MELISSA 7: A New Challenge

"Ooof......I can't believe these pants don't fit anymore!" complained Mel, tugging at the zipper of her too small jeans. Although after some thought, she realised they had lasted a goodly amount of time. Melissa had finally become too fat to button the jeans she had bought about three months ago. She kicked them off onto the floor, then picked them up and examined them. They looked so massive when she held them up, and she cringed when she realised the rear seam was beginning to fray.

"No doubt the work of my fat bum...." she moped to herself. This year had easily been the most hectic of her life, but she had managed so far.

Clad in her undies, she rummaged around her bedroom floor for some fitting clothes. Melissa felt the cold air in between her bum cheeks, which spread wide as she bent over. She got tingles when she felt the soft rolls of her tummy bunch up together. She stood upright and poked at her belly, before pinching the flesh on her waist. She cupped each hand over each of her colossal butt cheeks and kneaded the flab that had accumulated on them. Her heart tingled. She hated the feel of her fat. But she was so lazy that she did nothing about it. Mel spent so much time in denial about her weight gain that she always ended up putting on more weight. Mel often experienced a nagging in the back of her head telling her she was getting porky.

Mel continued to wonder how and why she had gotten up so early on a school morning. She usually woke up with only enough time for a quick shower, stuff herself into some clothes and grab breakfast on the run out the door. Her weight had been on her mind lately and was more than likely the reason she got up so early this morning.

"What am I going to wear?" she pondered. Her jeans weren't going to co-operate. She spotted her white mini skirt on the floor. She hadn't worn it in ages. Mel was a little shy to show off her plump thighs to people, but she felt daring enough today. She tugged it up over her round thighs and struggled to stuff her big bum into the skirt. She bit her lip when she heard the faint sound of fabric stretching. Her pudgy buttocks eventually were fitted into her mini skirt. The rear stretched incredibly tightly across her soft buns, so tight that her cheeks were lifted up slightly, making her butt appear even bigger. She tugged the tiny fly of the skirt up with ease, but the button wasn't as co-operative. She tugged at the flaps, causing the skirt to cut into her waist.

"Oh poo! Stupid skirt!" she complained, her face red from exertion. She stomped her foot, causing a jiggle to run up her meaty thigh and into her fattening waist. Mel sucked her gut in as hard as she could, pulling hard on the skirt flaps. Her fingers trembled as the button slowly closed.

"Ugghhhh....." she groaned, releasing her breath. The skirt was clearly struggling to contain Melissa's tubby form, the button looking as if it were about to pop off from the stress. She was forced to take shorter breaths, fearing the button would burst if she pushed out too hard. Melissa felt very embarrassed to feel the overhang of her love handles and tummy, even though she stood alone in her room. She wriggled her pear-shaped body into a tight pink top which hugged her softened middle tightly. Her large, round breasts were very noticeable in this top, as her massive cleavage spilled out of it. Once again bulging out of her clothes, Melissa left for school.

Melissa waddled into class. She could feel her fat thighs rubbing together as she walked. Her butt wobbled and bounced upon each footfall. Mel's thighs were packed tightly into her mini skirt. She took a seat next to Christie.

"How's it going?" asked Christie.

"So tired....I got up at like 6 this morning."

"Ha! Silly Billy." laughed Christie.

"Quiet please." commanded their teacher, as she twitched into the room. Her spectacle face was burdened with bitter wrinkles.

"We have a new student. This is Alana. She came from a boarding school. I hope you will all make her welcome."

Mel liked her already. She instantly intended to befriend her. She was a tall skinny girl with white skin and straw blonde hair. She had a bit of an evil look to her face, but Mel thought nothing of it.

"Looks like a bitch." whispered Christie bluntly.

"Oh quiet! I'm sure she's nice." replied Mel.

Melissa met up with Greg at recess. The pair were getting closer, but from one's view, it looked like they were going nowhere. Greg was a very weak kid, not very confident in himself. Mel thought he was cute though.

"Hey Mel, you wanna get something to eat?" asked Greg enthusiastically.

"Hang on a sec, come meet the new girl with me." Mel took Greg's hand before he could object. Melissa being the naive girl she was was yet to catch on to Greg's attempts to fatten her up. Alana sat with another girl in Mel's year, Renee. Renee was a short girl with glasses and light brown hair similar to Mel's. Renee was a bit of a sheep. Not only was she shy, but followed the latest trends in a desperate attempt to be popular.

"Hi, Alana is it? My name's Melissa! This is Greg. How are you enjoying the new school?" asked Mel politely.

"'s fine." uttered Alana, looking another way.

"Cool. Cool, what school did you come from?" asked Mel.

"Ah, you probably wouldn't know it." Greg stood silently, not knowing if he should say anything.

"Well, if you need someone to talk to, just come on over."

Mel was surprised when Renee butted in suddenly,"She doesn't need anymore friends. She already sooo popular!"

"Sorry Renee, but I was talking to Alana." Mel replied in a cold tone.

"Look, can you just go away?" snapped Alana. Melissa stood shocked.

"I'm already popular here, ok? I don't need chubby bitches trying to suck up to me!" This girl was a bitch.

"I'm only trying to be polite......" said Mel, feeling hurt.

"Melissa....I've heard about you. You used to be popular, then you got fat and now you're not!"

"I don't have to put up with this." said Mel, nearly in tears. She stormed off, Greg tagging close behind. Mel's butt bounced and twitched with each angry step.

"Look at that fat ass!" yelled Alana.

"Good one, Alana!" laughed Renee, who was the real suck up here.

Alana just smiled wickedly.

Melissa didn't get angry often, but she was furious now. She stomped out behind the school and plonked onto a tree stump. Greg approached cautiously.

"You ok?" mumbled Greg.

"Why didn't you stand up for me?" asked Mel, "She just called me a chubby bitch and you let her?"

Greg was lost for words, he didn't know how to say he liked her fat.

"Mel, about your weight."

"Oh God, here we go....what about my weight? I'm too fat?" Mel was more angry at Greg than Alana.

Greg swallowed deeply, "I like it....It's hot..." he mumbled.

"What?" stuttered Mel.

"I love fatness. You look great now you're chubby!" Mel couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"You only like me because I'm fat?" she asked bluntly.

"Nonono! Well, yeah, but no! You don't get it.....I like you the way you are, and want to help you get even bigger!" Greg couldn't believe he was saying this, neither could Mel.

Mel's mouth opened wide,"But I don't want to get any bigger! I'm trying to lose weight and you're making fat?!"

Greg looked down.

"So that's why we always go out to places where you eat, the ice cream parlour, all that chocolate you buy me, it's to MAKE me fat?"

Mel was getting angrier and angrier.

"You don't get it! I don't care how you look.....I..."

"Well you obviously do if you want me fatter." Tears formed in Mel's eyes. "Admit it Greg, you only ever liked me because of my fat ass!"

Greg said nothing, just looked away shyly.

"We're over!" yelled Mel. Finally realising Greg's motives, Mel had copped abuse about her weight enough for one day. She burst into tears and ran off. Greg kicked the tree stump angrily, he'd stuffed up big time.


Christie was getting quite used to being Melissa's counsellor, she had helped her through some pretty tough times recently. Christie's efforts to her friend were commendable considering she had weight to lose herself. She was getting bigger and hating it. In a month, she had put on at least 15lbs. She had filled up mainly in the stomach, the complete opposite of her rump-fed friend, Mel. Christie's fat little stomach gave her an apple shape, opposed to Mel's pear. She was just cut because she didn't deserve the extra weight, she worked so hard all the time, but was struggling to shed her belly.

Mel sat in her room, trying to hide back tears as Christie entered.

"Hey." said Mel, sniffing.

"Heya." said Christie, sitting down on Mel's bed. "You meet the new girl?"


"She a bitch?"


"I knew it" sneered Christie, "I can tell that's not why you're upset, what's wrong?"

Mel sniffed. "I ah...." her lip began to quiver, "Broke up with Greg." She began crying.

Christie couldn't help but feel relieved. She hadn't thought much of Greg from the start.

"Oh dear..." she she hugged her sympathetically, "How'd it happen?"

Mel's voice was unclear due to her sobs. "Alana called me chubby, then I got angry cause Greg didn't stand up for me, then he went on with all this crap about him liking me because I was fat."

"He liked you because you're fat?" Christie's mouth dropped.

"And he said he had been trying to make me bigger while we've been going out." Mel continued to sniff.

Christie was speechless.

"That little weasel!" she spluttered., "and Alana! The evil cow! They're going to get what for!"

Mel rolled her eyes, her friend was so competitive.

"How are you going to do that?" she asked, wiping her eyes with a tissue.

"Oh you'll see."

Melissa wondered what Christie was going to do. She knew her friend often jumped to conclusions and got very defensive. Christie was a stubborn girl, and when she had something to say, she wanted everyone to hear it.


The next day, Christie approached Alana, who sat in her desk quietly but confidently.

"I think you're getting a bit too comfy here for a new girl." started Christie.

"Excuse me?" asked Alana sarcastically.

"You know what I'm talking about. Leave Melissa alone, she's a nicer person than you'll ever be."

"Is that so? And she needed you to tell her that? What are you, her mummy?"

"I'll get you." glared Christie coldly.

"An eye for an eye." returned Alana.

Later that day, Mel sat happily in the lunchroom by herself. She was surprisingly cheery, despite her recent break up. Her lunch consisted of a hamburger and chips and a can of coke. Mel was in too good a mood to care about what she was eating.

"You don't look too tough without that bitch Christie around, ay?" said Alana, as she and Renee sat down across the table from her. Mel jumped, surprised.

"Oh hey" said Mel.

"Don't oh hey me." shot Alana.

Melissa continued to eat her lunch, trying to stay calm. Alana watched.

"You're fat." she shot suddenly.

Melissa's heart flipped over in her chest.

"No I'm not...." she replied defensively.

"Yes you are!" giggled Renee, "I bet your bum has it's own orbit now!"

Mel felt like crying, but wanted to stand her ground. She couldn't think of anything to say back to her.

"Yeah, well I'd rather have real curves than be skinny like you!"

"I'm sure you would," smiled Alana,"I see you can't button those pants anymore, and the seams on them are tearing! It must be hard finding pants that contain that super woman butt of yours!"

"Leave me alone!" sniffled Mel, trying desperately to hide her tears. Mel stood up, her butt wobbling as she did so. Her soft gut protruded over her open pants.

"See! Look at those rolls!" sniggered Alana, pulling a strand of her wispy blonde hair behind her ear. Mel's lip quivered, she wondered if she should try and button her pants and prove her they do fit. She decided it wasn't worth the embarrassment, she knew she was too fat for those pants.

"It's like dough!" Renee laughed evilly, pinching Mel's tummy. Mel squealed.

"Back off skank!" shot Christie, suddenly entering the fray. This was turning out to be a serious cat fight.

"Well look who's here to save the day. Seriously Mel, can you do anything without your little friend?"

"I bet she needs Christie to feed her!" laughed Renee.

Mel could feel courage building in her.

"Nah, she had Greg to do that, but then she got too fat and he dumped her." stabbed Alana coldly, staring right at Mel.

That put Mel over the edge, without thinking, she felt her hand grab her can of coke and pour it all over Alana's head. Alana screamed in the typical girl way, stomping her feet. Christie watched in awe as Mel put the can back down on the table, absolutely no expression on her face.

"Grrr, this isn't over! I'll get you for this!" yelled Alana angrily, realising everyone else in the lunchroom was staring at her. Mel crossed her arms and leaned back on her left hip, with a smug smile. Alana ran out of the room clutching her head.

"Watch your back, fatso!" snapped Renee, before chasing off after her coveted friend.

Christie's mouth was still wide open as Jodie and Vicky entered.

"Mel, that was incredible!"

"What'd we miss?" asked Jodie, looking confused.

"Yeah, we saw Alana with real seedy looking! You did it?! Way to go!" said Vicky, just as shocked as Christie.

Mel couldn't stop smiling.

"I doubt they'll bother you anymore." concluded Jodie, but Melissa wasn't so sure.


Christie peered into the kitchen and looked around. Good, no-one's around. She crept into the pantry and started grabbing at different foods. Cookies, chips, cake rolls. She then ran up into her room and chucked her bounty on the bed.

"Should I give in?" she thought to herself. Christie had disliked fatness for long enough. Now that her and Mel were blimping up nicely, she would have to accept it. Wouldn't she? Christie bit her lip and frowned. She was really tempted to stuff herself. She grabbed her small pot belly and gave it a jiggle.

"It's only going to get bigger if I do this...." she warned herself, ".....Screw it, there's nothing wrong with being fat."

Christie reached a decision and leapt into her snacks. She tore into a box of cookies and began cramming them into her face.

"Mmmph! So good," she muffled behind a mouthful, crumbs spilling all over her bloating breasts and tummy. Chocolate smeared around her lips as she forced more food into her mouth. After a while she swapped cookies for chips and began to cram salty chips into her chubby body. Her gut sat in her lap in soft folds, her perky boobs looking rounder than ever. Her thighs were now starting to look a little chunkier as well, her hips only accomodating a small amount of pudge.

"Who cares anyway? I don't mind being fat...." she concluded to herself before eating some more.

Christie felt more and more pressure in her stomach as it distended to make room for her binge. She felt like a stuffed turkey as her shirt rode up and sat above her bottom roll, where her belly button was lost under the roll of blubber.

"Mmmm....I'm going to get so fat...."


That night Mel worked up enough energy to actually do some exercise. Her out of shape body made it difficult to do simple things like sit ups and push ups. She did sit ups in her panties and a bra, knowing she might blow her pants if she did sit ups in them. Her gut rolled up as she sweated, her face bunched into a cute double chin and chubby chipmunk cheeks. Mel managed to do five before collapsing to the floor panting.

"Ugh...."she wheezed. She rolled onto her stomach and tried to do a push up. Her meaty arms quivered a little, before they gave way and Mel hit the floor with a thud. Her wobbly bottom shook violently upon landing.

"Oh poo, I used to be able to do heaps of push ups." she sighed, standing. She proceeded to do toe touches.

Mel was glad no-one could see her pathetic attempts at exercise, toe touches had to be the most embarrassing of all. She bent over at the hips and strained to touch her toes. Her bloated tummy meant she could only reach past her knees. As she bent over, her massive buns spread wide apart, exposing her bum hole to open air. She turned to view her widened rump in the mirror. Her rear looked even bigger when she was bent over, her panties straining to contain her tubby buttocks. Melissa began to knead the flesh on her bum, before poking her puckered ass hole. She then began to examine her tummy. She sank her finger into her belly button, jiggling her roll as she did.

"How did Greg find this attractive?" she wondered. The feel of her fleshy body gave her butterflies in the stomach.

Mel stared into space for a bit before beginning to cry softly. Greg had been so slack to her. She couldn't believe her now ex-boyfriend had only liked her because she was chubby. How could she have been so naive? She had realised that she and Greg had barely spoken when she was in shape. It was all so obvious now. Him buying her all that food....and taking her out to get ice cream all the time. It was all just to make him happy. And Alana! Mel had found a nemesis, that was for sure. She knew the spiteful Alana was going to get her back. There was no way Mel would get the last word while Alana was around. Mel returned to reality from her thoughts and looked down at her fattening body. How much weight had Greg made her put on? Well, she could hardly blame Greg entirely. Melissa had been very gluttonous recently, getting a little too comfortable, if not oblivious with her body. She knew she would have gained. Greg had stuffed her like a piglet while they were going out.

"Maybe I should weigh myself....." she muttered to herself. She had been putting off weighing for ages, simply because she knew she'd gained weight, she just didn't want to accept it. She waddled into her ensuite and gingerly stepped onto the scales. Her heart raced as the numbers spun, hoping the number was 175 or less. Her eyes widened.

"183......." she gasped, covering her mouth with her hand,"Oh my goodness, I can't believe it......" Melissa's womanly backside alongside her thighs, tummy and breasts had packed on another 8 pounds. Mel came close to crying again, staring at the scale needle, pointing at 183lbs. Still in disbelief, Melissa dragged herself into bed, and did her best to go to sleep. Today was a day she'd rather forget.