Going down in size.

Written by: Vader7476

This story involves erotic and mature content, sexual situations and dialogue, weight gain, and many other elements you may find unpleasing or inappropriate. If you don’t want to read a weight gain story, or read about nudity and sexuality, this probably isn’t the story for you. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, feel free to place them on Mollycoddle’s message board or email me at: Bobsagat93@yahoo.com. Thanks and enjoy!

Part 3

A few weeks had passed since that day. Shannon hadn’t brought it up to anyone, trying desperately to hide her increasing girth. She didn’t feel as bad as she did on that day, especially when noticing that Rebecca too had bought some new outfits to accommodate her growing beer belly and increasingly large butt. Shannon had started working out again, and decreased her food intake to try and lose the weight. Although her portions were smaller, she couldn’t bring herself to eat such bland foods. Because of that, she had gained a pound since then; she found out from the scale in the bathroom. This brought her up to a total of 156 pounds. Thankfully the only one who might have even noticed was Rebecca. Still, Shannon’s holier than thou attitude had suffered a severe blow. For the first time in her life was she really self conscious. In fact, she had all but stopped flirting with guys thinking they couldn’t possibly like such a fatty. No wonder no one had dated her for a while.

She sat at a table in the large dining hall by herself in a corner. She had small portions of pasta with cheese on it and a small piece of cake. Shannon was reading a weight loss magazine, studying it to try and find some sort of secret to weight loss. Transfixed on the article she barely heard the voice talking to her.

“Huh?” She said looking up. She saw a man standing before her with a tray filled with different foods. He was young, about the same age as Shannon. He wasn’t really tall, but maybe an inch or two taller than Shannon. His dark hair was cut fairly short, which didn’t hide how curly it was. It was short enough still that he could have spiky hair, but they definitely curled backward slightly. He had a slight five o’clock shadow, and a very hard looking face. This was offset by eyes almost as deep blue as Shannon’s. She was now transfixed on this stranger. As her eyes made their way down she noticed how big and strong his arms and shoulders were. He was very broad. Her eyes continued their journey and noticed his rather large pot-belly, which stretched his football shirt despite its size.

“Would you mind if I sat here, the tables are kind of full at the moment.” He smiled a bright white smile.

Shannon was brought out of her trance. She also noticed how many open tables there were at the moment. She smiled at the lie. “Sure sit down. I don’t mind the company.” Shannon’s mind fluttered. “Is he really flirting with me?” Shannon gleamed at the thought. It had been so long since a guy had taken interest in her. Little did she know it was because of how unapproachable she was, not her weight. “I’m Shannon,” she said with a smile.

“Hi, I’m Brad. It’s nice to meet you Shannon.” He said it with a smile that made Shannon melt. She had never met a guy whose presence could do that to her. Maybe it was love at first side, perhaps it was due to how long she had been alone, but whatever it was, it was working. “I take it you’re a freshman too?”

“Yeah,” she managed to say. She tried to hide her blushing, but he was leaving her speechless and she couldn’t figure out why. There was just something about him. The old Shannon wouldn’t have given him a second glance, but this new version found him quite the cutie despite his larger size...maybe because of it. “So you’re on the football team here?”

“Yup. Coach wants me to put on 30 pounds.” He pointed to all the food on his tray for emphasis.

“Oh.” Shannon peered down and became shy and embarrassed since she had gained roughly 25 pounds. Brad recognized instantly something was wrong.

“Is something the matter?”

Shannon didn’t know what to say. “I…” She stammered a bit, trying to say something, anything other than what she was going to say. Nothing came to mind. She again looked down as she finished. “I gained almost that during the summer.” She said it as if she had died a little.

“So?” Brad said it without skipping a beat, unwavering. Shannon looked up in disbelief. “I think it looks good on you.” Shannon didn’t believe what she was hearing. She couldn’t believe it. This totally broke her conception of beauty standards. She caught herself blushing immensely.

“What are you…what are you doing tomorrow night?” Shannon asked, hoping he’d say yes to a date.

“Tomorrow’s Saturday.” Brad thought for a little bit, mostly to tease Shannon. “I’m free.” He said after a few moments of deliberation. Shannon was practically glowing.

“Are you free tomorrow?” He asked.

“No.” She said.

“What?” Brad looked half defeated and half confused.

“Just kidding silly.” Shannon smiled devilishly and let out a small giggle. Brad managed to laugh as he picked his heart up off the floor.

“You’re in Biology 101 with Seeger right?”

Shannon looked sort of confused. “Yes, are you in that class?”

“Yes…I recognized you from it.” Brad said. Shannon’s delight turned to worry.

Does he just want to study with me and not go out?” She thought.

“Okay. How about I come over your dorm at 5 and study a little for that test we have coming up. Then we can go out and have a good time. Maybe get a bite to eat…if you want to of course…” Brad was hoping he didn’t come off like a fool. He really liked Shannon so far.

“I’d be honored to help you gain those 30 pounds,” she said as she poked Brad in his large belly.

“Then it’s a date.” Brad said with a smile as Shannon’s delight had returned. They exchanged phone numbers, chat names, and Shannon told him where her dorm was. Shannon finished eating with her magazine closed and a bit of enchantment in her movements.

“I have to meet a friend soon.” She said. “But I’ll see you tomorrow,” she cooed.

“Definitely,” responded Brad as she got up and left with her tray to return it.

Shannon practically skipped back to the dorm. Upon entering the small room she noticed Rebecca laying on her bed reading. She was wearing only a blue bra and panties, both of which were a tad too small for her. Her lower portions practically consumed the material and spread out on the bed. Rebecca was gaining still it seemed. Perhaps not as fast as before, but she was definitely getting kind of big. Shannon couldn’t have cared less as she let out a content sigh and plopped down on her own bed. Rebecca looked over to Shannon’s side of the room. “Did I miss something?” She asked as she sat up and closed the book she was reading.

“Oh, I’d say so.” Shannon was still beaming.

“Well out with it, what’s the scoop?” Rebecca asked. Shannon had her full attention. Shannon went over the entire thing, not skipping any minute detail.

“I think I’m in love.” She said as she lay back down on her bed. Her breasts jostled as she did so.

“You haven’t even gotten to know him yet!”

“I know,” said Shannon. “It’s just…just this feeling I’ve never had before.”

“Well I hope it works out for ya. I’ll make myself scarce tomorrow night.” Rebecca winked as she said it.

Shannon rolled her eyes. “I’m not a whore,” she managed to say as a pillow hit Rebecca in the face. Both girls started laughing.

As their giggling subsided, Rebecca chimed in, “I can’t believe you’ve gained almost 30 pounds.”

“You’ve gained weight too you know!” Shannon pouted.

“Hey, no need to get all defensive,” Rebecca said as she put her hands forward as if to catch whatever Shannon would throw at her. “Is it really that noticeable?” Rebecca asked.

“A little bit. Is mine?”

“A little.”

Both girls sat in silence for a few moments. They looked at their new curves and at each others’. Rebecca’s softening form started to try and escape the confines of her too-tight underwear. A small belly pooched over her panties. It was still small enough that gravity hadn’t taken it downward yet to cover the panties. Her bra dug into her slightly, but her breasts were fighting hardly to escape the constrictive and small space. It was obvious she needed to go up in size. Even though she was sitting down, you could tell she was bottom heavy. Her hips spread out across the bed slightly. At the moment she didn’t have much cellulite, but that would change if she continued to gain. On the other side of the room was Shannon. Her adipose mainly resided on different parts of her body. Even with clothes on you couldn’t deny the awesome size and magnitude her chest took up. The letters across her shirt were stretched and arched around her chest, almost wielding to the power they had. No man-made confines could fully keep them at bay. Shannon’s belly would have stretched against the fabric residing over it if it weren’t for her mammoth juggs. Still, her small belly protruded over her pants slightly, even if it couldn’t be seen. Her thighs and butt, too, had added some girth. Both were now a tad larger than Rebecca’s at her thinnest. Shannon was gaining quite evenly it seemed, with perhaps a tad more going to her chest.

“Even with the weight, we’re still the hottest girls in the college.” Shannon boldly stated trying to up their confidence a bit.

“You know what, you’re right.” Almost on cue, both girls struck a pose. They burst into laughter.

“What do you think Jamie is doing?” Shannon asked during their amusement.

“I dunno, why?”

“She just seems kind of lonely. Let’s go show her a good time.” Shannon said. Rebecca didn’t know when or why Shannon changed exactly, but she definitely liked this new version better.

“Well what are we waiting for!” Rebecca almost yelled it.

“For you to put some damn clothes on!” Shannon threw another pillow. Rebecca obliged and both girls practically ran out to Jamie’s dorm down the hall giggling along the way.

They approached her door and knocked. Jamie in a pony tail and glasses answered the door. “Oh hi Shannon. Rebecca.” Both girls stood on her doorway smiling almost mischievously.

“Let’s go!” both girls shouted in unison.

“Huh, go where? I should really go back to studying…” Jamie was cut off.



“Jamie.” Shannon and Rebecca continued to say Jaime alternating in different tones and with different emphasis. “Come on, let’s go have some fun.” Shannon said interrupting their current barrage. Jaime couldn’t help but laugh.

“Okay, Okay, I’m convinced.” She said. Shannon and Rebecca practically ripped her arm off pulling her out of the room and running down the stairs.


The air coming in through the window smelt of the lilacs and trees outside the dormitory. It was a slight breeze, moving the curtains ever so delicately. The golden light came in bursts. Its radiant glow fell upon Shannon. She kept her eyes closed as she stretched in her bed under the light pink and white covers. She didn’t really want to get out of bed; it just felt far too good to get up. In a vain attempt to get more beauty sleep Shannon tried to keep her eyes closed. The sun was unyielding, and forced her to actually get up. She looked to the clock and noticed it read 2:03PM. Slightly yawning she thought to herself, “Did I really sleep that long?

It had been a long night out with Rebecca and Jamie. Some parts were foggier than others. She remembered going out to eat and heading on out to a frat house. After that things became a little less clear. She remembered being offered beer by a few guys, all the while making sure Jamie was doing alright. She must have gotten in at about 3 or 4 in the morning and passed out. She could remember most of the night, so she mustn’t have had all that much to drink which was further confirmed by the almost total lack of a hangover. Before she could think much farther, Rebecca entered the room.

“Well good morning sleepy head. I was going to wake you up soon if you didn’t get up.” Rebecca said it as she appeared to be getting ready to leave.

“How’s Jamie doing?”

“She’s alright; she drank a little too much last night though. She really opens up after a few.” Rebecca chuckled.

Shannon rubbed her head. “Where are you headed so fast?”

“Somewhere to leave Brad and you alone,” Rebecca winked. Shannon could only roll her eyes and shake her head. Just the thought of Brad made Shannon blush uncontrollably. She was rather anxious for tonight, and was really getting quite nervous thinking about it. “Good luck tonight,” Rebecca said as she left.

Shannon sat up. She threw the covers to one side of her. She stretched some more before finally getting on her feet. Apparently she had enough mind to at least take off her clothes before getting into bed. Shannon went over to her dresser and pulled out some jogging pants and a shirt. She put them on and headed out to get some breakfast before getting ready for her study-date. As she locked her door, Kristen, a tall, thin, brunette shouted her name.

“Shannon!” she yelled as she ran the 2 doors down to Shannon.

“Oh, hi.” Shannon looked the girl over. They hadn’t really talked much since move in. Kristen was about the same height as Shannon, and had a very flat stomach. Shannon was sort of jealous, but found solace in the fact that this girl had the front and caboose to match that flat stomach. She was probably a B-cup and that guess was liberal.

“How’s it going, what’s up?” Kristen asked.

“I’m pretty good. I was just going to get a bite to eat.” Shannon said as the cute brunette stood before her.

“Mind if I come along?” Kristen asked.

She must be really bored or lonely,” Shannon thought. “Sure, knock yourself out.” The two girls walked to the dining hall making small talk along the way. Once inside, Shannon realized that at 2 in the afternoon, breakfast wasn’t really served anymore. Still, she got a regular meal with a few sides and a tall soda. She was in a good mood, and didn’t mind splurging off her diet for just a little. She found Kristen at a table and sat across from her. Kristen was pecking at her food, just a normal meal as Shannon ate with gusto.

“You must have been starving,” Kristen said as she looked at the blonde.

“A little. I’m mostly just excited.” Shannon said as she continued to stuff her face.

“That date tonight right!” Kristen practically yelled. Just the thought of Brad made her blush.

“Did Rebecca tell everyone?” Shannon said looking up.

“Oh sorry, I didn’t know we weren’t supposed to know.”

“It’s alright; it’s not a big deal.” Shannon took a bite out of her cheeseburger.

“I’m kinda jealous.” Kristen said a little embarrassed.

Shannon couldn’t believe her ears. This thin beautiful girl was jealous of her? “What, why?” It was all Shannon managed to say.

“It’s just that you’re so pretty and the guy you’re having a date with is in a class of mine. I’m just…It’s just that I really haven’t had much luck with guys up here I guess.” Kristen was looking at the floor, almost in shame.

Shannon was flabbergasted. She was having trouble understanding how someone as thin and pretty as Kristen could be jealous of such a cow. “You’re a pretty girl; you’ll get a good man with some time. I’m sure you’ve gotten more phone calls than fat me up here.” Shannon looked down.

“What are you talking about?” Kristen asked.

“Huh?” was all Shannon could say as she looked up.

“You’re the cutest girl in the building, and definitely the cutest I’ve seen since I’ve been up here. You may not be a rail, but you’re not fat.”

This definitely gave Shannon a much needed confidence boost and a renewed vigor. “Thanks Kristen,” she said with a smile and went back to eating as the two talked more small talk before leaving for the dorms again. Shannon went back into her room and locked the door. She was so relieved she was still thought of in that way, but she wasn’t as proud as she thought she’d be. The clock read quarter passed three and Shannon realized she had been talking and eating for about an hour with Kristen. “I’ve got to start getting ready,” she said to herself. She grabbed a towel and headed into the shower.

It was almost 5 o’clock as Shannon hurried to finish up. Now back in her room, she looked herself over in the mirror. Her hair went down to her back. Its golden locks were very full and didn’t fray. Her softening face was still fairly slim and the makeup improved on it. It helped she knew just the amount to put on as to not look like a whore, while perfecting a face thought to many already as perfect. Her white shirt showed an amazing amount of cleavage. It was enough to capture someone’s eye, but not yet enough to scream “easy!” It would have been fruitless to try and hide as large bust as hers anyway. Her reflection showed how large and full they really were, sticking far off her frame even as gravity tried and pulled their large mass downward to her navel. Her shirt was long enough to just reach the top of her skirt. She fully expected to be tugging on it throughout the night. Her skirt stopped a little above her knees, giving a light hint of her thick thighs. Her admiration of her self was cut short as her phone rang.

“Hello? Oh hi Brad! Oh okay, I’ll let you in.” Shannon tried to hide her excitement as she went downstairs to let her date in the building. Outside of the door she could see Brad standing through the window. His spiky hair and blue eyes were the same as yesterday, but he had just freshly shaven. He was wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. The simplicity of his outfit looked good on him. Shannon went to the door and opened it. “Come on in,” she said as she led him to her dorm room. Once there, Brad held his book as he looked over the room. It was definitely a girl’s room, in all of its sights and smells. He noticed a pin board on the wall with a lot of pictures of Shannon. She had told the truth yesterday, she had gained a lot of weight. One picture was on the beach with five girls all wearing bikinis, one noticeably larger than the others. She was really quite pretty, and the picture was good enough in clarity that he could see the beauty mark under her left eye. She was to the left of a rather busty blonde with blue eyes, undoubtedly Shannon. She was really thin whenever it was taken. She stood looking rather unhappy with her arms crossed. To her right was a tall girl, with brown hair and hazel eyes, and that looked a little thick on the bottom. To the far left was a brunette with curly hair that was fairly regular sized and to the far right a really lean and small blonde with her hair in a pony tail.

“Wow,” he said, “You sure have a lot of friends.” There were many pictures of Shannon and others, but the most recurring roles seemed to go to the other 4 that all appeared in the beach picture.

“Yeah, I had a lot of friends. I was pretty popular.” Shannon hoped her word usage was too subtle to query. It wasn’t.

“No more?” Brad was a little confused as he turned to face Shannon. If they weren’t her friends anymore, why were their pictures on the wall?

Damn!” Shannon thought. It was too late; there was no getting out of it. “Yeah…we kind of…kind of drifted apart.” Shannon really didn’t want to get into this. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she had pushed her friends away, and she missed them.

“Oh. What happened, did you get in a fight or something?”

“I just haven’t really kept in touch with them at all except my roommate Rebecca. I…I was downright mean to Amanda.” There was a small hint of sadness in her tone. She hadn’t thought of Amanda for months. Shannon sort of missed her. She missed all of them. What a cruel twist of fate, to have pushed away her friends in an attempt to better herself when all she did was make herself miserable.

“Which ones are they?” Brad asked looking at the pictures again.

“Rebecca is the tall one and Amanda is the…”

“The fat one?”

“…yes…” Shannon had been reluctant to use the word. Or even accept its use. She was now fat, and embarrassed about it. She had been lucky no one had made fun of her yet for it, she felt bad enough as it was. She couldn’t imagine how bad Amanda must have felt when she, in fact, made fun of her.

“You don’t sound too happy about it. What’s keeping you from getting back in touch with them?”

“I…I’d rather not talk about this, can we study?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”

“It’s okay, let’s just study.” Shannon went and sat on her bed next to Brad as they opened their Biology books and began studying and going over notes. After almost two hours, they decided to call it quits for the night.

“What do you say to that bite to eat?”

“I’m famished. Where do you want to go?” Shannon asked with anticipation. She had been looking forward to her date since he had asked her out.

“I know a little place with great food. I think you’ll like it” Brad said as Shannon grabbed her handbag. Soon after; the door was locked and they were on their way. After taking a bus across campus and walking a couple of blocks they made their way to a stretch of town Shannon hadn’t seen before. The buildings seemed older than most others. A main road ran through and tucked in a corner in a side street off of another side street was a small little restaurant. As they entered it was apparent not many knew about this place. There was a counter toward the back of the room with stools that overlooked the booths. Only one other couple was there. They sat down and waited for a waitress to come out.

They started chatting during their wait trying to get to know each other better. They talked about their majors, classes they were taking, and all of the generic introductory questions that had been delayed since their first meeting. The waitress came out and apologized for her slowness as she gave them menus and took their beverage orders.

Shannon looked at the menu. It had a little bit of everything: Some seafood, some Italian, a decent amount of American items, and even some more elaborate and expensive concoctions. “I think you’ll really like the ‘Italian Chicken Cheese Bake.’” Brad said as Shannon looked at the menu. It read, “Chicken breaded, butterflied, and stuffed with provolone cheese. Cooked in an Italian dressing and topped with a sauce reduction of the dressing and butter. Served with 2 vegetables.

“It sounds good; but it’s way too fattening.” Shannon said self consciously. Shannon continued to look at the menu, and realized all the dishes seemed fattening.

“Come on, it’s okay to splurge this once. Besides, it’s a special occasion.” Brad said.

“What’s the occasion?” Shannon said puzzled.

“Our first date.” Brad smiled.

“Oh, alright…but just this once.” Shortly after Shannon said it the waitress came back with their sodas and asked if they were ready to order, which they were. They ordered and she hurried away. Shannon felt a mixture of delight and guilt at ordering the dish Brad has suggested. On one hand, she didn’t want to gain any more weight and on the other she wanted to eat anything she wanted. It left her in an odd limbo of sorts. As they waited they chatted some more and Shannon felt more enamored the more they talked, taking her mind off her conundrum.

“You look nice,” Brad said as a break in the conversation occurred. Shannon blushed so much so that it appeared her face looked a few shades more red. It was rare for her to be like this. Usually she’d get compliments like this all the time and think nothing of them. She’d just reply in kind to be nice. Something was different about her and about him. She didn’t know why she was so bashful around him, but she had a good idea.

“You think so?” she asked with puppy dog eyes in a half sultry tone. Before he could answer she added, “I think you look cute tonight too.”

Before they could continue the waitress came and put down a bowl of soup before each of them. Shannon took her spoon and sipped the creamy tomato bisque. It was without a doubt one of the best things she’d ever tasted.

“You like it?” Brad asked.

“Mmmm!” Shannon managed to say nodding her head with the spoon in her mouth. Not too long afterward both had finished. “How did you find out about this place, they’re great?”

“My coach recommended it. I guess he knew none of us would really find this on our own. I’m glad you like it.” The waitress had everything timed almost perfectly. Soon after they finished she was back to bring on the main dishes and take away the soup bowls. Each plate was enormous. Shannon had 3 large chicken pieces with heaping helpings of mashed potatoes and French fries. Her eyes widened at the size of it all. She looked at Brad and realized he had already started. Without much thought she too started.

She cut the chicken and it oozed out cheese. Shannon slowly brought it to her mouth and took her first bite. It was just as good, if not better than the soup. She dug in with a new found passion. She alternated between the French fries, mashed potatoes, and the chicken. She looked at Brad and saw he was eating as if it were his job. It kind of was she mused. After some time, she neared the end of the meal. She only had one piece of chicken left, but she was starting to get really full. Her white shirt had slowly driven its way up over her belly through the night. Her oversized bust was now as low as or lower than where her shirt had risen to. She pushed her plate forward a little to signal she was done. She looked up from her plate and noticed Brad, too, had lowered his pace some. He looked about finished.

“Don’t give in yet, or you’ll never gain those 30 pounds.” Shannon cooed.

“You haven’t finished yours either,” Brad said. “Tell you what. I’ll finish mine if you finish yours.”

Shannon felt very full. She was sort of excited by the challenge though. “All right, you’re on.” She pulled the plate back to her and slowly but surely started to eat the last piece of chicken. It seemed like an eternity, but she finally finished. She slumped back in her seat and saw he had finished as well. They both sat in silence for a few moments. The waitress came up to them and started taking their plates.

“Does anyone want dessert?” the waitress asked.

“No,” both Brad and Shannon said in unison as they shook their heads. After a few more minutes of letting their food digest, Brad paid the bill and tip and left the restaurant. They had a little trouble walking at first, but managed to get used to it again after a block or two.

“I’m stuffed,” Brad managed to say while walking. “What do you say we go and catch a movie? It’ll help us digest.”

“Okay.” Shannon replied. The couple walked halfway across town to the small theater holding hands. Upon arriving, the smell of popcorn overpowered their already hindered senses and left them a little sick in the stomach. Shannon actually put her hand over her mouth to try and keep everything she just ate inside of her. After a deep breath she said, “Walking across town wasn’t the best of ideas in our state.” Brad let out a small chuckle. “What do you want to see?”

Brad and Shannon both looked up at the signs inside. They decided to pick the film that was closest to playing, even though it wasn’t really what either of them would have liked to watch. They stepped to the counter and ordered their tickets and went into the lobby of the theater. The closer they got the stronger the smell of popcorn became. Shannon was beginning to think this wasn’t such a good idea. Shannon and Brad made their way into the small theater and noticed there wasn’t a soul in there.

“At least we’ll have some privacy,” Shannon said as the two sat down in the far back row. Shannon held Brad’s hand and snuggled up closely to him while in the back. She had gotten so comfortable she almost fell asleep resting on him. He was so warm. She rested on him, and he on her. As the movie went on, the stuffed feeling started to subside. Neither of them had been paying attention to the film in front of them. Each resided in their own world, in a drunken food-induced stupor that was slowly coming to an end. By the time the movie had finished, both Shannon and Brad felt up to the task of walking back uphill to the dorms.

“I had a great night,” Shannon said at the doorway to her building.

“Yeah. Me too.” Brad held her hands and slowly started to close the gap between the two. Shannon obliged as she leaned inward tilting her head. They kissed for what seemed like eternity. The stars were bright and the sky was clear. The perfect end for a perfect night. He said his goodbyes and was off as Shannon retired to her room for the night.


She awoke with a smile on her face. Amanda knew she had lost a lot of weight, and today she would finally see how much. She had stuck to her diet and exercise regime, but hadn’t kept up with her weigh-ins. The brunette looked at herself in the mirror of her room. She was a vast cry from the old version of herself. None of her clothes fit her correctly, but for the first time in her life it wasn’t because she outgrew them. Her thighs had stopped touching altogether. Her legs were slightly toned, and her butt was rather tight. Her stomach was now slightly concave, with a small hint of abs. Her face, no longer chubby, beamed at the reflection. Her breasts, too, had diminished in size, but were still a respectable B/C cup. Amanda pulled out her scale and stood on it. The dial spun up and down before it reached equilibrium and settled on 120.

Amanda jumped off and put it back. She was finally thin. Thinner than Shannon. All of her hard work, the blood and sweat, everything; it all paid off. She had achieved her goal, and then some. No longer would she be the butt of jokes, especially due to the size of hers. This day was the last day in the final chapter of her former self and the first page in her new life. She was thin.

With ease and a smile she put on her jogging suit and went out for a run.


Winter break was soon approaching. Finals were almost all done for Shannon. She had only one left and then she’d have to go home for a few weeks. Campus shut down during this time, so unfortunately for her, she had no choice in the matter. It wasn’t that school was so much fun; rather, it was coming face to face with all she had left behind. The feeling was unsettling. Worst still, she’d have to deal with the scorn from her mother. In the time she had gone out with Brad, Shannon had added more pounds to her already large frame. Shannon had been able to weasel her way out of seeing her family for Thanksgiving. The University hadn’t completely shut down, and she was able to spend the holiday with her Grandmother. This time, however, her mother insisted she come home.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do,” the blonde thought out loud.

“Well…if it gets really bad, you could always crash with me for a while.” Rebecca sat on her bed, a little higher than last week. She, too, had been gaining since she had finished High School. She tried to comfort her best friend. “Do you really think your mom is going to make a big deal out of you gaining the freshman 15?”

Shannon turned to her friend, “I wish I had only gained 15! And yeah, she’s going to be relentless. I wish I could just run away.”

“That’s never solved anything. To be honest, I’m almost in the same boat as you…I just don’t think my mom is going to flip out that badly. No use dwelling on this the whole night, aren’t you going out with Brad one last time before the break?

Shannon looked at the clock. It was almost 8. Brad would be there any minute. “He should be here soon.”

“What are you doing tonight?” Rebecca asked.

“Don’t know yet. Maybe he’ll know what to do.”

“I’ll be out tonight…just in case you wanna…” Rebecca was cut off.

“It’d relieve some of the tension and stress.” Shannon’s phone rang. It was her date. “Okay, I’ll be right down.” “Later,” she said to her roommate.

Shannon hurried outside and practically jumped into Brad. “Hi, baby!” she said enthusiastically as she kissed him. The warmth of this kiss overpowered the night’s cold. The couple walked and talked and finally decided to spend the night talking in a quaint coffee house in outside west campus.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” Brad was hoping she wasn’t breaking up with him. ”That wouldn’t make much sense…she seemed far too loving when I picked her up…must be something serious.”

Before Shannon had time to get into it; the waitress had come and asked them for their orders. “Could I have the large chocolate decadence cappuccino and a slice of apple pie?”

“Okay, and for the gentleman?” The waitress asked jotting down the orders.

“A slice of blueberry and a large French vanilla.” The waitress finished her writing and put her notepad back in her white apron. She told them it would be ready shortly and hurried away. Brad turned back to his girlfriend. “As you were saying?”

“Well…um…” She stammered a little. Shannon wasn’t used to talking about this kind of thing, let alone to Brad. “I don’t know how to deal with my mother.”

Brad looked confused. “I’m confused.”

“Regarding my…bigger appetite.” Shannon couldn’t even look him in the eye anymore.

“So you don’t know how she’s going to handle your weight gain.” Brad looked up, almost to emphasize that he was thinking. Shannon could only watch, helpless, and wait for any solution. Brad exhaled deeply, and let out a small sigh. The waitress came back with their orders and left promptly. “I think you should be proud of who you are.” Shannon was a little bewildered at the advice. “To accept yourself. Only then will you ever be happy with yourself. And when you have that confidence within you, no one can bring you down. That’s what will make others accept you. At least, that’s how I feel.” Shannon was beginning to realize why she loved Brad so much. He was earnest and wise, not to mention cute. He held her hands, which still made her blush. “If you can’t find that self confidence, I’m here to help you find it, beautiful.” She didn’t know if it was the kiss that followed, his words, or the apple pie…but it felt good.

They had spent the night eating and talking. Even though it was cold, the night sky was clear as crystal which more than made up for it. The stars were shining, perhaps brighter than usual. It was just an all around great night. Brad and Shannon entered her building and went into her room. She locked the door behind her, switched on the light and hung their jackets on the back of the door. The couple sat on her bed and continued to make small talk.

“I had a wonderful time,” said Brad as he gazed into Shannon’s eyes.

“Yeah…me too,” the buxom blonde said softly. They started to slowly lean into each other. The kiss, like wildfire, spread over their bodies. As they kissed they began undressing. It wasn’t a mad rush like so many before, but slow and sensual. Brad slowly took of his shirt as Shannon lay underneath him on the bed. They continued kissing as Shannon positioned herself on top of him. She slowly slid her shirt upward. It didn’t take long before the shirt was at her breasts, and stuck. It seemed the more she struggled, the tighter the shirt became around her large chest. “Damn!” Shannon thought to herself. “I’ve gotten way too fat! I can’t even get this damn shirt off, and it took me forever to get into. There’s no way I can play this off as a part of a sexy striptease…Brad’s probably disgusted.

Before she could think another thought, she felt Brad’s manhood begin to really stiffen underneath her. At the same time he began to help with her wardrobe malfunction. The event triggered the more carnal natures within them, and shortly after both Brad and Shannon were completely naked and practically mauling each other on top of the bed. Brad was sucking as hard as he could on her left breast as he caressed and kneaded the right one. “They appreciate the attention, but there’s other parts of me as well that need some lovin’.” Shannon gave a devious smile. They rolled around as Shannon placed herself on top and rolled the condom down his member.

It had been so long since Shannon had engaged in sex. As Brad explored her increasing girth, she felt pleasures she never had before. While rocking back and forth, the rhythm was sending small waves over her body, almost amplifying the pleasure. It was so incredible and new to her. Brad had been massaging her stomach and his hands started to wander to her larger back side. Shannon played with her enormous knockers as she lifted her fatter bottom off of him slightly only to wiggle her way down again. The pressure that had been building inside of them manifested as she pinched her nipples and as he firmly grabbed her ass. They both shuttered as neither had before.

The act had left them breathless; a culmination of their intense lovemaking, lack of words to say, and their increasing girth. Shannon slowly lifted herself off and lay near Brad. The smell of sex and sweat lingered. It was now that both looked more beautiful than ever before.

“I love you,” Shannon barely managed to say as she snuggled up to Brad.

“I love you too.” They kissed each other again as they cuddled under the covers of Shannon’s bed. It seemed that every time she questioned herself, Brad was right there to reaffirm and support her. He had made her feel more like a woman than anyone before.


With time, the quiet of the night along with its clarity had slowly started to dissipate. Now, it was practically overcast as Shannon pulled into the driveway of her home. She had already dropped Rebecca off, and had tried to take as long as possible getting back to her house. She didn’t need to take as much back as she brought up with her, so she only had a few of suitcases. She carried them to the large door. The closer she got to it, the more it loomed over her, almost disapproving. She opened the door and tried to sneak in. Perhaps then she’d be able to hide for a bit longer. Unfortunately, the foyer was far too large, and made a rather loud echo of the opening door and her, now heavier, footsteps.

“Is that you Carol?” A voice asked.

“No, dad.”

“Shannon?!” An older man asked excitedly as he walked out of the kitchen toward the back of the home. He had just got off of work so he was still in brown dress pants, a white button shirt, and a brown pair of suspenders. He was of a normal build, with an experienced face. His brown hair had started to become lighter over the years, and started to grey at the sides. He practically ran to her and gave her a big hug. “How’s my little girl?”

“I’m fine dad. Geez, I haven’t been gone that long.” Shannon said as she withdrew from the hug.

“Too long for me,” Shannon’s father said with a smile. “You look good. You tired, hungry?”

“I’m a little tired from the drive. I think I’ll go upstairs and start unpacking. Where’s mom?” Shannon asked almost frantically. Her eyes kept darting around to not be surprised.

“She ran out for a bit to get some things for ya before you came back. Late, as usual. You know your mother.” Shannon had been spared at the moment. “Go rest, I’ll let her know you’re here when she gets back.”

Shannon went upstairs to her room as did her father with her suitcases. He put them down and went back downstairs. Her room was just as she remembered. Not that she expected anything to have changed. Pinks, purples, and stuffed animals covered her bed and even some of the shelves. The adjoining bathroom was of a similar décor. She set up her laptop on the computer desk on the far side of her room, next to her closet.

She was almost done packing as she heard someone enter the house. “Where’s my little girl?”

“I’m up in my room mom!” This was it. She was anxious. Shannon wanted anything to happen now: her father calling her mother, an earthquake, a lightning bolt from the storm outside…anything. As the footsteps drew closer these feelings only grew. There was a knock at her door. It was her last line of defense.

“Can I come in dear? Come on, I wanna see my baby!” Shannon knew she couldn’t stay in there forever, no matter how much she wanted to. A voice told her to just get it over with, so she did.

“Come in.” The door opened and there stood her mother. A woman of 40 years old, that practically looked in her late twenties. It was obvious where Shannon got a lot of her good looks from, except that Mrs. Andersson had practically no breasts. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, as did her daughter, as did her mother. She, however, was also fairly thin. Her black pumps were barely noticeable under her white pants that were a tad on the baggy side. A black belt was fastened tightly around her waist, with a black blouse tucked in her pants that hugged her slender frame. She was holding some shopping bags and placed them on the floor. Her face had changed from joy to disapproving, and her hands placed themselves on her small hips.

“You’ve gotten fat.” Those were the first words out of her mom’s mouth. Just a few days ago Shannon had felt better than she ever had. Now, with one sentence, it had all crumbled. She felt as bad as she ever had. Whether it was because her mother had said it, the person should have cared more than anyone or the fact that no one had said it so bluntly and coldly or a combination of both had yet to be seen.

Shannon’s mother eyed her up quite disapprovingly. Shannon’s face had lost definition. Her cheeks and chin had plumped up. She practically had a second chin. Her long blonde hair helped, but it couldn’t completely hide her fatter face. Carol was quite clearly disgusted. She closed the door behind her. Shannon hadn’t said anything. She had known her mother would get like this, and resented her for it, but at the same time knew she was right.

“Take off your clothes.” Her mother said scornfully.


“I want to see how fat you’ve gotten. Take ‘em off.”

“Fine, have it your way.” Shannon couldn’t believe her mother was taking it to such lengths. “Is she just trying to make me feel worse by doing this?” Shannon knew her mother was just trying to humiliate and embarrass her further. Shannon slid off her socks and unbuttoned her jeans, which seemed a bit eager to be released of their tension. That wasn’t helping matters, and neither was the difficulty she was having taking them off. She threw them aside, and slid the shirt over her increasingly large boobs with a bit of trouble. There Shannon stood. A few days ago, with Brad, she had felt more beautiful and more womanly than ever before. Now, she felt like a fat and lazy pig. Not womanly, not beautiful, just fat.

Shannon’s mom gazed upon her, as a hawk leers at its prey. Shannon’s toes looked about the same. Her toes hadn’t really gotten bigger, and her nail polish was a good color for her. The light pink/cream matched her lipstick, and didn’t distract from her face from the whole. Her ankles had swollen slightly, as had her calves. They hadn’t looked much bigger than before she went away. Shannon’s hips flared outward. “Turn around,” Shannon’s mother ordered. She complied. Catching a glimpse of her profile, Shannon’s mother could easily see her ass had gained a good deal of weight. It substantially stuck out behind her, and was far wider and rounder than girls 20 pounds heavier than Shannon. It was a ghetto booty, even if Shannon was fat. It practically ate her purple panties. Carol stuck a finger in her right cheek. It went in about half-way, and when she extracted it, Shannon’s entire butt sprung to life for a few jiggling seconds. Shannon’s love handles oozed over the sides of her, and she was starting to get rolls of back fat. “Turn around again.” Shannon did so. Shannon’s arms were bigger as well. Her purple panties were partly covered by a soft tummy that had just started to hang down. Shannon’s mom didn’t have to go up much farther to see a purple bra struggling to do its job. The straps dug into her back and shoulders, and the cups were overflowing with creamy breast flesh.

Carol had never seen breasts that large in her life. She was a bit taken aback by their sheer mass and size. Although she had bulked up significantly, Shannon’s mother had to admit she was still quite pretty. A pang of jealously shot through her at that realization and at the size of her daughter’s chest. “Why wasn’t I gifted with mom’s tits? No, no. They’re NOT a good thing. They get in the way, and they’re too much. Too hard to find clothes…” Her thoughts were interrupted by her daughter.

“Are we done yet?” Shannon asked cynically.

“Get on the scale.” Shannon stepped into the bathroom and pulled out a scale. She stood on it. “What does it say?” Her mother asked coldly. Shannon tried to look down without bending over, but she couldn’t see. Unfortunately for her, her mom picked up on it instantly. “What’s that? Can’t see the number due to your disgustingly huge tits, or is it that massive gut of yours?”

Shannon clenched her teeth. Why was her mother being so cruel? “176, that’s fantastic honey! You’re a full blown whale!”

Did I just hear that right?” Shannon thought to herself. She hadn’t weighed herself in such a long time, could she really have gained that much weight since High School? “No, that can’t be right. I’m not that fat, I’m still thin, just curvier!” No matter how much she told herself otherwise, the voice in the back of her head kept telling her the truth. She had known, she had always known. Every time she got new clothes, every time her thighs rubbed, every time her bra dug itself in just a bit tighter…she had always known she was fattening up, like a thanksgiving turkey. But why now, of all times, did she care?

“I don’t know what you and your grandmother did, but I’m stopping it right now. You’re going to lose all this flab.” Her mother pinched Shannon’s breasts and shook them. “You’re going on a strict diet porker. And if you don’t lose weight, I’m pulling you out of school. No daughter of mine’s going to be a lazy pig.” Carol threw a few bags on Shannon’s bed. Then tried to leave.

“What are those?” Shannon managed to ask as the tears ran down her face. She was now sitting on the floor, knees up with her arms around them.

“They were some clothes I had gotten you as a surprise, and a few snacks so we could catch up tonight. Eat them all fatso, ‘cause they’ll be your last until you can fit into those clothes.” And with that, her mother slammed the door behind her. Shannon sat alone, on the floor, crying and eating what was in the bags.


Amanda was finally home. It had been so long since she’d been back in Brawnson, and wished to view it through the new Amanda she had created. She stepped out of her parents’ car as she took her luggage along with her father, rushing inside to try and not get wet from the cold rain. As she entered, her mother and sisters were there to greet her.

“Wow, look how thin you’ve gotten!” Her mother said. “You look great honey.”

“I’m glad you stuck to it sis! Great to see my older sister again.” Nikki gave her sister a hug.

“Look at the college girl!” A tall brunette with large breasts and a thin frame said.

“Lauren! What are you doing here?” Amanda asked as she hugged her older sister.

“What, your older sister can’t come and visit for the holidays? Glad to know I’m wanted.” Lauren joked.

“You’re just in time, dinner’s ready!” Amanda’s mother said.

“Well lets put all this stuff in your room and eat then,” Her father said.

As they ate, they all talked of old times, asked Amanda how school was going, normal family stuff. Amanda was having a good time in college, but she had to admit that she missed her family. They reminisced of old times where they would pester their father, whether it was for money, to play with them, or just to annoy him. Without hesitation, the three girls kept calling, “Dad! Dad! Dad!...” in different tones and volumes. Sometimes pouting, sometimes yelling, but always saying Dad.

“Why couldn’t I have been blessed with boys?” He finally said jokingly.

“Hey, that’s mean!” Lauren said

“Yeah, we’re better than any dumb boys!” Amanda said.

“Doesn’t Amanda count?” Nikki asked.

“We can’t all have stripper boobs,” she stated.

They all gave out a laugh. “That’s enough girls, you know your father was kidding.” Their mother finally chimed in. “Besides, he can barely handle you now, I can’t imagine him dealing with rebellious men,” she joked.

“Living with women is cruel.” He said with a big chuckle. As they all gave him big innocent doe eyes.

The rest of the dinner was similar. Amanda hadn’t eaten that much. She had noticed that Nikki was eating a lot more than she had been accustomed too. Was her face a bit chubbier too? “Who wants dessert?” Her mother asked. Both her father and Nikki said they did, while Amanda and Lauren declined. She excused herself, and went up to her room.

It wasn’t long before Nikki came up. “Let me help you unpack.” The sisters took out clothes from the suitcases and put them in their respective drawer or closet. As Nikki took a pair of Amanda’s panties, she was amazed at how small they were. Amanda had lost a lot of weight. “How much do you weigh?”

“119 pounds.” Amanda smiled, obviously happy with her accomplishment. “I’ve never been so thin. I feel so good. I can’t thank you enough.”

“Don’t mention it, that’s what sisters are for.” Nikki smiled.

Somehow it was growing ever darker outside. The clouds had blocked the moon, and it was getting increasingly difficult to see in Amanda’s room. Nikki let out a small belch. “You missed out on some great dessert.” Amanda saw that her sister had unbuttoned her jeans, and her shirt rid up over her belly, which had started to pour on her lap. Not so long ago, Amanda had thought Nikki looked pretty good with the extra weight…but she had went beyond that point. She wasn’t curvy…she was fat. She was turning into what Amanda had hated the most about herself. She wasn’t quite as big as Amanda had been during her senior year, but she was well on her way.

“Some of us are actually watching our weight,” Amanda said.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Nikki asked, obviously starting to get angry.

Amanda poked her stomach. “What’s this? Not to be mean or anything, but you’re getting kinda fat. You better watch it; you’re almost as big as I used to be.”

“I don’t care, I like my body.” Nikki said, increasingly annoyed at her sister’s abruptness, especially after how much she tried to help.

“You may not care, but I bet the other senior girls are laughing it up along with most of the guys who thought you were hot.”

“I have a boyfriend, and plenty of friends. What about you, have you gotten anything since you’ve started college!” They were practically yelling now.

“I can get any guy I want, I’m focusing on staying attractive.” Amanda said nonchalantly.

“I didn’t know losing weight meant gaining bitchyness.”

“I’m just trying to be a good sister! Your big ugly gut isn’t going to help you any!”

“More than having no tits!” Nikki wasn’t joking this time. It hurt Amanda more than she thought it would have. When they used to joke about their size before, it was in good fun. This time, it was different, and she felt inferior even if she was thinner.

“I may have small boobs, but I’m not a disgusting blob bitch who doesn’t know how to take advice!”

They both were on the verge of tears. “I’d say you’re just like Shannon, but you’re not. You’re far worse. You’d belittle your own family, those who’ve helped you, and you aren’t as beautiful as Shannon. You might have been when you were bigger, but now you’re just an ugly no-titty bitch.” Nikki left and went to her own room, slamming her door behind her. Amanda followed suit, slamming her own door.

Am I really…am I…am I really WORSE than Shannon?” Being remotely close to Shannon in any way upset her, but her own sister saying she was worse was the final straw. She couldn’t take it. What had she become over these long months? And how could she change it if it was so natural?