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My Dreams Page

i just thought it would be interesting to write out my dreams because sometimes they often linger in a good sort of way and sometimes they seem so real that maybe i did live in a past life like on unsolved mysteries (just kidding) but seriously if anything, it may be entertaining. ill only post the ones worth writing about.

last night i dreamt that my roommate died. i was hanging out with justin and we drove to my apartment and my other roommate (who looked different) told me that elaine died because she drove to the back of the apartments and as she was trying to reach the stairs she slid down somewhere into the woods. she couldnt climb up the hill because it was too slippery so she decided to wait for help but she froze and died. then i dreamt i went to her funeral and she had a lot of siblings (she only has 1 brother in real life) with her mother. her mom told me that she was told that elaine died because she was eating fast food while driving and drove off the road because the roads were slippery. i remember looking around to the coffin and to the people at her funeral-there was even a black choir singing. i figure i dreamt this because i realized how much i missed her and have not been hanging out with her. its the weirdest thing.

i had basically a nightmare about rapists and being chased by them. first i dreamt that my family and i were going to move and quickly because a rapist was heading our way. we could only take a few things. and then the main rapist, sort of like the leader, was outside with a gun so really i started dreaming that i couldnt go outside or anything because someone was out there and i didnt know how he looked like or what they were going to do to me. after a while our house turned into just a basic building room and my family wasnt present. and there was this woman there with me and she was freaked out because the rapist was going to come in and see her. there were people in charge of opening the door so they did and she was so scared she ran and hid in back of some curtains. then it turned out to be her friend. but soon the people in charge of the door pushed her friend out. all of the sudden wes, my coworker, was in my dream and he got all angry and went outside to fight with the people who pulled her friend out. in the end the place was beginning to get ransacked and everyone scrambled and i ran to the back trying to escape but i ran into this other rapist guy who was red haired and tattooed. he chased me in and out of rooms (basically like those cartoons with a lot of doors and the characters are running in and out of them) and i run into this room which looked like a good place to hide but it turns out to be a tunnel headed downward. its a retarded dream but at the time all i could think about was the chases. i hate being chased in dreams..

i had this dream about going to this anti-drug group discussion program but they had needles and heroin for us to use. (yes, you heard correct) they were cheap so we didnt have enough needles for everyone so we all had to share-we had to just dispose the the actual needle tip. i remember questioning myself whether or not this was actually safe. the heroin was also in pill form and they were giving them out free and i smuggled a couple...for friends.

last night i took some generic nyquil. yeah the cheap stuff from walgreens. that stuff isnt so bad as one would think. anyway i had a fucked up dream. i dont remember most of it but i do remember this one part where i walk into one of the university restrooms and i notice a couple of huge zits right around the edge of my forehead and my scalp. so i tried to pop them and i started to with one. then all of the sudden puss looking juices squirt out (a long, neverending stream it seems) and im surprised by this and i try to wipe it off but i realize that its thick and not liquid! IT'S MY BRAIN! except it comes out looking like its one of my intestine tubes but its not. so yeah i freak out and even begin to think "well maybe if i brush it with my hair no one would notice..." and the famous "maybe if i cut it off...". and then all of the sudden i feel light headed as i look into the mirror. but soon after ive decided that it was hopeless, i wake up. so yeah...thats about it

i dreamt about how i was sleeping and all of the sudden i felt heat on my back from my bed. it was very warm but i decided to let it pass. when i finally woke i looked out the window and saw that there were firemen extinguishing a fire on the floor below us. i then ran to my roommates rooms and woke them up telling them there was a fire. it was weird because the floor below us was all burnt and the firemen had wiped out the fire before it got to my floor, that burning sensation i had felt before on my back was from the fire below. i also dreamt of other things but i forget. ill write some more when it all comes back.