
Tia was a plump Filipina girl with large, heavy breasts and a slight potbelly. It wasn’t so large, though, that one would even notice it. Tia herself hardly knew she had one and if anyone had pointed it out to her she would have denied it. This was partly because her view of her tummy was usually blocked by her hefty, cantaloupe sized boobs, but also because her tummy had only recently started growing. She’d been dating Jack for a few months, and it was really only their sensual food games that had encouraged her to start eating to her heart’s content.

She was still usually a light eater. But when it came to a night with Jack, she could eat enough to feed an entire family. Jack loved to watch her eat, loved to see her abdomen swell with each bite, and Tia loved to eat for him. She loved to eat period, but, like many women, was unnaturally ashamed of her hearty appetite. But when she had the excuse that she was eating for Jack, well, that made it just hunky dory.

Tonight was going to be a special night. She’d purchased everything they needed to make it just perfect. She had a whole lot of yogurt on hand, in those nifty little yogurt containers that yogurt comes in, and Jack had even brought over a full soft serve ice cream machine for… experimenting.

Tia slunk into bed, wearing a tiny black teddy. It was an old outfit, bought back before she’d packed on a few pounds. Now her flabby love handles and roly poly tummy pushed against the fabric, making the costume just a little tighter than it should have been. Tia smiled and grabbed her tummy, jiggling the tiny mound of flesh.

“Mmm,” murmured Tia, spooning another mouthful of yogurt, a slight smile spreading across her red lips. She licked her lips and rubbed her belly. It bulged slightly, pressing against the fabric of the black teddy.

“Look how much I can eat!” she purred. “And I did it all for you. I know you like to see my eat, to watch my belly grow bigger and bigger.” She rolled over Jack, teasing him, rubbing her chubby gut against him. Jack whimpered in ecstasy, biting his lower lip to keep from yelling.

“Mmm,” whispered Tia mischievously. “Just imagine…this is just the beginning. This of how much I’ll be able to eat in the future. When I get used to eating lots and lots of yummy food. When I’m so used to eating that it’s never enough, that I can never get full. I’ll just keep eating and eating. And my belly will get so big and round and full.” She took Jack’s ear between her plump lips and nibbled gingerly, wrapping her long, thick legs around her lover.

“And it’ll keep getting bigger and fatter and rounder,” she continued, straddling Jack and moving her hands down to stroke her own plump tummy for emphasis. “I’ll be huge, Jack, imagine that. I’ll just stuff my face like a pig, messy, sloppy, food getting everywhere.”

She jammed the spoon back into the carton and pulled out another chunk of ice cream. The carton was almost completely empty and Tia felt almost completely full. It was getting harder to move, but she wasn’t worried. Once the love-making began in earnest, Tia knew she wouldn’t have to move much at all. Jack would take care of her, taking special precaution not to jostle her overloaded paunch.

“The buttons will pop off my shirt – first one, then another,” continued Tia, imagining the scene in her mind. “Then my pants will burst open and the zipper will slide down. I’ll eat until my bra stretches open and my underwear stretches apart. But it’s never enough.”

She giggled as she sensuously licked the spoon clean of the last food particles. She might like saying that she’d never be full, but the truth was, she was. Overfull, in fact. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten this much, and her gut felt packed.

Jack massaged the sides of her stuffed belly, feeling the tightness of the cloth as it strained against her loaded abdomen.

“Is baby ready for the best part?” he said, grinning evilly.

Tia stroked Jack’s chest. “Ooo, what ever would that be?” she cooed.

“The soft serve ice cream, of course!”

Tia laughed again, then cringed. Her belly already felt too tight. “Sorry, Jack,” she said smiling. “I think I overdid it a little. My little tummy’s not used to having so much food in it. It feels ready to bust.”

“But you can’t be done yet!” protested Jack. “You’ve hardly made a dent in this food.”

She stroked Jack’s chest, purring. “I know, baby, but I’m just soooo full already, hmm? You don’t want your poor little chunky baby to bust open, do you?”

“But you haven’t even tried any of the soft serve!” whined Jack, propping himself up. “I lugged that machine in here just so you could try some! You said you really wanted to use it!”

“And I did. But I can’t now. I’m so full from just the regular ice cream that I can barely move. If I’m not careful, I think I might puke, in fact!”

“No!” roared Jack suddenly, jumping up and sending Tia tumbling to the floor. The impact knocked the wind out of her and caused her to cry out in pain, clutching her rounded tummy like a wounded baby.

“Ow! Jack, be careful! You know how sensitive it is when it’s all distended.” Before she could say another word, Jack swooped down and scooped her up in his arms. “Jack, what’re you doing? Have you gone crazy?” Tia cried as he tossed her back onto the bed. He grabbed her wrists and quickly, expertly, bound them together. Oh, of course, a little bondage. Tia smiled. Nothing wrong with that, she just wished that he would have warned her.

“Ohh, Jack, I guess I HAVE been a naughty girl, haven’t I?” Now that she thought she knew where he was going with this, she wasn’t scared at all, and she only put up token resistance as her tied her ankles to the bedposts. “Are you going to punish me? Hmmm, Jack? Or should I say…Master?” Tia laughed but Jack didn’t respond. He seemed to be taking this much to seriously and that was taking all the fun out of this. She stretched sensuously, pushing her gorged gut up in the air.

“Are you gonna spank me? I – oh, Jack, what are you doing with that?” Jack had turned his back on Tia to fiddle with the ice cream machine. “Come on, baby, why are you messing with that? I already told you I’m waaay too full for any more ice cream. Why don’t you come here and take care of your overstuffed lover? I already feel like a Thanksgiving turkey, all stuffed with trimmings and-“

“Shut up!” snapped Jack, shocking Tia with his venom. “You said you were gonna eat the ice cream! I can’t believe that you were gonna welsh on that! Now I say that you’ll eat this ice cream or bust trying!”

”What? Oh, come on, you’re kidding. Right?”

Jack grinned evilly. “No, I’m not. Now open wide, piggy, and we’ll see how much you can hold.”

To Tia’s surprise, Jack grabbed the machine’s hose and jabbed it into her surprised mouth. Before she could spit it out, he clamped it around her face with a strap or something. I don’t know. Just use your imagination. For the sake of argument, let’s assume it worked. Okay, so she’s got the thing on her face, right?

Laughing like a maniac, Jack flipped the switch on the machine and Tia suddenly got a faceful of tasty yet deadly ice cream!

I just won’t swallow, she thought desperately, screwing her face in determination. She cheeks filled with ice cream, bulging out like a chipmunk saving buts for the winter, and a trickle of ice cream escaped her tightly clamped lips and dribbled down her face.

Not gonna swallow, not gonna swallow…

But her cheeks were starting to ache. She had to swallow! But just this once…

Tia swallowed but her relief was only temporary. As soon as the ice cream hit her stomach, she regretted her decision. Her overstuffed stomach hurt more than ever. Even worse, no sooner had she swallowed than her mouth was full again!

“Mmmmm!” she mumbled, still dribbling ice cream. “Jack, please!” she managed to sputter out of the corner of her mouth. “You can’t make me eat all the ice cream! It’s too much, I can’t take it!”

Tia’s already swollen belly began to rise higher and higher as more and more ice cream was forced into her. She could feel the sloshy, cold, melting treat filling her up like a water balloon hooked up to a facet. Her tight black teddy began to creak and groan under the pressure, as her inflating girth pushed against the material. Tia winced as a line of stitches down her left side suddenly split with a loud tearing sound, allowing her blimping paunch more room to expand. Stretched flesh quickly began to ooze out of the straining tear, ripping it wider and wider.

“Enough!” moaned Tia. “Seriously, I couldn’t hold another bite I’m so full.”

Jack tightened the restraints, causing Tia to wince slightly. Fun was fun but this was getting out of hand. RIIIIIPPP!!! Tia felt a draft on her right side now, so it was apparent that she’d just burst the right seam too. As she became larger and larger, the tears began to travel up and down the sides of her outfit. Finally, with a loud zipping sound, the outfit shredded itself completely and flung itself off her. The limp teddy front acted like a bib, still covering her round melons but leaving her titanic gut completely bare. Tia panicked all the more now that she could actually she her stomach. Not just because it made it all the more real, but also because now she could see the angry red stretch marks that were traveling across her middle. She looked like she was nine months pregnant! She was feeling enormous pressure…so much so that she wondered if her navel was about to pop from an innie to an outie. Tears began to streak down her pretty, chubby face.

Tia whimpered as the liquid slid down her throat slowly, painfully swelling her impossibly bloated belly even more.

“How does that feel?” laughed Jack harshly. “I hope you’re still hungry, because there’s plenty more where that came from.”

Tia lifted her head weakly to gaze out, through tear-rimmed eyes, at the giant, globular mountain that had once been her tiny tummy. She was genuinely shocked to discover that, for the first time, her sizeable boobs did not block her view of her midsection. Tia’s tummy, normally only slightly pudgy, was swollen to an enormous beach ball-sized mound, arcing out hugely before her eyes. It rose and fell ever so slightly with each labored breath and Tia was afraid to inhale to deeply for fear of splitting wide open.

“Uh…so..stuffed…feel..like..I’m…gonna pop! Ohhhh….”

Jack didn’t say a word. He merely twisted the dial, again starting up the machine, pumping yet more soft serve ice cream into his over bloated girlfriend. Tia’s cheeks bulged with the sudden surge; she considered spitting it out but Jack’s expression made her afraid. She swallowed obediently, another spasm of pain

Even though it hurt, Tia couldn’t help but feel a small sense of arousal at the sensations of a stomach stuffed beyond belief. She’d always enjoyed the feel of a full tummy and now she was fuller than she’d ever dreamed possible. She almost wondered how full she could get. What were her absolute limits? Every bite she was sure would be her last. Every time she swallowed, a tiny voice in the back of her mind logically told her that she couldn’t take it.

“It’s too much!” cried the voice. “You’re too full! You can’t keep eating like this! You’re about to explode!”

But Tia was curious, morbidly curious. Would she really? Or could she keep going? Could she outlast Jack? Would he get tired of this before she popped like an overblown balloon? Could she finish all the ice cream without busting? She had to find out.

Tia was drawn back to reality by an uncomfortable sensation around her tubby waist and a strained creaking sound. Her teddy, unable to withstand her increasing girth, was ripping along the sides, soft creamy flesh pouring out the tears. Her belly rose, inflating like a raft, bigger and bigger. She felt totally stretched to her limits. If she didn’t stop soon, she knew she’d literally go boom!

“Jack, stop! I can feel it, I can’t hold anymore. It hurts so much. Ohhh, that’s it, I’m stuffed to the gills, I’m popping, I’M GONNA BLOW!!”

Tia screamed (as best she could through a mouthful of ice cream) as she exploded ..in orgasm. And, just then, the machine thankfully ground to a stop. As Tia caught her breath, she ventured a look around. She was still in tact. She was huge, her belly was monumental and squishy. She ventured a glance at the machine and was overjoyed to see that it was empty. She’d eaten it all, every drop, it was all inside her giant potbelly. Jack pressed on her tummy just a bit and felt the yielding, sloshy ice cream inside.

Tia gasped in surprise and relief. She couldn’t believe that this torture had actually made her come, and she felt flushed and embarrassed, and, above all, really, really pissed at Jack. Jack, however, still seemed insanely happy.

“Well, well, well,” he said, stroking his chin and prodding Tia’s stuffed midsection. Tia was so stuffed and bloated that it was all she could do to muster a husky “oof!” when his forefinger jabbed into her tender, distended gut. “Looks like I was wrong. You really could fit all that ice cream inside you. I didn’t think you’d actually be able to stretch that much, but I guess you learn something new everyday.”

He grabbed Tia’s wrists and unbound them. Tia wanted to smack him but she was in such a gorged stupor that she could only let her arms sag limply at her sides. Even if all that food hadn’t made her tired, there was the simple fact that she was so full that even thinking made her tummy hurt.

“How wonderful!” said Jack. “You’re so full and fat now that you can’t even move. I’ll bet you couldn’t budge an inch if you wanted.” Tia waved a hand disinterestedly. Was he still talking? Gawd, she just needed to sleep, to rest and digest this massive, ridiculous meal. She didn’t even want to think about what all that ice cream would do to her already ample thighs… She tried to roll over but that only jostled her enormous, throbbing gut.

Jack’s voice suddenly cut through the haze. “Don’t think I’m done with you yet, though, baby. That was just the beginning. I just happen to have another yummy treat for you right here!”

Tia turned her head and tried desperately to see over the vast orb of her watermelon-sized stomach. She caught the tiniest glimpse of Jack wheeling yet another machine into the room. Oh, come on! It was a miracle that she hadn’t detonated from that first dose of ice cream. If he thought that she could squeeze down even more, then he was even crazier than she thought.

Tia slowly, lazily, rolled herself over and tried to sit up. Her gigantic gut made it difficult so she made a desperate grab for the bed post to hoist herself up. She made it, but she was so heavy and full of ice cream that when she tried to lift herself up the post snapped in her hand and she tumbled forward, off the bed…


And then Tia woke up. Oh, it was all a dream! Fancy that! I swear, thought Tia, as she moved her legs beneath the sheets, finding them oddly slippery, I’ve been having the weirdest sex dreams lately. I’ve got to stop eating all that ice cream before bed.

Then again, it was really good ice cream…