Part 2 - The High Fat & Calorie Diet

By TheOwl

I could not sleep at all last night; I could not help but think up ways to keep Jenna on the road to obesity. If I do not want her to start to lose anything, I need to be a little clever but it still might not work. The way I see it there are four areas that I will need to concentrate on if this is to work.

The first and probably the most obvious is the food I’d serve her up, I need to devise some meals that could be good for you but make them so they are not. I’ve been doing it already to a degree by the way I add plenty of butter and cream to dishes. This though I decided needed a certain amount of extra creativity if it was going to work, than was used previously. I came up with the idea that I would always have to do the shopping so I knew Jenna was going to be out of the house when I returned. That way I could replace all the high fat goodies I’d purchased into packaging I’d keep of all the diet products. So I could carry on filling her full of high calorie fair with out her catching on.

Second is what to do about her increasingly tight clothes, now if they kept on getting even snugger around her flabby tummy and breasts, she would know she was not losing any weight and that would not work, now would it. She needed to see that her clothes were starting to fit better, so that was going to be exactly what she saw. As soon as the shops opened that following morning I went out and tried to find all of Jenna’s favorite outfits albeit in larger sizes, it was not hard to find similar clothes but not exact matches, it meant having to make adjustment to some things after I’d brought them. The new clothes did not look worn or faded like some of Jenna’s trusty favorites in her current wardrobe, so once I was back home, when she was out of the house I washed them a few times. Finally I had to change the size labels so she thought she was still wearing a small, when in reality I’d brought her a mix from medium through to XL to give her to impression of how her clothes would be getting looser gradually.

Thirdly I have decided to introduce an exercise regime, not something I really want to do, but if I didn’t it may be something she would choose to do on her own, which could cause all sorts of problems. If she went to a gym, there are lots of mirrors, scales, personal trainers and of course lots of ways to actually lose weight. If I have control over what she does, I can ensure the exercise remains light, as to not burn off to many calories.

Finally I have taken the weighing scales out of the bathroom, I’m pretty certain she had never set a foot on them previously, but that might change and I do not want her breaking her little bubble and seeing its more than just a little bit of weight she has put on since she came out here.

Now I just have to hope it actually works.


One disadvantage of replacing her clothes for larger sizes to make them appear baggy, I did not get to see her sweat suit stretch tight against her breasts and belly. Then I struck upon an idea so that I could still see her in lovely tight clothing, I went out and for our exercises we were going to do, I brought her a new set of work out attire. Consisting of a pair tight black Lycra pants and matching sports bra, it was great watching the pants cling to her now well padded derrière and the thick spare tire of fat between the pants and her sports bra. I just loved it every time she would bend and stretch watching her luscious flab move about, I just had be careful not to spend to long staring, so not to attract attention to what I was doing. It was amazing how the lightest of exercise regimes I put together was still capable of leaving her totally exhausted after only a few minutes, I hated to think what a serious workout would have done to her.

Looking at the weighing scale we had in the house I realized it would be easy to manipulate to show a false weight reading. Therefore I decided as another way of showing how successful her diet was being to have a weekly weigh in. I could just make it start on a minus figure and as the weeks went on adjust it to start at even further from zero.

“Hey what was that you just put into there?” Jenna, where did she come from, she was meant to be in her room dam it

“Oh, it a new low fat chocolate substitute, I’m using to make some healthy muffins

“It looks just like the ordinary stuff”

“I know it amazing isn’t the stuff you can get nowadays”

“Wow, it is good” she says after popping a piece into her waiting mouth, “You mind if I take some back to my room, while I study.”

“No go ahead” I say as I watch her plump derrière sway on her way back to her room. Then I got back to finishing our dinner and dessert for the evening, while thinking of her snacking at her desk. About an hour later we were sitting down to Cantonese chicken and as ever Jenna dug in with gusto, and the plate pilled high with food soon disappeared. Then it was out with the muffins and she was quick to gobble down four and they certainly were not small one.

“Umm, I don’t know how you do it Danielle, these muffins and the chicken before it is just divine, I can’t believe this is low fat, you’re a genius.”

All I could do was smile. Soon after dinner and a few glasses of wine Jenna fell asleep on the couch, while I was in the chair next to it. I could not concentrate on the episode of “Charmed” playing on the TV, not that you really need to but could not stop looking across at Jenna snoozing away. I became enthralled in watching her breathing in and out which caused her belly to just become visible as she exhaled. The longer I spent staring the more I started to think about why I was doing this; I don’t find myself longingly looking at other women, not even other chubby ones like Jenna, but here I was spending a whole night fixated on seeing a small slither of her tummy becoming visible between her sweats bottoms and top.


I came back from college early as the lecturer was sick and the class had to be cancelled, as there was no replacement available. I opened the door and wandered in to the living room to find Jenna sprawled out on the sofa and shoving a big greasy burger in her maw. She looked so unbelievably sexy particularly with the guilty expression that crossed her face, when she realized I had caught her cheating on her diet.

“What is this?” I said picking up her French fries off the coffee table. “I thought you wanted to lose weight and then behind my back you are stuffing your face full of fast-food, what is the point of me preparing you all those low fat meals if you’re just going to pig out all day, when I’m not around”

“I, I just couldn’t help it, I walked past on the way home and I couldn’t help but go in and buy something” Jenna said, as she squirmed in her seat. “Your meals are lovely Danielle; they just leave me wanting more and I got weak.”

“Okay, why don’t I just make you bigger portions” Having let her suffer enough, I added: “That way you’re less likely to cheat”

“That sounds great Danielle, thanks, I am so sorry.”

I obviously actually ecstatic about Jenna cheating on her ‘diet’ it showed she did not have the willpower to lose weight and could well make my job easier but I wasn’t going to tell her that now was I?

All this concentration in what Jenna was eating had a second consequence, I had tried to ignore it at first in much the way Jenna had done, but I couldn’t any longer I was starting to put on weight myself. Nowhere near on the same scale as her but I was having definite problems fastening my pants and my bras were cutting into my skin a lot. I just needed to first get some new clothes and I reasoned it was only a few pounds and if in getting a fatter Jenna, it was going to need a slightly fatter Danielle, I could live with that.

So I had started to make Jenna’s meals a bit larger than I had done previously, not that they were small beforehand. I continued to look out for if she still choose to cheat and much to my delight she did, as I put out the rubbish one week, I saw a separate bag already in the bin outside that I had not put there, I intrigued opened it up and found a collection of fast food containers, doughnut and cake boxes and chocolate wrappers. I was giving her probably between two and a half to three and a half thousand calories a day and she was still supplementing it with junk food. Oh that belly of her was going to get so huge, so very huge, I could not wait.

Knowing that she had been cheating on her diet, I decided that on her weekly weigh-ins to stop manipulating her weight to go down, but instead let it go up by what ever she had gained that week. It only took a couple of weeks with a four and then three pound gain before she started finding excuses not to get weighed. It was also only a few weeks after that she started to find reasons to miss workout, be it a sore ankle or too much homework on.


“Hey, Jenna, what’s wrong. Sweetie?” I say, as I sit down next to her where she crying on the sofa.

“I was waiting outside lecture hall for the my next lecture, when Christine and Louise came up behind me as I bending down to get a candy out of my bag, I know I shouldn’t be eating them but the odd one does not matter, does it?”

“No, of course not, a girl deserves the odd treat now and then”

“Well, anyway, they started talking within earshot.”

“Christine said ‘Have you seen the size of that ass, it’s getting huge’?”

“ ‘I know, it hard to believe I was slightly envious of her figure at the start of the year, now look at her, the stitches of those pants look like they could give way any minute, and that is one hell of a muffin top she’s sporting.’ ”

“ ‘Hey, Jenna, you’re not seriously going to eat that chocolate bar, are you?” Christine said as she moved in front of me. “I mean, tubby, you do not want to get any fatter now, do you?’ ”

“ ‘I am not fat!’ Was all I could think to say.”

“ ‘Not fat, what do you call this?’ and she reached out and poked my tummy with her finger.

“Thankfully then they started to let us into the hall and I got away from them both sitting on the other side. Why would they say something like that?”

“Yeah, you might have got slightly chubby, but you shouldn’t worry what Christine says, she’s probably just jealous of the fact you’ve got such an impressive cleavage compared to her flat chest. You know what she is like”

“You think?”

“You know what she is like now, don’t you, I wouldn’t worry about it.” I say, as she starts to smile a bit at the thought that Christine was just envious of her, it did not manage to explain why Louise would have said anything as she is every bit as voluptuous as Jenna but without the accompanying belly, but she was happy not to think of that. Why can she not see that she’s getting really fat? Well, what do I care so long as she keeps adding more pounds to that luscious body?

This weight gain thing can build up a momentum of its own, when I first put on a bit of weight I could qualify it by saying, for just a little I’d put on Jenna had put on a lot more. The problem is that is not what is happening anymore, now I seem to be putting on a pound, for every pound she puts on. I cannot seem to help myself, I know all the butter and cream and other stuff I am putting into things, but still I’ll munch my way through as much of it as Jenna does, its just so nice, even if I do say so myself. I have developed in the last few months quite the little belly. I do not want to get fat but I can’t seem to stop myself it just all too yummy to resist.

Since Jenna gave up on the little exercises we did together where she used those lovely Lycra pants and sports bra, it has been a while since I’ve seen her in anything but sweat suits that hide a lot of her physique, although the larger sizes have started to get tight on her, so you can again see them starting to strain on the fabric again. Well this morning I got to see her in just her panties, she normally wears a set of pink pajamas in the morning and I can only assume they had finally got too tight as they had certainly started to look if they were getting that way. As she wandered from her room across to the bathroom it left me literally salivating at the sight before me, her unsupported breasts showed signs of sagging and were far removed from the perky things they had been when she moved in. Her skin had changed from its original tan color at the start of the year to a milky white, from not being able to soak up the same amount of rays here and it just made her look all the more divine in her pudginess. It was her belly though that took my breath away; it lapped over the top of her panties seductively. It had over the last couple of months started to look a lot softer and jutted out considerably further than I remembered, it also had some cute little red stretch marks on the side and front of her body. I still don’t know why but she looks even more gorgeous than she ever has before.


And so came the end of our freshman year and we went off home, her to the West coast, myself to the East. There was no way I’m sure she could get away without realizing how much weight she had gained over the last year, as I would not have control over anything. I just had to hope she comes back not hating me.