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Beyond the Edge...What the fall feels like

Since this is my site, and no one else would ever publish me, I have decided to share with you my new collection of poems. I know, it seems like everyone writes poetry these days. Well, now so do I! I just hope you enjoy or identify with it. Tell me what you think.

Love and Other Lies

I hear a calling in the night

It pulls me in

With all my strength I try to fight

I cannot win

It leads me to a secret place

And once inside

Truths revealed to my naked face

I want to hide

“Love don’t exist” I hear it say

It’s just a lie

“And dreams will only die someday”

“So tell them bye.”

Panicking I run and I run

But though I try

I never can quite find the sun

My soul cries “Why!"

Just when the nightmare seems to end

Sanity returns

One last voice crying in the wind

“Lies always burn!"


Michele Spangler

January 30, 2002

How much you hate me

It doesn't matter

Never will you break me

Down to your level

Rant about me

All you want

No one is listening to your

Constant drama

Enjoy yourself, still your not my


Michele Spangler

September 17, 2002


A monster is here

It's coming my way

It needs me to hurt

It wants me to pay

It rips out my heart

And throws it on the ground

Stomps on it twice

And beats it around

Then for good measure

It slices my throat

What's left of my blood

Causes me to choke

To finish me off

It rubs some salt in

The last thing I see

Is its hedious grin

In a moment I blink

And to my terror

It's not a monster

It is only a mirror

Michele Spangler

October 18, 2002


For now that is all the poetry that is going on my site. Most of what I write is too personal for the website. If you are one of my close friends just ask if you want to read more and if you are just a random person stumbling acroos this page that wants more, email me.
