The Twins’ Tantrum

Finally: summer vacation! The twins Kelly and Kassie came flying out the double doors of their school. But contrary to what you might think, they didn’t run out together, but in two separate groups of friends. The truth was that the sisters absolutely hated each other. They were identical twins, but their similarities stopped there, and this caused a lot of friction between the two. Even though their personalities and styles were different, everyone always compared them. Every time this happened it pushed the two sisters farther and farther apart.

After saying goodbye to their friends, they each went to their separate rooms to throw out their school uniforms and get out their summer clothes in the styles they always wore outside of the school year.

Kelly got on her clothes on and looked at herself in the mirror. Like her sister she was a skinny thing, about 5’ 6”, with chestnut colored hair (which she would have dyed to look different from her sister, but wasn’t allowed to by her parents) and beautiful emerald-green eyes. But unlike her sister, Kelly wore a tight T-shirt and a pair of short shorts. She loved to show off her legs and almost non- existent butt, and all that was in her summer clothes collection was short shorts and mini skirts (besides her T-shirts).

In her room, Kassie was checking herself out in the mirror. She looked exactly like Kelly, but instead of short shorts and a T-shirt, Kassie wore tight jeans and a boob tube. Kassie, unlike Kelly, loved to show off her washboard stomach and her almost non-existent boobs. All that was in her summer clothes were tight jeans and bra tops and boob tubes. I look way better than Kelly, she thought to herself. She always tries to steal the spotlight… It doesn’t help that she looks exactly like me… Hmmm… If my boobs were bigger- That’s it! I’ll put on some pounds to change my body and look different than Kelly! Then I’ll stand out! Mom and Dad are going on that 3 month business trip thing and we'll be going to Grandma's next week for the summer, I’ll gain weight in no time! This is great! Kelly won’t suspect a thing…

But little did Kassie know, Kelly had decided to gain to make her butt bigger, thinking that she could look different than Kassie and take the spotlight. Maybe this wouldn’t be as easy as either of them thought…

In fact, just at that very moment, Kelly was modeling for herself in front of her own mirror, admiring her narrow bottom in her short shorts. It wasn’t much, but she certainly thought highly of it. Much nicer than Kassie’s, she thought to herself. I don’t know why people can’t realize that… They’re always like, “Oh, you girls are sooo cute, you look exactly the same!” It’s totally ridiculous. Hmmm, if my butt was a little rounder, I could totally overshadow Kassie…Of course!

With that, Kelly strode out of her room and loped downstairs to the kitchen. This shouldn’t take too long at all, she thought. Three months should be plenty of time. By the time school starts up again, Kassie will just die of jealousy! I can’t wait to show off my new, improved booty –

Her train of thought was interrupted when she reached the kitchen and found that Kassie had already beat her to it. Kassie was at the stove, fiddling with the dials, and appeared to be trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich (which was weird because Kassie NEVER cooked; not that Kelly did either, but still).

“What are you doing down here?” asked Kelly coldly. She didn’t like seeing any more of her twin than she had to.

“I live here,” shot back Kassie. “So if you don’t mind, get lost. I’m trying to cook something here.”

“I live here, too,” snarled Kelly. “And I want to cook, too.”

“Well, you can’t cause I got here first.”

“Fine!” Kelly stomped over to the pantry to grab an armload of snacks. Normally, she might stay to pick a fight but she was eager to get her gaining underway immediately. Besides, it was better to do it privately in her room, since Kassie would be kept even more in the dark about her plan.

Even with their different personalities, the twins still thought alike. No sooner had Kelly left than Kassie began to think that eating down in the kitchen wasn’t such a good idea. Kelly could come back anytime, she thought. I don’t want her to catch me pigging out or she’ll start to get suspicious. From now on, I’d better stick to eating in my room.

And that’s just what the two sisters did. Because their parents were out of town, they weren’t even forced to tolerate each other at those awful family dinners they always had during the school year. Everything they ate, they either ate in the privacy of their own rooms or else out on the town with friends. Both twins began to expand almost immediately but neither one knew of the other’s growth.


Soon enough, Kassie noticed that her body was starting to develop some changes. Her modest bosom had accumulated some extra flesh, stretching out her already tight boob tubes and tank tops. The snug tops pushed her developing boobs together, giving her some nice deep cleavage. Very pleasing to the eye, she thought. Of course, that wasn’t the only change in her physique. Her flat belly started to soften up, and she now had thicker padding all over her body.

“That’s not too bad,” she said to herself. “It’s a sacrifice for a noble cause, and, besides, I think I might fill out all my clothes a little better now. Just wait, I think I‘m almost ready to make my grand appearance before Kelly.” She leaned forward and pushed her arms together to give herself a show. Her breasts mounded together, making them appear even bigger than before. She grinned at herself, her emerald eyes sparkling.

Kelly meanwhile had also been increasing. Her slender frame looked bigger and softer, and it took more effort to get into her old clothes. But she liked it. Her buns especially seemed to have benefited, as her perky, rounded bum stretched her short shorts out more than ever. The bottom quarter of each perfect cheek even peeked just slightly out from each leg hole. Kelly’s long, shapely legs were thicker, and her sleek hips arched out in a womanly curve. Her tummy bulged slightly against her tight shirts, and her knockers, too, had blossomed nicely, but those were only side benefits. Kelly was mostly interested in her nicely inflated behind.

“Perfect, just perfect,” she said, slapping herself lightly across her rear and watching with approval as the tender flesh wobbled slightly in response.


Until the fateful day that the twins were to make the trek to their grandmother's, neither of them had seen much of the other, just glimpses as they crossed paths making their daily trips to the kitchen. Since they'd have to see each other for the entire drive over, Kassie decided she might as well make her appearance to Kelly. Her breasts had grown a bit more, and had started to try to overflow her tops. Her belly had grown more than Kelly’s had and stuck out a bit, and her jeans, which were tight to begin with, were becoming constricting, and to some degree made quick movements a little tougher. The thing was, Kassie had become so infatuated with her boobs that she no longer noticed her stomach or butt and thighs growing. And another thing was that she didn’t seem to get the fact that as she got bigger, she needed bigger clothes. She was in front of her mirror again, attempting to stuff her jugs into a bra top that she had gotten a few years back. When she was skinny, she didn’t have to worry about getting bigger sizes in tops, and she thought that she still didn’t. Stuffing her boobs into this top was not a good idea, as it was a white stretch fabric, but was stretched to the limit, causing almost everything underneath to be visible. But Kassie just took this as another sign of her breasts growth and nodded approvingly. She squeezed into another pair of tight jeans and went out to confront Kelly…

Once again, Kelly and Kassie were thinking alike. Kelly had decided she couldn’t wait even one more day to show off to Kassie. And like Kassie (once again), Kelly had become too in love with her new butt to notice the other parts of her body. She pulled down her shirt over her head, and though her boobs weren’t anywhere close to as big as Kassie’s and her stomach wasn’t quite as big, she still had trouble getting it on, and once it was on, her stomach still stuck out from under it accompanied by little love handles. She decided on a mini skirt that was a little too mini, and when, after a long fight, she finally got the skirt over her thighs and bum and somehow buttoned and zipped, the skirt only cover about 2 thirds of her booty, showing her thong clad ass clearly. She didn’t see this though, she just saw that her buns were bigger and she was happy. She then took one look at her magnificent body in the mirror and walked out to show off her curves.

The twins met each other half way to each other’s rooms and just stared dumbfounded at each other for a moment. Kelly was the first to recover, “You stole my idea you freakin’ copycat!!!”

“No, I didn’t!” Kassie retorted. “You stole mine!!!”

“This is great! Not only do I have to be related to you, now you’ve started to eavesdrop on me and steal my ideas! You are so low.”

“Oh, yeah, whatever!! As if I would ever steal a stupid idea of yours!!! Besides, you stole MY idea, not the other way around!!!”

“Yeah, try to turn the blame on me!!! Anyhow, there’s no where you’d be smart enough to think up a plan as brilliant as this!!!”

“Well it looks like “your” plan didn’t work out too well, I still look WAY better than you ever will with that ugly ass of yours!!!”

“You bitch!!! My ass is WAY better than your stupid jugs will ever be!!! We’ll just see who looks bettering a week or two!!!”

“Yeah, we both know who THAT will be.”

(In unison.) “DUH, me!!!” “Huh, whatever!!!” They both then proceeded to storm off to there rooms to stuff their faces with junk food and pump up their prime assets.


Kelly could barely keep her eyes on the road as the two girls drove down the road toward their grandmother's house. They kept straying to take in her twin's enlarged bust. It's not fair! thought Kelly angrily. I put in all this hard work and this stupid bitch has to ruin it all by stuffing her fat face.

"Stupid," said Kassie, articulating what they'd both been thinking. "I can't believe you actually thought you could get bigger than me."

"I AM bigger than you!" said Kelly. She sat up straight, proudly noting that her pumped-up derriere caused her ride higher in the seat, so that her auburn hair to brush the car ceiling.

"Not likely!" said Kassie. "That's why you're driving. I'd have trouble driving with my big-ass boobs getting in the way." That was an exageration, of course, but Kassie did sport an impressive chest. Her massing melons pressed tightly against her white tube top, clearly revealing the imprint of her outgrown brassiere and showing just the tiniest hint of nipple under that. It really was tight!

"Whatever!!!" said Kelly. "Just wait till we get to grandma's. I'll show you. Grandma always makes those fattening cookies. I eat so many that you'll look like an anorexic twig next to me!"

"Duh, twigs can't be anorexic, stupid, they're plants! But that doesn't matter, because you won't get a bite to eat. Cuz I'll eat them first!"



And they drove the rest of the way in silence.


"It's good to see you girls eating," said their grandmother as Kassie and Kelly, still glaring evilly at one another, crammed cookies into their mouths. "Though I hardly say I can approve of those clothes. They don't leave much to the imagination, do they?"

She frowned and shook her head. Kelly was having difficulty sitting down. This was partly because her large rear wedged tightly between the narrow handle bars of the chair, but it was also partly due to the tightness of her miniskirt. Everytime she moved to sit down, the groaning fabric resisted. It was already stretched to its utmost limits just when she was standing up and it wasn’t designed to take the intense pressure of sitting down. Nevertheless, Kelly was never one to admit defeat easily. She rested her fleshy hands on the handrails and slowly lowered herself down, her snug miniskirt riding up her plump thighs as she did. When her bloated buns finally touched the seat, she let out a sigh. To Kelly, all this difficulty only meant that, just as she'd planned, her ass had been growing more and more shapely. She leaned forward to grab another handful of cookies of the plate, sneering at her twin. Her bulging rump pressed even tighter against the single tired rear seam of her miniskirt, popping a few weary stitches here and there. Underneath, the outline of Kelly's stretchy thong panties stood out in sharp relief.

"Hey!!" yelled Kassie angrily. "Those are mine, you pig! Grandma! Kelly's eating all the cookies!"

"Goodness!" said Grandma, flustered. "You girls certainly are hungry. Well, I'll start work on another batch right away. Until then, I've got some more in the pantry, but can't you girls learn to share?"

"I am sharing!" moaned Kassie. "But Kelly's being greedy and she won't leave any for me!"

"Ha! You snooze, you lose!" Kelly stuck out her tongue, before stuffing another cookie into her bulging cheeks.

"Kassie! Kelly!" Their grandmother was not happy about this sort of behavior. "There're enough cookies for both of you. Now, really, I think we'll have to go down to the market this afternoon and get you girls some new clothes. How old are these outfits? You both look like you're bursting out of them!"

"Grandma!!" Both twins rolled their eyes in annoyance. Nothing could be worse than having to wear something that Grandma picked out. She was such an old fuddy duddy!

"I'm not bursting out of my clothes," said Kassie defiantly. "This is the style, Grandma. It's IN to wear things tight. And, luckily, I've got the perfect body to wear this sort of high fashion!" She sat up straight, thrusting out her ample chest. Like Kelly, Kassie wasn't aware of how her new weight altered the fit of her clothes. Her old bra's body band pinched her torso, cutting into the new soft flesh under her pudgy arms. In front, her hefty hooters strained to pop out of her inadequate bra cups. She still liked wearing her old A cups because she thought that the sight of excess breast meat swelling up from V-neck of her shirt made her look even bigger than before. If she kept gaining, she'd have to move up soon enough but that was something she'd worry about when the time came...

Below her breasts, Kassie's stomach was ballooning, too. It kept pace with her boobs, but since Kassie was just wearing a tubetop that left her midriff bare she was less aware of just how much she'd piled on around her midsection. The very beginnings of a fleshy potbelly poured over the tight waistband of her full-to-busting jeans. Even though her backside Kelly noticed that.

"Still think you're all that?" she whispered over to her sister. "You fit right into that chair with that skinny little ass of yours. I had to work to get MY fine booty into this chair."

"Just wait till I'm done with these cookies, then we'll see who's ass is better! You just have a fat butt because you haven't been sending any fat to your poor overstarved tits. You wish you could have nice, big breasts like me."

"Ha! Shut up! I'll be bigger than you yet!" Both girls fell silent as their grandmother placed another tray of cookies on the table between them.

"Thanks, Grandma!" they chorused before each lunged at the plate. Each girl managed to grab a handful, which she immediately pushed into her mouth, chewing frantically. Kelly eyed her ballooning twin suspiciously. Kassie's cheeks were puffed out like a chipmunk's, struggling to chew and swallow the cookies as fast as she could. Kelly knew she must look equally comical, but she didn't care. The only thing that mattered was that she got more than Kassie, enough to swell up her magnificent backside to monumental proportions and put her dumbass twin to shame.

Kassie swallowed loudly and reached forward for another cookie. Oh, no you don't! thought Kelly. Kelly hadn't finished her handful but that didn't matter; if she could keep Kassie from getting too many calories, she could keep her sister small and non-threatening. She jumped up to grab another, her plump rump popping free from the confines of the chair. Kassie saw her sister's intentions and did the same.

The sudden movements proved to be too much. Their simply wasn't enough fabric between the twins' outfits to take that kind of stress. The popping threads of Kelly's mini suddenly turned into one long tear, as the skirt split up the back seam with a loud ripping noise and Kelly's thong-covered butt came into full view. Across the table, Kassie had leaned forward too quickly, causing her large, jiggling breasts to thrust forward, surging over her overstressed bra. With a snap, the back hook ruptured and Kassie's big, heavy knockers were free. No longer restrained, they popped forward, pressing against her tube top with such force that the flimsy material tore right in half, down the front.

"Oh!" Both twins straightened up, shocked. Kelly reflexively put her hands to her rump, trying to assess the damage her voluminous cheeks had inflicted on the too-small skirt. Kassie looked down at her front, where her swollen boobs created a valley of cleavage in the gaping split.

"That's it!" said their grandmother, shaking her head. "We're going shopping for new clothes!"

"No, Grandma," said Kelly. "This is supposed to happen. See, it's the style. We'll just stitch them up."

"Yeah," said Kassie, pulling the two halves of her shirt together. "No problem."

It should have been a warning to the twins, but, deep down, each one was secretly pleased with the situation.

That'll show Kassie, thought Kelly, smiling. My ass is so round I busted this mega-tight skirt. She's got to see there's no way she could beat me.

Kelly should give up now, thought Kassie, feeling satisfied. I've got boobs bigger than my top. I'm the best!


A week later, and the twins were forced to wear there absolute most stretchy outfits. But even thought these were their biggest things, they still clung to all their curves quite nicely. The girls were still fiercely competitive, maybe even more so now, as every day they would get together and argue about who was bigger and better. Sometimes this even got to the point when their grandma would have to put a stop to it.

The twins would partake in feeding contests at the breakfast… and lunch… and dinner (not to mention the gorging on snacks in between), but their grandma would always stop them at a certain point, not wanting a reenactment of when they split their clothes. This just made the twins madder at each other, because they really wanted to prove who was the biggest.

They then decided to find out, once and for all, who was the biggest. After one week anniversary of when they split their clothes in front of their grandma, they went out to an all-you-can-eat buffet. They wore their loosest clothes (which by this time were much tighter than loose). Kassie was wearing another stretchy bra top that her boobs were spilling out of and her trademark tight jeans that were being overflowed by her stomach. Kelly wore a tight T-shirt that was beginning to become a top itself as it rode up her stomach and some short shorts that showed quite a bit of her buns out the bottom and even some of her crack out the top.

"Two buffets, please," said Kelly to the hostess as they arrived. The woman eyed the two girls critically (Their outfits were barely decent, after all) but led them to a table without comment.

"This'll show you," snarled Kassie as she stood up to get her plate. "Once we're done, you'll see once and for all that I'm the bigger of us!"

"Dream on," said Kelly, right behind her. "I'll eat twice as much as you. Three times!"

"Yeah, I'd like to see you try." Both twins piled their plates high with every sort of food they could - casseroles, pasta, salad, pancakes, blintzes, desserts. When they returned to their seat, they actually had some trouble balancing their massively overloaded plates.

"Don't even bother," said Kassie, eying her sister grimmly. "I am sooo going to beat you." Without another word, Kassie plunged into her meal, shoveling forkfuls of food into her eager mouth. Kelly didn't waste a moment in following her lead, throwing chunks of pasta into her cheeks.

After several minutes, Kelly began to feel a little sick. It wasn't that she wasn't used to eating a lot, because she was. (Especially lately) Rather, she wasn't used to eating this fast. She started to falter just a bit, but she caught a glimpse of her sister, still resolutely stuffing her face, and it renewed her resolve. I'm going to win, thought Kelly, trying to convince herself of her superiority. Already her flabby stomach was starting to puff out from her enormous meal, but she refused to show any weakness. She crammed more and more food down her gullet, beads of sweat starting to break out on her forehead as she struggled to keep her meal down.

Kassie scooped up the last of her food and jammed it into her mouth, smiling smugly at Kelly with her cheeks bulging. "She?" She said through a mouth full of food, "Ah toe you ah bea you. Ha!" Kassie's tummy had ballooned out in front of her but she didn't seem to notice; she was too busy gloating over her triumph.

"This isn't over yet," said Kelly.


Kelly gasped like a fish out of water, her painfully distended belly rising like a mountain before her. After four plates, she honestly didn't think she could swallow one more bite. Her tight T-shirt had ridden up so high that it now bunched into a roll just beneath her knockers, leaving her vast, pale stomach completely exposed. She felt absolutely stuffed. Even the thought of eating anymore made her want to puke, but she shoved that thought aside as she noticed Kassie lurch drunkenly to her feet. Her eyes went wide as Kassie started back toward the buffet for yet another plate, her hands together to form a cradle to support her bloated abdomen. No way! thought Kelly. She can't be serious! If we eat anymore, we'll explode. Damn it, I can't let her beat me though!

With a grunt and a little rocking, Kelly pushed herslef out of the booth and started after her sister. This time, she had some trouble getting at the food. First, she was already so full that she was sure even looking at any more food would make her pop. But, more importantly, her large, rounded tummy was so big that it prevented her from getting very close to the food anymore. Everytime she tried to move forward to grab something, she felt the cold counter push against her sensitive belly. This wouldn't have been a trouble if she hadn't been so stuffed that she couldn't even bend forward. But she was so she couldn't. Finally, after a few minutes of struggle, she managed to fill up her plate - this time, just with desserts, though. She lumbered back to her booth, where Kassie was already slowly working her way through her new plate. Kelly dropped the plate on the table and gingerly tried to squeeze herself back into the booth. It was difficult. She still wasn't used to being such a big girl, and her new girth made it hard for her to fit into such a tight space. Slowly she edged her way in, her bloated belly scraping the table in front of her and her prominent bubble butt pressing tightly into the seat behind her as she moved. Even more slowly, she began to eat again. She forced herself to eat everything on her plate, matching her equally swollen sister bite for bite. Finally, mercifully, she choked down the last bite. She had absolutely reached her limit. Looking across the table, she could tell that Kassie had too. Kassie's eyes were glazed over and she looked like she was about to go into a stuffed stupor.

"I...guess I...sure showed you," gasped Kassie. She looked a little green in the face, and her monstrous belly spilled out of her clothes before her. It had grown so enormous that it hung over the edge of the table. Kassie felt a little uncomfortable - okay, A LOT uncomfortable. Not just because she was so insanely stuffed, but also because the edge of the table was pressing against her overloaded tummy. Her gut gurgled and burbled dangerously, fighting to contain all the food she had shoveled inside herself.

"Are you...kidding?" wheezed Kelly. "I totally...out I won!"

Either way, both twins were now absolutely huge. Kelly shifted in her seat slightly, trying to find a position where the table wasn't pressing so hard on her tightly-packed gut, and heard a sharp BANG. Her big belly had busted the snap on her shorts and pushed the zipper down, revealing even more of her tender middle. Kassie began to laugh.

"Shut up," said Kelly as she struggled to get out of the booth. Her incredible width made that feat almost impossible, but she gradually squirmed her way to freedom. As she stood, she bent slightly, causing her rounded bum to press against the seat of her too-tight shorts. Kelly heard a loud tearing sound and felt her snug shorts suddenly become slightly more comfortable. Her fat ass had split her shorts wide open, showing her bright white underwear. Even with a rip in the back and her fly wide open, Kelly was so big now that the short still felt too tight.

Kassie started to laugh, her big, wobbly paunch jiggling violently as she did. "Hahaha! OhmyGAWD, you totally burst your clothes! Haha, I -ohhhh!" She stopped almost immediately, groaning. She doubled over, clutching her belly. She was so full that every movement hurt and her laughing made her feel like she was going to split herself. Kelly completely ignored her sister's mockery.

"Haha indeed, bitch. Obviously, you've forgotten the whole point of this meal. I think it's pretty obvious who's bigger now! My beautiful round butt is so big and sexy now. And you're just jealous. Ha!"

Annoyed, Kassie struggled to pull herself out of the booth. "Oh, yeah?! You think you're the biggest? I don't think so at all! Take a look at this!" Kassie stood up straight and breathed in deeply, causing her entire body to inflate even more. Kassie was already huge after that crazy meal, but once she sucked in some air she looked even bigger. Her giant breasts welled up, stretching the fabric of her shirt, as her globular stomach, already overloaded wit food, bulged even larger with air. Kassie's belly ached but she didn't care. That one breath proved to be too much, however, and her bra top began complaining loudly. Kassie heard a sudden *ping*, then another and another as its threads stretched and strained and finally died, allowing her melon-sized knockers to surge forward.

"Ha!" sneered Kassie, holding her defeated bra top over herself with her hands.

"Still think you're the biggest?"

"That's cheating! I could take a deep breath and bust my clothes easily. See?" Kelly inhaled deeply. Her own tits and tummy ballooned up even more, her pudgy gut spilling out from her already ruined shorts. Behind her, the tear in her shorts slowly tore wider and wider, until finally the entire garment fell to the floor, leaving her in nothing but her stretched undies.

"You girls are going to have to leave," said a voice behind her. It was the manager. "This is a family restaurant."


After bursting their largest clothes, the twins’ grandma finally forced them to go get new clothes. Their grandma, a semi-portly lady herself, forced the kids to wear some of her clothes. But as it turned out, Grandma wasn’t portly enough. The old style grandma dresses were made for a shorter, somewhat skinnier person. Kassie’s boobs swelled out of the top almost all the way and showed massive amounts of cleavage. In combination with her stomach her boobs stretched the front of the dress, and since both of the girls’ underwear had torn on the way home, them being their largest pair also, there was no bra to compress her boobs or cover up her swollen nipples.

Kelly had another problem with her dress. Her ass was so big that no matter how hard they pulled down, Kassie and Granny couldn’t get the dress to totally cover her no longer thong-clad ass crack, not that Kelly minded, just another sign of her growth.

As Kassie and Kelly drove to the store to buy some clothes, Kassie said, “I hate these dresses, they suck!”

“I hate to say it,” Kelly replied, “but I have to agree with you. We look like old frumpy people.”

“Yeah, they better have some good clothes in this mall.”

As they went into the front entrance of the mall, the girls were in a great rush to get out of their frumpy clothes and get into the sexy outfits they loved. They each grabbed some clothes and walked to the back of the store where they were told the changing rooms were, but when the changing rooms came in sight, they saw that there in fact was only one room to change in. They heard the jingle of the store door opening and both looked towards the door to see a group of hot guys walking through the store on their way to other parts of the mall. Neither one of the girls would have been caught dead in the clothes they were in now by those guys. They exchanged a glance at one another, and then they both began to “bolt” (more like a jog) to the changing room. This got the girls’ flab a jiggling, which put on too much strain on their dresses. Kelly’s was the first of the two to start to go, as whatever material that was made to cover her ass ripped up the butt-crack seam. Right after, Kassie’s boobs overflowed the front of her dress, ripping down the front. Both of the girls’ stomachs ripped out of their dresses at the same time, and soon after the dresses fell off completely and the girls were running nude. The twins noticed this and in their surprise dropped the clothes they were going to change into. They both reached the changing room at the same time, and tried to push the other out of the way. The adrenaline was pumping in both of the teens and they fought each other, each trying to get past but neither backing down. Before they knew it, they were in a position in that neither of them could move any more!!! They were stuck in the doorframe; Kelly had her ass squished against the doorframe, one butt cheek in and one out, and Kassie had her front squished against the other side of the door frame, one boob in and one out with her stomach attempting to engulf the frame. They were both squished against each other and they could no longer move in any direction, in or out.

“You freakin’ idiot!!!” Kassie yelled. “You got us stuck in this door totally nude!!!”

“Me???” Kelly squealed. “It was you who wouldn’t let me into the dressing room!!! Those guys we saw would never find you as attractive as me anyway, it wouldn’t have mattered if you had been seen in your dress or naked by them!”

“Oh yeah right, like anyone could resist me.”

“If you’re irresistible, then I’m a goddess!!!”

The yelling had attracted the boys as well as a few other customers.

“Hah, look at those broads stuck in the door! That’s hilarious!” One of the guys said to his buddies.

“Yeah, that one with the big butt is hot!!!” Another answered, which Kelly took note on.

“I don’t know, that other one has huge boobs!” yet another chimed in, which Kassie noted.

The manager then came up, took one look at the girls and his jaw dropped like a rock. After he regained his composure he cleared out the area and gathered a few female employees. “Get these girls out of that door… Oh, and make sure you get them some clothes too.”