Jill and Joe’s journal

Part One

Jill’s Journal

Jan 1st 2002

Dear Diary,

Well it’s been a while since I wrote. My first semester of school has flown by in a flash. All it seems I did this semester is study and eat. Something has to change, while I got a 4.0.Something I am very proud off. I have put on a ton of weight this semester. I will find out the damage in a few minutes as Joe is coming over with his scale. Joe is another problem. I met him in my freshman English class. We hit it off and have been going out ever since. I have to make sure not to gain anymore blubber. I am positive he is not going to want to date the good-year blimp which is something I am rapidly turning into. All my clothes are way too tight, Joe says it looks good. I think it is gross. Anyway Joe will be here in a bit I will write more later. I also want to be an actress, who is going to hire a chubby actress? No one that’s who!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jan 2nd 2002

Dear Diary,

143 oh my God 143 &^%&%&^% pounds, I knew I had gained weight but I did not know it was that much!!!!!!!!!! When I left for college, I was 113 pounds and in shape. I was the cute little soccer player. At “5 2” 113 was the perfect weight for me, I can’t believe I gained the FRESHMAN 30 in one semester!!!!!!!!!!!! I made fun of people as fat as me in high school this has got to stop!!!!!!!!!!! My new year’s resolution is going to this.
1. Run at least 2 miles in the morning before class.
2. Go to the gym and work out at least 3 times a week
3. Stop having seconds at the cafeteria.
4. No more burgers or fatty foods.
5. No snacking in class , from now on I am going to write once a week.


Joe’s Journal,

Sept 1st-Oct1st 2002

Dear journal,

I am going to write once a month about the doings of my life, I think it will be a good thing for me to write down all that has happened to me, for both my sake and posterity’s sake.

I met a really cool girl named Jill this month in my English class. She is a smoking little Brunette. I little bit thin for my taste but other then that she is perfect. She is smart, funny and hot, what more could a boy ask for? Plus with a little subtle encouragement from me she is gaining weight. Most days we eat together at the cafeteria, I always get us a second helping giving her a second full plate. She always complains I give her too much, but she ends up eating it anyway. I also give her snacks for her to munch on in classes. Plus she never exercises. She is so worried about her grades she is always eating with me, or eating while studying.

Her body is showing the effects of her weight gain. She has a little fat flowing over the waistband of her pants; her breasts look a little bigger. She is getting a cute little bubble butt, her legs are still as slim as ever. Oddly watching Jill grow excites me, I have always liked chubby girls but I never thought I would enjoy watching a girl gain weight.

I still do my judo everyday to stay in shape.

Joe’s Journals, Oct 1st – Nov 1st

Dear Journal,

Ugg classes are killing me this semester, I am not failing out of school, but I am not happy with my grades so far. I got C’s on all my midterms, between hanging out with my friends, Judo, Jill and my job. I have no time to study. Speaking of Jill things are going well, we are an official item now, we like many of the same things. She likes sports, A GIRL that likes sports!!!!!!!!!! I am lucky. We enjoy each others company, our taste in music is the same and we love the same movies.

As far as my little project goes I am making sure she eats well. She now has a certified tummy it is still little but its there, her breasts and butt have grown this month as well. She actually has noticeable breasts now, when I met her they were tiny.

Well that’s all for now.

November 1st-January 1st,

Dear Journal

I have had to spend more time studying this month; I managed to get my grades up to B’s not bad. It seems the three J’s are taking up most of my time Judo, Jill and Geometry. Yes I know the last one is not a J but its close enough right

I must admit I have fallen for my little beauty. Well actually she is not quite so little anymore she seems to be snacking constantly these days. I of course keep giving her generous portions when we eat together. She is literally bursting out of her clothes I can’t say I mind that one bit. Her shirts ride up on her tummy her pants look like they are painted on. Her breasts are making it hard for her to keep her blouse buttoned. A few more pounds and I will have my dream girl. Her cheeks are even puffing out a bit. I can’t wait to see what the future will bring. We weighed her on the 1st and the scale said 143 which is quite a bit for someone who is as short and small statured as my Jill.

That’s all for now.


Jill’s Journal Jan 9th

Dear Diary,

Well a new semester officially starts tomorrow I am excited, Joe and I are in 2 of the same classes together which is nice. I am also ready to start my new diet program. I am going to weigh in weekly now so I can look back and read how fat I was at this time and remember it as I continue to shrink. I am up to 146 a three pound gain from last week. I kind of expected that because I did nothing this week, all I did was eat and sit on my big butt. I enjoyed it, but realize I can not keep this up. When I am with Joe I just seem to eat, and eat and eat. I am like Pavlov’s dog, that I learned about in psychology class the other day Joe=food. Well all that is in the past as I will lose all my pudge starting tomorrow. I better!!! as I only have two outfits that fit me anymore.

Thus ends this week

Jill’s Journal Jan 16th

Dear Dairy,

Disaster, I went out running on the 10th and failed to see a pot hole, I twisted my ankle. Can you believe my bad luck? I went to the doctor; he said it was severely sprained. I have to stay off it for at least a month. My roommate Sara, and Joe have been very kind to me as they carry my books to each class while I hop along to class on my crutches. Needless to say I am bigger then ever. I am going to breakfast twice a day now as my roommate and I go before class then, after class Joe and I go to breakfast. After my second breakfast is finished I feel like I am about to burst. I can not keep eating like this. I have to go buy new clothes. My sweaters won’t be able to cover up the fact that I go without buttoning my pants for very much longer. I am also going without a bra. None of them seem to come close to reigning in my bosom. I did not have the courage to get on the scale this week.

Jill’s Journal Jan 23rd

Dear Dairy,

Eat, Sleep, Study, Eat, Eat, Eat, and go out with Joe and Eat. That’s my life, my grades are still great. I feel like a beached whale though. I can’t walk yet, and it seems like Joe and Sara, are trying to make me eat as much as possible. They are always asking me to eat with them or giving me snacks to munch on while studying. I have tried to cut back but I don’t seem to have the will power. I like eating, just not the results!!!!!!!!

I went out and bought a new wardrobe this week. Joe went shopping with me and gave me money so I could buy new clothes. I can’t believe I am a size 8-10 that’s huge. I got on the scale and almost passed out. 156, ten pounds in two weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is that humanly possible? It must be because I gained that much. Joe is so sweet he keeps telling me that I am gorgeous; he must be getting sick of going out with a whale though. As soon as I can run, I am going to do something,

Jill’s Journal Jan 30th

Same old, same old gained another 4 pounds this week.

Jill’s Journal Feb 6th

Weight 164, I am too depressed to write anything this week someone asked when I was due this week I just turned red and ran away crying.


Joe’s Journal Jan 1st Feb 10th

Dear Journal,

What a month it has been, I placed 2nd in the divisional Juno tournament which means that I am going to get to go to Boston for the regional contest I have been working out like a mad man this last month. I am in better shape then ever.

Speaking of shapes Jill is rapidly getting a new one. She decided to get into shape this month which made me nervous. I want her to be happy, and would never stop her from losing weight. I must be honest with myself though, I was not looking forward to her weight dropping one bit. She sprained her ankle on her first run. While I never want to see Jill in pain this development has made increasing Jill’s mass much easier.

I have talked to Jill’s roommate, who is a big girl herself, she seems to be happy to help me make Jill bigger. We have a deal, I pay for both her and Sara’s food bill and she helps Jill eat. Between the two of us we have been shoving more food then ever into Jill. I went out clothes shopping this month with Jill; I used my last paycheck to help her get some new clothes. Some of the clothes that she bought are already getting to small for her. Jill is getting very top heavy her breast and belly seems to be getting most of her weight. Someone asked if she was pregnant the other day, which sent her into tears for the better part of the day. I am trying to keep her spirits up but it’s getting more difficult as she continues to get bigger. I might tell her in the next little bit that I like bigger girls and that she need not worry about her weight. She is only a few pounds away from being the perfect size for me.


Jill’s Journal, Feb 16, 2002

Dear Dairy,

Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I weighed myself and I am up to 170 another 6 pounds I can not believe it. “Sigh” It seems my roommate and boyfriend are having a contest (see who can make fatso Jill eat more.). I have to talk to Joe and tell him that I have to get back in shape; he also has to help me by not encouraging me to eat. I am going to need more clothes soon, everything is getting tight again, although I am enjoying some extra attention from boys, their eyes seem to wonder straight to my enormous chest, my belly is huge, and shakes when I walk I hate it!!!!!!!!!!!! My legs especially my thighs are even getting big they are close to hitting each other. My grades are still good . My friends are great, as is my family. If it was not for the continuing saga of Jill the ballooning girl I would be happy.

Jill’s Journal Feb 23, 2002,

Dear Dairy,

I told Joe he had to stop encouraging me to eat so much. I told him I am getting way too fat, and he needs to help me lose weight, and get in shape like he is. Joe is in super shape and really hot right now. He is super toned and strong. He told me he likes me like I am. He thinks my big bloated belly is hot. He will not encourage me to lose any weight. I am very confused by this, most boys would be about to break up with me, who likes to kiss and hold fat people? I am beginning to think that Joe is a really strange, boy if he does not support my diet I might have to break with him. I can not be a pig I will not be a pig I can not believe I am this big and bloated. I will be able run soon so that will be a plus. Soon I will be writing about the incredible shrinking Jill.

Jill’s Journal Feb 30, 2002,

Dear Dairy,

Well the incredible shrinking Jill has not shown up yet, as a matter of fact I think I have eaten more then ever. I busted a button on my jeans today, I refuse to go out and buy new clothes again though, I am going to tell myself if I don’t diet then I will have nothing to wear. Oh yeah I am now 176 pounds of blubber. I gave Joe an ultimatum; I told him he helps me get back shape or we can’t see each other any more. I mean I love him but I can’t continue to be a whale if he will not support me then I have to move on.

Everything but my weight is going well, my family and grades are great, and I got a part in a small movie the director and producer want to go to Sundance. I am playing a girl who struggles with her weight and self image; it’s a movie about self perception, as there are characters that have Bulimia, Anorexia, and other body issues. I think it will be great that I can lose weight along with my character


Joe’s Journal

Feb 10th -30th

Jill’s weight is now perfect for me; she has a big hang over belly, a chest that can only be considered majestic, big and bouncy. Her behind is now perfect, two big bubbles, that bounce up and down when she walks. J-Lo has nothing on her. Jill’s legs are still small but now big enough that it gives her a bit of a waddle. She is my Venus de Milo.

I have a problem though; she thinks she is the biggest girl that ever lived. She wants me to support her on a diet, she gets angry when I tell her that she is perfect and I will not support her diet. It seems to be a constant point of contention for us. I am not going to discourage her from loosing weight but I am not going to encourage it either. She even said if I don’t help her lose weight she will break up with me. I am not sure what to do. I don’t want to lose her so……. I guess I will support her diet.

Judo is going well I am in better shape then ever, and getting ready for my match next week in Boston, I have also started a weekly poker game with my friends, I have found I am very good at it. School is another story; my grades have slipped a little again. I just like doing other things besides studying.

Write more later


Jill’s Journal March 6th

Dear Dairy,

 I think I am going to cry, the character I play in the movie actually gains weight during the film in order to show the other characters that fat is not bad. John the director wants me to gain at LEAST 30 pounds in the three months of shooting. He said he wants as much as possible. I told him no way!!! I am an elephant already all those actresses that gain weight for roles start out really tiny and don’t get nearly as fat as I already am. He said that they would pay me extra money for every pound I gain. They told me I was perfect for the part and would not even consider anyone else for it. I might have to reconsider 30 pounds would but me up to 207. Wow that’s massive!!!!!! God 200 pounds. I guess I could get that heavy temporally as they money they would give me is not pocket change would set me up for the rest of my school career. I will consider it.

Things with Joe are not going so well, this whole weight thing has put a strain on the rest of our relationship, He has stayed to his word and supported me this week, as I have been cutting down the size of my meals, I still gained a pound because my roommate is always getting me to eat junk food with her. Next week you either see a ballooning or shrinking Jill depending on what I decide to do about the movie.

Jill’s Journal, March 13th

Dear Dairy,

Well ballooning Jill is here, I agreed to take the gaining part, so now my life is eating, and eating and eating some more. John the producer and director have given me my very own cook and assistant to help stuff me as much as possible. Between her and Joe, who has really gotten into feeding me, and my roommate. I am kept so stuffed that I can barley move all day long. My only respite is during class. The continuous stuffing has put 7 pounds on me in this week alone. I am up to 183 I hope to be able to film my “fat” parts soon, so I can lose this blubber. I am starting to get really uncomfortable with my size. Oh man it’s time for another meal uggggggg.

Jill’s Journal March 30th

Dear Dairy,

Well it’s been more then two weeks since I last posted. The filmmakers had to speed up the shooting time. The result is that I have been kept to stuffed to move 24 hours a day, I am stuffed full of food until I am about to burst they don’t stop until I am panting for air and my tummy is harder then a rock and I Look 9 months pregnant with quadruplets. They keep me in this state all day as my “assistant” feels my stomach and when he feels I am able to take in more, they feed me more until I am again ready to burst. I am allowed 6 hours to sleep. I am also allowed to attend class. Joe and my new stuffing assistant help me get to class as I am kept too stuffed to walk very far. They walk me to the door where they leave me to stumble into my seat. Where I get a short respite and my stomach deflates a bit, at least to the point where I can get up out of my seat and walk to the door under my own power. This condition only lasts for a few moments because as soon as I get out of class Joe and my “assistant” are outside with a big bag of food which they feed me as we walk back to my dorm. By the time we get back to the dorm I am very full and ready to sit down. I am then stuffed silly until bedtime or I have another class to go to. I have no idea what my weight is I will be weighed at the end of my “stuffing period” which will be when my fat girl filming starts which is April, 15.

I can’t weight for this to end as I think this was a mistake!!!!!! no amount of money is worth what I am going through. I am worried that I may not be able to lose this weight I am putting on. I can feel my stomach expanding daily as is my appetite. Will I be able to stop when this is over? I am not sure. Oh God!!!!!!!!!! I can not wait for this to be over. I got my first B on a test this last Monday As I am kept to full to study.

Jill’s Journal, April 15th,

Dear Dairy,

These last two weeks have gone by in a blur. 90% of the time I have been kept somewhere between a food induced coma and a food induced haze. My stomach feels like it’s an alien body part, a bloated bag kept full to capacity. I feel huge and bloated. I finally got on the scale am I up to 235 51 POUNDS IN A MONTH. I am now a bona fid porker. My belly juts up and out like a pregnant women’s. It’s starting to separate into an upper and lower belly. At this moment it’s only a line but if I gain anymore I will be one of those elephantine women with two separate stomachs. My breasts are ginormous. Dolly Parton has nothing on me. Only those were perky and mine are so full that they sag and rest on my bloated belly if not held up bye one of my harnesses. I don’t consider what I wear to be bras anymore. My legs are still my smallest body part although even they are succumbing to my fat. They are so round now that I have to waddle from side to side to walk. Stairs have also become my enemy. Getting out of bed is getting taking a bit more effort I don’t just pop up like I used to. Now I have to make an effort to get up.

I really do not have much else to say, all I have done is eat. Oh yeah and sex with Joe has been incredible this last month, at least what I remember of it. Much of the time I was too stuffed to remember it in detail. Anyway life will get back to normal for me soon. The fat Jill section of the movie is going to take 1 month to shoot. We will start filming this month; it will film around my school schedule. I have to keep all my weight on until the filming is over. If I gain another 5 pounds during filming, I will get over $50.000 dollars. This is money for each pound, plus a bonus for the extra five. I don’t think I will do the 5 extra though as I feel like I am going to burst if I gain anymore. I have stretch marks all over my belly and breast I gained so much so fast. Yet what’s five more pounds? With some of the money I can hire a personal trainer to get me back down to a reasonable size.

Well that’s all for now Jill the Elephant signing off.