Mona 1: Chuck E. Squeezes

By Super_Sonic

It was the last day of school, and Mona Lewis was waiting through her last class of the day: geography. She couldn’t wait to go home and sleep in, doing whatever she felt over summer vacation. She felt like she was going to pass out from her teacher’s boring drone.

“So as you can see, class,” said Mr. Hoover, “Greenland and Iceland had their names changed to confuse intruders, such as Vikings. They’d come to Greenland expecting rich, green lands, only to be met with bitter coldness. Now, that’s the end of my lesson and my class for the year. I hope to see you all again next year in World History, except for George Harris, who’s being held back because of his bad report card.”

“Aw, nuts!” said George, and the bell rang. There was a huge stampede out of the classrooms.

“I’m free!” yelled Mona. “Summer vacation!” She ran all the way home, plopped down on her bed, and took a much-needed rest. After waking up the next day, she sat on the couch, watching TV and eating junk food. She crammed chips, cookies, cupcakes, pizza slices, and doughnuts into her mouth. Now, Mona had always been a little on the pudgy side, not fat, but kind of chubby. She had a small potbelly that began to ooze over her pants like a muffin in a baking tray. Now that she was eating all of this junk food, she began to grow faster than she expected. Her belly expanded, bulging over her belt and becoming soft and like a cushion. That was the only place that she ever grew when she ate too much junk food. She would always wok it off with cheerleading practice, but it was over with for the year, and she didn’t do anything to stop her gain. For the last week, she loafed around and ate. One day, she woke up and began to lumber out of bed, but couldn’t lift herself off of her large belly. She rolled off of the bed and fell to the floor with a loud thud, but she wasn’t hurt. Her gut broke her fall. Heaving herself up, she waddled into the bathroom and stepped on the scale. It creaked and groaned, and she winced as the dial kept moving. It finally stopped at…

“180 lbs.?!? That’s impossible!” she yelled. “I couldn’t have eaten that much!” She went into the kitchen and made a double helping of Pop Tarts. As she was eating, the phone rang and she picked it up.

“Mona? It’s me, Jared,” said the voice on the other line. Mona silently gasped. Jared Clark was the basketball star at their school. They had known each other since his family moved when he was 4. She loved him, but wasn’t sure if he loved her the same way.

“What’s up, Jared?” asked Mona.

“Sandra and I decided to have a party over at Chuck E Cheese’s. You want to come?” Mona was about to say no, when she thought that this may be the chance to see if he really loved her.

‘I’d love to!” she said.

“Great!” said Jared. “Meet us there at 6 tonight.” He hung up, and Mona jumped for joy, shaking the floor as she bounced up and down. She ran upstairs to get herself ready. She put on her biggest shirt, although it was smaller on her now, and her tummy peeked out. She got her largest pair of pants, and began to slip them on. They wouldn’t button: her stomach was too pudgy. She struggled for a long time, until finally slipping them on, but they were very tight and pinched her belly. At 5:30, she left the house on her bike and came to Chuck E. Cheese’s. She could see Jared and Sandra. Sandra Reynold was on the same cheerleading team as Mona, but cheerleading didn’t improve her image as much as it did Mona’s when she pigged out. She was wearing a halter-top, and her balloon-like belly was exposed. She obviously thought it made her look sexy, but it made her look like a two-legged, brown-skinned hippopotamus. She wanted Jared to go out with her, but her overweight body disgusted him. “A cheerleader should be sleek and svelte, not fat and round,” he would always say to her whenever she asked him out. Mona joined them.

“Hi, guys!” she said. Sandra frowned.

“Been packing on the pounds, huh, girl?” she asked, looking at her gut.

“I could say the same for you,” said Mona, poking Sandra’s jiggling paunch.

“You’re just jealous that you’re not as sexy as I am!” said Sandra.

“Girls, enough!” said Jared, stepping between them. “You both look fine.”

“Well, what happened to “sleek and svelte, not fat and round”, huh?!” asked Sandra.

“Mona’s my best friend! She’s an exception!” said Jared, taking Mona by the hand. “Besides, you’re fatter than her, so lay off!” Sandra angrily stomped her foot, causing her belly to ripple, and making the people near them to laugh. Her face turned red. They walked inside and went to the food counter.

“We’ll have three large pepperoni and sausage pizzas, and a side of breadsticks,” said Jared. They got their food, sat down and ate. Jared only ate half of his pizza and three breadsticks before he was full, but Mona and Sandra ate their pizzas and the other half of Jared’s before they were done. Sandra lay back in her booth seat, her swollen tummy pressed against the table.

“Ooh, I’m stuffed,” she groaned.

“You can say that again,” said Mona. Jared laughed. Angry, Sandra began to get up, but didn’t move. Her bloated body was wedged between the seat and the table. She pushed against the table, but the legs were bolted to the floor.

‘Jared, help!” she squealed. Rolling his eyes, Jared got up and grabbed Sandra’s arms. He tugged with all his might, causing her bare belly to scrape against the side of table. With one last tug, she popped out. Mona slid out of the table simply by sucking in her belly. Sandra glared at her and rubbed her sore tummy. Glancing over at the play area, she got an idea. “Hey, guys! Why don’t we go into the play area?”

“I think we’re a little old for that,” said Mona.

“Nonsense!” said Jared. “There’s nothing wrong with reliving your childhood! Let’s go!” They rushed to the play area. Sandra looked at the crawl pipes and a sneaky plan formed in her mind.

“Hey, Mona!” she called. “Let’s have a race! We’ll race up the pipes, the first one to the top wins!”

“Ok, you’re on!” said Mona. Sandra had already forgotten of what happened at the table. They got into starting positions as Jared watched.

“Ready…set…GO!” The two girls dashed at the connected pipes. They leaped at them and…THOOMP! Their bellies got stuck instantly. Since the pipes were connected, they could see each other’s plight. Mona sucked in her belly and squirmed upward. To Sandra’s horror, she popped through and crawled up easily. She tried sucking in and going forward, but her gut was way too big. Her blubber was caught in the rim of the pipe. Jared stared goggle-eyed at her friend’s brown gut hopelessly jammed into a too-small pipe. He went over to her.

‘You ok, Sandra?” he asked.

“Oh sure, if by ok, you mean “stuck in a play pipe”, then I’m perfect! Get me out so I can beat Mona! I can’t believe she got out so easily!”

“You planned this?!” asked Jared. “You little witch!”

“Shut up and get me out, you lousy excuse for a friend!!” she shrieked

“Maybe I won’t if you keep insulting me,” said Jared, crossing his arms.

“I’ll insult you whenever I want, you donkey!!” yelled Sandra, kicking her legs wildly, sending a shockwave up her belly. She looked up and her eyes widened. Mona was at the top, but having trouble. She could hear her grunting. It seemed that the end of the pipe at the top was smaller than the bottom, and she was stuck. Sandra didn’t know about the pipe size. All she cared about was getting revenge. She grinned and called up to her.

“What’s the matter, Mona? Having a little problem?”

“Shut up, Sandra!” she called down. “At least I made it to the top! You’re still stuck at the bottom!” Jared heard this.

“Mona’s stuck?! Holy crap!” he yelled. “Hang on, sweetie! I’ll save you!” He ran through the pipe Mona went up, and Sandra was furious.

“Where do you think you’re going, boy?!” she shrieked. “Get back her and get me out!! And did you just call her “sweetie”?! Oh, that is IT! Fine, go! I’ll get myself out!” She braced her hands against the sides of the pipe and pushed. No good: it was like stuffing a pillow into a mailbox. She squirmed violently, causing her bare belly to scrape against the sides of the pipe. “I knew I should’ve listened to Mama! “Sandra, you’re getting too fat! You should exercise more!” Well, now I’m getting what I deserve.” She was about to cry when she felt something bouncing on her. Little children had wanted to go up the pipe, but found a plump girl plugging it up, so the began to bounce on. It was like a trampoline. She could feel their shoes on her back. Some of them went under her and poked and tickled her belly, causing her to giggle.

“Hey, yo!” she yelled through her giggling. “Stop that, or I’m gonna call your parents! I’m serious! Go get help! I’m stuck!”

“Is that Sandra?” asked a familiar voice. Sandra recognized it immediately.

“Denise?!? Denise, help me! I’m really stuck!”

“This is like Winnie the Pooh!” Denise said, giggling..

“Let’s push her like Rabbit did to Pooh!” said a little boy. The formed a line behind her and pushed against her butt. She actually felt a little relieved. Maybe this could get her out. No luck: even all of the kids behind her combined weren’t strong enough to get her unstuck.

“Wow, she’s stuck tight,” said Denise.

“Should we stay with her?” asked a boy. Suddenly, a female voice called out.

“Kids, it’s time to meet Chuck E. and his friends!” the kids cheered and left, much to Sandra’s annoyance and shock.

“Kids, come back! Help me! Denise?! Denise?!? Aw, great. No one’s gonna help me.” She tried to sigh, but was too tightly stuck to do even that.

Meanwhile, Jared was scrambling wildly up the pipe. He soon came to Mona. He could see her fleshy belly caught in the opening. Coming out the other side, her could see a small puddle of tears in front of her. “Are you all right, honey?” Jared asked.

“Jared, Sandra tricked me!” she said, more tears welling up. “She knew I’d get stuck eventually, so that you’d like her better.”

“Relax,” said Jared. “I’ll get you out. Besides, Sandra’s still stuck down there. She’s fatter than you are, so she’ll never fit through here. Now, let’s get you unstuck.” He took Mona by the hands and pulled. She didn’t move. “Can’t you suck your belly in like last time?” asked Jared.

“I already tried,” said Mona. “The opening’s too small, and my gut’s too big. I’m going to be stuck in here forever.” Jared looked down the other pipe and could still see Sandra pushing against the wall. He could feel the pipe rocking as Sandra struggled in vain. He smiled.

“No you aren’t, but she is,” he said. He pulled again, but she still didn’t budge. “Maybe I can push you out.” He went back into the pipe and braced his hands against her rear. He pushed, but her stomach rolls bunched up around the rim and refused to move. “Mona, forgive me for doing this!” he called.

“What are you talking about?” asked Mona. Jared back up, and dashed forward, shoulder out. He slammed into Mona’s rear, and she popped out instantly. She landed on the floor with a loud thud that shook the pipe. Jared came back out, relieved that Mona was unstuck.

“Oh, Jared! Thank you!!” she yelled, grabbing him and kissing him.

“My pleasure, sweetie,” said Jared, straining. “Could you please let go? You’re crushing my ribs.”

“Oh, sorry!” said Mona, instantly letting go. From further down the pipe, they heard a loud pop and thud. “Sounds like Sandra’s gotten unstuck,” she said. It was true: Sandra’s mother had come with Denise to Chuck E. Cheese’s, and when he heard what Denise said, she rushed to the pipes and found her overweight daughter wedged firmly in the pipe. She had grabbed Sandra’s legs and pulled. At first, the tubby girl didn’t move, but finally, she popped out. When her mother left, muttering about Sandra’s “absurd weight condition”, Sandra furiously found the biggest pipe and squeezed up it. It was one connected to the square room Jared and Mona were in now. As she heaved herself through, Jared said, “Let’s go before she gets here!” Before they could move, Sandra poked her head out from the opening in the floor.

“You’re not going anywhere!” she said. “I’m not letting you leave after what you left me stuck in the pipe! When I get to you, you are in SO much trouble, boy!” She lifted herself up, and got her belly temporarily wedged again. After a little struggling and kicking, she popped out. She lunged at Mona, but she moved out of the way, and Sandra fell down the pipe…well, partially. As she fell in, they heard an audible THOOMP, and saw Sandra’s bare belly flesh jammed in the pipe, plugging it up. She kicked and screamed. “For the love of-I’M STUCK! Jared Marcus Clark, you’d better get me out right now!

“Should we?” asked Mona.

“We might as well,” said Jared. “Her father’s an attorney, and can sue us if we don’t help her.” They grabbed her stomach. “Jeez, Sandra!” said Jared. “You’re belly’s so jiggly and squishy! I can’t get a good grip on it!”

“Shut up and pull!” shouted Sandra. They tugged, but part of her belly had gotten in, and wouldn’t get out.

“Something’s in the way!” shouted Mona.

‘It’s my belly, you idiot!” yelled Sandra. “Now get me out before my daddy sues the pants off of you!” It was then that she heard a familiar voice.

“Sandra, is that you?!” it asked. It was her mother. Sandra smiled shyly.

“Uh, hi, Mama,” she said.

“Don’t 'Hi, Mama' me, young lady!” said her mother. “Are you stuck again?! Honestly, I don’t know why I let you on the cheerleading team if it doesn’t get you fit! When I get up there and get you out, you are in SO much trouble!” They could hear her entering the pipe, then heard grunting. She yelled, “I don’t believe this! Now I’M stuck!”

“Hang on, ma’am! I’ll help you!” called Jared. He went down another pipe and found a large, round woman’s rear, clad in a work skirt, wedged in the pipe opening. Jared grabbed her legs and pulled. With a little effort, she got out.

“Oh, thank you, young man!” she said. “ I need a break from all this. Can you and Mona get Sandra out and take her and Denise home?”

“Sure, Mrs. Reynolds,” said Jared. He went back up the pipe and saw that Denise had joined Mona and was laughing at her tightly wedged sister.

“You’re a fatso!” laughed Denise, pinching her belly.

“Denise, you’d better cut that out before I go insane on you!” yelled Sandra. “This isn’t funny!”

“Oh, be quiet, Pooh!” said Mona. They laughed, but Sandra kicked furiously.

“WILL YOU STOP STALLING?!?! I’VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!! IF YOU DON’T GET ME OUT OF HERE THIS MINUTE, I’LL BEAT YOU SO HARD YOU’RE FUTURE SELVES WILL HURT!!” The three pushed against her butt, but she just plugged up the pipe even more.

“Do what you did to me,” said Mona. “Run at her and slam her with your shoulder.”

‘Good idea!” said Jared. “You guys should do it with me, though. Sandra’s fatter, and won’t get out as easily.” The three back up.

“Wait, what are you doing?!” asked Sandra. They ran full speed and rammed into Sandra’s rear. She popped out like a cork in a bottle and slid down the pipe. They heard another THOOMP. She had gotten stuck in the entrance again.

“This’ll be fun,” said Jared. “Mona, go down that hole Sandra went up before, and start pulling on her arms. Denise and I will slide down and push her as we go down.” Mona squeezed down the hole, and soon, they saw her grab miserable Sandra’s hands and pull. Jared and Denise dived down the pipe, and came to Sandra’s wedged body. Jutting their feet out, they slammed into Sandra and she flew out of the pipe with a loud pop. She hit the floor loudly. Mona, Jared, and Denise cheered.

“So, are you sorry for all the things you said?” asked Mona. Sandra got to her feet and muttered something unintelligible and unpleasant.

“Just take me home,” she said. The three walked out of Chuck E. Cheese’s. Little did Mona and Sandra know that this could happen more often…

The End