[Though no one creates in a vacuum, the donut store in WG fiction is well established as a location and a miniature genre. Those who have preceded me have done so incredibly well, and I hope that this story is able to stand proudly with its forbearers. I don’t hesitate to say that this story in several respects strays a bit more from realism than my others. However, as they say, “never let the truth get in the way of a good story.” I hope you shall find this story good indeed.]

God it’s too early, Nina Hampton thought, groggily as she turned the ignition in her car. Why did I ever take this job for Pete’s sake… The car clock read 5:09 AM. Nina banged her head against the steering wheel in frustration before throwing the car in reverse and backing out the driveway.

The honest truth was that she needed a job and this was the only one that fit her schedule. She was in her last year of high school, which meant she was busily filling out college applications and would later be touring colleges after she’d been accepted. Water polo season was beginning soon and that wiped out her afternoons for working because of how long practices went, not to mention games. Regular schoolwork prevented her from working nights. She preferred to try and keep her weekend evenings free, which meant that Saturday and Sunday mornings were when she had to work.

And Nina had to work. Between movies, music, clothing, dinners, gas, and the other assorted expenses of life, she needed money. As it was she was down to about fifty dollars in cash on hand and her parents had decided it was full time that she stop being dependent on them and she enter the work force. Therefore, Nina had scoured the newspaper and surrounding businesses to find places that would hire someone for just a weekend job. She wouldn’t make as much that way and it would be harder to find a job, but there was no way she was going to give up water polo after three years of hard work. She’d just become varsity captain and she’d earned it. She’d rather go without things than give that up.

In her desperation for a job, Nina had inquired at Alpine Donuts, a local donut store, if they had any openings. She was upfront about the fact she could only work weekends, something that she knew had doomed her at every other business she’d tried to get a job at. In a fortune turn of events, the owner had been looking for someone to work Saturday and Sunday mornings. He warned that the hours would be early and that he couldn’t have her missing work. Nina in her enthusiasm had sworn she wouldn’t ever miss work and the deal had been signed.

Now that she was bleary eyed at 5:10 AM, this job didn’t seem like such a bright idea anymore. You get what you ask for, Nina thought. Ten minutes later she’d pulled in behind Alpine Donuts. She’d been told that her coworker should be there to let her in. Considering that the air was downright chilly this early in the morning (it also wasn’t light out, something that Nina knew she was going to have trouble adjusting to), Nina certainly hoped that someone was going to be there to let her in.

Nina was a tall girl, six foot and one inch tall. She towered over just about every other girl at the high school, except some of the members of the girl’s basketball team. Even Morgan Jones, a tall girl herself, couldn’t measure up to Nina in stature. As a result, her 130 pound frame made her look thin. But on the whole Nina was built larger than other girls by virtue of sheer proportion. Most notably she was a bit broad shouldered, and her thighs were larger than most girls’, but not by much. She also wore a size 8 because of her proportionally larger waist. Occasionally it had been awkward for Nina to be built on such a different scale from other girls, but she’d settled down into her skin over time. Being good at water polo had helped as her height and somewhat larger build was an advantage. Nina was very tan, half from genetics and half from the beach where she was a frequent visitor. Though her features, brown hair, and light blue eyes were definitely Caucasian, her skin suggested she’d be more likely to be found on some tropical island. Nina’s work outfit consisted of sweatpants and a white t-shirt with the Alpine Donuts logo on it. She’d tied her hair back into a ponytail so it would be out of the way during the day.

Nina rapped on the door as she shivered in the cold. It was soon swung open by a rotund girl with fair complexion. “Nina? I’m Laurel, how are you?” the fair skinned girl said.

“Freezing,” Nina said rushing into the store. The back room, which was dominated by ovens and the production area, was warm and comfy for Nina. She immediately settled in. “Oh, sorry. Just a bit nippy out there. Nina Hampton,” Nina said extending her hand.

“Laurel Stone,” Laurel said as she shook Nina’s hand, “Welcome to the early bird shift.”

“Thanks very much. I suppose we’ve got to get to work,” Nina said.

“I’ve already got the first batch of donuts in the ovens,” Laurel said, leading Nina to one of the tables. As she did so, Nina sized up her coworker.

Calling Laurel rotund was a very apt use of the term. Laurel was quite fat indeed. Though the apron that she was wearing (and Nina too had now put on) obscured her frame, Laurel was so corpulent that Nina had no trouble making out her features. Around Laurel’s midsection was a large spare tire. It sagged over the waistband of Laurel’s sweatpants, and Nina could tell that behind the apron her belly stuck out a bit from underneath the bottom of the t-shirt. The short sleeves of the t-shirt left Laurel’s fat upper arms in plain view. As Laurel instructed Nina in how to prepare the donuts, her arms swayed and jiggled as they moved. The seat of Laurel’s sweatpants was filled out by her immense butt, and through the strained cotton the outline of Laurel’s panties were clearly visible. Her fat thighs rubbed together as Laurel waddled through the room, showing Nina everything she’d need to crank out donuts. Most impressively, however, Laurel had the largest breasts Nina had ever seen. The roly-poly girl’s knockers were absolutely huge. Nina wondered at the strength of Laurel’s bra and back to be able to support such enormous boobs.

Laurel had long black hair that went all the way to her waist. Her milky white skin brought out her blue eyes. Nina had heard the expression used before to describe girls with fair skin, but Laurel was the first person she’d ever thought it really fit. Laurel could have been named Snow White and Nina would have wholeheartedly agreed. Of course, this Snow White probably wore about 12 dress sizes larger and was about 90 pounds heavier than the one from the fairy tales, and that was being conservative in Nina’s opinion. Nina thought that Laurel was actually rather pretty in her own plump way, but she was more a living embodiment of Nina’s fear that she might wind up snacking more than she aught to working at a store that sold donuts. She didn’t want to become that stupid roly-poly loser who worked at the donut store and stuffed her face with free donuts. Nina made a very strong mental note to make sure that she kept herself tightly under control.

“We don’t have a huge clientele like some of the other places do,” Laurel explained, “So even on the weekends we don’t have to crank as many donuts out as you might think. We’d just wind up wasting them. If business ever did pick up, we’d have to hire more people to work here. Right now though, we’re just a small operation. But thank goodness you’re here. I could barely handle this myself when it was just me for the past couple weeks.”

Conversation was interrupted by a sharp ding. “First batch of the morning,” Laurel said as she waddled over to one of the ovens, Nina following her ass as it undulated up and down.

Laurel pulled the rack of chocolate glazed donuts out of the oven and put them on one of the large wooden tables to cool. After a minute she gingerly picked one up and bit into it. Nina saw the steam rise from the donut and her mouth watered. It looked so good…but Nina checked herself. This was precisely how she was going to get herself into trouble.

“There’s nothing like donuts fresh from the oven,” Laurel said, “One of the great perks of working the early morning shift. Have one. The boss never notices. Then again, he probably has, but hasn’t raised a fuss yet. He’s a pretty loose guy on the whole and he tries to keep his employees happy and these donuts keep everybody I’ve ever met very happy.” Laurel smiled.

“That’s all right,” Nina said tentatively, “I’m okay.”

“Oh come on Nina. Five bucks said you didn’t have breakfast this morning,” Laurel said before she took a great bite out of the donut.

“All right, you’re right, I didn’t,” Nina admitted.

“I don’t blame you. Who’s got time for breakfast at 5:00 in the morning? Besides, this is free. If I didn’t get my breakfast here, I don’t think I could pay my car insurance.”

Laurel did make sense. Money was tight, and it meant she’d be able to get out of bed a bit later, and Nina was all for anything that would allow her to sleep in. “All right, I’ll have just one.” One was all it took. The moment that Nina bit into that warm, fluffy chocolate covered donut, it was as if it was decreed that Nina would be having breakfast at Alpine Donuts every morning she worked there, though she was unaware of the fact at that moment in time. Nina had never had a donut like this. It made regular donuts seem bland and uninspired by comparison.

Nina didn’t have to say a word. Everything she was feeling was written all over her face. “Good, isn’t it?” Laurel said as she picked up the now cool tray and carried it to the front.

“This is pretty freaking amazing!” Nina exclaimed.

“Never gets old, trust me,” Laurel said as she came back and the next oven dinged, “By the way, you’ll find that once things start, they really get going. Lend a hand if you would and we’ll get these trays out there in no time at all.”

Nina and Laurel began the routine of making all the different sorts of donuts (Laurel was the one mainly doing that, while Nina observed so she could learn between pulling trays out of the oven and setting them out front) and getting the store ready for opening at 6:30 AM. There were the special orders to be made in addition to the regular stock for the front store. Laurel gave Nina a quick run through on the cash register before they opened the doors, saying that it was better that she work that until she had the donut making down pat. Nina agreed and found that working the register and the front of the shop wasn’t too bad. Despite the early hour, people were generally pleasant, except for a few people who just needed their coffee.

One customer did throw her for a loop though. “Glazed or vanilla crème?” the man asked Nina.

“Uh…well…” Nina said. She’d had neither and she wasn’t sure what to do.

“Vanilla crème,” Laurel said, popping her head out from the back, “Much better, trust me.”

“Thanks. Two vanilla crèmes please,” the man ordered.

Nina got them and rung him up. “Sorry, first day on the job. Haven’t had time to sample them all yet,” she apologized.

“Don’t worry about it. We all had a first day somewhere,” the man said, “Have a nice day.”

“You too sir,” Nina said as he left.

Once he was gone, Laurel waddled out. “People ask all the time about that sort of stuff. You really aught to make it a point to sample some stuff early on.” With that Laurel deftly plucked an éclair from the shelf along with a jelly filled donut. “After all, if someone asks for advice regarding an éclair against a jelly donut, they expect you to know these things and they won’t always be as nice as that guy.” Laurel held them out for Nina. The tall girl hesitated before she took them from her shorter and rounder companion. However, she did have to know the product. Nina took both and had a bite of one and then the other.

“Definitely the éclair,” Nina said, “but the jelly’s pretty good.”

“Good choice. You’ve got a knack for this already, I can see,” Laurel said.

The bell on the door jangled and the next customer came in. While she was getting this customer her selections, Nina didn’t even realize that she ate the éclair and the jelly donut in the process.


Two weeks later, Nina had helped herself through Alpine Donuts’ entire menu twice, almost three times over. From classic Boston cream to quirky Key Lime, Nina tried them all. It was as if some floodgate had been opened that Nina never knew existed, and there was no going back once opened. She quickly found her favorites in good old chocolate glazed, creamy éclairs, sturdy bear claws, lemon filled donuts, double chocolate, vanilla cream, regular glazed, and Bavarian cream. The latter was a specialty for Alpine and it oozed with goodness.

“Simply divine!” Nina declared after the first time she’d tasted one.

In fact, Nina had gone whole hog (if you’ll forgive the expression) for Alpine Donuts since she’d started working there. After just two weekends of working there, Nina was hooked on their donuts. Not only was she having breakfast there every morning she was working, but Alpine Donuts was also on her way to RFK in the morning. She now stopped there to grab at least two, if not three donuts for breakfast each morning. Laurel worked there Wednesday through Sunday, but introduced Nina to Peggy Norton, chubby girl about Laurel’s age who worked the weekday shift. The two of them went to junior college together nearby, and Laurel’s schedule was arranged to fit her classes. Peggy was more than happy to serve up some of the surplus donuts to Nina each morning with a smile.

With her first check in the bank, Nina’s wallet was fatter—and so was she. The economical skipping of breakfast had taken a toll on Nina’s waist line. In two weeks Nina had consumed close to three dozen donuts while neglecting healthier dining options. It had resulted in her gaining a few pounds here and there, especially around the waist. Nina didn’t even notice the gain, and indeed it was easy to lose it on her tall frame. However, it was there and it was just the beginning.

The weeks rolled on, one after another. On weekends Nina began consuming at least six donuts, if not closer to ten. She’d grab four or five before school and devour them greedily in her car before heading to classes. Breakfast was the most important meal of the day, and it set the tone for Nina’s day. Her fattening morning meal was just a prelude to chocolate bars during class, large lunches with potato chips and sweets, and then extra helpings at dinner followed by late night ice cream with plenty of chocolate sauce. None of these meals compared to those tasty Alpine donuts though.

Nina looked forward to her groggy weekend mornings with glee. Laurel was always there before she was and the first batch of donuts would usually be ready only minutes after Nina arrived. They were always fresh and warm and Nina would have two or three of whatever selection Laurel had put in the oven first that morning. If it was something extra good like chocolate glazed or Bavarian cream, Nina would scarf down four or five calorie bombs before she’d even set the first tray out. Between the two of them, Nina and Laurel could clean out half a rack of éclairs together, laughing as they did so. It was around this time that Nina’s size 8 sweatpants gave out on her after work one day when she got home and sat down on the couch, ripping down the center of the seat. The brunette figured she must have put on a couple pounds and had a pair of size 10 pants ready for the next day at work.

“A couple pounds” did not truly represent Nina’s weight gain. In reality she’d packed on 20 pounds in six weeks at Alpine Donuts. Her transition to size 10 was belated, and as a result she filled out her new wardrobe fully and roundly. Nina had gained a pot belly from her work at Alpine Donuts that she barely noticed. Her breasts had grown slightly (which she had noticed with a note of approval) and her waist had thickened out. Behind her, Nina’s butt bloomed outwards so that it now had a definite jiggle to it as she walked. Her thighs filled out her sweatpants’ legs fully. Though the water polo season had gotten off to a successful start already, the exercise had no impact on her frame. Nina’s gluttony poured calorie after calorie relentlessly on her frame. Even the most ardent workout regime could not have stood up to that onslaught.

Nina also grew more adept at making donuts and was now splitting time with Laurel in the back doing production. This only furthered Nina’s expansion as she began sneaking snacks while she made the donuts. This morning a rack of thirty-six glazed donuts had been set aside once they’d come out of the oven. She and Laurel proceeded to snack on them throughout the morning shift and between them twenty donuts were gone by the end of their shift. Each of them took five “defective” donuts home with them for continued snacking in the afternoon.

Through working together, Nina became quite good friends with Laurel, who was only a year and a half older than her. Laurel was no longer a warning to Nina to watch her appetite—that extremely narrow-minded idea had ended after the first weekend of work. Laurel was always bright and cheery and was interested in a lot of the same music and movies that Nina was. Outside of work they had even started hanging out together, usually with a good helping of food on hand to keep their bellies satisfied. Nina regretted the fact that she’d written Laurel off as some stupid fat girl when they first met, and had apologized to Laurel for such.

“Don’t be silly Nina,” Laurel said with her cheery smile one day after work as they shared a bear claw together, “It wasn’t like you were ever mean to me like other girls have been throughout the years. It’s a good sign that you don’t show your prejudices even if you have them.”

“And an even better sign when I get rid of them,” Nina said and they both shared a laugh at that.

Laurel had removed her apron and her spare tire hung out from underneath her t-shirt. It seemed to be a chronic condition for Laurel. The milky white skin rolled and jiggled with Laurel’s slightest movement. Nina could see the fine stretch marks along her belly that marked her continued expansion. Her roll of fat hung heavily over the waistband of her sweats. Nina couldn’t recall how many donuts Laurel had stuffed into her gut today (Nina had totally forgotten that this bear claw marked the fifteenth for them both).

“So what do you want to do after you finish community college?” Nina asked as she finished up her bear claw.

“I’ll probably try to get into a four year university,” Laurel said, “Might stay close around here. I love working at Alpine so much that I’d hate to lose it.”

“Yeah, I thought this job was going to be a real drag, but it’s been great,” Nina assented as she unconsciously picked out an extra lemon filled donut from another batch fresh from the oven, “But every college must have a place like this around the campus. I’m sure you could go as far as Alaska and find a place like Alpine there.”

“Probably. They’d still be different,” Laurel said as she munched on a jelly donut. “What about you?” Laurel asked through a mouthful of donut, “You’ll be headed off to college too. Where are you gonna go?”

“I dunno yet. I won’t get acceptance letters for another four months,” Nina said, “I sort of want to go to new places, but I love California, you know. Not sure what I’m going to study, but I suppose I’ll figure it out later.”

“You’ll do fine wherever you go. You’ve got a good head on your shoulders,” Laurel said as she finished her jelly donut. It was almost as if she inhaled it. “If I was as smart as you, I wouldn’t be stuck going to community college right now.”

“Well, I guess I’m okay with you being stupid because otherwise I wouldn’t have met you,” Nina said with a laugh.

“Here’s to being stupid!” Laurel said raising her coffee.

“And to the weekend morning shift at Alpine Donuts!” Nina said and raised her fattening frappuchino in a toast.


Another month and another 18 pounds later, Nina walked into Alpine Donuts and caught a whiff of an entirely new smell. Her belly, now on the verge of growing into a bona fide paunch, growled in interest.

“What are you cooking?” Nina asked the corpulent cook at the oven.

“New idea,” Laurel said as she turned from the oven. Now that winter had begun in earnest, the pair would often huddle around the oven as they had their breakfast of roughly five donuts each. If it was a light day, another five or six would follow during the course of the day. However, there were very few light days anymore. The girls had also discovered that it was more economical to have donuts for lunch on the weekends, so they would take at least another five for lunch when their shift ended at noon, plus another six or so for snacking during the day. On a big day each of the girls would pack away over two dozen gooey donuts apiece, and the results were showing on their frames ever more observably. Of course, it wasn’t good to just eat donuts all day, so both girls made sure to have a nice large dinner when they’d spend the day stuffing themselves with the ever tasty donuts.

“What sort of a new idea are we talking about?” Nina said. Already she was expectant of some tasty treat. Laurel had obviously gotten there early because there was already a rack of divine éclairs waiting for Nina. She picked one up without a second thought.

“Well, I’ve been taking a cooking class this semester at college for extra units and I figured I like food enough I might as well go ahead and learn to make some for myself,” Laurel explained, “The class has been centered on doing breakfast type pastries and I thought I’d try making some apple turnovers. I’ve been practicing at home, which helps to explain some of this—” Laurel patted her bulging belly underneath the apron, habitually hanging out from underneath her t-shirts, much larger than it had been in the past. Though Laurel’s breasts were still of incredible size, her belly was catching up to the celebrated gazongas.

Nina had polished off one éclair and reached for another without thinking as she awaited the fresh apple turnovers. The last month had caused Nina to positively bloom. Nina’s breasts were finally worthy of the term, having grown to a nice round and respectable size. She’d had to buy a new bra to hold her melons recently, and it wasn’t without a touch of pride that she did so. Nina was on her way to a spare tire of her own, though she wasn’t anywhere close to having one like Laurel’s. Nina was finding that she was tugging the bottom of her shirt down every once in a while to keep her emerging tan belly covered. Three weeks ago she’d transitioned to size 12s and she probably should have made the jump to size 14 a little while ago, but Nina simply forgot to do so. Her fat ass pulled the material a little too tightly across the twin globes that now undulated up and down with her every step. Nina’s thighs now rubbed together constantly and had lost any semblance of definition. Her face now sported a couple chubby cheeks, finally mirroring her other set of cheeks, which had passed chubby a long time ago. Sure, Nina knew she’d put on more than “just few pounds,” but she had no idea she’d packed nearly 40 pounds onto her frame since she had first begun working at Alpine Donuts. Considering how her belly growled as she polished off her second éclair, it was doubtful Nina even cared anymore.

Laurel was absolutely radiant. She too was growing alongside Nina and the much shorter girl was moving from corpulent to obese. Her spare tire hung down an inch more than when Nina had first met her. Laurel had developed bona fide love handles too that spilled over the waistband of her sweatpants in full view. In fact, it seemed that Laurel’s t-shirt was much too short to cover much of anything at all. As she watched the oven expectantly, the milky skin of her lower back was fully exposed to view. She bent over to peer into the oven to look at the turnovers to make sure they weren’t burning, and in doing so the waistband of her sweats dipped, giving Nina a glimpse of Laurel’s light blue panties. Once Nina would have found such a sight disgusting. Now she thought nothing of it as she was fairly certain she’d bent over and exposed her underwear as well in a similar manner more than a few times at work as of late, some of those instances in public while she was working the register when she’d dropped change or something like that. Laurel’s waddle was much more pronounced now, though she bounced and jiggled through the store happily at all times. Her hips swelled outwards in every direction, and Laurel’s butt was so enormous that she was beginning to have trouble sitting in regular chairs as her ass hung over either side. It was with great difficulty that she squeezed herself into any chair with arms and it was with greater difficulty that she got out of such a chair. Laurel’s pretty face now sported a double chin and her arms had grown larger, as had their wobbling as she would make the day’s donuts.

The oven sounded its sharp ding and, like Pavlov’s dogs, both girls’ mouths watered at the thought of the steaming hot treat inside. Laurel quickly pulled them out and waved her oven mitt over them to try and cool them quicker. After a few minutes she handed Nina one and took one for herself and said, “Well, cheers!”

The apple turnover was a burst of frosting, flaky pastry, and warm apple filling. “Oh my God,” Nina said out loud through a mouthful of turnover, “This is one of the best things I’ve ever tasted.” Nina practically inhaled the remainder of the pastry and greedily grabbed a second one, which was followed by a third and a fourth. Laurel had three herself and the girls lost themselves in the gluttonous pleasure of the newly discovered apple turnovers.

“Hey, let’s save some for the customers. That was the whole idea, you know,” Laurel said with a wink, “Besides, there’s plenty of éclairs for both of us here and there should be some glazed coming out soon.”

“Yeah, but you gotta make those again tomorrow,” Nina said, “even if they’re a flop which they won’t be. Those are incredible.” She grabbed an éclair now that the gooey turnovers were no longer available and munched on it absent mindedly.

“I haven’t even begun to cook yet, sister,” Laurel said as she put the turnovers in a basket to go onto the counter.

Nina, almost finished with her éclair reached for another one with her left hand and accidentally knocked an order slip off of the large wooden table. She bent over to get it as she scarfed down the remainder of her éclair and as she grabbed the form a loud RRRRRRRIIIIIIPPP sounded.

Nina straightened up and felt behind her. Sure enough, she’d ripped the seat of another pair of sweatpants again. She looked at Laurel and blushed. “Oops.”

Laurel laughed. “Don’t sweat it girl. Those looked much too tight for you anyways. Why don’t you take those off? I’ll grab one of my spare pairs.” Laurel waddled to a locker and opened it up. Inside were sweatpants of varying sizes. “What were those?”

“Size 12,” Nina said as she stepped out of her ruined sweatpants. Her enormous tan thighs jiggled as she pulled them out from each leg, and her purple panties were tightly wrapped around her hips. Her ass cheeks created a valley between them with the satin material, and more than a little bit hung out from the bottom of the panties, which were, like her sweatpants, a size smaller than Nina should have been wearing.

Laurel tossed Nina a new set of sweatpants. “Size 14 aught to do you much better,” she said.

“Thanks,” Nina said as she pulled them on. They fit much better and immediately Nina settled into the comfy feel of a new size. She’d have to get some size 14s now. “Why do you have such a stock?”

“Just in case that happened to me,” Laurel said, “and it has a couple times too. However, I’m too lazy to clean the smaller sizes out. Those sweatpants are about 60 pounds out of date for me. No way I’d fit my size 18 ass into there. Then again, it’s a bit of a miracle I fit my ass into size 18 at all.”

Nina just smiled and grabbed another éclair.


To say that the turnovers were a hit were an understatement. It was the biggest thing to hit Alpine Donuts since it opened. The “test batch” that Laurel made didn’t last half an hour when put out for sale (even with Nina and Laurel refraining from enjoying them to “create market scarcity”). People raved about them, and two people even ordered some for company meetings in lieu of the regular donuts. Laurel and Nina smiled knowingly at one another as each additional turnover was sold.

This encouraged Laurel in her efforts to experiment at home in making other breakfast pastries and treats on a large scale. She could make all of the turnovers, danishes, cinnamon rolls, muffins, coffee cake, various croissants, and nearly a dozen scones (including the divine chocolate chunk scone) well enough in her own kitchen, but to make it in quantities large enough to sell at Alpine was an entirely different story. After enough practice, she’d make a test batch early in the morning at Alpine, try it out with Nina on the spot and then begin selling them to the general public. Each new confection was met with praise and adulation—and orders. Though donuts were still by far the primary business for Alpine, Laurel’s tasty treats were gaining a following.

Nina, though she still remained active in socializing with the team as part of their continually successful water polo season (in truth she was playing some of the best polo of her life, scoring over two goals a game on average) and her other high school friends, had begun to help Laurel out in any way she could. The taller, younger girl, had a sense that cooking had become Laurel’s passion. She’d been working at Alpine Donuts for a year and a half now (as evidenced by her fully filled figure) and food had become very important to her. To be able to make good food was an obvious joy for Laurel, and Nina was under no illusions how hard it was for Laurel to make up new treats like she did. Therefore, Nina began to join Laurel one or two evenings a week at her apartment to help her with the cooking.

And by help, Nina was doing a little bit of cooking and a lot of testing the results. Nina’s increased appetite meant that she had become more discerning in her tastes of what was good and what was bad. This didn’t mean that she was less discerning about what she ate (for almost all food, especially what was made at Alpine Donuts, was pleasing to Nina’s palate), but simply she knew what was truly heavenly and what was just good. As Laurel would churn out commercial sized lots of cheese danishes, strawberry scones, frosted cinnamon rolls, coffee crumb cake, and those delicious chocolate chunk scones, Nina would be an eager taste tester to help Laurel, who also sampled the fatty fruits of her labors. The fact she would usually join Laurel for this after dinner made little difference at all. There seemed to always be room for several of Laurel’s tasty treats in Nina’s belly.

One evening while Laurel was experimenting with a lemon cake that she just couldn’t seem to quite get to her liking (though Nina had eaten half the loaf already) the pair was joined by John Arnold, Laurel’s boyfriend. He introduced himself to Nina after giving Laurel a not so short kiss on the lips.

“Laurel says you’ve been enjoying working at Alpine Donuts,” John commented to Nina as he rubbed Laurel’s belly.

“Yeah. It’s a barrel of fun with Laurel. I’m sort of sad that I can’t work there during the week as well as on the weekends,” Nina said as she sliced another piece from the lemon loaf, “It’s a great job.”

“Well Laurel’s positively bloomed since she started there,” John said with a smile, “We met shortly at junior college and she was a wallflower then.”

“I was not,” Laurel said, giving John a playful push, “Don’t listen to a word he says Nina.”

“Would I tell a lie?” John said, “Really, if you put the Laurel I first met in this room, you’d swear they were two different girls.”

“That’s because I’m the size of two girls,” Laurel said and she and John shared a laugh.

“I’m always game for more to love, dear,” John said.

“Working on these new pastries has certainly ensured that,” Laurel said as she waddled to the oven.

“I can see that you’re reaping the benefits of Laurel’s experimentation as well,” John said to Nina, “You look positively wonderful.”

“Thanks. I think I’ve gained a bit of weight since I’ve been working there, but nothing too much,” Nina said. She grabbed for a chocolate croissant that was leftover from one of Laurel’s earlier experiments in the evening.

As Nina did so, John shot an inquiring and bemused look at Laurel. She put a finger to her lips silently and John got the gist. He’d seen this before with Peggy, Laurel’s other coworker. Neither of them fully realized how much weight they’d gained working at Alpine Donuts with Laurel. It was only a month ago that Peggy had finally wizened up and stepped on a scale to discover that Peggy was a plump piggy weighing in at 184 pounds. Obviously Nina hadn’t hit that point yet, and neither of them was going to spoil it for her quite yet.

“So, are you seeing anyone these days Nina?” John asked to fill space.

“Nah, not right now,” was the reply.

“That’s a shame. I’ve got some friends who’d just love to meet you,” John said, “Just say the word and I’ll get you all lined up.”

“That’s sweet of you, but I’m just not looking for a relationship right now. I’d rather fly solo for a while,” Nina said.

“But as long as we’re friends, you’ll never be alone Nina,” Laurel said as she came up and gave Nina a big hug in every sense of the phrase.


It was not until three weeks later, once Laurel’s new treats were in full swing at Alpine, that Nina weighed herself. She’d moved up in wardrobe sizes by feel (thank goodness Coach had extra swimsuits in larger sizes this season…how did he know that they were going to need them?) and had never really thought to weigh herself. However, she was curious how much she’d put on since working at Alpine Donuts. The way that she outgrew sizes didn’t translate to any specific amount of weight gain in Nina’s mind. She figured it was probably about ten pounds or so.

The dial spun to a stop. Nina actually had to bend forward a bit to see over her belly. The needle pointed to 207 pounds. 207 pounds!

Nina stepped off in disbelief. That’s almost 80 pounds, not 10! That was impossible. Was the scale broken? After a couple minutes of testing, Nina found that the scale wasn’t broken at all. It worked perfectly. But this didn’t make sense at all.

Armed with that huge number, Nina looked at herself in the bathroom mirror and finally saw herself as she was. Her face was no longer simply chubby, but moon shaped now. When she looked down a double chin formed at her neck. Her once clearly defined clavicle was now lost underneath a heavy layer of fat. Her upper arms were now imitations of Laurel’s, shaking and jiggling as Nina moved them. Nina’s tummy was now a full-fledged spare tire, rolling over the waistband of her pants. When she bent over, her belly collected into rolls, blocking her from bending all the way to the ground. Her hips now swayed as she walked, and the rubbing of Nina’s thunder thighs was just this side of a creating a waddle. Her butt was full, round, and flabby, ballooning out behind her. Nina’s breasts were C cups now and if not properly secured jiggled wildly if Nina moved too quickly. Nina had stopped wearing jeans once she’d moved to size 14. Now the dressiest she ever slipped her size 16 ass into were khaki pants, but sweats had become her daily uniform, not just her work one. They were so much more comfortable than everything else, especially with the colder weather. Sweatshirts were also highly appealing to Nina these days as well. Unlike many fat girls who turned to sweats, comfort, not hiding her figure, was Nina’s reason the reason for the wardrobe choice.

And as Nina viewed herself, turning slowly to look from all angles at her plumper body, she saw no reason to be ashamed of herself. Ever since she’d begun working at Alpine Donuts she’d been extremely happy. She’d discovered that she simply loved food, especially the fattening type that they served there, though her gluttonous indulgences were hardly limited to the donut store. She’d made a new friend who was one of the nicest people she’d ever met. And the only side effect had been the fact that she was fat now. Even still, she was playing the best water polo of her life and with the playoffs coming up they stood a shot at winning it all.

Maybe people think that girls like me aren’t supposed to be fat, but they’re not me! Nina thought, I don’t care if I’m now a fat girl. Let them think what they want, I’m not changing for them. So maybe I am tubby. John said that he knew guys who’d line up for me, and judging by how much he loves Laurel, I bet he does.

“I’m a senior at RFK High, varsity captain of the women’s water polo team, and I work at Alpine Donuts on the weekend and basically live there every other morning,” Nina said to her reflection in the mirror, “I’m Nina Hampton, I’m fat, I’m happy, and I don’t care what anyone else thinks about that because the only opinion that matters here is mine!” With that she stuck her tongue out at her reflection and scrunched her face up in a juvenile fashion. Then she burst out laughing.

Nina was quite pleased with herself. Who would have thought that a “lame” job at a donut store would lead to her realizing what happiness was for her? Nina didn’t much care, because her belly grumbled and she figured she aught to go feed the beast. After all, she’d been so focused on donuts and breakfast foods, there was a whole world of food out there she had yet to scratch the surface of!


Spring arrived and it found the ladies of Alpine Donuts enjoying unparalleled success. Now that she’d had enough time to experiment and get her pastries just right, Laurel’s treats were the talk of the customers. They’d gotten so popular that the owner was thinking of hiring a new employee to work the shifts just to keep up. For the moment though, Laurel and Nina were making do on the weekends. New treats were always on the horizon as Laurel had enjoyed her cooking course at the community college so much she’d taken another one this semester.

“It’s much better than all those lousy math and history classes that they want you to take to get into the four year colleges,” Laurel said.

“Might as well just stop taking them and just keep up with the cooking. I’m living proof you’re good enough at it,” Nina said giving her protruding belly a pat, sending ripples undulating through it beneath her apron.

Though the comment had been made in jest, it sparked something in Laurel’s mind. With her community college career coming to an end, she had thought that she’d just go to college, but considering how much she disliked academic work, it had never been something she was looking forward to. When Nina said that she could just keep taking cooking classes, all of a sudden Laurel realized that the best thing to do would be go to cooking school. She could keep working at Alpine Donuts in the mornings and then take cooking classes in the evening and at night. When she said so to Nina, she approved wholeheartedly, with one exception.

“Don’t go to some cheapo cooking school, you deserve to go to a real one, a good one,” Nina said, “You’ve got talent, and the lines of people here asking for your cinnamon rolls and scones show it. If that’s just what you can do with community college recipes, then think of what you could be like with real training!”

Laurel hadn’t been completely won over to the idea yet, but she was giving it good thought. She’d need money for that, which meant she might have to delay and work a while longer at Alpine and probably pull another job at night so she could have a good bank account backing her up. In any event, cooking school seemed a much more likely possibility than university.

Nina, on the other hand, was headed in quite the opposite direction. Though she loved Alpine Donuts and food, she knew that the life of a cook wasn’t the one for her. She needed a good solid degree under her belt, and pretty soon she’d be getting acceptance letters back from college. She’d see who took her and make her choice from there. Nina was one of the few Seniors who was not panicking about college. Sure, she was a little anxious to get it all figured out, but with her bigger size had come a laid back attitude that went well with her Californian temperament.

“You know, I’ll probably wind up working in a donut shop just like this when I go to college, but it just won’t be the same,” Nina said to Laurel.

Her butterball of a partner nodded, her double chin accentuating the movement. “Yeah, but working here’s no way to go through the rest of your life.”

“True enough,” Nina replied. Her fat arms jiggled as she reached across the table to grab a tray of éclairs ready for the oven.

The pair of ladies had blossomed alongside Alpine’s newfound success. Nina was now out and out fat. Her breasts had grown little since that fateful weigh in where she confronted and accepted her new size, but the rest of her had grown by leaps and bounds. Nina’s spare tire hung pendulously on every side and love handles had only recently formed around her waist. Speaking of waists, hers was quite big around now. The other days she’d ripped the seam of her size 18 sweatpants, which, ironically enough, had been given to her by Laurel. They were the very sweatpants that Laurel had been wearing when Nina’s size 12 sweats gave out on her the infamous morning of the apple turnovers. Nina ass filled out a size 20 quite nicely now and her girth resulted in a very pretty waddle indeed. Nina now faced the problem that Laurel perpetually had: it seemed none of her t-shirts, especially those for work, were big enough to completely cover her spare tire, leaving the bottom of her belly hanging in plain view many times. This was especially true at work where Nina used her apron to cover the tan roll that spilled over the waistband of her sweatpants, which perpetually dipped whenever Nina bent over even slightly, giving those behind her glimpses and more of her panties. Her mammoth thighs rubbed up against one another at all times, and as Nina walked her ass undulated up and down provocatively. Her weight now stood at over 250 pounds, which made tall Nina a rather big girl indeed. She was beautiful to behold, and several times John had tried to get Nina to go on a date with one of his friends, but she always declined. The last thing she needed was a boyfriend to complicate life, just when she was on the verge of leaving the nest and heading off to college.

Laurel hadn’t been immune to expansion herself as winter melted into spring. Laurel had outgrown most clothing stores with a whopping size 26 waist, so she was relegated to shopping at places like Lane Bryant, which topped out at size 32. She often cruised the thrift stores as well, finding they usually carried a decent selection of big clothing. It would be a crime to say that Laurel had a belly, for such a term doesn’t truly describe her midsection. It is closer to say that Laurel had a gut, but even that term, though it may represent the proper size, lacks the beauty present in Laurel’s midsection. Her belly, for the term works as well as any other, jutted out forward in front of Laurel, rolling voluptuously down over the waistband of her sweats. It was impossible for her to see her feet over it and her massive mammaries, no matter how much she might try to compress or shift them. The only way she ever saw past her massive stomach was with the aid of mirrors, and that only cheered Laurel rather than deject her. Laurel’s love handles gave one ample material to grab, and occasionally Nina did so playfully as she’d pass by in the production area (to return the favor, Laurel would give Nina a good slap on the butt, causing it to quake and jiggle for quite a while). Judging by how Laurel talked about John these days, Nina was sure that Laurel was getting her love handles, which now sported stretch marks themselves, put to just such a use. Laurel’s ass was now positively enormous. In looking at it as it jiggled from side to side with every step, Nina thought that she could have fit two of her old selves into the space taken up by Laurel’s giant butt. When she worked the cash register in the front, Laurel had to use an extra wide stool to sit on, and even then her butt cheeks hung off of either side (and the stool looked like it was in danger of imminent collapse). It seemed regardless of what size Laurel wore, her thighs always looked like overstuffed sausages, threatening to burst out of their comfy confines at any moment. Even her lower legs collected fat now. But still, her crowning glory was her enormous hooters. Laurel’s bra or its outline could almost always be seen through her t-shirts, the straps digging into her soft shoulders, the massive gazongas weighed down by gravity and straining against the satin bra cups. In the time that Nina had worked with Laurel at Alpine Donuts, she’d seen many men ogle Laurel’s impressive knockers. She knew that many of them probably didn’t find the rest of her attractive, but it seemed few guys could resist taking a good look at those glorious melons. Though Laurel rarely wore shirts with any sort of a v-neck to them, she didn’t need to. With breasts that bordered on the size of very large cantaloupes, they were hard to miss.

Nina and Laurel had another early morning shift and as usual they were snacking on the product, “to make sure the quality was superior,” Nina joked. There was no need to make excuses anymore, but they did so for the sake of humor. Some days the two girls would actually have an informal competition to see who could eat more donuts in the course of their shift. Though Laurel’s four dozen plus one donuts was the record, on a daily basis Nina beat Laurel handily. The younger girl’s ravenous appetite couldn’t get enough of those fattening calorie bombs, no matter what the type. One of the few treats that Laurel had an advantage was in cinnamon rolls. She put those away with such gusto that Nina thought no one in the world could stand up to Laurel.

To truly settle the score, Laurel invited Nina over to her apartment one night for a true pig out with all their favorite treats. To make things interesting, they agreed upon a bet beforehand: the loser would have to work the register all day during their next shift. This was punishment solely because the winner in being stuck in the production kitchen all day would have ample opportunity to snack to her heart’s content while the loser would have to sneak back when there were no customers to grab a gooey treat and waddle back out again. They both jokingly said that the stakes were quite high, but the bet was made for friendly competition. Besides, even on busy days they both found ways to keep their tummies from rumbling too loudly while working the register.

Officiating this contest was John, who had more than willingly agreed to be the judge, swearing total impartiality, despite his obvious preference for the larger of the two contestants. They’d pulled two plush armchairs up to the table so both girls would be comfortable during their competition. Laurel actually was sitting on a small couch to accommodate her ample ass. Chairs with armrests were now strictly out of the question for the fair skinned butterball, and when she was at home more often than not she’d park her derrière on the couch, into which her butt had worn a depression into the cushion from so many hours snacking in front of the TV.

Laurel had already baked up enough pastries to feed a small army. Even though she knew that the all time record at work had been almost fifty glazed donuts, which had left Laurel feeling well stuffed at the end of the shift, she decided to be liberal in her confection creation. Laurel had made a dozen of a dozen different specialties for the contest, to be split down the middle between the two. John would bring the gross of donuts out tray by tray as needed and make sure that all of them wound up inside each girl for an accurate count (though there was little doubt either of them would cheat themselves out of a delicious donut just to win).

Each girl had her first six chocolate glazed set in front of them and as soon as John shouted go, Nina and Laurel dove into the donuts as if they were starving girls rescued from a desert island (though, to be fair, Nina hadn’t eaten anything in the last hour and a half, which meant when she arrived at Laurel’s apartment she was quite hungry indeed). Pudgy fingers indiscriminately grabbed donut after donut and thrust them into eager, waiting mouths that inhaled the chocolate donuts with glee. Appearances had been left at the door for the night, and already traces of chocolate began ringing each girl’s mouth. It seemed like moments had flown by before John had to set the next set of donuts in front of each girl.

One after another each set of donuts was packed away by Laurel and Nina. Chocolate glazed gave way to bear claws, to lemon bursts, to Boston creams, to cinnamon rolls, to éclairs, to apple turnovers, to chocolate chunk scones, to crumb cake, to Bavarian cream, to double chocolate. By then John realized that both girls were attacking those donuts like…well, fat girls attacking donuts. Their hunger seemed bottomless. By this point they’d both gone through five dozen donuts apiece and were aiming for a full six. But assuming that they both finished the six dozen, then what would be left for them? They’d have no way to declare a winner, other than who got there first, and Nina was greedily gobbling her donuts down faster than Laurel. A bit of hometown officiating got the better of John and he decided that the contest had to keep going with more food. After setting the final dozen of chocolate-laced croissants on the table and within reach of the fat, wobbling arms of each girl, Tom rushed to Laurel’s fridge to see what he could find. He grabbed a cheesecake that was obviously meant for some other purpose (he found it hard to believe Laurel would have just left a plain old cheesecake untouched in her fridge, even if she’d bought it that afternoon with the contest imminently approaching), and two cartons of chocolate ice cream. He continued scanning the fridge and found little else that was appropriate for the contest. Laurel didn’t have that much money as it was, but food didn’t stick around that long anyways in her fridge.

In any event, Nina was on her last two donuts. He didn’t have much time. Quickly he cut the cheesecake down the center, stuck a fork in it and put one half in front of Nina as her lips smacked with the remainder of her final donut. He was not a moment too soon for as Nina swallowed the last bite of donut, she grabbed the fork and began shoveling cheesecake into her mouth. Not a minute later Laurel’s donuts were gone and she took dug into the cheesecake with a smile on her face. Both girls were totally in the zone. They didn’t even think about John’s presence—food could have magically appeared on the table and they wouldn’t have asked questions. Each of them was covered in crumbs, their fingers sticky from handling six dozen donuts apiece. Their mouths were ringed with the traces of their binge, mainly brown from the copious amounts of chocolate they’d devoured. Both of their bellies rested on their thighs, filling up more and more by the moment, but neither was close to being full yet. The size of Laurel’s swelling belly, coupled with her enormous hooters, was such that she was having trouble reaching her food. John made sure to slide her food closer to the edge of the table so his angel would have an easier time of things. Nina’s belly was also swelling to a size that she was beginning to have trouble reaching the table as well.

As the cheesecake dwindled to its last few bites, Nina said, “Muh…phood…” through her cheesecake filled mouth. John plopped a full carton of chocolate ice cream in front of the tan tubby beauty and her sausage-like fingers eagerly grasped the cold carton and the spoon and greedily dug into the fatty ice cream. Laurel was further behind this time, the cheesecake in its richness obviously slowing her down. She reached out her arms like a baby and uttered a short moan, unable to articulate her desire for more food. John rushed to meet her desire and put a carton and spoon into her waiting hands. Resting the carton on her belly, Laurel shoveled more and more ice cream into her mouth.

John wanted to sit there and spoon-feed his big beautiful woman of his, but he had a feeling he needed to find more food. He threw open cupboard doors, frantically searching for something more to glut the appetites of the battling fatties. He found a couple bags of chips and one bag of Doritos in one cupboard. He suddenly discovered an apple pie on one counter and grabbed that as well. Finding little else, he opened up the potato chips in anticipation. Soon thereafter he heard Nina scrapping the bottom of the ice cream carton. He rushed over with a bag of potato chips and placed it in Nina’s fat fingers. As she began to shove fat fistful after fistful into her mouth, John knew that it was over for Laurel. Nina was slowing up, but he saw his girlfriend was struggling to finish her ice cream, with which she was only half-finished. He placed the other bag of potato chips open in front of Nina, as well as the bag of Doritos. The apple pie he kept on the counter for the moment.

As Nina tore through the giant size bag of potato chips, John sat down next to Laurel on the small couch. With her expanded gut, she filled out most of the couch, which didn’t leave him much room on either side. However, he wiggled underneath her bulk, enjoying feeling trapped beneath it. He knew that if his 285-pound girlfriend were to roll over onto him, there would be nothing he could do about it, but he also knew he’d enjoy it. He took the ice cream carton from her hands, which were slowing in their transit of food to her mouth and began to feed her himself. He did not rush Laurel, but kept to a pace that was comfortable for her. The spoonfuls came more and more slowly as Nina snatched the second bag of potato chips and grabbed hand after hand of greasy chips to satisfy her seemingly superhuman appetite. Looking at Laurel, John saw her snow white belly was stretched taut as a drum, and the stretch marks even whiter against her skin. He knew that some of those marks had been added tonight. Her t-shirt rode up so far that Laurel’s deep belly button was visible, receding into her belly like a cave in a marble mountain. Her sweatpants, which Laurel had worn a size larger in anticipation of the night’s event, groaned in trying to contain her.

And then, Laurel’s head fell back and her mouth let forth a soft moan. It was over. Laurel was finished.

Tom looked at the other end of the table and Nina, now slowing considerably, was working her way through the Doritos. Laurel’s concession of victory seemed not to register for Nina—or at least it seemed not to matter. It seemed she was determined to continue eating as long as she could.

John knew that Nina didn’t need his help. He turned to Laurel and began to softly massage her tight belly to relieve the pressure. Laurel moaned softly as his fingers touched the taut skin, stretched over her gut that was filled to capacity. After a few minutes, she raised her head and said, “Go.” John knew what she meant. He took the ice cream carton and hurried over to Nina, who threw the bag of Doritos away, her fingers covered in orange. John pulled over a chair and began to feed Nina the remainder of the chocolate ice cream that Laurel had failed to finish. There was less than a quarter left, but every spoonful counted to Nina.

As he fed her, John saw that Nina’s shirt too had ridden up past her belly button as her gut jutted out in all its magnificence. Her breasts seemed tiny in comparison to her huge belly protruding in front of her, now to the point that Nina could barely reach the table even if she tried. The stitches in her sweatpants were visibly pulled to their limit and as Nina shifted in her armchair, her ass and legs so large that the filled out the seat and would have hung over the edge of a regular chair on either side, John heard the stitches creak in protest. But still the cavernous maw of her mouth eagerly accepted the spoonfuls of chocolate ice cream that were soon depleted.

Tom ran for the apple pie and brought it back for Nina he shoveled forkful after forkful into her waiting mouth. Nina moaned in pleasure after every swallow, even though her belly had to be excruciatingly full. That was the furthest thing from Nina’s mind however. Her thoughts were solely centered on the apple pie held in front of her and that magical hand that brought each mouthful of sweet sugary apple and flaky crust to her lips. For Nina, it seemed like it was the best dream she’d ever had.

The apple pie disappeared slowly but surely. From the other end of the table, Laurel watched Nina as she took each bite. She remembered the tall brunette of average build who’d nervously knocked on the back door on her first morning, who’d needed prodding to eat a single donut, and then she looked at the corpulent, if not obese, girl in front of her now. Nina’s chubby cheeks jiggled and her double chin wobbled as she chewed each new bite. Her arms cradled her belly as she ate. Laurel knew that Nina wouldn’t give up until that last piece of pie was gone, and her heart swelled with pride. She had no idea that morning that she’d first met Nina what lay in store for that slim girl.

And then the last forkful passed through Nina’s plump lips. She swallowed and her sweatpants burst off of her, splitting down the side seams with a mighty rip that probably baffled the inhabitants in the apartment below. Nina let loose a sigh as some of the pressure on her belly was relieved and it surged forward, no longer impeded. The contest was now officially over, and she had won.

“You were absolutely incredible Nina,” John breathed, “I wish I’d had a camera for that.”

Nina nodded and used her flabby arms to pull herself out of the chair so she could stand, leaving the shreds of her sweatpants behind. Though Tom gently had his hands in place to steady the prodigious porker as she rose, they were not needed. Covered in crumbs and bits of pastry, cake, pie, Nina waddled ponderously and slowly over to Laurel’s larger couch, holding her distended gut as she did so. Her face looked as bloated as her stomach, her plump lips slightly open and pouting, her cheeks swollen from so much chewing. It was as Nina waddled with less jiggle than usual (seeing as her stomach was so bloated) that John learned that Nina was wearing a thong that night. The roll of her belly obscured all but the back of the black thong’s waist string, and her ass cheeks were so massive that they engulfed the thong’s butt floss. Nina’s belly hung so low that the small triangle of cloth covering a not-so-small pussy was barely visible as Nina’s full gut swayed back and forth slowly. She fell back onto the couch, which groaned under her weight, bowing slightly. The apartment underneath for a moment must have thought an earthquake rocked the building. Laurel needed more help getting up than Nina did, and the bloated blubber butt waddled slowly, though with more help from John to her bedroom where she and her boyfriend lay down, his body clinging gently to hers for the remainder of the night (though, as he fell asleep against Laurel’s soft, heavenly body he made a mental note to make sure he was the first one to the bathroom the next morning, as he was sure that it was not going to be a pretty sight).

In the living room, Nina mindlessly groped for the remote control and turned the TV on, her mind too exhausted to think of anything. The channel was, of course, the Food Network, and the segment was detailing how to make wedding cakes. With a smile on Nina’s face, she drifted off into sleep, cupcakes, candies, pies, donuts, chocolate, and more treats that she could name meeting her. She ran, her enormous body nude, breasts bouncing up and down, the jelly rolls of her belly joining in the fun as her ass undulated up and down with every thunderous step and her thighs quaking like jello on a rocky road, towards a wedding cake that towered over the entire landscape of fattening delights. She saw running next to her the obese Laurel, her pure white naked body jiggling, her ass quivering, ripples spreading in every direction, her belly bouncing and sagging over what one could only assume was her waist, covering her pussy, her enormous breasts flopping wildly with every step, towards that tower of lemon-filled delight. Only steps away from the giant cake, the pair launched themselves through the air and they landed in sheer sugary heaven.

Nina licked her lips on the couch at the beginning of such a scrumptious dream. Sweet, sweet bliss.