
Sophie ran a plump hand over her fleshy side. “Tell me how fat I am, Dave.”

Dave sat down on the bed next to her and ran a hand over her smooth, soft flank. “You’re turning into a real butterball, Sophie.”

“Mmmmm, I know. This has been such a great summer. I feel like I can finally do whatever I want, eat whatever I want. I don’t have to worry about anything.”

“Except fitting into your clothes.”

“Oh, poo! I haven’t worn anything but bikinis and underwear all summer. Why do you have to go and ruin everything by reminding me I’ve got to wear clothes again? It’s so depressing thinking about summer being over. About leaving the cabin and going back home.”

Sophie sighed and rolled over onto her back. She scooted backward, propping herself up against the bedpost, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror across the cabin bedroom. She was the same cute 22 year old girl, with long straight brown hair and freckles all over her face, shoulders, and back. Usually not too many people got a chance to see those freckles, since she wore concealing clothes all year long. It was only during the summer, when she and her boyfriend Dave retreated to this beachside cabin, that she felt brave enough to walk around in nothing but skimpy bathing suits.

Right now, Sophie was, as usual, dressed in nothing but a snug little bikini. She hadn’t done anything over the summer but eat and lounge on the beach and it showed. She’d gained pounds all over, in her chubby tummy, her hefty chest and her padded rear end. When she inhaled, the strings of her bikini strained ever so slightly and her chest bulged against the cups, pushing together and forming some impressive dark cleavage. The thing was, she loved her body and every pound she put on just made her love it more. She was so lucky that Dave felt the same way.

“Okay, Sophie, enough of this. Get your lazy bottom out of bed and come to dinner. It’s our last night here and I want to make you something special.”

“But Daaaave,” she whined. “That’s sooooo far to walk. Couldn’t you just bring the food to me here?”

“Shame on you,” said Dave, “You’ve gotten so lazy. I can’t believe that you don’t even want to come to the table to eat.”

“Why should I come to the table anyway?” purred Sophie, rolling over. Her hefty belly squished flat against the bed. “That’s what I have you for. Now bring that food over here so I don’t have to waste any precious calories trotting over there.”

Sophie spent most of her time lounging around, eating. The more she ate, the bigger she grew. The bigger she grew, the less she moved.

“Okay,” said Dave slyly, “I’ll bring your food here, but you have to make SOME effort at least. Since this is such a special occasion, I want you to dress for dinner.”

“You ass!” giggled Sophie, throwing a pillow at her boyfriend in mock anger. Her large breasts bounced and jiggled in her flimsy top as she hurled the pillow, and her chunky tum shook and shimmied. “You know I haven’t worn clothes all summer! I don’t think I even have any that’ll fit me anymore.”

“C’mon, Sophie, get dressed.” He struggled to keep a straight face.

“Fine, fine! What, a bikini isn’t good enough? Could I just put on some underwear?”

“No dice. I want real clothes. Just put on some jeans and a T-shirt at least.”

“Fine!” Sophie struggled to pull herself out of bed and over to the closet as Dave disappeared into the kitchen. A few minutes later, Sophie joined him, dressed as nicely as she was able under the circumstances.

Sophie’s rounded tummy hung out of her hipster jeans, her short belly shirt stretching across her well-sized boobs. Her belly button was becoming so deep that it was getting harder to see her navel piercing. Sophie grunted as she pulled at her jeans and struggled to button them.

“Oh, poo,” said Sophie with mock irritation. “Look at me, Dave. Looks like I’ve been pigging out way too much this summer.”

“Yeah, and it looks great on you.”

“Oh, you!” Sophie laughed and gave Dave a dismissive wave. “That’s fine for you to say, but I’m serious. It’s gonna take some effort to get into these now. What do you expect me to do?” She turned to Dave to display her pudgy, tanned belly, hanging out of the V-shaped gap of her open zipper. She pulled on both flaps to show him the trouble she had with fastening them. They didn’t quite reach anymore.

“Just leave them open,” said Dave. “Pull down your shirt and no one will notice.”

With a deep gasp, Sophie sucked in her tubby gut with all her might and hooked the button with a powerful tug. Looking down at her expansive abdomen, Sophie saw that the upper portion of her belly poured over the snug waistband like an inflated tire.

“Man, that’s really uncomfortable,” said Sophie, unsnapping the fly again. “I’d rather just leave ‘em open anyway. The only problem is that my tank top isn’t gonna stretch down far enough to cover the gap. Oh, well.”

Beneath that, her lower pot filled out the tight jeans to their limits.

“C’mere, Dave,” grinned Sophie, motioning him closer with one chubby finger. “Come show your dreamblimp how you feel about her.”

“Mmmm,” said Dave as he put his arms around her. “You know I love her.”

“Yes, of course I know that,” said Sophie. “But do you love my body too? My big, round body.”

“More than anything.”

Sophie sighed happily. She felt ready to melt in Dave’s strong arms. Dave leaned forward to kiss Sophie’s soft lips. She closed her eyes and basked in the warmth and closeness of his body. She felt like there was electricity in the air. “Mmmm,” purred Sophie as she shoveled food into her mouth. Sophie sat cross-legged on the floor. Her swollen tummy bulged out of the gap of her unzippered hipster jeans, her stretchy low-cut panties rolled under her gut. Sophie’s chubby tummy bunched into three flabby jelly-rolls as she hunched over the bowl, gently inflating and deflating as she breathed. Dave couldn’t help but smile as he looked at her deep belly button. Her belly shirt was so short that it only covered her hefty, bulging knockers, which bounced and jiggled as she ate.

“Ahh!” she said, pushing the empty bowl away from her. She slapped her soft, meaty stomach, sending ripples through her flesh. “That was good! Man, I am so stuffed now, Dave. Look at this gut!” Grinning, she grabbed her chunky tummy and shook it at her boyfriend. “Can you believe how fat I’m getting? Man, soon I’ll be a real blimp!” She gave him a mock pout. “I hope I don’t get too fat for you, Dave.”

Dave walked over and hugged his ample girlfriend tightly. “That’s not possible, Sophie. I’ll always love you no matter how big or small you may be.”

Sophie laughed. “Well, we’ll have some fun testing that commitment, won’t we? Now bring me some desert.”
