Megan 2

Anyone who looked at Mandy would describe her as an exotic middle-eastern beauty with her deep honey-colored skin and long raven hair. She had a perfect belly-dancer’s figure, thought her friend Jessica as she watched Mandy grab another donut from the box. She had definitely gained weight. The two women were out back on the patio of the swanky club where swanky people meet, sunning themselves and eating complimentary donuts. (Or, as swanky people call them –ouederves. ) Mandy’s pooched tummy bulged slightly over the waistband of her tight shorts, which bit cruelly into her soft flesh. Her t-shirt top was stretched over her rounded stomach, revealing the slight depression where her belly button. As she turned around, it was apparent that her rear had also been filling out.

Jessica and Mandy had been friends ever since their college days, when they had pledged the same sorority, Eta Lotta Pi. Of course, sorority sisters always watch each others’ waistlines and “help” each other to stay in shape. Constant ridicule is, after all, a great motivating tool. Mandy had just turned thirty last week, so it was only to be expected that her waist would start spreading eventually. But Jessica saw it as her sworn duty to make sure that day was a long time coming.

“Ooo! Donuts!” squealed Mandy, grabbing a handful and stuffing them in her mouth. “I just love the jelly-filled ones!”

“Careful,” joked Jessica, “or you’ll start looking like a jell-filled donut yourself.”

Mandy poked her tongue out playfully and crammed a donut into her mouth. “Mmmm.”

“No, seriously, Mandy, you’ve really put on some weight lately. You’re not a kid anymore. You’d better start to watch that waistline or Jerry’s liable to dump you.”

Jerry and Mandy had been dating for a few months now, having met at a reunion function (Jerry had belonged to Eta Lotta Pi’s brother fraternity of Tappa Kegga Bru.) Jerry was still very much a frat boy and had made a couple comments about Mandy’s rising weight.

“Boys don’t like fat girls,” cautioned Jessica.

“Well, I’ve still got a long way to go before I can be called fat! I’m just curvier than I used to be.” She beamed, placing her hands on her wide hips and thrusting out her large chest. Mandy was quite proud of the fact that most of her new weight had gone to just the right places, making her an almost perfect hourglass shape. Her breasts had grown fuller and rounder and her ass had a light bounce to it that accentuated her sultry walk.

“Ha! Boys might like big jugs and a round ass – but there’s no way they’re gonna fall for that pudgy tummy of yours! I’m worried about you, Mandy. You’ve been piling on the pounds so fast. You’ll be as big as the goodbye blimp soon if you keep gaining at this rate!”

Mandy dropped heavily into a chair, which creaked beneath her bulk. “I know I’ve gained some weight, Jesse, but I can’t help myself! I just love to eat. I always have but lately it’s been harder to keep the flab off. I can’t believe that I’ve gotten so chubby. I’ve tried to diet and watch my eating but I just get so hungry that I have to pig out. I just don’t think it’s worth it anymore. Jerry should understand that I don’t want to starve myself. I mean, he should care about more than just having a girlfriend who conforms to society’s beauty standards, right?”

“Ha ha! You’re such a kidder, Mandy! That’s why I always did like you. Don’t worry, Mandy, I’ll help you lose that extra weight and Jerry won’t even recognize you! By the time I’m done with you you’ll be back to your old svelte self again!”


Jessica was as good as her word, following Mandy everywhere and making catty remarks everytime she tried to stick some food in her mouth. It was almost like college all over again, thought Mandy. After a day of this, though, Mandy was hungrier than she’d felt in years. Jessica had even insisted on sleeping over at Mandy’s house to ensure that she didn’t cheat.

Mandy looked at the clock. 1:20 am. Surely, Jesse would be asleep by now and Mandy could get a little snack. She pulled on the first thing she found - a pair of slacks strewn on the floor – just in case she ran into Jesse downstairs, but didn’t see anything wrong with just keeping her night shirt on. Quickly, still clad in a clinging nightie that tightly encircled her rounded gut and buxom chest, she tiptoed down to the kitchen and opened the fridge. Nothing. Jesse had cleaned it out, hiding everything that was even vaguely fattening. The only things left were a couple cans of diet soda (with their stupid one calorie each promises) and a pack of tofu. Mandy checked the freezer. Jackpot! There was a delicious looking pint of (appropriately enough) chunky monkey ice cream that she’d never finished.

She snatched it out and dug in quickly, spooning the tasty, creamy treat into her mouth faster than she could swallow.

Mandy’s belly rumbled angrily and she felt a sharp pain in her ample gut. “Ooo,” she moaned, “I’m sooo hungry. I can’t believe that Jesse is actually making me go through with this stupid diet. No man is worth this. Sometimes I think that if Jerry can’t accept me as I am, then he’s not worth it at all!”


Mandy spun around, eyes wide. Ice cream was smeared on her face; a trail of melted chocolate dripped down her plump cheeks, leading into her deepened cleavage. Jesse stood before her, clad in her pajamas.

“I can’t believe this!” said Jesse, arms folded against her chest. “After all that hard work, you’re just going to throw it away by porking out on ice cream at night! I swear, Mandy, don’t you have any willpower anymore? Is that all you think about, food?”

“I-I’m sorry, Jesse. I was just…so hungry…my…”

“Look at yourself! You’ve become a major chubbette because of this constant binging! You’ve got to stop, Mandy!”

“But I can’t!” wailed Mandy, “It’s all too good!” She burst into tears, burying her face in her hands.

“Now, now,” said Jesse sympathetically, putting an arm around her pudgy friend. “It’s not as bad as all that. I said that I’d help you lose weight and I’m sticking by that promise. But it’s time for plan B, obviously. Mandy, I want you to finish that ice cream.”

Mandy couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Finish the ice cream? But why?”

“Simple! You’re problem is that you get hungry and crave fatty foods. So I figure, if you absolutely stuff yourself silly with awful, high-calorie junk food tonight, you’ll never be able to look at another cookie or potato chip ever again!”

Mandy thought about this. “That does make sense. And then I’ll be able to lose weight for Jerry!”

”Preceisely! Here, start with this ice cream. I’m going to run off and get find some more junk food for you.”

As Jesse left, Mandy crammed the ice cream into her eager mouth, smearing cream and sugar all over her pretty face. By the time the box was empty she knew that she must look like a complete pig; her chubby belly bulged against the thin fabric of her nightie but she was still ravenous. Luckily, by this time, Jesse had returned with the hidden food.

She grabbed a cake and, without even bothering to slice it, pulled out great big chunks and stuffed them into her face.

“Oh, you like that, huh?” smiled Jesse. “You just love to stuff your pretty little face, don’t you?”

Mandy could hardly respond with anything more than a muffled “Mmm” her mouth was so full. She swallowed quickly and stuffed another handful into her mouth. Mandy’s stomach was painfully swollen but she was almost full.

“Ahh!” she said happily smacking her lips. She patted her expanded paunch and frowned sheepishly. “I guess it’ll take a little bit longer to work off all this belly blubber but it was worth it!

Jesse smiled, rubbing Mandy’s distended tummy.

“That’s right, Mandy. Keep eating. Don’t stop now. Isn’t it good?”

“Mmm,” mumbled Mandy as she shoveled some oeros into her mouth. She quickly got lost in the ecstacy of eating. She was so stuffed and bloated that she was beginning to resemble an overfilled water balloon.

“Keep going. You can do it, Mandy. Just a little more.”

“Oof.” Now Mandy really was full. “I think I’ve had enough junk food for one day.”

“What? That’s it? C’mon, fat girl. Eat up! You’re just getting started.”

“I can’t!” groaned Mandy, rubbing her distended gut, “I’m absolutely stuffed to the gills!”

Before Mandy could protest again, Jesse picked up a handful of cookie and stuffed them into her mouth. “If this is going to work, Mandy, you’ve got to eat until you’re absolutely sick! You’ve got to stuff every last bit into that big, bloated belly of yours! Eat until you’re sure that you’re going to bust wide open!”

“I can’t eat…anymore…too full,” gasped Mandy. She was so full that breathing was becoming laborious, especially with her tight gown. Mandy’s breezy outfit was supposed to be light and loose, but, on Mandy, it clung tightly to every bulge and curve. The depression of her ever deepening belly button could easily be seen through the taut fabric and the seams down the sides were pulled tight.

She was literally bursting out of her over tight nightie. RIIIP! The stitches down the left side split as she stalked away, but Mandy was too drunk and bloated to even notice. “Gotta… get out of these…tight ass pants…I can’t swallow…one more bite…” She fumbled with the button but found that her billowing paunch was pressed too tightly against the snug material; there wasn’t a centimeter of give to be had.

“I…can’t get them off!” said Mandy, surprised, “I’m stuck…in these tight pants!”

“Here, let me see,” Jesse bent down for a closer look at Mandy’s ballooning waist. “Man, you’ve really gotten huge! Your pants are pulled so taut that I don’t think I’d be able to get a hold of that button. Here, there’s only one thing to do!”


“Keep eating!” Jesse pushed the cookie jar inro Mandy’s face.

“Are you kidding?” cried Mandy in shock, “Haven’t you been listening? I’m so tubby now that I’m stuck in these pants! How in the world will eating even more help me?!? The only thing that would make me do is burst right out of them-“ “

Preceisely! Mandy, if you can’t open them, then bursting out of them is really the only other option you have.”

“Alright,” said Mandy skeptically, “Hand me that cookie.”

So Mandy ate. And ate. And ate. She polished off the cookies and set to work devouring the cake. Her growing gut continued to spread in front of her but her pants were distressingly well made. The button seemed able to withstand enormous pressure.

“This isn’t working!” groaned Mandy, “ I can’t…fit…down…one more morsel…these pants will cut me in two before they give way…”

The stitches along the sides looked like they were ready to tear and the seat was pulled so tight that it separated each of Mandy’s chunky butt cheeks.

“I think they’re ready to pop,” said Jesse reassuringly, “Here, you’ve almost finished everything in the entire kitchen. All that’s left is this one bag of potato chips and you’ll be free.”

Mandy peered down at the bag. “No…too much…I’m…gonna…explode like a megaton bomb if I eat one more bite.”

Mandy shifted her considerable weight and attempted her peer over her vast, globular belly and her basketball-sized melons to see the waistband.

“I can’t believe I’ve become this fat!” she moaned, “I’m absolutely huge! I look like a beached whale. Oh, hell, give me another cookie.”

Mandy stuffed the last cookie into her mouth and that was enough. The button finally succumbed to the pressure put on it by her inflating tummy and it blew off, richocheting across the room. The zipper relaxed downward and Mandy sighed in relief.

“That’s the best feeling I’ve had in a long time,” she said. “In fact, eating like this is the best feeling I’ve had in a long time. I think your plan may have backfired, Jesse.”

“No, no, it’s still good! Of course, you won’t get thin tonight, that’s not the point. But you will lose weight-“

“No, that’s not what I mean. I mean, I like eating. So I don’t care about losing weight. And if Jerry’s got a problem with that, screw him. Now I’m going to bed, so I can be well rested for breakfast.”
