Nineteen year old Laura wasn't an especially slender girl. Not that she was fat, she was just, well, plump. Anyone who saw the young woman wandering through the Bakers' fair, helping herself to the free samples, would have no problem guessing why this was. Decked out in a white T-shirt and spandex biker short, the chubby redhead didn't have much trouble attracting attention. A fact which soon got her into considerable trouble.

"Who ate all my cookies?" snarled Madam Florence. The sultry baker glared at the empty tray, which, only seconds ago, had been filled with her prize winning cookies. She had only turned her back to finish setting up the automatic cookie machine she kept in the back (She expected to sell A LOT of cookies that day. After all, they weren't called "prize winning" for nothing. Rather, it was because they, like, won prizes. For being good. Is this circular logic making sense to you guys? Okay. Good.) She quickly realized the answer as she spied the nearby Laura, snacking on the eclairs the neighboring booth was offering. Florence's eyes strayed to Laura's plump middle, almost rolling out of her stretched T-shirt.

"Well, well, was it you?" asked Florence sweetly. Laura blushed slightly, embarrassed that someone had noticed her voracious appetite.

"Don't be shy, my chubby friend. It's good to see someone who appreciates my product. Very much by the looks of it." She poked a finger into Laura's tubby midsection, causing Laura to giggle. She blushed even more, though, when she realized that Florence was pointing out a chocolate stain on her shirt. She'd devoured the cookies so eagerly she hadn't even noticed it.

"I guess I was sort of a pig," admitted Laura shyly.

"Pig? You were nothing of the sort! Now what's your name, sweetie?"


"Laura. That's a pretty name. Laura, why don't you come with me? I'd like your opinion on some other sorts of cookies I have and I'd guess that you're probably still hungry."

"Wow!" Laura's mind boggled at the thought of more cookies.

"Sure, I'd love to help."

"Good, good." She quickly led the excited girl back into her tent. Pointing to a comfortable-looking chair next to the cookie machine, Florence instructed her to sit down.

"Just make yourself at home. The cookies will be done in a minute."

Laura plunked herself down in the chair, her soft rear spreading to fill the cushioned seat. Almost immediately, straps tightened around Laura's soft middle, squeezing into her flesh. "Oof! What's going on?" Laura began to panic as more straps appeared around her wrists and ankles.

"Well, chunky, I lied. That's all you need to know. It pisses me off when one person eats all my free samples. I mean, really, how do you expect me to sell anything when you eat up all my merchandise? And I just love ironic punishments. So, my greedy little friend, you like cookies?"

"Ummm, not that much." Laura began sweating. This really didn't seem to be going her way at all.

"Oh, don't be silly, you cute little chubbette, you! I can tell you just love to eat! Isn't it fun to stuff yourself silly, Laura? Wouldn't you just love to be able to eat and eat and eat all day, never having to worry about anything?"

"Ummmm, let me think.." In honesty, the answer was yes, but Laura didn't want to give this psycho any encouragement.

"Of course you would! And, since I'm such a good, generous person, I'm going to help you achieve that glorious fatty dream of yours, eh! Bon Appetite!" With that, Florence pulled a switch, setting the cookie-making machine in motion.

"What's the deal?" demanded Laura, "You keep this thing-a-ma-dooie here just to punish big eaters? This doesn't seem cost effective at all! And it's bad PR, to boot!"

"Shut up, fat girl!" shouted Florence. She threw her raven black hair haughtily. "I am the chef. You are the kid. So there. Neener neener neener." Geez, thought Laura as a pair of clamps forced her mouth open, she's not very mature. Hey, she lied! Those aren't any new sort of cookies! Those are chocolate chip, just like the free samples! She was about to protest when the chute forced the first cookies into her mouth.

Well, they certainly were good, moist and gooey. The second batch was even better. Laura was in nirvana.

As she ate, changes took place. Her belly stretched, growing bigger and bigger. Her shirt rode up her now enormous belly; the seams under her arms groaned and creaked. Threads began to pop, allowing her warm, soft flesh to ooze out. The spandex shorts stretched, and, although her expanding stomach forced them down, they held on.

"Yum! Aren't they good?" teased Florence. Her deep green eyes sparkled malevolently. "Don't they just melt in your mouth? Made with only the finest ingrediants. How's that tummy of yours holding up? Getting tight in there, is it? Just keep eating, fat girl."

Yeah, right, like I can do anything else, thought Laura sarcasticaly. Man, she was getting full. She was absolutely stuffed but se couldn't stop! She struggled to choke down more of the tempting pastries.

"Any more room in there? C'mon, that's not nearly enough. There's got to be more room than just that in there! You can do it! More, more, more! Eat, you stupid pig!"

Laura didn't much care for that tone of voice but there really wasn't that much she could do about it. More and more cookies were being stuffed into her open mouth. Liquid chocolate covered her plump lips and dribbled down her chin, smearing her tearing T-shirt even more. The spandex shorts strained against her inflating bulk, pulling down enough to expose the deep depression of her belly button. Her bloated belly now covered her lap, stuffed round and full. She could hardly breathe she was so gorged.

"Keep it up, fatty. It's fun to stuff yourself, eh? Getting a bit chubby there, ain't ya?" She poked Laura's tight, jiggling belly. "Oh, dear, looks like you've put on a little weight. You really ought to watch that. If a girl lets her figure go to pieces,well, what's she got left? And just look at that gut!" Laura's potbelly now spilled over her knees. Her shredded shorts finally burst, revealing her now drum-tight pink panties. Laura really, really wished she hadn't decided to wear the pair with the little teddy bears on them. On today, of all days.

With a sudden BANG, her belly button popped out into an outie. The unbearable pleasure of her stretching blimp-sized stomach was almost too good to bear. But she was still worried.

"Stop! Please stop! I can't eat another bite! I'm going to explode!" Her stomach was firm and tight, trembling with internal pressure. It rumbled dangerously.

"What's that? Too bad, should have thought of that before. Look out! She's gonna blow!"

Luckily, she didn't. Because a Deus Ex Machina arrived in the form of a sudden shortage of cookie dough. Lacking the necessary sugary substance, the machine gave the mechanical equivalent of a shrug and shut inself down. At the same time, Laura burst free of the strangling restraint, waddled forward two feet, and, unaccustomed to her new center of gravity, collapsed on top of Florence.

"Oh, no!" cried the squished Florence from underneath. "You've eaten my entire stock! I'm broke! Oh, crap! How will I afford my usual over-priced attorneys?! You stupid blimp! What have you got to say for yourself now?!?!"

Laura had to think about it for a second. "Got milk?"