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Hosam Al-Mashkor (Sam)
04 21 34 62 25

Firstly we are not gays, we are the best friendz n 4 those who don't know him u'll will see him around wz me. Secondly i got other friendz as well n i'll be stupid if i write all of their names but who cares. Doesn't matter who is first n who is last. So r u ready...I CAN'T HEAR YOU...George, Al-wadee, Dube, Harooz, Alaa, Muntazar, K8ty, Louz, Lauren, Amin, Alan, Namo, Sam, Ahmed, Ahmet, Jabbar, Saman, Dujon, Aida, Daina, Andrijana, K-C, Elizabeth, Ismail, Jess, Micur, Laween, Haimen, Handreen, Ali, Ismail, Amar, Yasir, Alaa Ali, Ibrahim, Zohair, ZarZor, Faisal,etc. Take a deep breath n smile. N sooory if u can't find ur photo, Why, coz i don't have them hehehe