Written by: Vader7476

This story involves erotic and mature content, sexual situations and dialogue, weight gain, and many other elements you may find unpleasing or inappropriate. If you don’t want to read a weight gain story, or read about nudity and sexuality, this probably isn’t the story for you. If you have any questions, concerns, comments, feel free to place them on Mollycoddle’s message board or email me at: Bobsagat93@yahoo.com. Thanks and enjoy!

WARNING! Advanced disclaimer: This particular installment of Going Down In Size happens to involve more mature content than previous entries. If detailed sexual descriptions aren’t something you like to read, you may want to refrain from reading this part. Many thanks.

Part 5

“Do you think you could squirm out of those jeans?” Rebecca’s mother asked.


The older woman sighed. “If we can get your tight pants off, we’ll have a little more room to get your big butt out of that chair.”

Rebecca squirmed and used her hands to try and force the pants down, but to no effect. She recalled how it took three people to get her out of them before. Without any leverage and butter, that’d be impossible. “Hey, wait a minute!”

“Do you have an idea hon?”

She blushed. “Well, um…I,” the hazel eyed girl paused. “I think that maybe if we butter up the chair I might squeeze out of it.”

“There’s not enough butter in Wisconsin,” her mom laughed.

“What’s with you and all the comments all of a sudden! I said I’d start to take it easy, what more do you want?” Rebecca said with her arms crossed.

“I tease all three of you girls,” the older woman replied. “Don’t get sensitive on me now.” She went into the cupboard and pulled out some cooking spray and took a stick of butter from the fridge. She sighed again. “I hope this works, cause I don’t know what else to do. And I’m sure not breaking that chair apart.” She let out a laugh and grabbed Rebecca’s plumping stomach. “I’d rather just leave you here till you lose some of this!”

“Mom! Stop it!”

“Oh, you know I’m just teasing.”

“Less teasing, more-oomf!” Rebecca’s sentence was cut short with a stick of butter in her mouth. Her mom pulled it out. “Why did you do that!” Rebecca yelled after licking her lips.

“To shut you up so you don’t wake your sisters and to warm the butter to spread it better.”

“Oh…” Rebecca sat still while her mom used the butter to smear Rebecca’s fat legs and to try to get it all over the chair’s arms and spindles. She giggled, “Cold, cold!” The butter pressed against her soft body, covering every inch of her jeans and where the fabric had split from before. Her mom started to put it to her daughter’s face and neck and started tickling her, knowing it’d help lighten the mood and calm her down.

“Okay, now for the spray, which just so happens to be butter flavored,” her mom grinned. She sprayed the same areas she buttered, hoping that the spray would cover the parts that hadn’t been fully coated in the butter and seep into crevices she couldn’t get to. As she finished, she looked at her glistening daughter. It was as if one of the bikini girls in a food wrestling match had eaten the small pool of food and had moved on to an oil match. Her fat sparkled as the light came in from the window making Rebecca appear bigger and brighter. It was practically comical in appearance. Her baby couldn’t get out of her chair. She only lacked a bib to complete the mental image and was probably chubbier. “Reb, I’m going to pull you and try and push the chair away, so you gotta help. On three. One, two, three!”

Rebecca pushed with all of her might. Her months of inactivity weren’t helping, but the cooking spray was. Slowly she moved off the seat, but it had taken a lot of effort and in conjunction with their previous attempts they hadn’t the energy at the moment to pull it off. So before she could pop free, Rebecca and her fat bum slowly slid back down into the seat with a splosh. “Oh, I’m never gonna get unstuck,” Rebecca huffed. Her large breasts rose and fell quickly in her oiled shirt as she breathed deeply. Sweat dripped from her brow and started to form at the base of her cleavage and underarms. She could even feel it under her boobs, which made her situation that much worse. “I can’t imagine how Shannon deals with these things,” she thought while looking down her shirt at the cleavage her growing boobs made.

“They are big,” her mom exhaled and chuckled. “So I guess the weight isn’t all bad. But wow, you’re heavy. How much do you weigh?”

Rebecca realized she didn’t know. She hadn’t seen a scale since high school. What was she up to? “I don’t know…I…don’t know. Let’s try again.”

“Okay hon. This time, I’m going to hold the chair and pull and you try and just run out of it.” Her mom walked behind the chair and held it with both arms at the base and leaned backward to try and counteract Rebecca’s force. “Go!” Rebecca tried to stand up and did…but the chair was still attached. Her mom yelled, “Now try and run out of it.” Rebecca gritted her teeth and tried to fling herself forward. She used her arms to push the chair away and grunted a small exasperation of pain as she finally popped free and ripped her pants further. Being so slippery caused her to not be able to get a foot hold on the floor and slip. A tear appeared at the seat of her pants exposing panties that were tight enough to be considering a thong doing poorly at covering her massive ass crack and globes. Her mom put the chair down and helped her fat bottomed daughter get to her feet. “We did it!” she said as she hugged Rebecca. “You need new pants though; I’d say those are shot. Get a shower and we’ll get you some clothes.”

“Okay,” the brown haired girl puffed. “But I think all that exercise made me hungry again.”


It was dark. As if a black hole had formed on earth, everything was swept into the void. Only the splashing of rain against puddles and concrete would alert anyone to its presence. Winter had been swept into the abyss as if somehow fear incarnate had motivated it. Winter break had come and gone just as quickly. Everything had seemed to disappear; the stars themselves had vanished, along with the entire world, except one lone lamp post. Underneath its lonely light, a silhouette of a thin girl stood. She was waiting for a car to go by before she crossed the street to get back to her dorm room. She hadn’t been out in the rain long, but it wouldn’t be much longer until she was completely drenched.

“Damnit,” she murmured to herself. “This is just my luck.” She closed her eyes and let out a sigh of discontent at her situation. Suddenly, the rain had stopped. Yet, it sounded louder than it had before. As she turned around she was startled at the voice holding the umbrella.

“No one should be out in this kind of weather. Let me walk you to where you need to go.” It was a man’s voice, and sounded deep. The girl couldn’t make out anything else; he too had been engulfed in the blackness.

“Oh…okay. I live off of Riht Way, in Jemson dorms,” the slim girl said as they walked toward her dorms. As they walked and talked, the girl couldn’t help but think of how bashful she felt. Although small, his actions were the most romantic and kind thing that had happened to her in a long time. She couldn’t deny it, she was a bit flustered. “So…um, what are you doing Saturday night?” She finally blurted out as they approached the dorms.

The mysterious figure was a bit taken aback from her abruptness. He thought for a bit. His silence terrified the girl. Had she been too direct? Guys do tend to be a little put off when a girl is that direct to start. What if she’s too talkative? All of her doubts were cast aside into the black hole as he answered, “Nothing.”

Relieved, she said, “Great. Pick me up at 7. Right here. I’ll be waiting.” She smiled. “Thanks again.”

“Anytime,” he answered. She disappeared not into the void, but the dorm as she seemingly skipped up the stairs. A grin appeared on his shrouded face as he let out a chuckle and faded away.


“Five! Six! Grrr…S...e…v…e…n! Ugh!” Rebecca let out as she lay sprawled out on the floor of her dorm breathing heavy. Her face was red, and her white shirt with short red sleeves was doing a terrible job of hiding her gut which protested to her sit ups by opening the flaps of her jeans.

It had been a couple of weeks since the winter break had ended and the new semester had begun. Needless to say, neither of Shannon’s or Rebecca’s break was kind to them. Not that they had gained weight, but had suffered massive blows to their egos. As a result, neither girl had really talked about their recent diet plans or that much at all for that matter. The car ride up had been painfully silent, and other than forced hellos every now and then, contact between the two had been near nonexistent. Truthfully, they had each been hiding it from the other out of pure embarrassment.

As Rebecca lay on the floor sweating and trying to catch her breath, she couldn’t really keep her exercising a secret when Shannon walked into the room with a brown paper bag and her backpack. “What are you doing on the floor Reb?” Shannon asked as she sat on her bed and put her things down. Looking at her plump friend, she couldn’t help but notice her always shrinking jeans and shortening shirt. The shirt was constrictive enough for Shannon to easily see Rebecca wasn’t wearing a bra. Her breasts lay to the sides of her torso as they rose and fell due to her breathing. Her nipples were clearly prominent not only due to her fabric’s binding, but also because her sweat had started to make the white cotton translucent. Only last summer Shannon would have felt threatened or jealous of breasts that big, but as her own chest grew, less and less she had to worry about others’ sizes.

The hazel-eyed, fat bottomed girl closed her eyes and used her arms to prop herself up after some struggling which let out a slight jiggle amongst her mass. “I’m trying to do some sit ups.”

“Why do you want to lose weight all of a sudden?” Shannon asked.

“Isn’t it obvious? Shan, I’m a cow!” Rebecca said.

“Becca…” Shannon said sympathetically as she went to the floor with a grunt and put a pudgy arm around her friend. “I don’t think you’re a cow.”

“Come on, you’re just saying that,” replied Rebecca.

“No, I really mean it. I mean, you may have put on weight, but you’re not huge, huge...like some of those girls that can’t fit into chairs anymore.” Rebecca put her hands up to her face and started to cry. “Babe, what’s the matter? What’s wrong?” Shannon asked as she slid herself around to directly face Rebecca. She put both hands on the brunette’s padded shoulders.

Between breaths and crying Rebecca managed to utter, “I got stuck in a chair over winter break!”

Realizing her mistake Shannon tried to save face. “I didn’t mean it Reb, I still don’t think you’re fat!”

Rebecca looked up. “Do…do you mean it?”

Shannon smiled, “Yeah, I really do.” She paused. “You want to talk about it over some ice cream? It’ll make you feel better.” Rebecca nodded as Shannon took out a half gallon of Extra Fudge Chocolate Brownie Blast and grabbed two spoons as they both dug in on their floor. “Chocolate is a girl’s best friend,” Shannon said which happened to make Rebecca smile and let out a little giggle. “So tell me about it.”

“Well,” Rebecca gulped a large scoop. “It wasn’t that long after break started. I came home one morning and my mom cooked me breakfast. So I sat down in the kitchen with those armchairs and ate it. It was so good; you know my mom’s cooking.” Both girls chuckled. “So after I was done, I tried to get up and I couldn’t! I was stuck so tightly in the chair. My mom and I tried for like five minutes and I couldn’t budge my butt. So she decided to give me like, a lecture on how I should be more careful about what I eat and everything and I was all like, ‘I know, blah blah blah,’ so she started to leave me there so I gave in. I couldn’t let my sisters see me stuck in a chair.”

Shannon was drawn into the story, hanging off every word. “So what happened next!” she probed excitedly, leaning forward.

“Well, my mom got butter and cooking oil and slathered up my fat legs and the chair…which didn’t work. So I start to freak out and she tells me to shut up and I remembered my sisters so I shut up as quick as I could. Luckily they’re heavy sleepers like me, so they didn’t hear anything. So I started pushing the arms of the chair and pushing my butt forward, and my mom saw that and started pulling me and all of a sudden, pop! I was free. Since then I’ve been trying to avoid you cause I really didn’t want to tell you the story and I’ve been trying to watch my weight.”

Shannon started cracking up as she held her sides and fell backward on the floor.

“It’s not funny!” Rebecca shouted. After a moment or two she continued, “Yes it is,” and started laughing at herself a bit. After a little longer Shannon sat up and had calmed down.

“So did you lose any weight?” asked Shannon.

“No, I’ve gained two pounds. But that’s still better than I was doing before break,” responded Rebecca as she looked down at her exposed gut. She turned to Shannon with a devilish eye Rebecca asked, “So what about you?”

“Huh? What about me?” asked Shannon puzzled.

“I’ve seen your Slimfasts, so why are you trying to lose all of a sudden, huh?” Rebecca asked maniacally. She eyed Shannon up and down, each pass noticing a new curve or bulge that Rebecca hadn’t remembered before. Her large breasts were stuffed in her shirt despite her slight weight loss. At their size, any shirt would get caught up on them, rounding their form out and bunching them up and out even more than usual. They allowed Shannon’s sizable tummy pooch to seem small or nonexistent by comparison, although it was becoming more noticeable over time. Even her legs seemed to be stuffed like pork in sausage casings.

“Bitch,” Shannon sighed. “If you must know, my mom wasn’t too proud when I got home and went into super bitch mode and then all of a sudden didn’t care. But it really made me look at how big I was and I really wanted to lose it and be thin again, so I started working out with her and that was that. And to make you feel better, I split a pair of pants. Happy?”

“Yes!” Rebecca laughed. “So…did you lose any weight?”

“Five pounds total, but I think it’s coming back on,” Shannon said as she rubbed her softening stomach. “I just don’t have time to run and study and see Brad, and he’s not helping matters either telling me how cute I am all the time. But he’s so cute though. I told him about losing weight so he’s been trying to help me watch what I eat,” Shannon said. “But,” she looked up, “I’m not sure I care too much anymore. I kinda like being a big girl,” she said. She couldn’t help but feel guilty about it but pleasurable and happy at the same time. It was a warm kind of feeling mixed with butterflies as her thoughts were of Brad which made her give a content laugh.

Rebecca looked at her friend. She couldn’t deny how much she had changed. Whisked away was the thin bitch. She let out a laugh to which Shannon gave a quizzical look. “They do say your kind is jolly,” Rebecca laughed and was hit with a pillow as she ended her sentence. “Hey! You’ll spill the ice cream.” That had stopped Shannon in her tracks.

“To be honest Reb, I’m not doing too jolly at all,” Shannon said with a hint of sadness to her voice.

“What’s wrong?”

“Since I’ve finally accepted I’m a bigger girl now…I feel awful about what I did to Amanda. But I don’t know how to even go about apologizing to her, she hates me.”

“Shannon, why don’t you just call her? Heck, then you don’t even have to worry about her saying anything about your weight,” Rebecca said as Shannon finished another spoon of ice cream. “You were never one to be afraid of anything, that’s what initially stood out about you…other than your huge boobs,” Rebecca laughed.

“You know…you’re right. I should just call her!” Shannon said as she stood up.

“That’s the spirit!”

“But first,” Shannon said, “We’ve got some ice cream left!” as she sat right back down again. It wasn’t too long after that the container was gone and both girls lay beside each other on the floor with ice cream around their mouths and their hands on their guts moaning slightly.

“We’re definitely fat girls,” said Rebecca as she winced slightly.

“Yup,” was all Shannon could reply with. “Hey, could you undo my jeans button? I’m too full to move.”

“No way! I can’t move either,” Rebecca said.

“Come on, your pants are already unbuttoned from the sit ups. Be a pal and help me out, I’m dying here. Besides, it was my Ice cream,” said Shannon matter-of-factly.

“Uhg, fine,” Rebecca said.

“Faster Reb, I’m close to bursting.”

“Hold on, I’m coming,” Rebecca said as Shannon let out an exaggerated moan.

Brad walked in with Rebecca and her thick legs straddling his fat-titted girlfriend with both their pants unbuttoned after hearing their recent verbal exchange. “Um…is this a bad time?”

“Brad! It’s not what it looks like!” Shannon said blushing and trying to defend herself as she practically leapt up and ran to him, breasts and stomach flopping as she did so. She hugged him and gave the biggest puppy dog eyes she could.

He hugged her back and moved the hair out of her face. “I was just teasing,” he chuckled and kissed her forehead. He noticed the chocolate on her cheeks and gave it a lick. “Mmm,” he smiled.

“Oh get a room,” Rebecca said trying to button her pants. She gave up after a few tries.

“Hi Rebecca. You had some too I see,” Brad said. Rebecca blushed.

“But I’m not letting you lick it off me,” she said as all three laughed.

Brad turned back to Shannon after the laugh had died off. He whispered, “Is your belly full after that or should we go get a bite?” as he gently stroked her stomach. He had come to love doing that to her since they started going out. Her belly was always so soft and warm, and she confessed to liking it too which only made him more eager to do it.

“I think there’s a little room,” she whispered back and smiled.

“Okay hon,” Brad responded. “You wanna come along Bec?”

“No, no,” Rebecca protested. “There’s no room left in my belly.” Shannon blushed at the comment. “Besides, three’s a crowd. I don’t want to ruin you lovebirds’ time.”

“No, it’s okay Reb! Come with us,” Shannon said trying to make her friend feel a bit better.

“No, really, I’m fine guys. Have a fun night. I have to write a paper anyway,” Rebecca said while sitting down at her computer. She turned to face the plumping couple and pointed out the door.

“Fine, have it your way. Later Reb,” Shannon said as she started to leave.

“Um, hon?” Brad asked.

“What?” Shannon asked with a confused look on her face.

Brad coughed and pointed to her crotch. “Your zipper.”

“Oh!” Shannon jumped back causing her body to quiver. Rebecca started to laugh and all Shannon could do was blush and try to close her pants again, which hadn’t been that hard considering she had lost five pounds and was wearing her largest jeans. “All done,” she said with a smile as she took Brad’s hand, her jacket, and her purse and walked out of her room.

Over the months, Brad and Shannon’s relationship had grown into something deeper. Since their time apart during break, the two were making sure to spend as much time together as possible since school had started up only a couple short weeks ago (They were only really apart if they had a lot of work to do). Because of that, everyone on the floor and a good number in the building knew they were a couple. It worked out well since Brad could get people to let him into the all girl building with ease, although they almost never stayed in the dorm.

“Have a good time love doves,” Kristen, a tall, thin brunette said as she gave a wink as she was going back to her room.

“Thanks, we will,” responded Shannon. “So,” Shannon said turning to Brad. “Where to?”

He pressed the elevator button which responded quickly since no one was using it. They stepped in and pressed to go to the ground floor. “I don’t know about you, but I could go for a shake.”

“I just had ice cream, I don’t want a shake. Let’s go to a burger place, then you can get your shake and I’ll get some fries,” Shannon said.

“McDonalds?” Brad asked.

“Ewww! You know I don’t like their food.” Shannon said as she grimaced.

“Yeah, but their shakes are really good,” responded Brad.

“Fine, you win, but you’re paying,” Shannon said.

“Fair enough,” he said putting a hand around her which over the course of their relationship was getting harder and harder to do. Brad opened the dormitory door and let Shannon out as he followed. “So what was with that scene back there?” Brad asked.

Shannon blushed slightly. “You know, just girl stuff.”

“But what about the ice cream? You told me you wanted to lose some weight hon. If you don’t want to that’s fine, I was just under the impression you wanted to shed some pounds.” Brad said.

“You don’t mind if I go off my diet, do you?” Shannon asked.

“Of course not, you know I love you no matter what. I just wanted to know if you still wanted me to watch what you eat,” Brad said.

“If I ask you a question, will you give me an honest answer?” Shannon asked as they stopped their trek and moved to a nearby bench.

“Sure, what’s up?” Brad asked.

“What do you want me to do?”

“I want you to do what makes you happy,” Brad said.

“Give me a straight answer,” Shannon said as she put her hand on his knee.

“Come on Shan, that was a straight answer. I think you’re a cutey no matter what size you are.”

“Brad, I’m serious. I know you like touching my belly more now than you did when we first met,” Shannon said in as low of a voice as possible. “And honestly Brad, I want to know your feelings, what you’re thinking. You’re always so supportive but you never tell me what you really like from me and what you don’t like and I could go either way on my weight. My mom made some good points when I was home, but they don’t matter when I’m with you. But if you’re not gonna like it then I want to lose it for you, and for me. For us.”

“Well what about you?” Brad asked.

“What about me?” Shannon asked confused.

“You’ve never dated a bigger guy before, do you like me? Do you want me to lose some weight? From what Rebecca tells me and the people on the floor you’re really strong and fearless and outgoing and you take charge, but when you’re around me you’re kinda like a scared kitten. Are you afraid of my weight, of your weight?”

“Yes I’m afraid!” Shannon said raising her voice until she realized it, which made her repeat her sentence in a lower tone. “Yes I’m afraid! I’m afraid you don’t think I’m attractive, I’m afraid I won’t think I’m attractive, I’m afraid others won’t like it, I’m afraid of health issues!” The spark inside Shannon was coming out. The fire Brad had kept subdued for so long was on the verge of breaking. He had changed Shannon, helping to mold her attitude and outlook. Their love had changed her. Shannon wasn’t a cold bitch, alone in her desolate world of outer beauty and social circles anymore. But that little spark wouldn’t go away until it was absolutely sure the dark cold winter of her inner self wouldn’t need to be fueled, and for that to happen, in this moment, Brad needed to reaffirm into her the values he held then were still true now. She needed to know there wasn’t guilt for five pounds if it happened, or the old Shannon would always be. “And you’re right, I’ve never dated a big guy before,” Shannon continued. “You’re my first husky hunky,” she said with a smile as she rubbed his stomach and kissed his cheek. “And I absolutely adore every inch of you, every pound. I am not afraid to love you,” she said as she curled up closer to him.

Brad put his head on hers and held her hand. “Thank you,” he paused briefly to look at the late dusk. “Since you answered my question, I’ll answer yours. I love you no matter what weight you are, but if I had to choose, I like you bigger, better. But you knew that, you even said so.”

“But I wanted to hear you say it. I wanted to know if you were strong enough to tell me,” Shannon said.

“To show you how much I mean it, I’m going to call you chubby buns from now on!” Brad laughed.

“Eww, no!”

“Fat tits?”

“That’s even worse!”

“My little piggy?”

“Maybe,” Shannon said.


“You wish!” She laughed. She leaned in close as they exchanged kisses in the sunset. As their tongues rolled and they finished the kiss Shannon got up.

“Where you going?” Brad asked.

“You owe me some dinner,” she said walking away. He quickly got up and ran up to her, pinching her butt which made her yelp and hit him in response. He laughed. They held hands and walked across the campus, now red and pink with golden hues and darkening as the sun set until they reached the Golden Arches.

“What do you want babe?” he asked as he put his arm around her ample side and slightly squeezed.

“Oh, I see how it is. I get you to admit you like me and you think you can man handle me all the time,” she sniggered which made them both giggle genuinely. “All right, get me two big macs, a large fry and a chocolate shake.”

“I thought you said you weren’t hungry,” Brad said.

“I did,” Shannon smiled. “Get it to go, and you’re still paying.”

“I know, I know,” he said before ordering. After he paid and a bit of waiting, they exited and went back to his room. Getting there was mostly uphill which Shannon hadn’t liked and was a little out of breath. His room was essentially the same set up as Shannon’s, except his items were more blue and masculine. He, however, was one of the few lucky students that got a single which meant they didn’t need to worry about interruption. “I hope your food didn’t get cold walking all the way here,” he said with concern as he sat on his bed. She followed and plopped next to him. She had a naughty look in her eye, he noticed. The blonde grinned wickedly and kissed him softly.

“Let’s try something new,” she said. “Feed me.”


She pulled off her jacket and shirt, revealing her large cream bra and its burgeoning contents. Their flesh was silky and bounced with Shannon’s every movement it had seemed. Her deep cleavage was enough to lose most of Brad’s arm in, and seemed bottomless when in a bra that bunched each luscious milk bag together. She laid back and handed him the bag of food which caused her stomach and breasts to jiggle in response. “Feed me.”

Brad took off his jacket and shirt and opened the bag, pulling out a burger. He slowly leaned in and let her take a bite of it, which she did sensually. He rubbed her stomach, which flattened out as she had laid down, but still pooched slightly over her waistband. He slowly examined her love handles which he loved to hold on to during their romantic escapades. He fed her another bite and she let out a moan. Brad took the burger and put it up to her lips yet again while he bent down and gently kissed the expanse of her stomach. He loved it. It was so soft, supple, rising and falling as she breathed. Its creamy smoothness was warm and inviting while its rhythmic movement mesmerized him further. He had been transfixed on her belly button and its deepness. So transfixed, it took him a couple of seconds to realize his chubby girlfriend was licking and sucking his fingers. He looked at her puffy face and hint of a double chin and kissed her. He could taste her food and sex, and he liked it. As he kissed, he ran his hand softly along and slightly in her bulging cleavage.

Shannon took that hand and separated them. “Not until I’m done,” she winked.

Brad let her take a sip from her shake. “What next?” he asked softly.

“The other burger please,” she said with a sultry tone to which he obliged. He let her drink more of the shake this time in between bites and took to straddling her and massaging her stomach, making it jostle every so delicately. Brad felt is softness, around its large sides and tried to make sure her large breasts weren’t causing too much pressure on it in their bra. He made sure to lift them every now and again and make sure the area of her stomach they covered, which was a lot, got attention as well. He could feel her tummy getting full. After all, she had a lot of ice cream beforehand and it would only be a matter of time before even she reached her limit. He crept his hand under her little belly apron and started running his finger alone her panty line. He could hear her moans and decided to abide by her previous wishes to hold off until she was full. So he switched his attention to kissing her bra cups and lick underneath of them as he stroked her fattening sides. “I think I’ve had enough,” Shannon said and she started to sit up. He put his hand atop her sloshing breasts and pushed her slowly back. Her kissed her cheek and put his mouth close to her ear.

Brad whispered, “There’s not that much left…my little piggy,” and put the small portion of burger into her mouth. She finished it slowly and put her hands on her stomach.

She groaned. “Okay, your little piggy is full and needs you inside her.” Shannon felt his hard cock and unzipped his fly. “And by the feel of it you’re ready too.”

“Not yet,” he said and smiled. “You have some shake and fries left.”

The buxom blonde laughed. “Come on baby, I’m not gonna be able to ride you well if I’m too full--mmmrph,” she said as her mouth was stuffed with French fries. Brad continued to stuff his bloated girl and began to undo her pants, letting her growing tummy escape and breath.

“There, that’s a little better, right?” He smiled and he put more fries in Shannon’s mouth. He rubbed her stomach which was getting hard and taut.

Shannon gasped between chewing as hard as she could and forcing down her food. She had some shake on her face as well as some grease from the fries but couldn’t seem to find the time to use her tongue to lick it off. It felt like she was eating her mom’s breakfast. Forcing it and starting to hurt. She pulled his hand away. “Seriously, too full Brad,” she gasped and groaned. He kissed her tight belly and started to rub it slowly. She winced slightly. “That’s not helping.” Shannon closed her eyes; she was pretty dazed and hadn’t really remembered the food on her face or crumbs that had fallen down into her fat breasts.

“You’re beautiful, every inch of you,” Brad said. Shannon just lay and heavily breathed as he kissed her arms and body up and down. “I love you Shannon.”

“I love you too,” she said as she tried to sit up and immediately regretted the decision. She laid back down and held her side.

“There’s only a little left,” Brad whispered. “I know my little piggy wants it. Tell me you want it. You want to get fat. You want to be huge.” He slowly felt around her panties and could feel her getting wet.

“Feed me Brad. Make me fat, I want to be the fattest fucking girl in the world!” Shannon panted and forced the rest of the fries down as Brad fed them to her. It hurt so badly. She felt like she was going to burst. Both her stomach and her sexual build up. She had finished the food and couldn’t move. Her poor stomach had increased in size, making it even harder to see what Brad was doing. He practically ripped off her bra and stuffed her oversized tits into his mouth and hands, trying desperately to grab and suck as much as he could. Without their confines, her massive boobs fell to her sides. As stuffed as she was, even their enormous weight off of her hadn’t helped. She could feel him slide the rest of her clothes off and tease her by poking her legs and tummy with the tip of his rock solid penis.

Brad stood up and she looked at her man, who had also gained during their relationship. She got wet by looking at his pot belly and large penis. She lusted after his big arms, legs, ass, and man boobs. She loved it, but she couldn’t remember when she had changed, when she felt that was sexy. He walked over to her mouth and she knew what he wanted. Thinking about putting anything else in her mouth even hurt, let alone actually doing it. But she loved him, and she knew he’d do her right if she did. With that, she started sucking his cock slowly, and he started sliding it in and out.

Brad knew she wasn’t giving it her all, and he knew why. He felt a little bad he had stuffed her to this point, that he even wanted to do it, that he even said those things…that he was even doing this to her now. Was this torture really setting him off like that? He pulled out of her mouth as she gave it one final lick and went back on his bed and could see the pain and lust in her eyes. She really did love him, he knew it. And he loved her, everything about her. He couldn’t tease any more; he needed to show his appreciation. He slid a condom on and slowly, very slowly entered her. He couldn’t believe how wet she was as he looked down and saw his sheets moistened under her. She moaned, loudly.

“Too painful?” Brad asked with concern.

“I’ll be okay hubby,” she moaned again. “Yeah, yeah, yes, do it.” He pumped slowly, making sure not to press too hard on her pelvis. He didn’t want to put any pressure on her stomach, and began to stroke her inner thighs. He could see her sweat, smell it in the air. He loved it, her scent. She was sex, Aphrodite on earth. Beautiful.

He peered over her round stomach as he thrust slowly, trying not to move it too harshly. Each time he moved her breasts shook with a slight delay from the rest of her body, jiggling with him as did the rest of her ripened form. Brad could see her, mouth slightly agape with her eyes closed breathing and moaning in sync with him. He felt her thick thighs and gave them gentle squeezes as he forced himself further into her and out again. Brad noticed her moving her hands to her breasts, pinching her erect nipples and mashing the large jugs together. Ordinarily he’d be right along side of her helping with the monumental task, but reaching over and pressing on her stomach in her current condition would be too much for her in her current stuffed stupor. Seeing his girl man handle her own breasts started to really get to him, or rather, her overindulgence. She showed it in food, in sex, in life. It was addictive.

His penis went forward and backward, starting to move a bit faster to see if she could handle it. She was at the point of screaming when he slowed down again. She lay there, unmoving as he worked. Sure she was fondling her breasts, but she wasn’t working on him…yet, it was as good as or better than their previous escapades. Was it wrong to want this for them? Did she want it for them?

Shannon’s sweat arced down her protruding stomach and breasts as they continued. Every shimmy and jiggle caused a bead to run down whatever fat mountain it had came from. With every pump her fat body rocked itself in a fluid motion causing them to fly off every now and again. Her plump fingers continued to work on her breasts, occasionally lifting one of the heavy sacks to suck her own nipples, biting them slightly. She felt full, too full. Overfilled to the point of popping as her man put more meat into her. She could feel each wave of fat running its course over her chubby body with each advance Brad made. It felt painful and yet, it felt divine. With every ounce of her that jiggled her pleasure increased. She moaned loudly at the thought.

They continued, trying to go as fast and hard as Shannon would allow. She continued her upper torso massage as Brad attacked her lower quarters. Each trying to match up with the other with speed and pressure. In and out, in and out both of them building. Quicker, and harder, and faster. And with one final burst they both popped. Her shaking made her wince, but it was overpowering. She felt great, better than perhaps she ever had as did he.

“That…that was the best ever,” she gasped. Brad made sure to not roll onto her and went to her side, slowly stroking her hair. He kissed her forehead.

“I’m sorry I got so carried away there,” he said softly. “But you were so sexy with the food, you really set me off.” He stroked her small double chin with his finger. “My sexy fat piggy.”

“Yeah, well I feel like an elephant. I don’t think we’re going to do this again. And I don’t like that pet name, stop it.” Shannon said, trying to catch her breath.

“Is chubby buns better?” he asked jokingly as he squeezed and caressed what he could reach of her butt.

Shannon giggled. “No it’s not, man boobs.”


The blonde giggled again. “Not so funny now is it?”

“Okay,” Brad laughed. “Point taken.” He kissed her and licked the food off of her face. He moved slowly down to the crumbs that had taken refuge in between her flabby fun bags.

Shannon stroked his dark hair as he explored her crevices and folds. “That’s gonna take you a while hon,” she joked.

“It’s a tough job but someone’s got to do it!” he responded between kisses and sucking. Shannon moaned. “Baby, if you suck on my nipple like that you have to be ready to go.” Brad smirked and went back to licking and handling her left nipple. She continued stroking his hair and moaned. Shannon laughed, “Another go it is then!” she smirked as she tried to flip herself around on all fours with her large overstuffed tummy hanging as she stuck her large ass up in the air.


Winter had fought long and hard, but it too had fallen victim to the darkness. The void’s coldness was even more desolate and harsh than winter’s. Spring had come and had replaced the white and bitterness with color and life. It had renewed and rejuvenated people, emotions, and life. The warmth was fighting the void off at the moment, but eventually it too would be devoured like so many before it. On this day, it seemed the black hole was winning as two silhouettes walked effortlessly against the pull of its heft. A man and a woman lost from sight, disappearing as the night wore on.

“I can’t believe we’ve been going out for three months,” one of the figures…the man had said. His voice was deep and calm, but false somehow.

“It seems like just yesterday you were holding that umbrella for me and then went out on our first date,” the woman said. Her voice was bubbly, but had a deep and hidden sadness within, one so deep it wasn’t detectable to most.

“If we don’t hurry, I might have to do that again,” he said looking at the sky. The stars and moon, too, were being engulfed.

“You’re right. Do you think a storm is coming?” She asked as they walked.

“I’m not sure,” the man said as they crossed a street that was seemingly empty. “But it’s better to air on the side of caution.”

“I love you Brad.”

“I love you too.”

With that, the couple vanished.


The warm air moved gently through the streets, whisking with it leaves and petals of all shapes and color. Their fragrance was strong and stuck to buildings and people, intoxicating them further with lust. With speed, it also mimicked the blur that would become their lives. That blur had affected everyone, as they were all in agreement that winter had come and gone quickly. It was unbelievable that school only had another month and a half. Shannon, however, could believe it. Deeply enthralled with Brad, every day was a tornado of passion and inevitably: food. She stood topless at the back of her dorm, sifting through bras, looking for her largest one. Her jeans were skin tight, unbuttoned and she was flowing out of them.

Her phone started ringing on the computer desk, vibrating wildly. The display screen read “Mom,” and was flashing bright colors. Shannon picked up the pink device and answered.

“Hi mom!” she said cheerfully.

“Hey baby,” her mom responded. You could hear her even though the phone was up to Shannon’s ear, albeit a tad muffled. “How ya doin?”

“I’m doing okay. I was about to go shopping for some bigger clothes,” Shannon said.

Her mother gave a slight sigh. “I know you told me before you were giving up your diet, but didn’t you just get some new clothes not that long ago?”

“Mom! You said you just wanted me to be happy,” the young girl said attentively.

“Shannon, I do want you to be happy. I just don’t want you going overboard and hurting yourself.”

“I won’t mom. Geeze, you make it sound like I’m trying to blow up like a balloon. I’m just not dieting anymore, that’s all.”

“Fine, fine. I know when not to beat a dead horse. I’ll put some money in your account then. Just do me a favor,” her mom said.


“Buy some things a few sizes larger.”

“All right mom,” Shannon beamed.

“I won’t keep you any longer Shan. You call me later and tell me about shopping and school.”

“Okay mom.”

“Love you,” her mom said.

“Love you too. Bye!” Shannon said as she closed her phone.

“I still can’t believe she doesn’t care,” Rebecca said sitting on her bed reading a magazine. She was clad only in a pair of red bra and panties, which had been constantly getting smaller each time Shannon had seen them. Naturally, the panties seemed to be holding up far worse than the bra with her large posterior gaining daily. It spread across the bed while she sat, lifting her due to its size but its added weight also made her sink further into the bed. Her soft stomach rolled over her waistband and made it difficult to see her panties when she sat down. Its love handles peeked out from her sides increasing her width. They even formed their own small roll which led to her belly button. Shannon, too, had the pleasure of meeting that little friend. Rebecca’s arms were thick and pudgy, even jiggling as she moved them. Her bra cups over flowed with flesh as the straps had seemingly tried to hide in her soft adipose. For being a pear, her boobs were quite impressive and were getting to the point where they would have rivaled Shannon during high school those many months ago. Rebecca had finally gotten to the point where she had a definite double chin now, bunching up slightly as she looked down at her magazine trying to keep her light brown hair out of her face, each time exposing her chubby cheeks.

“She just wants me to be happy, and I told her dieting was making me miserable so she left me alone about it. We go over this every time she calls,” the busty blonde said to her fat bottomed friend.

“I know,” Rebecca said, “It’s just that she cared so much before. But I guess that sort of fits your mom’s personality.”

“Yeah, and my dad sticking up for me,” Shannon smiled as she went back to looking for a bra that could contain her. As she did, she could feel her stomach hanging like a well fed cat. A very fat well fed cat.

“You’re mom’s right though, you’ve been gaining really fast,” Rebecca said nonchalantly.

“Not that fast. Besides, Becca, you went with me last time to get some skirts that’d fit,” Shannon said matter-of-factly. Rebecca blushed. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”

“All right, all right, but answer me this: How much do you weight?” Rebecca asked smugly.

“A lady never tells,” Shannon responded.

“That much huh?” Rebecca laughed.

“Fine, 200. Happy?” Shannon said as she turned around and put her hand on her jiggling hip. Her blonde hair fell down her shoulders and glistened with the sun. It helped to hide her chubby face, which was still as beautiful as ever, even with a double chin. Her deep blue eyes stared at Rebecca as the fat bottomed girl looked over her friend more. Her jeans were tight and did a poor job at hiding how wide Shannon had gotten since summer. Even though her large stomach was hanging over, she could tell the pants weren’t buttoned. Her stomach looked full and heavy. It hung and had a deep navel. It was creamy with a roll that was hard to see due to her monstrous breasts. Shannon’s boobs were out of control, practically unreal. Even though they had gained a lot of mass, they were still fairly fat and plump. They weren’t terribly floppy or saggy, although gravity and weight had played a part in their current shape. Her nipples had started to lose the battle and weren’t as upright as they used to be, but still not south yet. Their sheer size covered a lot of her stomach and rested upon it on the sides even though they covered more. Even her arms were bigger than before, trying to keep pace with the rest of the growing blonde. Rebecca just stared at her friend. “208,” Shannon said reluctantly.

Rebecca smiled. “That trick won’t work on me.” She laughed. “Why don’t you put some clothes on and button your pants.”

“I can’t button them! I think I’m getting a bit hippy,” Shannon said as she thrust her large hip out and looked at it.

Rebecca laughed. “Borrow a pair of my sweats then, those will fit you ‘Miss Hips!’”

Shannon pulled her jeans down revealing a pair of white panties trying very hard to hold her massive ass, but failing miserably. “I will then thank you very much!” She bent over and continued to try to look for a bra. Rebecca could only stare at the large cheeks that apparently had sucked up the panties she was just wearing. The panties didn’t look like a thong, they had just disappeared. Rebecca laughed to herself knowing all too well the appetite her ghetto booty had for panties. She didn’t look past Shannon’s ass at her dangling stomach or fattening breasts swinging. She continued to stare at the blonde’s ripened bum and hoped her ass looked half as good. For as big as they were, Shannon’s butt didn’t have much cellulite and still hadn’t lost shape. “Found it!” Shannon yelled as she pulled out a massive white bra which she struggled to fit around her fattening back. Rebecca waddled over to her friend to lend a hand. “Thanks. It’s getting hard to strap these up every day. Ouch!” Rebecca was pulling the cloth as tight as she could to try and hook at least one of the hooks.

“How do you do this by yourself?” She asked as she managed to finally hook them all. The bra dug into her back and Rebecca realized it would only get worse once they actually put the breasts in the cups.

“I dunno, experience I guess,” Shannon said as she stuffed each large breast into its proper place and a shook the cups to settle them in. She slipped her arms in with a bit of effort and she realized how tight it was. “Guess I shouldn’t go so long without buying bigger clothes. How do I look?”

“Huge and without clothes,” Rebecca said which Shannon scowled at.

“You’re one to talk in your bra and panties,” Shannon laughed. “Now can you get those sweats so I’m not bare when I go to the mall, please?”

Rebecca rummaged through her clothes while Shannon looked for a shirt which she found and pulled over her large chest and growing tummy. It clung to every massive curve on the plump girl and stretched frighteningly thin around her chest. Luckily it was pink so the stretching didn’t seem to show too much against her silk skin. Rebecca handed Shannon a pair of grey sweats which she slid over her meaty thighs and fat butt. “Well at least something I have on today fits. Do I look that bad?” Shannon asked.

“Only like a fat girl that doesn’t have anything to wear,” Rebecca giggled. “I’m just kidding. You look fine Shan. Cute as ever.”

“Aww, you’re sweet. Want anything while I’m out?”

“Mmm,” Rebecca thought. “I’ll be okay for a couple more weeks at this rate, so I’m fine with clothes. Ooh! How about some oreos? I can’t have these wasting away,” she said as she grabbed her large behind for emphasis.

Shannon laughed. “No, I guess we can’t! All right, see ya later,” Shannon said as she waddled out of the door.

“Later,” Rebecca said as she watched her fat friend sway away. She sat back down on her bed to finish her magazine as she pulled out a candy bar.

Shannon had been in the mall many times since the summer and knew where all the plus size stores were and which had the best prices and clothes, but even with that knowledge she was a materialist at heart and still took a long time browsing and shopping. She still absolutely loved it. She giggled as she was reminded of how much Brad hated shopping with her. Shannon was almost done but had one more shop to go before she could call this little excursion over: “Bras or Bust.”

“Hey Shannon, back so soon?” Maura said as her blue eyes opened wide while she ran toward the growing blonde. Her red hair flowed behind her black and white uniform as she did so. Shannon put her bags down and they hugged. Over time, Shannon had frequented the shop and had gotten to know Maura quite well. Unsurprisingly, they even went to the same school.

“Yeah, I should probably cut back on the food a little,” Shannon replied sheepishly.

“Nah, it suits you well. You look cute,” Maura replied.

“Thank you,” said Shannon as she picked up her bags and walked with Maura to the fitting rooms which they soon entered.

“Well, you know the drill,” Maura said as she helped Shannon take off her shirt. “Wow, those take my breath away every time I see them. This the white bra you got last time?” asked as she pulled at it.

“Yeah,” Shannon replied.

“Well you obviously need a new one, you’re practically popping out of it,” Maura said as she looked at Shannon’s large breasts quiver in their cups. Bunched together it looked as if two basketballs had been stuffed into her bra. She guided Shannon to turn around while she unhooked the bra, which was a bit difficult due to its tightness. “Geez girl, you need to come before they get like this. You’ll hurt your back if it’s not properly fitted.”

“I know Maura; I’m just embarrassed that I come here so much, especially if you’re not here. The other girls look at me funny.”

“It’s because most of them are new and haven’t seen someone with boobs so big. Give them some time and they’ll grow on you,” Maura said as she finished taking Shannon’s large bra off.

Shannon laughed. “Is that a quip you use often?”

“What? I...oh!” Maura laughed. “No, no, that wasn’t intended! But I should start saying that to all the young girls and their moms that come in here asking questions like I’m the boob fairy.”

“Seems like so long ago I got my first training bra,” Shannon said as she turned around.

“I know, right?” the red head responded. “So many girls come in here jealous of me, like I cheated them out.”

“I can imagine,” Shannon said. “I get looks like that from women that are fully developed. I don’t think I could take it all day like you do. Oh! Your hands are cold!”

“Sorry,” Maura said as she took the tape measurer with some help from Shannon and measured her huge globes. Maura still couldn’t believe the size of Shannon’s breasts. It was surreal, to see something so massive. They had become gorged with fat and somehow retained a decent amount of their shape, trying desperately to fight sagging and their own weight. They rested on Shannon’s stomach and fell slightly to the sides of it trying to relieve some of their weight as they did so. Her areolae were large, dark and stretched around the nipples in an upright oval which had grown as her breasts did. Somehow, even Shannon’s nipples seemed to have fattened as the girl had. She vaguely wondered how heavy her breasts were and how Shannon even managed to deal with them all day. As she reached the tape around she could feel their softness. “So how’s school going?”

“Not bad. My boyfriend’s got a lot of studying to do this weekend for one of his exams, so I won’t really get to see him,” Shannon said.

“Ah. So what are you doing this weekend?” The red head asked.

“Nothing really. I haven’t really thought about it,” Shannon said as she tilted her head back. “Probably just lounge around and eat,” she giggled.

“You should swing by my place and we’ll go out,” Maura said as she jotted down the numbers from the tape. “Could you lift your arms?”

Shannon did which caused her breasts to bob back and forth. “Yeah, that sounds like it’d be fun. When do you get off work?” she asked.

“I was about to leave when I saw you walk in,” Maura said as she lifted Shannon’s heaving breasts to measure underneath. She marveled at their weight. It’s like she was carrying bowling balls on her chest.

“I didn’t mean to keep you,” Shannon said.

“No, it’s no big deal,” Maura brushed off. “You’re my favorite customer,” she said with a wink. “But yeah, we can totally go right after we’re done here. I’ll just follow you to your dorm then you can follow me to mine.”

“Then at least I’ll have something to wear,” Shannon mused.

“All done!” Maura said as she rolled the massive tape measurer up.

“What’s the damage?” Shannon asked.

“Do you really want to know?” Maura asked concerned.

“No,” Shannon said as both girls laughed. Maura helped her put her large bra back on.

“I’ll order you black, white, and cream like usual,” Maura said as she struggled to close the flaps on the too tight bra.

“Order a black one that’s a size or so bigger too,” Shannon said. “That way this doesn’t happen again.” She motioned to her tight bands that sunk into her flesh.

“Good call,” responded the red head as she finished helping Shannon get dressed. “Your guy’s gotta be ecstatic about those puppies,” Maura laughed as they exited the dressing room.

“A little too much,” Shannon giggled. “Do you have a boyfriend?” she asked as they got Shannon’s order ready.

“Yeah, actually…and we’re set.” Maura said as she walked with Shannon. “We’ve been going out for a few months now. He’s so sweet, I love him to death. I met him on a rainy day, it was so romantic!”

“Awww, that’s so cute!” Shannon said as she thought of Brad.

“What I like best about him is that he’s so honest. I’ve never met someone like him before,” Maura said with love in her eye which was contagious.

“That’s exactly how my boyfriend is!” Shannon said as the two laughed and made their way to their cars.