
Written by: Vader7476

“Take It Home Today With Financing!” is what the sign read in our store. Underneath it was a table littered with pamphlets no one wanted to read, detailing the pros and intricacies of the aforementioned financing. The sign in and of itself hadn’t quelled people’s disinterest, so of course, the monkeys in charge knew something had to change to garner new attention to our offers. The million dollar idea was a candy bowl, which immediately raised my brow. Hell, it was one of the few good ideas I had seen our management have. However, what caught my eye was Christine.

I don’t really know what nationalities she was, but it was quite obvious she had Asian descent within her…somewhere. Her skin was darker though, a creamy light chestnut color. Red streaks and highlights ran through her otherwise black hair, zipping down past her shoulders stopping around her shoulder blades. Today she let her bangs fall to the side of her face, and had a ponytail that sat high on the back of her head. Christine’s face was cute, but she didn’t think so, often disparaging against her “wide” nose. Ah, how like a woman to criticize what’s already perfect.

Her khakis today looked especially tight around her slim legs, and grossly stretched across an ass that was way too large for an Asian. What enthralled me about it wasn’t merely its size, or shape…actually, that’s exactly what kept me looking. Her hips weren’t especially big given the size of her badonkadonk, and while it did stick out quite a bit, what kept my glance was that it seemed to sit both high, and low on her legs. It’s hard to describe, but instead of it taking up one third of the back of her upper leg, this thing took up close to half of it, as if it expanded in three dimensions. It looked as if the rest of her body didn’t want to store any fat, as if her body had a personal vendetta with panties, making them disappear. Her panties’ edges could be seen through her pants, and were creeping inward. I loved how tight they were. Unconfined one could only imagine its sway and swagger, but at the moment, its sloshing was kept to a work appropriate minimum.

Christine’s breasts were large and perky enough to make her collared shirt drape down when she tucked it into her pants. I would have loved a chance to verify, but I’d bet on C, maybe even a D. It was hard to tell with her, especially since my eyes always looked at that ass.

I always managed to make her laugh, and more so than the other employees. Unfortunately I was just filling in today, and usually worked across the building. She flashed me a smile as she walked across my desk right to the candy bowl. It was filled to the brim with Hershey’s Kisses. She took a good handful and went back to her counter. Oh, it’s going to be a good day. Edna was a little to my left, a wisp of a girl, with short black hair that she had up in a half bun/ponytail at the moment. Her dark eyes, too, got large at the site of this candy dish. Scratch that. This was going to be a great day.

Edna kept telling me how good the ones with crème filling were after she had grabbed a handful and started munching. I didn’t feel like walking over to try, so I told her she was a liar. Now wanting to discredit my words, she walked over and grabbed the entire bowl and picked one out for me, while of course taking a couple for herself. It’s funny how easy it is to make someone do something without actually suggesting it. Wait a minute, where did that pile of chocolate go she just had a moment ago? Edna walked back to her register chomping away. Her khakis were loose, unfortunately. As if she heard my inner monologue, Christine walked over. She must have little work to do.

Whenever I see her, I want to see her leave. It’s so much more enjoyable. Her walk wasn’t sexy in the classical way of putting one foot in front of the other so that her hips would sway, no, not with her. To describe the picture accurately, I can only say she looked like she was compensating for how much weight was behind her. She had the beginnings of a waddle even though she was slim, and arched herself forward to balance herself. This, in turn, pushed her breasts out, which made it even harder to judge their size.

She confirmed she was bored, and took the ponytail out of her hair. Beautiful. We joked around a bit, until I suggested putting her ponytail coming off the side of her head, which she did. Then we both started talking like high school girls from the valley, which ended up with her laughing pretty hard and putting her hair back the way it was. She went to talk to Edna shortly after; although with the quick sneak of some more chocolate, one might wonder if that might have been the ulterior motive, and of course, Edna did too.

Christine hadn’t even been here for an hour yet, and she walked back to the candy bowl. There’s something uncontrollably irresistible about a slim girl, with a few thick parts, and a big fat pig’s appetite. She took some of the kisses and sprinkled them around the table. She claimed to make it more pretty and attractive. If she kept touching those kisses, I’d have to agree. Again, she took some back with her, savoring one on the way back. I didn’t know whether to focus on her chewing or that ass.

I went back to work, trying to glance over at her eating every now and then until I got lost in my work and realized when I went to look; she had slipped right next to me. She was pouting slightly, and holding her stomach.

“I’ve got a tummy ache,” she said. Damn, does this chick know what she’s doing to me? If she keeps on going like this, we’ll both need new khakis. Suffice it to say, I was fidgeting a bit. God, why can’t chocolate fix stomach aches? Then I would have been justified to tell her to get some more, which she did much to my surprise.

I glanced over to see Edna widen her eyes upon seeing yet another trip from Christine. I only hoped I hid my expressions better than her, especially when she too took another one or two from the bowl a little later. Rest in peace Milton Hershey; I can’t think of a greater man.

After another trip to the candy bowl, Carlos, a short man with a sense of humor, went over to her. He seemed agitated, and came back to the bowl to put back some candy. Oh Carlos, you’ve made an enemy today my friend. He told me she wasn’t supposed to have any, and I figured he meant they were for the customers until her fat ass jiggled over to me.

“Carlos seemed pissed you took one piece of candy,” I said. A lie, but drawing attention to her greedy hoarding of chocolate seemed a sure fire way to get her to stop.

“I know, right? He’s just mad ‘cause I’m on a diet and I’m not supposed to eat chocolate…or cake, or onion rings, or burgers, or fries…but I do.” Christine laughed, I started fidgeting again. “His friend Neil’s my ‘personal trainer’ and if Carlos tells him then I’ll have to do so much more work tonight. Really get me sweating. If I go that is. He’s been mad because I’ve missed the last two work outs.” She sulked slightly.


“Yeah,” she said, “I want to lose some weight for summer. Look better in a bikini, that kind of thing.”

If you keep eating like you have been, you’re going to look better naked and in my bed.

“I don’t think you need to lose any, you look great.” This was not a lie. Okay, it was. Gain, Gain, GAIN!

“Thanks!” she said and went back and got some more candy. More than Carlos had put back it seemed. Oh, I hope spite comes into play!

I had been right, because a little while later Carlos was walking around and she snuck back to the candy bowl. She put her finger over her lips and pantomimed a “Shhh!” to me jokingly. Don’t worry baby, I won’t tell. And with all that chocolate in your mouth you won’t be able to either. Whatever happened to that stomach ache? Spite’s a beautiful thing too it seems.

Throughout the rest of the day she continued her trips. She started to initiate fake conversations with people in order to get to the candy bowl it seemed. Oh what a smile she brought to my face when I heard her tell one of the bosses that she was going to lunch. Apparently that didn’t satisfy her either, because she came back after and settled into her previous routine of “talking” to get candy.

By the time she was done, she was visibly stuffed. Oh she never looked so cute. She had her hands on the small of her back, but unfortunately her large boobs still made her shirt drape down, it was too hard to see that bloated belly.

She didn’t even have the energy to go over to the bowl any more, she just shouted at Edna to throw her a piece. Edna told her she was going to throw some, and not one. Edna, for a stick, I love you. Not only are you now a co-conspirator in her stuffing, but there’s no way she’s catching multiple pieces of chocolate. She might have got one or two, and the rest landed at her feet and in front of my desk. She bent over and I almost lost it right then and there, and her pants were close too. This wasn’t a great day at work, this was a fantasy. I need to switch departments!

I had found out that the addition of that beautiful sign actually increased our numbers for the day. I’ll be willing to bet they’ll increase more than our financial numbers! This was great news. They’re going to fill that bowl up every day for Christine, and that little piglet is just not going to be able to contain herself.

I tried keeping my eyes and ears open for any news regarding how much she had been eating, gaining, anything. Every time I passed the candy bowl it always looked to be emptier than the last time I had swung by. She wasn’t in some of the days I was in, or not at her desk, it was nerve racking. As luck would have it, I managed to overhear a conversation between Edna and Erica. Erica was a slim red-head with freckles that was clearly in a sorority at some point in her life. How she talked, walked, acted, it all exuded soristitute (Sorority + Prostitute). She was what I would call, “hippy.” Definitely a pear if she’d pick up some of that chocolate.

“Have you worked with Christine yet?” Edna said.

“You mean have I had the pleasure of watching her eat? Oh my Gawd, she’s already kind of chunky back there,” Erica twisted her head and eyes to view her own luscious butt. “If she keeps eating like that she won’t need a one piece, she’ll need a bigger pool!”

They giggled. “Did you hear?” Edna asked, “She hasn’t been going to the gym and working out anymore. That’s what Carlos told me.”

Yippee-ki-yay! Excellent news. Oh how life is sweet. Thank you two for your incredibly cruel gossip, it sustains me! The second Erica left; Edna got bored and took a couple chocolates for herself. I love the hypocrisy. It makes me smile as I walk back to my own desk.

A week or so passed by without much change until I finally got a chance to see Christine again. It was hard to tell if she had gained anything at all, her large breasts still made her shirt drape down, hiding view of where her stomach would be, but oh, those pants. I’m not sure how they got any tighter than they were before, but to say they were painted on would have been a huge understatement. They looked absurd on her, and I had serious questions on how she managed to hike them up over her bulging booty. The zipper was closed, but the flap that tried to aesthetically cover the zipper wouldn’t fold over, and exposed the zipper and the tiny hint of space at the top. I really need to start looking at her belt loops.

“Hi Christine,” I said. She smiled when she greeted me. I see some chocolate at the corner of her thick lips. Someone’s been busy all morning. I point it out to her and she licks it off, too greedy to let the tiniest morsel go to waste. I’m going to make her use that tongue for something else.

“My pants are too tight,” she joked.

Oh cutie, I can see that. “What, why?”

“I think I made the belt too tight, it’s pinching me,” Christine said pointing at the loops. Well at least I could look long now. 4 holes left, mental note accomplished. But I don’t think it’s the belt honey.

“Well that stinks, just undo it!” Hey, it was worth a shot. She laughs, but doesn’t do it. I think she was afraid the button on her pants would fly off if her belt wasn’t helping with that whole situation. Oh, you’re feeding that belly all the time now. It’s only a matter of time before it’s gonna want to take attention away from that ass of yours.

“Is Carlos still watching you like a hawk?”

She laughs. “You know it, but I’m good at sneaking,” she jokes.

It’s gonna be harder to when you can’t get up out of your chair. I drop some chocolate in front of her. “How’s the diet been going by the way? You look fabulous; I can tell you’ve lost some.” Oh, I’m such an asshole.

“Aww, thanks, you’re so sweet!” She smiles. “I think I’ve been doing good, I think I’ve firmed up a bit!”

Like hell you have you butterball. “It certainly shows!” Major asshole.

“I missed my last couple work outs though, I don’t think Neil’s gonna help me. But I got this far without him, I can do it myself!” she says in high spirits.

“Sure you can!” I smile. What’s more assholish than an asshole? With him you’ve added some nice size to that ass, and probably some cute pudge on your tummy. Without him you’ll zeppelin that rear end in no time flat. I steer the conversation away as she pops one of those chocolates into her mouth. I can’t even focus on what she’s saying at this point.

As usual, I go for a little while without seeing her. Edna still chomps away up there, but despite all the time that passes she doesn’t gain an ounce. What a useless bitch. Well there’s someone, Amber! She takes one. Should have taken more. Amber’s kind of tall, with a hair color I can only describe as not orange, but not brown, but not yellow. It looks really well on her, but I don’t know what to call it. She had kind of a rat face, which makes her sound rather ugly, but it was kind of cute I had always thought. Not a knock-out, but not many are. She had, by far, the biggest boobs in this place, although, she might have some competition with my little project soon. Amber did have a nice bit of fat around her middle though. An apple if I ever saw one. You’re lucky you’re married Amber, but I’ll joke around until I see Christine.

I call Amber useless, and she does the same to me. A running gag we have as to who does less work. I usually lose and agree I’m worse; a fair price to pay to look at those tits. I have to get you divorced. We head our separate ways until I see Christine, and boy how could I not see her?

Definitely new pants, definitely, or at the very least a bigger pair. She chose to go with ones that were tight. A poor delusional choice for someone who’s gonna be ripening a lot more. I walk for a closer look; I don’t even try to be subtle. She’s on the third belt loop. There’s no hiding it now piglet, you’ve grown. I can see your bra piglet, and I can tell even through your shirt that your cups are overflowing, just like that tiny gut over your pants. Brand new, finally, that fat can be seen. Apparently you didn’t order a new shirt to fit with those pants. And you’re getting some more chocolate. God, this gets better all the time. Edna’s gotta be thinking the same as me. Well, almost the same, I doubt she’s as happy about this as I am.

“Hey there!” she says to me and pops a chocolate in her mouth. “I can’t help myself, they’re just so good!” she jokes.

That’s no joke chunky; you really can’t help yourself unless you plan on buying some even bigger pants. I laugh and take one myself, “Most definitely!” That should make her feel a bit better. Maybe she doesn’t even notice she’s gained. I doubt anyone other than I has even noticed, Edna just always seems shocked at the frequency this blubber butt comes up to this candy bowl. But just a little bit longer, there’s going to be no more hiding it.

“How’s your neck of the woods going?”

“Busy!” she tells me. “I barely have time to leave my desk.”

Oh, it’s the time that’s keeping you sitting, not laziness or your fat ass getting stuck in that chair. Good to know. “I know; we’re getting slammed lately. I want a robot to do all my work,” I joke.

“I wish! I could sit back and relax for once,” she said.

I have trouble seeing you having not relaxed before chubs. That ass has evolved ‘cause you needed something to sit on.

“I finally got a chance to get up and take a break, a little reward for myself,” Christine said showing me a piece of the chocolate as she put it in her mouth. She must have taken the reward in payments with how often she stops up here.

“Definitely! You need to do this more often, you work too hard Christine. I hardly see ya.” Please do Christine, for me?

She giggles. “I’ll just have to take some extra to my desk then,” she said and smiled. Hotter than ever Christine, shall I fill your purse for you?

I can’t stop looking at her belly. It’s small, but presses against her shirt. Just the hint of a belly really, only seen because she tucks her shirt in. It takes all I have to not shake the shit out of it, grab a big handful, or even poke it. It’s not big enough to hang yet, but it’s enough to interfere with some pants. Not that those need any help with that ghetto booty she’s sporting back there. What I’d give to watch her hike her panties over that large dome of flesh. I don’t think she’s a medium anymore. She starts talking and it takes a bit to get me out of my daze.

“I should take some home with me,” she says. “I’m gonna be gone a little bit.” She excitedly says, “Vacation! Wooo! I’ll be taking an actual break like you said, and I can’t wait!”

Neither can I! Wish I could see you in your bikini that you were trying to slim down to fit into, lounging around a pool or beach with those chocolates crammed in your mouth as you release all your inhibitions away from work you fat pig.

“Awesome, gotta take a break from this place!” As if you haven’t been taking breaks to stuff your face. “You going anywhere?”

“Not really, just going to relax and lounge around.”

I called it. Who could afford two plane tickets for that ass? Let alone the extra suitcases for your bottoms. You’re gonna get so fat piggy. You’ll tell yourself you can let go because it’s vacation, and you’re just going to pile on all those pounds to reward yourself.

“Lucky! Have a great time Christine! Gonna get me a souvenir?” I joke and we laugh. Those extra pounds will be more of a souvenir than anything you could ever get me glutton. Do me a favor and don’t let it all go to your ass. The rest of your body is just begging for some attention, your ass is just so mean to take all those fattening goodies for itself.

The week she’s away is hell. I can’t stop thinking about her stuffing her face all day every day. I keep looking at the candy bowl throughout the day as it stays mostly full. The other girls aren’t really taking up Christine’s slack. Erica’s been filling in for her, and she hasn’t touched a piece. Then there’s Edna, who despite eating some every day, just won’t gain a pound for me at all. If Amber’s gained any it isn’t enough to tell, at least she’s something to look at. Her boobs jiggle with every step, so I always try to make her move a little when we talk. Fake a boxing match with her, something. It doesn’t help much.

I finally get to hear some more gossip about my blossoming piglet. Erica is involved again, but this time she swayed her hippy self closer to my department to talk to Tessa. Tessa wore her black hair in a bob cut. She had a very pretty face, had a nice set of breasts on her, but not much else. Of course Erica and Tessa got along, same type of personality, but oh how it was nice to eavesdrop.

“There’s so much candy up there since fat ass isn’t here to wolf it all down,” Erica said. She gave Tessa a couple of pieces, but took none for herself. If I didn’t know better, I’d have guessed she wanted to strap Tessa in on the gaining roller coaster. Maybe she knew something I didn’t. Tessa certainly had a look on her face as if to suggest Erica was a bitch.

“Can you believe how big it’s getting? She almost backed up into me, I could have been killed!” Tessa laughed.

“I’m having a pool party this weekend, I didn’t even invite her. Can you imagine?” Erica scoffed.

“All the guests would ask for some celery to go with all that cottage cheese!” They had a big laugh over Tessa’s comment. Sadly, before they could continue Sara, a thin blonde and their superior broke them up.

That conversation didn’t last as long as I would have liked, and on subsequent talks not much happened. They had a nice laugh at Edna for being so thin. I guess their weights are the only correct ones. I ought to change that.

Hell week ended rather uneventfully and I eagerly awaited the return of my thickening plumper, but she didn’t come back when she was supposed to. Maybe it will take just a bit of time to run into her, but too much time passes for that to be right so I start asking around. Apparently she took a few extra days, and then had some training at another store before she came back. Damnit! I hope they have chocolate there.

I think about her all the time now. Even at home I can just picture her on my bed when I come home after her…

She’s wearing that collared shirt and those khakis; they’re tighter than ever before. The bedroom has transformed itself into a chocolate wonderland, where everything is glistening chocolate. She lies on the bed eating a turkey leg made of chocolate. Her belt’s on the second loop now. I sit next to her, and push her hair out of her face, running my hand down her cherubic cheek. I kiss her passionately, forcing my tongue in her mouth which she accepts. As we embrace I run my hand down slowly down her back and stop at her belt. I grab a handful of love handle and jiggle it softly. My hand slides in front to her beautiful stomach, I brush it with my fingers.

“You’re starting to get a little chunky,” I whisper in her ear. “What happened to that diet?”

Christine kisses my cheek and puts her plump lips on my ear. “All that chocolate was just too good to resist baby,” she sultrily sings to me. She snaps off a piece of the pillow and puts it in her mouth; with her eyes closed she’s moaning in its delight. I can just imagine her pants growing tighter.

“I need you now,” I tell her. I’ve waited long enough my angel, and I start undoing the buttons on her shirt, to just give me the hint of some of her vast cleavage. I wrap my hands around her little pot belly and press into it to watch it smush, to feel it between my fingers and then grab her shirt. I raise it up forcefully out of her pants, letting her belly flop out. Her shirt hangs down over her belt now, but her tummy’s big enough to still bulge out. She raises her arms and I throw the shirt onto the floor to disappear.

She looks down at her boobs and asks me, “You think some of the chocolate has gone here?” Christine puts her finger in her mouth, and runs it over some of the bed sheets, allowing a big glob of chocolate to liquefy on her finger. She slowly runs it in her cleavage, letting her soft breasts part and her finger disappear. She takes her hand out and it’s clean.

Her bra is overflowing with fat. I can’t tell if her heavy breathing is causing her tits to lift, or if they’re growing. I poke the lace and breast flesh flows even farther over the edge. “I think a little, let’s look,” I say and take her bra off. Her boobs drop down now and I kiss their edges and hold them in my hands. They’re heavy and definitely growing. “Some of the chocolate ended up here,” I say as I poke them. Christine takes another piece of chocolate and eats it, making them swell even more.

She takes her finger, with some more velvety chocolate, and circles it around her belly. “You think some of the chocolate has gone here?” she smiles seductively after she pokes it.

I make her sit up and see how far it pours into her lap. I pull it to stretch just a little farther, bouncing it up and down. I take a handful of fat and push it to one side and watch it spring back and jiggle. “You’ve been feeding this a lot haven’t you to get this little tummy into a nice pot belly.”

She kisses me again. “It’s so hungry all the time; it makes me feed it until I’m too full to move. Has it gotten too big? It’s hard to see past my boobs,” she said and leans toward me, shaking her boobs back and forth to show me how they can hide her stomach. It’s a convincing argument.

“It’s gotten big my little piggy, but you must have felt it going over your pants and pushing against your shirt. Some of the chocolate has definitely gone there.” I kiss her belly and rub both sides of it. I undo her belt and let it breathe fully once it pushes the flaps to her khakis apart. “Shame on you for trying to hide it and putting so much pressure on it,” I say to her and she sulks slightly, putting her finger on her lower lip after savoring another piece. I take the belt out of its loops and discard it. She’s lying on her side, undone, her pants are still so tight, I reach over and lightly rub my hands over her hips and behind. “And what do we have here little missy?”

“Mmm,” she moans to me. “You mean, my ass? Is it big? Do…do you think some chocolate has gone there?” Christine whispers to me and moans, closing her eyes.

“Not some,” I whisper to her butt. I start talking to it. “Christine’s been feeding you and feeding you, and you just won’t let any other part of her have any luscious fat, will you? You just take and take and take and grow larger and larger, making it hard for her to find panties and sit and walk with you, you’re so cruel for an ass so beautiful.” Christine is biting her lower lip now and starting to squirm.

“It is, isn’t it? Big...” She says, “Too big?”

“Huge,” I say to her while rubbing it, trying to feel through her khakis. “And never…”

“It makes my pants so tight; it’s so hard to get them on every morning. I’ll pull them up and once they touch my butt, I have to lie on the bed and pull them up as hard as I can, jumping up and down every now and then. They constrict it so much, like a corset, and it just needs to breathe, they’re too tight,” Christine pleads to me. I take hold inside of the pants, letting the fabric on the waist pinch my fingers, confirming their tightness. I summon all of my strength and with another chocolate in her mouth, rip the khakis right off of her with such force they fly off into the distance.

She’s jiggling rhythmically back and forth. She’s on her belly now, and her ass is staring up at me. It looks bigger unconfined than I could have ever known, sucking in her panties as if they were chocolate. I run my fingers under her panties, stretching the taut fabric even more. The fat is pinched tightly beneath them, and like dough, rising and overtaking their edges. It’s a beautiful sight to see, and a better one to feel. “You need this ass to breathe more, don’t you?” I ask knowing the answer, with both my hands on her panties, just watching her large posterior raise toward me.

“Do it!” Christine yells at me and I rip them off, leaving nothing to cover her bare ass. I smack it, and watch it shake. It moves separately, sometimes covering the small of her back and then circling around back down to her legs, nonstop. I grab both huge cheeks and continue to examine its size, letting it take my hands. I can only imagine heaven is half as good as Christine’s ass. I push it up and let it fall back down, smack it, and spread it apart. I run my finger down her crack, enticing her slightly.

She takes her own finger, loaded with chocolate, and slowly does the same. She turns her head toward me so that her hair swings around and smiles at me. She winks and nods toward her rear, I look back toward it and watch it grow more than even her breasts had. I smack it even harder and she screams out, “Yes!” and puts her head back down.

“It’s getting so heavy,” she whispers to me. “So nice, and big, and fat. I’ll need help lifting it.” She tries to get on her knees for me, and lift her ass up but she has some trouble struggling with its new and growing size.

I spread her legs apart, and push them in, trying to lift her ass up in the air for her. I can see her belly hanging and swaying a little, and her breasts doing the same, touching the pillow which she was eating away at. She kept licking it, taking bites, swallowing it faster and faster. I haven’t even gotten undressed yet. I don’t try, I just keep my tiny hands on her mammoth ass; I hang on to it now as it gets larger as she continues to gorge. I can hear her munching even though I can’t see her anymore; it’s just getting too big. I scream to her, as if her ass would block out the sound, “Your ass is getting too fat, stop eating!” and I’m shocked to think I’d ever say that, even in my dreams. I close my eyes for a moment…and the feeling of being closed in and crushed is gone.

I open my eyes slowly and see Christine facing me, her huge rear end behind her. She’s looking at me with nothing but disappointment on her cute face. “I thought you said it could never be too big?”

I don’t even know what to say, I can’t even look her in the face and stare at those beautiful breasts of hers. When I finally look up again, she has a candy bowl, filled with Hershey’s Kisses. I open my mouth to talk, and she pops one in, and kisses me, letting both our tongues savor the flavor. “Guess I’ll have to go on a diet,” she says to me. “But for now you can at least finish the job.” We both smile.

She even penetrates my dreams, and I crave chocolate afterwards. It’s always the same dream. I’m obsessed with my little Asian angel. I need to see her, how big she’s gotten. I hope that dream doesn’t foreshadow a diet in her future, or maybe she realized how big she was getting? Damnit! If she figured it out, that she’s gaining weight, and is trying to work it off before coming back, then…NO! That would explain why she opted to train at another store. I can’t let that happen. Yes, yes, I’ll just take her, and stuff her myself. Force her to eat everything I give her. Ha…ha…HAHahaHAHaHAHAHAHA!” I won’t let you slim down Christine; I won’t be the one responsible for your fate!

I make sure I bring an extra large lunch for today. I’ll let her have some, she won’t be skinny, and I’ll make sure of it. I can’t believe she’s started to diet, DAMN HER! I walk in and put my things away, waiting to see if she’s going to come back. She’s the next person that walks in, and I can’t believe my eyes.

Her belt’s on the last loop, my eyes looked there first. Christine has gotten huge. She smiles at me when she walks in and I smile back, walking right toward her. I open my arms and she gives me a large hug. Oooh, I can feel how fat you’ve gotten over vacation, I can practically see your bra through that shirt, and I know the cups are being overtaken with fat. Even your belly is pooching over that belt, giving only a hint of how tight you have it. You’re starting to get hips, when did that happen girl? And that ass, oh Christine, that beautiful ass, I peak around you to see it and I don’t have to peak far. It’s gigantic Christine. You look so lovely, so plump and chubby; I never could have imagined you’d get this big.

“Long time no see, you look amazingly refreshed!” I tell her.

She groans and stops our hug, and squirms down into her seat with some gorgeous trouble. “I’ve gotten so fat over vacation,” she says with irritation.

Not just over vacation piggy. “Ah, don’t worry about it,” I tell her. “I didn’t even notice, and besides, I think you look beautiful!”

“That’s nice of you, but I can feel it. I had to get some new pants; I couldn’t even get into the old ones. I was so embarrassed when I tried on my swimsuit, I took it off right away,” she says.

Real life conversation is so much better than fantasy, and I just can’t control myself. She’s perfect in every way. “I’d kill for that ass,” I tell her. I mean it; I’d kill to have it in my bed, next to me. I really can’t control myself. She laughs.

“Even so, I gotta reduce so even have a chance of getting a date.”

I smile and get close to her. I run my hand under her chin, and to my delight feel the tiniest bit of flab. “I’d go out with you,” I whisper to her and give her a kiss on her lips.

She pushes me away. I’m confused and she looks upset. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” she says to me. She looks me up and down. What? She’s judging ME? This fat fucking bitch has the fucking nerve to TELL ME that I don’t look good? You FUCKING pig, I hope you die of a heart attack stuffing your fat fucking face! I’ll kill you!

“It’s just that, Kelly, I had no idea you were that way. I like you…but as a friend. I only date guys. I feel so stupid to have let you on, I’m so sorry, please forgive me!” She looks at me sincerely.

Oh. I don’t know what to say. I feel stupid. “I just…I though that…I feel stupid.”

“No, no, it’s my fault Kel, I didn’t realize I was leading you on,” Christine said. “I do have a friend that you might be interested in though, she likes a girl with a little meat on her bones.” Christine smiles at me and I am more confused than ever.

“Meat on her bones?” I ask.

“Oh, Kelly,” Christine says a bit flustered. She gets close to me and starts whispering, “It’s just that, you look like you’ve put on a few babe.” I look down and past my boobs to see a little belly looking at me. When the hell did that happen? Damnit Christine, you’ve made ME fat! Now I’m pissed.

I sit back and blush. “To be honest Christine, I do too…that’s why…”

“Why you wanted to go out with me,” she finished. I was about to tell you I made you a huge fat ass, but you can continue. “So you did notice, you liar.” She laughed. “Well at least you still think I look cute, right?” I nod. “Well good. But I don’t think you’ll like my friend, she’s a stick and hates eating.” She put a chocolate in her mouth, that I didn’t see her grab when she walked in. “But maybe I can help you through the day until you get one,” she winks at me. Oh Christine, I can’t stay mad at you, you beautiful temptress.

I smile and leave, taking a piece of chocolate. I go over to Big Tit Tessa and Enormous Hips Erica who are now chatting. I hold it out in my hand, letting the foil sparkle and dazzle, showcasing it to them. I know one of them will take it, eventually. They just need a little coaxing.

"Would you like a kiss?" I smile.