“Honey, you probably shouldn’t eat so much before dinner. You’ll spoil your appetite.”

“Shut up, mom,” snapped Nadine, throwing another chocolate into her mouth. Nadine wasn’t used to being told what to do. All her life her parents had let her get away with anything and, as a result, she’d grown from a problem child to a spoiled teen. Nadine didn’t believe in moderation and the stunning Hispanic girl’s pudgy body reflected it. Nadine was a honey-colored beauty with long straight black hair and mysterious, dark eyes. She was big all over with a prominent booty and a healthy chest, but even her gut was starting to get bigger.

She plopped down on the couch and swallowed the chocolate quickly, without even tasting. Nadine was the sort of girl who was used to pushing limits. She’d never met a cookie or ice cream cone she didn’t like. Her parents worried about their daughter’s poor eating habits but no matter how hard they tried to change her, Nadine refused to stop eating to her heart’s content and beyond.

At school, Nadine was something of a bully. She wanted everything she saw and couldn’t stand the thought that there were some things that didn’t belong to her. She strutted down the halls like she owned the school, her large breasts bobbling and soft fleshy sides jiggling as she moved. At lunch, she noticed a smaller classmate eating an ice cream cone and she couldn’t have that!

“What have you got there?” demanded Nadine.

“It’s an ice cream cone,” said Kylie.

Nadine considered this. “What flavor?”


“Gimmie that,” said Nadine and grabbed it out of Kylie’s hands. Then she shoved Kylie against a locker and knocked her books out of her hands. Laughing, Nadine walked off.

Kylie fumed. She was sick of that fat bitch Nadine always pushing her around. And she wasn’t the only one. Other kids felt just as pissed – Nadine was always stealing stuff out of other kids’ desks, pushing people around, and – most of all – raiding people’s lunches. Kylie thought the best way to get back at Nadine was to give her just what she loved most – food. Food and lots of it.

Everyone in school was in on the plot. Kylie would distract Nadine before every lunch and Geri would dump some weight gain powder in Nadine’s thermos. They hid it in her mashed potatoes when she bought lunch and they poured just a tad in her sandwiches when she brought lunch. Whenever possible, Kylie or Geri or someone else would invite her over for dinner and ply her with fatty, high calorie foods. And since Nadine already ate plenty on her own anyway, it wasn’t long before she started to balloon.

Nadine’s parents noticed it first. “Nadine, honey, you’re starting to look a little pudgy,” said her mom at dinner one night.

“Shut up, mom!” yelled Nadine, “You don’t know anything!” Nadine crammed another cookie into her mouth. Even at dinner, Nadine still stuffed her chunky face with cookies. Nadine’s mother was right, of course, but the chubby teen didn’t want to hear anything about that.

Nadine was gaining weight at a breakneck pace. Sometimes she looked like she was being steadily inflated like a helium balloon. Her clothes were growing tighter and tighter, stretching across her new rounder curves. Her shirts rode up her growing belly, her big honey-colored breasts pulled the buttons apart on her increasingly tight blouses. She had to struggle into her jeans, hopping around desperately to pull them up her chubby thighs and over her wide hips and jutting butt. Then she’d suck in her growing gut to fasten the snap.

At school, the other kids giggled at Nadine’s increasing size, sneaking furtive glimpses of her wide rear and blubbery hips as she waddled down the hallways. Nadine’s ass was so wide that the rear seam of her pants always seemed to be just on the verge of splitting wide open. Since her shirts could no longer cover the last few inches of rippling belly flesh, they also rose up in the back and people could glimpse the waistband of her constrictive underwear. When she sat down at her desk in class, she had to wriggle into her seat. Her globular gut pushed against the desk while her bubble butt pushed against the back of the seat. Amazingly, Nadine still didn’t seem to notice how fat she was getting. The other kids were amazed. Chairs were creaking beneath Nadine, but she still ate enough for four people…or rather, since she was larger, maybe she was just eating enough for three.

“She’s incredible,” said Kylie to the other girls at lunch after they had all given Nadine their lunches. “That greedy gut just won’t stop eating! I think her hunger is out of control. She won’t stop before she just pops.”

One night Kylie invited Nadine out for some pizza. They ordered three pizzas and Nadine ate them all herself.

Nadine gulped down the pizza, pausing only to belch. “Mmmm, damn that’s good,” said Nadine, wiping frosting from her chubby, round face. “Bring me another one, would you? Now!” Kylie did as she was told and brought Nadine a second pizza. Nadine immediately plunged in, shoveling scoops of mushy pizza into her eager mouth. Nadine ate in silence, except for the occasional murmurs of contentment as she ate. She closed her eyes in pure bliss. Her cheeks bulged like a chipmunk’s as she ate. By the time she was finished, her belly was the size of a basketball, forcing her shirt to ride up and pushing her pants down. She stretched, grunting, and the snap burst open. The zipper rolled down with a soft zzzzzzz and her bloated tummy popped out. Her white cotton knickers stretched across the swelling curve of her rounded abdomen.

Kylie couldn’t restrain herself: “Wow, Nadine, you really HAVE blimped out!”

“Shut up,” shouted Nadine, smacking the smaller girl with a fleshy fist. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Now go get me another pizza.”

“We’ve created a monster,” thought Kylie. “She won’t stop eating. How much can she fit inside that gut before she bursts?”

Nadine didn’t care. She ate even though she wasn’t hungry; she was just so greedy that she couldn’t stand the thought of someone else getting something that she wanted. By the end of the third pizza, Nadine felt gorged beyond belief. Her belly was so stuffed that it hurt just to breathe. Her shirt bunched up under her heavy, hanging breasts, leaving her enormous, bloated gut bare. She looked like she was nine months pregnant and stretchmarks criss-crossed her overstuffed tummy, traveling outward from her belly button.

“You okay, Nadine?” said Kylie, “You done yet?”

“No,” mumbled Nadine, so stuffed that she was dizzy. She felt like she was about to pass out, but if there was still food around she didn’t want to stop. “Is there any (hic) more to (hic) eat?” Nadine’s bloated body bounced violently with every hiccup. She looked like a float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade.

”Well,” said Kylie, “We’re out of pizza but we still have some breadsticks…”

Nadine grabbed at them clumsily. “Gimmie (hic),” she hiccupped, and jammed them into her mouth. Almost in a daze, she chewed them up and swallowed. “Mmm, that (hic) was a good meal. Oh, man, am I (hic) stuffed.” Nadine patted her gigantic paunch. She was so full she didn’t think she could eat a single bite more. She knew she would puke if she even thought about eating any more.