Going Down In Size.

Written by: Vader7476

This story involves erotic and mature content, sexual situations and dialogue, weight gain, and many other elements you may find unpleasing or inappropriate. If you don't want to read a weight gain story, or read about nudity and sexuality, this probably isn't the story for you. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, feel free to place them on Mollycoddle's message board or email me at: Bobsagat93@yahoo.com. Thanks and enjoy!

WARNING! Advanced disclaimer: This particular installment of Going Down In Size happens to involve more mature content than previous entries. If detailed sexual descriptions aren't something you like to read, you may want to refrain from reading this part. Many thanks.

Part 4

Shannon lay asleep on her bed, wrappers and boxes thrown about and empty. It was only a few hours after her mother's tirade, but she had finished all the food and fell asleep still in tears over what had happened. Unbeknownst to her, her parents were talking about her downstairs.

Her father had heard his wife shouting earlier, and finally decided to bring it up. He had learned over the years that giving her space and letting her cool down for a bit was always best in this type of situation. They sat in the kitchen, lit by candle light alone. This darkened the already dark room. The steel appliances seemed to have vanished amongst the shadows, as had the hardwood floor. It's as if the cabinets and countertops were floating with the chairs, and going through space (Clearly visible outside the large cascading windows). Expensive woods gave the room a very traditional yet elegant look while adding character and warmth. It was this reason John Andersson liked this room the best.

"Is everything alright Carol?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"Last I checked, it wasn't normal to yell at your only daughter after she just came home from being away." John took a sip of coffee.

"You...you heard that?"

"She's our daughter. You shouldn't keep stuff like that a secret. What's going on?" He asked. His wife looked reclusive and withdrawn. She was clearly a little shaken up over what had happened.

"She's gained a lot of weight..."

"And?" His interest piqued.

"I...I yelled at her." It was clear she wasn't very proud of what she had done.


"She shouldn't be that heavy, not for a girl her age! It's not healthy. I don't know what happened at my mother's."

"Is that what this is about?"

"My mother has nothing to do with this!" Carol shouted.

"It does! And you're letting it get in the way of you and YOUR daughter! I'm not going to sit here and let you do that!" John tried not to let this get this far, but it was too late. They were in this argument.

"John, the girl's far too big. I'm not going to sit back and watch her ruin her perfect figure!"

"I remember a time when you weren't the thinnest girl on the block." John downed the last of his coffee swiftly and venomously, slamming the mug on the table. "And I married you anyway. When are you going to stop blaming your mother for your weight 20 odd years ago!" Carol gritted her teeth as he continued. "And that goes for your small chest too."

She started to tear up. "I...I just don't want her to blame me for it." Her husband hugged her.

"She's not you! What's more important: your daughter’s weight or her love?" He kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm such a horrible parent." Carol started crying.

"No, you're not. If you want her to lose weight to be more healthy that's fine, but don't push the issue. She's a big girl now; she can make her own choices. We, as parents, aren't here to tell her what to do, but to pick her up as she stumbles down the path she's chosen."

"My family doesn't deserve me. You're far too good."

"Nonsense, Carol. Now why don't you go up there and apologize?"

They kissed. "I love you, John. I'll let her sleep... I don't want to wake her."

The clear night sky was filled with brilliant stars that night, and the moon was shining perhaps more brightly than usual. Slowly and surely it faded; drowned out by the morning blaze of the sun. Through Shannon's window it glowed, brightening everything. Shannon slowly began to awake from her slumber as the warm radiance touched her. She quickly realized she wasn't alone.

"What do you want?" Shannon asked groggily, with an over-obvious hint of exasperation. Her mother sat on her bed in her pink house coat. Shannon didn't know how long she had been there like that, but it seemed as if it had been a while.

"I want to apologize for last night." Shannon's face was still partially buried under her pink and purple covers as her mother spoke. That line had started to wake her up and make her more aware of her surroundings. She was still upset about it. "I overreacted. Shannon,I've never really told you why your grandmother and I don't get along. It was a long time ago, way before you were born. I used to be a big girl, and was teased. I used to blame her for it, for feeding me, and for not making me lose weight. I just didn't want that to happen to you, which is why I've always tried to get you to exercise. I didn't know how to handle you gaining weight all of a sudden. I know it doesn't make what I did right, but please forgive me." Shannon's mom was crying and hugging her daughter, more for her own comfort than for Shannon's. "Please don't hate me, I'm sooo sorry Shannon, I'm such a bad mom."

They had never had a very good relationship, but Shannon seemed more understanding toward her mother now. With a little reluctance she said, "I forgive you." Shannon hugged her blonde mother.

They stopped hugging. "I do want to make something clear though. I'm not going to kick you out of school or anything, but I would like you to lose some weight. If you don't want to, that's your choice, but I think it's too much on your frame and not very healthy. Regardless of your decision, I want you to know that I'll support you and that I love you." She kissed her daughter. "I've missed you so much. Get dressed and come downstairs, I'll make your favorite." And with that, Shannon's mother left the room and went downstairs.

Shannon sat up in her bed, stretching her arms and twisting her back. She looked around and noticed all of the empty boxes and wrappers. She couldn't help but feel guilty. It's not as though she hadn't been eating a lot, but that was the first time she'd really pigged out alone. There was always Rebecca or Brad along with her, but this time it was different. She felt fat. She could feel her small stomach starting to touch her legs as she bent forward. She felt her bra and panties digging into her flab, starting to disappear. She felt fat, and no one was saying otherwise. She didn't have the same comfort as before. She wished desperately to see Rebecca's fat ass pushing the limits of her pants, or Brad's gut hanging over his belt. She wanted to be thin again. She needed someone to tell her it was okay, that she still looked good. Every time she tried to tell herself she wasn't that big, or it was all curves, butthat number kept coming up. 176, like a bad dream, it wouldn't leave her psyche.

She had dreamed last night, most likely a result of her binge on sugar. Everything was blackened out. There was no setting, just her. She lay naked, on her stomach eating from a trough. She was massive. Her legs and arms couldn't touch the ground, only her huge breasts and large stomach. Rolls upon rolls of flab kept moving to their own beat, a rhythm set by her chubby, multiple chinned face eating like a pig. She constantly ate what was in there, never growing less hungry, always more. Her creamy flesh grew and grew, as she continued to eat. She heard a voice, distant but familiar. It grew louder, closer, and clearer. It was Brad.

"What happened to you? You used to be beautiful, not some pig." As he said that, he started to shake his head and disappear, floating away into the abyss.

Shannon continued to eat. She heard another voice. This time, a fatter Rebecca emerged from the darkness. She took some food from the trough, and her butt ballooned a little more. "You better be careful Shannon, or you're gonna get fat." She took another bite as she filled out a bit more. "I mean, you're my friend, but your boobs have gotten too big. And yeah, there is such a thing as too big." Rebecca's clothes ripped as she took another bite. She too disappeared.

"My boobs are huge and beautiful, you're just jealous." Shannon managed to say between bites. The sound of giggling quickly grew louder.

"Beautiful? You can't even lift them anymore!" Jennifer giggled. She was as thin as ever, with her blonde hair in its usual pony tail.

"Boy, how the mighty have fallen." Mary laughed. She looked the same as she had months ago as well, curly hair, blue eyes, and very toned. Both girls started laughing and jiggling Shannon.

"You know," Jennifer said, "We used to look up to your beautiful thin physique and large breasts, but now..." She started giggling again as she went to Shannon's back, trailing her finger along the way.

"How long has it been since you've had a man?" Mary said devilishly as she strutted up to Shannon's front with her hands on her hips. The breast was too large for her to lift (It dwarfed her in size), but she managed to wriggle the nipple out from under the many pounds of fat that were Shannon's breasts. She flicked the left nipple and started sucking and trying to massage the expanse of the breast. Meanwhile, Jennifer had made way to Shannon's covered pussy lips. It had taken some work, but she managed to push the fat out of the way in order to plunge her fingers into it. Both of their pleasurable moans echoed endlessly. Louder and more frequently they let out their built up tensions and titillations. Harder and harder Mary sucked on Shannon's nipple. It had grown fat, like the rest of her. Her aureole had stretched significantly, buried mostly under the adipose. Mary couldn't judge the size of it, but the nipple itself wasn't much longer than her own, however, it was much plumper and had grown even larger as Shannon became aroused.

Jennifer had switched from her fingers to her mouth, as she licked out Shannon. Her tongue exploring Shannon's inside feverishly, as she slowly kneaded her fat ass, or what she could reach of it. Shannon wanted to eat more, but the pleasure was a new experience. It had been so long since Brad left her, which was the last time she felt this sort of pleasure, but at the same time she wanted nothing more than to eat. She left out a soft moan. "Harder," Shannon slowly and softly said.

Mary looked up as she said it, and hungrily complied. She swirled her tongue around the fat nipple, sucking at it as hard as she could. Suddenly, she felt something warm enter her mouth. It trickled in at first, but soon increased in pressure. She released the nipple from her mouth and watched a brown liquid coming out of the nipple. She took another sip of the creamy milk. "You're so fat you're lactating chocolate milk!" Mary laughed at the absurdity.

"Please, don't stop. The pressure is too much, it's building too fast! They're so heavy, I need release!" Shannon was practically begging.

Mary looked at her with cruel eyes. "No." Shannon looked at her with shock and confusion. "I'm not drinking that, and becoming a fat unwanted blob like you." Mary laughed, her icy eyes penetrating Shannon's heart like a dagger.

Jennifer was finding a similar problem. The scrawny blonde had made Shannon moist, but the chocolate milk was leaking out from her pussy. "It's like that back here too Mary! Uhg, I'm not getting huge for your bitchy ass."

They had brought Shannon to the brink of climax, and had stopped. "No, please wait, I'll do anything!" She struggled with all her might, but couldn't move. Her arms and legs were too large for her to move, and her nipples and clit too far away to touch. She was helpless. The more she frantically tried to do something, anything to alleviate the tension, the more she jiggled and the more it turned into pain.

"Awww," Jennifer said scornfully. "Looks like huge tits Shannon is too fat to move or even pleasure herself. Too bad!" Her giggling turned to maniacal laughter. Mary soon joined in.

"What a disgusting pig!" They continued their taunts and torment as they laughed. Slowly but surely they faded away, as did the sexual tension that had built up. Shannon's tears streamed down her face. All she had left to comfort her was food, and she dove in with renewed vigor.

"And I thought I was fat." Shannon looked up, surprised at what she saw. There stood a brunette with a beauty mark under her left eye.

"Amanda?" Shannon couldn't believe it. It was Amanda, but she was far larger than she remembered. She had to be at least 300 pounds! Her belly apron hung lower than her waist, and her breasts rested on the sides of it. She was very large, and her white clothes were far too tight.

"You've gotten fat!" Amanda laughed. "What was it that you said to me? Oh yes, 'Don't you think you've had enough food for this year? You've totally gotten huge. You keep eating like that, and we'll have to widen the doorways to roll your fat ass out of the house.'" She continued, "Well, I guess for the moment I'd have to change year to century, and doorways...hell, cranes couldn't lift or roll you! Who'd have thought that I could say that after becoming twice the size I was when you last saw me! Oh, this is rich!"

Shannon couldn't say anything. There was nothing to say. "You're not my daughter." A thin blonde said walking in front of Shannon. It was her mother. "Amanda, let's make you thin!" And with a snap of her fingers, Amanda was slim. Her face was defined, she had a waist, and she was petite!

"Thanks Mrs. Andersson...I mean, mom!" The two hugged. "Bye tubby, have fun feeding your tits, they're all that matter, right?" Both girls started laughing. That was where the dream ended. Shannon alone, eating, and getting fatter.

She put her feet on the floor; it was rather cold and sent a chill up her spine. She remembered the dream from last night. Was she on a path to relive that? "No. I'll never get that big." Shannon said to herself. She stood up and started to waddle to the bathroom. She noticed her panties and bra were uncomfortable, even painful. She tried to pull her panties off, and it took more effort than she would have liked. It had left faint marks on her skin. "I bet my butt's almost as big as Rebecca's." Her bra was easier to get off, and that wasn't a good thing. As she started shifting in it, the stitching just couldn't hold up and finally popped off. As she waddled closer to the bathroom, she noticed that her thighs were touching, and she could feel her ass swaying from side to side. After every little detail, she kept seeing 176. Could her mother have lied last night? Sure, her boobs and butt were bigger, and okay, so she had a small tummy, but she wasn't that fat, was she?

She pulled out the scale again and stood on it. She pushed her breasts out of the way. "Oooh! My tummy's too big for me to see the numbers!" She bent over and looked at the scale. 177. "I've gained a pound!" Shannon really was that fat. She had tried to deny it for so long, she had tried to downplay it for so long, she had tried to forget about it for so long, but she couldn't any longer. She explored herself in the tub. Every roll, every crevice, every inch of flab, everything was closely examined as she washed and shaved. The tub was deep, and the water had become clouded due to the soap and was topped with bubbles. They hid her lower portions, but she knew she was big no matter how much she tried to hide. As she got out and drained the tub, she took a towel from the rack. It had trouble fitting around her. She noticed it took longer to dry, as water tended to find shelter where the fat would ooze and fold over, forming small rolls.

Shannon wasn't as fat as she thought, or as she made it seem, but being thin her whole life contrasted her plumper form quite a bit. She was being far too hard on herself. It didn't help that she was raised like that. She was hard and demanding as lead cheerleader, as her mother was on her weight. Her lifestyle had just slipped by her, without her noticing. It was a bit scary for her, but at the same time she sort of liked it. That didn't help matters, and scared her even more. Sure no one had teased her about her weight, and Brad even seemed to like it. But what did she think? Would Brad find her gross if she got bigger, like in her dream? Did that matter?

She looked in the bathroom mirror as she dried her hair. Her face was a bit softer, and some fat had accumulated under her chin, but she was still pretty. Unfortunately, that's about as far as her mirror went. She saw the beginnings of her cleavage, but it had been like that for years. Shannon walked out of the bathroom and looked at the large mirror over her huge bureau. It allowed her to see much more of herself. Her boobs were huge. "No wonder I couldn't get my shirt off the other night." She couldn't believe how massive they were. But were they too big? It was obvious she gained weight the most in her chest. She seemed a little out of proportion. They could be seen from the back, and covered most of her front. She liked her boobs, a lot, but without a bra they made her lower back hurt a little. "I'm way too big to not have a bra." Shannon arched her back and pushed her lower back, which helped. She lifted them, realizing how much heavier they had gotten. She looked at her small gut, pinched it, and poked it. She had to admit, it wasn't as bad as she had thought but she didn't want it to get any bigger. If it were up to her, she'd cut it off, but having it wasn't really that bad. As she turned around and tried to get a good look at her butt, she caught a glimpse of her profile. "Does my butt really stick out that far!" She ran her hands down to confirm that the mirror wasn't playing tricks on her, and even shook a little to see what she looked like. "I still look good, especially for a fat girl. But I don't want to get any bigger!"

Shannon fumbled through her clothes to find something comfortable to wear around the house today. Most of her undergarments pinched her, and most of her outer-wear was a bit tight. She pulled out the only thing she had that was loose, a pair of Brad's sweatpants and one of his shirts. She pulled the sweats over her legs rather easily. They even had a little breathing room around her butt. The grey sweats fit very nicely. "Well, he doesn't have that big of a lower half anyway, well, except where it counts." Shannon grinned. She still felt like a little girl when thinking about him; full of admiration, wonder, and awe. She took the white shirt he had given her. Even though it was washed, it still smelt like him. She recalled him giving them both to her because they didn't fit him well anymore. Little did she know that he had noticed her increasingly tight wardrobe. She easily put it on, and it had hung down to the top of her thighs. It was a little snug around her boobs, but she had expected that. In any event, it was much looser than the rest of her tops. She was just glad to be comfortable again. Still, the newfound comfort of her clothes didn't overcome the sadness she felt knowing that only a large man's clothes fit her well at the moment.

She slowly waddled out of her room and jiggled down the large stairs. "Geez." She gasped. "Have these stairs always been this big?" She soon reached the bottom. "Alright, me without a bra, not a good idea." Her breasts were still swaying slightly and she was a little out of breath. "I can't believe I'm so out of shape." She had never really realized how much heavier her footsteps were, and with each realization she kept seeing the number "177" pop up in her head on a scale, and then whiz past. All of the recent drama and situations had twisted her psyche into believing she was much heavier than she was, into thinking she had pains she didn't have, into knowing she was ugly and huge. It was a mind over matter situation, and no one was there to reaffirm her right of mind.

She sat down at the table in the kitchen. The smell of her favorite breakfast could be smelt all over the house, it was only now that her mind transfixed on food did she really notice. It smelt divine, but that little voice told her she shouldn't.

"It's almost ready dear." Her mother said happily. A far cry from how she was last night. Shannon noticed she had gotten dressed and was wearing an apron.

It had been a while since her mother had made this for her. It was a special occasion type of thing. Her mother knew how to cook very well, mostly as a result of her grandmother. Shannon had sort of wanted to learn as well, but it was rare for her mother to cook her grandmother’s food. Her mind had almost forgotten, but that voice wouldn’t let her. “I’m not sure if I should.” Shannon said, elbows on the table and head resting on them.

“What? Hon, don’t let what I said get to you.” Her mother said as she turned around. She only could see Shannon’s face and arms. She almost chuckled at the sight; she had done it for years.

“I’m not, it’s just…I want to lose some weight.” She was looking up at her mother now. “I think you were right earlier, I’m too big for my frame. I want to shed some of this…fat.” It pained her to say it, and looked away as she did. “Do you think you could…help me?”

“You’re sure you want this? I’m going to be very strict, and we’ll do it right. It’s not too late to back out.” Her mother said, very seriously.

“Yeah. I want to be thinner than…” Shannon looked down as she said it. “This.”

“Alright. Oh, breakfast’s done! Eat up, beautiful.” She kissed her daughter on the forehead and hung her apron on a hook.

“Mom! I thought I was going on a diet, I can’t eat this!” Shannon hadn’t refused food in what seemed like forever.

“But it’s your favorite, and I spent a while making it! Besides, think of it as your last taste of freedom.” Shannon sat up, and was a little overwhelmed. There were plates of pancakes drenched in thick syrup and butter, french toast covered in powdered sugar, cheese and eggs with ketchup, bacon, sausage, chocolate milk, and even a chocolate muffin. Her mother had made the portions much larger than she did in the past. Shannon hadn’t realized that her mom had upped the servings. She hadn’t remembered them being that big, and now knew why she used to like this so much. It was so rare for her to splurge. Looking at it now, she felt overwhelmed, not really thinking that leaving some uneaten was a possibility.

“All right, but don’t be surprised if I leave some.” Shannon started by cutting the pancakes but was soon interrupted.

“I don’t want any of that to be left.” Her mother said.

“Huh?” Shannon said with a look of confusion.

“This is the first day of your diet. The first thing I want you to do is to eat all of that. That’s an order from your trainer. Now eat up, it’s getting cold!” It was cruel how she could switch from strict and cold to warm and motherly so swiftly and without missing a beat. “I’ll be back in a half an hour to check on ya.” She gave a smile, and left the house.

She does know I did that last night with all the other food she bought…right?” Shannon thought. “Oh well, this is my favorite, and it’s my last real meal. I might as well enjoy it!” Shannon continued to work on her pancakes, and kept switching around what she was stuffing her face with. She was going to miss this. It had been such a long time since she’d had a home cooked meal. Each bite was better than the last as she ravenously tore into the large meal while her mother was out.


It had been 45 minutes since Shannon’s mother had left. Shannon had finished most of her meal, but still had all of the sausage, some bacon, and some chocolate pancakes left. Her mother had put them on the bottom as a surprise, and boy were they. They were much heavier than the normal pancakes. “Hopefully she’ll be later, or I’ll never finish all of this.” Shannon kept trying to belch, to compact the food in her swollen stomach and make room for more. While doing this, she soothingly rubbed her fattened belly to try and help relieve the pressure. Needless to say, neither were working all that well. Shannon was getting frustrated. “Damn it! Eating should be the easy part of my diet, and I can’t even do that right!” She picked up the few pieces of bacon she had left, and slowly put them in her mouth. They weren’t hot anymore, they were barely lukewarm. She tried to slowly chew them and force them down. She could feel them slide down her throat and land in her overfilled gullet.

“Only two more to go,” she said eying up the pancakes and sausage. Just thinking about them made her feel more full, and a little sick. Shannon had started to breath heavier than usual; she hadn’t realized eating could be such work. She took the last pancakes and cut them with her fork. She looked at the clock, and was disappointed only 5 minutes had passed since she had last looked at it. She stabbed a few pieces onto her fork, and put them in her mouth begrudgingly. The chocolate melted and overpowered the pancake. She might as well have been eating chocolate bars. Slowly but steadily she continued to go through the dense pancakes. After ten minutes, she had finished them. There was some chocolate on her lips and cheeks, which she would have licked off had it been any other time. She was at her breaking point, and it hurt to move. She let out a series of groans as she held her belly. She’d never been so full in her life. This was worse than her first date with Brad.

A scary sound abruptly filled the house that made Shannon practically sweat fear. The garage door was being opened; her mother was home. The horror had given her a new reason to finish her meal, and also partially revitalized her. She was practically swallowing the sausages whole. She let them slip past her throat, slurping. Quickly, that renewed vitality disappeared, and she felt even worse than before and with only a few more to go. The door separating the garage to the house slowly opened, and her mother walked in. She quickly reached the foyer and it sounded like she put some bags down, and walked back into the garage. Shannon didn’t have much time; she needed to get through the last 3 pieces of syrup-covered sausage. She had taken twice as long as her mother had said, and didn’t want to know the consequences.

It was odd. Before she had arrived home, Shannon wouldn’t have cared. She never really feared her mother. However, her new body made her feel insecure and inferior. It had changed her. She was now just a broken girl, a former glimpse of her previous self. Did Shannon even realize it? At the moment, all Shannon knew was that she had 3 pieces left, and wanted nothing more than to finish them. But, the house wasn’t as large as she needed it to be, and her mother only took a few seconds to close the garage door and walk into the kitchen.

There, she saw her daughter with chocolate all over her face, looking at 3 pieces of sausage. She was slowly massaging her rather large gut. She had raised the shirt to expose its creamy flesh, and it spilled over the waistband of her sweats. Shannon let out a low groan and belch. She hadn’t even realized her mother was there. Mrs. Andersson was quite shocked she had managed to eat so much. Granted, she went shopping longer than she had said, but she expected more food to be left than it was, or for Shannon to have given up long ago.

“I’m too full. I can’t eat anymore.” Shannon huffed. “I feel like I’m going to pop!”

“I thought we came to an understanding. I help you if you do what I say. I said to finish it all. Besides, there’s only three pieces left.” Her mom said.

Shannon did want her help. She slowly lifted a sausage, and put it in her mouth. She didn’t bother to take a bite at first, and it just stuck out from her mouth as her lips wrapped around it.

Her mother looked in awe at the will and capacity of her daughter…and also, for another reason. “When did she learn that? Apparently she hasn’t been using that mouth for just eating food.” As Shannon finished, very slowly, she gave a loud belch. She felt like she was going to throw up.

“There…done.” Shannon managed to say. She didn’t move. She just sat there with her head titled back as her stomach pushed in and out with her labored breathing.

“Wash your face off and go up to your room. I’ll be up shortly.” Her mother said. Shannon slowly complied, as she wiped her face off with a damp paper towel and lumbered up to her room where she lay on her back on top of her bed. All that food had made her tired, so she closed her eyes. Soon after, Shannon laid spread eagle on her bed, snoring softly.

Shannon’s mother saw that she had fallen asleep, and decided to let her for at least a little while. After 2 hours had passed, she felt that was long enough. She closed the door to the master bedroom and undressed. She stood in her gigantic room which was emphasized by its overly large cathedral ceiling, staring into a full length mirror. She had to admit, that even at 40 she still looked rather good. Her stomach was trim, her legs toned, and her breasts…perky. Sure, they had never been large, even when she had been heavy, but they still looked good. She went over to her king size bed, and put her hands into one of the bags she had brought home. It was sports attire. She put on the undergarments and sports bra. They were just snug enough to not be uncomfortable, and did their job well to provide extra support. She slid on her newly acquired black bike shorts with white stripes on the sides, and they matched well with the small running shirt.

She exercised daily, but shopping was a good excuse to leave the house for a while, even if she already had a good number of exercise clothes. She put some socks on and tied her shoes tight. She looked at herself in the mirror again as she did some stretching and tested out her wardrobe’s functionality a bit. During the hours Shannon managed to sleep, her mother was able to make a nice exercise regime for her and her daughter along with a new diet. She had been heavily into health for quite a while, so it was fairly easy for her to do so. She took the majority of the bags from her bed, and brought them into Shannon’s room.

She watched her daughter’s belly rise up and down. It had shrunk down a bit since breakfast, but it was still more distended than it had been yesterday. She had put the bags on the floor and sat next to her daughter on her bed. She gently stroked her forehead and hair. “Shannon, wake up.” She said softly. Her daughter groaned as her eyes opened. Shannon started to rub them. “How’re you feeling?”

“Very full and a bit sick.” Shannon replied as she slowly tried to sit up. She had some trouble at first, but managed it. “What’s in the bags?”

“The reason I was gone for so long. It’s not easy shopping for you.” Her mother went and took something out of a black bag with white handles. “It’s some exercise clothes for you and some normal clothes as well. You can’t really wear some guy’s shirt and sweats for the weeks you’ll be home.” Shannon blushed heavily. “Besides, you’re way too big to go without a bra.” Her mother poked one of Shannon’s large breasts which made her daughter blush even more. “I’ll be in the gym, get dressed and meet me down there,” she said as she left the room closing the door behind her.

Shannon sighed. She didn’t feel like exercising, especially when her stomach still hurt from breakfast. Still, she took off her shirt and sweats and looked at the clothes her mother had left on the bed for her. She didn’t want to take too long, so she decided she’d look at the others after the workout. All of the garments looked stretchy. Shannon picked up a pair of black panties and sat on her bed. She put one of her meaty legs into one of the holes; she followed by doing the same to the other. She pulled them up and waited for it to get hard, but it didn’t. The panties were quite comfortable and didn’t pinch her at all. She found everything was like that: Shorts, shirt, sports bra. They all fit…well. Of course they were supposed to be a bit snug, and they were, but it was easy to get them on. The only real problem was that they were black, which Shannon didn’t think was a good color for her. After admiring herself in the mirror for a bit, she opened the door and headed downstairs to the gym.

On the ground floor in the far back left of Shannon’s house was the gym. As you stepped down into the partly sunken room you could tell it was a later addition to the home. It resembled a large sunroom. There was glass on all sides, even above it, which made it rather relaxing during rainy days. The room was white on the wall that touched the house, which intensified the light that came in through the windows. Essentially, it was a greenhouse, making it easier to sweat. There was air ducts where there could be, which made it available for use throughout the year, even in the dead of winter. Shannon was thankful for that. She didn’t like the cold, and didn’t want to be running around in it. The floor was especially made for gyms. It was grey, and partially soft, like a gymnastic mat but not quite as soft as that. It made it easier on the feet, especially for aerobics. The room was large, and had a good deal of universal weight machines, and even some free weights with enough room to spare for a couple of bikes, treadmills, and open space for aerobics. There was even a TV mounted in the corner that you could watch from anywhere in the room.

Shannon never used this room often. She had done most of her exercise at school for cheerleading. As she entered the room, she saw her mom sitting on an exercise bike watching the TV. “I hope you’re ready,” her mother said.

“Do I have a choice?” replied Shannon. Her mother laughed.

“Nope, good point. Let’s begin with some stretching. We’ll start with something easy. Now touch your toes.” Shannon and her mother were facing each other. Her mother began and very nimbly bent down and touched her palms to the floor. She held the stretch and looked up at her larger daughter. Shannon was bent down, trying to touch her toes. She got fairly close, but still a lot worse than what she used to be able to do.

Just a little further.” Shannon thought as she struggled to touch her sneakers. Her mother continued to look on as she watched her daughter’s impressive cleavage shake as she tried harder to get further down. She could barely believe she was having a tough time checking to see if her daughter’s knees were straight.

After a few more seconds her mother said, “And up,” as they both stood up straight again. Her mother would show her daughter different stretches and warm-ups as they did them together. After about 20 minutes of stretching, Carol decided it was about time to get into the real workout, however, she could tell her daughter was a bit winded. She didn’t know how much longer she’d last, but she’d find out she figured.

“Here’s our exercise schedule for the week.” Her mother said as she handed Shannon a piece of paper. Shannon’s eyes widened as she noticed how much they’d be exercising.

“Four hours a day!?” she blurted out.

“Do you want to lose this or not?” her mom responded patting her belly. “It’s a lot, I know, but you have to realize that this is not going to be an easy thing. It’s going to take much more work, and far longer to get rid of it than it did to put it all on. Now come, it’s time to run.”

Shannon started out slow at first, at a brisk walk, and slowly made her way up to practically sprinting. Her boobs were flopping all over the place. The sports bra did little for someone her size. It actually hurt a little as they slapped up and down on her chest. Her thighs rubbed as her legs passed each other, and her stomach bounced with each step. She was sweating heavily, and quickly wore out. She was panting heavily and practically red in the face as she stood on the treadmill.

“You still have 20 minutes to go. At least walk.” Her mother said looking at her daughter. Shannon started walking and then jogging again. “At least she has some resolve.” her mother thought as she continued to watch. After some biking, lifting, and aerobics, they ended with some more stretching. “Okay, last stretch and we’re done for today. Legs shoulder width, and touch the floor.” Shannon moved her legs apart, and bent over. “You’re being lazy, bend more.” Her mother said as she walked over and started pushing down on her daughter’s back. Carol thought she heard something, it sounded like a pop…like a stitch. As she listened closer, she couldn’t hear it and dismissed the event, making sure Shannon was trying to touch the floor. As her chubby daughter got closer to the floor, the sound emerged louder and more frequent until Shannon’s pants split in the rear. Shannon shot up rushing her hands to her backside and looked at her behind; red in the face for a different reason. “At least you touched the floor,” her mother said dryly. “Good job today. Shower up and make sure you’re here for dinner.”

Shannon looked at her mother as she left the gym, shocked and not knowing exactly what to think. She had some doubts about what she was getting into during the session, but splitting a brand new pair of pants reaffirmed that she needed to lose weight, and fast. She took a drink of her bottled water and went up to her room to shower.


It was snowing outside, and had been for some time. Rebecca stopped looking out the window and turned back to the TV in her den. It was sunken down low in the house and the curtains blocked out most of the light. The room was older, with furniture having an almost fuzzy fabric and semi-gaudy color. The smell of Christmas cookies filled her home, as she happily munched on the first batch her mother had made for her. She was sitting on her couch; of course, she now filled up more of the couch than she used to. She had been home for a few days and still hadn’t heard from Shannon. It sort of irritated the hazel-eyed girl. As she went to grab another cookie, her hand slipped and she knocked it onto the floor. “Great,” she said as she walked around the coffee table and bent down to pick it up. As she did so, she felt two hands place themselves on her large posterior and give them a firm squeeze.

“Big sis has a big butt!” Rebecca’s ten year old sister said. Rebecca turned around to look at her when she noticed her 16 year old sister laughing as she walked into the den.

“I think Mindy has a point Reb,” the 16 year old giggled. Her long brown hair bounced as she stepped down into the den. Mindy continued to hug her sister’s large bottom.

Rebecca turned to the girl saying, “Would you stop that?” She looked at her 16 year old sister with a scowl. “Very funny Natalie.” She turned back around and sat on the couch again, munching away on the fresh cookies.

Mindy, like her sisters, had light brown hair. Her green eyes stared at the cookies and took one as she sat on the couch next to Rebecca. Natalie, too, took a cookie; but instead of the couch she choose to sit on the adjacent love seat. Her brown eyes practically matched her hair, and they happened to be eyeing up how much of the couch Rebecca took up. She decided to continue her teasing. “It practically takes up a whole cushion!” Mindy giggled and poked Rebecca’s butt and hips from the side.

“You two aren’t that far behind you know.” Rebecca said turning to both sisters. Both stood up and turned themselves around to take a closer look. Mindy actually prodded with her finger for further verification.

“That’s not true.” Natalie said, all the previous jesting gone from her voice.

“Sure it’s not,” Rebecca said sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

“I’ll prove it’s not! Come with me.” Natalie quickly rushed up the stairs to her room as both Mindy and Rebecca followed. Natalie shut the door behind them as they entered her light blue room. The white lace curtains embraced the window as the light reflected from the snow tried to seep in the second floor room. Her bed, with yellow duck sheets, was in the corner on the far side flanked by the wall and a dresser. It was in there Natalie pulled out a tape measurer.

“You’ve got to be kidding,” Rebecca scoffed as she looked on with her hazel eyes. Natalie put the tape measurer on the bed and undid the belt buckle from her hip-hugging jeans which she wiggled out of. Her white panties were digging into her soft buttocks. “Getting a little tight?” Rebecca smirked.

“Little big sister has a little big butt!” Mindy said innocently as she tried to poke it. Natalie’s face was a little red.

“I’m just becoming a woman, that’s all,” Natalie said as she tried to play it off. Turning to Mindy she continued, “Would you stop?”

“Becoming a woman? Yeah, and this is baby fat right?” Rebecca mocked as she smacked her own ass. “Face it; you haven’t been cheerleading as hard as you should.” Natalie gritted her teeth at the comment.

“That’s not true,” she said. “I was 39 inches last I measured, which was a few weeks ago. Go on, check, it’ll still read 39.” Natalie crossed her arms.

“Alright, fine. Have it your way, but you’ll be sorry.” Rebecca sang. She had Mindy pick up the measuring tape as they both wrapped it around the expanse of Natalie’s hips and butt. As they knelt behind, they brought the end of the tape around and touched it to the other end which looped around. “42.”

“That can’t be right!” Natalie said shocked. “You’re just trying to trick me, do it again, let me see!” She grabbed the tape quickly and re-measured her hips and butt. “I’m still smaller than you,” she said.

“If you keep ‘becoming a woman’ you won’t be for much longer,” Rebecca laughed.

Admitting defeat Natalie said, “Alright, so it’s grown a little. Big deal. It’s still the best butt in town.”

“Only since I’ve moved away to school,” Rebecca teased. “Besides, I’m just tryin’ to warn you that’s all. It’s not so easy staying small you know.” She felt a tug on her pants.

“Will I be big one day?” Mindy asked looking up at Rebecca.

Rebecca looked at Mindy’s behind. “Oh, I think it’s in the cards all right.” She said smiling. Mindy smiled back.

Natalie put her jeans back on as the three Carlisle sisters walked back downstairs and continued where they had left off. Eating cookies and watching television. Not after long, dinner had been served and they ate, with Rebecca retiring to her own room. The crimson walls reflected her spontaneity, but contrasted her laziness. Wood borders circled the square room at the intersections where the walls met both the floor and ceiling. The dark wood furniture matched them, with the exception of her computer desk which stood out as too modern for the older feel of the room. Shannon had never liked the room, but its darkness had a bit of a colder feel to it which Rebecca found soothing. She sat down at her computer desk and checked her messages on both her computer and her phone. Nothing from Shannon, and it had been more than a few days since they’ve arrived. The big butted girl was almost to the point of aggravation, but it’d take a bit more. Although she had had a considerable amount of cookies and the beef meal her mother had cooked, Rebecca hungered for more. Not for food of sustenance, but to feed a more amorous feeling.

She picked up her phone and dialed one of the numbers on speed dial. “Hello, Mark? Hi, hi. How you doing? Well that’s good. What are you doing? Better make that a case. I’ll see you in half an hour. Bye.” She hung up. She took a quick shower and changed into a pair of jeans with an orange top. She had finished putting on a small amount of makeup and doing her hair when there was a honk from outside. She would have been done sooner, but the jeans took her longer to put on than she expected. Rebecca grabbed her coat handbag and went outside to a blue four door sedan.

Mark sat in the driver’s seat. His black hair wasn’t very long, but was long enough to be slicked back. He was clean shaven, and had dark eyes. He had a dark blue dress shirt, with the top few buttons open to show a white undershirt and dark blue jeans. He had a solitary silver chain that was practically choking his neck, and a pair of hoop earrings. He was a bit taller than Rebecca, and of a leaner yet muscular build. A case of beer sat in the back seat as Rebecca opened the passenger door and got in. Mark looked at her and couldn’t quite believe she had gained so much weight. Although it was rare for the smooth man, he was at a loss for words. He noticed his eyes had widened and quickly regained his composure as he put the car into drive and exited her driveway. “So,” he said after another second of delay. “How’s…uh college treating you?”

“Oh, it’s tons of fun up there. Lots of parties and alcohol. It’s caught up to me a bit though,” Rebecca smiled and patted her stomach.

“Really? I didn’t notice.” Mark gulped.

“It’s not like you to lose your composure.” She laughed and rubbed his leg. She was still as sultry as she’d always been. Mark could only manage a small chuckle. He had really wanted to get plastered and fuck the brains out of Rebecca like they used to. That’s not to say they ever had a relationship as most people would see it, but rather a mutual partnership. An “I scratch your back you scratch mine” deal that involved a different type of itch. However, he was having a hard time finding her attractive right now. No wonder she had suggested a case.

He took the phone from his pocket and dialed. “I’m telling a friend to bring more beer,” he said turning to Rebecca.

“Oooh, kinky.” She smiled. He gave one in return. She realized why he was calling someone else, but didn’t care at the moment. She had abstained during finals to study, which was quite out of character. However, she didn’t want to fail any classes, and agreed with Shannon that it was for the best. It had been a little less than a week since she’d had sex or been drunk, which was a bit too long for Rebecca. She’d take something quick right now, even if he didn’t find her all that attractive.

Soon there after, they returned to Mark’s apartment. He was a year older than Rebecca, and had been living on his own for a little over a year. They entered and almost immediately started downing beers while watching the television. After a couple of beers, a knock was heard from the door.

Mark got up to open it, and there stood a raven hair girl with very dark eyes. She came in and took her coat off on the rack near the door that Rebecca had used for her coat as well, while Mark took the beer she brought. She was quite pretty, and had an hourglass frame. Rebecca estimated her boobs to be about a B, maybe a C. She felt good that she had a larger chest for once in her life. The girl had a minimal amount of makeup on, but her lips seemed to nonetheless scream that she gave head to anyone who asked. They were rather full, and glistened. Their warmth was only overtaken by how inviting they were. Rebecca’s evaluation was cut short as Mark introduced her. “Rebecca, this is Nina. Nina, Rebecca.” The girls exchanged greetings.

The three sat on the couch drinking and making chit chat. About an hour in, Mark went into the kitchen and brought out a tray of brownies. “They’re my own ‘special’ make,” he laughed.

“None for me, I’m watching my weight.” Nina said as she sipped on her beer. She wasn’t drinking nearly as much as Mark, who was still only feeling a bit buzzed after 10 cans. Rebecca had 7, and couldn’t really feel anything yet, while Nina had 3.

“Oh come on, don’t spoil the mood.” Rebecca said as she picked up a brownie and started chewing. She would have gone easy, as she wasn’t as into weed as she was alcohol, but the brownies tasted fantastic. “Besides, you’re not gonna get fat after one night.”

Biting one of his own, Mark chimed in, “I agree with Rebecca. Besides, they taste wonderful. Let loose.” Slowly Nina complied and took small bites of a brownie. Not surprisingly, they took a bit more effect on the small Nina than Rebecca or Mark, and the munchies hit her first. She really didn’t have any thought other than to start anew into the brownies with gusto. Over the course of the food and drink, they managed to get themselves into Mark’s bedroom.

“Kiss.” He commanded on his bed as both girls stood at the foot of the bed. Both girls smiled at the command and slowly went closer to each other. Rebecca pushed the hair out of Nina’s face and leaned her own face in. Their most lips met and Rebecca knew she was dealing with a good kisser. As they both stuck their tongues out and massaged each other’s tongue, their hands wandered slightly. Nina hungrily forced herself down Rebecca’s mouth, and both worked with enthusiasm as their wet tongues worked. They withdrew shortly for a bit of air and violently came together again to continue where they had left off. Mark lay back watching, as they continued with their make out session. “Don’t be afraid to get more sensual.” He said with surprising diction considering the circumstances.

Rebecca felt small hands on her ass. They started out slowly at first, with some simple rubbing, but soon started going faster and faster. They worked the expanse of her behind, kneading every now and then. Rebecca took her hands from Nina’s face, and returned the favor. She had a bit more experience with ass work, and Nina could tell instantly as her small butt was massaged. Rebecca managed to slide her hands inside Nina’s jeans and took two fingers to reach down and around.

Mark had taken his shirt off and walked right next to the girls as he stopped them. Both were panting, and Mark seized hold of the black-haired Nina and started to kiss her passionately. The extra booze and brownies must have helped, since he switched to Rebecca and locked lips with her for a bit longer. His bare chest rubbed against hers, and she could feel his cock hardening as his hands wandered. Not to be left out, Nina had shifted herself behind Rebecca and had started undressing the larger girl.

It was an opportune time for Mark to get back on his bed with both girls and watch the show. He kicked off his shoes, took of his jeans and lay at the head of his bed while both girls knelt at the foot of it. Nina had thrown Rebecca’s orange shirt and went back to kissing. It was obvious she enjoyed it, and Rebecca welcomed the experience. Rebecca decided to return the favor to the raven-haired girl, and slowly slid the tight blue shirt over her head. “Don’t be so hasty,” Mark said as he fondled himself. On cue, the girls slowed up their embrace. They begin a euphoric rubbing, rather than a venomous discharge of clothing. Nina had taken to sucking on Rebecca’s lower lip, and began moving down to her fat breasts. Rebecca tilted her head back and gently put her hands on Nina’s head to continue the adoration.

“They’re so big and soft,” Nina said looking up at Rebecca. Rebecca could only smile. She wasn’t used to having such large tits, and vaguely wondered if Shannon felt like this all the time. She usually garnered admiration elsewhere. Rebecca welcomed the newly directed infatuation, she had been quite happy with her newly acquired assets.

Nina kissed Rebecca’s breasts very sensually, making sure to give proper time to each kiss and the time between the ending pucker and new kiss. She worked her way around the exposed flesh with her lips, and held onto Rebecca’s soft sides. She almost giggled as to why they were actually called love handles. Instead, she changed her pace and started licking the cleavage in between Rebecca’s large breasts, stopping only at the white fabric of Rebecca’s bra. Nina enjoyed having to push into the fatty tissue and feeling resistance as she kissed and licked, and found it erotic to watch the adipose bounce back into its previous shape. She had actually started to try and use her tongue to separate the breasts, since the bra pushed them together. She would work her tongue into the crevice and try to move it back and forth to create distance. She was rather fond of the game, but couldn’t get the heavy boobs to stay apart.

Meanwhile, she felt Rebecca nibbling on her ear, and using her tongue to practically lick it off, as if it were an ice cream cone. Her mouth worked its way down to Nina’s neck and started to suck. It started softly at first, but became stronger over time. Rebecca had started playing with the clasp of Nina’s dark blue bra, and with a little work was able to unclasp it. Nina’s small breasts perked; something Rebecca’s breasts used to do a couple cup sizes ago. Nina’s boobs were small, but befitting of her smaller frame, which made her look more curvy than flat. Rebecca liked them, and taken a liking to rubbing them as Nina worked on her. Nina’s nipples were rather long, with a small areola, which made them seem succulent.

Mark watched both girls with awe. They were, after all, the greatest sexpots he’d ever known. Perhaps they were even better than him. It hadn’t taken any touching from them for his member to stand tall out of the flap of his boxers. It was like they had forgotten he was there, and he decided he wouldn’t interject at the moment. It was like an expert painter watching Da Vinci or Michelangelo. You don’t offer to help or partake in their fun for your own; you stare in awe and wonder at such a sight. Even then, it takes remarkable concentration to even try and watch their form and take notes, which was what Mark was trying to do, even in his state. He beheld them, in their half naked glory as they worked on each other with so much passion it was as if their lives depended on it.

Rebecca’s bra practically burst off as Nina fiddled with its clasp. Her larger breasts jiggled down with a soft slap as they hit her torso. Nina took Rebecca’s left breast with her hands and suckled like a new born. She massaged the underside of the breast, which was a little sweaty, and took the time to lick underneath where it had gathered to both bare boobs. Her licking led her around the globular masses, and eagerly wished she had two mouths. She could only work on one with her mouth and had to settle to using her hand to fondle the other. Rebecca’s skin was creamy and smooth, and tasted quite good to the petite raven-haired girl. She slowly led her finger around Rebecca’s nipple making sure to graze it ever so slightly before stroking it. She pushed it into the fatness of the breast both with her finger and her tongue, then worked on pinching with her fingers and teeth. With their growth, Rebecca noticed their sensitivity had also increased. Her enlarged areola felt more tender. She could almost feel each small bump that Nina’s tongue touched and the intricacies of her nipples as well.

Rebecca couldn’t use her mouth, but all the while had tried to stimulate Nina’s smaller breasts. They were firm and perky, not wanting to give to even the harder squeezes of Rebecca’s hand. As she continued the massage, Nina forced her backward onto her back. All the while interchanging sucking on each of Rebecca’s hardened nipples. Rebecca’s hands ventured to the small of Nina’s back, and started to rub it methodically. Slowly, she ran her hands down Nina’s sides until they hit her jeans. Up and down her hands went, from her breasts down to her waist and back again; sometimes in the front, but mostly down her sides and back. Eventually Rebecca had crept into the back of Nina’s pants. She felt her panties and gently tugged on them, and started to move them slightly up and down making Nina close her eyes and let out a small breath and with it a soft moan. Nina went back to Rebecca’s breasts and ventured down the larger gut of the girl every now and then. Rebecca hadn’t tried to work her panties again. Instead, she worked on her favorite part, the ass. She ran her hands down the curve until it stopped and hit the leg. She went down its sides and in between; slowly massaging along the way. This gave way to grabbing and kneading.

Mark moved closer and gave Rebecca a kiss as she lay on the bed, she returned it and took her hands out of Nina’s pants, placing them on the back of his head, fingering through his hair. He switched to Nina, and kissed her as well. He pulled her in and lay back on his bed with her, unbuttoning the top button of her pants as they fell. She rubbed his chest as they kissed, and he did the same to hers. Rebecca sat up with a bit of effort, a little flushed, and helped take of Nina’s pants. She flew them on the floor and admired Nina’s tight bottom. Inpatient, she took her fingers on the waistband of the dark blue garment, and slid them down Nina’s slim and silky legs. Mark rolled over and put Nina underneath him. He stopped the kiss and turned his attention toward the large Rebecca.

She undid the button of her jeans, and the flaps unzipped quickly as her large tummy surged forward. “Let me help you with those,” Mark said as he lay Rebecca on her back and began to slide the jeans down her legs. He didn’t get far. “How’d you get into these?” He grunted. Mark took his hands and placed them into the jeans with some effort, there wasn’t much room. He tried again to pull them off, this time with more force. He only succeeded in moving Rebecca an inch off the bed, with her jeans as stuck as ever. Nina slid her naked self over to assist. She tried getting one side while Mark took the other, which only made Nina lose her grip as she couldn’t compete with Mark’s strength. She let Mark take both sides of the jeans again as she tried to push in the fat that oozed over the waistband. It didn’t help. “I’m out of ideas,” Mark said a little tired.

“I thought you said you couldn’t get fat from one night?” Nina teased.

“Very funny.” Rebecca replied annoyed. “Come on; don’t just leave me in these. I don’t want to be left out!” Rebecca struggled a bit with her own jeans again, but it was useless.

“Oh! I have an Idea.” Nina said as she practically fell off the bed and skipped to the kitchen. She returned shortly after with a stick of butter and a can of cooking spray. Rebecca looked up in fright, as if Nina was going to force feed her until the jeans popped off. Nina gave Rebecca a kiss, and went back on the bed. She spread butter and spray all over Rebecca’s stomach and tried to get the insides of the jeans and Rebecca’s hips. “This would be easier if you stood up,” Nina said. Rebecca complied and stood in the middle of Mark’s room wearing only her jeans. Nina continued with her food items.

“That’s cold,” Rebecca giggled.

“I never knew you were ticklish,” Mark said.

“Alright, she’s buttered up. Now, all three of us should be able to push her jeans off her.” Nina said as Mark positioned himself to one side and Nina to the other. “On three. One. Two. Three!” Rebecca sucked in her stomach and pushed her hands down on the jeans as hard as she could. Nina and Mark both held onto a pocket and the inside of the waist toward Rebecca’s large backside. The jeans were persistent, but with their continued effort they began to slide down Rebecca’s thick legs. The jeans had made it to the thickest part of her enormous booty, and with one final surge from the 3, they popped off. Mark and Nina had put so much effort into it, that they came off very quickly and left Nina and Mark on the floor looking up at Rebecca clad only in her white panties. Rebecca was breathing rather heavy, and pulled down her panties. Nina quickly came and helped with them, taking them off with her teeth and throwing them aside with a turn of her raven-haired head.

Without missing a beat, the nude pair started kissing and fondling each other again as they directed themselves to the bed. Mark followed and started suckling Nina’s small breasts. Rebecca gave him a push, and Mark began working on the right breast while Rebecca took Nina’s left. Both Mark and Rebecca moved their hands down and started stroking Nina’s wet pussy lips. Nina could only moan, tilt her head back, and put her hands on each of their heads. Their fingers slid around the edges of her lips, swirling around and skirting in and out. Nina had started moving her pelvis up and down as their onslaught continued. Mark stopped and moved his mouth to Rebecca’s left breast. Rebecca stopped with Nina and rolled onto her back, forcing Nina to work on Rebecca’s right side.

Mark took Rebecca’s breast in his mouth, sucking violently as he caressed her sides. Her breast was warm, soft but not too soft. It still had some perk left in it, despite its size. Something larger breasts lacked Mark had found throughout his years. His hands squeezed the flesh, forcing the nipple up to his mouth for more licking. He moved his tongue over the protrusion quickly, taking note of how it bounced back and forth with him. He moved his left hand downward across her larger stomach, and underneath where he slowly began to feel the small belly apron and squeeze it. Something Nina had bypassed to get straight to Rebecca’s sopping womanhood. Mark continued rubbing her belly with his left hand and swirling his tongue over her breast. He felt Rebecca start to swivel her hips and force her butt up. He looked over to Nina who was too enthralled with the large breast and sweet pussy to notice. Mark saw Rebecca close her eyes and to start biting her lip. “Let’s get under way,” Mark said with dictation.

He lay down on the bed, motioning Nina to sit on his throbbing cock whilst Rebecca came to his face. Nina faced away from Mark, and slowly slid herself down his erect penis. She squirmed a bit before getting comfortable with its size. Nina slowly began to pump her ass up and down whilst she rocked in a circular motion. She used her arms to help lift her and wiggle back down again. Slowly at first, she tried to move Mark’s penis inside her, clenching her muscles to increase tightness. Meanwhile, Rebecca was kneeling over Mark’s face as he held her legs and ass in a firm grip. He used his tongue to probe the inside of her pussy, and helped open it with his fingers which tended to gently massage the surrounding area. His hands moved to her ass and started to rub its large expanse. Mark liked the soft toughness it had, and made sure to work at each crevice, carefully leaving no line unchecked. His tongue followed suit, exploring inside Rebecca’s womanhood, sliding around and tasting Rebecca.

Nina briefly got off to slide her hands around Mark’s dick. She stroked the shaft, making sure to squeeze hard, especially around the head. She took his balls in her hand and gently rubbed them, trying to use them to massage his lower shaft as her other hand worked the rest of it. Still going slowly, she placed her mouth on his member and started fondling it with her tongue as she jerked her head up and down in rhythm with her hands. She bit down gently now and then, blowing and sucking as she went. Rebecca leaned forward to help, but Nina stopped her with a passion kiss while she performed more with her hands. The kiss tasted of sex as Rebecca felt Nina’s plump lips spread warmth over her own. Their tongues touched, almost melting in the heat of the moment. As they pulled back, Mark patted Rebecca’s ass. She rolled off him so he could sit up. He quickly threw Nina down on the bed, sideways, so that her legs dangled over. Rebecca knelt in front of her open legs. She spread them with her hands, rubbing them up and down Nina’s thin legs that she had raised in the air. She moved in and started kissing Nina’s pink, which was full shaven. Mark quickly went into his drawer and ripped open a condom, putting it on his penis.

He walked behind Rebecca, making sure to stroke her plump bottom on his way. He grabbed hold of a love handle with his right hand, and inserted his large cock with his left into her dripping cunt. Rebecca gave a pleasurable moan, and began fingering Nina with newfound passion. Nina grabbed her tits and started pinching her nipples, mashing them around while Rebecca worked her magic. She slid in and out of Nina, making sure to hit all inside, tickling all of her senses as she added more fingers and interchanged them and her tongue. Rebecca made sure to play around the lips, dipping in and out as Nina moaned and fondled her small breasts. Nina put her legs in the air and put them around Rebecca’s head, gyrating her pelvis now, faster and harder. Rebecca kept pace, and worked with the sudden movement of Nina’s ass and pussy. Rebecca too, had started thrusting her ass very hard to help make more friction for Mark’s penis. She pushed her ass up and down, back and forth, with Mark grabbing hold and thrusting. Faster they went, and harder. Being sensual was long over; pleasure was derived from speed and strength, like animals. He held onto her cheeks, grabbing and slapping them together as he pushed inside her as far as he could go. Rebecca moaned into Nina’s pussy as she continued to lick and finger it strongly. Nina moaned as well as her eyes were closed. She was pinching her nipples and violently trying to mash both nipples together as hard and as fast as she could.

“Yeah. Yeah. Uh, oh God yes,” Nina shouted as Rebecca worked on her. Nina bit her lower lip, but continued her praise through her teeth.

Rebecca could feel the pressure building, and could barely concentrate on finishing off Nina while Mark pounded her from the back. Mark groaned as he continued his onslaught. The softness that encapsulated his penis helped massaged as it jiggled with each passing thrust. She was tight, and her newly added girth made it more pleasurable to hit harder. There was more cushion, and it tickled him as he went in and out and around.

Faster and harder the three progressed. The bed creaked and moved throughout their excursion, the headboard hitting against the wall despite how they were positioned. Mark’s forward advances would move Rebecca inward more, causing deeper penetration of Nina, where she would then move her hips up into it. It created a chain of momentum that only added to the force and pleasure that had been taking place. As if speaking for them all, Nina kept shouting “Faster” and “Harder” along with other praises as their lovemaking session continued. Rebecca’s fat tits swayed with each moment, as had the rest of her blubber. They clapped every now and again, becoming more frequent toward the ending. All of their toes were curled, Nina using hers to pet Rebecca’s bare back. Mark worked in and out, giving his full cock deep impact; going as far as he could while Rebecca did the same with her fingers and tongue. Faster, harder, faster, harder, quicker, more rapid, stronger, more powerful; it all built itself and was dispersed as the three lovers shuddered with joy. Rebecca could almost feel each burst of cum from Mark as she shuddered on top of the convulsing Nina, who did so with a sigh of relief. Her eyes were closed, her mouth open, and her head held back. Her hands were still on her breasts, but had stopped moving, as had Rebecca’s tongue which she now used to express her pleasure as well, while Mark stayed inside her letting off small gratifying breaths.

Mark pulled out slowly, and Rebecca rolled over lying on her back next to Nina. Both girls exhausted, panting loudly. Rebecca was breathing a bit heavier than her. All three were sweating, which filled the room with its scent. It was the smell of sex, and it exuded from each of them, and amplifying the climax which had left them yearning for more but too tired to take or give more. Mark took a cigarette from his night stand, and lit it while he sat on the bed next to Nina. He exhaled the smoke heavily as he looked onto the small girl and the larger girl beside her. Both were smiling, which practically made him chuckle.


Cold snow blanketed the ground outside. It fell softly and quietly, covering everything in much the same way. The wind had died down, which made the storm linger. After only a few short hours, the town’s vibrant color had been absorbed by white, and quickly the day changed to night. Street lamps lined the streets, providing the only light, as the rest of the night’s brightness had been devoured by the clouds and lost from plain sight. The winter was harsh and cold, relentless and unforgiving. Darkness ruled, persuading the minds of others. The clouds above only helped extend its welcome, delaying the moment the sun rose like the phoenix it was.

Candlelight during the winter night romanticized the young, while the intimacy in the air drove them out of control. Rebecca looked outside the window and down upon the town. The storm had subsided at the moment, and the sun tried desperately to break through. The hazel-eyed girl rubbed her eyes and head for a bit after waking up. The effects of the binge last night were catching up to her. It was a feeling she was more and more getting accustomed to. And endless night of sex, food, and drink; acting as if a maelstrom on those unsuspecting and a forbidden love for those that did. Rebecca more so inclined to the latter, even if her frequency of it all had lost its taboo potency.

Last night wasn’t that big of a blur for the large girl, which frightened her a little bit. Although she indulged more than almost everyone she knew, she never really noticed her tolerance building up. It took more alcohol to get her buzzed, more weed to get her high, more food to fill her up and more to make her gain, it even took more fabric to fit her chubby buns into. Her hangover was practically nonexistent, although her head was slightly affected by the dazzling, sparkling, and bright snow refracting the heavy aurora outside.

Sitting and partially sinking into the side of the bed, Rebecca looked at the clock on the dresser. Its red numbers glared back with a venomous 6:43. Moving her focus she noticed Mark was still sleeping under the covers. She stood up and walked out of the room, not bothering to put anything on. Still naked from last night, she walked passed the bathroom and into the kitchen. She noticed quickly that Nina was nowhere to be found, which didn’t surprise her. She vaguely wondered if Nina was as sore as she was from the ravenous evening. In fact, Rebecca quickly felt soreness all over. It had crept up on her only after she decided to start moving.

Rebecca moved into the kitchen with her right hand on the small of her back. She was out of shape, and getting too big for certain positions. Her large thighs bumped together as she shifted around the kitchen trying to find something to satisfy her hunger. She rubbed her stomach which jiggled in response. It had gotten so big since the summer, a real beer belly. Rebecca rummaged through the cabinets before finding a box of Oreos. She started eating them on the way back to the bedroom, catching some crumbs on her burgeoning bosom.

The hazel-eyed girl sat on the bed, and put the covers over her bottom half as she ate her fill. She reminisced of the summer when she was eating Oreos with Shannon. Both of them had put on a lot of weight. She never would have picked Shannon to gain so much. Rebecca, after all, was the one who could never get enough. Whatever it was: Sex, alcohol, life, and food. Of course, it’s not like Rebecca hadn’t gained. She had kept pace with her fat-titted friend quite nicely over the long months, perhaps even edging Shannon out. However, Rebecca was also the laid back one, the apathetic one. She sort of just accepted it. After all, her lifestyle hadn’t really changed. She was still getting guys at college to fool around with her, so in her mind, she still had some desirable qualities left. Before Rebecca could continue her deliberation, she had run out of cookies. She put them on the dresser and looked on the floor for her ever shrinking panties. Before she could, Mark started squirming in the bed.

Groggily he asked, “You’re up early, are you leaving?”

Rebecca responded, “Yeah, I was thinking about it.”

“N-nah. Come back in bed for a bit.” Mark responded as he rubbed the spot in the bed next to him.

“Nina left, you still want me here?” She said with her hands on her large hips.

“Yeah, that’s why I like you more. You spend the night…you’re nice to wake up to.” He said.

“Oh?” she asked as her large and sultry self swayed over to the bed. “But I bet you wish I had her body.”

“I wish you’d get in bed. Besides, I like your body just fine. You’ve still got a great ass.” Mark smiled. It wasn’t quite what the fat assed girl wanted, but it was good enough. She lay down on the bed, which slid Mark into her, and put the covers over her body. It was still warm inside. Mark smiled and kissed her on the cheek, as Rebecca wrapped her tree trunk legs around Mark, who had closed his eyes.

“Alright,” Rebecca said as she closed her eyes as well. “But only for a little bit.”

It wasn’t long afterwards that the two had gotten dressed and headed back to Rebecca’s home, where Mark dropped her off. The departing exchange was consistent with their relationship: short and sweet. Rebecca watched the blue car drive away. The snow on its roof left a trail, as if to say to follow while the car slowly disappeared on the downside of a hill. She turned around and walked up to her home. She had never really stopped to take notice.

The two-story home was divided and contrasted by its own makeup. The top was a light, almost creamy brown siding, with dark brown shutters on each of the windows. The bottom was traditional brick, even on the garage which jutted out. It wasn’t overly elaborate, yet it did stand out from the surrounding homes. Rebecca had grown up here; it just always seemed to fit. She walked up to the door and slowly opened it, not wanting to wake anyone. It was little after nine, but still, she wanted to be on the safe side. There was nothing that she hated more than being woken up early.

As she passed the threshold, the smell of breakfast hit her with enough fury to almost push her back out again. It was an overwhelming sensation, causing the girl to close her eyes and take in the smell. She loved her mother’s cooking, and it had been ages since she’d had a breakfast her mother had made. Generally, she’d sleep far past the breakfast hours, and she never got the chance up at school, so it had been a while. She quickly walked through the house and peered around the corner and into the kitchen.

At the stovetop of the mostly white room, was Rebecca’s mother. She was about a head shorter than her daughter, whose height came from her father. However, Rebecca got her shape from her mother. Even from behind, as Rebecca was viewing now, you could tell she packed most of her weight in the back. Rebecca’s mother was a bit on the plump side, although at this point she was thinner than her daughter. With a darker complexion, dark eyes, and dark brown hair she looked almost exotic. Well fed, but exotic. She was making breakfast on griddles and skillets, with the ingredients all over the counter top. As Rebecca slowly entered, she could hear the crackling and sizzling of the bacon. Its smell was intoxicating. Her mother had heard her come in. It was easy with her heavier footsteps.

“Take a seat, breakfast is almost ready.” Her mom said without turning around. Rebecca obliged, sliding out the armchair at the head of the table. As she sat down into it, she noticed the arms started poking her butt and actually were stopping her from sitting down.

What?! There’s no way I can’t fit into this chair!” Rebecca thought to herself. She would have known days ago if she ate at the table as opposed to her room or the den. She started grunting, trying to use her arms to separate the chair from her flab, or to force herself into it. Slowly but surely, as she squirmed and wiggled her voluminous hips, she slid down and into the chair. When she finally reached the seat, she let out a breath of air. “Hey mom? Where’s Natalie and Mindy?”

Her mother turned around. “You mean to tell me you can’t figure that out?” She waited a bit but only to get a quizzical look back in return. “You haven’t been gone that long. Those two are just like you. They’d sleep all day if you didn’t wake them.”

“Then why you cooking breakfast?” Rebecca asked.

“Because I knew my college girl would be back in the morning, and I wanted some good food waiting for her while she was up, for once.” Her mom said as she went back to cooking. Rebecca remembered a time not too long ago that her mother would have had a fit if she stayed out late, let alone for the reasons Rebecca did. That’s not to say her mother was okay with it still, just that she realized there wasn’t much she could do after a couple years of it.

After only a couple more minutes, her mother started putting all the food on the table. “Enjoy,” she said as she took the seat opposite her daughter. She, of course, had a much easier time fitting into the seat.

“Wow! What a spread!” Rebecca said, salivating at the eyes. She had forgotten about the cookies she had polished off only a couple short hours ago. It was quite the layout. Scrambled eggs, bacon, toast with butter and jams, and even some home fries. Rebecca started piling her plate high, making sandwiches with all the ingredients, and drinking coffee.

“It’s been a while since we’ve gotten to talk alone,” her mom said. Rebecca only looked up briefly, whilst stuffing her face. “So how’s college treating ya?”

“Mmm, good!” Rebecca mumbled with her mouth full of food.

“The food or college?” Her mom laughed.

“Both!” Rebecca and her mother started laughing again. They continued chatting while eating, talking of school, what was new, work and other such conventional issues. Rebecca out-ate her mother by quite a deal, who was never one to eat a lot in the first place, even despite her size. All the food was consumed, which disheartened Rebecca a bit. She even tried to sop up the crumbs and leftover on her plate with bread, making sure to polish off every last morsel. She wasn’t hungry, but she wasn’t exactly full either.

“That was great mom.” The light brunette said as she rubbed her stomach for emphasis.

“Glad you liked it hon,” her mother replied as she grabbed the empty plates to clean them. Rebecca let out a quiet belch and got up from the chair…or at least, she tried to. She tried to stand up, but the armchair came with her. Her flesh overflowed the sides of the chair, and attempted to peak through all the open crevices: between the supports of the back, or the armrests, and even part of the seat. She grunted, gritted her teeth, and pushed away from the chair with all of her might, but just couldn’t seem to budge. With all the noise, it wasn’t long before her mother noticed. “Oh! Well dear. Let me help.” She rushed over and kept her weight on the chair and tried helping Rebecca up. “Push!” she grunted as they struggled for a couple minutes. She used her feet to push against the chair and pry Rebecca free as Rebecca try and suck in her gut and lean forward into the pull of her mother’s arms. Again and again the two women struggled to free Rebecca. But no matter how hard they tried, Rebecca was just too fat and the chair was just too small. Separating her butt from the seat was as difficult as taking the blue out of the sky. It was obdurate. Even so, they continued to try and change her ass’s stubbornness with force for another minute.

After that time, the only thing that had changed was Rebecca’s breathing, as she was panting and sweating now. Her mother pulled up a chair across from her daughter and sat down in it, wiping the sweat on her brow with a dish cloth. Rebecca squirmed some more, trying to shimmy herself out of the chair, which only made it slide across the floor. It was no use. Whatever Rebecca tried to do, she couldn’t get out of the overstuffed armchair. She was wedged too tightly between the arms, and a large breakfast hadn’t made her predicament any better. Although she hadn’t been completely full, moving around that much hadn’t helped her stomach any.

The metal on her already too-tight jeans was being pushed even further into her creamy skin due to her cramped wooden prison. At the moment, sitting down was the only comfort she had. She grunted, and again tried to force her way out of the chair, pushing away and against the sides of the chair. Rebecca’s plight had started to make the usually calm, collected, laid back, apathetic, and blasé girl become frantic and whiny. “Oh!” she exclaimed with a whimper as she pushed harder and harder to free herself from her confines. “Mom, help me!” Rebecca cried petulantly.

“I don’t know what you want me to do baby.” Her mother replied.

“Anything!” the pear shaped girl practically yelled as she struggled and wiggled around.

“Alright. Calm down. You don’t want those two to wake and see this, do you?” Her mother said softly. Rebecca immediately sat still, waiting for her mother to say the next sentence. The last thing she wanted to have her sisters hear about this. She was already extremely embarrassed; those two would never let her live it down.

Rebecca’s mom sat there, looking at her daughter. She had gotten so big since high school graduation. Her light brown hair, although a bit disheveled at the moment, hid her softening face a bit. Her chin had a small friend underneath it, devouring definition of her jaw. Her orange shirt looked a bit small for her, and quite tight. She was practically oozing out of it. Her bra, much larger than it had been during summer, was almost visible through the stretched orange fabric. It rid up her protruding stomach, as it poked out from underneath, overhanging her skin tight jeans. How she got them on was anyone’s guess, as they were clearly too small for her ever growing bottom half. The taut material was in a losing battle, and had started to widen at the seams, where soft flesh bulged out. Even as snug as they were, her mother noticed the button on the top wasn’t fastened, and the zipper wasn’t but half done. The open flaps were propped underneath and failing tremendously to support her gut, which flowed forward with every labored breath.

Damn it!” Rebecca’s internal voice screamed. “I can’t believe this is the SECOND time today I’ve gotten stuck in something. First my jeans, now this!

“Well Rebecca,” her mother said, “I wasn’t going to talk about it…but since the subject is at hand, we’re alone, and you can’t go anywhere…”

Rebecca had thought her mother would bring it up eventually, and cut her off. “You want to talk about my fat ass, right?” she said annoyed.

“You have gained a lot of weight dear.”

“I haven’t gained that much!”

Her mother scoffed. “You’re stuck in a chair!”

“I wouldn’t be if you hadn’t stopped trying to help,” Rebecca said sardonically.

Her mother groaned and shook her head. “Listen Rebecca. I don’t care that you’re bigger. Heck, I’m not that small myself, but neither is anyone else in the family. I watch myself and I’m still not slim. We’re destined to get big, but if you keep on going like this you’ll be huge. You’re never satisfied. Your appetite for food, booze, and sex isn’t healthy.”

Rebecca sat and listened with a scowl on her face. “We’ve had this discussion a million times! I’m not a little girl anymore…” she was cut off.

“Anyone with eyes can see that!” her mother paused. “You need to watch what you put into your body, and by the looks of it you need to watch what you put your body into.”

Rebecca blushed at the comment. “It’s not my fault these chairs are too small.”

“Babe, these chairs aren’t small. Are you gonna sit here and tell me your butt hasn’t gotten bigger?” her mother asked with a small hint of indignation in her voice.

“A little…it’s not like it’s the size of a Pinto.” Rebecca said, trying to somehow eye her ass for emphasis, as if to look through both the chair and herself.

“Yeah, more like two dump trucks.” Her mother chuckled. Rebecca only scowled at the comment.

“Alright, I admit it, I’m a blubber butt. Can you please help me out of this damn chair now?” Rebecca asked, not hiding her irritation.

“Rebecca, it’s not your weight that I’m concerned with. It’s you forcing the issue, stuffing yourself silly and only exercising in the bedroom. And maybe you don’t realize it, but the sex isn’t going to be so easy to get once you get even bigger.” Her mom poked her in the stomach softly.

“Just butt out of it!” Rebecca growled.

“Alright, I’ll butt out. That means I can’t help you get your butt out of that chair too.” The older woman smiled and crossed her arms, knowing she had the upper hand. She even started to walk away to emphasize her point.

“Wait! Alright. You win.” The hazel-eyed girl sighed. “I’ll lose weight; just help me out of here.” She seemingly whined and pouted a grimace as she arched her back and uselessly tried to pop herself out one last time.

“That’s not what I want,’ said Rebecca’s mother disappointedly. “I just want you to stop lying to yourself, and to at least consider the consequences of your own actions. Deal?”

Finally and reluctantly Rebecca spoke, “…deal…”

“Good.” Her mother smiled. “Now let’s figure out how to get a big round ball out of a square hole.”


Many people like to think of time as a constant. An increment that everything else is based on: unchanging everywhere and anywhere in the universe. One minute is the same for everyone. But this notion isn’t true. Not scientifically, and certainly not personally. One week is seven days. Each day comprised of 24 hours, and each of those is 60 minutes. Every single minute can be further broken down into 60 seconds, where each second can also be divided. This process is infinite, and segmentation of each part infinitely getting smaller over time. However, this doesn’t mean each part is so easily seen or felt. Counting nanoseconds isn’t something that can be done by a human.

Yet, in Amanda’s case, it couldn’t be done for other reasons. Time had all but stopped, making counting such a small passage of time impossible for her. The week she had been home had seemed like an eternity. Each click of the clock: never coming. Each click of the clock: never ending. Frozen, completely. It was hell, and yet it wasn’t. At first it had appeared to be. Pain had run rampant. Excruciating pain: the likes of which were unbearable. But eventually she had gotten used to the pain, or perhaps it had worn off. She then entered a state of anger. Hatred toward her sister, Shannon, her life, the world. Seething in rage at nothing and everything at the same time. The next stage she entered was sorrow. The despair of knowing what she had done, what she had become, and who she was. Over and over she was tormented by all three, and only denial helped cast them away.

Perhaps it was hell. There, in the corner, the devil begged her to take the door, to pass through it with him. If only she’d sign the contract, she could have her denial. Was empty happiness and false hope worth her soul…worth her future? On the doorstep many times she appeared, contemplating her situation. But alas, she never followed. This is where her purgatory would begin. And each time it did, she’d get back to where she started, with pain. Her cycle continued as she avoided contact for as often as possible.

It was an understatement when Lauren described Amanda as an emotional wreck. It was worse. A catastrophe of epic proportions, and the worst part was that she had never been whole to begin with. She wasn’t a functioning train that got side railed. She was damned from the start, needing approval and guidance throughout her life. She was always the passenger, never the conductor. She could never get her emotions in check, she could never get her weight in check, and when she finally thought she had done it on her own, her train crashed. And she finally realized, or rather, finally stopped kidding herself. Her new life wasn’t as great as she thought it would be.

She had been naïve. The same naïve girl who thought her friends liked her in high school, and the same naïve girl who thought losing weight would end all of her problems. Here she was, just as lonely and sad as ever, and like always, tried to have a scapegoat for her problems. It wasn’t her weight before, and it wasn’t her sister now. It had been her and her alone. Now, even as she sat in her dark room alone, knowing full well she needed to get over this herself, she desperately needed someone more than ever.

Nikki sat in her room, avoiding her sister like the plague for the past seven days, just as Amanda did. However, she was in a better position than her sibling. She wasn’t a wreck, just angry. Nikki went out as often as possible, staying away from her home, from Amanda. A week, though, was a long time. Finally, their parents asked their elder sister to intervene in the matter, knowing full well that neither would open up to them.

Lauren didn’t like to see her sisters like this. They fought a lot, especially when they were younger, but never had they shut each other off from the world for so long over something that seemed so trivial. She had tried to get to Amanda first, trying to bank off the fact she was older and supposedly more mature. That fell through when Amanda never even responded to the knocks at the door. Lauren stood in the hall, fist against the door, leaning her head against it with her eyes closed. “It’s Lauren, open up,” she sang as innocently as she could. Still, she only was returned silence. “Fine, be that way,” she mumbled as she turned across the hall to knock on Nikki’s door, which opened almost before the knock.

Although the situation had gone south, Nikki’s attitude had not. Her white room reflected the light and brightened itself almost from within. Such was Nikki, always chipper, illuminating others with her own warmth and happiness. Filled with artifacts, designs, and even some jewelry influenced by the Cherokee (An area of interest to the buxom brunette), her room never gave the impression its dull color should have.

Walking away from the opened door, Lauren watched her sister’s bulbous cheeks rise and fall and sway and jiggle, seemingly all at once. Her black pants seemed unable to contain their motion, and her mass. With flesh overflowing the top and riding her pants down, it was common for Nikki to pull them up every now and then, even though they were tight enough to stay on for the most part. Nikki turned around as she sat on her bed to face her sister, which made her weight gain that much more apparent. Her pudge rested over her pants, and definitely was a gut. Surprisingly despite her large chest, most of her gain seemed to find its way to her stomach. While still small in comparison to her bust, Nikki’s gut was gaining speed quickly as proven by her ever shrinking shirt from which it escaped however many months ago. Although one would have to ponder as to what extent her bust did play in that. Although its girth hadn’t grown as substantially, the brunette was on the verge of needing a new bra to fight her breasts’ urge to pop out.

“I guess you heard me trying to get into Amanda’s room,” Lauren said as she shut the door and pulled up a chair to sit across from her youngest sister.

“Yeah, I sort of figured you’d come to me since that failed,” Nikki nodded her head toward Amanda’s room.

Lauren sighed. “You know why I’m here, right?” She paused. “It’s been a week, and you two haven’t talked to each other once. You need to make up, it’s gone far enough.”

“I’m not apologizing to her!” Nikki yelled as she leaned forward violently, which caused her bust to shimmy. “She started it, and she can apologize whenever she gets off her high horse.”

“Come on Nikki. You’re the relaxed sister, you’re wise and mature. Why all of a sudden has that changed?” Lauren placed her hands on her sister’s knee.

“She’s gotta realize what’s she’s become and how to solve it on her own. I’m not helping anymore,” Nikki said matter-of-factly whilst crossing her arms.

Lauren sighed again. “So it was pointless talking to you then. Fine.” She looked around the room a bit before speaking again. “So…what did she say that got you so riled up?”

“After I helped her lose weight and was helping her unpack, she had the nerve to call me fat,” said Nikki.

Lauren eyed her up and down. “Well,” she didn’t get to finish.

“Yes, I know I’ve gained weight,” the younger sister said annoyed, yet patted and jiggled her gut for emphasis. “That’s still no excuse.”

“I wasn’t going to say anything.”

“No, you were eying me up and down cause you think my shirt’s too loose,” Nikki said as she rolled her eyes. They couldn’t help but laugh.

“You know I don’t approve of it though. You should really try and lose some of it.” Lauren moved in to inspect her sister’s stomach. She was met with a hand and lightly pushed back.

“Lauren, we all know you’re a health nut. Some of us in the real world like to have some cake once in a while.”

“Yeah, and some ice cream, and roast beef, and blueberry pie,” Lauren teased as she kept poking her sister all over. Nikki couldn’t help that she was ticklish, and her older sister was too tall and strong to mount an effective defensive.

While still laughing she managed to ask her sister to stop. “I give up, you win!” Nikki was red in the face and breathing heavy.

“Ha! Your big sister still got it after all this time. Better go tell mom and dad I tried. Sure you won’t reconsider?”

Nikki nodded. “I’m sure.”

“Alright then.” Lauren got up to leave and heard a door open. Lauren jumped up and rushed out as quickly as she could. Hearing Lauren, Amanda tried running back to her room to shut herself in again, but Lauren was just a bit quicker and was able to get to Amanda. She struggled to get her sister to let go and shut the door, but it was too late. “You’re not gonna win. Just give up and let me talk to you!” The struggled continued for a little longer. “You have to come out eventually. Don’t think I’m below camping out in front of your door.” Amanda realized Lauren would do something like that. She was never one to give up.

“Fine, have it your way,” Amanda said giving up and going into her darkened room followed by Lauren. Amanda sat on her bed pouting and scowling, annoyed at the disturbance. Lauren like she had done with Nikki; pulled up a chair and sat across her sister. “So what do you want?” Snapped Amanda.

“I want to know what’s going on. You two have never fought like this before. What’s the matter?” Lauren asked, trying to get closer to her sister.

What was the matter? Amanda had to search herself; she needed to think long and hard as she had been doing the entire time. She started to well up; it was too much for her. She had done this too long, she had thought too long, she had been alone for too long. She practically jumped on her sister, hugging her and crying. She had tried to be strong, tried to do it on her own, but that just wasn’t her. She had been too proud, and finally realized she needed someone to lean on, to count on, and to look to. Lauren was taken aback, and could only hug and stroke her sister’s hair. As she sobbed she tried to let everything out, but it couldn’t be understood. She really was a mess. After what seemed like forever, Amanda finally started to settle down. Lauren wiped the tears from her sister’s face. “Feel better?”

Amanda slowly nodded in agreement. She sniffled a bit. “I’ve been such a jerk.”

“Now don’t beat yourself up. What’s important is you correcting the problem,” Lauren said.

“I know,” Amanda said sounding a bit disappointed. She swallowed her pride, got up, and went into her sister’s room. “I’m,” she paused. “I’m sorry.”

Lauren looked from the shadows of Amanda’s room at both her younger sisters in the light hugging and apologizing. It had been long and hard, but it was finally over. Lauren flipped the light switch on and left Amanda’s room to go hug both her sisters. Life could get back to normal in the Sullivan household.