Long ago, a tale was started about a little girl that was taken from her parents by a witch, and raised as her own. In this tale, when the girl grew to the age of a fair maiden, with tremendously long, vibrant locks of hair. The witch became fearful that she would lose the only person close to her, so the girl was locked away in a tall tower, and eventually rescued by a brave young man from a nearby kingdom, searching for his bride. In this story, as most have heard it, the couple lived happily ever after.

Of course, that was the version for little children whose weak minds cannot comprehend the enormity of the story that I shall tell you. This is the true story of the girl named Rapunzel.


As our story continues, Rapunzel had indeed been taken from her parents as a baby and raised by a witch. And raised very well, she had been. At the age of fourteen, Rapunzel was already a well-read scholar, as her pseudo-mother had pushed her to study since a young age. Because of this, she had always, and still yet, loved to read and learn more.

Possibly the only thing she didn’t know much about were boys, as she had lived a very secluded lifestyle. She knew all that she had read from her texts, but her bookishness had left her with no desire to gain more knowledge of them. She had told the witch this, but the witch felt there was still need to take precaution. And thus, she made plans to continue Rapunzel’s seclusion within a tall tower far away from civilization, and in the middle of the wilderness.

Of course, this was not the extent of her plans. The witch cast a spell on Rapunzel so that her golden locks would flow lengthily, so that whenever the witch needed to deliver necessary things such as food, underwear, or more reading material, she could just lower her hair and the witch could climb right up. In addition, the witch cast yet another spell on Rapunzel, so that she would become gluttonous, and have a nigh-insatiable craving for food, as well as knowledge. This way, even if by some chance a handsome young man found Rapunzel, he would not take her away from her, as he would not be attracted to her outer form. The witch had told her what she had done, and Rapunzel trusted her judgment, as she always had in the past.

For several years, Rapunzel was stashed away in that tower, keeping to herself mostly, as the witch checked in from time to time when she wasn’t plotting her own machinations. By chance, a jock-like young man in a lively kingdom heard rumor of a fair maiden locked away in a tower from one of his chums. His best friend was a prince in the kingdom, so he heard a lot of the fascinating rumors coming from faraway lands. As the lot of them gallivanted in the royal courtyard, the prince told him, “Hey, Luke, you wouldn’t believe the crazy rumor I heard. Someone told me they spotted a maiden locked away in a tower down yonder in the black forest.”

The jock smirked as he shot another arrow into a bull’s-eye. He had fluffy, dark brown hair, combed over to the left side, a sharply tanned skin and a taut, muscular build. “First off, why do people call every forest they find the black forest, or the dark forest? If you call every forest black or dark, then they’re really all just forests. Secondly… did the guy who told you this rumor say anything about her looks? Heheh… if you catch my drift.”

The blonde, creamy-white skinned prince scratched his chin. “Well, let me just say that from what my informant told me, if I wasn’t betrothed to my fiancée by my parents, I might just check this mystery maiden out.”

At that, the jock named Luke turned away from the prince. “Good buddy, the women of our humble kingdom are just not enough for someone as talented and accomplished as myself… So I believe I will quest for this damsel in distress, and if she measures up to my standards, then I might just have a fiancée of my own…”

The prince slapped Luke on the back “Good luck then, friend. I await your triumphant return! After all, a bird in hand in worth two in the bush!”

Luke narrowed his eyes. “What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?”

The prince scratched his chin yet again. “I’m really not sure. My father’s told me that many times, though, I assure you. So the saying must have some merit…”

The two of them, as well as their tag-along friends got a rise out of that, and with no time to spare, Luke set off on his stallion, bringing a pack with food and supplies for the journey ahead.


Meanwhile in Rapunzel’s tower, the maiden was now nearing the age of sixteen herself as the witch dropped by to look through her window and spy in on her, to see if there was anything she really needed, before bringing over what the young woman needed. The witch tended to spy on her like this a lot, as she liked to check in on Rapunzel without seeming too over-protective, and also so that she could make sure Rapunzel was content.

When the wrinkled and green-tinted faced woman peered through, she saw that Rapunzel had grown even more since her last visit. The witch recalled that at first, Rapunzel did not adapt too well to her tremendous appetite, and what it was doing to her svelte physique. But in a short period of time, Rapunzel began to simply love food, and the enjoyment she got from stuffing herself silly completely replaced the uneasiness that her new appetite had given her.

Since the witch’s last visit, Rapunzel had once more outgrown the dresses that she had been given to wear, and for awhile now, she had taken to just sitting around in her large bra and panties, while she continued reading and stuffing herself all day. (At least until the witch would bring larger clothing, which she preferred, as when she was young, the witch had told her that it was always proper for women to be clothed)

The witch looked in intently, concealed by an invisibility spell. At the moment, Rapunzel was grabbing chunks from a plate of fudge cake next to her bed with her left hand, and stuffing them into her mouth while reading. Rapunzel preferred to just shovel food into her maw with her chubby hands, as it did the job faster than using silverware, and the sooner she could finished the cake, the sooner she could make her way over to the other assorted desserts.

As she ate, cake icing was smeared all over her face, and crumbs cascaded down her chest, into her cleavage and onto her stomach. After eating this way for such a long time, she had become quite lazy, and no longer chose to keep herself presentable. After all, what reason did she have? She was all alone, and didn’t mind it one bit. Food was all she needed to keep her company. At the moment, she was easily 270lbs, probably closer to 300.

The witch continued looking on at the growing beauty, as she scratched under her right love handle with her right hand, and let out a loud belch. As the witch watched, a deep voice came from beside her and said, “Having fun, are we?” The voice scared the witch half out of her mind, and she looked all around, trying to find who said that.

“Who’s there!” the witch shouted, her magic still concealing all aspects of herself from the human senses.

The voice continued, “Surely you wouldn’t have so easily forgotten me. Why, is was only fifteen years ago that I gave you this assignment, and after all, that’s not even a drop in the well for beings such as ourselves.”

The witch turned to smoke, and the smoke shrunk down to the size of a gumdrop, and rematerialized into a small, cream-skinned humanoid creature with fluttering wings, wearing a tunic. Cocking an eyebrow, the small male creature asked in a whiny voice, “Oberon?”

The voice materialized as well, in the form of the being similar to what the witch became, only more tanned, masculine, and with a white beard and a gold crown. “It took you long enough, Puck. I swear, I have to keep my eye on you, especially since that incident back in Greece way back… I never know when you’re going to go and screw things up again…”

The fairy known as Puck had a long face. “Aww… it’s time already?”

“Very soon, Puck. And trust me, if you try anything funny this time, I promise you won’t live to see another assignment. This has been planned for fifteen years, and there can be no screw-ups from here on out. Everything must happen as planned down to the letter.”

Puck was looking down at the ground, upset. After all, he had taken a liking to this girl, and he would miss her a lot once she was gone. He sighed. “I will do as you wish, my king.”

“Thank you, Puck. My Lady has spent a good deal of time working with the young man we arranged to meet this girl at some point in the near future, and she has taken many pains. It is now your turn to release her from the hold of dependence she has in you, and allow her to begin thinking about love, and her own future.”

“Very well, then,” said Puck, as he waved his hands and invisible fairy dust sprinkled out onto Rapunzel. She couldn’t feel it, but the changes she would go through as a result of it were very real.

“Good then. If you can keep good to your task at hand, perhaps there is hope for you yet. I will return once it is time to proceed onward with the plans.” With that, Oberon vanished into thin air, and Puck remained in the window, invisible, taking in another good look at Rapunzel. He would indeed miss the love she had returned to him all the years that he had raised her under the guise of a witch.


Rapunzel continued her reading the next few days, but new thoughts entered her mind, thoughts Puck’s spell had led her to believe had actually been there since she was twelve. These were thoughts of boys. She had picked up a thick book the other day, a novel actually. It was a book written about a couple with the most romantic relationship. The spell had also taken away the lust for food the original spell had put on her, but now, the spell didn’t really matter, as she was permanently hooked on food, and she would never stop loving it as she did. But in addition to her desire for food and knowledge, she was now also interested in romance, and now longed for male companionship of her own. When the witch returned, she thought, she would ask her about it, and see if she could help her, something she wondered why she never asked before.


Later that day, she had just finished the novel, which ended with the man facing nigh-impossible odds for his lover, and would do anything to hold her in his arms, as she would him. At the moment, she was laying back against the wall, still in nothing more than her bra and panties, with a tray of éclairs resting on her thighs. She was stuffing the tasty pastries into her mouth, feeling giddy as she daydreamed about such a knight in shining armor coming to find her up in her isolated tower.


Not too long afterward, Rapunzel was still stuffing her face with assorted pastries that were lying around all over her room. With all this food just lying around affording her such easy access, she had become tremendously lazy and out of shape, from not having to move nearly at all, except for when she needed to hoist herself up to go down to the lower levels of the tower just beneath her if she needed to either re-stock herself with food from the storage coolers or if she needed to relieve herself.


Just outside, a rider in a blue vest rode up close to the tower on the back of his stallion, and jumped off just as it stopped galloping. That rider was the pretty-boy jock, Luke. He smiled broadly and his teeth sparkled, they were so pearly white. He then ran his left hand through his hair, smoothing it out. “Excellent,” he said to himself, eagerly awaiting the prize that lay just ahead of him. Luke grabbed a long rope with a hook on the end from his pack, and began spinning it in order to build up its momentum. “You need not worry much longer, my sweet, for your knight in shining armor is here to save you!”

Rapunzel’s head shot up, as she thought she heard something, but she quickly dismissed it, and returned to her binge. Moments later, the grappling hook landed on the windowsill, and clung tightly. Rapunzel’s eyes widened immensely. Someone’s out there! Was that a man’s voice I heard? Her wonder and excitement quickly turned to fear as she took a look over herself. Oh no! I can’t let him see me like this… Rapunzel thought to herself, as she began to panic. Rapunzel threw the tray of pastries off of her beefy thighs, and tried to heave herself up. She grunted as she struggled to heave her girth up one last time, but to no avail. She was so tired from stuffing herself, that she couldn’t summon up enough strength to move, and all she’d managed to do with her straining was pass gas loudly. As the nauseating smell filled the room, Rapunzel panted feverishly as she began to get hot with discomfort. Rapunzel had planned to heave herself up and attempt to put on one of the dresses the witch had given her to wear, though it was unlikely she would be able to get it on at all now. It has, after all, been weeks ago when she was wearing one of her dresses, and the seams had burst loose one day while she had been binging. Her contingency plan if she couldn’t pull over a dress was to simply hide down in the privy room, but since she couldn’t even manage to get up, that was clearly impossible.

Rapunzel could hear the footsteps clearly now, and they were right below the window. It seemed now that her only remaining option was to stay where she was, and hope that whoever it was that was arriving would find her attractive the way she was, but then, even that hope seemed foolish to her. Tears began to well up in the girl’s eyes, and her face turned bright red as the man stepped inside the window and dusted himself off.

“Fair maiden, I heard tell of your imprisonment within these cold, stone walls, and have come to offer you… my…” Luke’s face turned a ghostly white, and he slumped over, staring at the woman before him, as he felt his lunch coming up though his throat. “Where… what… but… there was supposed to be a fair maiden in this tower… I traveled for days to reach this place… Where is the beautiful maiden with the flowing golden locks??!?!?!”

Luke seemed to be losing his mind. The thought of a woman to gargantuan, so filthy, so gluttonous, made Luke want to vomit. Rapunzel answered in her sweet, melodic voice, “No one has been imprisoned in this tower.” Bashfully, her cheeks still red as roses, she continued, “I’ve been living here by myself for several years now. Have… Have you come to visit me…? To ask to court me…?”

Luke couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “You’re… Her… She’s…Oh, bloody hell, I think I’m going to be sick…”

Rapunzel asked, “What’s wrong?” in a concerned tone. From the look of him, though, she could tell it was her. She couldn’t believe she was able to talk at all.

“You…” Luke gasped, “You’re so disgusting! How could you live with yourself, looking so revolting! Ugh… I have to get out of here… I’ve got to… Got to…” Luke quickly spun around and puked out of Rapunzel’s window. Panting heavily, Luke jumped over the windowsill and onto his rope.

“Wait!” Rapunzel cried. “Where are you going? Please don’t go!”

Rapunzel begged and leaded with him, but all her shouted back was, “Screw that! I can’t stand the sight of you!” As quickly as he could, Luke crawled back down the tower, and leapt onto his horse, taking off as quickly as he could.


Rapunzel was in a state of shock. All she could do was sit there, on her bed, whimpering. After a few moments of complete shock, Rapunzel broke down, and began sobbing like she had never done before, thinking to herself, This is by far the most horrible thing that’s ever happened to me… As she lay there on her bed, she continued crying endlessly into her pillow, until she ended up crying herself to sleep.

Puck looked in through the window in his usual spot, and put his hand on his face, thinking to himself, How could I let this happen to her…?