but, deep down, she couldn’t help but feel that she’d done Jenna a favor. If Todd threw a hissy fit about a few extra pounds, then he was a total jerk and Jenna was better off without him. She was better off with someone like me, thought Danielle. That felt satisfying.

Jenna was sobbing and hiccupping under the bed. It was dark under the bed, but Danielle could make out the bulk of Jenna’s body and, in the air, her big, soft ass, which jiggled and shook with every sob.

“Jenna, I’m sorry about Todd,” said Danielle softly. “But if he’s going to act like that, he’s a jerk.”

“I know,” sobbed Jenna, tears streaking her face. “I don’t know what his problem is. Where did he get this crazy idea that I’ve gained weight? I might have put on a pound or two, but really, I’m still just as slim as ever, right?”

“Of course you are, Jenna. Todd probably just remembers you wrong because it’s been so long since he saw you last.”

“Some boyfriend,” snarled Jenna, sliding herself forward. Her wobbling buns brushed the bed above and her bloated belly spread against the floor beneath.

“Erg,” she grunted. “Man, this is a tight squeeze. What’s going on here?” Jenna clawed at the ground and, grunting, tried to pull herself out from under the bed. Her prominent booty, however, had wedged itself firmly against the box spring above her and despite all her best efforts she was stuck fast. Danielle watched her, a warm, tingly feeling growing in her loins, as she was confronted by this undeniable evidence of Jenna’s expansion. She could hardly contain her glee at seeing how large Jenna had grown, that she was so swollen with fat that she could get trapped under a bed like this.

“What the hell is wrong with this bed?” said Jenna angrily. She was still in denial that her situation could have anything to do with her massive girth. “Did someone lower this thing? Did you do that, Danielle?”

“No, of course not,” squeaked Danielle. Damn, she thought, I’ve got to keep myself under control.

Jenna struggled to pull herself out from under the bed but it was hopeless. Danielle wondered how she had managed to squeeze down there in the first place with her big butt, expansive belly, and fat milk bags.

“Here, I’ll give you a hand,” said Danielle, extending her hand. Jenna grabbed it and heaved just as Danielle pulled. Jenna didn’t budge an inch. She was too fat and too tightly squeezed between bed and floor. Damn, thought Danielle, I didn’t realize my meals had just a big effect on her! This is even better than I expected.

“Let’s try again,” said Danielle. She knew Jenna was stuck fast, but she didn’t want to say it. She feared that acknowledging that might burst Jenna’s delusional bubble about her weight.

Jenna nodded and the two girls again started pulling. Again, Jenna didn’t move. Worse, the feel of Jenna’s soft palms and the thought of her massive, quivering bubble butt was making it hard for Danielle to concentrate. She shuddered with intense arousal at the idea and nearly let go of Jenna’s hand.

“Maybe I should just lift the bed instead,” said Danielle after this second attempt failed. With a grunt, she dug her hands under the mattress and managed to lift it just a fraction of an inch, enough for Jenna to scoot out to freedom.

As Jenna stumbled to her feet, Danielle heard a soft tearing sound. After all this time, Jenna’s pink sweats had finally split, revealing a perfect crescent that followed the curvature of her right butt cheek. Danielle could see plenty of Jenna’s chunky ass, both her white cotton panties and her bare pale skin through the tear.

Jenna’s hands flew to her bubble butt and a look of horror crossed her face. “Oh my GAWD!” she wailed. She turned to inspect herself in the full length mirror, turning sideways to see her torn pants. Even standing, her fat, wide rump was so tightly packed into the seat of her pants that the split didn’t narrow at all but flared out revealing a wide expanse of Jenna’s underpants. “Todd was right! I really have gotten fat. How could this have happened?”

“You’re not fat,” said Danielle, patting Jenna’s shoulder. She desperately hoped she could convince Jenna of that. It would suck if Jenna stopped gaining. And it would suck even more if Jenna started dieting.

“I’m not? But look at me! I couldn’t zip my jacket over my breasts! I just burst the seat of my pants! I got stuck under a bed! Can’t you see it? I know you’re trying to make me feel better, but there’s no other explanation. I don’t see any difference, but Todd must have a really keen eye.”

Damn, thought Danielle, she’s finally caught on! Now that Jenna knows she’s fat, there’s no way that she’s going to keep stuffing her face with cookies and creams and all that junk I’ve been making. Danielle was ready to despair when she realized something important—even if Jenna knew she was a big girl now, she didn’t know it was because Danielle had been deliberately fattening her. So maybe all wasn’t lost…

“Maybe I can help you, Jenna.”

“What? How?”

“Well, if you think you need to lose weight, then it’s important that you eat a special diet, right? And I know everything about cooking, as we’ve already established. So why don‘t you let me do ALL of your cooking for you? I can prepare special low fat, low calorie treats every bit as good as the stuff I‘ve been making so far.”

Jenna brightened though her tears. “That’s a great idea! I’ll do it, Danielle. With your help, I’ll drop these pounds in no time!”

“That’s right. You just have to promise that you won’t eat anything except what I give you, okay?”

“It’s a deal!”

“Perfect.” Danielle grinned. Perfect, indeed.
