Tara 6

By Id

Needless to say, I wasn’t exactly sure what would come of my faux pas with Tara after our “study session”. I sincerely hoped that she hadn’t been offended by it. Luckily, in talking with Tara on the phone on Saturday morning (at a once again inhumane time to be awake: 9:50), she didn’t seem like it was bugging her. I’m sure she noticed, but maybe she was fine with it. I’ve never had women pinned down anyway.

Since the two of us did actually have to study Biology plus plenty of history and about fifty pages of Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, we only talked on the phone during the weekend.

Monday rolled around soon enough, however, and we were once again reunited at lunch where I made sure to bring another 100 Grand for Tara. This time my efforts were rewarded with a quick peck on the cheek. I swore that my corpulent beauty was only getting wider by the day. She seemed to be filling out her pants more than she had last week and her shirts appeared to have shrunk just a little bit. However, if anyone else, least of all Tara, noticed it, they certainly didn’t show it.

“Doing anything tomorrow after the game?” I asked.

“Yeah,” Tara replied.

I was surprised, as I would have figured we were going out to dinner together. “What?”

“I’m going to have dinner with my boyfriend,” Tara said as she smiled naughtily at me.

“You’re such a little joker,” I said and gave Tara a playful push.

“O’Shea!” Nina yelled at me from down the line of girls, “Don’t beat up my goalie! I don’t have a backup for tomorrow’s game!”

“Sorry Captain!” I shouted back, as Nina was the team captain and arguably one of the best players, “But she started it!”

Nina shook her head at us and went back to talking to Allie.

“So, any idea where you want to have dinner?” I asked Tara, getting back to the important issues at hand.

“Well…no not really. We had Italian last time, do you like Chinese?” Tara asked.

“I happen to absolutely loathe Chinese food. Tastes disgusting,” I said, “but I could bear through going there for you.”

“No, we won’t do Chinese, but sometime I’m going to take you for Chinese food. After all, which one of us is picking up the tab?”

She had a point. “Okay, you like burgers or something like that?”

“That’d be great! Where do you want to go?” Tara asked eagerly.

“Hmmmm,” I said, giving plenty of thought to a weighty matter like that, “Well, there is the Burger Shack we could go to. They do make a good cheeseburger, you know.”

“Oh yeah! That place! That’d be great,” Tara said, “Let’s go there tomorrow, my treat.”

“No, it’s always my treat to go out to dinner with you,” I said smiling.

Tara just blushed and ate her sandwich.


Tuesday rolled around and the girls were all excited about the game that afternoon. They were playing the number three team in the county (they were ranked fifth based on last year’s standings and their current season thus far) and after nearly beating Central, they were very confident about their chances. I gently admonished them not to get overconfident, and everyone assured me they were far from that.

“Now you’ll make sure to get to the game early today Liam?” Tara asked me.

“Of course, I’ll leave five minutes earlier than usual just for you,” I replied, “Hey, do you have a smaller lunch today?”

“Yeah, I don’t like to eat a lot before games. It’s not good for me to do that before playing.”

“Got room enough for a 100 Grand?” I asked Tara, pulling out her daily treat.

Tara giggled. “For you, sure.”

How much better does life get? I thought to myself as Tara bit off a large bite of the 100 Grand.


Well, it could get a little bit better I found out. Upon my arrival at the pool for the game, I arrived about five minutes before the girls were about to hit the water. They were all in their form-fitting swimsuits that, as always, left very little to the imagination.

In Tara’s case, that was a lot less than last time. I could tell Tara had gotten bigger now for sure. For water polo, girls had this trick of whenever their suits might not cover up as much of their butt as they might like that one simply wore a bikini bottom under the suit to prevent too much skin from being bared. Kristin had long used this device to cover her ample ass and, much to my delight, Tara was employing the same stratagem! Add this on top of the fact that her swimsuit clung even tighter than I remembered to all her curves and you had one very happy Liam.

“Hi Liam!” Lynn called out as she saw me and all the girls turned around and greeted me.

“Hi ladies. Ready for a good one?” I asked.

“Yeah, but before we do, we’ve got something for you,” Tara said as she came forward with a bundle for me.

“What’s this?” I said as I took the bundle, which unfurled itself into one of the team windbreakers. It had Liam “The Fenian” O’Shea embroidered on the front. “Now I’ve always wanted to be part of a women’s water polo team.”

The girls all giggled and Tara said, “So you like it?”

“I love it ladies. Does this mean that I’m a coach now?” I asked excitedly.

“No, Coach MacPherson wouldn’t let us no matter how hard we pleaded,” Kristen said.

“Yeah, she said that she couldn’t have you coming into the locker room while we were showering,” Morgan said.

Everyone laughed again but by then it was time to start warm ups for the game. The girls left as I put my new windbreaker on with pride, leaving only Tara and me.

“Good luck today,” I said, “and thanks so much for this. I can’t tell you how cool this is.”

“Aww…thanks. All the girls think you were so great over the Central thing that they want you to keep it up and figured we might as well repay you for it,” Tara said blushing, “Now how about a good luck kiss for your girl.”

I gave Tara as long a kiss as I could before she had to pull away and dash into the water. I have to admit, it really was cool to have your own water polo windbreaker to wear to games since it could get a little chilly down by the pool.

As the girls warmed up, I was surprised to see a good friend of mine headed towards the stands. His name was Matt and he had black hair and was fairly good looking. Now, I didn’t know he was a big water polo fan, but I figured that it was never too late to jump on the bandwagon, so I waved to him and he came over and sat next to me as the girls warmed up.

“Well, who would have thought I’d see you here?” I said to Matt.

“Yeah, who’d of thought?” Matt replied, “Nice jacket, but since when did they allow men on the women’s water polo team?”

“Oh be quiet,” I said, “the ladies happen to think I’m a very motivational speaker and have made me an unofficial member of the coaching staff.”

“Rock out!” Matt said and he gave me a high five, “Seriously, this whole thing is amazing.”

“Well, I must admit it is a nice jacket…”

“No, not that! You and Tara! You are an item…right?”

“Oh, yeah. Like you wouldn’t believe.”

“Have you heard what’s happened?”

“About me and Tara?” I asked, confused, “I didn’t know we were in the spotlight.”

“Well, not exactly, but you two hooking up is about the biggest thing to happen this year. I mean, guys like us had absolutely no shot at anyone even near the varsity water polo team. You’ve broken down almost all social barriers. The possibilities are endless!” Matt said, obviously excited.

Though I’d had inklings that our romance was more than just two high school kids in love, I hadn’t the slightest idea that I had paved the way for others to get a shot at their dream girl or dream guy. I suppose the fact that the water polo team had softened up to me was a clear indication of that.

“Wow…and I’ve always wanted to work for social change. I just never thought it’d come like this! Wait a second…” I said a realization suddenly dawning on me, “This wouldn’t happen to tie into why you’re here today, would it?”

Matt shifted in his seat. “Well…maybe…”

“All right, fess up,” I said, pressing Matt just as the game was about to get underway, “Who is she?”


“Look, I promise it goes no further than me. And if she doesn’t have a boyfriend, then I’ll do everything I can to get your foot in the door,” I said quietly, “Unless it’s Patsy in which case you can take her right now.”

“Shove off!” Matt said, “Seriously, as long as you’re the only one who knows…It’s Tina.”

“Oh really? She’s such a nice girl that you wouldn’t believe it,” I said, “And highly eligible, I might add.”

“You think she’d…you know, be open to me?” Matt asked, very concerned.

“Never know until you try. I didn’t think I had a shot at Tara until we got talking,” I said, “Heck, I mean she’s got to notice you if you come to the games. Hang around after the game. That’s always an ideal time for you to meet the girls.”

“All right. But I want you there as back up. She knows you,” Matt insisted.

“Only if I’m not long gone with Tara. We’ve got important business to attend to once this game is over,” I said.

“All right man, but you’re sure she’s nice?”

“Sweeter than sugar, my friend. Now watch the game so you can compliment her afterwards.”


It was another resounding win for the girls in blue (that was their swimsuit color). They had absolutely shut down their opponents in a 7-2 win that had the usual superb goaltending by Tara and, oddly enough, a couple of goals from Tina. Everyone on the team, including Matt and me, were excited over the win that would doubtless improve their ranking significantly.

Tara waved as she and the girls headed back to the locker room. Matt threw a wave at Tina, who smiled and waved back. Needless to say, he was ecstatic about that.

Tara came out with blow-dried hair about thirty minutes later (I wasn’t actually watching the clock, but it seemed that long). I met up with her after having seen Matt off on a nice conversation that, on my prior suggestion to Matt, was going to carry over that night into dinner. She was wearing her windbreaker so we looked like two peas in a pod together. Unfortunately it was bulky so I didn’t get quite the view of her upper body.

“I saw you with Matt tonight,” Tara said, “Did he like the game?”

“He thought it was excellent. Swears he’s coming to all the remaining home games. Of course, he was absolutely wowed by you.”

“Stop,” Tara said, giving me a playful shove in the parking lot, “He was all over Tina. Everyone knew that.”

“Really? Are we really that transparent?” I asked.

“Well…maybe not everyone. Tina certainly knew, and I think she kind of liked that. She hasn’t gone out for ages now, so I think it was really nice of you to set him up like that,” Tara said.

“Me? Play matchmaker? I’m only trying to help others find the bliss I have with you,” I said.

“Awww…thanks Liam. You’re so sweet. But I’m really hungry, so let’s go get some dinner,” Tara said.

“I was just thinking the same thing.”


Once again Tara and I arrived at the Burger Shack in separate cars. We would have gone together, but Tara naturally had to get to the games earlier than me so it was more practical for us to take our own cars to the game. As I had gotten to our destination first, I politely lingered outside until Tara came, which luckily wasn’t long.

Now, you’ve probably got a place like the Burger Shack where you live. You know the type of place: eclectic, off-the-wall furnishings, slightly dingy, and the best burgers in town. You ordered at a counter and then picked up your order once it came up, thus eliminating the need for a waitress and saving costs all around. Tara and I mulled over the possibilities for our dinner as we stood in line.

“I’m thinking of having the 1/3 pound cheeseburger,” I said, “and fries of course.”

“That sounds good,” Tara said.

“Have you ever had the half pound cheeseburger?” I asked.

“No, it sounds a little big though,” Tara replied, her brow knitting in slight concern.

“Actually it’s really good. I’d have it tonight except I had a snack before I came to the game,” I said. Tara was really right, but I wanted to see Tara eat the whole thing. Besides, I didn’t doubt that she could do it. I figured this was one of those white lies that I only got a couple extra days in purgatory for, rather than a week. For Tara, I think that I’d take the week anyway.

“You’re sure it won’t be too big?” Tara said.

“I’ll finish whatever you leave, how about that?” I proposed.

“Okay, but if it’s huge I’m going to have to hurt you,” Tara said. At this point in time, it was our turn to order, and I let Tara do the talking since she was paying. “One half pound cheeseburger, one third pound cheeseburger, a basket of fries, and two drinks,” was our order for the evening. I had every intention of supplementing later with dessert, but I decided not to tip my hand quite yet.

We got our drinks and sat down together in one of the booths along the wall. I slid in next to Tara and snuggled up against her.

“You guys did really great tonight. I think this is going to be an amazing season,” I said to Tara.

“Thanks,” Tara said, “I just hope that we can keep it up after Christmas.”

“Christmas!” I exclaimed, looking at the date on my watch, “Holy cow! We’re out for Christmas Break Friday after this! Time flies!”

“When you’re in love,” Tara finished with a smile.

“How true that is,” I said and gave her a quick peck on the cheek, “So, what do you want?”


“What do you want for Christmas?” I clarified.

“Oh that’s no fun Liam!” Tara reprimanded me, “You’re supposed to surprise me. I can tell you haven’t been doing this girlfriend thing too much.”

“Well excuse me, but I want to get you something you’d really want. As opposed to socks,” I said.

Tara giggled. “I don’t think you’d really get me socks.”

“Maybe a sweater. A turtleneck sweater. One should always have one, you know,” I said, thinking of the most absurd things one could get for a Christmas present.

“Well, I suppose a sweater would be surprising…” Tara said.

“Seriously, what can I get you? I haven’t the slightest idea what a girl would want,” I pleaded.

“I’ll have to think about it,” Tara said.



“I’m going to bug you from now until December 24 and if you don’t tell me what you want then you may not get anything,” I threatened playfully.

“You’re so mean!” Tara said giving me a shove.

“Me? You like pushing me around like that so much that I think you’re meaner,” I retorted.

“No you’re meaner.”

“You are.”




“Fine, you’re right, I’m meaner,” I conceded.

“Awww…I think you’re the nicest mean person I’ve ever met Liam,” Tara said as she slipped her arm around me.

“Order 582!”

“That’s us,” I said, grabbing the receipt, “You stay here, I’ll get it.”

Tara released me and I left to get our order. When I came back, I set Tara’s burger down in front of her and she was visibly surprised at its size.

“Liam! This thing is huge!” she exclaimed, “I’m never going to finish it.”

“You’re giving up without even taking one bite?” I asked incredulously, “I never thought Tara Kelly would shrink from a challenge.”

“Precisely what are you suggesting?” Tara asked, her interest piqued.

“Nothing, but I’d put ten bucks down you can’t finish that burger since you’re so sure of it,” I said in an off-hand manner.

“Ten bucks? You’re on!” Tara said.

We each slapped Alexander Hamilton’s green portrait down on the table and Tara dug into her burger. Nothing gets Irish blood up like a good bet, and Tara seemed to be no exception to the rule. I leisurely ate my own and interspersed some fries from a gigantic basket. I had absolutely no doubt that Tara could finish the burger, and ten dollars was a small price to pay for it.

Tara was so eager to finish her burger and win the bet she was almost shoveling it into her mouth. I was particularly excited by the sight, but hoped she wasn’t going too fast. After a few bites Tara would wash it down with some sips from her soda, quickly depleting the glass. I refilled it for her and when I came back she was just eating the last morsel of the burger. I don’t think I had ever seen Tara eat with such gusto or speed before.

“I win,” Tara said with a satisfied smile as she wiped her face with her napkin. She pocketed the two ten dollar bills and then helped herself to some fries.

“First you say the burger is too much and now you’re having fries too?” I asked.

“I guess I didn’t know how hungry I was. Thanks for bringing out my full potential,” Tara said. She gave me a greasy kiss on the cheek, as result of the burger and fries. “Oops,” Tara said, and wiped my cheek off with her napkin, “Sorry.”

“Don’t worry honey,” I said as I nestled against Tara like before, “You never have to apologize to me.”

Tara smiled as she shoved some fries into her waiting mouth.

I finished my burger and Tara and I jointly attacked the huge basket of fries. Tara, as you’d expect, did most of the attacking. When we were done, Tara sat back and sighed. She looked so happy as she sat there, fairly well stuffed, her t-shirt riding up once again, revealing her tummy. A smile crossed her plump face and Tara sat with her hands on her gut.

“You want any dessert?” I asked, “After all, you are a member of the clean plate club tonight.”

“No, I really shouldn’t,” Tara said, though I could tell from her manner that she really did want some.

Time seemed to stop for me there. I knew right then and there that if I didn’t tell Tara how I felt about her that I probably never would. But at the same time I still didn’t know how Tara herself felt about her weight. Would I lose Tara right now or would I win her for what could be forever? A thousand scenarios raced through my head in what seemed like an eon.

“Tara, there’s something I need to tell you,” I said, my decision made, time starting back up again.

“What?” Tara asked, concerned.

“I really should have told you that first night at Hometown Buffet, but I wasn’t sure what you’d think of me,” I started.

“Liam, I don’t think there is anything you could say that would make me think less of you,” Tara said, “Except perhaps that you’re a convicted felon.”

I chuckled, but then turned serious again. “Tara, there’s no way I can really this without, well, just saying it: I love fat girls.” Tara looked absolutely stunned, but I continued. “I’ve loved you for a long time, but you were always surrounded by your friends and there are all the society pressures that tell us that being fat makes you a lesser person and that thin is beautiful. I’ve felt ever since I’ve been aware of such things that precisely the opposite is true, that the rounder you are the healthier and the more beautiful you are. I don’t know if this explains things to you now or not, but I couldn’t have gone any further without telling you.”

Tara sat there and thought for a few moments. I could only wonder what was going through her head. Was it disbelief? Was it disgust? Was it relief? Surprise? Amazement?

“You really feel this way?” Tara asked quietly.

“Tara, I couldn’t lie about something like this. You’re the only person who I’ve ever told this to,” I confided.

“So…you really, truly think that this—” Tara grabbed a roll of her belly, “—is sexy?”

I gently put my hand on her belly and gave it a loving, gentle squeeze. “Absolutely.”

Before I knew it Tara wrapped her arms around me and started kissing me like I doubt she’d ever kissed anyone before. When our lips parted, Tara breathed, “Liam, I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything more wonderful in my life.”

“So you’re not grossed out or anything like that?” I asked nervously.

Tara smiled and said, “What do you think?”

“I think that you actually are happy that I love you fat.”

“You have no idea what a relief it is,” Tara said, “I’ve been worried ever since Hometown Buffet that you thought I was a pig….If only I had realized that you were always pushing me to eat more I might have figured it out.”

“I wasn’t sure if you already had, to be honest,” I said, “Now, since we’ve come clean with one another, you want to rethink dessert?”

“You bet!” Tara said eagerly.

I went up to the counter, my treat this time, and got her a large banana split that I brought back a few minutes later for a Tara with very greedy eyes. She dug in with gusto and I think probably genuinely enjoyed herself without any guilt for the first time in quite a while. I sat with my arm around Tara, gently rubbing her belly with my fingers. She seemed to like it a lot and I certainly enjoyed being able to finally touch my goddess without fear of her being offended. Tara eagerly shoveled spoon after spoon of rich ice cream, topped with hot fudge, whipped cream, slices of bananas, and nuts into her mouth with such speed one might think she was eating for her life.

I was stunned when Tara finished it. I could have sworn that Tara had only just begun it a moment ago when she let a sigh escape as she sat back in the booth.

Now I’m stuffed,” Tara said.

“I don’t know about that,” I said, giving Tara a gentle poke in the belly, “I bet you could pack in more if you really wanted to…”

“Maybe we’ll see about that some other time,” Tara said with a grin, “but I need to get home and start my history homework.”

“Work before pleasure, I suppose,” I sighed as I scooted out of the booth.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at lunch. I’ll tell Mom to make me a big one too,” Tara said.

“And I’ll have a special surprise for my growing girl,” I said as we walked out to our cars.

“I’ll be looking forward to it,” Tara squealed with excitement.

Before parting, we gave each other another long kiss midway between our cars.

“Liam, if what I felt for you before was love, then I don’t know how to explain what I’m feeling now,” Tara said softly.

“Don’t try to explain, because I’m feeling exactly the same thing,” I replied.

We parted, but now I had no qualms, for there were no more secrets between Tara and me. I knew that this was truly the beginning of something amazing.