It was time for another visit to Dr. Richards, always Lucy’s favorite time of the week. She heaved herself out of bed and examined her enormous body in the mirror. The doctor’s treatments were definitely working. Lucy was a growing girl. Each day, she was bigger. And bigger. And BIGGER. At first, Lucy had been angry that her mother forced her to go to see Dr. Barbara Richards. How could she force Lucy to see a diet doctor of all things? Lucy loved her big beautiful body, and all her life she’d only wanted to see it get bigger and bigger. She’d been so pleased to learn that Dr. Richards felt the same way. The first time Lucy had visited Barbara, sitting all alone in her bra and panties on Barbara’s cold butcher-paper covered table, Lucy knew that something was different. She wasn’t like all those other stupid diet doctors her parents had made her visit.

“So, Lucy,” said Barbara, “Your mother wants you to lose some weight. It’s such a shame to see all that pretty flab melt away, though. What do you want to happen?”

“I don’t wanna lose weight,” sulked Lucy. “I want to GAIN weight. I want to get bigger and bigger until I’m the fattest girl in the world.”

“That can be arranged, Lucy,” smiled the doctor.

“What? Really?”

“Yes. If you want, I can prescribe weight gain pills for you. I can put you on a diet where you’ll be stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey 24/7 with high-fat, high-calorie food, one that’s guaranteed to inflate you like a rubber raft. Is that what you want, Lucy?”


“Good. Then that’s what we’ll do. We just won’t tell your parents, okay?”

Barbara didn’t take her hypocratic oath very seriously at all.

Lucy turned around to admire her massive booty and thick thighs. All parts of her were benefiting from Barbara’s diet advice. Her clothes were becoming more confining, but Lucy still loved to wear the same blouse and jeans even though she was busting out of them more and more. Her hefty gut and globular boobs had grown way too large for her old reliable blouse to contain anymore, but she was still going to make an effort.

She pulled her blouse over her shoulders and fleshy arms, but found that there was no way she could button it around her colossal front. She sucked in her chunky belly as far as she could and pulled the top button closed. Mission accomplished. She grinned and went for the second one. It was hard to get button in hole with her magnificent boobs pressing against her blouse with such pressure. There was a wide diamond-shaped space between the two buttons, which grew slightly wider every time she inhaled. The fabric around the buttons was pulled so tight it was fraying. Smiling, Lucy yanked the third button together. Finally. Her bloated knockers were covered – barely – so now she just had to cover her big rounded paunch.

She grabbed the next button and buttonhole in her fleshy fingers and stretched the two halves of the blouse to meet across her vast flabby middle. It was too far; they wouldn’t meet. She sucked in her gut and tried again. This time she did it, hooking the button in a sudden burst of power. But now she was in a tricky situation. Slowly, ever so slowly, she released her breath, allowing her belly to fill out to its normal size. She felt her potbelly pushing against the quivering button with increasing pressure, stretching the gap between it and its neighbors to the north even more. Finally, just when it seemed the poor overloaded button was about to blow, her belly stopped expanding. Lucy smiled at her reflection, at the wide gaps between her straining buttons where her soft honey-colored flesh poked through. Now it was time to see the good doctor.


At Dr. Richard’s, Lucy’s mother was throwing a fit. “I brought Lucy to you to help her lose weight and instead she’s blowing up like a balloon!” she snarled. “She’s put on at least five pounds this week, and she’s growing out of all her clothes. What are you doing to my daughter?”

Dr. Richards regarded Mrs. Jones coolly. “Mrs. Jones, would you kindly step outside. I want to have a few words with your daughter.”

“How are you doing today, Lucy?” asked the doctor, grinning and rubbing Lucy’s bloated belly after her mom left. The chubby teen was progressing nicely. Her face was rounder and her body softer. The buttons on her blouse were straining more than ever. In fact, she’d taken to leaving the last few buttons over her growing tummy open and her gut tested the last buttoned button every time she inhaled. It looked ready to spring off her shirt. Lucy’s exposed navel was deep and inviting. Lucy pouted.

“I’m sad today, doctor,” said Lucy, putting on a pouty face. “ I’m having trouble with my pants. Do you think I’ve become too fat to zip them up anymore?”

She stretched up arms upward, causing the jelly rolls of her plump tummy to rise slightly, exposing the usually hidden waistband of her pants. She’d managed to zip her pants, but the button was open.

“See? I don’t think this diet you’ve put me on is working at all. I just seem to be getting fatter. And fatter.” Lucy smirked, lowering her shirt again.

“Just trust me, Lucy,” said Barbara. “Now hope on the scale and let’s see how much you really weigh.”

After the check-up, the doctor smiled at Lucy. “Go ahead and get dressed, Lucy,” he said. Lucy wriggled her blubbery buns back into her confining pants and then buttoned up her shirt. “Your fly…” began the doctor. “My what?” Lucy looked down but saw nothing except a pair of bulging hooters. She felt for her fly and realized that it was unzipped.

“Darn it! I told you these pants are just so small! I’m getting so big, what do you think I should do, doctor? Do you think I should lose some weight?”

“No, Lucy, I have a new prescription to take care of that. I think you should start wearing sweatpants. As for your parents, I’ll explain that this special diet might cause you to swell up a bit at first but the end results will make them all very happy.”

On Dr. Richards’ advice, Lucy switched to tracksuits and sweatpants. She liked them because they gave her more room to grow. There was less danger of popping anything when she gorged herself at meals. Lucy waddled down to breakfast, slowly maneauvering her blubbery butt through the narrow doorways of her home. Her parents weren’t happy to see more of her these days. Lucy, clad in her usual blue tracksuit, sat down at the breakfast table and immediately helped herself to a bowl of cereal.

“Is this all we have?” she mumbled through a mouthful of cornflakes. “Dr.Richards said I should get eggs and bacon every morning.”

“Yes, I suppose she did,” said Lucy’s mom uncertainly. She looked at her increasingly massive daughter. Lucy was so large that her breasts swelled out the neckline of her tracktop and her bloated belly spilled out of the gap between her tracktop and sweatpants. Her rear was so wide that she had to sit across two chairs these days for fear that one would not be able to hold all of her weight. Even now, the two chairs creaked as she moved.

“I don’t know about this diet,” began Lucy’s mom, but Lucy cut her off.

“Dr.Richards knows what she’s doing, Mom. She warned me that I’d gain a little weight at first, but it’ll melt away soon enough. Now how bout that bacon and eggs?”

“Yes, but-“

Lucy held up her plate expectantly. Her mom sighed and set to work cooking. When she was done, she spooned the big breakfast onto Lucy’s plate. Lucy ate with gusto, not even pausing until the entire meal had disappeared into her vast tummy.

“Ahhh! Now that was good,” said Lucy, happily rubbing her bulging stomach. “That’s exactly what the doctor ordered. Now I think I need to lie down for a bit.”

“Don’t you think you should take some exercise, Lucy?”

“No, Dr. Richards says that there’s nothing worse for losing weight than exercise. She says I’m a special case. I need to eat lots of high calorie foods and expend as little energy as possible and I’ll soon be quite trim.”

“Well…if the doctor says so…”

Lucy heaved herself to her feet and lumbered over to the couch, where she threw herself down. She was still stuffed from breakfast, but not so stuffed that she couldn’t fit in a little snack. Dr.Richards had told her that this was the most important part of her regiment. She could never go hungry. Instead, she was to eat constantly, making sure that she was always full full full to bursting. Lucy was so big that moving was becoming more and more difficult.