MELISSA 5: Apples and Pears

After her highly embarrassing stuck incident at the park, Melissa tried not to eat too much the next week. At this point, she was fatter than she had ever been before. At 175 pounds, Mel realised she needed to take action. She lazed through the last week of the holidays without leaving the house once. It continued to rain the entire time, and Mel had had no contact with Christie or Jodie. In a way, Mel was eager to get back to school. She wanted to talk to Greg, a young lad who had been looking at her often during school.

''I guess he is pretty cute.'' she told herself, pondering on the situation. Mel had boyfriends in the past, but not since she had put on all that butt weight. Her famous bum was blossoming larger as she ate. If Mel was going to try and lose weight, she knew her ass wouldn't shed too quickly. She could guiltily admit that her plump tummy was simply a result of her over indulging, but her hips, bottom and thighs had grown mainly on their own accord. Melissa's chocolate binges helping their growth along.

The only eventful thing Melissa embarked on was a movie day with Vicky. Other than that, Mel would much rather forget these holidays.

"So Christie told me you had a little trouble at the park!" giggled Vicky.

Melissa blushed red, "Umm.....yeah it was nothing though...."

"Didn't sound like nothing! Spill the beans."

"Well...ok, I kinda got this cubby house. But it's over, let's just not talk about it."

Melissa's mum entered the room waving a letter.

"Sweetie, there's a letter from the school for you." Melissa ripped it open, wondering what it could be. She read it out loud.

"Dear student, This letter is to inform you that as of term 2, students of Cianwood High School are no longer required to wear school uniform. Unfortunately, a fall out with our local uniform manufacturer has meant they will no longer serve us. Until a new producer is found, students may wear casual clothing to school. Sincerely, blablabla.......Hey that's cool!"

Vicky smiled too.

"Hey mum! The school uniform got canned!" Melissa was relieved. Her school uniform was becoming a little too tight around her wide bottom. Now she wanted to go to school even more so.


The plump young nymphet awoke on the first day of school pretty happy. Her insecurities about her weight had been pushed aside for the time being.

''I wonder how Christie's been?'' thought Mel to herself, as she stepped onto the scales.

''173lbs...Well, I lost weight'' she shrugged. She stuffed her chubby body into some clothes and left for school. Her fatness bulged out of her clothes, but Melissa tried not to notice it. It did feel weird going to school in normal clothes. She was happy though. Those uniforms were far from flattering. When she arrived at school, Jodie greeted her.

"Hey! Oh my gawd, how weird is it to be in normal clothes!" giggled Jodie.

"I know ay, it's certainly different."

''How was your break?'' she asked.

''Pretty uneventful.'' replied Mel, hoping Christie hadn't told her about her stuck situation.

''Heard about you in the park! Tsk tsk!'' joked Jodie, shaking her finger.

Mel darted to change the subject, ''Oh, you've seen Christie? How is she?''

Jodie looked around awkwardly.

''Well, she's fine, but umm, she's changed a bit....''

''What do you mean?'' asked Mel, confused.

''Hey guys!'' Christie cut in.

''Hey Chri----stie.....'' said Mel, stunned in mid sentence.

There before her blue eyes, stood Christie. She had developed a gut. A gut. Mel was shocked. Of all the people to gain weight, Christie was down the bottom. But sure enough, she had a small round tummy.

''What have you been eat -? I'm mean what....'' Mel couldn't string a sentence together.

''It is noticeable, ay?'' said Christie, suddenly upset.

''Well, kinda, what happened?''

''I don't know!'' exclaimed Christie,'' It rained all holidays, so I couldn't exercise, and well, now I got this disgusting pot belly. I hate it!''

''Ah well!'' beamed Jodie,''now you can be tubby like Melissy! Tee hee!''

''Oh nonono! I'm getting rid of this thing! Whether it kills me or not. I hate fatness!''

Mel knew Christie would lose weight. She had always been competitive and athletic. Plus the fact that Christie couldn't stand fat at all would only motivate her further. Mel only wished she had the same kind of dedication to exercise.

''Howdy people - Holy hell!'' Vicky entered the fray, ''What happened to you, Chrissy?!''

''I know I know, it's only temporary.''

''Hey we have matching guts!'' laughed Vicky, jiggling her own stomach roll. Vicky, being an Italian girl, had always had a bit of a tummy. It never bothered her though, and it wasn't big enough for her to be called fat anyway. Mel stared at Christie's belly and sighed. She didn't know what Christie was complaining about, Mel would kill to be that small.

''Oh, I feel left out! I'm the only non-fatso here!'' giggled Jodie. Jodie was a twig of a girl. Not a trace of flesh on her. Her brown hair, eyes and skin combined with her freckles gave her a cute appearance. The only ounce of meat Jodie sported was a considerably large pair of breasts.

''Your lucky, believe me.'' replied Mel.

''Let's go to class, girls.'' said Vicky.


As usual, Mel daydreamed all through the day. And, as she expected, she got many looks from this Greg character. She had known him since the start of high school, but they were in different crowds. They may have spoken to each other a few times over the years, but really, there wasn't anything there. But recently, Mel had often caught him staring at her bum. She felt a little uncomfortable, constantly shuffling her position to try and hide her rear. This only caused her backside to wobble, which gave Greg more to look at. She was beginning to enjoy the attention though, feeling special about it. She was meaning to confront him, but was far too shy about it.

''She's so cute.'' thought Greg to himself, as the final school bell went. He got tingles every time he watched Melissa's chubby butt bounce as she walked. He took advantage of every chance he got to have a perve at her rump. He walked out to his locker, his shaggy black hair on his face. Suddenly he got a tap on the shoulder, and was instantly nervous when he saw Melissa standing there, hugging her books to her chest.

''Hi.'' Mel stuttered in a cute voice, biting her lip slightly.

''Hey.''' was the uttered response.

''I can't help but notice you staring at me.''

''What do you mean? I don't---'' his heart was racing.

Mel stopped him, ''Do you think I'm pretty?''

''Ahh....umm, yeah, I do.'' Mel blushed as a smile came across her plump face.

''Would you ever want to...go out?'' asked Mel, putting her heart out again.

Greg nearly leaped out of his skin.

''Yes! Of course! Are you sure? I mean...''

''Hey, you don't have to be so nervous.'' smiled Mel.

''Ok....'' said Greg with a dumb smiling look on his face.

''Great. How's Saturday?"

Greg could only nod.

"Cool! See you soon then!"

Mel tossed her hair back and waddled off with a big grin. Greg stood there, dumbfounded. That was completely unexpected, but he didn't care. He had a date with the cutest chubbette in the school.


Christie sat in her room, working out. She had plenty of dumbbells and exercise gear. There was no way she was going to be fat. Her gut bunched up in rolls as she did sit ups. Her attempted sit ups were interuppted by a knock on the door. A very happy looking Melissa stood at the door.

''Guess what!'' she beamed.

''Your fat and I don't wanna be?'' sneered Christie sarcastically.

'' I got a boyfriend!''

''What?! Who?!'' smiled Christie.

''You know Greg?''

''The weedy guy with the black hair?''

''Yep!'' said Mel.

''Congrats, girl! You'd better whip that ass into shape for him.'' said Christie.

''Yeah....I dunno.'' said Mel.


''Well we've barely spoken until now, maybe it has something to do with my size?'' said Melissa curiously.

''Are you serious?! Wow, those guys do exist.....'' thought Christie outloud, ''Anyway, I'm trying desperately to get rid of this gut, have you heard the nickname they've given us?''

''Ummm, no...''

''We're now the apple and the pear!'' exclaimed Christie, ''You know, you with your pear-shaped rear and me with my apple-shaped gut and boobs!''

Mel's mouth dropped, she was quite hurt.

''So yeah, You may wanna keep that butt of yours, but the name apple just won't cut it with me.'' concluded Christie.

Both girls pondered silently for a moment.

''Anyway,'' said Christie, ''When's the big date?''

''I rung him about an hour ago, we agreed on Saturday.'' smiled Mel.

''Oooooh, where you going?'' winked Christie.

''The ice cream parlour.''

Christie almost laughed, ''Ha, well don't let him stuff you silly with ice cream!''

''Hey!'' laughed Mel, she could take it.

''I'm kidding, girl, you'll have a great time, but right now I gotta get back to working out.''

''Ok, don't hurt yourself!'' laughed Mel, walking off back home.


Melissa stood outside her house, shuffling around nervously. She was waiting for Greg to come and pick her up for their date. Mel was so nervous, hoping she was dressed ok. She wore a nice yellow top to cover the struggling button of her jeans. She had eventually managed to close the jean flaps, but she could feel the button quivering and struggling to contain her plump female hips. The only down side was that the top was skin tight, and every bulge and crease on her midriff was easily seen. The top was long too, it covered the top half of her bum, which was Mel's counter to her bum crack always hanging out. She wore her long brown hair out, and her white skin glowed. She hoped she could behave tonight eating-wise. She didn't want Greg to see her stuffing her face. Greg pulled up in his old car as Melissa skipped over and hopped in.

The trip there was silently comfortable. Mel felt a little awkward, sucking in her gut subconsciously. They sat down at a table in the ice cream parlour and continued to talk and break the ice.

''So, ah, what do you do in your spare time?'' asked Greg, who seemed just as nervous as Mel.

''Oh not much, I pretty much just eat and watch TV.'' laughed Mel.

''Ah well, nothing wrong with that.'' replied Greg, smiling.

Mel could feel her face blushing. A waitress came over.

''What would you guys like?''

''I'll have a large chocolate sundae.'' said Melissa before she had recalled her promise not to eat too much.

''I'll have the same.'' added Greg. Mel smiled at him.

Melissa's eyes bulged when she saw her sundae. She stuffed it down so quickly, she hardly stopped for breath. Greg stared in amazement. Mel was so nervous, and that's why she was eating so quickly. Greg was shocked at how fast she could eat, no wonder she's a little tubby, he thought. Mel licked the chocolate off her lips, much to Greg's delight, and sat back in her chair. Greg had only really picked at his ice cream, and this made Mel feel a little guilty.

''Oh poo....I'm stuffing my face again! He must think I'm a piggy.'' thought Mel to herself.

''You're eating that kinda slow, ay?'' laughed Melissa awkwardly.

''Yeah, I dunno if I can finish it,'' said Greg, with a wicked thought going through his head, ''Maybe you can finish it?''

''I dunno, I'm pretty full.'' replied Mel.

''That's a pity, it'd be a shame to see it go to waste....''

Mel eyed the sundae. She was too tempted.

''I guess it won't hurt.'' she naively began scooping ice cream in her mouth.

Greg watched in delight as Melissa stuffed her chubby face. She was getting on the verge of completely stuffed and decided to stop.

''Oooo....I don't think I can eat anymore.....'' she wheezed.

''Aww come on! You can do it!'' Greg wanted to see more of this.

''You're so sweet! I guess I can cram it in.'' smiled Mel.

Mel still had a few spoonfuls to go, but was painfully ill. Her fattened body was packed into her jeans so tightly. If she unbuttoned her jeans, she could fit it in.....No! She couldn't do that in front of her new boyfriend! She tried to ignore the pain in her tummy and take the last few bites.

She sighed as she gingerly placed the last spoonful in her mouth.

''Oooof.....'' she panted.

''Wow! That was great!'' clapped Greg.

''Thank you!'' wheezed Mel. Her jeans were getting way too tight. She took short breaths out of fear she'd burst them wide open. That would be a little too embarrassing. She squirmed uncomfortably in her chair. Her mouth was slightly open, simply because Mel could barely breathe she was so stuffed. Greg looked at his watch.

''I hate to say this, but I'd better get you home.'' he said.

''Ok.'' replied Mel, pulling a face.

''Are you ok there?'' asked Greg curiously.

''Yeah, yeah I'm fine, don't worry.''

Mel stood up eventually after some struggles. He jeans were incredibly tight. They stretched so tight across her rounded butt cheeks that they were separated apart. The waistband dug so deeply into Mel's body that she thought they would cut her in half. She waddled out uncomfortably with Greg, her movements restricted by the tightness of her pants. She was a annoyed that her pants had spoiled her date a little, but other than that, she was happy with a very successful evening.

Greg dropped off Mel at her house, and she left him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Mel was ecstatic, but at the same time she darted inside and into her room. She tossed her bag to the ground and groaned.

''Oh my gawd, these are so tight!'' she complained. She went to unbutton her jeans but had some trouble. Her gut had expanded so much from her binge, that the jean flaps were pushed away from each other. This made the button even tighter, and Mel couldn't undo it.

''Uhh, c'mon!'' she kicked her foot to the ground and fiddled with the pants. There was so much flab in the way that she could even get her hand down behind the button to alleviate some of the stress. She wriggled the pants around the orbit of her bum, but she couldn't get the pants unbuttoned.

''Grr! Stupid pants!!!'' she was getting rather short tempered. She sucked her gut in as hard as she could, but that still wasn't enough to work the button. There was too much pressure behind it from her fat paunch.

''Ohhhhh!!! Awww, c'mon!!!!! Get off!'' she was in a definite tantrum now, tears trickling down her red face.

The pants were hurting her, her butt cheeks spread wide apart as she struggled. After one almighty tug, the waistband slid past her bottom stomach roll and her gut bulged forward. She inhaled again and finally got her pants unbuttoned. She sighed in relief. Her waist was encircled by a red ring where her pants had dug in so tightly. But now her inflated bottom was free. She was so painfully stuffed, she slipped on a loose fitting night gown and collapsed onto her bed. Without a waistband to support her gut, Mel felt very bloated, the bottom of her tummy had nothing to hold it in. The night gown clung to the rounded outline of her rump, displaying the contours of her butt crack. As she lay on her side and fell asleep, her left hip stuck up in the air, her love handle rising and falling as she breathed deeply. She had her legs tucked up slightly, which spread her bum cheeks apart even more. Her breasts were squashed together by her arms, as she drifted off.

Melissa had her mind set on losing weight, but was far too easily lulled by food temptations. And now she had a boyfriend, there was even more pressure and stress to keep the weight off. She couldn't remember what it was like to have a small bum anymore. Since her bottom had bloated brilliantly, it was now always on her mind. It was hard for her to keep track of her rear end, because it was always hiding behind her. But her bum was getting undeniably bigger and rounder all the time.

Meanwhile, Greg lay on his bed staring at the ceiling. Tonight had been a treat for him. He had managed to get the girl of his dreams to stuff her face with ice cream, and he had been there to watch it. He couldn't be happier. He did like Mel for her personality too, she was very cute. But his real motive was to make her nice and plump for himself. He just hoped that she wouldn't find out.....