Mona 9 Easter Treats

It had been a few weeks since the doggie door incident. Jared wasn’t talking with Fiona for the cruel things she had said, and Mona and Sandra were happy about that. However, with Easter a few days away, things might get a little messy…

It started one day as Mona was grocery shopping for her parents. She waddled down the aisles, her pants waist pinching into her soft belly. She was putting bread into the cart when a security guard walked up to her.

“Can I help you, sir?” she asked.

“Yes you may,” the guard said. “Lift up your shirt, miss.”

“Why?” asked Mona.

“Lift it up!” the guard snapped. Bewildered, she complied, and lifted her shirt, causing her gut to bulge out even more. “Oh!” the guard said, a little embarrassed. “My mistake, ma’am.” He walked away,

“False alarm, Charlie! She’s not stealing anything! She’s just fat!” Mona’s cheeks flushed as he pulled her shirt back down. She continued on down the aisle, when she felt something hit her in the butt. Wheeling around, she saw a little boy kicking her in the rear and giggling.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“You’re fat,” he said.

“And?” Mona asked.

“I like kicking fat people!” the brat said.

“Eustace! Stop that!” the boy’s mother called. Looking at Mona, she said, “Please excuse him. He’s a bit of a pain.”

“I can see that…” Mona muttered as the kid walked away, turning once to blow a raspberry at her. She finished up shopping, but before she headed for the checkout, she saw something that widened her eyes. A display said

“Big Easter Sale!” showing a huge table laden with chocolate rabbits, candy eggs, jelly beans, and other candies. Her mouth watered, and she decided to grab herself a basket and one for Jared as a gift. As she was heading over, though, a familiar nail-polished hand grabbed a big one.

“Well, if it isn’t Oprah Winfery’s twin when she was fat!” came Fiona’s voice. Mona glared at her. However, she also noticed Fiona’s physical appearance. Her belly had grown considerably and had formed into a flabby muffin top. Her butt still stuck out like a car’s airbag. “Planning to buy the whole table, fatty?” she asked.

“For your information, I was going to get a basket for Jared!” Mona snarled.

“Oh, that’s too bad,” said Fiona. “Because I’m getting him a better one! When he sees how extravagant mine is, he’ll drop you like a heavy bag, and I mean HEAVY!” As she said “heavy”, she poked Mona’s belly for emphasis. Laughing to herself, she walked off, her butt shaking like a plate of Jell-O. Mona muttered to herself as she took two baskets and went to check out.

Back at home, Mona stashed away Jared’s basket in case he should come over unexpectedly. She was still steamed about what Fiona had said, but knew that she was all talk. Besides, after what happened at Jared’s house, she knew that she didn’t have a very big chance of getting back on Jared’s good side. At that moment, the phone rang.

“Lewis residence, Mona speaking,” she said, picking it up.

“Hey, Mona, it’s Jared,” came Jared’s voice. “I’m gonna come over today and bring Fiona with me.” His words shot into Mona like a sharp arrow.

“Fiona?” she asked. “Why her? I thought…”

“Oh, that little thing at my house,” Jared said. “Well, I can’t stay mad at her forever. Everyone deserves a second chance. You should know that.”

“Well, yeah…” Mona mumbled.

“Great!” Jared said. I knew you’d see it my way! We’ll be over at 3. Bye.”

“Bye,” Mona said, and she just held the phone even after Jared hung up, stunned. Jared had forgiven Fiona? This put a big obstacle in her thoughts. She was slightly angry with Jared for being so trusting, but could hardly blame him. Fiona was a mastermind, a curvy and beautiful mastermind at that.

She went into the living room and decided to start a little on her basket early. She took out an Easter bunny and began nibbling at it, but, as the chocolate-filled taste filled her, her expansive stomach growled for more, so she started eating it faster. All of a sudden, she started wolfing down chocolate eggs, jelly beans, malted milk balls, Peeps, and rabbit-shaped chocolate bars as if the sun were about to melt them up. At last, the basket was empty, and Mona lay among countless wrappers and bits of chocolate crumbs. Her face was a sticky mess of chocolate. Her belly was swollen even farther than before and poking under her shirt and over her pants. She moaned and turned her head slowly to look at the clock. She was shocked to see that it was already 2 o’clock.

“Oh no!” she garbled “I’ve got to clean this up!” She tried to lift herself up, but her body was far too heavy for her arms to support. She rolled over and fell to the floor with a thud that shook the floor. Finally, she was able to heave herself to her feet, but almost fell under the weight of her belly. She stooped and picked up the wrappers as best she could and threw them out. Then, she went upstairs to freshen up.

She wiped her face clean of the chocolate, then went to her closet. She pondered over what clothes to wear this time, since a lot of them didn’t fit anymore. She decided on her favorite blue shirt/jeans combination. However, her latest binge had bulged her farther than she had thought, since she had to tug on her shirt quite a bit before she could cover her belly with it, and even then a small sliver of it was still exposed. She took out a clean pair of jeans and slipped them on…partially. They wouldn’t go up any farther than her plump rear.

“Grr!! Come on!” she groaned. Finally, she slipped them on, but couldn’t button them. She struggled with the ends, but couldn’t close them across her large gut. Her face turned beet red with the strain, until, at last, she buttoned and zipped the jeans up. However, they pinched into her fleshy middle and caused great discomfort. By that time, it was almost 2:45 since she had moved so slowly. She wobbled downstairs to make sure her Easter basket was still hidden, then sat at n the living room and waited. 15 minutes later, the doorbell rang, and she hurried to the door and opened it to see not only Jared and Fiona, but Sandra and Denise as well. “Hi!” she greeted.

“Hey, Mona,” said Jared, grinning. “I hope we’re not too early.”

“Oh, of course not,” said Mona.

“Good,” Jared said, kissing her on the cheek. She blushed, and could’ve sworn she saw Fiona grit her teeth in anger.

“We came by so Fiona don’t try to pull no funny business,” said Sandra.

“Yeah, Sandra told me what a jerk she had been, so I wanted to see,” said Denise.

“I’m gonna go use the bathroom real quick,” said Jared. “Why don’t you girls sit outside and chat?” They nodded, and Jared went upstairs as Mona closed the door.

“So this is your little sister, Sandra?” asked Fiona. “She’s becoming quite like you.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Sandra.

“She’s getting fat like you,” said Fiona, poking Denise’s chubby belly.

“Hey! I’m only 10!” Denise snapped.

“That’s no excuse,” Fiona said. “I’ve seen kids your age a lot skinnier than that. Your sister’s leading you away from Skinnyburg and into Fattyville, kid. Take it from me.”

“Oh, and YOU should talk?” Sandra asked. “When we first met you, your stomach was flat as a plank. Now it’s adding pudge!”

“How dare you!!” Fiona snarled. “So what if I gained a LITTLE weight? You two gained a lot more BEFORE me! But that’s not important now! As soon as Jared gets back, I’m giving him his gift basket from the hedges where I hid it, and he’ll attract to me like a paper clip to a magnet!”

“I don’t think so!” said Mona. “Do you think he’s just gonna wipe your slate clean just because of simple candy? You’d have a better chance of…fitting into Denise’s playhouse.”

“Oh yeah?” Fiona snarled. “You’re on!”

“Huh?” Mona asked, confused.

“Let’s have a contest, like the one at cheerleading camp,” Fiona said. “Whoever can’t fully fit into the playhouse must surrender their gift basket to the winner! Deal?” She offered her hand, and Mona looked at it for a second before putting a sly grin on her face.

“Deal!” she said, shaking Fiona’s hand. Sandra headed off to her house, and, in a few minutes, lugged Denise’s small playhouse to the back yard. It was a typical plastic playhouse with a little door and windows.

“So which tubbo am I competing against?” Fiona asked.

“Me!” Denise said. “I’m representing Mona!”

“You?!” Fiona asked. You can already fit into it! It’s YOUR playhouse!”

“What’s the matter, fatty? Scared?” Denise retorted, smirking.

“Me? Scared?” Fiona asked. “You’ve got a lot of nerve, chubby! Fine!” Denise was to go first.

“To make it fair, I’ll use the window instead of the door,” said Denise.

“Whatever you do won’t matter much to me,” said Fiona. Denise put both hands on the plastic windowsill and heaved herself up. As she lifted herself up, her shirt rode up, exposing her cute little paunch as she tried to lift her body. Finally, she succeeded in tumbling herself through the window halfway. Her belly plugged up the opening and rubbed against the sides as she kicked futilely. Inside, she pushed against the walls and even sucked in her tummy, but to no avail. She was too fat. In desperation, she squeezed her belly with her hands and tired to pull it through.

“What’s wrong, honey?” asked Fiona snidely. “Can't fit? If you think THIS is bad, wait until you’re older and EVEN fatter, just like your sister!” She laughed, and Denise almost felt like crying, when Fiona added, “The Flab Twins, the pride of the circus freak show!”

Finally, she snapped.

“Shut up, you ugly whale!!” she shrieked. “So what if I’m fat?! So what if Mona or Sandra’s fat?! If we can’t work it off, then we’ll be fat together, and NOBODY’S gonna change that!” Mona smiled at Denise’s pride, and Sandra started dabbing her eyes with her shirt.

“That’s my little sister,” she choked out. Fiona, however, was livid. She had been called fat before, but NEVER “ugly”.

“YOU LITTLE TWERP!!” she screamed. “Nobody calls Fiona Klondike UGLY!” She rushed at Denise to hit her, but Mona held her off while Sandra rushed over to her stuck little sister and attempted to push her out.

“Did you really mean all that?” she asked.

“I did,” Denise said. Sandra gave one last shoulder bump, and Denise popped out. Fiona worked her way out of Mona’s grasp and ran for the door. Denise screamed with terror and backed into the door as Fiona leaped in, slamming in as her belly surged into the door. Her eyes blazing with fire, she reached out to grab Denise, but she was too far back.

“Why didn’t they make BACK doors in these things?” Denise griped.

“Get back here, you little brat!!” Fiona shrieked, trying to reach her. Furious, she attempted to push farther in, but didn’t move. Looking down, surprised, she saw her flabby middle caught in the doorway. Sucking it in as far as she could, she attempted to push herself in, and finally worked her stomach in. However, as she moved forward again, grinning like a demon at Denise, she stopped, shocked. Her large, ample hips weren’t able to compress like her stomach, and were firmly wedged in the doorway.

“No!” she screamed, as she tried to pull herself in. “No-no-no-no-NO!” she groaned. Her fat rear pressed against the door, making it creak as she wriggled like a dying snake. Desperate, she tried to push herself out, but couldn’t. Her stomach refused to leave and surged against the door. She was stuck either way.

“Mona, Sandra, don’t just stand there! Get me out!”

“Why should we?” asked Mona. “You threatened and insulted Denise.”

“I think that’s a “fitting” punishment,” Sandra joked.

“Please, you can’t let Jared see me like this!!” she shrieked. Denise began to climb back out the window as Jared came outside.

“Phew!” he sighed. “That was the LONGEST bathroom break I’ve ever had to take. Note to self: Don’t drink 8 glasses of Dr. Pepper before leaving the house.” He saw the scene that lay before him: Fiona wedged in the playhouse door, and Denise trying to pull herself out of the window. “Here, let me help you, honey,” he said, walking over.

“Oh, thank you, Jared!” Fiona said with relief.

However, she felt nothing, but saw Denise’s lower body being pressed against the wall as if someone was pulling on her. She was dumbstruck.

“Here we go,” Jared strained as he pulled Denise out.

“Thanks, Jared!” said Denise. “It’s no wonder Sandra’s friends with you!” Jared laughed.

“Hell-O!” Fiona called. “What about me?! I’m stuck worse!!”

“…Maybe I should,” Jared said. Suddenly, Sandra whispered something into his ear, and a look of understanding came to his face. “But not if you’re going to abuse Sandra’s little sister like that,” he said, firmly.

“But…but…” Fiona sputtered.

“The only “butt” you’re getting is one stuck in a playhouse door,” said Jared. Fiona shrieked with anger and thrashed wildly. Mona suddenly got an idea and ran into the house. She grabbed her Easter basket and went to the hedges to get Fiona’s. Running back, she presented them to Jared. “Well, what’s this?” he asked, amused.

“Easter baskets from me and Sandra,” said Mona.

“WHAT?!?” Fiona screamed. “That second one better not be MINE!!”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” said Sandra, winking to Mona, who winked back. Jared laughed and kissed them.

“You’re both very sweet, like this candy,” he said. They walked off as Fiona still wriggled and thrashed in her prison.

“WAIT! DON’T LEAVE!!!” she screamed. She grunted and groaned as she tried to push her butt through, then she gave up. “…Could you at least send some candy in for me? Please?” she asked. With no response, she slumped. “That’s it! I’ve got to work off this extra weight, and no ‘butts’ about it!!”

The End