Jessica Blows Herself to Pieces

Jessica sucked the last bit of her drink - her fifth - and considered returning to the dance floor.

Jessica was a beautiful young woman and she knew it. She was slightly chunky, used to a life of overindulgence, but the weight looked good on her. Her hefty boobs, rounded ass, and slight potbelly just gave her a voluptuous look. She had a rounded face with a slight double chin, a button nose between two large green eyes and a mouthful of perfect, white teeth. Her long red hair fell over supple shoulders, neatly hiding the large hoop earrings that dangled from her dainty ears.

She was also, it must be said, a real bitch. She was used to getting her own way and she didn’t think twice about stepping on anyone who didn’t do what she wanted.

Tonight, she was out at her favorite club with her “friend” Sandy. Sandy wasn’t a real friend, though. She was just a plain acquaintance Jessica brought along to make her look even better. Not that she had any trouble with that, she thought to herself.

Jessica was ready for a night on the town, in her white stretch pants with a zipper up the back and a tube top with a zipper down the front. Her chubby tummy bulged out of the gap between her tube top and her pants, hanging slightly over the stretch pants waistband. The pants were hip-huggers which would have been tight on a slimmer girl - on a voluptuous bombshell like Jessica, they looked as if they’d been painted on. They clung to her wide, sexy rear so tightly that everyone on the dance clear could get a clear view of Jessica’s panty lines. Besides her too snug pants, Jessica had strategically chosen the tightest top she had to emphasize her large, rounded hooters. Every so often, the front zipper would slowly slip down just a few notches, pushed by the force of her enormous boobs. When that happened, Jessica would let it slide for a few minutes before smiling naughtily and pulling it back up. She didn’t always do it by accident.

“It’s really packed tonight, isn’t it?” said Sandy.

“Shut up,” said Jessica. She hated it when Sandy started talking. She always expected her to listen or something. Like that one time that Jessica had slept with Sandy’s boyfriend, Sandy had been all like blah blah blah blah blah… Besides, she’d already had too much to drink - her tummy was feeling full and sloshy - and she was ready for action.

A cute boy sat down next to them. “Hi,” he said.

“Ooo, hello there!” she gushed. He seemed a likely target.

The boy seemed surprised that Jessica was talking to him. It was then she realized he’d actually been talking to Sandy. That bitch! No one talked to Sandy instead of her. She decided to up her charms.

“Ooo,” cooed Jessica, “I’d love it if you would buy me another drink.” She flashed her perfect white teeth.

It worked. Not only did he bring her a drink, but several other boys offered to buy her drinks as well. She smiled slyly and accepted them all, even though she already felt uncomfortably bloated. Her stomach swelled even further as she sucked greedily on the first straw, still smiling coyly at this new boy.

Jessica liked that original boy, the one who’d said hi to Sandy. He bought her dinner. Afterwards, she dumped him. She found, in rapid succession, three other boys who were all willing to pay for dinner, too. Naturally, she couldn’t turn them down.

Getting dinner out of a fifth boy had been harder. He was a cute boy but he was already going out with some weird goth chick. That didn’t stop Jessica, though. A little bit of eyelash batting and he’d quickly dumped her and come over to Jessica.

“We’ve already had dinner,” complained Sandy. She’d stopped eating anything after the second meal.

“Oh, that was just a little snack,” said Jessica grinning. Was this a stroke of luck or what? A fifth meal, all for free! She seriously wasn’t hungry anymore. In fact, she already felt full beyond belief. But, hey, she couldn’t pass up a free meal.

The fifth meal was the biggest of them all - they went to an Italian restaurant that served extra huge portions. Jessica ordered a complete dinner - it was, after all, the most expensive thing on the menu and she wasn’t paying! She didn’t feel like finishing it but she refused to leave any leftovers.

“I think you’ve had enough, girl,” laughed the boy.

“Shut up,” snapped Jessica, wheezing. “I’ll tell you when I’ve had enough!” Jessica was so full that her bloated belly looked like a beach ball, straining her pants to the rending point. She could barely breathe and had to take shallow breaths just to feel comfortable. Her pants were starting to cut off her circulation and all she wanted to do was lie down on her back and rub her big, bloated belly.

A waiter stopped by the table with the check and mints.

“Mmm,” mumbled Jessica, popping the mint into her mouth.

She sighed deeply, satisfied at last. But then something weird happened. When she was finished sighing, her belly didn’t deflate as she expelled the air she’d taken in. In fact, if anything, it seemed to keep swelling. Her tummy bulged bigger and bigger before her astonished eyes. Her pants drew tight around her expanding thighs, emitting strained stretching noises. Her chest grew bigger and rounder, expanding out until it began to block her view of her lower body.

“What’s happening to me?!” she shrieked, grabbing her suddenly enormous belly and struggling - unsuccessfully - to push it back to its former - relatively flat - state. Her hands sank slightly into her billowing gut but she realized that it was quickly firming up. There was too much pressure inside of her!

“Ohmigawd!” she yelped, realization dawning. “I’m blowing up! W..why is this happening?”

The stitches in her leggings began to fail, dying with high pitched snaps, as her body plumped up. Her boobs were ballooning as well, expanding to the size of watermelons and beyond. Her halter top stretched further and further until it began to come apart at the seams. The zipper slowly pulled open as her blimping tits pressed against the tissue-thin fabric with increasing force.

“I’m busting out of my clothes!” cried Jessica desperately. She tottered around helplessly, hoping that someone, anyone, knew what to do. Forcing her mind to ignore the larger problem, she tried to concentrate on keeping her clothes on. She grabbed the failing zipper and gave it a quick, decisive tug upwards. It refused to budge, so she pulled harder. It reluctantly moved up a couple notches, forcing her ballooning breasts together and creating a massive canyon of cleavage. Jessica’s other hand tried to tuck her tubby tummy - which spilled over her pants like rising bread dough, back into her clothes. A sudden CRACK drew her attention. The back snap of her pants had burst open and the zipper slid down with relief, allowing her swelling backside some freedom.

“I’m blowing up all over! I’m getting huge!” Her buns were expanding just as fast as her boobs and belly. Her inflating thighs tore apart the last few stitches on her pants and the tattered garment fell to the floor, leaving Jessica clad in nothing but a stretched-to-popping pair of white cotton panties.

“I can’t hold anymore!” cried Jessica. “Ooo..I’m way too full…I think..I think I’m gonna pop!”

People began backing away from Jessica, suddenly fearful for their safety. Would this inflating girl really pop? As the minutes passed and Jessica continued to grow it seemed like to be getting more and more likely.

“Jessica, what’s happening to you?” cried Sandy. “Why are you blowing up like a balloon? Are you allergic to something?”

“I don’t know, you stupid bitch!” shrieked Jessica. “Go do something useful for a change and get me a fucking doctor before I blow! Ooooo!” Jessica groaned as she pumped up bigger and bigger. Her underwear began to creak and squeal as if it too were on the verge of bursting. Her halter top finally gave up and exploded off of her massive chest, showering her audience in shredded rubbery fabric. Her skimpy bra held on, squeezing her globular tits tighter and tighter. Boob flesh was bulging over the inadequate cups and it looked like the back hook would break at any moment.

“Too…much…pressure,” grunted Jessica, waddling toward the door. “I’m…getting…so…full….and…tight…can’t…hold…much more! I’ll burst!” She was nearly spherical she was so large. She felt like she was bursting at the seams she was getting so big and fat.

“Sandy, you stupid bitch! Can’t you see…that..I’m….gonna…explode?!? …Do…something!…Oh…so….tight..” Jessica moaned loudly. “Oh!” Jessica’s orb-like body had begun to rise off the ground, still swelling rounder and fuller. “I’m…floating!…It’s…like…I’m..filling…with…helium..I’m…turning…into…!” The creaking and stretching noises were getting louder and Jessica realized that they weren’t coming from her bra and panties; they were coming from her!

“I’m reaching my limits!” she yelled angrily. “I..can’t hold another ounce! Ohhhh I know I’m gonna burst!”

Jessica’s bloated, billowing form gently hit the ceiling, where she continued to grow at an alarming rate. Pretty soon, she would fill the room. And once that happened, it would start to squeeze her…and that couldn’t be good.

Jessica’s head looked tiny on her distended body. “Gonnapopgonnapopgonnapop!” she yelled. “Do something, you idiots!”

Sandy made a decision then. “Everyone!” she yelled. “Everyone cover their ears!”

Everyone covered their ears.

“What?!” shouted Jessica.

