The alarm clock read 11:23 AM. It was Saturday morning—almost afternoon really—and Kristin Royal knew that it was absurd to be in bed at this hour. After looking at the clock, she pulled her covers tighter and rolled over in bed. Right now she didn’t care. It was cold outside her comfy sheets and she had no intention in sticking so much as one toe outside of her warm bed for the moment. She wasn’t doing anything today anyways.

For the being the only sophomore on the women’s varsity water polo team, Kristin was quite a lazy girl. If she had her way, Kristin wouldn’t be playing water polo. She wouldn’t be doing anything, actually, except maybe sleeping. That was an acceptable thing to do. But sports were generally icky. It was only because her parents had literally thrown her into a pool at an early age for swimming lessons that she was even doing water polo. Apparently, by some absurd accident, she did it a bit too well because Coach had put her on the varsity team after tryouts. That meant she had to work harder, a thought that did not please her.

Why couldn’t I just play JV like all the other sophomore girls? Kristin thought to herself for the umpteenth time as she burrowed her head further into her pillow, Now I barely have any friends on the team and I have to work harder. The worst of both worlds.

Kristin did admit that there was one good thing about water polo. She had made some very good friends last year on the freshman team. She probably wouldn’t have ever met these girls otherwise, mainly because Kristin was naturally shy. She barely ever raised her hand in class to answer a question even though she knew the answer half the time. Kristin just didn’t feel comfortable speaking out in front of people for some reason. Whatever that reason was, it meant that Kristin made her friends through classes and activities, rather than socializing at parties or even around campus. Kristin was actually very glad that she’d joined water polo because of the people she’d met and bonded with last year. It had really helped during the stress of settling down as a freshman in high school to have met such a nice group of girls.

And now they were all playing JV while she had inexplicably been vaulted up to varsity. Kristin groaned at the thought. Sure, she was holding her own physically when she did get to play in games (which wasn’t that often, and then usually when the team was well enough ahead that Coach had the liberty of rotating in girls who weren’t as skilled as his starters and second line) but Kristin barely knew anybody on the team. She’d started talking to Jenna Shcherbatsky in the locker room a bit and the two had begun to get to know each other, but Kristin wouldn’t really call Jenna a friend. Sure, she’d been really nice, but they just weren’t friends quite yet. Kristin saw a very clear line between an acquaintance and a friend.

Something that Kristin also saw very clearly was that she wasn’t going back to sleep as much as she wanted to. She sighed. Once she’d admitted that she was not going to catch anymore shuteye, she couldn’t justify lounging about in her bed for much longer. Her conscience got the better of her. Besides, it was almost lunchtime and Kristin was getting hungry.

The teenager rolled over and swung her legs out of bed. Even though it was California, she still got cold enough at night to wear sweatpants and a long sleeved t-shirt to bed to stay warm. Then again, now that it was winter, Kristin tried to stay covered up as much as she could at all times. She walked over to her window and pulled the curtains open to let some light (and theoretically heat) into the room. It was actually rather sunny out, which pleased Kristin. Maybe it would actually be warm out today! She opened the window to try and get a sense for the air outside and found that it was still cooler than she’d like, which dulled Kristin’s elation considerably. A surprise like that would have been wonderful. She could have sun bathed in the backyard if it was warmer, which Kristin liked doing. It was right up there with sleeping, except in a bikini, which made it a lot more fun.

Kristin glumly trudged over to her closet as she rubbed her eyes. Kristin had beautiful brown eyes with a hint of green that one could get lost in. Very few people ever looked into Kristin’s eyes, however, so Kristin’s eyes were not as highly considered by RFK High as those of someone like Justine Greenwood, who used them to the fullest advantage possible. Her eyes were nestled in beneath thick eyelashes that further enhanced their appearance and made it even more amazing that no one had taken greater notice of them. Her face had the slightest splash of freckles across her cheeks and nose, so few that one almost missed them when one looked. Her skin had been lightly tanned by hours in the pool and reclining in her backyard on lazy afternoons. Her eyebrows were a shade thicker than most girls’, and this made them stand out more in a good way. Kristin’s nose was small, but nicely shaped. She had a bit of a small mouth, but with pretty pink lips and ivory white teeth. To see the latter was a treat, for Kristin smiled with her mouth shut if she didn’t think to open her mouth to show off her teeth. Her cheeks were somewhat round, but pleasingly shaped. Her just-past-shoulder length light brown hair had beautiful body without being unruly. Right now it was mussed up from a good night’s sleep, but when combed it had a lustrous shine. A side effect of Kristin’s shyness was that she wasn’t as outwardly showy with her appearance as many other girls, including a good number less attractive than Kristin, were. That being said, Kristin was still very cute, and could perhaps even be classified as mildly attractive.

The brunette pulled her shirt off over her head. She was wearing a black sports bra that held her small but perky breasts. Beneath her bra was a small belly that stuck out. It wasn’t very noticeable, unless Kristin had her shirt off. However, that had a tendency to be fairly often outside of school. Kristin wasn’t embarrassed about the fact she carried a little weight. She’d always had a bit of extra padding, so it had never been anything to get upset about. She would go to the beach with other girls and wear a bikini without a moment’s hesitation where another girl of similar build would shudder to think of such a thing.

Kristin didn’t just have a belly. It was another prominent feature of the brunette’s build that would have given other girls pause. As she slipped out of her sweatpants, Kristin’s huge hips were brought into view. They were disproportionately large when compared her body, giving Kristin an indisputable pear shape. Perhaps it fit Kristin’s lazy nature that she should have a fat ass. Her black satin panties clung to every curve of her hips, showing every detail. Her butt stuck out a good inch or two behind Kristin and it filled most chairs when she sat down. Each butt cheek would bounce up and down with her every step. No matter what angle you looked at Kristin from, her hips were round. When she walked, they would sway back and forth seductively. A pair of meaty thighs with no room between them supported her hips. They were downright fleshy and they rubbed together as Kristin walked. The sophomore was only mildly aware of the sensation. She was habituated to the feelings associated with her ample ass and thunder thighs from a couple years of being bottom heavy. Kristin almost waddled. The movement of her hips was such that you thought she did, but if you broke down her stride Kristin actually didn’t. It wouldn’t take much to push her over the edge, though. Kristin pulled her underwear off, which allowed her large rump to jiggle freely in the slightly cold air. She quickly pulled a fresh pair on and then tugged a pair of jeans up. Today was going to be a jeans sort of day judging by the temperature. Throwing a green t-shirt on, Kristin proceeded with her daily routine to get herself looking presentable.

Fifteen minutes later she bounced downstairs for some lunch. Whenever she skipped breakfast because she slept in she had an extra large lunch to make up for it. She microwaved a Swedish meatball plate for starters and had a Coke with it as she read the headlines from the paper for lack of anything better to do while she was eating. After polishing off that tasty dish, Kristin considered the cupboard in the house that was home to all of the family’s snacks. Woe to the person who put a treasured box of Cheese Nips in that cupboard if they wanted to keep it to themselves. Anything in that cupboard was fair game for the entire family, and Kristin took full advantage of the open hunting season whenever she considered what was in there. More often than not she’d choose whatever would satisfy her palate, which was usually the tastiest and most unhealthy thing in the cupboard. The rest of the family largely followed suit, and as a result potato chips and chocolate chip cookies didn’t last long, but you could find ginger snaps any time of the year in the Royal family cupboard. However, Kristin definitely made more visits than the rest of the household to the snack cupboard.

Today Kristin felt like potato chips and grabbed the bag from the cupboard. She headed to the couch and plopped herself down on it. Grabbing the remote, Kristin turned the TV on and watched America’s Next Top Model for a bit before flipping channels. If you asked Kristin, if it wasn’t warm enough to go outside and sunbathe, then it was a great day to watch TV, and that covered a lot of days during the school year. Watching TV was a great way to burn through a bag of potato chips and a can or two of soda without even thinking about it, and more often than not Kristin did just that. Today was no exception.

When her hand found the bottom of the bag, Kristin got up and pitched the bag in the trash. However, as part of her larger lunch, Kristin was on the prowl for something more to eat. She once again returned to the snack cupboard and looked over the contents. Without too much hesitation she grabbed the bag of Dove chocolates. As chocolate went, Dove took the cake. Its smooth, creamy taste outdid every other bite sized chocolate hands down. Kristin was nearly addicted to them, but they were so rich that she could only eat so many at a time—but still quite a good amount. Returning to the couch, Kristin began this heavenly indulgence with a another can of Coke.

Quite unexpectedly, her cell phone rang.

Kristin could hear it, but she couldn’t find it. It sounded like it was underneath something. Who’s calling anyways? Nobody ever calls me, especially on a Saturday? Kristin thought as she looked about. Maybe her phone was between couch cushions or something. That happened a fair amount of time. Kristin began pulling the cushions up, looking every which way for her phone. It had to be there somewhere. Of course the one time somebody actually calls me and I can’t find my phone, Kristin thought. And then there her phone was. She dove for it and flipped it open.

“Hello?” Kristin said, laying across the couch in a mess of pillows and cushions.

“Hi, Kristin. It’s Chris Anderson,” the voice at the other end said.

Chris Anderson? How did he get her number? They’d never talked before, even though they shared AP European History together. “Oh! Hi,” Kristin said as she sat up.

“You have a moment or two?” Chris asked.

Kristin by this point had found the remote and muted the TV. “Yeah, sure. I wasn’t really doing anything anyways. What’s up?”

“Well, to be honest, it would really be better if you met me for a cup of coffee in about fifteen minutes to discuss this,” Chris said.

“Why can’t we just talk about it now?” Kristin said, somewhat confused.

“We could, but I think it might be a bit weird over the phone,” Chris said reluctantly.

“We’ll find out in a second,” Kristin said, waiting for Chris to get to the point.

“I’d like to go to dinner with you this Friday,” Chris said.

“…As in a date?” Kristen asked after a moment.

“Yeah,” Chris said rather nonchalantly.

“I think you were right about that cup of coffee,” Kristin said promptly.

“How about Strada in fifteen minutes?” Chris said.

“I’ll be there in ten,” Kristin replied and they both hung up.

Chris Anderson was asking her out on a date! Nobody had ever asked her out on a date before! Kristin ran to the cupboard and put the chocolates away before rushing upstairs to check her appearance. It wouldn’t do to be slovenly in front of a boy who apparently liked her enough to ask her out. Finding nothing amiss, Kristin grabbed her keys and went out the door. She was thankful she’d recently gotten her driver’s license. She didn’t want to create a stir by asking her parents to drive her down to meet a boy who wanted to ask her out to dinner. Kristin didn’t like causing a fuss, which is why she sped out of the driveway before anyone in her family could ask any questions.

Upon arriving at Caffe Strada, which was just called Strada by the locals, Kristen found that Chris wasn’t there yet. She was early and for lack of something better to do she got in line and ordered a hot chocolate so her nerves could be settled down by the smooth chocolate taste. It actually did something as Kristin was pleased to see her hands weren’t shaking that badly when she sat down at a secluded table, her ass utilizing all of the chair. There were a lot of tables at Strada, but they were all very much out in the open. Kristin didn’t really want to be discussing dating in public, so she chose a table in the back that was about as private as one could get.

When Chris Anderson walked in the door, he nearly didn’t see Kristin, but she certainly saw him. He was a sophomore like Kristin, as well as a very impressive soccer player. Like Kristin, he’d made the varsity team as a sophomore and was already a leader on the team’s offense. He had a trim build that underscored how fit he was. He was about 5’10”, which was three inches taller than Kristin. His dark brown hair and green eyes went well with his fair skin. Chris was wearing a jacket and a pair of jeans. It didn’t take long for him to find Kristin, who waved meekly from the corner table she’d selected, nervous at his approach and unsure of what was going to happen.

“Hi,” Chris said as he sat down.

“Hi,” Kristin said, “Did you want to get anything?”

“Nah, not really. I don’t need any coffee right now,” Chris said.

There was a short silence between them. “So…” Kristin said to suggest Chris should say something.

“I’m guessing you’d like an explanation out of me, wouldn’t you?” Chris said.

“Considering we barely know each other, yeah,” Kristin said.

“Fair enough. I’ve seen you in class for the last couple months. I think you’re cute and I want to go on a date with you to get to know you better. That’s pretty much it,” Chris explained succinctly.

Kristin was surprised by Chris’s candor. She hadn’t expected such a blunt statement. She expected Chris to be as awkward and embarrassed as she felt right now. “You make it sound very simple,” Kristin said before taking a sip of hot chocolate to try and calm down and be as cool as Chris.

“It’s only complicated if you make it,” Chris said, “but I understand if this is all a little sudden. After all, you’re right when you say that we haven’t known each other extremely well.”

Kristin took another sip, mainly to give herself something to do while she thought. Chris wasn’t just any boy asking her out. He was a cute one. Kristin knew for certain that there were a lot of other girls who liked Chris and had done their best to make this very apparent to him. Therefore, Kristin knew that he wasn’t just fishing for a girlfriend. He could have had an easier time of it by just giving in to one of the other girls.

“So why me?” Kristin said, giving voice to the natural progression of her train of thought.

“Because you’re cute like I said,” Chris said.

“Yeah, but there are cuter girls who have made no secret they like you,” Kristin said, unsatisfied with the answer, “That’s not it.”

For the first time Chris’s cheeks grew red, but only slightly. “Well, see…I, uh, like the fact that you’re shy.”

“Shy?” Kristin echoed, surprised.

“More like quiet,” Chris qualified, fearing he’d made a misstep, “The way that the other girls throw themselves at me, looking like tramps, is disgusting. You’re pretty without being a…”

“I get the idea,” Kristin said as Chris struggled for the right word for polite conversation.

“Frankly I like the way you take care of yourself. You remind me of an apple pie,” Chris said.

“An apple pie!” Kristin exclaimed.

“Yeah, wholesome and all-American,” Chris said, once again trying not to get himself in too much trouble.

“And tasty,” Kristin said before she could think.

“That’s something I’d like to find out,” Chris said with a small smile and Kristin was suddenly embarrassed at her innuendo.

“So, where did you want to go to dinner?” Kristin asked, tacitly accepting Chris’s offer for a date .

“Anywhere is fine. What’s your idea?”

“Well…it’s a little expensive, but the first thing that comes to mind is this great German place called the Red Lion Hofbrau,” Kristin said.

“I haven’t done German food in a while. Sounds good,” Chris said, “Is Friday good?”

“Yeah,” Kristin said.

“Meet me there or should I pick you up?”

“You can pick me up,” Kristin said, “You’d have to meet my parents, though.”

“I’d love to. I’ll give you a call when I get home and check the calendar to get a good time,” Chris said.

“I have practice that afternoon, so it will have to be after that,” Kristin said.

“No problem. I’ve got to get going, so I’ll talk with you later, all right?”

“Bye,” Kristin said as Chris got up and left. Once he walked out the door she looked at her half finished hot chocolate.

I’m going on a date! Kristin thought excitedly to herself. I can’t believe it!


Friday night, Kristin still couldn’t believe it, except now her excitement had turned into nervous anxiety. Chris would be here in about fifteen minutes. Kristin had just finished dressing. “Oh, no need to try and do anything special for me,” Chris had said in passing when they’d coordinated the evening’s timing, “Just wear whatever.” Kristin had tried to keep this in mind, but she couldn’t just wear just anything on a date! She’d put on what she thought were her best pair of jeans, a dark blue pair. They hugged her hips securely, showing off their every curve. She put on a pink polo shirt that had all but the top button undone. Even though this was a date, Kristin wasn’t going to unbutton her shirt just to try and impress Chris. Besides, he’d said that he didn’t like it when girls dressed slutty. Granted, it was one button and it wasn’t like her breasts would be falling out at him, but Kristin decided against it all the same. As she did any time she wore a polo shirt, she left one button revealing the base of her neck at the clavicle. That was quite enough.

For the first time Kristin had some doubts about her appearance. She looked at herself in the mirror and thought that perhaps she could do to lose a few pounds. She definitely had large hips, and though Kristin usually didn’t think anything of them, she now thought that maybe they were a bit too big. However, Kristin told herself that she wasn’t going to lose any weight tonight, so she might as well just finish getting ready.

As she put on her make up, Kristin also didn’t do more than what she did for any event where she wanted to look nice. Unlike most women, she used make up as sparingly as possible, which made her appear somewhat plainer than a lot of other girls, but allowed a more natural Kristin to shine through much more often. With time to spare before Chris’s arrival, Kristin took a brush and brushed her hair slowly over and over again as she looked herself in the mirror, working it up into a more and more beautiful shine. Kristin could have been in a shampoo commercial by the time the doorbell rang.

Kristin’s mother got to the door first. “Hello, you must be Chris,” she said.

“Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Royal,” Chris said as he stepped inside and offered his hand to Kristin’s mother.

“Please, Mrs. Royal is my mother-in-law. You can call me Ann,” Ann Royal said as they shook.

“I think I’d be more comfortable if I called you Mrs. Royal, if that’s not too much trouble,” Chris said.

“Only because you asked nicely,” Ann replied with a smile.

Kristin bounced down the stairs during this exchange. “Hi there Kristin,” Chris said.

“Hi,” Kristin said. Now that she was about to go out on a date, her parents were about to meet her date, Kristin was rather nervous.

“Jack!” Mrs. Royal called up the stairs, “Chris is here!”

“Who’s Chris?” came the reply.

Mrs. Royal rolled her eyes at the two kids. “We discussed this earlier dear! Kristin’s going to dinner with Chris!”

“Oh!” Mr. Royal’s voice responded, “Be down in a second.”

Mrs. Royal smiled at Chris. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry,” Chris responded with a smile in turn.

Soon Jack Royal came down the stairs. “Chris, nice to meet you. Sorry to hold you two up. I’m Kristin’s Dad,” he said, shaking Chris’s hand.

“Chris Anderson, sir,” Chris said.

“Mr. Royal’s just fine,” Jack said, “but I will say it’s nice to meet a polite young man like you for once.”

“Thank you very much, Mr. Royal,” Chris said simply.

“Don’t be out too late you two, but otherwise have a great time,” Mr. Royal said, “Pleasure to meet you Chris.”

“All right, bye Dad,” Kristin said before she and Chris headed out the door.

On the other side as she walked to Chris’s car, she said, “Thanks for humoring them like that. They like to know what’s going on in their little girl’s life.”

“My parents are the same way,” Chris said.

They got into the car and headed for the restaurant together. “How was practice today?” Chris asked.

“Good,” Kristin said, “I think I keep up okay. I’ve been doing better, but varsity is so much harder than playing on the freshman team last year.”

“Tell me about it. I nearly got mauled the other day…” Chris began, and the two started swapping sports stories with one another. Kristin found that Chris too, despite the fact he was widely acknowledged as one of the better players on the team, was prey to the same doubts about being on varsity that she was. To have someone to commiserate with helped Kristin immensely. Already she was telling Chris things that she’d only mentioned to a handful of people who she really trusted, but they couldn’t really empathize with Kristin’s situation. To have the ability to confide in someone who understood what she was going through was a refreshing change for Kristin.

When they arrived at the Red Lion Hofbrau, they were promptly seated. Chris selected the beef stroganoff and Kristin after a short internal debate, impulsively picked the bratwurst. It didn’t take long before they got their salads. By this point Kristin was quite hungry as it had been a while since lunch and she’d had a typically strenuous practice that afternoon as well, so Kristin dug in as she carried on conversation with Chris between bites. They actually had quite a bit to talk about. This whole dating thing didn’t seem as hard as she thought it was going to be. Chris was funny and their conversation was free and easy. Kristin was learning that Chris was quite a nice guy. She didn’t think once about her fleeting worries about her weight.

When their dinners arrived, each found theirs to be quite tasty. Kristin’s bratwurst had excellent taste and a nice crisp skin to it. With the right mustard (which the Red Lion naturally had) it was divine. She sampled a bit of Chris’s beef stroganoff, which was well prepared and equally delicious. When they were done with dinner, they were both so full that dessert was the last thing from their minds.

Earlier during the dinner she’d admitted she didn’t have much experience dating (deciding for the moment it was better not to say she’d had no experience dating), and there was a question that was nagging Kristin. “So, since I don’t have much experience doing this, do cute boys always ask girls out without getting to know them beforehand?” Kristin said with a bit of a smile to indicate she was being playful.

“Only if the girl is exceptionally cute herself and the boy can’t help himself,” Chris responded.

“And would that be the case with you?” Kristin asked.

“Yes,” Chris said unabashedly. Kristin, however, blushed at the compliment. “But on a more serious note, I’ll admit that I took notice of you because you made the varsity water polo team.”

“Really?” Kristin asked.

“Of course. Who wouldn’t? I thought it was the mark of an exceptional girl.”

“And what do you think now that we’ve gotten to know me?”

“I think I’d like to get to know you even better,” Chris said.

“The feeling’s mutual,” Kristin said without hesitation, surprised at how easily those words slipped out.

When the check came, she tried to fight Chris for it, but he was having none of that. “We’ll split the next one,” he said.

“That’s not fair. I should take care of the next one, not just split it with you,” Kristin said trying to grab the check from across the table, raising her plump ass out of the chair in the attempt.

“There are worse things in life that aren’t fair,” Chris said, successfully fending off Kristin, “Be thankful it’s not something worse.”

Kristin begrudgingly accepted the fact and the pair drove home, chatting away. As they walked up to the door, Kristin knew enough from movies and TV shows that she wasn’t entirely sure what to expect for the end of the date. For the first time since Chris had arrived at her house, Kristin was suddenly nervous.

“Thanks for dinner. I had a lot of fun tonight. More fun than I’ve had in quite a while,” Kristin said.

“Me too,” Chris said, “How about I catch up with you in class and we can talk about what to do next then, all right?”

“Sure, that sounds good,” Kristin said.

“Oh! I almost forgot!” Chris exclaimed, “I’ve been meaning to ask you all night when your next water polo game was.”

“Tuesday, but you don’t have to come. I mean, my own mother doesn’t even come to the games. They’re not horribly interesting,” Kristin said, surprised that Chris would even think of coming to see her play.

“I think I’ll just make that decision for myself, thank you very much,” Chris said.

“But I barely even play in the game. I’m like the last person that Coach ever puts in, and that’s only if we’re ahead by like six goals and I can’t screw up enough to blow the game,” Kristin protested, “You probably won’t even see me play.”

“Are you going to be wearing a swimsuit?” Chris asked.


“Then that’s reason enough for me to come,” Chris stated, “I’ll see you in class.”

“See you then,” Kristin said.

And before she even knew it Chris swept in and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before he turned away to get back in his car. Kristin was so surprised she just watched Chris leave and gave him a small wave as he pulled away.

Kristin walked into her house, still in a bit of a daze. Her first date and her first kiss by a boy all at once! What a night!

“Hi Kristin,” her father said from the couch while he was watching TV. He had obviously waited up for her to make sure she’d gotten home safely.

“Yeah, it was great,” Kristin said, “I’m a bit tired though, so I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“All right. Have a good sleep,” Mr. Royal said before turning back to the TV.

Kristin headed upstairs. It was as if that kiss had changed Kristin’s entire world. It was unexpected and shocking, but at the same time Kristin had enjoyed the thrill of that brief moment. Now she wished it had lasted longer.

Chris was certainly very confident, though perhaps a little forward, Kristin thought, But I liked it. If this is what dating is really like, then it’s easy! We talked all night long and I barely realized how the time was flying by. How did I get so lucky?