Other People's Stories

I didn't write these stories but they're some of my favorites and deserve recognition. They're what inspired me, so if you like my stuff you'll probably like these, too!

The Id

Tara, by Id - In Id's own words, "Told from a guy's perspective. He meets a girl that he's admired for years in a buffet...and you'll just have to read it to find out the rest! Sequels should be coming!" I certainly hope so! This is honestly one of the best stories I've read in a long, long time - sweet, sexy, and brilliant. Wish we had someone like Tara around here:)
Tara 2, by Id - The much anticipated sequel to Id's Tara, with lots of lovely descriptions of our plump heroine as well as something new for wg fiction - character development! Also, some Irish pride:) Says Id, "This is not, in my opinion, quite as good as the first installation, mainly because it's not as intense. However, I did try to make it worth your while. In my own defense, I'm trying to perhaps raise the WG fiction to a higher level with excellent description and action, without losing character development or passion within the work. Tara 3 should be better!"
Tara 3, by Id- How can you not love Tara? On top of everything elese, she pays for her own food^_^!! Another great story by Id. Honestly, this is going to be become one the great weight gain sagas of our generation.
Tara 4, by Id - Hooha! Yet another great continuation of the Tara saga. Liam and Tara are together at last. I'm glad. I was hoping those two could get together^__^
Tara 5, by Id - Ditto!
Tara 6, by Id - Ditto!
Tara 7, by Id - Ditto! Check it out, I even make an appearance in this story. Watch for sassy Molly Creighton:)
Tara 8, by Id - What can I say here that hasn't already been said? More of that girl we all know and love from the inimitatable Id!
Tara 9, by Id - About time, too!:) Another great installment in the Liam-Tara saga by Id!
Tara 10, by Id - A brand new Tara!

Chelsea, by Id - Id spins us round like a record, baby, right round with this spin-off. Notice how I incorporated the word spin into the description? Read it for a nice story about a cute pudgy gal coming to terms with her size.

Jenna - by Id. Id returns with a spectacular new story in his water polo canon!
Jenna 2, by Id - Id apparently planned to send this to me along with a long explanation about how it wasn't that good or something, but his computer ate the email. The computer knew what it was doing, because Id was wrong: This story is very good:) Jenna continues to struggle with her new size...
Jenna 3, by Id - More of the ever lovelier Jenna!
Jenna 4, by Id - Finally, more Jenna!
Jenna 5, by Id - And even more!
Jenna 6, by Id - Someone's on a roll!
Jenna 7 - Another Jenna!

Lynn, by Id - Id introduces us to a new girl!

Kristin - A new gal, from Id!

Nina, by Id - Another new gal!


Amber 4.5, by Dwavenhobble - A little addition to me Amber story, situating nicely between 4 and 5! Very nice!


Cloey - By DePuppy101, an awesome new story
Cloey 2 - By DePuppy101, the continuation!
Cloey 3 - By DePuppy101, the continuation!
Cloey 4 - By DePuppy101, the continuation!
Cloey 5 - By DePuppy101. Long overdue, but worth the wait. The best one yet!
Cloey 6 - By DePuppy101. Cute!

Sun Bathing - By DePuppy101. A true story!


Mona, by Supersonic - A chubby girl's embarrassing Chuck E Cheese experience!

Mona 9, by Supersonic - Nice story with stuckage!


Natalie, by Shorty - Nat is fat:)


Learning New Things, by Caffeineaddict6 Holy shlamoley! When it rains, it pours. Caffeineaddict6 just sent us this wonderful story about a female FA who finds herself! This has both male and female gain, so the best of both worlds. Maybe I'm biased cause I see a little bit of myself in Dana, but this a wonderful story, chock full of all the lovely stuffing, clothes ripping, weight gaining scenes we know and love:) Oh, and Caffeineaddict also says this story is somewhat inspired by my works. I can't resist putting that little plug in, since I've been so bad about updating lately. Says Caffeineaddict6, "this is my first story, and feedback would be greatly appreciated. You can reach me at caffieneaddict6@yahoo.com. I've got some more ideas, and hopefully I'll get better with practice."

The Omega Moos, by Caffeineaddict6 - Woot! Tori likes being trim but the only sorority that will accept her demands otherwise! What's a girl to do? This is a good story that's got LOTS of girls - one for every taste! Says Caffeineaddict6, "Author's Note: No, I haven't actually seen Revenge of the Nerds. I also have no idea how actual fraternities/soroties work. Feedback is appreciated at Caffieneaddict6@yahoo.com."

Fat Jack's, Part 1,by Caffeineaddict6 - Another great story from Caffeineaddict about a theme restaurant that I think we all wish existed:) One of the nice touches here is the description of Marcy's post-work clothes...reminds me of when I was growing up back in the 80s!^_^
Fat Jack's 2 - Sequel to Fat Jack's, by Caffeineaddict6. You all never cease to amaze me with your writing talents.

Der Meister

Aimee 1 - A great new story from Der Meister. Promises to be exciting.. Aimee's gaining weight. Of course, she just knows her boyfriend won't like her anymore. ...Or will he???
Aimee 2 - Sequel to Aimee, by Der Meister. Another great story, Aimee's really filling out nicely. Wonderful description and nifty ANGST! Read it or be square!! ^_^
Aimee 3 - After an absence of way too long, Der Meister returns with another awesome sequel to Aimee! It's a bit spicy so be warned!:)
Aimee 4 - Wow, that was fast! Der Meister returns with yet another sequel to Aimee! Some nice stuckage this time round.


Rapunzel: FA Edition - By FishyofPain. Here's how the story REALLY goes! An awesome revisioning by Fishy of Pain!
Rapunzel: FA Edition 2 - By FishyofPain. So what's Puck up to now, dare we ask? No good..well, actually, for us, it's very good, because he has excellent taste in women^_^


Nicole - By Vader7476. Vader makes his big debut as an author - and I do mean BIG! Watch Nicole and Frank's budding romance and Nicole's expanding waistline...SCHWEET!

Going Down in Size - Don't be fooled by the title! Check out the first part of this new story by Vader7476, about two girls changing in different ways.
Going Down in Size 2 - And more on Amanda and Shannon!
Going Down in Size 3 - And still more on Amanda and Shannon!

Going Down in Size 4, By Vader7476 - A sexy menage a trio, a terrible nightmare, a too-small chair, exercise that doesn't work...seriously, this chapter has it all:)
Going Down in Size 5, By Vader7476 - Don't miss it!

Kisses - By Vader7476. A story with some very nice fat talk!


Love Can be Perfect - By Ghostly-Spectre. Lily's new girlfriend helps her break out of her timid, skinny shell in this sweet, sweet story by new author Ghostly-Spectre!

Lauren's Magic - By Ghostly-Spectre. Ghostly-Spectre didn't think this story was as good as his last. Obviously, he's talking crazy talk. A sweet story of love and magic, Tom's wife Lauren does something that I think we all wish our wives could do:)

High School Champ - By Ghostly-Spectre. A very cute, touching, and romantic story about a high school sports star who stands up for his new girlfriend! Read it!:)

Embers in the Frost, by Ghostly Specter - I should have posted this lovely romantic story a long time ago, but I've been so lazy about updating:( But it was definitely worth the wait!


Danielle - An awesome story by a new author here, Wetsobem, about a boy and a girl. Seems a lot of us folks here go for the thick sporty chicks, eh?:) Check it out!
Danielle2 - More in the continuing saga of Danielle! By Wetsobem!
Danielle 3 - By Wetsobem!

The Apartment, by Wetsobem - Amanda loves pizza!


Dan and Steph - Oh, come on! It's by Zarbon! That should be enough for you:)


Ashlee Feels the Squeeze - By Peachfan.
Ashlee 2 - By Peachfan. A sequel already! And with some good stuckage as well.
Ashlee 3 - By Peachfan. Another!
Ashlee 4 - By Peachfan. Another!

Melissa, by Peachfan - An excellent story about a girl and her buttocks! Includes stuckage:)
Melissa 2: A Growing Concern, by Billy Joe - Melissa's bum is on the rise in this most excellent sequel!
Melissa 3: Back to School, by Billy Joe - The best one so far. Includes a failure to jog!
Melissa 4: A Sticky Situation, by Billy Joe - Stuckage! Clothes! Everything you could ask for:)
Melissa 5: The Apple and the Pear
Melissa 6: Sneaky Deeds - This is my favorite so far! Melissa really does something naughty this time around; I love it!:)
Melissa 7 - 7!
Melissa 8 - Things are heating up...er, cooling down, in this awesome installment!

Melissa 9: Return of the Bulge - Guess who's back??

Denise and Jackie, By Peachfan and Cloggy - Another great story of sibling rivalry!


Jill and Joe's Journal - A new story written by Firefly! The language here feels really natural, which makes it all the better.


Donut Temptations, by Zonker - This is a first: a male gain story!


Fear 3, By Conch - Conch presents a continuation of another author's inflation story. Includes popping!

Email: mcoddles@hotmail.com