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in the evening i go fishing

we are Melsondorph the Powerful. we play live shows which are extremely funny, to those with this sense of humor.our live performances will either leave you laughing a little, laughing so hard that you wish you were dead, or standing there with your jaw dropped wondering what weird drugs we must be on. we use a variety of instruments, such as; guitar, bass, sledgehammers, an instrument i made called "the instrument", a very cheap keyboard (which makes interesting sounds), cookingware, broken audio/video equipment, and more...

our albums are very funny, if you have this particular sense of humor. they are experiments with the deterioration of sound equipment. we have one, working on three, albums right now. our first is "in the evening i go fishing" the title of the second is "digging for squirrels". bolth are if nothing else, extremely weird, even if you hate it you will admit to that i think.

Melsondorph the Powerful is not restricted to mere sound, we make films. they are Monty Python/Kids In the Hall/Yellow Submarineish. they are very know the rest. anyway, they are extremely strange.
our films include

Melsondorph the Powerful- the story of Mauldric and his evil robot henchman Melsondorph trying to overthrow the universe

The Metronome That Wouldnt Die- an evil metronome will stop at nothing to kill EVERYONE.

Oh Yeah Baby- the story of three people trying to survive in the world.

and more...

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